He was jailed for four years and nine months, less the 11 months he has already served on remand, and will be released on licence once he has served half of his sentence. Sebastian Haigh, 32, of Church Brow, Halton, Lancaster, pleaded guilty to to conspiracy to supply Class A (cocaine), conspiracy to supply Class (cannabis) drugs and conspiracy to money launder. Liverpool Crown Court heard the couple were drinking together in the early hours of Monday, October 26 last year. Ms Smith said Webster claimed she had the phone to ring family and friends because "she needed their love, support and encouragement to keep on going". Calins partner, 39-year-old Paula Coltatu, was jailed for 16 months for offences of money laundering and perverting the course of justice. Mark Hopwood, 29, of Shepherds Close, Ellesmere Port. For safety and security, all users and their possessions will be searched by security when they enter the building. Shahbaz Khan, 50, was a trusted friend to Dr Saman Mir Sacharvi and her daughter Vian Mangrio, 14, when he strangled them and set fire to their bodies at their home in Colne Road, Burnley. A Lancashire man charmed his way into the homes of women looking for love in order to steal from them. A careless driver who put a seven-year-old girl into a coma was previously known as an industry ambassador and community figure. Rowbottom, 20, of Manor Road, Denton, Manchester, pleaded guilty to the offences and was handed a nine year sentence, including six years in a Young Offender Institute, with a further three years on licence. Preston Crown Court heard that another of the victims friends knew of the abuse and tried to help her. He shot her once through the window before she'd had chance to take off her seatbelt. Preston Crown Court heard that Watson, who has a child with Miss Hughes, breached the order on several occasions in 2020. The gang had the means and expertise to change the vehicles identification. Noticing the man was asleep naked on the bed, he secretly took photographs that he then sent to Greenhalgh. The eight-week trial heard how Reader was a manipulative bully who couldn't stand Marion taking back control of her life after she plucked up the courage to leave him. He was also given 27 years for each of the two counts of attempted murder on a third child. Stewart, formerly of Albert Street in Penrith, pleaded guilty to the burglaries, assault offences and affray, and was jailed for a total of five years. The court heard that Shaw has one previous conviction for possession of a knife which occurred around a month before this incident and resulted in a three-month suspended sentence in May. Investigators also found inappropriate photos of a woman taken without her knowledge on his phone. He will serve 12 months concurrently for sexual communication charge and three years concurrently for the sexual assault charge. In statement following the sentencing hearing, Mandy's family said: "We are all extremely grateful that the defendant has been found guilty. They also found a black hoodie, gloves, a green North Face baseball cap, a torch and an angle grinder. W H Malcom had denied two health and safety offences relating to the protection of members of the public on their site and was sentenced on Friday after being found guilty at trial. A Lancashire mum who funded terrorism contacted her Islamic extremist 'husband' from jail using a phone she hid in her bra. He explains to me that his behaviour was abhorrent, Mr Edwards added. beta Last week at Preston Crown Court, Taberner was found guilty by a jury of two counts of rape. She was a mother, a sister, a grandmother, a daughter and a friend. Judge Menary said: "If he was someone you then regarded as your loving husband, I have no doubt it was utterly misguided.". She did as she was told and then Ward picked her up and held the teenager against him so her breasts were pushed against his bare chest. National Crime Agency forensic experts found that the heroin was between 44 and 59 per cent pure, and once adulterated and sold would have had a street value of 1.98 million. Judge Adrienne Lucking said. The phone had two photos which showed the victims work calendar from her kitchen. In court News Six people found guilty of conspiracy to cause public nuisance 10 Feb 2023 Liudukas and Vitkus were jailed for 15 months and Mitkus received 17 months custody. A dangerous driver doubled speed limits, jumped a red light and drove the wrong way round a roundabout close to a notorious accident black spot in Preston. Phythian, from Stalybridge, had also stolen an Audi RS3 in June, which he drove dangerously in Egerton after stealing the BMW. Tidy, of Longacre, Southport, was spotted driving erratically on Botanic Road in March and was soon being pursued by officers. A man who turned to drug dealing after losing his job was caught by police twice in the space of a month. Suliman was sentenced to eight years and four months in prison. Mr Burgess referred to one stating Phil is a very bad and poorly man, we are going to rock