Popular superstition attributes to him there a purse containing a groschen, which, as often as it is expended, returns to the spender. Geiler v. Keysersperg, a quaint old preacher of the fifteenth century, speaks of the witches assembling on the Venusberg. In 1642 he is reported to have visited Leipzig. [55] Ernest Renan, Essay on the Age and Antiquity of the Book of Nabathaean Agriculture, London, 1862, p. 5. 34. Polyidus observed a serpent stealing towards the corpse of the young prince. In our territory is a certain waterless sea, consisting of tumbling billows of sand never at rest. He was keenly alive to the slur cast upon the fair fame of his national saints, and, by means of visions, laboured effectively to vindicate it. They are of a deep black, their teeth are polished, their bodies not tattooed. When I saw him, he told the story in so clear and positive a manner, making oath to its truth, that I concluded he must really have seen the animal he described, or that it must have been the effect of a disturbed imagination[169]., In a splendidly illustrated work with plates coloured by hand,11Poissons, ecrevisses et crabes de diverses couleurs et figures extraordinaires, que 1on trouve autour des Isles Moluques, dedicated to King George of England, and published by Louis Renard at Amsterdam, in 1717, is a curious account of a mermaid. The Parting Glass an Irish farewell. The Parting Glass is a great example of that special quality found in the best farewell songs being able to combine joy and sorrow in a way that is both sad yet uplifting at the same time. The comptroller of the province himself bandaged the sorcerers eyes, and led him by the hand from place to place. For auld lang syne, my dear, The hero descends to his realm, fights, overcomes him, and despoils him of his treasures. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. [52] Gibbons Decline and Fall, chap, xxiii. Therefore thou must goe hence, and beare with thee this holy vessell, for this night it shall depart from the realme of Logris, that it shall never be seen more heere. Then they begin to play on their pipes; at the sound, the transformed brothers, Hunbatz and Hunchouen, are attracted from the forest to the house, they enter it and begin to dance. He lived in strict observance of all his religious duties, was famous for his liberality to the poor, his sympathy with the afflicted, his eloquence in the pulpit, his private devotion, and severe asceticism. Leipz. The translation below lends itself to an interpretation After he shewed them the chaynes of silver, whereby they set them in good ordre before him. And forsoothe there is a gret marveule: For men may see there the erthe of the tombe apertly many tymes steren and moven, as there weren quykke thinges undre. The connection of this legend of St. John with Ephesus may have had something to do with turning the seven martyrs of that city into seven sleepers. Sir Elidoc is founded on a Breton legend, the Lai dEliduc of Marie de France; but another tale from the same country makes the flower yellow; it is a marigold, which, when touched on a certain morning by the bare foot of one who has a pure heart, gives the power to understand the language of birds[114]. Once again will he revisit the hill, and that will be on the eve of Judgment. iii. I have onlyslipped away to the next room. Thefarmer denied all knowledge of the theft and all participation in the booty. ii. Welcome to Golden Gate Funeral Home & "A" Crematory And although he was carried out to sea about a javelins cast by the servants, yet he could not by these means escape their violence; for immediately so great a multitude of mice took to the water, that you would have sworn the sea was strewed with chaff. Looking again through the small window, she observed the fingers of the hand flaming, but the thumb gave no light: this was because one of the inmates of the house was not asleep. The Arbhus became in Teutonic mythology the Alben, Elben or Elfen, our Elfs, and in Scandinavian the Alfar. I have room only for an outline of the story. She is commonly called the Papess Joan. Whilst passing the street between the amphitheatre and St. Clements, she was seized with violent pains, fell to the ground amidst the crowd, and, whilst her attendants ministered to her, was delivered of a son. King Knut the Saint was murdered by the Earl Asbjorn, in the church of S. Alban, in Odense, during an insurrection of the Jutes, in 1086. Near Constantine and John are two clubs, near Maximian a knotty club, near Malchus and Martinian two axes, near Serapion a burning torch, and near Danesius or Dionysius a great nail, such as those spoken of by Horace (Lib. Every one was in excitement; some declared that the news must be correct, others believed nothing about it, and the agitation became so excessive, that Henry IV., who was then on the throne, was compelled by edict to forbid any mention of the subject.. In 1998, the traditional words were set to a new, different melody (reminiscent of Mo Ghile Mear, another Irish traditional song) by Irish composer Shaun Davey. He consented and took her to his house, where she was to him as a daughter. That it was symbolic among the Irish and British Kelts is more than probable. Also commonly known asMemorial or Keepsake jewelry, Keepsake for ashes, ashes pendant, ashes necklace, memorial necklace, memorial locket, cremation necklace, Keepsake Jewellery Keepsake Jewelry The custody of the sacred standard of S. George was confided to the Swabian knights. She, in concert with her sisters, caught King Helmas and chained him in the heart of a mountain called Avalon, or, in the German books, Brunbelois, in Northubelon, i.e. The youth, thinking that he was discovered, and that they were about to conduct him to the emperor, implored themto let him alone, offering to leave loaves and money if he might only be suffered to escape. But the Tell myth has not itssignification thus painted on the surface; and those