a. Shakes the soiled linen to remove any toilet paper remnants This client will also need a lot of education regarding anti-rejection medications. A nurse is developing a plan of care for a client who practices Islam. 1. Underline the adjective clause in each sentence. Which region of the tRNA pairs with mRNA? 4. Incorrect: This option would create total chaos, interrupting sleep patterns and staffing schedules. A nurse is caring for a client who has emphysema and has difficulty with mobility. Incorrect: The scope of practice for the UAP encompasses basic personal care needs, ambulating, and taking vitals; however, the nurse must still verify that all tasks are accomplished in a safe manner. Elevating the head of the bed 30- 40 for the client post thoracotomy 2. 3. In this situation, it is not a matter of the nurse preferring to take all the vital signs, but the nurse needs to know the competency level of the UAP before delegating this task. Report of feeling pressure Encourage clients and families to develop mutually appropriate visitation times. Incorrect: The client will need IV access for sedation during the procedure and will need the fluid for hydration since the client is NPO. Answer the following question to test your understanding of the preceding section: The nurse manager on a medical-surgical unit receives official notification that staff overtime must be decreased as a cost-saving measure. A nurse is preparing an in-service presentation for a group of newly licensed nurses about the use of restraints. A nurse is orienting a new assistive personal (AP) to the unit. The nurse cannot allow the UAP to perform advanced tasks. A Medical Power of Attorney is a type of Advance Directive that appoints a health care agent to make decisions on the client's behalf when the client is unable to do so. a. Reposition the client every 3 hr 2. We see that the temperature is already elevated, which makes us worry that infection is present. Evaluate pain relief after narcotic administration. Client assignments are based on client acuity and nurses do not necessarily have the same number of clients. 1. 3. Observe the client before taking further actions A nurse is preparing to obtain a blood specimen from a client by venipuncture. The first client the nurse needs to assess is the elderly client admitted 30 minutes ago with reports of constipation for four days. 1 d. Decreased calcium excretion, c. Provide the client with a diet high in protein (inadequate intake of protein, iron, vitamins, and calories increase the risk for skin breakdown), 27. b. Summarization A nurse is using the communication principle of presence when establishing a collaborative relationship with a client. c. Interpersonal (interpersonal communication is face-to-face interaction with another person. What task would be best to assign to the LPN/LVN? a. 3. c. Raised toilet seats 3. Clients over the age of 65 must have a saline lock according to facility policy Now, in Option #2, we see a dangerous prescription. 4. A nurse identifies a pressure ulcer after a client had a long, extensive recovery following a surgical procedure. Which clients could be assigned to an LPN? Changing a colostomy bag. A post-cardiac catheterization needing assistance with bedpan. Return any fresh linen not used for a client to the linen supply area Select all that apply Obtain a urine specimen from a client with an indwelling Foley catheter. Correct: The LPN/LVN can monitor for behavioral changes and can look for potential safety hazards. Vital sign measurement 2. 4. b. I'm so sorry to hear about this Correct: The clue that should be picked up on here is that the client is now reporting that the cast has become too tight. b. 5. A nurse is caring for a client who is about to have a colonoscopy. 2. a. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? Try different methods of oral care on unresponsive clients to see what works best. Correct: The client may be experiencing a myocardial infarction and requires further assessment. Pick up the tray and tell the UAP that they didn't do a good job. d. I shouldn't advice you about what is ultimately a personal decision, b. Convenience for the nursing staff or the client's family b. A client is scheduled for a colonoscopy with biopsy of a large tumor that is completely blocking the large intestine in the morning. a. Incorrect: It is out of the UAP's scope of practice to administer medication. 77. A nurse is caring for an older adult client who has a fractured hip and will require rehab care. 4. a. This may result in several health problems including arrhythmias, an enlarged heart, heart failure, infections and bleeding. A nurse just back from maternity leave. Which of the following actions should the nurse take when obtaining a wound-drainage specimen for culture? with this question, the nurse is using which of the following communication techniques? A nurse asks a client how he is feeling. The provider must renew a restraint prescription every 8 hr. Incorrect: The first void of a 24 hour urine is discarded and can be delegated to the UAP. Based on these findings, to which of the following providers should the nurse request a referral for the client? d. Let's wait until tonight to see if he continues his behavior, 63. Which of the following findings indicates that the client is meeting this goal? What is the appropriate assignment? Which of the following actions should the nurse take? 3. b. 1. The nurse chooses to confront the client. c. Open the right flap with the left hand 3. b. a. I will wear gloves when removing food from the freezer A nurse is caring for a client who is immobile. These areas require the expertise of an RN and would not be appropriate for an LPN/LVN. 4. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the procedure? The facility has insurance that will cover malpractice litigation If the client is unstable, the nurse would retain the role of measuring the vital signs. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? An adult (18 years or older) can create an advanced directive. Call the client's provider c. Washes and rinses her hands for 10 seconds e. Feed a client who had a stroke 3 months ago, 32. d. 216, 22. A client diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis needing discharge teaching. b. d. To identify delayed gastric emptying, a. Auscultate breath should at least ever 2 hr (priority action the nurse should contribute to the plan of care when using the ABC approach to client care in auscultating breath sounds to determine the client's need for suctioning; with inactivity, secretions can pool in the airways, diminishing breath sounds and causing crackles and dyspnea), 43. 3. 3. 4. d. I'll use each cleansing wipe twice, d. I decline this opportunity at this time (assertive because it contains an "I" statement and it is clear and firm), 52. 3. Feed the client after warming the food. b. Massage any bony prominences to promote circulation 1. a. 4. Select all that apply Teaching about a medication A newly hired nurse in a long term care facility has been asked to assist with revising old policies regarding family visitation schedules. The charge nurse delegates a licensed practical nurse (LPN) to perform an intervention that is not within the scope of practice for the LPN. The client must understand the need for restraints Which of the following types of intervention is the nurse using to promote the development of the nurse-client relationship? Aplastic anemia is a rare but serious condition. Select all that apply Which of the following sites should the nurse plan to use to obtain the blood specimen? We do not know the extent of her injuries based on what the option tells us. The client is apparently stable and does not require any advanced assessment skills or specialized care. 4. The charge nurse is making client assignments for a neuro-medical floor. e. an open perineal wound, 92. Even though this nurse just had a baby, there is no risk of her transmitting this virus to her child. The LPN can monitor the wound and provide care to the PEG insertion site. Cardiac catheterization with a decreased pedal pulse below insertion site. c. Use an aggressive tone of voice c. Inform the surgical team to cancel the client's surgery b. Numbness Client diagnosed with hemorrhoids who had some spotting of bright red blood on toilet tissue with last bowel movement. On an ongoing basis, the charge nurse evaluates individual and collective outcomes of the patient care provided during their shift, compares patient care delivery to accepted standards, adjusts assignment of resources as necessary, and reports changing needs and outcomes to the health care staff. Select all that apply When staff do not feel vested in any new process, there is a sense of underappreciation. Temporary urinary retention (common for clients to develop after removal), 90. Pointing to the two glasses partially filled with water, the magician asked, "Which glass contains the least water?". They are more direct when discussing issues (men focus on issues and discuss them more directly and readily than women do), 20. Provides day to day direction and supervision to assigneddirect patient care staff . Client scheduled for a dressing change to foot ulcer. However, it remains true pain for this client and the client would need intervention to help manage this pain. If a sentence is already correct, write CCC. d. Identity vs role confusion, b. Assigning tasks to an AP (delegation is considered indirect care), 13. Making Client Care Assignment NUR 211: Module 4 Assignment Rationale: The patient is stable, she will need to teaching on self-care after a pacer insertion. Which task would be appropriate for the nurse to assign to an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? d. Routine acquisition of a urine specimen Give magnesium citrate 296 mL at 3 PM today. a. Right forearm b. Irrigate the wound with an antiseptic prior to obtaining the specimen (c) Ba2+(aq)+CO32(aq)BaCO3(s);K=3.8108\mathrm{Ba}^{2+}(a q)+\mathrm{CO}_3^{2-}(a q) \longrightarrow \mathrm{BaCO}_3(s) ; K=3.8 \times 10^8Ba2+(aq)+CO32(aq)BaCO3(s);K=3.8108 A nurse is caring for a client whose partner asks to speak with the nurse. 1) Bathe a client who had an amputation 2 days ago. 1. Client diagnosed with a hemorrhagic stroke 1 week ago, who currently has a blood pressure of 170/96. Announce the new changes at the monthly staff meeting. Nursing questions and answers. Use double bagging to remove soiled linen from the client's room Drag and Drop the items from one box to the other. b. What action should the nurse implement first to ensure client safety? Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan? 1. d. Arrange the food groups clockwise on the client's place, b. I'll use the cleansing wipes from the front to back, 51. A client post pacemaker insertion, awaiting discharge instructions. 4. the nurse responds, "don't worry, no one will harm your family." A nurse is preparing a client's evening dose of risperidone when the tablet falls on the countertop. You would be jeopardizing the limb of this client to take the time to do discharge teaching for the client waiting to go home. Well, do you see the q.d.? Everyone knows there are others who can chair this committee better than me A nurse is providing discharge teaching for a client who requires home oxygen therapy. c. Hallucinations at the onset of sleep, 65. Simply accept the assignment since overtime is mandatory. A nurse is prioritizing care for two clients at the start of the shift. Which of the following communication techniques should the nurse use during this phase? The best practice committee utilizes current research in their recommendations. 2. There are potential problems in Options #1, 2, 3, and 4 and should be questioned and corrected. a. Elicit info from the client d. Talk with others who have info about the client, b. I can detect the presence of carbon monoxide by a metallic odor, 58. The Charge Nurse will lead or direct licensed and non-professional staff in the delivery of direct Resident care and support functions. 2. EXAMPLE: Of my three brothers and sisters, my sister Giselle has the better sense of humor. 1. b. Refuse the assignment, being prepared for disciplinary action. a. b. A nurse is caring for a client who has a hip fracture that requires surgical repair. Protective b. Emptying a urinary drainage bag for a client who has pneumonia b. 208 The client states, "I am so nervous about what the doctor might find during the test."
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