his head, well rock his head against the floor, they love a Phil Saville type in the slammer. He feared losing his job because of the nature of the public tweets and the content of them. Investigators from the National Crime Agency (NCA) became involved after Hawkins, of no fixed address but formerly of Southport, shared one of the images with another user online and discussed his sickening plans in September of this year. Ms Snowden explained that Doran had spent time in a young offenders institute after an incident of affray at age 18 but had turned his life around to gain a skilled job in a position of responsibility and had avoided any violence since then, though does have convictions for drugs offences and driving offences. Inspector Lamping said: The injuries caused to Bonzo were some of the worst I've seen. Three days later Mayers called Miss Langtree and made threats in relation to Miss Clarke about coming through the door and being out to get her and getting the last laugh. But Preston Crown Court heard in the summer of 2019 he breached the order and tried to gain access to a little girl. As the offenders left the pub, Osbaldeston grabbed a brick and threw it at Mr Burts head. He then went to bed. However Mr Grant said the woman had taken an overdose, which left her in an intensive care unit and unable to sign off a victim personal statement. He walked into Mowbray Place, followed by Mr Wise, with work colleagues nearby. Sentencing, Judge Knowles said there had been a change in sentencing guidelines since the opening of the hearing had been adjourned but that it would not mean a longer jail term. Javed Miyanji, 39, who groomed two teenage girls before sexually abusing them in his car in Preston has now been jailed. He poked her in the eye before grabbing her by the back of her neck and hitting her head against a parked car. He attacked her when it became clear that she no longer wanted to be in a relationship with him. Through no fault of her own the defendants girlfriend has had to go through this trauma on her own, Miss Taylor added. Fear then hovered over Miss Cole while wielding a metal baseball bat before his friend, who had been outside, grabbed him and dragged him out of the back door. The sentence of five years eight months is quashed and a sentence of eight years will be substituted.. Joseph Hindle admitted stabbing 33-year-old Mark Fisher from Accrington in what he claimed was a robbery to steal cannabis but he was found guilty of murder after a trial at Preston Crown Court in December. Claire Thomas, representing Henwood, said there was a history of significant violence towards Henwood by Mark Fisher. Hopefully, the significant sentence imposed on Moore will give her some peace of mind. All of the addresses were rented in false names, often using fake documentation including false passports. Mr Justice Turner said Suleman was the self-described 'captain of the ship' that would eventually go down together, after he followed through the plan 'with obsessive determination'. She agreed he could stay on the sofa, but made it very clear she did not want to have sex with him, Paul Treble, prosecuting, told Preston Crown Court. Once he gained entry, Schofield set fire to the DJ booth and bar area of the nightclub, before making his escape. See the full list of sentences here. Neighbours called emergency services after seeing the flames and hearing Mrs Gregory screaming from her home in Levens Avenue, Heysham. On Monday, at Northampton Crown Court, Reader was jailed for life to serve a minimum of 31 years - meaning he is likely to die behind bars. Prosecutor Jo Maxwell said they were worth 45,000 to Hattons but had a retail value of 76,149 and their loss impacted financially and on staff morale. Neil Ronan, prosecuting, described how Blackburn man Timms, of Millham Street, turned into the Trees estate - a 20mph residential area - and drove at 35 to 40mph between parked cars down Chestnut Avenue, Cedar Avenue, Hawthorne Close and Willow Crescent. Thomas Keellings was arrested by officers from Lancashire Constabulary afer being stopped in his vehicle on Brownside Road, Burnley. They found 56g of amphetamines worth 560 and 14 wraps of cannabis worth 140. The court heard Watson has previous convictions for sexual assault in 2014, three breaches of a non-molestation order in 2019 and drug-driving in 2020. Greater Manchester Police said the burglaries were committed in Hyde and Bolton in January and August 2020. Had it not been for the passers-by he would have been left on his own without any help. Mr Bates described his injuries as including a small bleed on the brain, broken nose, swelling and cuts to his left ear and laceration to both lips. It was an extreme way in which you effectively threatened to kill her. Three men have been jailed for a combined quarter of a century for their parts in plotting burglaries across the North West of England - stealing cars, cash and jewellery worth more than half a million pounds. The woman then gave further information to police, reporting