The Sephirah Malkuth, which is below the third triangle, relates to the physical body. With each group internally wanting to define the other by specific word choices and then projecting a defensive posture . In Exodus 3:14, God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. Why is the Tetragrammaton in a triangle? We also find in the middle column that mysterious Sephirah called Daath. Where is the Lord, the Son of Man? (LogOut/ Man and woman unite alchemically in order to make the miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish, and this is why in the gospel of Mark 8:13-21, it is written: And he left them, and entering into the ship again departed to the other side. Advertisement In all probability Jewish Christians wrote the Tetragrammaton in Hebrew as well. Contents 1 The Pythagorean Tetraktys 2 In Theosophy 3 In Kabbalah 4 Online resources So when saying the lord you know it is the lord but it is better to say Adonai because it is a Hebrew mantric word. (LogOut/ Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. This can only be accomplished by a man and woman working together with the powers of love. Serpens, imperet tibi Dominus Tetragrammaton, per Angelum et Leonem! 4 Is the Tetragrammaton in the New Testament? We have to talk about the exorcisms of the four elements to control the four elements individually, but this conjuration is the easy way in order to conjure them. In printed Bibles, the k'siv, or word written in the text, remains in the main text, while the k'ri, the word actually read is put in a textual note. For example, Samael Aun Weor advises in many of his books how to perform the ceremonial work of Hod in your home by having always the four elements on a table which will be your altar: a piece of fish, a piece of meat, a piece of wheat (bread), and wine (grape juice not alcohol), then you perform the Pancatattva ritual; but before performing it you can recite the Conjuration of the Four in order to charge those elements. They just want to develop powers. In each step we have to control the forces of nature by allowing the forces of Godly nature to guide us. You find also that salt, sulfur, and mercury are elements that are combined in four different aspects. But when Fierman sought an explanation from church officials, he received the following response from Fray Angelico Chavez, who had compiled a catalogue of the archives of the archdiocese between 1678 and 1900: It is to be noted that the Tetragrammaton is enclosed in a triangle. Conclusion. Yes, without the fish (the Nun of Nuriel) you cannot perform that alchemical work, which we see precisely in this beautiful graphic. As it is written in Psalm 139:5: You have formed me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me" which refers to Adam in the front and Eve in the back. The Tetraforce is a name given to the Triforce by those who believe in a four-piece Triforce instead of three. The Tetragrammaton symbol is formed with the letters YHWH which stands for the secret word for God or EHYH that stood for female, or Eve. Those that awaken in evil and for evil are completely black and are not obeying the Lord, but the one who reaches the fifth initiation is a hasnamuss because still has the ego inside. Tailor's chalk triangle is more durable when marking heavy fabrics, so no marks are left once the fabric has been cut and sewn. This degree emphasizes that life and its strength come from God. It has a lot of force if you are an alchemist, because when you pronounce it you are utilizing the four forces of the elements in your body. A Malachim is a human being in the complete sense of the word. One thing is Adonai as an archetype, and another is Adonai the angel. Question: In order for this conjuration to have effect do you have to do practices? Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf. . So those Tetragrammatons above are the three triangles of the Tree of Life, namely Yetzirah, Briah, and Atziluth. Chavez responded that the placement of the Tetragrammaton in a triangle was a common Christian symbol in Europe.It represented the holy trinity and was most likely something Lamy had seen . Christian scholars continued to refer to the Tetragrammaton as Jehovah until 19th and 20th century scholars returned to Yahweh, a form of which dated back to early Christian writers such as the 2nd century Clement of Alexandria. The three primary forces create, if you analyze, in every way. 6 6.The Symbolism of Freemasonry: XXIV. The name Tetragrammaton is intensely powerful for anyone who practices magic in western occultist traditions . The angels are controlled by the archangels or the world of Briah. You have to learn how to meditate in order to eliminate your dry mercury, which is your ego, which is something that you have to get rid of. While Billy (Sam Claflin) and Camila's (Camila Morrone) romance is front and center just as much in Amazon's