The auto-repair mechanism also means that bigger wings are better. You miss 'em when you don't have them, especially multiplayer. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The mission flown will be the first one in priority order, as shown in the left-to-right order of the buttons in the air UI. While playing one thing I have had difficulty judging is the effectiveness of strategic bombing. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. But AI UK is actually pretty good at protecting convoys (one of the few things HOI4's AI does really well) so you take a lot of casualties for little gain. So a compromise between those effects is 20-30 CW. Strategic bombers can be fought in the air by fighters. Another fun fact is that this is in global hours, but day/night is calculated in local hours. This. i think having 3 months of day vs 3 months of night might display results more clearly than the test you did in the prior post you linked. . Tac bombers can fly in from super far away. They can perform Close Air Support, Naval Strike, and Port Strike air missions. +1 I agree with everything you said. Wings with this mission will participate in land combat throughout the strategic region. common/defines/00_defines.lua NAir.CAS_NIGHT_ATTACK_FACTOR = 0.1 should mean CAS are only 10% effective at night. r/hoi4. Various countries have focuses that grant research bonuses for e.g. The excess intel will begin to tick down, and only when it falls below the effective cap will the player begin to lose effective intel against that nation. I didn't know they targeted Airbases first. Heavy tanks are similar to mediums, but have low speed, the same armor and higher breakthrough, but very high base cost. As mines are laid, some mines will graphically become visible on the map. The details pane of that window provides numbers across a long time frame. The tooltip for the air base shows the total number of planes located there (and a list of the countries with air wings and the types of planes). If the plane from carrier hits, it does damage equal to the plane's naval attack (naval damage) value. Doctrines can increase this penalty by multiplying the final air support penalty by 1 + the bonus from doctrine (ex. They can perform Close Air Support, Strategic Bombing, Naval Strike, and Port Strike air missions. The bonus has a base value of +25%[3], scaled linearly by the number of planes actually in the battle compared to the maximum possible. from air doctrines) only for that mission type get applied to the wing for that mission. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. VS the AI, TAC is very niche, sometimes useful in vast airspace but entirely pointless in the west because the question of range is never asked. The air superiority mission doubles as escort mission, protecting bombers operating in the region by reducing disruption from enemy fighters. 3. To perform multiple missions simultaneously, create multiple smaller wings and assign a wing to each individual mission. A port strike mission is an air attack against enemy ships located in a naval base. Note that your bombers may get targeted by State anti-air . the night penalty is -90% for planes, not -50%. To gather intel% on the industry/army/air of the country, the Scout planes can be assigned to any air zone and build up the intel bonus (to the intel tabs) over time. Pilot exercises. i was responding to that second part. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Divisional anti-air (AA) weapons reduce the damage from CAS. . I once trapped virtually the entire British navy in the Mediterranean as Axis France. CAS planes. What I noticed is that playing a game as Germany and owning all of Europe, the USA is a pain to get. None of the plane's attributes have an influence on the effectiveness of anti-air. Amphibious tanks have terrible armor, which makes them unusable. An air wing may be assigned up to one ace only. Questions, Paradox Air superiority also inflicts a penalty to enemy movement. For example, if a NAV1 hits a heavy cruiser 1, the NAV1 will do 1.5 points of damage. The player might: from game file \Hearts of Iron IV\common\buildings\00_buildings.txt, define ACE_EARN_CHANCE_PLANES_MULT = 0.005, ACE_EARN_CHANCE_BASE + (HP * ACE_EARN_CHANCE_PLANES_MULT * 0.1), Defines NBuildings AIRBASE_CAPACITY_MULT = 200, Defines NBuildings ANTI_AIR_SUPERIORITY_MULT = 5.0, Defines NNavy DETECTION_CHANCE_MULT_AIR_SUPERIORITY_BONUS = 0.25, Defines NNavy ENEMY_AIR_SUPERIORITY_IMPACT = -1, Defines NAir PORT_STRIKE_ENEMY_SUPERIORITY_LIMIT = 0.3, Defines NAir STRATEGIC_BOMBER_NUKE_AIR_SUPERIORITY = 0.75, Defines NCountry PARADROP_AIR_SUPERIORITY_RATIO = 0.7,, Play Use transport planes to supply your troops advancing into enemy territory: railroads require quite some time to repair themselves. Excess breakthrough is useless, but luckily breakthrough is a cheap stat. Note: Strategic Bombers are only effective in large numbers (more than 1000), otherwise self-repair out-repairs your damage output. Naval strike. if you're only doing one sortie at night, then you're going from ((100% + 100% + 10%) / 3) = .7 to ((100% + 100% + 55%) / 3) * 120% = 1.02, a 45.7% overall increase in output. CAS deals damage directly to enemy divisions in combat. Decreasing enemy stats is quite simple; a fleet on 'hold' command (or the 'naval support' mission) will fire at enemy divisions fighting on a coastal tile, giving them a up to -25% debuff to soft/hard attack and breakthrough/defense in combat. Nukes help a lot. Wings of 500 bomb the shit out of any zone. I don't actually think there is a real defence against them, given that any player that seriously uses them will throw 20k+ at you at once - enough to destroy every building in the entire continental USA in a week or so. Does this work ? Would make it easier to build them. I will not bother to strat bomb an area that I know I can break and take quickly. Defending the Soviet Union from invasion? This is a community maintained wiki. Solution? A logistics strike mission is an air attack against enemy trucks, trains and railways. It is VERY effective, but numbers play a big part. I agree about that. Putting 2 factories on transport planes should be sufficient for your logistical needs. Information, Frequently Asked If you build