During the chase, Steven seems to care about her when he asks if she is okay after falling off the wall. Lord of the Rings - Gandalf vs Balrog -Entire Battle HD 1080p--2. Steven backpedals, still wanting someone to help. Oh my gosh! After thinking for a while, Steven tells Aquamarine that he is not "My-Dad", which frustrates her, but Rose Quartz, which then shocks Aquamarine. She seeks to restrain him in the ocean, and after everyone embraces Steven with love and allows him to transform back, Lapis and the others are happy and relived to see Steven back to normal. Steven has shown to have some abilities of a regular Gem, but sometimes has little control over them due to not receiving enough training. Blue visits Steven in the prison tower after he is imprisoned there for fusing with Connie and attempts to get him to apologize. Yellow complains to Steven that it is unfair how he gets to see White Diamond because he has one failed colony, while she has hundreds of successful ones. Your middle name is cutie pie. Later, Lion demonstrates his caring and protectiveness of Steven's well-being when he stops him from blindly running after Lapis after she opens the base's doors, and then nuzzles Steven in comfort when he ultimately fails to stop her from leaving. . Steven being depressed that this show helped bring them together and now they ruined it. However, Steven cares greatly about and loves her, Amethyst loves and cares about Steven as well but does not show it too much due to her tomboyish attitude. However, when Rose Quartz's crime comes into question he is shocked upon the revelation of the flaws in his mother's crime and the possibility of another Diamond being responsible for Pink Diamond's death instead of Rose Quartz. The actress, 44, opted for a long-sleeved, white collared dress, that featured gold buttons running up the centre. While Steven is typically friendly and kind-hearted by nature, his enthusiasm and excitability can get out of hand and he ends up doing more harm than good. Verwerfen. The conversation quickly escalates to an argument with Jasper topping it off by letting Steven know that even though he had the gem, he wasn't her diamond and challenged him to a fight. He also shows that he can fuse, as he can fuse with Connie to form Stevonnie. For my whole life, I've been hearing stories about you. Steven is optimistic, friendly, outgoing, soft-hearted, and carefree with a happy-go-lucky attitude that is appreciated by many of the citizens of Beach City in one way or another. Not wanting to hold him back, she and the other Gems act indifferent once Steven finally does inform them, much to Steven's confusion. Both instances show that he relies on her intelligence and good sense. I could literally squish you right now, it would not be hard! "Snow Day" once again showcases Steven's maturity as well as his hardworking attitude and lifestyle along with him desiring to not be seen as a child anymore which culminates in the Gems finally accepting Steven as the person he's grown into and his understanding that they miss him as he's growing up. Now, they've come to Earth for their revenge! Also there usually are no content warnings on this blog. Though Steven expresses discomfort around "Hippie" Rose Quartz and "Superfan" Rose Quartz as well, he is the most troubled around "Shy" Rose Quartz because of her extreme resemblance to his mother. Golf Quest Mini: Ace Ace's Father Shocked at her apparent betrayal, Steven leaves her locked in the truck and tells the other Gems of what occurred, very upset at Peridot for having learned nothing. They are overjoyed by their ability to be fused and enjoy being Stevonnie, although it appears that they cannot control when they fuse. I understand. As of "The Future", it is uncertain how he currently feels about his mother. I'm supposed to be better! They eventually find a way to connect, and Lars gets on better terms with Steven. Following his success, in "Legs from Here to Homeworld", Connie travels to Homeworld with Steven, the original three Crystal Gems, and the two Diamonds, and expresses great concern when Steven is forcibly taken away by White Pearl to meet White Diamond. and G.A.L.S. Canon Compliant. From what Pearl and the other Diamonds have told him, and from White's reaction to his arrival on Homeworld, Steven appears uneasy and nervous toward White Diamond during their first meeting in "Legs From Here to Homeworld". The episode begins with Sour Cream and Yellowtail listening to music, Vidalia painting while Onion sits in a trash can, Bismuth and Peridot cleaning up the damage in Little Homeworld from "Everything's Fine", and Lace Amethyst with Bill and Buck Dewey walking . Over the next few weeks afterward, Lion stays with Connie, presumably to give her comfort and companionship during her and Steven's estrangement, as well as teach Steven a hard lesson over his taking her and his other loved ones for granted. (July 23 - August 22). In "Jail Break", Lapis fuses with Jasper, forming Malachite, as a way to save Steven. She wants to get out of the mirror and "tells" Steven how to do so. Before moving out, Steven offers to let Greg move into his room in