(2) Traveling Overwatch. This publication provides the basic information necessary to understand Army . 2013-01-27 16:14:33. Mounted Formations. In densely wooded areas, mounted elements are extremely vulnerable to dismounted enemy forces that can close on them undetected. The herringbone provides 360-degree security during a temporary halt from a march column (Figure 3-8). In most cases, planning for an exfiltration operation begins at the same time as planning for the infiltration (or other tactical operation) that precedes it. Definition. (2) Regardless of how thorough this analysis and planning may be, direct contact with the enemy is still a possibility, usually as a result of chance contact. As the dismounted element maneuvers, it is supported by direct fire from the reconnaissance vehicles, by indirect fire called for by the OP, or by both. The section or team leader sends a contact report and quickly engages and destroys the enemy vehicle. Create flashcards for FREE and quiz yourself with an interactive flipper. At platoon level, OPs or patrols gain contact with the enemy, then report and prepare to displace to successive positions. (a) The reconnaissance section or team that makes initial visual contact with the enemy deploys to covered terrain that affords good observation and fields of fire. While making minimal use of the springlike arch and large tendons of the foot. Platoon herringbone formation. It allows the platoon to cover the most ground systematically with maximum reconnaissance forward (Figure 3-3). The platoon uses these methods when it must cover long distances, time of return is essential, the exfiltration route lacks adequate cover and concealment, the enemy does not have air superiority, or heavily populated hostile areas obstruct ground exfiltration. One section or team acts as overwatch for the displacing section or team as it moves. Army Doctrine Publication 3-90 Chapter 2-59 reads, "There are eight forms of contact: visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic." To help with remembering all eight, the initialism "DINOCAVE" is sometimes used. The elements conduct mounted movement to designated dismount points where they organize dismounted patrols to develop the situation from a new direction. During the execution of reconnaissance and security missions, the reconnaissance platoon will encounter specific types of terrain or features that expose it to enemy fire. Dinocap is a contact fungicide used to control powdery mildew on many crops and is also used as a . Using any of the techniques of movement, the two forward vehicles perform all of the information gathering and reporting. Section dismounted formation. The platoon leader should consider all available COAs, including those outlined in the following discussion. As a general rule, the platoon, section, or team should disengage from the enemy as early in the contact as possible. (b) The element in contact sends a contact report to the platoon leader (refer to the discussion of report procedures and formats earlier in this chapter) and follows as soon as possible with a spot report using the format of size, activity, location, unit identification, time, and equipment (SALUTE ). He also receives the commander's operations overlay to identify graphic control measures impacting on his route planning. Study now. (1) During dismounted movement, the section leader allows the lead team to move along covered and concealed routes as long as it does not deviate too far from the axis, route, or direction of attack. This security technique involves the use of short-duration OPs consisting of mounted or dismounted soldiers with necessary observation equipment. The lead vehicle advances to a point (first move) where it can support the advance of the overwatch vehicle. As the reconnaissance platoon executes reconnaissance and security missions, it will encounter routes or mobility corridors that provide access into the area between the platoon and friendly elements to its rear. (2) Developing the situation is a critical step in choosing the correct COA and providing an accurate, timely report to the commander. (b) The leader must allow adequate time for each group to reach the rally point. Groups on different routes may move using different methods of insertion or extraction (for example, one group moves by RVs, another group moves by helicopter, and another moves dismounted). Visual contact (friendly elements may or may not be observed by the enemy). The platoon may infiltrate by sections, by teams, or as a complete platoon. When contact occurs, the reconnaissance platoon leader bases the platoon's actions on the commander's intent and guidance that he receives from the OPORD and or FRAGO. c. Methods. What type of reconnaissance is patrol? Prior to any mission, the reconnaissance platoon leader must receive a detailed IPB of the area of operations from the battalion S2. The platoon leader must decide whether to use this method with the understanding that doing so will sacrifice stealth. (6) Herringbone Formation. This chapter focuses on the movement techniques and formations that combine to provide the platoon leader with options for moving his unit. If it has not yet sent a spot report, it initially focuses on getting enough