I will be making the flatbread soon! I should have increased the salt a bit too. ~Shes not that bright. When it comes to making bread at home, I absolutely love flatbread. Made with herbs de provence and cut up into cracker shapes pre-baking. I agree confused by this and looking forward to the clarification. Thank you. Then I spread the ricotta mixture on the bread and topped it with veggies. As Jane M commented above, I made the flat bread last night after checking in to read the blog and it was simple, quick and DEElicious! But to start, lets talk about this recipe, something I think everyone in the entire world should have in their repertoire: Flatbread. I made this recipe to create little crackers using dog and duck playdoh cookie cutters. These are quicker, cheaper, and taste so much better. I have everything in my kitchen to make this flatbread. I just made these, with 3/4 cup of whole wheat flour. Heat oven to 450F. Hoping to make them this weekend!! Husband liked it too and of course, started thinking of variations for it! The soup was phenomenal, but these didnt turn out right. I saw this recipe and just had to make the rosemary flatbread. "Convenient and reasonable price overnight stay on drive to Spain. I love rosemary in bread products!! I used thyme as thats all I had on hand. Cook each side for about a minute, or until beginning to blacken. Aaah! My favorite variation is to nix the rosemary and top with zaatar. Goes great with the bratwurst for our German themed dinner. Thank you random internet blogger, thank you. Sitting down to a bowl of yummy homemade curried pumpkin soup and the flatbread. The unintended benefit was that even though they cooked unevenly (my oven being what it is) I was able to pull out the pieces that were brown and leave the pale ones for a few extra minutes. I made this and didnt love it, sorry :-(. The dip that I served it with for the party (a yummy pea and goat cheese spread from Vegetarian Times) called for garlic olive oil, so the day before I made it all I crushed two cloves of garlic into a ramekin, poured olive oil over it, and put it in the refrigerator to develop flavor. Made a second batch with WW flour and had to add a little extra water and EVOO. These are great. Either the dough or the crackers themselves? Substituting honey for olive oil and putting in about a 1/3 cup of sunflower seeds and then sprinkling cinnamon sugar on top is awesome, too (if youre feeling adventurous; it tastes like a not-so-sweet cookie). Ive made this three times so far, with rosemary, thyme, and basil. You can bake on aluminum foil or right on a baking sheet with the same results, parchment just makes it easier to remove from the pan and prevents any sticking. I realized it immediately, so I didnt add more rosemary on top, Its been ridiculously hot in Boston all week, so naturally I cranked up the oven in my not-air-conditioned oven and made them. Thank you for a great recipe! Both were quite good. These were very easy to make and totally recommended! We made these on the grill tonight (cooking for a bit on a baking sheet first). I didnt have rosemary, so I used some dry tuscan herbs, added some thyme and infused a touch of garlic into oil. I do wish I had sea salt, as I think it could use that zing. Shes eating it now! I am newly on Keto, so gonna give these a go with fear and trepidation, for our small group tomorrow night. I did this to keep the garlic and herb flavors from getting residue on my rolling pin since I dont wash my pin. Im here grabbing the url again to send to a friend I just shared some with at lunch. Grilled, 100% antibiotic-free chicken breast, sliced avocado, lemon crema, chipotle aioli, jalapeno pepper jack, pickled red onions on a traditional Mexican-style roll. I thought I should add that being the lazy, owner of few cooking utensils cook that I am I dont have parchment paper or a rolling pin- I just smooshed the ALL the dough into one huge messy rectangle directly onto a non-stick cookie sheet. I also was a little short on the fresh rosemary so I added some fresh oregano too and it was a good choice. I tried this w Bobs Red Mill baking flour. I just put the sauce and pizza ingredients right on the raw crust. We made this last night but substituted Indian spices for the rosemary. This is definitely getting bookmarked and tried out next week (after I go to the grocery store again). Just an aside for all of you herb-growing-challenged readers, my 92-yr-old grandmother (who is NEVER wrong, I might add) has often said that only a bitch can grow rosemary! I dont know where this old wives tale comes from, but I believe it must be true since both my grandmother and I have absolutely gorgeous, flourishing rosemary bushes all over our gardens!! Maybe I should have increased the temperature?) We made these last night to go with a casual dinner of hummus, cheeses, olives, roasted asparagus, and the warm cherry tomato salad featured with your baked feta recipe. This dough was perfect, we cooked it until very lightly browned, then added our toppings, then put it back in the oven. Some things you can try: with herbs, try fresh basil, parsley, or oregano; with the flour, switch out half for oat or chickpea flour; with the baking powder, try two teaspoons and 400 when you want a softer bread. I skimmed it mostly; I havent had time to go through and see if theres even anything I could add to the conversation, as he covered the topic so well. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But in a word: dont! Heavenly! Too bad I cant use the two of them together. They were so ridiculously easy and fast to make I whipped up a batch with rosemary, which is in the oven as I type. Yikes. It seemed a little bit on the oily side but the thinner ones did bubble up like the flatbreads I my family used to buy at St. Urbains and I consider that a good thing. I avoid using refined grains, so I substituted whole wheat pastry flour for the all-purpose flour. Unfortunately the cheese hasnt drained enough yet, but the flatbread turned out well. Au coeur de la rgion Nouvelle-Aquitaine, la ville de Ustaritz tout comme les autres villes franaises disposent des solutions de dbarras de dchets encombrants. Thank you so much for this recipe! What did I do wrong? Ooh! I used a blend of fresh rosemary, oregano, thyme and chives. Thanks again Smitten Kitchen! I just made these for dinner, but my toddler and I have already devoured most of one of the flatbreads because once we sampled a bit, we couldnt stop! I only rolled it into one bigger round. Thank you Deb! So, I am trying to put these in a Tupperware container to take to a potluck, but I keep breaking off a piece to eat! The dough, though, makes it a bit difficult: it was kind of shrinking and tearing apart when rolled probably because the flour is really whole grain, so I added some water after the first rounds and it was better, but in the end, the shape didnt matter. And so easy! A little late to the party; Ive made this several times and its great. Its also possible they needed a little more water, but Ive never found that when I make them. Perfect!! I decided on a whim to make these; Id had them bookmarked for ages. Served with blue corn chips and salsa. Ive been using this recipe for pizza for a couple years. Avocado Toast. Its a popular breakfast food in the north of India and my grandmother used to make it for me when I was a child. Ill be trying it out tomorrow, for my mom, a herb bread lover. This looks gorgeous, Deb. The drive-thru and take-out operation makes it easy to pick up . Gorgeous dough, gorgeous crackers. Maybe adding cinnamon & sugar, instead of salt + rosemary, will make for a good sweet alternative of this incredible recipe!!! It was extremely easy to make, and does look & taste impressiveI have a pretty sparse kitchen, as a poor graduate student, and this is a great recipe for me since I had all the ingredients on hand already. Going to top them with pizza toppings (fresh garden basil and toms) if I have enough left! I am going to a Cheese Club. My toddler found it irresistible. Its the perfect thing to scoop any summer salad or vegetable dish, including the one Ill tell you about tomorrow (tease!). I have one baking in the oven right now. They didnt crisp up and they were a bit dry. It wasnt the highlight of my cracker recipes. In the mean time, I cant wait to try out this recipe! I tried this a couple days ago. Ive made it twice since then.. Oh yeahlove the blog! A half sandwich served with your choice of a cup of soup, fresh fruit or Mac & Cheese. It is GREAT with champagne. Had friends call and say they were in the neighborhood, so they stopped by for a quick hello in our backyard (6 feet apart with masks and gloves lol!). (Like I said, it was a long hold time.). Served with a cup of au jus. They look divine and so very simple. She wants everyone to know she has it! Ive made it a bunch of times now. Thanks for the great recipe! Absolutely delicious and too easy to be true! Also, I cook mine on my baking stone and the dough often bubbles in places making them extra crumbly and messy when you crack them. It seemed horrible they cracked when I tried to roll them, I couldnt get them thin enough, and they took 17-20 minutes to begin to color. Something this gourmet, (I mean it was out of Gourmet Magazine!) Flatbread is even better, as then I eat less of it! I had some leftover garlic olive oil after making the dip, so I used it on top of the flatbread in place of regular olive oil. Mine were with half ap flour and half white whole wheat, and I made a batch of rosemary and a batch of black pepper. plus, it gives ya neat pieces!!! Does anyone have