Working alongside EMAS, the crew treated and conveyed the patient to a major trauma unit by land. The patient was assessed and conveyed to hospital for ongoing care. G-PICU worked alongside SONeT to transfer a patient to the South in just 17mins. Patient assessed and conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance. Medic53 were called to an RTC at 10.57am and on scene at 11.13am. Treated patient who had suffered medical cardiac arrest. Helimed53 attended a fall at 12.51pm and were on scene at 13.01pm. Conveyed patient to hospital by road. 28,363 missions attended since 1998 See some of our latest missions below. Patient assessed and transferred to hospital for further care. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 14.19pm and on scene at 14.22pm. Helimed54 were called to an industrial trauma at 9.20am and on scene at 9.37am. Patient was a motorcyclist who had suffered limb injuries and was assessed before being left with other services. Helimed54 attended an industrial trauma at 11.07am and were on scene at 11.22am. Attended a patient who'd suffered a head injury following e-bike accident. Medic53 were called to a medical incident at 5.19am and on scene at 5.26am. Our crew assessed the patient before transferring them by EMAS to hospital for further treatment. Medic54 were called to a medical incident at 3.53am and on scene at 4.06am. The crew landed in a field and treated the injured patient before flying them to a major trauma unit. Medic53 were tasked to an industrial incident at 20.40pm and on scene at 21.17pm. Medic53 were tasked to an RTC at 3.46am and on scene at 4.12am. They were transferred by WMAS to hospital for further assessment. Medic53 were called to attend an RTC at 22.53pm and were on scene at 23.20pm. Helimed54 were called to a medical incident at 13.48pm and on scene at 14.01pm. Patient fell over and sustained head injury was assessed and conveyed with TAAS by helicopter. Assisted EMAS with a confused patient following successful resuscitation. Helimed54 received call at 15.33pm and were on the scene at 15.41pm. The crew assessed the patient, provided advanced analgesia and escorted the patient to a major trauma centre via land ambulance. Medic54 were tasked to a fall at 21.10pm and on scene at 21.30pm. Helimed54 were tasked to a sporting incident at 14:03pm and arrived on scene at 14:22pm. G-TCAA worked alongside SONET to transfer a patient from the South in just 11mins. Patient was assessed and conveyed with TAAS to hospital for further treatment. Helimed54 were called to attend an RTC at 13.49pm and were on scene at 14.03pm. TAAS were first medical resource on scene and 4x patients were assessed before being left with other service to convey to hospital. Patient had been struck by a vehicle. Motorcyclist involved in a collision with car. The crew assisted EMAS with a seriously unwell adult. Helimed54 were called to a fall at 12.50pm and were on scene at 13.07pm. Patient fell from a ladder and sustained back injury. Attended a patient in cardiac arrest and conveyed with TAAS via land ambulance. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 5.59am and on scene at 6.39am. Helimed54 were tasked to an RTC at 11.44am and were on scene at 12.03pm. Patient driver sustained significant injuries and was flown to hospital for further care. Medic54 tasked to a medical incident at 3.56am and on scene at 4.20am. The same North East journey by land would have taken 3hr 38mins. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 1hr 37mins. Patient in cardiac arrest was successfully resuscitated on scene before being conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance. Medic54 were tasked to an incident at 02.16am and on scene 02.28am. Monthly. Care was provided to a patient before they were handed over to a WMAS crew for further treatment. Attended and assessed patient involved in RTc. Patient suffered cardiac arrest after falling from bicycle. One patient was assessed and we assisted crews with care of the other. Patient fell downstairs and was assessed before being transferred by other service for further care. Motorcycle RTC where patient required treatment for injuries before being transferred to hospital with other service. Assisted NWAA with the treatment of a paraglider. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 10.25am and on scene at 10.36am. Conveyed with another service for further care. The patient was treated on scene and EMAS conveyed to QMC. Young patient was assessed on scene and transferred to hospital by land. Working alongside WMAS, the crew assessed and treated a patient before leaving with them with WMAS for further treatment. Patient was found with head injury. Conveyed to hospital for further care. Patient hit by livestock and sustained a serious laceration to the head. Patient had been hit by a car was assessed and accompanied via road ambulance to hospital for further care. G-PICU worked alongside SORT to complete a patient transfer from the South in just 27mins. Helimed54 were called to support EMAS and were on scene within 10 minutes. G-TCAA worked alongside STRS to transfer a patient to Margate in 27 minutes to a specialist treatment centre. Our crew assessed and treated patient who had fallen down stairs, before conveying to hospital for further treatment. Helimed53 was tasked to a medical incident at 15.25pm and on scene at 15.40pm. Helimed54 were called to a medical incident at 15.02pm and on scene at 15.18pm. Tasked to cardiac arrest and successfully resuscitated on scene before conveying to hospital by land ambulance for further care. Patient was assessed and before being conveyed with crew by land ambulance to hospital. Patient had sustained multiple injuries. Medic53 were called to attend an incident at 3.42am and were on scene at 4.14am. Medic53 were called to attend a medical incident at 20.17pm and were on scene at 20.21pm. Medic53 received a call to a medical emergency at 13.56pm and were on scene at 14.07pm. Helimed54 tasked to a fall at 11.56am and on scene at 12.13pm. Called to patient crushed under car after falling off jack. Patient critically injured and conveyed by land to hospital for further care. Patient had fallen through ceiling to floor below and sustained leg injury. Left with other service to be transported to hospital for further assessment. Helimed53 were called to attend an RTC at 8.32am and were on scene at 8.43am. Elderly patient had hit by car was treated at the scene and accompanied to hospital for further care. Helimed53 were called to attend a medical incident at 8.27am and were on scene at 8.44am. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 19.28pm and on scene at 19.44pm. Helimed54 were tasked to a leisure incident at 12:48 arriving at 13:02. Assisted EMAS crews with medical emergency before conveying patient to hospital by land for further care. Attended patient involved in significant RTC. Left with other service for further care. The crew assisted a patient with traumatic injuries before flying them to hospital for further treatment. G-TCAA worked alongside WATCh to transfer a patient from the South West in just over 1 hour. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 11.49pm and on scene at 12.10pm. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 9hrs 34mins. Patient suffered minor injuries and was handed over to land crew. Assessed patient following a chainsaw injury and conveyed to hospital by land ambulance. Patient fell from height and sustained chest injury. Patient suffered heart attack and was land assisted to hospital for further treatment. Helimed54 were called to support EMAS and were on scene within 20 minutes. Assisted EMAS with triage and packaging of a patient before conveying with TAAS by land ambulance. Stabilised with advanced analgesia before being conveyed with TAAS by helicopter. 3x patients involved 1x patient flown to hospital. Our crews assisted with extrication and provided medical care. Assessed and treated patient in cardiac arrest who was conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance for further care. Patient assessed for minor injuries before being taken to hospital by other service. Was left with other service for transport to hospital. Assisted EMAS in management of car collision. Both drivers were assessed on scene before being left with other services for further care. Driver trapped with serious injuries was taken to hospital by EMAS crew. Attended and assessed injured motorcyclist. Patient trapped in lorry following an RTC was assessed and taken to hospital by other services. Assisted EMAS with a patient who had fallen in a rural area. HM54 Crew supported ambulance service and accompanied to hospital by land ambulance. Critical care delivered and flown to hospital. G-PICU worked alongside COMET to transfer a patient to the South in just 44mins. Patient had suffered injury following DIY incident and was assessed before being left with other service to convey to hospital. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 14.25pm and were on scene at 14.43pm. Conveyed with TAAS by land ambulance. Assisted EMAS with patient who was assessed and then conveyed with TAAS to hospital. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 1hr 17mins. Assessed and treated by critical care crew, before conveyed to hospital by WMAS. Medic53 were called to attend a sporting incident at 13.06pm and were on scene at 13.16pm. Conveyed to hospital with TAAS for further care. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 2.5hrs. Patient sustained serious injuries and was conveyed to hospital with TAAS for further care. Patient was treated and handed over to EMAS crew. Patient was assessed after suffering severe injury from machinery, before being conveyed to hospital with TAAS. Resuscitation achieved before leaving with other services for conveyance to hospital. Patient assessed and received critical care before being flown to hospital for further care. Flew to hospital for continued care. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 13.26pm and on scene at 13.40pm. Patient assessed and conveyed to hospital by land with TAAS after sustaining serious burns. Assisted EMAS with assessment and care of cyclist collision with vehicle. Attended a cardiac arrest and travelled with the patient to hospital by land ambulance after successful resuscitation. Conveyed to hospital by land ambulance. Patient was in respiratory arrest and was resuscitated on scene before being left with other service for further care. Assessed the patient who had suffered a brain haemorrhage, rapid sequence intubation before conveying to hospital with TAAS via land ambulance. Helimed53 were called to a medical incident at 20.00pm and on scene at 20.15pm. Young patient in cardiac arrest was treated and conveyed to hospital for continued care. Assisted a cyclist with an open fracture of arm before conveying to hospital by helicopter for further care. Assessed patient with complex limb fracture who was also given advanced analgesia before being conveyed with TAAS by land ambulance. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 16.28pm and on scene at 16.45pm. Patient in cardiac arrest at home. The crew assisted WMAS with a patient with a return of spontaneous circulation following cardiac arrest. Patient involved in low speed RTC and was assessed before being transported to hospital with EMAS. Helimed54 were called to an leisure incident at 16.21pm and on scene at 16.52pm. Patient sustained football related injury and TAAS called to provide sedation and reduce dislocated joint. Medic53 were tasked to an RTC at 4.54am and on scene at 5.23am. Medic53 were called to attend an RTC at 23.49pm and were on scene at 00.11am. Assessed patient who was fitting had become agitated. Assisted EMAS with a patient in a medical cardiac arrest before they were conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance.