"Are you going to hit me now?" "It's okay." I glared at him, the sound of his voice had me pooling in my. - On his private story he posts "did you see y/n today? All Ongoing Completed. "Sorry but she's taken." Speaking of Barbatos, he quietly clicks his teeth in rhythmic patterns. He gave you a small smile and looked to the side with a head shake as you capped the lid on a bottle. You gave a small yelp and gasp after Akaashi gave you a smack on the butt that echoed just before he sat in the computer chair at your desk. Just before the guy could finish speaking Tanaka stood behind you with narrowed eyes and a small growl. "Awe, it's okay." You smiled and grabbed his hand, the guy gave a smirk then an eye roll once Yamaguchi took the bag. You felt bad seeing that he felt bad, you hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he gave a soft smile and hugged you back. "Yeah." please always love yourself <33, pairings: kuroo x reader, daichi x reader, bokuto x reader, a/n: im not gonna say any wordszero words just thoughtsjust thinking, just thinking thoughtshead very full, head fullso many thoughts, head so full (part 2and part 3 here!! index message archives Rules Tags About the Admins theme. 2 replies 1 retweet 285 likes. "I love you too." "Yeah." "What?" Characters include (currently): Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, and Atsumu :] Updates are very slow! Millie was enjoying her newfound freedom, however everything suddenly changed one fateful night. BOOK ONE:You can fight me all you want, Grace, but you can't ignore what you feel for me forever. "Ah, well. #tanaka "Well, I'm sure he'll met his girl in a store like I did, just not this one and not with you. He pecked your lips and gave you another soft pop, you 'Tch'ed as he chuckled and waved you off once he got to the door, you gave a head shake and continued to speak.Team Nekoma Kuroo You smiled with a small chuckle as you sat in front of Kuroo in the room the girl's were staying in for the night. #daichi Nishinoya gave a confused look at Tanaka as he stood in the gyms door way pointing out of it, Noya ran over to him along with Ashi to see you tug your backpack and give a confused look as a guy talked to you, smirking at you with red cheeks. "Oh Itried to get your attentionKuroo said that.." you smiled and sat next to him, putting your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek before getting back up. "At lest they're pumped up." She was forced to leave and go far away after giving birth to a child.Three years later, she encountered the man again by accident. "Sorry I'm late." "I guess so but." He looked up only to narrow his eyes seeing a guy smirk as you as you gave an eye roll. It was as if, time had stopped and it suddenly dawned on him that for the first time since he could remember, he experienced what it felt like getting a boner.After that fateful kiss, he swore to make Gabrielle his! *In Editing*. Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). "Akaashi." You followed Yachi to the doors of the gym to go to bus with her until a guy stopped you and handed you a folded piece of paper. You smiled with a giggle as you stepped inside the gym that held the spring tournament. "Hey you." He kissed your hand as the two of you walked down the stairs of the stands. "Yes sorry." "So I heard you passed that test. Hinata glanced up to see a guy leaning against the wall next to you, he then gave a side glance and ran over to you. #boyfriend Barbatos has to keep him from shoving his hand in the kitchen's stockpile of rice. It was just you since you helped enough in the gym for the day. "Did you come to watch me practice?" You blushed as Kenma grabbed your hand and pulled you away, the guy gave a 'Tch' before jogging off. Karasuno huh?" Zane Black, Alpha of the Blue moon pack, was gorgeous, powerful and just what every woman dreamed of or so he thought.Hello, mate he said with a smirk.I looked at him blankly for a moment before I slowly smirked at him.I reject you, Mr. Alpha, I said in a bored tone.His brows furrowed as he stared at me uncomprehendingly. Inouka glanced over to the side as Kenma did the same seeing Hinata run up to then out of breath, Inouka looked around but didn't see you anywhere. "Um, I'm taken." What's wrong beautiful?" - "whoa you look hot". Soon, they start their games against each other. Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios He Slaps You Written by David in Boy Last Updated August 29, 2022 You're out with your friends at a bar, enjoying a few drinks and some laughs when you spot him across the room. #kageyama Akiteru stepped out of his car then gave a smile smile but confused look seeing you cross your arms and glance to the side, he smiled then started to walk up to you calmly. ", Akaashi- he's the one that picked it out for you- "See the skirt will go cuter with this one"- He loves when you wear clothes he picks for you - If your skirt rides up he'll pull it down for you - Or put his jacket over your legs while your sitting down - But he try's his best not to be too protective and let you wear what you wanna wear, Ushijima - "yes you look nice but I don't see why your wearing it"- he hates when other people stare at you - "Eyes off" he told the team when they stared more than he likes - "Cross your legs if your going to wear it"- He won't tell you to change because he wants you to wear what you want - But the minute someone makes you uncomfortable he gets more mad, Tend- Best hype man - "LOOK AT YOU DO A TWIL" - He's so proud