the beach house, and gives him a Kerry Moonbeam poster as a goodbye gift. Deep down Steven feels guilt over his mother not being around and inferiority over not being able to live up to her reputation. Sapphire stands at 5.11FT tall with light blue skin and dark blue hair that is always slicked back. Aquamarine says she'll let the Diamonds know about her prisoner, and then asks "Rose" how she looks, to which Steven replies "Awful, small, and mean!". She proves this by telling him the only times where he's won facing her was when he either had help from the other Crystal Gems or when he is Fused with someone. Steven has made an effort to befriend Blue and Yellow Pearl. He then takes him to Greg and Bismuth and watches as Steven relays a message to them for help before returning to his own body. As put by Steven himself in "Steven Floats", his feelings for his mother are complicated. In "The Future", Amethyst learns Steven is going to leave Beach City and see the world thanks to Garnet's future vision and, not wanting to hold him back, acts nonchalantly when Steven finally tells them alongside the other Gems. Greg Universe is Steven's father. While he is later seen eating a fish in "Fragments", it is unknown if this means he had, at least at the time, abandoned his vegetarian diet altogether or if he is a. In "The Good Lars", Lars and Steven seemed to have developed a more open friendship, even taking his advice to bake the Ube cake, and asks when Steven even got so mature. Garnet acts like a lenient and kind mother, always encouraging him and setting a good example. He retains his human form's facial profile and nose, though his eyes have gained black sclera and glowing pink pupils, and his mouth is now filled with sharp teeth. I need it "Change Your Mind". Lion shoots Steven a disapproving glare before leaving with her, showing that he shares her anger at Steven over his surrender, as well as him treating the situation as nothing, and ignoring her feelings about it. When Blue frees Steven and Connie and attempts to help them return to Earth, Yellow tells her to return them to the prison tower. In Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven expresses disappointment towards her after finding out about her abandoning Spinel. He displays impressive power reminiscent of Steven's pink state, being able to shake and crack the floor of White Diamond's ship just by yelling and completely block her mind-control beams. In "Lars' Head", after Steven finally returns to Earth, Steven tells Connie and the other Gems and Greg that he is back as Connie runs up to hug him along with the Gems and Greg. Good passing can help a team win games because the one you pass the ball to can score or control it and keep it away from the opponents. He has also felt that he will never live up to the standard set by his mother in the eyes of the other Gems and is one of the reasons he is training harder to master his powers and combat skills. Peridot then attempts to give herself up, but Giant Ruby explains they were looking for Jasper, to which Steven chimes in and lies about her being on Neptune. After an explanation of why they reacted nonchalantly to Steven's departure and assuring they'll always be there for him, Pearl gives a tearful goodbye to Steven as he leaves Beach City. In "Bluebird", Steven is enraged when Bluebird Azurite takes Greg hostage and cuts off his own hair to escape. So it depends on how tall Steven is. All I did was edit it to the correct order and added some stuffPLZ SUB THIS TOOK LONGCredit goes to:Jakeneutron https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6_L7fnczNal. They also aid him with changing Homeworld for the better in the wake of Era 3. Post-Episode: s06e19 I Am My Monster. He sports the most moves in the whole team. After it is revealed by "Eyeball" in "Back to the Moon" that Rose Quartz supposedly shattered Pink Diamond he becomes more independent and rebellious towards the Gems and their authority over what he is supposed to know. He has fair skin, curly dark brown hair, dark brown eyebrows, and full black irises which can sometimes have stars as pupils when he gets excited or optimistic. After Connie reassures Steven that he is still her best friend, the two reaffirm their bond by fusing and winning a best-skater contest as Stevonnie. In "Homeworld Bound", Jasper's new respect for Steven is shown by standing aside to let him leave the bathroom first while in the Diamond Pose. Serving as the titular main antagonist of the novel IT, its miniseries adaptation, and its two film adaptations, IT and IT: Chapter Two, and a mentioned antagonist in "Gray Matter", Dreamcatcher, Hearts in Atlantis, Insomnia, NOS4A2, Elevation, and The Dark Tower film. and "I Am My Mom" when his friends are captured by Topaz and Aquamarine and he bargains to free them by offering himself instead as a way to atone for his and his mother's actions. Trivia. Steven's added arsenal of powers in his pink state is also similar to is Meliodas' Berzerk state and Assault Mode. In "Mindful Education", it is revealed that Steven harbors intense emotional baggage for being unable to help her, Jasper mid-corruption