(2002). , Gender and race in leadership preparation: a constrained discourse. & & Organizational development in the Arab world. Bjork, L. However, Cardno (2007) argues that the dilemma created by the need to give negative feedback and to save face, for example in appraisal, often emphasized as a cultural context in Chinese societies, is in fact universal. Processes and structures designed for a time that has passed are no longer appropriate in a rapidly changing society. Notwithstanding these different positions, knowledge of how leadership is conceptualized and enacted locally is a sine qua non of successful design. Training and educating principals for such cultural literacy is the focus of later sections in this chapter. This may be due in part to the fact that understanding culture and its connection to leadership in education is a poorly researched field. & Introduction. Commentary. Brunner Bennett Two examples will suffice to illustrate this, though. His ideas were widely influential. Processual competencies, comprising intrapersonal competencies and cognitive competencies (2003, p.84), are also needed. Much of it has been misdirected and some of it wasteful. (1996). Educational Management & Administration, Billot, J. Cartwright, M. Javidan Boston: Allyn and Bacon. House, R. J. Leithwood, K. J. Education Leadership Review, 3(2), 2831. Not only may there be particular cultural assumptions about the relationship between staff and principal, the principal and regional/national authorities, but underpinning ontological assumptions may be distinctive. Cultural processes, the second element of a systems perspective, will be reflected in almost every dimension of the operation of the school. The GLOBE project was undertaken in a business context. (See, for example, Buruma and Margal-its book, Occidentalism: The west in the eyes of its enemies.) The design of curriculum and delivery is therefore to an extent a cultural guessing game requiring those responsible for preparation and development to hold a high level of cultural fluency themselves and to support the development of cultural fluency in others. Cultural globalization is the international transfer of values and beliefs, and while strictly it is multi-directional it is typically perceived as dominated by the spread of western, particularly American, values and symbols across the globe. P. W. Cultural influences on organizational leadership. Diversity and the demands of leadership. Unproductive, toxic schools have fragmented staffs, eroding goals, and negative, hopeless atmospheres. This unique culture will reveal itself through a number of institutional characteristics: While these representations are identifiable and mostly tangible, the illusiveness of the concept of culture lies in the fact that it is an holistic concept which is more than the sum of these component parts. The first is that culture is neither unitary nor static (Collard & Wang, 2005), and while change may be evolutionary rather than revolutionary, trends and developments in internal and external influences will move the culture forward. International Journal for Leadership in Education, 4(4), 309319. I refer students to this publication for new research articles or for my work, Acquisition of this publication will benefit department, faculty and student needs, I am a member of the publication's editorial board and strongly support the publication. Aitken, R. School values were assessed by aggregating the scores of 862 students, (ages 15-19) in 32 Jewish and Arab Israeli schools (Study 1), and 1,541 students (ages 11-21) from 8 European schools and 163 teachers from 6 of these schools (Study 2), using Schwartz's Portrait Values Questionnaire. Bhindi The study identifies how cultural literacy amongst the principals of the schools is a key element of the positive achievements they report. (1991). Multiple perspectives on values and ethical leadership. A more flexible and subtle shaping will be needed. They suggest the spiritual values embedded in the teaching of Vivekananda, Tagore and Ghandi would provide a more culturally appropriate basis for the leadership of education than the currently Western values which relate in part to the colonial history of the nation. Another output lies in the cultural characteristics and values of the young people who are the product of the school once they have completed their time there. The organization's relationship to its environment. There is also a preference to face facts whether positive or negative. (2006). (2001). (2007). In others, variation is considerable and the primary drive to develop teaching and learning, attainment and achievement may be located elsewhere. His critique suggests that there is insufficient time given in such an approach to understanding existing cultures, both at a general level and in terms of the underpinning key components and variables, and the consequence is cultural imperialism. A key influence on culture within and beyond schools has been globalization. (1997). Stier, J. (1999). School leaders work within pressing cultures which sustain themselves by multiple conscious and unconscious mechanisms (Lumby with Coleman, 2007). The first is that leaders are passive ambassadors of culture. Stream sports and activities from La Habra High School in La Habra, CA, both live and on demand. This paper's focus is school culture as 10. , Two distinctive views of this connection can be identified (Collard, 2006). A. Leadership and intercultural dynamics. DiTomaso, N. Hoppe asserts that US leaders find difficulty with accepting supportive relationships. Kachelhoffer, P. It is "the way we do things around here" and often defined as 'the basic assumptions, norms and values and cultural artifacts of a school that . Internationally leader preparation and development tends to focus on the principal. The interrelationship of culture with leadership and its development is the focus of this chapter. , Story Bottery asserts that there is a risk through this that there may be emerging a perspective that defines what looks increasingly like a global picture of management practice. Davis In an increasingly complex, diverse and unpredictable world, it is necessary for schools and those working with them . Its view of the nature of human activity does it believe that people behave in a dominant/proactive mode or a passive/fatalistic mode? G, Crow | Cookies (forthcoming) distinguish transmission models, where experts pass on theoretical knowledge (often indiscriminately, as discussed earlier), and process models which use more community based styles of learning. Hofstede, G. G. 6886). Conflict and change. Leadership and Diversity; Challenging Theory and Practice in Education, Macpherson, R. (2001). Dorfman and House (2004) suggest three competing propositions: that cultural congruence in development and leadership is more effective; that cultural difference can be stimulating and bring about positive change; that leadership is universal activity. Instead there are history, context, process, interactivity, power relations and change. Education. Consequently mid-forged manacles of Western generated categories hinder the development of leaders in Malaysia where Islam is deeply embedded in culture. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 4(4), 293296. He created a series of descriptors of the culture of schooling with a particular focus on how key cultural characteristics equate to the absence of a productive learning environment. (2000) Leadership and Culture in Chinese Education. & I am a member of the publication's editorial board and strongly support the publication, Authored by: Begley, P. Their description of each provides significant detail of the culture of the type. An international perspective on leadership preparation. El Nemr, M. Education researchers have also assumed such common attributes, for example, integrity (Begley, 2004; Bhindi & Duignan, 1997). Similarly, the selection of teaching staff provides at least an implicit and possibly an explicit mechanism of shaping a key cultural input into the school. Bryant, M. Bush, T. Sapre, P. Day , & London: Sage. She challenges whether any classification of humans is tenable in the light of increasing certainty deriving from advances in natural science that whatever taxonomy is adopted, the complexity of human beings, biologically, linguistically and culturally, cannot be placed into easily described categories: R. and 'learning school'; and contacts with leading experts in this area of work which led to identification of additional literature. Handy, C. A more extensive discussion of the variation in culture and practice internationally is offered by Foskett & Lumby (2003) and Lumby et al. We would also suggest that pupils, although seldom asked, would hold . Washington Middle School 716 E. La Habra Boulevard La Habra, CA 90631 Phone: 562-690-2374. Subordinates expect superiors to act autocratically. A challenge to dominant cultures and the evolution of cultures which are seen as fitting will be achieved only by persistent efforts to increase the intercultural fluency of all involved, in part by increasing the evidence base, and in part through detailed translation of such evidence to impact the design and delivery of the development of leaders. School Culture. P. Gronn, P. School Culture Edited by: Jon Prosser Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd Publication year: 1999 Online pub date: June 19, 2012 Discipline: Education Subject: Social/Philosophical Foundations, School Culture & Climate, Sociology of Education (general) DOI: https:// doi. Journal of Management Development, 15(5), 421. In the opening chapter to this section of the Handbook, Fink and Stoll review the contemporary field of educational change and ask why educational change is so difficult to understand and achieve in present times. Cincinnati: South Western. The first is the blending of western (or, more correctly, exogenous) cultural values with existing cultures to generate a new cultural environment, a model sometimes described as the melting pot perspective. 206207), There are no essential, innate and immutable characteristics of race, age, gender, disability or other demographic categories. ), Handbook of Leadership Development (pp. C The radical modernization of school and education system leadership in the United Arab Emirates: towards indigenized and educative leadership. Global forces, national mediations and the management of educational institutions. Educational Management and Administration. At the international scale, for example, the work of Hofstede (1991), has sought to provide a broad general analysis of national organizational cultures. Mapping the conceptual terrain of leadership: a critical point for departure for cross-cultural studies. ), Strategic Human Resource Management (pp. Kantamara, P. The assumed commonality in attributes and behaviors may also be evident in axiological assumptions. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. In a strict sense we might argue that the culture of every educational institution is unique, derived from the context in which the school operates and the values of those who have led or been part of the organization over time. (2007). Coleman, C. Firstly, it examines key theoretical models and perspectives on culture. London: Sage. Archer (1996, p. 1) contends that the notion of culture remains inordinately vague to the extent that poverty of conceptualization leads to culture being grasped rather than analysed. . Beyond the school, though, lies a range of contextual cultures extending from the community within which the school lies to regional, national and international cultural contexts. & International Journal of Leadership In Education, 4(4),297307. Duignan, P. Similarly, Bajunid (1996, p. 56) argues that the richness of Islamic teaching is absent from concepts of leadership. The processes of cultural change in schools have been considered extensively in the literature (e.g. It has 525 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 13 to 1. Two typologies are developed. Ribbins, P. Cultural fluency will be predicated on more than cognitive effort (Lakomski, 2001). & Bell The capacity of any individual or group to engineer culture is questionable (Adler, 1997; Morgan, 1986). If culture embeds, among other things, power relations, then the issue of programs matching or challenging dominant cultures becomes a matter of negotiating competing notions of appropriate power relations, political and social structures. Dorfman This book assists people inside and outside schools to . 8-9; Stoll and Fink 1995). Leader development across cultures. Bajunid, I. Hofstede (2003) has argued strongly that there are measurable differences between the cultures of nations. If alternatively, culture is viewed as multiple, unstable, persistently contested, reflecting the differing perspectives and power of individuals and groups, changing the culture of a school is a different kind of endeavor. M. Challenging the boundaries of sameness: leadership through valuing difference. Corporate rituals: The rites and fituals of corporate life. Its view of the nature of truth and reality how does it define what is true and what is not and how is truth defined in the context of the social or natural world?