Daisy Jones & The . It is done by the lord, the Inner Jesus (Ieshua the Son of Nun). In the beginning it is very difficult for students to understand, as many people say, Our lectures are from the clouds above; and we say, you need to eat that bread and drink that wine of transubstantiation. So be aware of that leaven, because with it they make the wrong bread, which is not the bread of wisdom. Thus, in Binah we find the name Jehovah Elohim, which is the Kabbalistic name of Iod Hei Vav Hei, the four lettered name of Elohim, God, which is symbolized here by these four creatures. The horizontal and vertical beams together make INRI. How are you going to command the undines of the water if you dont control your own sexual waters? All Rights Reserved. The bread from heaven has leaven, yeast, thus when you eat it, it has more taste; that is the bread that the Israelites ate in the wilderness, yet they ate the unleavened bread in Egypt, when they were in tribulation; Everybody eats unleavened bread when in tribulation. It is something we have to do, because we have three brains, three forces. You need wheat, which is your seed, which is also the same letter Nun, which is the fish. Any time that you are going to perform sexual magic, alchemy, or any kind of priesthood, namely, sexual magic, hermetic magic, or ceremonial magic, you have to exercise power over the elementals. (LogOut/ - Zohar. What Is the Sabbath Day and Year? Yahweh is the name of the Almighty Father in Heaven that people commonly call "The LORD" or "God". Samael Aun Weor stated that when a woman and a man are united in the sexual act, they form the three primary forces (Kether, Chokmah and Binah), and if they transmute their brute mercury (the semen - in both sexes - within which swims the Nun of Nuriel, the sperm and the ovum) they liberate Venus, Uriel (the electrons, the solar force of the Nun) by means of their will (Thelema), which they have to exercise. and having ears, hear ye not? In the Mishnah (in Sanhedrin 10:1), as Rabbi Louis Jacobs notes in The Jewish Religion, the sage Abba Saul declares that one who pronounces the divine name with its letters (i.e. Did you know that in accordance with religion there are two types of bread? YHWH is formed from the four Hebrew letters yodh/yud, he/hey, waw/vav, and he/hey. In Abrahamic religions, the Holy Spirit, also known as the Holy Ghost, is an aspect or agent of God, by means of which God communicates with people or acts on them. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Tetragrammaton (/ t t r r m t n /; from Ancient Greek (tetragrmmaton) '[consisting of] four letters'), or the Tetragram, is the four-letter Hebrew theonym (transliterated as YHWH), the name of God in the Hebrew Bible.The four letters, written and read from right to left (in Hebrew), are yodh, he, waw, and he. In other words, we as Adam, symbol of the physical body, have three brains. The white king is not a hasnamuss. The three Tetragrams in the three worlds make twelve: the three worlds and the four Tetragrams, one in each world; three by four is twelve. The rose signifies the dawn and the cross is a sacred symbol of antiquity in many cultures. If you are a practical alchemist, then that bread turns into the bread of heaven, which has yeast. Similarly, it is asked, what does the Tetragrammaton symbol mean?TETRA = Means four in Greek. In the Cabala, the characters of the Tetragrammaton are transposed and subdivided into two component pronouns. Her passions for Biblical study and creativity collide in her writing. For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. But when I think about some of the things on Earth that seem heaven sent, that God has allowed me to enjoy, I wonder if . Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. PENTAGRAM SYMBOL: THE ESOTERIC PENTAGRAN - Blogger The bi-polarization of this type of cosmic energy in the human organism was analyzed since ancient times in the Initiatic Colleges of Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Greece, Chaldea, Rome, Phoenicia, etc. What experience do you need to become a teacher? Likewise, when you work in the annihilation of the ego, if you analyze, there are always three forces working there. You can ask for help from the elements in for help in teaching. Fire, burn! Meaning and Usage. Bibliography. Two Esoteric Masonic Concepts Which Are Linked By The Tetragrammaton An oven! That is why below the symbol of mercury you find the caduceus of mercury, which makes the basis of the cross: the wings form the horizontal line, and the caduceus is the vertical line. You can see this in the siddur. Tetraktys - Theosophy Wiki The four stages of creation (i) the initial singularity, (ii) the Big Bang and the initial inflation, (iii) the long period of the expansion of the universe, and (iv) the formation of the solar . I am affirming things that I understand, that I comprehend.