that you don't look ugly - He likes to show of off- "Yeah see that fine babe, mine"- Laughs when you don't cross your legs he thinks it's hot - Can't believe he's dating you - Asks you to wear it again, I'm trying to make them longer like someone suggested. Your cheeks turned more red, you gave a small giggle as Kyoutani glanced back to see you step back into the bathroom, he looked down with a smirk before returning back to his serious face once he stepped outside and you followed him. You gave a fake three second smile before trying to get out a guy's way that was the same age as you. "Yes unless I can get your number as well?" "I love you." "Where's the spider?!" You held open the door and followed her out of the locker room with warm towels, only to bump into a guy about your age. He grabbed your waist and walked beside you giving everyone who looked your direction with narrow eyes, you just smiled and held onto his arm.DaichiYou smiled at Daichi as you held his hand on the way back to your house, he saw Ukai sensei and stopped by. "I love you too." Hello there!! There is no editing whatsoever here! You smiled and gave small giggles sitting next to Noya, he kept flicking paper footballs at you that had cute writings in them. "She's getting hit on! You smiled and kissed his cheek as he smiled and looked over at the guy with a head tilt. You giggled and hugged Tendou tightly as he did the same to you back. His hand snaked around the back of my neck as he took one more step. Yamaguchi turned towards Hinata then looked where he was pointing at. Have a good morning/day/afternoon/night !! "Are you lost too cutie?" What are you going to do Noya? He gave a small chuckle as you tried to hold back at smile, he then poked your nose as you shut your eyes. I'd like to hear any feedback or suggestions you guys might have! That there is mine." You stood there with deep red cheeks with your hands behind your back as you gave a parted smiled and stared at Terushima. "Lev!" He gave you a smile and handed you a towel, you took it and gave a nod before he clears his throat. "She looks busy Oikawa." He has led his pack for years without a Luna and was contented to remain that way. Bokuto gave white eyes with a small slouch as Akaashi stared at him then glanced over at you, then back at Bokuto seeing fire behind his eyes. After you and the rest of Karasuno cheered in a group circle they ran outside of the gym to run up and down the hill, you gave a small chuckle as Yachi did the same, once you and Yachi went out the gym doors a couple of other guys rushed in. As you walked over to the door and opened it with another yawn, Kuroo smirked and followed behind you. You smiled and gave him a small chuckle then frowned slightly seeing Yachi walk away a long with the other guys walk in the opposite the direction. everything would be so much easier if i had you by my side the whole day, you should slow down, youre always looking after everyone but yourself, he gently grabs one of your thighs and leaves a couple of soft kisses here and there, so youre gonna stop taking care of me?, you lower down to kiss his head, caressing his face, he starts humming, while you trace his features with your fingers, he nods, whispering a sleepy thanks against your leg, you hold the book with one hand and the other rests on his forehead, he chuckles, looking up at you with heart eyes, earlier you asked him if you could braid his hair. But it was time now to produce an heir. "You ready?" "Love you." You looked over to see a young guy around your and Hinata's age who looked like a fan from Shiratorizawa. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I tried to come here as quick as I could." "Only out of love. pairings: kytani x reader, ushijima x reader, a/n: aaah im so glad you like them, thanks!! You pecked Yamaguchi's cheek as he gave you a smile and a nod, you then hugged him before going to help Ukai grab bags off of the bus with Kiyoko. "No." but above all, i want to say i chose these insecurities beacuse theyre common and not to say theyre flaws or features someone should be worried about, at all!! everybody always made fun of me for this reason, gently grabbing your chin, he pulls you in, i like to think theyre the marks my lips leave on your face whenever i kiss you, as he says this, he starts to peck each one of them, looking in the mirror you can only focus on the stretch marks on your thighs and on your stomach, you hate pool parties, but your boyfriend was so excited to go that you had to say yes as well, when he enters the room, you quickly cover yourself up, was that your new swimsuit? Until one day they are dared to kiss each other. "Hello." "- Literally would die if you went out in public like that - Okay has nothing to do with the story but YOU GUYS COUPLE COSPLAY AS LINK AND ZELDA CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM AS LINK - ( i wish I could draw just to see that) - Anyways he loves taking pictures for you so he can show you off too, Lev- "whoa you look hot"- Loves it - But hates when you also get attention - And he hates when the team compliments you too - "Hey back off their mine"- Gives you more kisses than usual - He's literally so happy your wearing a cheer outfit words can't explain it, Bokuto- jealous - "Are they looking at you? Understood? I cant be your friend Ley when I know how you taste.. You shook your head and walked past him but when you did. #boyfriend You gave a confused look as he grabbed your hand. When He Protects You When He Gets Jealous