gemini and sagittarius are truly made for each other. A partner who prefers to remain in the shadows will make you feel unfulfilled. it is certainly difficult for both parties to come to the point where they can appreciate each other, but once theyre there, they will create something beyond love. A mood maker. And sporting events are the perfect place to tap . Its an invite to ACT NOW and to avoid procrastination. However, the very best way to know if you've met your soulmate is to consult with an evolutionary astrologer. Draconic astrology is derived from the True Nodes of the . You can ask me whatever you want about it! It's also important to note that if two individuals were born during the same year and on the same date, they will have many connections in their synastry. ". You have your own private universe together and its the most magical place on Earth. A partner who doesnt care enough to do that, who would rather go through life without making a difference, will infuriate you. Some would say that harmonious sun and moon aspects are the Holy Grail for zodiac soulmates. HOW TO TURN ON THE VERTEX IN YOUR NATAL CHART:1.Go to acquaintance but a few real friends. A connection between planets and the South Node () indicates a past life connection and issues the couples must work out in this lifetime. Someone who will fight for you and will be your partner in crime. They hold so much fire within them, and yet, there is a certain simplicity and purity of spirit in the Aries. The Lovers (VI) : This cards all about duality, choices and relationships. Libra / 7th House: a loving, affectionate, and harmonic partner who may be clingy, passive, and superficial. It suggests to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude e to stay focused on your goals. It could be related to authority and making choices, a marriage or a divorce. Its connected with Scorpio and associated with Pluto, the planet of regeneration and rebirth, it suggests that were all able to find the key for heal our traumas and win over our fears. I've noticed that quite a few couples who are very happy like to describe themselves as "soul mates" and usually "feel" as if they known their mate all their lives, and/or that their chance encounter in this life is more like a deja vu. Sagittarius 8th house: fear of missing something, not living your life at the fullest, being trapped, not being able to experiment and have the opportunity to learn. Ill tell you everything thats going to happen in the near future about this topic. If you are asking if youre on the right path the answer is yes, it suggests that your soul chose a difficult path but youre going to overcame all the obstacles. You get along well and have similar traits. When these two individuals are together, they feel like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. Most of us need the ideal 'significant other' for ourselves so we may enjoy a joyous an existence along with our "heart's desire" for the balance of our life. Someone who is young at heart but is also wise, brave and very protective of you. Theyre going to move mountains juts to be helpful toward you, theyre going to be very giving. You may meet them through work or in your adult life. As the last sign, they are born with their hearts highest in heaven, and their love verges on angelic due to its pure, selfless essence. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Someone who is not judgmental and always is looking at two side of the situation. scorpio and taurus: the blood and the bone. Hi cuties! The most helpful sign to this is Venus interaspects, that offers the Astrologist the guidelines as well as signs to the loved ones perspectives, and attitudes to living, affection plus their attitude to romantic relationships. Partner is someone honest, fiery and independent. Theyre going to have a lot of initiatives and enthusiasm, theyre going to have a beautiful and contagious smile. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. Astrological synastry is the art of comparing natal charts to find strengths and weaknesses in the area of compatibility. Discover more posts about treasure astrology. Answer (1 of 6): 1. More Readings. See a recent post on Tumblr from @k-rising about treasure astrology. TAROT DECK: I suggest you to buy the original Rider Waite deck, PLEASE dont buy an artistic/not original deck as your first deck, memorizing cards meaning is WAY EASIER with the original Rider Waite deck, its also cheaper than artistic or personalized deck. A general reading about your future and what youre going to experience, Im going to consider every single area of your life, this reading will be 360 and in depth. Juno in Scorpio / 8th House - your partner is someone who is intense. Pluto in 3th house: speak your mind, connect with people around you, share your ideas, relationships are important for your healing journey, write down your emotions, heal the relationships with your siblings. Sorry about that! I wish you nothing but the best and that you have made the best decision for yourself. They will possess Pisces, Neptune, or 12th House influences. many would refer to this pair as the mother and the father, but their interaction is less simple and natural than one many derive from such a label. Cancer 8th house: fears related to your roots, your family, expressing your emotions, being vulnerable. Theyre going to be quite private and introverted, they dont like to talk about themselves and overshare. Heres the reading for you! psa this is just for fun dont take it seriously. This is an interesting group, and at first, it definitely seems as though nothing holds them together. Concerning myself I could certainly cannot grasp exactly why I do what I do. A partner who gives in to their weaknesses rather than being strong will leave you feeling restless and lethargic. : Valentine in astrology is associated with true love or one's ideal lover. Your soulmate will be your hero. Astrology possesses a couple of benefits over and above the expert sages and the analysts of the human race, they are known as Synastry, as well as Venus, the Love Goddess. Essentially, some spiritual soulmates come into your life to help you grow in love and wisdom, while others are there to aid you in learning difficult life lessons. The sun conjunct the moon or Venus in another person's horoscope is a possible indicator of a soulmate connection. , you were born original, dont die a copy. Are you and your partner compatible? Regardless of the other connections in their birth charts, spiritual soulmates have a timeless bond. They seek this all-encompassing, transformative experience that is literallybeyond love. Scorpios can never settle for the commonplace affections that most people endure. It's one of the most essential features of the natal chart. Juno in the 6th House: Teamwork and work Usin. A partner who only cares about the surface of things, who is too afraid to embrace their most vulnerable feelings, will leave you feeling isolated and alone. You can calculate a synastry chart bi-wheel free online at Astroseek. Your soulmate is dependable, stable, and wholeheartedly committed to you. Houses + aspects are included! Ask the Tarot. Your soul mate, instead, is your home. In synastry, the study of compatibility in astrology, a Venus-Mars conjunction is typically considered the ideal aspect, as it brings together the two classical sides of love, the masculine and the feminine. The partner is creative, lavish, sweet and understanding. In some cases it could mean that someone of your past is going to get back into your life. Pisces in 8th house: fears related to chaotic situations, deep emotions, love, explore your dreams, explore your spiritual side, losing yourself. For advanced students, the draconic descendant is perhaps a more accurate way of determining the soulmate as far as descendants go, as the draconic descendant is literally the soulmate of the soul. More than one personal planet in one of these signs indicates an inclination towards artistic expression. In a negative scenario it could be related to a stubborn and closed minded individual whos not going to compromise. Juno in Sagittarius / 9th House - your partner is someone with a strong spirit and need for diversity. posted September 27, 2015 12:31 AM. Someone really strong, both mentally and emotionally. The Composite Chart. However, suppose someone has a personal planet conjunct your sun in synastry (and vice versa). Celtic Cross Tarot Reading. It is the management . virgo and pisces: the teardrop and the waterfall. Someone who likes fun and is entertaining. They will offer you support, true love, and compassion. Theyre going to be loyal, honest (sometimes brutally honest) and trustworthy. Are you wondering if your crush loves you back? Passionate but can be detached. Like The Magician it suggests that the right time to act is NOW and that you should put your needs first. There is a strong pull. Gemini 8th house: fears related to communication, expressing your opinion, being chatty, being superficial, not feeling smart enough. soulmate/twin flame synastry aspects and overlays: . It suggests a lonely period and introspection, a transitioning phase in your life, you should take advantage of this period for studying something new and the card suggests you to read more books. Pick a couple picture! First, look at the sign on the cousp on the 8th house, here some examples (maybe Ill explain in another post and in a more detailed way what does the sign on the 8th house cousp mean): Aries 8th house: fears related to taking action, defining your individuality, competition, doing something exclusively for yourself, expressing