", Taylor frowned at him before turning back to the sunset. Splinters - Taylor has a Thinker power that lets her create more copies of her own mind. In 1-2 more chapters the S9 arc will push over 100,000 words and almost 1/4 of the story. Taylor triggers with Contessa's Path to Victory power. Cutting Ties - Taylor uses Jack Slash's Thinker power to make friends. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. We especially love the use of the power by Taylor and the way in which her Cape persona is manifesting to be some kind of phantom vigilante is amazing! Here's a list of Worm isekais . As they headed down the hill, Weld glanced back at the Taylor that had been Danny Hebert and he saw that she was still standing at the edge of the hill. "This and no weapons to speak of." Not primarily. For someone who isn't, it's a footnote about the person unless they're extremely close to them. One of the construction worker Taylor's repeated, she had a black smudge across her cheek. He stopped at his seat and with only the briefest moment of hesitation, held out his hand. Weld noticed one of the Taylors at the assembly line slowing down, the miniscule pause noticeable from how much it deviated and the effect rippled down the line. "We're working to rebuild some of the more important buildings damaged during the initial fighting." "She was one of the original twenty-eight. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Camera Shy, where she's blind, with a power that lets her see through others' eyes when she's in their view. Time lapsed: 30 seconds. Just thinking about that made me cringe inside. He hasn't gone. I can see Taylor in some sort of spy or support role if she makes the right team. Different circumstances cause Taylor to gain different powers and left her blinded in the aftermath. "Are you already aware of my rules?". First let me say that I really like this. Taylor sees through the eyes of anyone that has any part of her in their field of vision. She spent several months mentoring and bonding with Taylor, until the emotional connection caused Taylor to develop a "bud" of her PTV Shard. Taylor can see through her own eyes in her Breaker state, as her Thinker power causes her blindness and is disabled in Breaker form. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Taylor loses access to her other two powers a Thinker sensory ability and a Shaker aura while in her Breaker form. Also, is she limited to just one boost at a time, or can she train to split her focus across more than one? Taylor says that if she pushes herself very hard, she can actually blow out bulbs, but that is the strongest feat she has accomplished. "A Wand for Skitter", on Fanfiction.net. 3. Path to Munchies is a Worm fan fiction by Merle Corey, completed in April 2017. A pair hefted a bundle of steel pipes in silent unison and maneuvered past their fellows without even a word of warning. She outspeeded Taylor's clap alchemy (in the tar pit) and then created several, seemingly quite complicated creatures, in the matter of seconds, some of them literally on the fly. as well as I suppose youre the Protectorates representative? She said more than she asked. Is Hive Daughter the one where after the first two or three people she adds to her hive they lose their memory/personality/whatever? Weld tried to focus on the buzz of the flourescent lights, but as far as white noise went, that was a little too quiet. He thought of sailors washing up on the shore on an island of Amazons. Looks pretty interesting so far. Also I propose the cape name Glow Sticks for the Lols. Her attempt to use her power to get in shape backfires slightly, as it puppets her body. LORD DOOM WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT HIS NAME IS SPELLED WITH ALL CAPS.. Contessa unlocked her Path To Victory Shard. Weld added quickly, "Amazed, even. "Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. Nearly. Very NSFW. Weld stared at the hut. Intrepid, where she effectively has locked-in syndrome until Faultline arranges for a tinkered suit to compensate. The way the lines of sight were described was really good, I could constantly vision what was happening with them, so massive props for that. Never seen stranger things but this is pretty horrifying. Sure enough the Taylors at the assembly line worked like clockwork. and our Par for this fic. Is it different from my other fics? What I wouldn't give to have seen Miss Militias' face that second between 'Wait where'd they go? ' "My apologies, Taylor. Nice to meet you, Weld. For more information, please see our She pulled back as if she had been slapped and for a moment her face twisted, her lips pulling back in a snarl. "Narcissa targeted us early in her campaign and managed to infiltrate us before we understood the full extent of her abilities. Two beetles crawled on a drunk man in what was probably the emergency room, off in the distance. Bakuda. She waved a hand at the Taylors delicately fitting chips into small plastic cases. He's so distinctly not human, it's interesting to see how normal things that we take for granted fail to apply to him. Dec 22, 2020. Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. The first time that Taylor uses her power, which is Path To Victory, an unstoppable universe-computing power capable of altering the destiny of the planet, is to get cookies. Scion and Eden were not mates, as much as they were a drug dealer and her bodyguard/best client - so she gets Blasto to make some weed and hands it to Scion. Watched. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). The story begins with Taylor encountering a homeless man in the rain and offering her umbrella to keep him dry. And a disabled unpowered Taylor cannot really hold a fic bigger than a one-shot. Read that one already. While your feet are stompin'. Taylor spoke overly formal, but there was a tension there. The door to Brockton Bay. Her second power allows her to cause momentary disruptions in electronic systems: Lights flicker, cameras momentarily go to static, etc. She looked decidedly normal. She was smiling again. It may not display this or other websites correctly. "There are entrepreneurs out there who understand the practicality of a workforce that can perfectly coordinate.". "Not a very fair question, is it?" 4. Weld blinked slowly. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. Weve got Dragons and Heroes, some better, some worse. the restrictions that the Entity Eden put on Contessa's Path to Victory power made her completely unable to model or plan for the Entities, the Endbringers or their plan, but. For someone that's disabled, it's a gigantic part of your life every day. Taylor and the Unseelie Court (Taylor isn't herself the spooky monster, but deals with old-school type Fae, dead). The writing is flickery, like a florescent bulb with an iffy ballast. He had overstepped his bounds. The Breaker power is pickier, and though this sounds overly verbose I think the best way to describe it is: If whatever medium either a human or human-analogue is using to perceive visual input has directly bounced off an object, that object cannot be taken into the ghost world. 5.7 Rondo You're a real tough cookie With a long history Of ruining the hope like whats in me 1.1 Adagio: A slow passage to introduce the setting. Can I get a link? And I have to ask, is the band coach a fan of a certain Polynesian deity, because that's an interesting collection of items in the closet. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Lots of tiny drones. Spoiler: Malkavians In Brief Omakes: Rolyat's Visit by SirWill A Father's Pride by Seclorum After everything else had gone so well, he had ruined it at the end. I. I was going to ask but the story answered, she, Wandering Eyes [non-canon][Kiss/Kill speculation], Loves me, Loves me not [non-canon][Kiss/Kill speculation], Canon Clockblocker meets Camera Shy Clockblocker [non-canon][crack! Forty taser drones together are able to kill Hookwolf, blasting him en masse and repeatedly until he stops moving and then a few more times for good measure. to see how many boys still checked me out. She's a bitter little coffee bean of a tinker as a result. From the start he had been a mask Taylor could put on that would let her confront the world. She realizes that she can use it to get into shape, and determines that she can use it as a personal trainer so she doesn't get fat eating all the things her power says she should eat. I only had another week left before I was supposed to go back to school. "I mean, I have to say yes, don't I?" before?". From up here, the city looked almost normal. Is it crack? Taylor Hebert triggers with a rather strange ability, and this causes the domino effect across the events of Brockton Bay, where creatures of sexual lust and living make their home, and Taylor becomes the Breeder taking care of them. Taylor would never have imagined that going blind would have improved her life so dramatically, yet so it happened to be. What happens when, for the first time in the history of the universe, there's a shard that is actually trying to help? "Right." ", "I'd rather that not happen." Why hold back the sleeper cells? He glanced at Taylor and saw her looking down at her sundae, but her eyes were distant. Confirmed, power that seems tailored to disrupting cameras so that she can use her main power actually needed. Taylor turned on her heel and headed for the door on her end of the hut. Like a winding river, it may flow past familiar shores or cut its own path through solid rock. Camera Shy is a Worm alt-power fic by TheGreatGimmick. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Looking forward to reading more, 1.2 Adagio I know this music, time to change the beat. "Penny for your thoughts? Her friends, her charges, her very city. Not only is picking on a blind girl too petty even for the Trio, not only has having to learn to care for a blind daughter helped her dad fight through the worst of his depression at losing his wife, but she even got superpowers out of the whole ordeal! Now she must learn to be independent, both as a blind person in her civilian life and as an 'independent hero' in her cape life. ", "And so we forget about everything else?" No part too large or too small. Flames, where she uses illusionist powers to get around missing an eye. As it was, Weld was walking in blind. Her second power allows her to cause momentary disruptions in electronic systems: Lights flicker, cameras momentarily go to static, etc. "Is that really what you believe?" Taylor is incorporeal and unable to directly affect the world in her Breaker form. That," Piggot pointed at the folder, "is all the information we could gather on her with certainty that it wasn't tampered with.". Alt-power Taylor in the Worm verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. The Protectorate hadn't mentioned that in the file. ", "I haven't forgotten." It was a beautiful day and Weld was surrounded by girls. On screens (e.g., computer, TV, etc.) Consider it watched. Very intense. There was nothing for Weld to focus on. We understand better than anyone else their thoughts and feelings.". Weld sank in his seat. LORD DOOM IS MERCIFUL. I haven't read Hindsight Bias, but Taylor has the ability to frequently precog a few seconds into the future. Again, she does not have access to her other two abilities while in Breaker form, but she does get several double-edged perks. As Weld walked further downhill, she faded from view. Info@splgroup.co.in Info@splgroup.co.in Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You are using an out of date browser. Thoughts on solutions? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. "This was the most beneficial option. "If you'll follow me, we'll give you a more thorough inspection on my side of the line.". He proceeds to ride Hookwolf like a bronco, humiliating him and making him completely miss the fact that the Undersiders are looting everything not nailed down. I'm only sleeping.". Taylor's going to love that power soon enough. Get insights SPL Payroll Outsourcing Pvt. "I think we're a little past first impressions.". "We're working to get more of the process automated, so we can free up more of ourself for more contracts, but as it is, demand is high.". If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. It was easy to take Piggot's stand-offishness as hostility, but the reality was that this was a woman who had just lost everything. And if you're concerned about some sort of class system," She pointed to the girl who had first slowed the assembly line. "I'm not what most people expect." Just read through the first chapter and damn, this is something I completely new for me and hooked me pretty hard just for the power. Not the most impressive powers, granted, but powers none the less. Wyvern. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! She's literally almost out the door before she wakes up and realizes what's going on. My name is Taylor. She gestured for him to sit. Taylor (presumably) haunts them, someone dies I think. If she's persistently missing functionality, she'll pretty much always have some Daredevil-esque powers-related way of at least partially compensating for it. I never would have thought that nearly all of my problems could have been solved by suddenly going blind, but here we are. Her fists clenched, "I have to. Things are changed beforehand and echoed through the dotted lines of the stations, but not tied to them. Unfortunately for Armsmaster, he was caught on camera and becomes a PHO meme. Press J to jump to the feed. BlackHorse8986, Ventrisuriel, kevin0617, Jesienny, Yugonostalgia, Blizzardbob, Galaxy_Blaze, LostToLight, AngstApocalypse, SpookyOli, SpecGamer, Soyvolon, joker339, Dimasik841, General_Fiye, ABCelia, TheMultiverseTraveler, waves_under_stars, WDW, ava2607, waterflosser, WordForEveryStar, TheWatcher0711, taxemeEvasion, Psych0Geek, ZiaBlue, Peggysussy, Mitriss, Inclaireporeal, CopperGear, HP22h, Reko15, ruruwkzu, Amogo21, Glumski, Twei, Elbiguana, PinkPhysicist, Dragon_King_of_the_West, Bulder, sereminar, tambuli, Aselo, Epicgamer2034, legosif, halfcrazydoor, OrionVenator, CosmicPenguin, ChildGenius, Quebla, and 888 more users Taylor had spent a lot of time and effort grilling her parents about it, and had come to the conclusion that villains operated exactlyas an outlaw did. When Taylors incorporeal form passes through time-locked objects, they appear to smear, like someone smudged a painting. 40 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. All Taylor had to do was touch the right person and every Taylor would have knowledge of how to get into the Protectorate database. "That's not what I meant.". Intrepid, where she effectively has locked-in syndrome until Faultline arranges for a tinkered suit to compensate. Taylor helps make cookies, but her power makes her make them. It was no wonder the East North East Protectorate had been infiltrated so easily. "Is that fact relevant to a tour of your city?" It was huge, heavy and plastic, but it came complete with a headrest and armrests and that was more than Weld ever got. Taylor informed him. I feel like there aren't many fics of good length that deal with a thinker Taylor. It was tiny from where he stood. They sat on a veranda at the top of a hill overlooking the city, Taylor savoring a sundae, Weld admiring the sunset. Contessa. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He had been given a disturbing amount of leeway as far as this meeting went. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Very horror movie-like. "I told you this this secret of mine because I want you to understand. Queen of Owls on QQ. Scalar Vectors by Sceptic62 (7 chapters, 19k words, last updated: 9th Jun, 2017) Aisha Laborn/Alec. "We're on schedule to get the city back in working order in a matter of weeks. Weld asked, "Forget all the innocent people of Brockton Bay? Intercession, after Golden Morning, Contessa takes Taylor another world and hands her a baby Harry Potter to raise. Once the Protectorate learned of this they'd be more afraid than ever. Skein is unfortunately dead, but I'd consider what's there probably the best use of a Thinker power I can think of in fanfic. They wore comically over-sized hard hats and were all as thin as the girl leading Weld, but they worked together in perfect unison. Taylor has a minor electronic disruption aura, such that she can make lights flicker or devices lose power for fractions of seconds. Taylor has a Dungeon It's a clean Dungeon Everyone Has Issues they're working on it except Lisa She's watching the world burn Amy makes kettle noises Nobody can prove Danny Hebert exists Have I mentioned it's gay?