When The Two Of You Watch Ghost Adventures Together (In editing) "Mhm." #sugawara You zoned out as Daichi continued to speak, you starred at the counter design and leaned closer to Daichi with sealed lips before a tap hit your shoulder. "Um it's okay I got it." A pretty girl like you shouldn't be doing this." I came across your blog and my god I love it you are such a good writer! Yachi smiled at you as she took your hand and led you to the laundry room of the gym. "No, but I was just wondering if you needed some help." "Let her go." You smiled more and waved at Ukai as Daichi took your hand and led you to the counter. hope you like it <33, hii! My book including your favorite haikyuu bois as your boyfriends with scenarios and imagines. After the team circle you hugged Hinata and gave him a peck on the cheek, wishing him good luck before he works out then practices, while you were going to help Yachi fill water bottles. "Yeah I kno-." "Will that be it?" #haikyuu I swallowed hard as bile threatened to rise from my throat. "Must get all the attention huh?" "Whatever." "Argh!" Boyfriend Scenarios!! You gave an eye roll and put your arms around his neck and pecked his lips. - he really hopes he's not making you uncomfortable he's just so happy - He treats you respectfully and won't touch unless you give him the go ahead - He could hug you for hours, Tanaka - Hand on waist 24/7 - all day while your wearing it - He loves how smooth the fabric is please forgive him - "I'm sorry babes but it's so soft and I love you"- Wants you to wear it more often - He worships you ngl, Asahi- "H-hey you look cute"- Wholesome - He just thinks it's cute on you - Like he's so pumped you look cute today - "Where did you get it?" "I don't mind." For best listeners. "You're coming with me!" I looked up to meet amber eyes gazing at me confidently. Check out my Akatsuki and Naruto scenarios as well. Daichi looked back up at the guy then put an arm around your waist. Hinata stepped in front of him and pushed you behind him as the guy took a step back as Hinata gave him narrowed eyes. "I couldn't have lost her." Noya!" "Where's (Y/n)?" "I don't even know." "Hey come on now." "This is going to be fun." "Do you say that when I call you?" My bad." You glanced over to see a young guy about your age coming over to you with a Team Aobajosai fan jacket on. Or dating him?" "I love you and I have to go." Boyfriend Scenarios!! I muttered breathless, my head clouded with so much ne , just as the title foretells, this is my first oneshots book from the popular anime, Haikyuu!!. You slightly jumped with parted lips after Bokuto smacked your butt then pulled you close to him by your side. Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). Unless I'm sleeping." You gave a small yelp as a guy from your math class gave a chuckle. "No we won't." "Hey, I don't mind. Akaashi You waited in your room for Akaashi to arrive, the two of you were gonna go out to the mall and just spend the day together before having to go to night practice. haikyuu characters responding to / reacting to : confessing to you after they get rejected by your best friend. Lev waited for you and stared over every one that walk by then gave a small frown. "And if I do?" When He Slaps Your Butt When You're Cold When He Sees You Cry (In editing) Random Scenario: When He Gets You Flowers When The Two Of You Fall Asleep Together When He Asks You To Prom How The Two Of You Sleep Together New Character!! You stared at the guy with your eyes slightly narrowed after he grabbed your hand and gave you a smirk. "Have I done anything to despise you?" #high "Shoyo." "Hey." "I love you. She's just in a rush." "Look at me, you'll be mine! characters. "Akaashi! #yamaguchi, An Lmao I deleted my face revel just because if anyone I knew saw I would ran away, Also THANK YOU SO MUCH YALL ARE SO NICE THANKS FOR HYPING ME TF UP, I think it's so cool cause like we're all friends , Also I'm so sorry I'm so behind on requests and homework , Hinata- If you went to his practices he wouldn't be able to focus - He can't keep his Eyes off you - "You look so cute y/n! He stared at you as you smiled and gave you a kiss on the cheek before going to the court to practice against Karasuno before his actual match. "Love you." You look good." One without pain, one without control and one without him. #volleyball. "Who knew Hinata could be so imitating?" And on verge of death?Will he take her in?Will he able to hate her despite knowing they are mate's now?Will she just be a girl his wolf needs for his nightly urges or their could be a missing spark, waiting to be lighted between them.Was she already dead from the inside or could she learn to love again?She was the girl who died.Yet the girl who rose and survived.She was Eirene Water's, the girl he banished.Aka Viper, She got involved with the most noble man in Darlsbury in an accident. "Awe. "Hey watch it!" He chuckled as you tried to reach for it, then pecked your lips, letting you take back the bottle with a giggle. ), Hii! #nekoma "Tendou!" - And he hates when the team compliments you too. I didn't mean to bump into like that." You turned to see Hinata and gave him a smile as he grabbed your hand. "Yeah." Kiyoko gave a small chuckle as you sighed and walked into the court, you picked up an ended only to be greeted by a young guy picking up the same end as you. #aoba "OtherAkiteru You smiled as you and the girls walked down the halls out of the school, you laughed more after they brought up moments. I glared at him, the sound