information to send one. (c) Choose and Recommend a COA and Maneuver the Force. It may use mounted reconnaissance to move additional assets into the area to support the reconnaissance element in contact. He considers various possible COAs, based on well-developed TTP (including battle drills), to meet the types of contact. a. (2) Terrain Factors. Section using traveling overwatch technique and wedge formation. The platoon operates with and without vehicle support, so section and platoon leaders must understand how to move and maneuver in either tactical situation. Copy. In this method, the trail element advances past the lead element to the next overwatch position. The platoon focuses on requirements for a successful friendly attack, to include. (1) Visual Contact, Undetected by the Enemy. The platoon leader issues appropriate orders directing his subordinates to prepare to support the hasty attack. This is usually more rapid than successive bounds. If the battalion employs multiple lanes, the platoon leader must task organize to move along all lanes. Platoon and section leaders and VCs use position updates from their navigation systems and analog information to assist in following their planned routes. Conversely, these areas often expose the platoon to possible enemy observation and fire for long periods of movement. Once they finish, the platoon resumes movement using its chosen movement technique. The command and control system software on the RV can create most standard graphic control measures used at platoon level. The exfiltration plan and OPORD must address these factors. Some revisions are not of actual mistakes, but will improve the clarity of the writing. This paragraph discusses the technological advantages of the mobility systems and C3 subsystems of the reconnaissance platoon as operational aids for planning, navigating, controlling, and executing combat operations. Ground reconnaissance assets use infiltration most often although aerial platforms may also employ tactics based on infiltration techniques. Due to the complexity of these operations, the battalion staff and the reconnaissance platoon leader conduct detailed planning. This formation can be used regardless of the platoon organization and is applicable to most reconnaissance platoon missions. The steps that make up actions on contact must be thoroughly trained and rehearsed so that the platoon can react instinctively, as a team, whenever it encounters enemy forces. Leaders use POSNAV aids to identify their location and the location of subordinate and adjacent units. Delays may result when groups must avoid enemy contact. Simultaneously, the lead element returns fire, sends a contact report, employs smoke grenades, and moves to the nearest hide position. 2,6-DNOPC 16.2 14.8 9 2,4-DNOPC 9.2 5 2.34 2,6-DNOPC 3.65 1.01 Relative density: 1.13 . The trail element remains close enough to provide immediate suppressive fire and to maneuver for support. In this example, because the commander had specifically addressed the contingency the reconnaissance platoon has developed, the platoon leader neither makes a recommendation to his commander nor asks his permission to execute the COA. From this position, he establishes local security (a hasty OP) and monitors and controls the efforts of his sections or teams. In bounding overwatch, one element is always stopped to provide overwatch. I tend to look at the different types of platforms on a scale (Figure 1). They should use radio listening silence except to report contact with enemy forces or to send critical information that the commander has directed them to report immediately. The questions will require you to make decisions regarding the revision of the reading selection. Recon the OBJ 3. As soon as the lead vehicle is in a covered and concealed position, the overwatch vehicle moves to an alternate firing position and occupies a hide position while trying to maintain contact with the smallest possible element. Wiki User. If necessary, the platoon can use a series of contact points, coordination points, or both, to enhance security during movement through the area. While attempting to develop the situation, the section or team may find that it cannot determine the exact enemy situation for a number of possible reasons to include obstacles, combat losses, suppressive fires by the enemy, or the size and extent of the enemy position. This method is easier to control and is more secure than alternate bounding, but it is slower. Whenever possible, the reconnaissance platoon should reconnoiter urban areas from a distance, execute hand-off to follow-on elements, and bypass if possible. 