suggestions for something to pair this with? I am making this tonight to take to Sunday dinner. Thank you for sharing. I was looking for something to do with my excess sourdough starter, but was uninspired by any of the discard recipes out there. Very similar to a traditional bread my husbands family makes back in Lebanon. I discovered your website this morning, tackled the homemade marshmallows earlier today, started the dough for graham crackers, and was hungry/bored at about 11:00 tonight, so decided to see what other yummy recipes were on your site, and found the flatbread recipe by clicking Surprise Me a couple times Im eating it now lol! This has just qualified as a staple in my kitchen. Very good, but I overbaked the edges. Ive been making this recipe since the magazine came out. Emily, wonderful idea to use this as a pizza shell!! I have amazing flatbread on my counter to prove it! Thank you for such a great and easy recipe! Ive made it a few times now. Stir together flour, chopped rosemary, baking powder, and salt in a large, wide bowl. I would enjoy hearing about successes and failures I find it would contribute to the collective Smitten Borg Mentality. Or chopped black olives, fresh oregano and some of those oven roasted tomatoes. My Pinterest board is full of your recipes! Just made these with 40g of whole wheat flour subbed in, turned out great! I may have gobbled it all up by tonight, it is so wonderful together, Thanks a lot for adding the weights, too, it makes it a lot easier for me *heart*. Had it with Italian Wedding Meatball soup and my children and husband loved it. One in the oven and one with bread on it? I found this recipe after trying some delicious commercial (small bakery) rosemary flatbread. Oh theres the buzzer now. Also, maybe my oven runs low, but these took a good 15 minutes to get golden in color. New here? I used this recipe today (minus rosemary) and made yummy ham & mozzarella hot pockets by splitting dough into 6 pieces. Id like to try making these with other kinds of flour to see how they turn out texturewise and the time investment is so minimal that if they come out bad, its ok (and Ill probably eat them anyway.) Cela contribue grandement la fire allure dont la ville affiche. Convection oven turned out better than coventional, for me. If you arrived at mine with this, a wedge of cheese and a bottle of wine, Id never let you leave. I usually serve with some kind of spreadable dip, the latest of which is Spicy Ceci Bean Puree from Epicurious. Oh! I made this tonight it was heavenly! Nothing makes him leave the lab early. So I was looking for a savory app to bring to a party last night and came across these. A half sandwich served with your choice of a cup of soup, fresh fruit or Mac & Cheese. I made this for a dinner this past weekend, with a little variation on seasonings. Truly, its a small complaint because it is disappearing rapidlygotta run to get my share :). Whipped these up in less than 10 minutes with fresh herbs from our garden and they were amazing as usual. So I turned to SK, and I was not disappointed. Make a well in center, then add water and oil and gradually stir into flour with a wooden spoon until a dough forms. Recipe really does seem to be a good base for most flavors. Sounds delicious! Was it browned when you took it out? I put each piece through my pasta machine on #6 and then lay the pieces out on parchment on a pizza peel. Avocado Toast. I always give it a fast knead (about 10 strokes) and then let it rest about a half an hour. I have been reading your blog for a few months and you have been very inspiring. I would have cooked them longer but the edges were already quite brown. If youre itching to make them, I think you should start with him. That issue of Gourmet was one of the best EVERand I, too, have made most everything in the section on herbs, including this flatbread! Made this soon after reading the blog entry, with items I had on hand. Just as promised, theyre strong enough to use for dipping and light enough that they eat like a cracker. These look great. I may play around with it more, but this was a bit of a miss for me. People think its way more impressive than it actually is, too. I think these crackers would be the perfect contribution. ive made this twice now, and both times i forgot i was supposed to knead it, but i sort of massaged it in the bowl with a spatula until all the flour was incorporated. So apparently, next time the crackers will be even better, which will be fun. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ive never made flatbread at home before, but you have such a lovely knack for finding recipes that are both completely tempting and seem very approachable. He suggests ways you can use schmaltz instead of oil in the dough (or, I bet, cut in butter). Im going to try dill and basil (pesto?) Id love to share here my tiny mistake which turned out great!!! Hmmmm. And I looooove rosemary :o). Help? I did one batch with no brushed olive oil on top and they were indistinguishable from the ones with the brushed tops. Amazing first time trying it and its wonderful I also did a sweet one as well. Ive challenged myself this season to *finally* start making some of these recipes I see and get inspired by. Try flake salt and freshly cracked black pepper. i have a beach house come on over we will make a batch. Overall I found the flatbread to be yummy, so much so that before the second flatbread had finished baking, Id nibbled my way through half of the first cooling flatbread. A girl can dream, cant she. 1/2 pound of hot roast beef, provolone, mayo, toasted on New Orleans French bread. I served it, to be rather different, with chili con carne and fresh avocado, red onion and tomato salsa ofcoarse with lots of grated Parmesan the combos not the norm but it was a hit been ordered to make more asap thanks. I agree with previous commenters who liked them crispier. This has become my oh-why-have-I-procrastinated-AGAIN recipe for potlucks. I love your site! But they tasted fantastic and were taken home by my GF friends who also requested the recipe. Let it rest 5 to 10 minutes and it should relax. Any thoughts on this? Grilled, 100% antibiotic-free chicken breast, sliced avocado, lemon crema, chipotle aioli, jalapeno pepper jack, pickled red onions on a traditional Mexican-style roll. I highly recommend it! With the flaky salt on top, its just a bit much (though obviously not unenjoyable). My oven exploded while I was preheating (yes, sparks flew out the vent under the door), so I found myself cooking the flatbread on the grill outside. Running late to prepare for our guest, I trusted your advice that these could be made quickly and indeed they came together so well that I had time to make two batches one as written, and the other using thyme and black pepper in place of the rosemary. I woke up this morning and realized that I did not think of a quick bite for our pre-dinner cocktails. This is fantastic! And I agree with everyone who has said, just add cheese and a bottle of wine! Maybe I should use the rest on this! Heat oven to 450F. :) Thank you! I also added some grated parmesan, cracked black pepper, and slivered basil leaves on top and it came out wonderful. thoughts? Holy yum. That sounds fabulous! I baked them in a convection oven so did them all at once. Will make a great gift along with some sharp extra-old cheddar cheese and a jar of homemade antipasto. Any idea if I can freeze them? Ovens vary so much, its my first thought. We wont be buying flatbread at the store any longer. Thanks! Hot roast beef, provolone, mayo, toasted on New Orleans French bread. I rolled them a little thick so they were like tiny 1/8 inch thick biscuits and my oh my they are delectable! A definite keeper! never fail! I just got the first two flatbreads out of the oven I doubled the recipe as an appetizer for my birthday party, together with your caponata, Im not sure if this combination will last 2 days in my flat. Great recipe, thanks. Thanks for the recipe my family gobbled it up in seconds! I had some mashed roasted garlic in the fridge and mixed about a tablespoon of that into the dough. EEK!!! They are almost buttery in texture. Next time I should put only 1/4tsp of salt. Delicious stuff and super satisfying to make. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Thank you for these tips they helped immensely! Made these with 1cp ap flour and 3/4cp bobs low carb whole grain flour ( thats what was at my bodega in this time of insanity). I made this fabulous flatbread first for myself and then two days later for a party (yep, its that good!) I thought I had rolled it out paper thin maybe next time Ill poke some fork tines in it to give it more of a saltine appearance, and maybe that will help? So, smitten kitchen to the rescue. Just made these and they are delicious, thank you so much for sharing! SO good with goats cheese. Like Amy, I used white whole wheat flour and it was delicious. Im going to try yours. I made the flatbread yesterday to go with some roasted eggplants with buttermilk sauce and pomegranate seeds. Id bake it again but I managed to set off our WAAAY too sensitive fire alarm so I am a little nervous about that they werent even burning and only mildly browned! Served with a cup of au jus. It looks like a keeper for my recipe file. And thanks! Served with chips or baked chips (150/100 cal) and a pickle (5 cal). OMG Im 9 years late to the party, but a friend just shared this page on Twitter last night. I had to use just a little more water, but other than that All Fine! Picture this its nearing one am on Thanksgiving day and I have been making a