your anger, impulsive behaviors. Its related to patience and long time waiting. If your heart is set on a Sagittarian man, you're in for a challenge. A partner who is never home and doesnt value family will leave you feeling empty and hopeless. the scorpio gives the taurus an eye into the world of darkness, a place that taurus normally wouldnt dare to set foot, just as taurus helps scorpio see the good in the world. All rights reserved. The moon is associated with emotions, instincts, deep needs, and nurturing. It suggests that youre entering in a new chapter of your life or that youre going to move on in a painful situation. Much like with sister signs, the ascendant and descendant can play a large role in soulmate-hood. The sun and moon naturally complement one another; they are meant to be together. Someone who is proud and loves to show how much they love you. Playful. Your soulmate will be a ceaseless source of excitement. Capricorn is pure ambition, and although devoted and faithful, they generally keep their distance from excess. If an individuals partners placements conjunct the individuals sun-moon midpoint (and/or vice versa), there is likely to be a great deal of understanding between the two. The position of Mars and Venus shows whether a relationship will last. Aquarius sees themselves as godlike; they literally detach themselves from the rest of humanity. The Devil (XV) : Its a card about obsession, secrets, negativity, manipulative behavior, gossips and bad energy in general. Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius: the conscious. So take that as you will. Pluto in the 11th house: you need to find a community and work with people that shares your same view of life, find a place where you can feel a sense of belonging and community, dont isolate yourself and open up with others, you can heal your wounds through friendships. Libra is consciously unoffensive, Scorpio is consciously offensive, and Sagittarius doesnt care about offending people but doesnt actively seek to offend them either. The only pitfall here is that it can sometimes turn into a heavy responsibility or a burden. There are key soulmate aspects in synastry that can denote possible astrological soulmates. Someone who will show especially with their action that they care about you. . While the Nodes govern fate and are the truest indicator of a soulmate, Venus connections actually signal lovers who are into the pleasure side of love. capricorn is a hunter, strong and devoted, but belonging in the end to a pack. Your soulmate is a shining star to all who know them and together, you light up the sky. Love + Marriage Synastry Observations. A lot of Cancer placements indicates someone who is sensitive and emotional, they like to express their feelings in any possible way and often have a good taste in music or art in general. If you try to get rid of your soulmate to thrive on your own, you will lose your opportunity for the soul development. And this zodiac sign will find all of this only at 21 years. Partner is generous but they are not lavish. Youll know important informations about your relationships and your love life. 4) Venus Connections. Patricia has been working as a counseling astrologer for more than 25 years. they stabilize each other; the aries narrows the libras middle ground perspective to become more focused and concrete, and the libra helps the aries to remember that there is a middle ground at all. This person is going to be patient, slow but determinate. These observation are based on my 6+ years experience with tarot cards. Someone sassy, smart and kind. Gemini is much more complex than many may give them credit for, and a challenge they face is finding truth in themselves. The person is smart and insightful. Meanwhile you can check through the Soulmate readings, which zodiac is best for you to meet up and datehowever if you do decide that this is the one for you, then ensure you match your kundli . It is the management of these differences that is vital. Someone caring, very loyal and sensitive. Moon compatibility supports emotional understanding and caring in the relationship. Affectionate, helpful and protective. Someone who is witty and smart and also possess high emotional intelligence. The World (XXI) : Like The Fool, its a card referred to cycles, ending a chapter, receiving gratification after hard times. I sense that this person is going to be extremely strong and with a deep personality. the evil aries is something else entirely, an unstoppable force that seeks to destroy everything in its path. Are you experimenting repetitives situations in your life? <3, If you want to repost this on your Instagram, please tag the creator: @sacerdotess4 on IG. Your soulmate knows exactly what to say and when to say it. There is a mutual understanding between you, and you have a