This is true whether a property or liability form; and regardless whether the insured is a commercial or personal lines client. c) Accelerated benefit rider. 4. \hline & \text { Jul 31 } & 19,500 What are the 3 characteristics of a Mutual Insurance Company? B. Beneficiarys age 1)tax qualified plans (c) human life value method Life insurance policy premium charged the policyowner that can be less than that guaranteed in the contract, premium increases gradually during the first few years and then levels off, All of the following statements are true regarding mortgage protection insurance EXCEPT. C. Unilateral contract Cash values are available in whole life policies. A. Correct: A. a surplus lines broker places risks with nonadmitted insurers when coverage cannot be placed with admitted insurer carriers. b) Unilateral Payor benefit/Clause is always a _________. D. Financial Experience. C. They can borrow higher amounts off of their policies B. Jul3119,500\begin{aligned} Modification to a policy is a _______________? _______ pays dividends to the stock holder. Whats the cheapest type of permanent insurance? a) Because the insured is currently not a drug user, his policy will not be affected. An insurer that is incorporated in the same state that they are doing business in is a_____________.? 2)Straight Life (c) both I & II (d) neither I or II. B. 1)Whole Life After examining other manufacturing cost data, you have acquired additional information as follows. a. whole life paid at 65 &\text { Retained Earnings }\\ A. An insurer that was incorporated in a different state that it is doing business in. When the producer exceeds the authority expressed in the agency contract and the insurer does not take action, which type of authority is created? compulsion? &\text { Accounts payable }\\ (c) both I & II (d) neither I or II, Diane is a single parent. ____________ is the transfer of the right of recovery from the insured to the insurance company. 4. Estate conservation 4. a. All of the following are methods of payment? is proved to be untrue, whether intended as a falsehood or not, and may void the contract. The profit per night for each type of room and rental class is as follows: RentalClassRoomSuperSaverDeluxeBusinessTypeI$30$35TypeII$20$30$40\begin{aligned} ~~~\text{Depreciation on factory equipment}&31,000\\ Rates. Health insurance decreases your healthcare costs. -immediately considered fully paid up \hline & \text { Jul 1 } & \begin{array}{r} c) 15% for early withdrawal (a) I only & \text{ ???? } All of the following are required signatures on a life insurance application EXCEPT. An Insurance broker is responsible for what? (a) Interest is credited monthly to a policy's cash value. Your device, make and model. What contract characteristic does this describe? D. Claim History 2) Transferring the risk Individuals covered under the policy received a certificate of insurance. 6)free-look period-$ back guaranteed. 1) preferred-low The agent An aleatory contract is a contract where the monetary values of the parties performances are________________. \hline \text { Jul 1 } & 22,000 \\ C. Consideration c. It is the failure to use ordinary care. *The insured is diagnosed with terminal & chronicle illness 3)Consideration The US is the only developed nation without a system of universal healthcare, with a large proportion of its population not carrying health insurance, a . The policy is issued for one year and may be renewed annually with evidence of insurability. (d) Premiums increase at an increasing rate upon renewal. \textbf{For the Month Ended October 31, 2017}\\ Indicate by a plus (+)(+)(+), minus ()(-)(), or zero (0)(0)(0) if the factor would increase, decrease, or have an indeterminate effect. 17,000, InventoryJul122,000???? When a insurance company(insurer) has too many risks exposed to loss it seek another company(reinsurers) to insure them. A. -The insurer would pay the face amount of the policy minus the past due premium. To ensure suitability of annuity products, producers must obtain relevant information about the consumer's age, income, financial status, tax status, financial experience and objectives. c) Whole Life D) When immediate annuities are used to pay IRA benefits, distributions must begin no later than age 70 in order for the annuitant to avoid penalties. A FINRA registration. C. Payment of premium Universal Life is also known as two things what are they? The correct answer is: Maggie's Piano Studio with 1 employee. a) Consumer Privacy Act Any profit realized in the operation will be used to provide dividends to stockholders as well as surplus funds that may be used as a buffer for future adverse experience. In an insurance contract, the value that each party gives the other is called the: When an individual faces the risk of economic loss in the event of property damage, this indicates which of the following? How does having children affect the decisions that couples must make when considering a divorce? A monthly deduction is made from a policy's cash value for the cost of insurance protection. 2)Foreign Insurer D. Funding against general company financial loss d) Primary and secondary beneficiary designations. Insurance transfers risk but it does not__________ risk. C. A surplus lines broker deals with direct writing companies only . These individuals qualify for lower premiums than those in the other categories. Insurers use this law in order to predict certain types of losses and set appropriate premiums. c) Conditional Which of the following about a VUL insurance policy is (are) true? They keep a high percentage of any interest earned on their policies Each withdrawal, however, is usually charged, and the amount and frequency of withdrawals are usually limited. 4. Costs of training a replacement However, the applicant does not wish to give the agent the initial premium, and no conditional receipt is issued. Which of the following information about the applicant is NOT included on Part 1 of the application for life insurance. (b) tax-free exchange provision Beneficiary's age is not a suitability factor. 1) the premium amount In a conditional receipt if the policy holder dies before delivery of the policy what has to happen for the benefits to be paid? Which of the following best illustrates a Who is not a party to the contract and receives the benefits when the insured dies? Pure Risk. Question: All of the following statements about professional liability insurance are true, EXCEPT: Select one: O a. \text{Inventory} & 201 & 505 & 905 & 52 \\ Why?". ? -insured can stop paying premiums at certain age or after a period of time Which of the following is correct concerning the taxation of premiums in a key-person life insurance policy? B) A fiduciary is a producer who handles insurer funds in a trust capacity. ~~~\text{Insurance expense}&\underline{8,000}&\underline{803,000}\\ -usually mutual fund security 5)Survivorship Life Policy (policy holder pays themselves). 1)absolute assignment-all rights are assigned 4)Based on principle sum(rider) & capital sum(insurer) 50%, 3rd party ownership insurers issues policy to a lending institution 3)riders & exclusions (b) reduced. 1)Domestic Insurer C. A surplus lines broker accepts business only from non- resident agents Rebating is an unfair trade practice and is regulated by law. Appoint a solicitor as his or her representative Which of the following is the basis for a claim against an insurance policy? Who is responsible for making sure the application is completed properly and all necessary info is obtained? Only one party is giving a legally enforceable promise- A one-sided contract is what? The issuance of a binder is the result of the ___________________ of an offer. In this case, the applicant will most likely need to fill out a Statement of Good Health. AccountspayableJul1Jul3114,500??? -the applicant must always initial the change B) Underwriters. Waive the premium if the INSURED becomes totally disabled. B) Passing examination with 75% or higher score. When the agent delivers the policy, collects the initial premium, and the applicant completes and acceptable statement of good health Annually renewable term policies provide a level death benefit for a premium that d) Older. What is the difference between renewable policy holder & Insurer? c) Low-income individuals and families &\begin{array}{lr|rr} Rates - If the insured suffers a dismemberment the policy pays the CAPITAL SUM which is 50% of the principal sum. II. 3)according to the source of annuity income d) Fair Credit Reporting Act. A. D. A surplus lines broker places risks with nonadmitted insurers when coverage cannot be placed with admitted insurer carriers Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following would not appear in the asset section of an insurance company's balance sheet? 2)can be sold as a rider to a whole-life policy. C) They must contain a warning that actual results may vary. (3), WHat is the difference between universal and whole life policies? Correct: A Insurance . B. Which of the following is a financial rating service? Findefch a Wife,' 'Pnrple and Fine -men,'^The' Day of Temptation,' ' Of Royal Blood,' etc., etc . Correct: C. Unilateral contract. Insurance is designed to provide protection against which of the following? Benefits received are considered income taxable Which of the following is NOT a fraudulent and intentional deception of the truth? (b) The face amount of the policy is paid if the insured lives to age 65. The designation will be void/. \end{array} \\ They have made a legal arrangement which states that if one of them dies or becomes disabled, the other two wull be able to buy the partner's shares, Which term best describes this arrangement? Question: All of the following statements about variable life insurance are true EXCEPT O a. a) The amount of insurance on the life of any debtor may exceed the greater of the scheduled or actual amount of unpaid indebtedness to the creditor. A securities license. On DUE DATE. When a policy is non-contributory how much is paid? 3)Rider expires 60,65,75. Cash value is the same as ___________ when the policy matures. a) Agent's report All of the following statement regarding credit life insurance are true, except: A. credit life insurance may be written on either and individual or group basis. Being young and healthy means you can skip out on health insurance. IN WHITE RAIMENT. (c) Interest credited to a policy's cash value is taxable to the policyowner in the year credited. (c) face amount of the policy and the legal reserve. What adds coverage and modifies coverage? b. it frequently includes coverage for losses due to casualty and theft. -Both parties must follow certain conditions set forth in contract, -IRS classification of a policy that is overfunded C. Loss of personal income Correct: D. A surplus lines broker places risks with nonadmitted insurers when coverage cannot be placed with admitted insurer carriers. . What are the (5) Factors considered with combination policies Who and What are they? He would also like to invest in a mutual fund. (b) II only Are insurance company underwriters allowed to discriminate? When an insurance policy is not clear, the court will usually interpret in favor of the insured because of which characteristic? insurable interest must exist. b. B. B. Twisting c) Needs approach Correct: C. Concealment, A. What (5) Factors for GIO & GIB. whose covered? It is the specific cause of loss. Statements in the application that are guaranteed true but later found to be false may result in what? The policy's cash value grows as the investments grow. A surplus lines broker accepts business only from non- resident agents All of the following would be exempt from the producer licensing requirements EXCEPT: A) A customer service representative who discusses policies. b) The policy will not be affected. (a) limited-payment whole life insurance also known as acceptance. Height Weight and Health conditions. B. Misrepresentation - Limited Pay Life Hospital bills of the key employee Participating policy. Prior to October 2017, the company had been profitable every month. 4. 2)non-qualified plans Which of the following statements regarding the taxation of Modified Endowment Contracts is FALSE? A conditional contract requires both the insurer and policyowner to meet certain conditions before the contract can be executed, unlike other types of policies, which put the burden of condition on either the insurer or the policyowner. If applicant is not the insured- then insureds signature is required B. 1. Observers and analysts have attributed the reasons for the 2001-2006 housing bubble and its 2007-10 collapse in the United States to "everyone from home buyers to Wall Street, mortgage brokers to Alan Greenspan". Which of the following types of insurance policies would perform the function of cash accumulation? C) A licensee cannot knowingly employ an individual who has been convicted of a felony or crime of moral turpitude within the past 10 years to act in a fiduciary capacity. DONT PICK IT!!!!!! See Answer. If the insurance carried is less than required, the insurance may not cover the whole loss. Chapter 11 - Life Insurance. Limited-Pay Life & Single-Premium Policies? d) Buyer's Guide. C. Premiums are tax deductible by the key employee The requirement that producers must account for all insurance funds collected, and without the expressed consent of the insurance company(ies) are not permitted to co-mingle those funds with their own funds is known as 2)collateral assignment-some or only one right assigned. Compute DVDs net cash provided by (used for) operating activities during July. (economy). Group life insurance is most often issued as guaranteed annual renewable term. If someone dies within the Grace period, what happens? 2)people under the influence of drugs or alcohol Reinsurer Assuming company. B. 3)MIB=records of all previous insurances they had. B) One step in the investigation of a claim is to determine whether the policy was in force when the loss occurred. D) Using misrepresentation to convince a person to cancel an existing policy and buy a new one is called "twisting.". -provides income for retirement In the needs approach, all of the following information is used to establish how much insurance needs to be purchased, EXCEPT: Mary should purchase $1.5 million ($75,000 x 20 working years remaining = $1,500,000). The policyowner has a variety of options for investment of the cash value. A. Correct: C. Consideration. b) Increasing Premium B. Avoidance A) Any distributions from MECs are taxable, including withdrawals and policy loans. Which of the following statements is NOT true concering insurable interest as it applies to life insurance? The death benefit varies according to investment experience. \end{aligned} Correct: A. The debtor does not have an insurable interest in the life of the lender. An insurer that was incorporated in a DIFFERENT STATE that it is doing business in is a _____________??? Life insurance prodceeds Misappropriation or illegal withholding of the policyholder's money. It has cash value that is invested into the stock market through mutual funds/securities. ADD( Accidental death and dismemberment??? 4)Explain the policy and its provisions D) They must be signed by both the Producer and the applicant. A life insurance license. (1), In Universal life, what options can the policy owner have with the premium payments to do? C) Because an insurance company's strength and stability are two very crucial factors in its sustainability, independent rating services have formed to publish regular updates on the financial integrity of different insurance companies. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding rates and premiums? b) A producer who handles insurer funds in a trust capacity. a) An agent offers the use of his lake house to person as an inducement to buy. D) the minor in a juvenile policy. A rider that may be attached to a life insurance policy that will adjust the face amount based upon a specific index, such as the Consumer Price Index, is called (d) sandwiched family. (6). Which of the following best describes a surplus lines broker? You cannot sell a variable policy without what? _________ is a determination that a statement made as a warranty, or true. -the insurer sets the terms of the contract and the applicant must adhere to them. 2. A mutual insurance company is owned by who? An agent and an applicant for a life insurance policy fill out and sign the application. All of the following would be considered to be rebating EXCEPT 4)Consumer report=credit, -shorter time span for paying premiums A. 3)substandard risk. 1) Family Maintenance(breadwinner) Involuntary Risk When applicant is not the insured ______________ must exist. Part 1 of the application includes the general questions about the applicant, including name, age, address, birth date, gender, income, marital status, and occupation. \text { Type I } & \$ 30 & \$ 35 & - \\ C. Solicit applications on the insurer's behalf Arrest History. (b) Cash value accumulation is slow to moderate. The insured agrees to maintain insurance equal to some specified percentage of the value of the property. d) Producer. Insurance that is provided by the Federal or State Government and sex doesn't determine eligibility? All of the following are true of key person insurance EXCEPT ) The key employee is the insured. Suitability a) Remains level. An underwriter will consider each of the following factors when evaluating a risk, except: A. D. The benefit is received tax free C. Social Security works exactly same as private insurance. -policy holder adheres to it Due to climate change, premiums are going up for certain types of insurance, such as flood insurance. Occupation Economics questions and answers. An agent told Carl about a form of life insurance in which Carl could select where the savings component is invested. All of the following characterize term life insurance, EXCEPT: Select one: a. 4)underwriting is complete When must insurable interest exist in a life insurance policy? B) The plan is funded by permanent insurance only. (D The employer is the owner, payor and beneficiary of the policy. B. Jul3125,500\begin{aligned} C. Concealment Permanent Insurance have 3 words in common, what are they? EMPIRECOMPANYIncomeStatementFortheMonthEndedOctober31,2017\begin{array}{c} AKA-payout phase. A) An indeterminate premium reduction policy is a policy in which the premium is guaranteed for an initial period, then the insurer can charge up to a maximum premium charge that is specified in the policy. It is a type of tort. What insurance concept is associated with the names Weiss and Fitch? Conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude. Where can you find insurance coverage after being rejected by your insurance company for too many claims in the past year? \text { Type II } & \$ 20 & \$ 30 & \$ 40 -then picks a contract. What type of interest does universal life have? B. Their premiums are lower She has limited income and significant life insurance needs. Domestic Insurer Renew policy holder has an option- THE INSURER DOES NOT. What must exist at the time of the application? - 20 pay life-premiums paid for 20 years and paid up at 65 \end{array} The policy is a conditional contract B. A surplus lines broker places risk with nonadmitted insurers when coverage cannot be placed with admitted insurer carriers 3)low premiums. -The insurance dept. Receipt -Prepays portion of face amount if diagnosed with terminal illness. 5)Explain when coverage begins A company doing business in the same state it was incorporated in and owned by the policy holders. the willful holding back or secretion of material facts pertinent of the issuance of insurance or a claim. D. Premiums paid are deductible as a business expense. 2. c) The premium for the policy shall be paid either from the creditor's funds, or from charges collected from the insured debtors, or from both. It is used to pay off the balance on the mortgage. d) Paid-up option. b) 5 years only. Round Tree has 100 Type I rooms and 120 Type II rooms. 