baked feta recipe for not one but two different dinner and I realized that I didnt have enough pita chips for bothy houses! I am absolutely hooked and have made this dozens of times it takes about 15 minutes start to finish and Ive got the recipe memorized by now, so its really a no-brainer to make with soup, salad, anything. I added a little dried basil as well, and was happy with it. Yum. hi i made this today using whole wheat flour (100%) and thyme (thats what i had in the herb garden) and everyone loves them. I figured out after to roll the dough ON the stone. EVERYONE raves on it. Perfect. So good! Thanks so much, Deb! I added a lemon tahini sauce on top of each flatbread and then topped them with olives, onion, and mushroom and it made a very tasty elegant pizza. I only get it when we eat out and the restaurant has it. Thanks for sharing. K. kylemic. Ive made this recipe it was one of my best received homemade crackers and my sister proclaimed it her favorite cracker ever, just under goldfish, which I consider an achievement. And he in fact ordered me dinner due to the fact that I found it for him lol. Crispy and flakey, yet incredibly fast and easy to make. Made some yesterday morning to give to a friend with some tapenade. I appreciate the recipe, but gf isnt great. Dont skimp on the salt heck add more. This takes me back to my childhood, whenever my mother would bake a pie with a savory crust. Thanks for the inspiration! By the third flatbread they were PERFECT!! Thanks Deb. Decided to try it with black pepper and parmesan, in the oven now. Paired well with the rest of my dinner tonight and I loved them! I made these Sunday night following the recipe to a t. I have experimented with many different flatbreads trying to find a light and crispy one for a pizza and this indeed was finally it! I am confused. I just wanted to let you know that you are the absolute fantasticist (not a work, I know) for this recipe. This is so easy and delicious, cant wait to make it again! Enjoy! still came out fantastic. Amazing. We have a rosemary bush in the yard that is going crazy, and everything else in the pantry it was meant to be! Thanks for the easy, delicious and great recipe! Thanks! Just made my second batch of this in a weekmy husband and I both love it. :). 1064 route de Bayonne | D 810, 40230 Benesse-Maremne, France. She will not shut up about that zaatar. I have been enjoying it all -even the burnt and saltless pieces- with home-made hummus and will definately make this agian. Didnt use the rosemary since these were going w/a basil dip, and didnt want to have competing flavors. Anxious to make again tomorrow. Divine! :). I was impressed with how easy it was to make these and that they came out so delicious! For on-the-go families, Jason's Deli created an even quicker option in the form of Jason's Express. It would be the perfect base for fresh Lettuce Salads with vegies and a vinegar/oil dressing !! Your email address will not be published. Made this tonight and it turned out great. This looks much quicker. Just came across this recipe tonight. Yum, yum. You dont ever need parchment paper, it just makes baking easier. Wow I cant believe I have made a recipe BEFORE you! They are a big hit for a wine-time snack! Yea! I have to post that I love this recipe. Thanks for making this look so easy I will certainly have to make my own next time. Cant wait to make them. I did 1 C WW pastry flour, 3/4 C all-purpose, worked great! Had a go with this flatbread yesterday evening, a double batch straight on, solely from whole wheat flour and with oregano instead of rosemary (not the season here). Ive been in love with some flatbread that I got at the grocery store, and I was just thinking about how Id love to make it at home. Ill have to try this one. Love how EASY this flat bread is to whip up. It was so good and so so easy! 26.9 km from tTok | iF. The key to these being nice and crispy is making sure the baking sheet is HOT before putting the dough on it. I just tried this recipe, and wow, it really is simple and delicious. Maybe I didnt roll it thin enough. In a pinch, frozen puff pastry works as a knish dough. My brothers and sister and I would all crowd into the kitchen and hang out, waiting for the freshly baked salt crackers shed make with the trimmings of the pie crust. Havent tasted the other two yet, but what an easy dinner! Just substitute the 1 tbsp of rosemary in the bread with 1 tbsp of any flavoring. Ive never made lavash before. Super easy to throw together and the dough comes together really quick. I have everything at home, and Im making these babies tonight. This is my kind of recipe! I made this flatbread also and youre right it is sooooo delicious. And once again making something that seems so daunting and intermediate, so simple and such a yummy lunch! Still good