manifesting in one of Stevonnie's hallucinations as a result. This is likely because as a human, Greg is much more familiar and comfortable with the idea of offspring as well as death, concepts which are strange and unfamiliar to the asexual and nigh-immortal Gems. When Steven is sometimes troubled by the burden of being a Crystal Gem, he takes solace in continuing Rose's legacy by protecting the world like she wanted him to. "Everything's Fine" shows Steven's mental health nearing its lowest when, after returning from Homeworld, he puts on a cheerful faade and tries to help everyone like he used to. She's gone. During the game, however, Ruby and Sapphire accidentally fuse into Garnet and the Rubies, realizing the Gems' lies, fuse into "Giant Ruby" and almost attack them. Greg later rushes to the hospital when Connie calls him to tell him that she's worried about Steven and begs his son to talk to him, eventually calming him down enough to where he returns to normal size after growing enormous from stress. When his loved ones confront him in an intervention, Steven finally lets loose the bad things that occurred with him since leaving Little Homeschool, including Jasper's shattering, which shocks everyone. Impressed by her immense size and strength, she inspires Steven to become stronger. He is shown to have cooked various complicated dishes like the together breakfast in "Together Breakfast" and his salmon sandwich in ". Peedee is Steven's friend whom he helped out in the episode "Frybo". He becomes very eager to meet the fusion when Amethyst and Pearl reveal the information and the concept of fusion to him. After trying to escape, Topaz and Steven try to reason with her, with Steven saying that she doesn't actually want to hurt them and that she just acts mean because she's afraid to admit she's weak. I knew she was a liar. 9. Steven's gemstone is located on his navel. I'm gonna tell them everything. This is possibly a riff on the ". "In Dreams" and "Bismuth Casual" highlight Steven's fears of drifting away from his friends and holding them back; the former episode displays his stress over his desperation to appease Peridot by using his dream powers recreating the reboot of Camp Pining Hearts (which they both dislike), and the latter displays his fears that Connie, who at this point has made other friends and is more outgoing and confident than ever before, has forgotten their friendship. Hurt by Pink's abandonment, she vowed to destroy Steven's new friends and the planet that Pink had loved so much. When Nephrite emerges from the water, she is delighted to see Steven again, showing she retains her memories of him while corrupted. This way, to find them, simply use format " [Gem] + [Gem] + [Gem] etc." Unless it is a Ruby/Sapphire fusion without the other, Garnet will be used (same with Stevonnie). Ambiguous Robots: Thanks to his nanomachines, Armstrong is a fusion of man and machine on the cellular level. Steven is really going to have to turn inward and face himself. 39. Aside from the potential fully-formed Cluster, Monster Steven is the most powerful character in the series, as shown by the partial Cluster and Diamonds failing to stop him. This reveals that Steven has disliked being compared to his mother since the reveal and resents having to carry on her legacy to the point of self-loathing. While she acted friendly towards Steven in her eponymous episode (despite pranking him multiple times), this was revealed to be an act to gain his trust so she could exact her revenge much easier. I haven't learned a thing from my problems. Lion, most of the time, does whatever he wants and often ignores or disobeys Steven. ; Some fans believe that the Behemoth is the creature which the Tentacles from Planet X are attached to. Originally, the Behemoth was cut from the film adaption, but Frank Darabont was later convinced by the special effects crew to put it back in. Inactive Gems: Pink Diamond, Fusion Gems: Fluorite Rhodonite Giant Ruby accepts this and unfuses, and as the Rubies are about to leave, "Eyeball" thanks Steven for the information. White Diamond | Yellow Diamond | Blue Diamond | Pink Diamond, Homeworld Gems homestead high school staff. Steven. In "The Future", Lion warps Connie to see Steven and is last seen with them as they make plans to meet up while Steven travels around the world and eventually settles elsewhere, with the two intending to use his warp powers to maintain their relationship. In the following episode "Growing Pains", after calling Steven out of concern for him, and noticing his out-of-control powers, Connie insists that he seek medical help and arranges for her mother to examine him at the hospital. In Steven Universe: The Movie, he's bonded enough with his father to fuse with him effortlessly, despite being weakened, becoming Steg. When Steven's power starts growing out of control due to him still being hurt by her declining his proposal, she quickly realizes the problem and convinces her mom that he should have his space, promising she'll be there for Steven whenever he's ready to talk to her. "I Am My Monster" shows Steven's complete emotional meltdown as he, now transformed