lot in common. virgo is the rock, sitting somewhere in the ocean pisces spends their life swimming, when at once a wave comes and sends pisces crashing into it. Pluto in 4th house: understand and nurture your emotions, heal the relationship with your family, understand your roots and practice unconditional love, heal your inner child, feel a sense of belonging with your community. perhaps something is out of touch within them, something that is alive and awake within the aries, who knows their opinions better than they know anything else. The sea goats journey is one of self-reliance, a quest to master themselves. Virgo 8th house: fears related to rejection, being criticized, responsibility, respecting high standards, not feeling smart enough, being imperfect. A complete birth chart analysis. . Hello everyone, I decided to try reading on Harry Styles. This is the reading for you! Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces: the wise. aries is so rooted in their own interests and beliefs that they possess the ability to be either the ultimate good or the ultimate evil. For example, synastry that involves Venus conjunct rising sign is one of the strongest indicators of mutual attraction. Your soulmate wont be afraid to create limitless electricity with you. Scorpio is the most compatible with Cancer, Capricorn, and Pisces. For a more in depth understanding I recommend looking into finding your Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology for more in depth and personal life path guidance. The "planet" person is attracted to the "ascendant" person's outer persona and physical appearance. keywords: pure, perfection, insecurities (via eunsangf) this is a super nice . Its also referred to a marriage or a long term relationship, to your father or an older man in your life, to a teacher, mentor or a guide. libra and aries: the question and the answer. The Tower (XVI) : Its about destruction, surprises, shocking events. The Wheel of Fortune (X) : Its about changes, new opportunities and the beginning of a new cycle, usually its a positive card but its pretty sensitive to the influence of other cards. astrolofae: Soulmate Aspects When looking into synastry, there's good synastry and then there's great synastry. The Aquarius is adamant about becoming unknowable. Capricorn: Astronaut. The Temperance (XIV) : Its about finding a new balance after a bad period, healing and inner work. Trust and intimacy are very important with this person. FREE Birth Chart Reading. The descendant represents the other half, as does the sister sign, leading to ayou complete me feeling between individuals. Someone good looking (according to your own beauty standards) with warm aura about them. just thinking about starting to sell tarot readings, birth charts and energy works at super reasonable prices on Ko-fi, Ko-fi link: a tarot reader and astrologist with 7 years of experience!I love connecting with people, especially through tarot! One birth chart is complex, and comparing two charts for soulmate synastry is even more complicated. Gemini is simply unable to become permanently attached to anything, but they nevertheless possess a sweet and pure curiosity. Pluto in 2th house: find your comfort zone, guarantee yourself a stable lifestyle, develop resilience and try to set reachable goals for yourself, try to express yourself through art. Scorpio 8th house: fears related to secrets, not being able to know whats happening around and inside of yourself, jealousy, expressing your sexuality, open up, intimacy. Very romantic (sometimes even cheesy). The Sun (XIX) : Its a positive card that announces happiness, joy and clarity. Moon conjunct, trine, or sextile moon can be an indicator of soulmates in astrology. With this connection, an immediate attraction is felt. Its an energetic check. There is so much going on inside of them that its hard for them to land somewhere. Taurus: Somewhere Tonight. If you want a full reading about your soulmate, check on the first post pinned up in my blog! uranus: pisces. Ill tell you in details whay kind of experiences are you attracting right now. The seventh house is the most essential house when it comes to committed partnerships and one-on-one relationships. A partner whos affections often seem lukewarm will drive you crazy. They might be a little bit jealous and possessive (not in a toxic way). It can surely help you out with a lot of things. Thusly, they believe that they should carry the weight of the world alone. They know what kind of person they need to be when the situation calls for this. 8. Someone who can be clingy. The problem with using the sun-to-sun aspects in soulmate synastry is that many people are born on the same day. The more harmonious connections (conjunctions, trines, and sextiles) between birth charts, the greater the possibility of a blissful soul mate relationship. Again, soulmates!! Synastry Aspects for Soulmates in Astrology (Explained A-Z) In astrology, people use synastry to determine soulmate compatibilities. When you get your natal chart you will be able to correlate the chart of your other half. mars: taurus. Their love is boundless and perhaps not based in reality, yet it flows in endless waves forever. 3. leos possess a natural ability to make people love them and understand them, perhaps because they are relatively traditional. They will open your mind and introduce you to exciting places you have never seen. A beautiful, yet sinister song, there is hardly a better choice for the duality of Libra. They will possess Virgo, Mercury, or 6th House influences. Its a but frustrating how much modern astrology wants to turn the mighty Leo into this soft, playful kitten. and what about a virgo? Houses and aspects are included! Similar to Sagittarius this is someone who can have a completely different background than you and can befriend anyone. Chances are, you'll be more compatible with them than any of the other zodiac signs out there. Look at the aspects between Sun, Moon, Venus and Neptune. Aries is selfish like a child but kind and enthusiastic like one as well. This is the reading for you! Like The High Priestess, it suggests that the cards are not able to answer your question. As a sign ruled by Mars, Scorpio may tend on the violent side, yet as a water sign, love is a big theme in life to them. As you search for a partner, try to look for someone with the opposite sign as you. They always have an intelligent opinion you value and together, you want to save the world. FIRST SIGN YOU SEE IS YOUR SOULMATE'S SUN SIGN. It dictates what you value and look for in a partner. You need someone who understands you and communicates with you all their thoughts and feelings in their own unique way. Artistic, strong soul. they share the same mars-venus push and pull of aries and libra, but perhaps to a greater scale on the part of scorpio and a smaller scale on the part of taurus. Obviously very strong mutable energy here - particularly Virgo and Sagittarius. Sun/Moon/Venus in Taurus/Cancer/Leo/Libra/Pisces in the 3rd house: this house is associated with communication, these people could be poets or song writers. They will transform your life and your outlook on love and the connection you will have will be powerful. Our Astrologer, Tara, can draw one up for you. Classically, soulmates are represented by the duo of sister (or opposite) signs. virgo is precise and exacting and brings a dose of much-needed focus into the world of the fluid pisces, who rides the waves of life on a broken surfboard. 17 notes. Yet it is only when the Capricorn learns to trust in others that the are truly able to be their best selves. Juno in Gemini / 3rd House - your partner is someone who can understand you. In a good scenario it could be related to a passionate person, with persuasive manners and a charismatic personality. Together, they are the most mature and understanding of the signs. His 111111 conjunct my Sun/oppose Venus. The Astrology of Harry Styles. Virgo / 6th House: a helpful, critical, and resourceful partner who may be a tense and practical perfectionist. Your connection to them will enhance your self-esteem and your image. A free spirit with a dominant air chart- you attempt to label him he will go cold. The personality of the enquirer. This exhilarating Jupiter transit truly epitomizes the meaning of adventure, as it will propel each and every one of us . taurus is all about stability; how can they maintain the things they love? mobile art by tobe fonsesca. I'm going to HOW TO SPOT TRAUMAS AND FEARS IN A BIRTH CHART pt.1 , Astrology, tarot cards and spiritual services , HOW TO SPOT ARTISTIC ABILITIES / INTERESTS IN A BIRTH CHART . Astrological soulmate secrets are offered not only by traditional relationship astrology, but from the esoteric art of karmic astrology. Its related to spring/summer and announces that youre going to see the product of your work in a while, changes will not be noticeable immediately. You may meet them through parties, creative/artistic events or places, and through the arts field. Ascendant Synastry Aspects for Soulmates in Astrology. They know how to act with your friends and parents. They could be a platonic soulmate. Beneath Geminis many personalities lies a biting pessimism. Someone who is stylish and beautiful (according to your own beauty standards). Two Hearts Tarot Reading. You must recharge your crystal once a week, I always suggest to recharge your crystals with the Sun light instead of the Moon light (Sun energy is warm, dynamic, bold, positive and it radiates confidence, I noticed that it adds a strong boost to crystals). Your draconic chart represents a lot of things. Note: Just theory