and worth trying again though. They were amazing!!! Had to half it because I didnt have enough flour, but it came out great. Also made it with chives instead. since I doubt that my batch is gonna last any longer!!! Motel des Landes. Thank you for sharing a great recipe! And I can see I am not the only one. So thank you for the simple recipes and pumping up the courage with success at the excellent spelt everything crackers. Super easy, super delicious although thanks to the twins I forgot to add salt to the first batch. My son asked for these for D week at preschool. True story with our first two births, this is what we had for dinner the night before, mere hours before labor began. Grilled, 100% antibiotic-free chicken breast, sliced avocado, lemon crema, chipotle aioli, jalapeno pepper jack, pickled red onions on a traditional Mexican-style roll. I totally love a good flatbread. Ill say that I have made this recipe also a couple of times with some bulk cheese powder and it is delicious that way, too. Yes yes.the issue made me swoon and I went outside and raided the basil to make a basil parmesan version that was delightful and like that god awful movie.gone in 60 seconds. Does it have to be parchment paper? This is really easy recipe. Half of them I sprinkled parm cheese and the other half I made exactly as written. This flatbread was the perfect accompaniment as it scooped up all the cooked down leeks from the pan of chicken thighs. Im always looking for ways to incorporate rosemary into my cooking. A great pre-Christmas snack! I found the dough to be pretty dry and crumbly after the initial liquid/dry ingredient mix (like, I had a hard time getting all the flour mixed into the water/oil). Are you serious!? I am having a small dinner party tonight and I have been to the grocery too many times already. Hi there, Maybe because they are gf, they were hard for me to roll without them sticking to the rolling pin and hard to transfer to baking sheet. Thanks! Just came across this recipe and tried it immediatelymy kitchen smells great! I think bleu cheese and white wine would be a good combo as well. Itll definitely become a staple in my house! THANK YOU!! Thank you for sharing! Always follow your directions to the letter because, well, you took the time to finesse the details. I sprayed each side of the rolled out dough with some olive oil spray. Ooo, this reminds me of the homemade herb crackers I made awhile back. Thanks for sharing Deb! New 2019 notes: Over the years, Ive dropped a few things that are part of the original recipe: I prefer the flatbreads smaller (its a little easier to control their crisp and color), I dont roll it on parchment (I find it more annoying than facilitating, and the parchment often burned), and I skip the branches of rosemary on top. Ill be making this today. I just have to say that one of the *other* things I love about your posts (BESIDES the wonderful recipes, which I love) is all the people, from all over the world, who comment and give ideas and variations!! Thanks again, Deb! Took the whole 10 minutes for me in my little tiny oven. (chocolate caramels with a hunk of bacon in the middle actually really good) So this time were challenged with nectarines and I was going to make a nectarine salsa with cilantro but I have all this gorgeous basil on the deck. Always comes out great. Im pregnant, and have been in a baking mood lately. Whoo! Thank you! The hubby and I are having a friday night in tonight, so perhaps Ill raid my hearty fire-escape rosemary plant and attempt some flatbread. Lightly coat a large baking sheet with olive oil. Kept really well in a sealed container throughout the week. I just made this flatbread and its awesome! thanks! The ratio of flour to baking powder to water is very important to make it crisp. wow, nice flat bread I do make flat breads but only plain mixing it with herbs such a good idea.. thanks for the post such an inspiration. I love rosemary and I am addicted to Gourmet mag but have been away a lot and not cooking for various reasons. YUM! I replaced 3/4 cup of the white flour for wheat and it was fantastic. Im going to go buy this magazine the moment I get off work flatbreads with dinner tonight! I figured it out by looking at the recipe on Epicurious. And yes, I am angling for that Labor Day invite to the Maine beach house! Using a hot pizza stone was a great tip from one of your followers. Tried it with whole wheat flour this go round and its fine but a little too heavy for my taste. Served with a cup of au jus. The humidity today is >65% so if there are any leftovers (I always make a double batch) they get popped into the toaster. I originally mixed up a double batch, but multi-tasking is not my strong suit, and two of my flat breads were in the oven too long and were brown, hence, made another batch.