air, you do it for strategic bombing or supporting your ships. Damage will reduce the capacity the base can hold until repaired. Engages enemy fighters and shoots down enemy CAS/bombers. After multiple request ive made a how to strat bomb in hoi4 tutorial, mostly as germany and england uk im showing how to use and counter strategic bombers in. The automatically stop pilot exercises when fully trained icon will show when properly enabled. open.spotify. Questions, Paradox They're generally pretty useless. @jellestuifzand Good idea, I'll do that later! To make it even better, could you add all plane/tank module names in text as well? Scout planes can only contribute up to 20-30% of intel in a given area. Available for: Naval Bomber, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber, Strategic Bomber, Jet Strategic Bomber. I thought that stat-wise regular fighters were superior, not the least because of the higher production numbers. The naval base itself will get damaged as well during successful attacks, but empty bases cannot get attacked. 20% is from air recon (scout planes) and 10% is because of their fascist ideology. A division consists of 5 combat regiments and 5 support companies. Choose tactical bombers to carry out close air support missions, instead of CAS, and use heavy fighters because of their longer range. Are strategic bombers worth building? The value of strat bombing cannot be underestimated in multiplayer, especially if you have a minor nation with a decent amount of them doing the work for you, like Canada. HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis - Forums - Mods . Most missions are conditional, in that planes will only fly if there is a known target at the time a wing mission is being chosen. To make a long story short fighters+naval bombers can defend 1 sea zone away from an airfield and tactical bombers+heavy fighters can defend up to 2 sea . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Single player no, multi yes. They may get targeted by naval anti-air. Mission efficiency icon: Effects on mission efficiency of an air wing: Effects on mission efficiency in a strategic region: Missions will be conducted regardless of weather, but bad weather reduces detection and efficiency and increases the risk of an accident at take-off and landing. Base minesweeping efficiency by plane type, Due to a bug, these bonuses only work if the air region includes a friendly land province. Read the rules though as they are often banned. Example below: As the UK player, there is 60% intel about Italy's air force. Can we apply the medium tank templates to light tanks?If we can,how much will they be effective? A regiment (vertical column) can only hold batallions of its type (e.g. This is a community maintained wiki. Every 1 point of air superiority advantage in a strategic region gives a +0.7% air support penalty (called enemy air superiority on the combat screen) to enemy land combat defense and breakthrough. 90% -> 99%. ), and due to night penalty, I have always thought that the air force performs better if they do all of them during the day rather than at night. Drops supply from the air to units without supply, preventing attrition to your units. Earthquake relief sale gives you $1000 worth of Steam . The biggest drawback of strategics are that conquered land takes ages to rebuild. Once the American airforce is decimated, send in thousands of strat bombers. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Information, Frequently Asked It is possible to have a 1940 plane at the start of 1939! JavaScript is disabled. i want to build massive amounts of strat bombers but I dont know if it is worth it, With the new update (DLC?) They can attack enemy convoys carrying troops. Scout Planes on this mission perform aerial scouting and intel gathering, adding additional intel to the total intel from all sources on the countries in the target air zone. What is better: large or small divisions? could you retest it in the arctic? Targets are checked in each of the air zones assigned to the air wing, checking provinces within range of the air wing. If you place a Scout plane inside an air zone with combats, they will contribute towards air superiority bonus, even though they will do no damage to air units nor ground/naval targets. I am struggling to find a reason to get purely strategic bombers when a tac bomber can do the same job plus do ground. This ratio is stated as a percentage and results in a color applied to a region (can be viewed using the Strategic Air map mode). (Taking into account the minimum-of-1, the result is 1.84). Only start building tanks when you have achieved full air superiority! from AA techs, state AA, dispersed industry So if a 100 bombs are dropped only 10 hit and do damage. Naval bases are located within provinces on land, therefore, port strikes can only take place in a region which covers land. 66. The colors and interpretation of the colors is listed in the table below., Play There are many battalion types in the game. Their first unique selling point is their range, which is much higher than CAS aircraft. Scout planes can continue to accumulate intel up to 5% points above this cap, however, this intel in excess of the cap doesn't contribute to intel against that nation. These quicker, more powerful albeit more expensive fighters and bombers act as a late-game bridge between World War Two-era and modern military aircraft for those nations that were dedicated to aeronautics research. If one of the assigned missions has a condition that's "Always executes", no later mission in the list will ever be executed by that wing. It may be advisable to put air wings on standby during such conditions. A region's air superiority is determined by comparing your air power (plus allies) to the enemy's air power. The enemy side's average division air attack is . The effective and hard cap that scout planes can contribute to intel are. In a fleet with multiple ships, the target is randomly selected (note: increased ship's surface visibility may increase its chance to be selected as a targetmore visible targets are more often struck. The situation is quite different if naval strikes are combined with an attack by warships (including submarines). Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Part of a dual series on strategic bombers, we are trying to go all in on Strats in Hearts of Iron 4, playing as the United Kingdom. there is no (functional) mechanic in game for escorts/escort efficiency. When attacking ships, the probability is [13]. Naval Bombers are able to perform attacks against enemy ships. It can be useful if your competing with the AI for war score as bombing gives a lot of it. It's better when playing against Human players as they feel annoyed that they have no infastracture and factories after some heavy strategic bombing compared to the AI who just automates and isnt emotionally effected by it. The air support bonus can be observed in the tooltips that appear when you hover over icons for land units stats shown in the battle display. Bomb Scotland's infrastructure into dust and watch them all die. (this information is out of date the By Blood Alone DLC completely changed air technology). Light tanks have virtually no armor and a low cost. Very important when pushing into an area where supply hubs are far apart. Oh, and you have to wait. There's probably also a fair bit of LL going on as well. Unless anything has changed, the prime reason they are effective is because they bomb all the airfields in a strategic region first, crippling the defender's ability to respond with fighters and after that they just turn out free damage every month. This might cause enough damage to their air bases to "even the odds" by reducing enemy mission efficiency. Especially important in Multiplayer where front lines have many units in them. Interactive corporate website. If no missions are assigned, air wings will remain idle in their air bases. Strategic bombing damage is about 120 damage per attack cycle for ~0.3 buildings destroyed. Try to capture an enemy air base as quickly as possible, so that the player can redeploy some fighters and CAS there. However, normal tanks with amphibious drive are excellent, as have the same armor and also bonuses for attacking over rivers. Bombing the enemy airports will cripple their airforce, and if you go for their civilian industry, they won't be able to repair them. Through Officers of the Service Role focus. They improve the following stats of aircraft executing the respective mission type[1]: Escort Efficiency belongs to the same family of modifiers but has no effect. Pushing with infantry and CAS often works against a weak enemy. 1 Anti-air decreases damage from CAS by 75%, so Anti-air is quite strong. This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 12:35. You underestimate AI Tibet's power. Through research, the engineering team will also increase the general attack and defense of the division, particularly in rough terrain, i.e. Players carrying out strategic bombing should note: Players subject to strategic bombing can respond in several ways: Players can assess the impact of their bombing and their defenses in the region's air combat screen (number of buildings bombed, percentage of bombers disrupted). The Ultimate Guide to Division Templates, Aircraft and Tank Designs (Updated 27-02-2023). Using carrier fleets might also be very useful if the region has a coast where the player can (safely) anchor the fleet. Does it affect just CAS or any aircraft with a CAS mission available, i.e. Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Jump to navigation Jump to . Calculations on Infantry to Artillery ratio, General notes on infantry division designs, For many more beginner tips, I strongly recommend the. These apply on the small airframe, since the small airframe is used as CAS. Aim for 30 ORG or higher when designing your tank divisions. Bombing the enemy airports will cripple their airforce, and if you go for their civilian industry, they won't be able to repair them. Naval bomber/Patrol: Bomb and kill enemy ships (much more cost-effective than building your own ships!). the left side's bonuses, if they worked fully, would also obviously be even more impactful if you happened to have two of your sorties run at night - not all that uncommon. An air wing may be created only if there are sufficient planes and service manpower available. No point in destroying factories if they only get shot down and your troops cant push. Mission efficiency of an air wing is shown in the air base view window, that is shown if you click the airfield in which the air wing is stationed. If your target is beyond CAS range, then you can have 10K CAS and theyre useless. i thing having larger, more homogenous datasets to allow for the variance to balance out, so we can more clearly see the expectation would be helpful. military factories. Valve Corporation. Press J to jump to the feed. Each plane can give up to 0.2 supplies, meaning a full wing of 100 can give 20 supply. You will consume fuel and increase the risk of air accidents while running pilot exercises. It is not just a problem of strategic bombers as a whole but there are also no specific missions for tactical air, which is a lot more accurate. In this section, well list the most-used types. So having more support arty by having smaller divisions, boosted by SF (right) would be good. The rate of mine clearing depends upon both the quantity and type of plane which make up part of the air wings assigned to a region. For example, with 60% air superiority the enemy will suffer a 7% penalty to . the night *cas* bombing modifier is -90%. In this case, the resource and supply convoys can also be the target of an attack, and many different types of aircraft can be useful (i.e., not only NAV2 and NAV3). For some mission types, there are modifiers improving their effectiveness which are also called "mission efficiency": Air Superiority Mission Efficiency, Interception Mission Efficiency, Air Support Mission Efficiency, and Naval Mission Efficiency. Tanks have a high supply usage, logistics company reduces their supply usage significantly. This mission is equivalent to the naval strike mission, but with increased effectiveness and losses. Additionally, the divisional AA (again using the divisions' average) has a 7%[10] chance to shoot down a portion of the attacking planes. I only start bombing if I know this would be a even fight or I might even lose if I don't slow down the enemy war machine.