1. b. Executing the four steps allows the platoon to accomplish its mission in accordance with reconnaissance fundamentals: (1) Deploy and Report. Exfiltration pickup points for dismounted personnel should be far enough away from the OP to ensure the enemy does not hear vehicle or helicopter noises. (1) It is critical that the platoon maintains continuous surveillance of these mobility corridors to provide security against enemy forces that move into the sector after the reconnaissance platoon has moved on. It sends this information to the platoon leader in the form of updates to the original spot report as soon as possible. Small clearings may require crossing in the same manner as a large open area. DINO CAVE (Contacts) Direct. Physical Audio Direct Indirect Electronic CBRN Visual Civilian. (b) Break Contact and Bypass. The leader is then able to plan for contact and determine how to employ TTP, such as the proper movement techniques, to reduce the occurrence of chance contact. Fill in the answers for all the questions about the benefits you are asking for. A reconnaissance section or team should deploy an OP when it is at risk of losing observation on a possible enemy approach route that no other element can cover. What are the eight forms of contact in the military. The reconnaissance platoon uses this technique only when an analysis of METT-TC shows that only one lane is feasible. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). Choose an example of each element, and explain how it helps make the speech effective. helvetia 20 franc gold coin 1947 value; 8 forms of contact dinocave. When the entire platoon or section has moved back to the rally point, it consolidates and reorganizes, reports its status to the higher headquarters, and continues the mission. Primary Menu. Position navigation (POSNAV) assists in land navigation but does not replace the need for basic navigational skills. (1) Movement Considerations. The platoon leader then plans his routes. As these patrols discover the enemy and add additional information to the platoon leader's picture, the platoon leader may determine he has sufficient information to choose and execute a COA or to make a recommendation to his commander. (1) Before moving across a large open area, the reconnaissance platoon must make a thorough visual scan of the area. Evaluate and develop situation 3. The platoon maintains contact or fixes the enemy in place until additional combat power arrives or the platoon is ordered to move (Figure 3-18. The reconnaissance platoon is not manned or equipped to conduct detailed reconnaissance of urban areas. It does not, however, relieve him of the responsibility of tracking the move on his map. In this situation, the platoon maintains contact by leaving a section or team in contact. Just another site. Platoon staggered column formation. d. Lateral or Boundary Routes. It is used when speed is important and enemy contact is not likely. Locating covered and concealed movement routes for friendly attacking units. Infiltration is a form of maneuver that entails movement by small groups or individuals, at extended or irregular intervals, through or into an area occupied by an enemy or friendly force, while avoiding contact with the enemy. The route of the bounding element to that position. The battalion commander determines if the battalion moves along single or multiple infiltration lanes with forces in the infiltration lanes separated by space and time. Extraction by air or RV (ground) is favored when the resources are available and their use will not compromise the mission. The element that remains in contact maintains visual contact with the enemy and reports if the enemy situation changes. When dismounted, the platoon leader or platoon sergeant should transmit his position location to direct the mounted elements into positions of greater advantage to provide support and maintain digital connectivity with the battalion. The platoon must also establish a hasty defense when the enemy executes a hasty attack. Preparing and coordinating fire support for the friendly attack. Physical contact (direct fire) with an enemy force or civilians. These techniques are applicable either mounted or dismounted. Oddly enough, foot and leg injuries common to runners in the developed world-joint damage, shin splints, bone spurs-are practically unknown to the Tarahumara. DISCLAIMER: Answers from Experts on JustAnswer are not substitutes for the advice of an attorney. The commander approves or disapproves the recommended COA based on how it will affect the parent unit's mission. Ask an Expert. The platoon leader must use all available optics and other assets, including GSR, to reconnoiter the open area and find a bypass, if applicable. The reconnaissance platoon may select this COA when it does not have the resources to leave an element in contact and continue to accomplish its priority reconnaissance tasks. Traveling is the fastest but least secure movement technique. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). (Refer to Chapter 6 of this manual for specific information on the urban environment.). If the platoon leader determines he needs more information, he may commit additional assets (reconnaissance sections or teams) to develop the situation further. a. Navigation. Maintain contact to support a hasty attack. This COA is appropriate when the reconnaissance platoon discovers enemy elements his higher commander wants to destroy but which it cannot destroy either because it lacks sufficient combat power or because it has other tasks to perform. In most cases, the reconnaissance platoon can not or should not mass its combat power to defeat an enemy force. Whether the platoon plans to exfiltrate on foot, by RV, or by air, it must conduct detailed planning to establish criteria for a passage of lines to minimize the chances of fratricide. Figure 3-13. After determining