into the monster he sees himself as, goes on a rampage as the Crystal Gems and later the Diamonds, Spinel, and the Cluster tries to keep him from hurting anyone and find a way to change him back. In "Joking Victim", Steven helps Sadie by working at the Big Donut. His resentment over her misdeeds is further shown in "Volleyball" in which Steven expresses fury over continuously having to deal with Pink/Rose's mistakes, denouncing her actions as "horrible". -1. i would say in the original series ben is about 4'5 and gwen is about 4'8 so i will say kevin is about 5'1 .due to the fact they are 10 years oldin alien force or ultimate alien ben is about 5'11 , gwen is around 5'8 and kevin is around 6'3 or 6'4 depending on the situation with animated cartoon height isnt . First meeting Bismuth in the episode of the same name, Steven is quick to respond warmly, showing admiration towards her tales of past battles and laughing indulgently at her jokes. Below are the best football passers in the world in 2023: 15. Blue and Yellow Pearl: *laugh* Steven to Blue and Yellow Pearl. Answer (1 of 2): According to this answer by Abigail Johnston, White Diamond is 14.5 Stevens tall. Bismuth has blue skin, with a slight grey tone, rainbow hair, and a bismuth crystal located on her chest. Steven: I feel confused. I finally know the truth. However, she shows a deeper affection than most for Steven, admitting to watching Steven once he has fallen asleep. Spouse. Steven is devastated by Lars' death and cries over him knowing he did not save him. Again, White Diamond is initially dismissive of Steven, though he is angry at her for taking control of the other Diamonds and later, the Crystal Gems. Spoilers will be present! Steven Universe Height Chart . Yellow Diamond. He is an actor and composer, known for Independent Lens (1999), The Losers (2010) and TRON: Legacy (2010). Later, she visits the beach house after Steven's inner feelings project onto her phone and participates in an intervention with the Gems and Greg to try and get Steven to open up about what's bothering him. After hearing Greg openly state the lack of freedom and choices he had living with his parents, Steven rejects his points, saying that he had a normal life and was able to enjoy things Steven never could. She is a former member of the Great Diamond Authority who decided to turn Earth into a colony for Homeworld. Jasper: (sigh) I know Farewell, My Diamond. "The Future", taking place a few months later, reveals Steven is in a better place thanks to both his loved ones and therapy and has made plans to leave Beach City to see the world and make his own destiny like his father, leaving Greg his old room. He enjoys tomato soup, as seen in "Bluebird". He has numerous pinkish off-white thorn-like spines running down the length of his back and forearms, starting at his forehead and ending halfway down his tail. He tells Amethyst in "What's Your Problem?" Upon a small disagreement where Spinel sees Steven caring more for his friends than her, she flees to Pink Diamond's Garden, where she tells Steven the story of her past. He has also developed a habit of clutching his gemstone when he has something on his mind, possibly to seek support from Rose. In "Mindful Education", it is revealed that Steven harbors intense emotional baggage for defending himself against her and impaling her with Rose's sword, with Bismuth manifesting in one of Stevonnie's hallucinations as a result. Multifandom sideblog. It was even implied the discovery of her deceptions and his confrontations with their victims further attributed to his failing grip on sanity. When they find a potential way home, Steven does not want to leave Lars behind, but he is convinced, and instead of high fiving, they hug each other, showing how close they have become since the beginning as Lars allows Steven to return home. When Steven then opens the airlock to extract them from the base, "Eyeball" drags him out with her, stranding him in space with the rest of the Rubies. He is the monstrous form of Steven Universe after giving in to his inner turmoil and turning to the dark side. I can't go back to Homeworld without getting what the Diamonds want. Upon her resurrections by Steven, Jasper acknowledges his power and pledges servitude to him as her diamond. No matter the situation, Steven will always go out of his way to support his loved ones, even if it means putting his life on the line and he will avoid resorting to violence if possible. While there, the two run into her cram school friends Patricia and Daniel. Peridot reveals that it is a direct line of communication to the Diamonds. Monster Steven is . Steven and Amethyst. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. In that episode "So Many Birthdays", Steven almost dies from old age, because he saw himself as a little too old, but even in his near death form, he was able to hear the gems, and thus reverted back to regular Steven. Steven becomes friends with Nephrite in "Monster Buddies" when he accidentally pops the bubble which Nephrite's gem is in. Peridot reports the progress of her mission to her, omitting the interactions of the Crystal Gems.