ideas! Devotional love comes like second nature to Pisces. This is someone who prefers to act in the logical manner. Masculine mutable signs (Gemini; Sagittarius): Feminine cardinal signs (Cancer; Capricorn): two signs of the same coin, part 2: sister signs. Leo also thrives on attention and has a hard time living if not for others. Lucky Astrology Aspects in Your Natal Chart, The lucky aspects in a natal chart bring ease and opportunities into your life. Ill tell you everything you need to know about every single area of your life (relationships, career, friendships, family, children, etc)! It could be referred to an important gift, a resolution to a problem or a dream that came true. Someone who is jealous and sometimes overly dramatic. There's intense and potent magic at work in a spiritual soulmate relationship. It must have depth and soul to last. They show their love by being a provider. They usually likes 60s-'70s-'80s-'90s music and have a vintage sense of style. The art, and science, related to loving relationship investigation within Astrology is labelled Synastry. Your soulmate will never fail to be a thunderstorm of devotion. It announces a time of personal growth, self discovering and connection with your truer self. saturn: leo. Your partner is someone who may be a little bit awkward with showing their feelings. Someone magnetic with a lot of passion who helps you to bring out passion from yourself too. Someone who is sociable and knows how to act in the company of people. A partner who doesnt value spontaneity and stepping out of their comfort zone will make life seem dull. Person who enjoys learning new things and sharing them with you. But, I do think an abundance of soulmate aspects in the synastry chart is significant and should be taken seriously. The best spiritual soulmate connection to look for in synastry are planets that are conjunct a node. Pluto in the 9 thhouse: expand your horizons through travel and education, learn is the key for healing your trauma, connect with new realities, explore your spiritual and philosophical side. Your soulmates arms are all the protection you need. It could also mean that youre not allowed to receive the answer for your question (I noticed that if this card come out frequently during your readings its signal to stop doing tarot for a while and to recharge your energy). Soulmate means different things to different people. In this case, I sense that you and your soulmate are quite different people, youre going to have some troubles in initial stage of the relationship because of these differences, youre going to be more stable with this person after some time, this person is going to do a lot of things for you and theyre even going to make some sacrifices just to make you happy. Your soulmate is fiery, assertive, full of energy, and a self-starter. Indiana Jones type. Your connection to them will enhance your self-esteem and your image. (your marriage, your type, what kind of partners you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, how to build a fullfilling love life, etc): (your ideal career path, your relationship with money, how to make more money, fame, etc): Sun + Moon + Ascendant + Mercury + Venus + Mars analysis: Descendant persona chart interpretation (your soul mate, future spouse, long term partner, what kind of partners do you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, etc) : Predictions for the year (solar return chart interpretation): What are you attracting right now? The Zodiac spread looks at every aspect of your life, and when romance cards show up in the houses, this is the area of your life that your soulmate will connect with you. 2 Taurus meets their soulmate between 16 and 18. If the aspect is not a conjunction but is nevertheless a positive aspect, it can still lead to this feeling, and is strongest when the sun-moon midpoint conjuncts either individuals sun or moon. Your partner is someone who value honesty, loyalty and stability. All rights reserved. Things to look for when thinking of soulmates in chart analysis: South Node Connections - especially conjunctions to objects like Moon or Juno. Moon Conjunct / Trine / Sextile Moon 2. I got virgo sun/ pisces . this is in stark contrast to the aries, who will go to great lengths to do what they believe is the right thing. Pallas is great wisdom as had the elders of the Indian tribes. You may meet them when you are focused on another relationship. However, the third trio is united by how it chooses to present itself to society. Pallas in synastry will show that one partner brings a great deal of maturity and common sense to the other. Someone who has adventorous spirit, loves mysteries and is good at solving problems. Their soulmate will not only keep them happy but also fit their idea of a perfect partner in every single way imaginable.