who suppose Gessler or Harald to be the power of evil and darkness,the bold archer to be the storm-cloud with his arrow of lightning and his iris bow, bent against the sun, which is resting like a coin or a golden apple on the edge of the horizon, are over-straining their theories, and exacting too much from our credulity. All the inhabitants met him and conducted him to the cavern. Basil and St. Ambrose as his authorities for stating that it is situated on the top of a very lofty mountain in Eastern Asia; so lofty indeed is the mountain, that the waters of the four rivers fall in cascade down to a lake at its foot, with such a roar that the natives who live on the shores of the lake are stone-deaf. Nestorius, a priest of Antioch and a disciple of St. Chrysostom, was elevated by the emperor to the patriarchate of Constantinople,and in the year 428 began to propagate his heresy, denying the hypostatic union. Hjuki and Bil, therefore, signify nothing more than the waxing and waning of the moon, and the water they are represented as bearing signifies the fact that the rainfall depends on the phases of the moon. In the great forest which stretched away in all directions around the knoll on which stood the town and castle of Poictiers, lived a Count de la Foret, related to Emmerick, but poor and with a large family. The consequence was that the evil-minded and envious originated slanders, which, circulating widely, produced a revulsion of feeling towards Theophilus and, from being generally reported, were accepted as substantially true. He mentioned the fall of Edessa, and also he stated that a few years ago a certain King and Priest called John, who lives on the farther side of Persia and Armenia, in the remote East, and who, with all his people, were Christians, though belonging to the Nestorian Church, had overcome the royal brothers Samiardi, kings of the Medes and Persians, and had captured Ecbatana, their capital and residence. [8] Henr. I have not space here to establish these two latter points, but they are repeated in so many cosmogonies, that there can be little doubt as to my interpretation being correct. Others had dared the power of God, and were therefore sentenced to feel the weight of His displeasure, without tasting the repose of death. Conrad von Megenburg relates: There is a bird which in Latin is called merops, but which we in German term Bomheckel (i.e. High up on the north-west flank of the mountain, in a precipitous wall of rock, opens a cavern, called the Hrselloch, from the depths of which issues a muffled roar of water, as though a subterraneous stream were rushing over rapidly-whirling millwheels. As soon as the saints beheld the emperor, their faces shone like the sun, and the emperor gave thanks unto God, and embraced them, and said, I see you, as though I saw the Savior restoring Lazarus. Maximian replied, Believe us! 4), Water was given them out of the flinty rock, (Greek)which is paralleled by the hard stone, (Greek). No form is seen; and though voices are heard, yet the accents are undistinguishable, as of one who speaks in his sleep. According to Villemarque, the place whence the boat put off with its ghostly freight was near Raz, a headland near the Bay of Souls, in the extreme west of Finisterre. Among the Quiches of Guatemala, not a little to our surprise, the magic pipe which causes to dance is to be found. I was put in by the Prior of S. Matthew, of the same Purgatory, with procession and devout prayers of the prior, and the convent gave me an orison to bless me with, and to write the first word in my forehead, the which prayer is this, Jhesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, miserere mihi peccatori. And the prior taught me to say this prayer when any spirit, good or evil, appeared unto me, or when I heard any noise that I should be afraid of. When left in the cave, William fell asleep, and dreamed that he saw coming to him S. John of Bridlington and S. Ive, who undertook to conduct him through the scenes of mystery. Carl-Ynach united his forces with those of Ariovistus, and fell in the battle of Besangon. As soon as one of the tribe dies, his relations, instead of burying him, cut him up and regale themselves upon his remains; consequently there are no cemeteries in this land. In 1387, Jean dArras, secretary to the Duke of Berry, received orders from his master to collect all information attainable with reference to Melusina, probably for the entertainment of the sister of the duke, the Countess de Bar. But it was when order was given to throw down and destroy her castles, that she uttered her loudest cries and wails. c. 42. in Hieronym. Nonnus Dionysius (v. 363 et seq.) We must go a little further. 2628). [12]In 1633 he was again in Hamburg. But as he was brought to that town by the way along which Aymar had ascertained that he had left it, the fellow was recognized at the different houses where he had lodged the night, or stopped for food. Rei-schert, L., Lebens-Geschichte u. Martyrtod der N. Ursula. Cologne, 1837, 8vo. It was erected on Montsalvatsch, of precious stones, gold, and aloe-wood. After this conversation, Doctor Paul v. Eitzen, along with the rector of the school of Hamburg, who was well read in history, and a traveller, questioned him about events which had taken place in the East since the death of Christ, and he was able to give them much information on many ancient matters; so that it was impossible not to be convinced of the truth of his story, and to see that what seems impossible with men is, after all, possible with God. They had all of them tails forty centimetres long, and from two to three in diameter. But the shop-men, seizing him, said, Whoever you are, you have found a treasure; show us where it is, that we may share it with you, and then we will hide you. Malchus was too frightened to answer. On the seal we see the mancarrying his sticks, and the moon surrounds him. 309. In the Finn mythology, these results follow the