One can only laugh I guess. Driving can be dangerous for the natives of this sign. as Saturn retrograde kicks off just one day after Mercury stations direct. Apologies for posting without comments turned on. Ive had a lot of doubts about society and how unhealthy its connection it is to insane amounts of money as I begun to detach and burn bridges as society is just plain evil right now as they love money more than anything else. The fearsome Tiger is placated. Saturn retrograde 2022 is even more karmic in nature because it is square Mercury, which stations direct only one day before, on June 3. ET and comes to an end on October 23, marking a major shift in the cosmos. But then I have Saturn rx at 28Cap24, currently I have a squatter by the name of Pluto, unfortuntaely/fortunately, my natal Saturn is inconjunct Sun at 0Cancer early 9th, Saturn is also inconjunct Nth Node 29 Leo in late degrees of 10th house (Placibo) so I have felt like I have been chained and reigned in all my life, if I am to accomplish that aImed north node, I must do so with integrity, keep records and everything above board, morally & ethically, not in direct pursuit of happiness nor seeking rewards of personal gain, at the expense of others, if it will be, it just is, if not, it simply isnt. My Saturn is retrograding in my 2nd house as we speak. In personal life, there might occur some tension between the parents and child because of differences in ideology. For Pisces people, the Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius will occur in the 12th house. These 3 Signs Host The Best Parties, According To An Astrologer, These 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Biggest Flirts, According To Astrologers, 7 Dos & Don'ts For The March 2023 Full Worm Moon, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. Saturns current journey has been teaching you to get serious about money, Capricorn youre probably taking on more responsibility for your finances than ever before. Because of their ideological nature, Capricorn men and women might seem arrogant to others during this period. Undoubtedly, the terror often used to describe the Saturn return certainly doesnt help. Work on building a strong foundation of trust and intimacy within your closest relations so that you feel safe being yourself. Retrograde planets x Natal chart: Stationary Transits in Natal chart. Bringing us to the present time, the next significant date will be June 2022, as Saturn stations retrograde. Also, arguments and disagreements regarding the social status of both the partners in the marriage may occur. A few examples: June 18: Saturn retrograde squares off against Venus transiting through Taurus, requiring a reality check around relationships, money, and values. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.123, 159, 202. It is still fulfilling knowing justice is served, a lesson learned and hopefully changed behavior. Mercury trine Saturn suggests that karmic debts have been repaid and responsibilities have been attended to during the retrograde phase. Like Saturn, it is very closely bound to time. August 7: When Saturn retrograde clashes with Mars in Leo, you could feel a bit of whiplash from feeling like you want to push forward and take bold, confident action while Saturn says nope. Focus and motivation lead to productiveness, achievement, and recognition. When You'll Feel Saturn Retrograde the Most In 2022. Throughout the coming months, youll be learning to stand even taller in your own professional authority. Have we been investing our time, money, and resources in the best way? Retrograde motion is a time when karma is sorted out. Saturn will turn direct on October. In astrology, Saturn is the planet of rules, restrictions, and responsibilities, and it backspins every year for about four and a half months. In sum, each retrograde zone has four points namely, Shadow, Retro Station, Direct Station and Release. God bless you and thank you for this wonderful blog Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. How can one person inadvertently change so many other peoples lives and not for the better? Use this retrograde to assess which new habits are working and what areas of your routine still need refining. After all, Its trueSaturn doesnt exactly have a reputation for being soft and fuzzy. Saturn has spent the past few years in your sign, Aquarius, and its helped you step into your personal authority more than ever before. July 2: Mercury in Gemini forms a trine with Saturn retrograde, creating structure in the way we express ourselves, helping us make decisions. While you may face a few setbacks or delays when it comes to advancing in your career, youll learn some valuable lessons in the process thatll pay off in the long run. Montfar says there are a few questions we should ask ourselves during this time: Are our foundations strong enough? For Cancer, Saturn transit occurred in the 8th house. The past few years may have prompted a total paradigm shift for you, Gemini but it probably hasnt been an easy road. The transits lately have been indescribable in terms of their intensity and toughness for me. Avoid Buying These 7 Things On Saturday, Spouse Prediction: Know About Your Future Life Partner In Vedic Astrology. For these folks, the main concern shall be their wealth and mental well-being. Like other retrogrades, the day you'll feel the retrograde the most is the day on which Saturn stations (meaning actually goes) retrograde and direct aka June 4 and October 22. We are given three opportunities for learning during a forward/retrograde/forward transit: we are exposed to the personal and collective challenges/lessons (the initial forward transit of Saturn), then an opportunity to revise/review/absorb (retrograde Saturn); and then put into practice (forward direct Saturn). Until the end of October, it's all about your mindset. Or are they? Having To Walk 10,000 Steps A Day Is A Low-key Myth, Im A Mom Of 4 Heres How Im Finally Putting Myself First. This looks terrible. Saturn stations retrograde on June 4, 2022, at 2515 Aquarius. Strangely good manners, respect and consideration for others is essential this year, an antidote. But you and I, weve been through that This retrograde asks you to dig deep into your own psyche and learn to fully trust your own intuition. Theres too much confusion Learn everything about planets in retrograde. Notice that both Johnny Depp and Salvador Dali have Mercury square Saturn in exactly the same alignment as now. The time when Saturn just starts moving into forward direction (gaining full speed and leaving retrograde zone takes some more time) is noted down during our calculations. This is why it is super important to be mindful of what comes up for you on the day that Saturn stations retrograde! Dont be afraid to question your own ideas and challenge yourself to be more discerning about what you say. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Therefore, what you do is what you get is the rule here. After all, Saturn retrograde is all about speeding up the process of karma, so let the chips fall where they may. Saturn, the largest Karmic influencing planet will turn into retrograde motion while transiting Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) on 05 June 2022 at 01:47 IST. Yep, this is one heck of transit for teetering relationships. For it to work, both parties must put in the work. This Saturn retrograde will help you strengthen and review the boundaries you have in place within your social life, and allow you to see the places where you could either loosen up or run a tighter ship. This is also a great time to connect with your old goals and dreams. As an effect, natives shall face negative times in every aspect of their life. Mercury Retro-Shadow Periods. How the 2022 Saturn Retrograde Will Affect the Zodiac Signs. If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19) Margaret Flatley/Bustle Your role within your friend group and community at large may have. Timings - June 4, 2022 to Oct 22, 2022. Now is the time to truly uncover what makes you tick. Sad news indeed, for some. You may even decide to take a trip that youve always wanted and do activities that your parents said no to. sighed after surviving that and now all of this. Saturn retrograde natal suggests there was a problem with self-discipline or avoiding responsibility in a former life. Leo people might have to face troubles and issues regarding their marital life. Committing to a fun class (in-person or online) like yoga or mixology with your closest friends will allow you to not only learn more, but quench the Mercurial desire to attain knowledge and insights. After all, Saturn retrograde 2022 begins on June 4 at 5:47 p.m. Disrespect for parents and authority figures may be holding you back. And if something needs to change, this retrograde phase is a wonderful opportunity to make adjustments. In 2023, Saturn will retrograde in the dreamy mutable water sign of Pisces (which it will enter on March 7) from Saturday, June 17, to Saturday, Nov. 4. Saturn has been making sure I know well and truly. Im not an astrologer by any stretch of the imagination which is why I read all of Jaimes posts and analysis thoughts. Saturn is the Lord of Karma. especially if youre a more earthy/saturnian type. Id like to know more about how to find a way to use this Saturn energyIm usually the one who works hard and does the tough self dev work no one wants to do, tries to make the right choices yet gets hard done by in strange ways, often not noticed til later. Saturn is not all fun and games, because Saturn is a strict teacher that wants you to learn the true meaning of responsibility. Ltd. All Rights Reserved, Venus transit in Taurus 2022: Impacts on the zodiac signs, What does the shape of earlobes say about your personality? You are pushed to reflect on where you are in life and whether youre on track to becoming your highest and most authentic self. Read on for the meaning of Saturn. Although Saturn is a restrictive planet, you can still have a wonderful time during the retrograde because the heavy energy will feel lighter than it normally does when this planet moves forward in full motion. Even if there are chances of success just around, these natives may not achieve it easily. The mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces wont be as affected by this transit as the other signs are. Graphic Retrograde Movement. so many others that i find helpful like Before you make any moves, think about the direction your career is taking in the long run. Your role at work is transitioning now. Im 71 and feel like this is taking years off of my life! For those of you who are awaiting this fated event, which usually occurs between the ages of 27 and 30, 58 and 61 or 84 and 90, the thought of anything Saturn-related may leave you shaking in your boots. As a result, it will affect the luck of the native in the field of skill and hard work., Although there are chances that Cancer people might face financial losses. Well you could laugh. Outer planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus actually spend about half of every single year in the midst of retrograde, which means this energy is something youve experienced many times over. You must learn the lessons so you dont have to go through this difficult cycle again. If you're familiar with your Saturn return or the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020, which signaled the start of the pandemic, you already know that the ringed planet has a rep for bringing tough lessons. Your one-on-one partnerships probably havent been a walk in the park these past years, Leo but the lessons youve learned about love and compromise are priceless. Mercury is stationary direct on June 3 at 2605 Taurus. I dont think I shall be as blessed next time around. Retrograde Saturn is in no hurry, so it will give us plenty of time to master it's . And this is not our fate This retrograde also marks one of the final legs of Saturns current journey through innovative air sign Aquarius one of its traditional signs of rulership which began back in the ominous month of March 2020. The lunar eclipse in May was square Saturn and Mercury is square Saturn for the next week. Focus on strengthening your domestic life so you can build things outward from there. Saturn is no picnic, but when it . Chances are that you want to spread your wings and transition into a more creative field. With Saturn moving through Aquarius since late 2020, the signs most affected by anything it does are the fixed ones. 04jun5:47 pmSaturn turns retrograde in AquariusRetrograde Station5:47 pm EDT(GMT-04:00) View in my timeEvent Type :Stations, Saturn now turns retrograde at 25 Aquarius 55. But this planetary backspin is making you more reflective and meditative than ever. Im fear of all, very deppresed and mental exhausted. Yes, we know that you love your daily routines, but you dont have to commit to them one hundred percent. There are no major transits ahead for a few years. If thats the case, then the moment to get real about your professional future is right now. indeed, and all to often people think in good/bad, punishment/reward. If students of the Scorpio sign have exams during this period, they will perform well. In fact, you may spend your life resisting Saturns influence altogether. If there are any ongoing cases regarding their land, Scorpio natives will enjoy success. Excellent! July 31: Mercury, moving through Leo, will oppose Saturn retrograde, which can spur communication drama. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius 2022 will happen on June 5 at 4:14 AM, and the effect of this retrograde will vary on different zodiac signs. Saturns return to the same position it was in at the time of your birth tends to bring challenges that leave you feeling tried, tested and adjusted to align more closely with your souls purpose. It is the most evil star in the heavens. Like other retrogrades, the day you'll feel the retrograde the most is the day on which Saturn stations (meaning actually goes) retrograde and direct aka June 4 and October 22. Hi Jamie, thank you for writing this post. ET and comes to an end on October 23, marking a major shift in the cosmos. The aim is to be physically and emotionally strong enough to endure the hardships of life and to take responsibility for yourself and your family. Moreover, with the 2022 Saturn retrograde, Leo folks might even seek separation from their partners for a period of time. This retrograde gives you a chance to review the emotional responsibilities youve taken on in recent years and ensure that youre taking care of all the matters in your private life that need tending to. Thanks, I think she must mean that Saturn retrograde degree (2515 Aquarius.). However, the opportunity to improve on matters is here. Saturn will turn direct on October 22, 2022, at 18 Aquarius 35. I am soooo very concerned. Therefore, Saturn retrograde is a double dose of karma. Youre creating a new set of rules for yourself, learning what works for you and what doesnt. But the aspect stays within a 130 orb from May 29 to June 7. She and l share the same Mars Cancer degree. I do not think their marriage will survive but I do hope that they remain friends for the sake of their 2 children and for themselves. My Alcyone 29 Taur 23, Algol 25 Taur 48, Algorab 13 Lib 5. For example, if your Venus is in 18-25 degrees of a fixed sign, Saturn has been opposing or squaring off against it, spurring limitations or setbacks related to money or relationships. If they have been awaiting a result for something, they should remain steady and prepared for disappointment. heavy to say the least. This tense motion extends over a period of four and a half months, and won't always be straightforward. Moreover, these people might feel a course of depression during this time, which will prevent them from being productive. There must be some kind of way outta here If you embrace Saturn as a masterful teacher, you can start to see Saturn as an ally instead of a foe. So let us stop talkin falsely now It could be because of an unhealthy family dynamic. That's not only fixed. That should improve after a week or so. This way, you wont feel as though youre lacking in the finance department and on equal footing with your competitors, due to your confidence and ego flourishing. You can now comment on this post. After all, the more often you have. Its been a minute since youve had fun and hung out with your friends. When Saturn is in retrograde it's our second chance to set things right. Saturn retrograde 2022 begins on June 4 at 25 Aquarius and ends on October 23 at 18 Aquarius. Beginning on June 4 and lasting until October 22, Saturn's retrograde in Aquarius can be used as fuel for strengthening your relationships and setting or better holding healthy boundaries. mine is con moon in capricorn. Instead of engaging in the gossip, try to be factual and realistic with the tea that you hear. There is the potential for sad news, criticism, narrow-mindedness, meanness, lying, and slander leading to misunderstanding, arguments, and relationship problems. You will have a few acquaintances whove recently havent been readily available to you. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Youve been stepping up your game when it comes to your home and family life lately, Scorpio, and youre learning the importance of having a rock-solid foundation beneath your feet. But it'll also be felt more when activated by meet-ups with other planets. Fortunately, Spirit has always had my back.. Thus, they will have to avoid traveling as much as possible because there are chances of road accidents. Hope this helps:). She has nearly two decades of professional experience writing, reporting, and editing lifestyle content for a variety of digital and print consumer-facing publications including Parents, Shape,, and more. On a personal level, when Saturn is direct, you might feel its effects in a more outwardly apparent way.