a number of previous incidents involving Boyne, who was known to her. Mark McCormack, a branch commander at the National Crime Agency (NCA), says that the drugs would have exploited the most vulnerable in our society. The OCGs targeted vulnerable boys in local authority accommodation and trained them to sell drugs on the streets of Accrington. At Preston Crown Court prosecutor Bob Sastry said: Mr Parkinson noticed damage to the rear French doors. You can read about the attack here and Jennings' sentence here. There was also a strong smell of bleach in the property and there had been attempts to clean up the scene. Witness Darren Mowbray saw Mr Smith fall to the ground and Michael Chambers punched him to the face. If you make the stupid decision to drive in this manner we will find you and put you before the courts.. Police attended Formby Beach to disperse a group of 200 people who had gathered, Mr White said. At the time of the incident Mr Nickson was feeling the weight of the Covid pandemic, as many people were; his fiance had been furloughed and he was self-employed as a plumber, Miss Sutton said. What's the least amount of exercise we can get away with? A diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder affecting his ability to control his actions was also made and Mr Hagarty said the issues relating to trauma had been made worse by Shaw being unable to see his own children. "The sooner you realise that and completely divorce yourself from this activity, if not the individual concerned, then all the better for you.". He lives with the burden that it was his close friend who passed away that morning due to his actions, Mr James added. Have you got news for us? Daventry International Rail Freight Depot operator W H Malcolm Limited was found guilty of health and safety failings at Northampton Crown Court W H Malcom had denied two health and safety. Cranfield was later arrested and charged with attempted murder. A thug who slashed a man's neck with a cut throat razor blade in a 'totally unprovoked attack' has been jailed for attempted murder. He got out of the car and attempted to run away through Botanic Gardens, discarding the bag in the process, but was soon caught and arrested. After his arrest, he sought help for his addiction and was no longer taking drugs. During the six-day trial the jury heard Henwood had been in a volatile relationship with Mr Fisher 10 years ago and had badmouthed him Hindle before the killing. You sought to suggest Ian Anderson-Boles had incited Khalid Masood to murder PC Keith Palmer, the brave police officer killed as a result of the attack. But he said that Raetzel had no previous convictions in Europe or the UK and had committed no further offences in the Republic of Ireland. The Nissan was driven from the scene and later stopped by police around 4.45pm between junctions 6 and 5 of the M61 with four people arrested. When a female PCSO went to detain him Gordon assaulted her by throwing her against a wall, into a bin and onto the floor. Sculpher, 32, now of no fixed address but last of Brindle Street, Blackburn, was arrested on suspicion of attempted robbery once he had been discharged from hospital. Armed with a knife and a hammer, the pair began smashing up the counter as they made their way to the till. On December 23, police were called to a home on Chatham Place to reports that 16-year-old Sarmad had been stabbed. Mr Pearson was clearly injured and confused, with blood coming from his ear. On March 9 2021, neighbours at a nearby care home reported suspicious activity and the premises was raided. Adam Clarke ploughed into innocent bystanders and sent revellers running for refuge at Blackpool's North Pier, a court heard. In February Boyne had messaged the victim to say he knew she had a number of items in her house which could not be seen from outside. Connor Fearon is clearly a dangerous man and I am satisfied that todays sentence reflects the gravity of the offending and will protect the public for some time to come.. Regular contact was made between the number operated by Major and Grant Lennox from Blackpool who was described as being a lieutenant, or enforcer, of the AJ gang. AOC under investigation for Met Gala dress, Mother who killed her five children euthanised, Alex Murdaugh jailed for life for double murder, Zoom boss Greg Tomb fired without cause, The children left behind in Cuba's exodus, Biden had skin cancer lesion removed - White House. Connor Hegarty, 27, touched the school girl inappropriately and repeatedly asked her about having sex both in person and in text messages. At that point the victim intervened and Fallows left again, telling the woman while they were alone outside: Im going to stab him, watch.. Logan told them that her partner had told her Bonzo received a punctured lung while running through some bushes. In July 2020 the mother of one of Currans victims noticed a change in her daughters behaviour and checked her iPad. ", She said he had "demonstrated the classic characteristics of grooming.".