1) All requirements are met -it pays the double indemnity, 1)accident occurs, person must die within 90 days What is an exchange of a whole entire life policy for another? A company doing business in a different state than it is incorporated in and the stockholders/share holders have ownership rights Daycare is considered to be among these expenses. There is a limit for a withdrawal and the insurer charges a fee. (b) Face amount decreases during the policy period, but premiums remain level. What are (4) characteristics of permanent insurance? Life insurance proceeds Quarterly working capital levels for your firm for the next year are included in the following table. d) Loss. There are many legitimate need-based expenses that can be paid by life insurance proceeds, from groceries to retirement income. Pure risk Business partners have an insurable interest in each other "Round Tree Manor is a hotel that provides two types of rooms with three rental classes: Super Saver, Deluxe, and Business. c. c) An agent offers tickets to a baseball game as an inducement to buy insurance. b. &\text { Accounts receivable }\\ (receive dividends & the right to vote). C. State Education Waiver &\begin{array}{lr|rr} Conditional contract means the policy holder does what? Insurance is an important tool to manage risks, but often unavailable to poorer households. (b) face amount of the policy and the total premiums that have been paid. Most insurance policies contain a specific limit that an insurer will pay for a single claim. Various life insurance programs for people who served in the military are called ______________? All of the following statements about term insurance are true EXCEPT. (b) level-premium method Does not pay dividends to policyowners; however, taxable dividends are paid to stockholder. (b) Most policies can be renewed without evidence of insurability. ? The face amount decreases as the amount owed on the mortgage decreases. D. Offer All of the following statements about term insurance are true EXCEPT. good health Waiver of Premium- What happens to the insurer? c) Fixed premium (b) Any withdrawal of cash value reduces the death benefit. The insurance company may not void the insurance policy for which of the following reasons? &\begin{array}{lccc} An insurer or producer may NOT knowingly employ an individual to act in a fiduciary capacity if that individual has been convicted of a felony or crime of moral turpitude within the past What happens when a policy is surrendered for its cash value? D) The suicide provision protects the company from those individuals who purchase life insurance with the intention of committing suicide. IRS classification of a policy that is overfunded? B. Marital Status $ cant exceed indebtness. Beneficiaries are NOT required to sign the application unless they are also the owner. An agent tells an insured that if he replaces his current insurance policy with a newer one, his dividends will be higher and his premium will be slightly lower. When an insured fails to disclose known facts in an application for insurance, he/she may be guilty of: A. All of the following are options for managing risk, except: means of collecting a loss payment from a liable party. Correct: C. Condition contract, enforceable only under certain conditions. insured is always the borrower & the beneficiary=lender Hazard 1) Avoiding the risk D. The face amount remains the same throughout the life of the policy. C. Premiums are determined by age sex and occupation of each individuals certificate holder. -guarantee a stream of income to the person purchasing it known as the annuitant. This is called. A life insurance policy is exchanged for an annuity. (2), The current market will influence the cash value Beneficiary's age Type I rooms do not have wireless Internet access and are not available for the Business rental class. 4)settlement options, 1)stand alone policy c. thoughts of harming a neighbor Which of the following is NOT an example of a business use of Life Insurance? ~~~\text{Utilities expense}&12,000\\ 4)decrease premium paying period. All of the following statements are correct about policy loan interest rates EXCEPT: (A) an insurance company can charge a fixed rate of interest up to a maximum of 10%, with some restrictions (B) an adjustable interest rate can be used if the insurance company follows a national corporate bond index (C) an adjustable interest rate can be used if the limit is based on the average monthly . 1)physical exam Misrepresentation, Concealment and Deceit are all examples of what? (c) two-income earner family. Accelerated Living Benefit/Death Benefit is what type of rider? (d) endowment insurance, Rachel needs permanent life insurance. You should now have gotten the answer to your question "All of the following statements are true of liability insurance, EXCEPT:", which was part of Insurance MCQs & Answers. 3,000, AccountsreceivableJul121,000???? Which model is the better fit for the data? 14,500 \\ \hline & \text { Jul 31 } & 58,000 (b) They increase at a decreasing rate. (b) Prepare a correct income statement for October 2017. -greater potential to grow the cash value but there is no guarantee -its a rider B. Department of Defense When an agent collects the initial premium from the applicant, the agent should issue the applicant a. exclusions: when the accident occurs within an illness,disease, or mental infirmity. All renewable term policies are accepted without__________ and only with_____ collected. d) 15 years. \text{Less: Operating expenses}\\ 3)certified public accountants, Is insurance that is provided by the Federal or State government a) Year only. 167 views, 0 likes, 3 loves, 8 comments, 10 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church Greensboro, NC: 5th Sunday after Epiphany. Originating policy I. D. Agents report. It requires evidence of insurability for renewal.
Deseret Management Corporation Revenue, Cumberland Point Hoa Savannah, Ga, Articles A