playing of Wainamoinens magic harp. The story of this instrument is singular enough. Thorwald of Asi, a Christian, who happened to be riding by towards dawn, heard the outcries, and went to the barn to inquire into their signification. In his self-reproach and grief, the prince erected a stately monument to Gellert, and called the place where he was buried after the poor hounds name. Your friends and PNF and across the country will miss your friendly face. It was for you, replied the sturdy archer. As soon as the boy was led forth, Toki carefully admonished him to receive the whir of the arrow as calmly as possible, with attentive ears, and without moving his head, lest by a slight motion of the body he should frustrate the experience of his well-tried skill. They found it in the blood struck on the lintel and the door-posts of the houses of the Israelites in Egypt. He begged Morgana to permit him to return to earth. This apparition continued to exhibit itself for some time, and then vanished, with two shrieks similar to that which had first excited Lady Fanshawes attention. To him the piles of vapour on the horizon were so like Alpine ranges, that he had but one word whereby to designate both. Brit. And another, from the hall of Nisroch, carries an emblematic necklace, consisting of the sun surrounded by a ring, the moon, a Maltese cross likewise in a ring, a three-horned cap, and a symbol like two horns[89]. At night the evil spirit rises from the swamp, and flies to the mountains, attacking the armed men, and slaying them. Grimm[78]mentions a very curious passage in the Chronicle of Rodulph, wherein it is related that, in 1133, a ship was secretly constructed in a forest at Inda, and was placed on wheels, and rolled by the weavers to Aix, then to Maestricht, and elsewhere, amidst dances, and music, and scenes which the pious chronicler refrains from describing. She was the only daughter of Nothus, an illustrious and wealthy British prince, and was sought in marriage by the son of a certain most ferocious tyrant. Ursula had, however, dedicated herself to celibacy, and her father was in great fear of offending God by consenting to the union, and of exasperating the king by refusing it However, the damsel solved the difficulty: by Divine inspiration, she persuaded her father to agree to the proposal of the tyrant, but only subject to the condition that her father and the king should choose ten virgins of beauty and proper age, and should give them to her, and that she and they should each have a thousand damsels under them, and that on eleven triremes they should be suffered to cruize about for three years in the sanctity of unsullied virginity. We bid farewell to our friend, Mr DeRose. Hugh Capet sat on the throne of France, the dynasty of the great Charles having come to an end. Some years after an Andirondack youth beheld and loved her. The name Orpheus has been supposed to be identical with the Vedic Ribhus, which, no doubt, in its original form, was Arbhus. In 1662 G.C. Kirchmayer, a Wittemberg professor, composed a thoughtful dissertation, De Paradiso, which he inserted in his Delici stiv. Fr. And all the harm I've ever done, M. Vir-gines, or the eleven martyr-virgins, and the M. have been mistaken in a later age for a numeral. This man had been born in a fullers mill at Epiphania, in Cilicia. Its bright little eyes shone sadly, as if they were full of tears. and old lang syne? (Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border.) Compare with this the ancient ballad of Tamlane. Other instances have been cited by commentators on the curious fragment of Cornelius Nepos, which gave rise in the middle ages to a discussion of the possibility of forcing a north-west passage to India. Titus released Joseph from prison, and received baptism at his hands. They heard the unknown voice, the sweet song of the hero. It is very certain that Chretien de Troyes was not the inventor of this mystic tale, for there exists in the Red Book a Welsh tale entitled Pheredur, which is indisputably the original of Perceval. Wherever he was, should a question be asked him of his condition or office in the temple, he was to refuse to answer, and at once to return to Montsalvatsch. Dr. Heylin levelled a lance in honour of the Patron of England[51]; but his historical character was again questioned in 1753, by Dr. John Pettingal in a work on the original of the equestrian statue of S. George; and he was answered by Dr. Samuel Pegge, in 1777, in a paper read before the Society of Antiquaries. On hearing this, Perceval sought out and slew Pertinax, healed his uncle, obtained in return the sacred vessel and the bleeding lance, and retired to a hermitage. The procession of bishops, with the Host and tapers, is sweeping along, when suddenly the cross-bearer before the triple-crowned and vested Pope starts aside to witness the unexpected arrival. That which characterizes the sepulchres of Golasecca, and gives them their highest interest, says M. de Mortillet, who investigated them,0is this, first, the entire absence of all organic representations; we only found three, and they were exceptional, in tombs not belonging to the plateau; secondly, the almost invariable presence of the cross under the vases in the tombs. This was the finishing stroke, and Aymar was sent away by the Prince in disgrace. Katha Sarit Sagara, book vii. In this land, according to Teutonic mythology, which in this point resembles the Keltic, is a glass mountain. The lady inquired the cause of his manifest terror, and the young man, after a slight hesitation, told her of his dreadful misfortune. Taliesin ben Beirdd, the famous poet of the same age, speaks of the sacred vessel in a manner which connects it with bardic mythology. The excavations to the north led to the summer apartment. By his victory the earth is relieved from her peril. I shall, in this book, instance several cases in which they have left their impress on modern Protestant mythology.