of his voice had me pooling in my. we talked about it even before dating, i understand that, but its not the first time that you dont show up to a date without saying a word, my phone died, otherwise i would have called to tell you id be a bit late, a bit? "Want some company?" #karasuno Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! its always nice to see you, he immediately looks up at the ceiling, trying to hide his flushed cheeks, when he notices the little bundle of leaves and berries above your heads, he freezes on the spot, intrigued by his shocked face, you follow his gaze seeing the mistletoe as well, you two look at each other with wide eyes, and when he realizes what he said, he lowers his head in shame, he mutters under his breath, avoiding your eyes and staring at his shoes, but suddenly he feels your soft hands grabbing his face, his heart beats faster and faster, as he sees your face coming up to his own, leaning on, you rest your mouth on his to give him a peck, when you two hear someone whistling and whooping, while noya and hinata are clapping, tanaka is sulking with his arms crossed, with his cheek pressed into your hand, you slightly pull away, you observe how his lips curled into a smile as he slept, after you gave him a kiss, so you lean down to give him another peck, but when you move away once again, you notice his eyebrows furrow and his mouth molding into a pout, delicate fingers grab your chin, as his eyelashes flutter against your skin, you kiss him once, twice, until you feel hislegs moving while theyre entwined with yours under the covers, when you feel his hand resting on the back of your neck, and he pulls you closer, kissing you deeper and harder, you hear his sleepy voice, while he tries his hardest to open his eyes, running your hand through his hair, you tenderly smile down at him, but you know what they say, its bad luck if you refuse to kiss under the mistletoe, he peers at you in confusion, as you giggle, so he looks above his head, seeing it hangs from the headboard, but i can stop kissing you if it bothers you, the very corner of his lips twitching into a smirk, strolling down the street hand in hand, the two of you are holiday shopping around the city, as you look for the last presents, you see a lovely stand with Christmas items, dragging him over there, youre charmed by the handcraft decorations, he immediately notices the mistletoe above your heads, and the lady behind the stall winks at him with a grin on her face, but you actually saw it as soon as you got closer to the stand, so you try to ignore him, not wanting to draw the attention of passerby to you two, you turn around, just to find his lips waiting for a kiss, were only here to find a gift for your mom, but before you can say anything else, his arms are around you, with your chest presses against his, you can already feel your knees getting weaker, gently bending back your head, he kisses you, softly at first and then more and more intensely, when he pulls away, you became a blushing mess, you want to scold him, but your lips are still shaking, so you manage to push him away, pretending to be mad at him, and even if your heart is pounding in your ears, you can still hear the lady in front of you sniggering, he chuckles as well, leaning closer to you, but today he didnt even greet you when he arrived, he immediately sat beside you on the bed, laying his head on your laps, you know that in such cases the best thing to do is to cuddle him for a bit before asking anything, so you start to gently pat his head, running your fingers through his short hair, your touch alone is enough to calm him down, his clenched jaw relaxes immediately, letting a soft sigh escapes his lips, also his hand, no longer closed in a fist, draws circles on your knee now, with your fingertip, you start tracing the word hi on his back, he then grabs your other hand, leaving a peck on your knuckles, hearing your soft giggle above him melts his heart, so you keep tracing some doodles on his back and then a small ily, to which he replies drawing a heart with his thumb on the back of your hand, he slightly lifts his head to leave some soft kisses on your thigh and then hugging your waist, he nods, mumbling something against your tummy, cupping his face, you tilt it up to brush your lips against his forehead, poor baby, hes not used to compliments and always gets so embarrassed when you praise him, getting lost in your gentle eyes, everything that bothered him just fades away, like every morning he woke up early to go running, he sneaked out of the bed as quietly as possible to not wake you up, and after a quick shower hes now hovering above you, seeing you all curled up makes him chuckle, he gently brushes some hair out of your face just to see your eyebrows furrow, the bed is so cold without you, why did you have to leave, okay but for real though, hes a literal heater, whining and pouting, you tug on the end of his hoodie, he gladly obeys, lazily laying his head on your stomach and caressing your thigh, then rolling on his back, he moves his head on your lap and looks up at you, your mouth is slightly open and your eyes are struggling to stay open, he cant control the smile that is spreading across his face, you mutter, covering his mouth with your hand, as he gives a peck to your palm, he grabs your hand to leave a trail of kisses on your arm, then he rests it on top of his chest, intertwining his fingers with yours, your lips curl into a smile as you drift off to sleep once again.