that the commander's intent has not changed, the platoon leader recommends the COA to the commander and requests permission to execute. Due to mission constraints, the platoon leader may have to leave one vehicle in contact. To regain the use of all his assets, the platoon leader continues coordination to hand off contact to a follow-on element (Figure 3-15). The 8 forms of contact: (DINOCAVE) Direct fire Indirect fire Non-hostile Obstacle CBRN Aerial Visual Electronic What is the process of deriving peacetime training requirements from wartime missions? Instead, the platoon leader immediately issues orders to his sections and contacts the MGS platoon leader to initiate coordination for handover of the enemy and support of the MGS platoon's hasty attack. The platoon must conduct these halts at regular intervals (approximately every kilometer) while moving through the wooded area. The reconnaissance platoon uses terrain features to its advantage during the exfiltration. All vehicles should move completely off the road if terrain allows. Publicado en junio 16, 2022 por junio 16, 2022 por Once far-side security is established, a dismounted element moves to the destroyed vehicle and conducts a thorough search for prisoners, items of intelligence value, and any other information that can be gained from a close examination of the enemy. These techniques provide a standard method of movement, but the platoon leader must use common sense in employing them as he performs his missions and encounters different situations. The software should not limit the platoon leader's planning and use of control measures and operational graphics. When conducting movement in a secure area, it is appropriate to specify the order of march by SOP. Traveling overwatch and bounding overwatch are most often executed at the section level. It must treat each as a separate task. The advantages of moving as a platoon are faster movement and easier control and navigation. c. Maps. (1) Extraction by Air or Vehicle. In such a case, the reconnaissance platoon leader can evaluate the situation, choose a COA consistent with his higher commander's intent or concept, and execute it without further guidance. Figure 3-9. During its move, the lead vehicle overwatches it. Movement into and out of the various formations must be second nature to each section. They do not have exact geometric dimensions and design. Bounding overwatch can be executed using one of the following bounding methods. What are the three forms of the defense? The platoon always executes the coil from the column or staggered column, using the four-vehicle organization. Infiltration plans always cover employment of indirect fires although the platoon uses them only in limited circumstances. (3) Column Formation. Rarely are there enough lanes for each group to have a separate one. The platoon finds the flanks of the enemy position and looks for other enemy elements that could provide mutual support to the position. To avoid the enemy's strength, elements use stealth and move through gaps or around enemy positions to conduct operations to the enemy's rear and out of contact with the enemy. During infiltration using multiple lanes, the detection of one platoon's elements may alert the enemy and compromise other units in the infiltration zone. This See Also: Dinocave forms of contact army Show details To achieve a positional advantage to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance. The size of the elements within the reconnaissance platoon depends on several factors: the assigned mission, time available, cover and concealment, target acquisition capabilities of both friendly and enemy forces, available communications assets, and navigation capabilities and limitations. (1) When the platoon deploys and reports, it uses fundamental techniques of tactical movement (dismounted or mounted) and action drills using the terrain to ensure effective cover and concealment. f. Fire Support. Once the platoon determines the nature of the enemy it faces, the platoon leader updates the spot report. The lead vehicle occupies the 12 o'clock position, and the other vehicles occupy the 3, 9, and 6 o'clock positions in accordance with the order of march. Bounding overwatch, the slowest but most secure movement technique, is employed when enemy contact is expected. (In the absence of orders, the direction of travel becomes 12 o'clock.) (c) Elements not in contact temporarily halt in covered and or concealed positions, monitor the incoming reports, and plot the situation on their maps. Before each mission, the leader designates the duration between digital and analog position updates. What is a NGB 590? When operating out of normal communications range, an infiltrating element that must transmit required information should move to high ground or set up a long-range expedient antenna. Based on the available information and his commander's intent and guidance, the platoon leader decides to leave one section in contact to support a hasty attack by a supporting MGS platoon. These reconnaissance elements move to dismount points, set their vehicles in hide positions, and send dismounted patrols to multiple vantage points using dismounted reconnaissance techniques, with the emphasis on avoiding detection.