And no.. FRIDAY said. Hah. Clint squirms underneath the covers, reveling in the softness all around all of him, and lets out a happy noise into the fluffy pillow. Don't wait up. He leaves, and Clint looks after him, telling himself firmly that he does not feel rejected. Wait, Clint says. When they do, Clint's up and ready, twisting their arm behind their back and hooking his other arm around their neck. Plus, you'd probably unconsciously stab me to death or something., A warm huff of breath against his neck. He won't be bothered by it. I travel because I'm awesome, Tony says. Evelyn Warner was a nurse during World War 2 working side-by-side with Captain America and Peggy Carter. "Never Have I Ever" Pt. If we ever disagree on missions, please don't piss on my things, Bruce says with a wry smile. Tasha's brows draw in half a milimeter, and Clint knows she like him is trying really hard not to think of their team captain's supposed hard-on. Wait, what? Tony says, whipping his head around to pin Clint down with his eager stare. Sam cracked a small smile, glad to embarrass the secret couple. As expected, Natasha, Clint, Steve, Bucky, Sam and Tony drank, but yet again Peter surprised them all by downing his glass. Hmmm, Tony says and pins Bruce with his science-stare. #marvel Nat and Wanda took drinks. Steve asked. Tony's eyes widened, how the fuck did that crazy lunatic get someone so sweet like Peter "Jesus Christ, Pete. "I'm here for a second, then I'm gone. Eaten a cheeseburger really? Tony snarks. They don't say good night. Kidding?, No no, Tony says, sounding far away, shaking his head slowly. "Everyone has a hand, so five fingers, and after those, you have to take a shot for every time you have ever done the mentioned thing. Sensitive information and details from missions. i should continue that, and because i have writer's block and felt a moment of motivation, Paxton Hall-Yoshida/Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar, my benvi bias made itself known in the writing of this, but my love for every dynamic in the love triangle also made itself known, (if you consider canon proceeded as usual from 3.04 when reading this), never have i everplayed never have i ever. maziareski, libraryace, L3m0ns, starkxdrx, haerin_03, RENielsen, Catbugaf, Scribblesnpaws, IdiotQueer, Metamorphin, AroAmber, Kitenne, imaturtledontchaknow, Rayllin, HereForTheMermaids, taiyuling, SadRose, pocketsmith, professorandre1228, CrazyWolf, FerAmayaSnape, one_step_closer_to_death, FrozenSeas, LoonyBadger, Inthesky1999, covarla, Andromeda_Potter, ishin_na_telleth, QueenTorres, da_fluff_ball, vampirekitty26, Deaddead7776, nimrudivory, abigail_1_2, KatChillOut, cissy_blck, Kingsforcedvacation, QuickBeam, Lets_call_me_Lily, MissShannon, ananou, Lily_McGlaughlin, llillilhollillil, Mindwiped, BookEmDanno22, NowWhatGuys, Isabella1324, nerd_123, Unknown66, kireiflora, and 606 more users They quickly released Gamora from the Soul Stone, then scattered the Stones to the edges of the universe. Bruce is still quiet, but he does have a cognac glass in his hands when he sits down beside Steve, a glass containing what looks like Bailey's, or some other kind of creamy liquor. I should call Pepper! Its more comfortable without anyway., In MY suit!? The other teenagers smiled too, not in a 'you are so stupid' way, but how one might discover a new fun fact, like how Ned discovered Peter HATED peppermint with a passion. Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. Tony remembered Peter telling him about the new kid at his school and how he had gushed about how cool the guy was, almost certain he had gotten the name right. Supposedly Loki was visiting an old ally but Thor and Bruce had shared a look, knowing exactly who the god of mischief was talking about. Ah, I understand! Thor says, looking delighted again. It's creepy. Abe ringed the bell. Steve and Bucky were able to fully participate thanks to Thors gift of several casks of Asgardian mead- though he was in New Asgard at present. Yeah, Im with Vision. Not that he could remember, at least. It's blueberry, his favorite. We all sit down in the living room and wait for Danny to take charge even if I was the leader of the junior team and Uncle Steve was the leader of the seniorteam. He makes sure that his lips are wrapped around the spout, and he knows Tony's watching. "Never Have I Ever been brainwashed." Peter said. Where you can ask anyway, even though you've done it? Tony seems to look mostly at Bruce, Natasha and Clint, since the two others haven't played this before. Tony smirked, leaning forward in his seat and looking down at a blushing Peter. Tough mission? Tony says and glances at the bandage covering Clint's shoulder. Oh, he says. Tony, Rhodey, Clint, and Natasha all drank. "I am fine, thanks. Steve sighs. Hugging and stuff, that's I like that.. "It was just an accident." He starts making Tony coffee in the mornings, when he's up earlier; Tony will shuffle in, usually a couple of minutes later, and inhale the caffeinated drink faster than can be any kind of healthy. Or I rip my clothes.. I've been good! Clint rolls over onto his other side, so he faces away from Stark he doesn't like people staring at his face in his sleep. "This was very educational with Peter putting a chicken and flower pot on his head and getting a tattoo but it's three in the morning and we are all almost asleep," Uncle Steve says and I see he is right. When it was Ned's turn, a few people only had one finger left, including Peter. We gotta have that rule. That is until she meets Peter Parker. 'ch is weird, 'cause it's not us'lly with hever nave I haver. He frowns. Team red, only being 16-17 had juice boxes. Clint keeps his hand high and the phone out of Tony's reach. maybe Clint needs to stop thinking about his team-mates and sex so much. Ned shook his head, as if to say; 'No, don't do this, jeez Pete! Clint chokes on his whiskey when he laughs. AU of the avengers where they are all in highschool in present time and it will probably not go anywhere but enjoy anyway lol. See? Tony says and gestures at the circle they make, most of them slouched comfortably on the large pillows. Nn. Because Clint's gotta be honest; that thought freaks him out just a little. Ouch, back to last names again. He half wishes Phil were here so Clint could bitch at him about bad cupcake decisions, but their handler is currently in Arizona doing level 7 stuff that Clint is 'not privy to', no matter how good he is at hiding in Phil's ceiling. Why, thank you, Anthony!. developers, or authors from publishing works on this site. But you do care deeply for each other, Thor says and sounds vaguely approving? Tony grouses next to him for a few minutes more, until he gives up and shuffles back out. Steve's gone red again. Just leaning against Clint, still swaying. Work Search: Michelle answered for him. 5 Times The Avengers Broke the Internet and the 1 Time Stony Won The Bet, 2 Times Peter Was Almost Killed and 1 Time Peter and Clint Had 1 Thing In Common, 10 Times An Avenger Picked Him Up From School + 1 Time Tony Did. Fart, he gasps out as Clint half-drags him through the living room area and into the bedroom. It would be strange if he wasn't, considering how many people the playboy's slept with in the last ten years alone. Remind me to take you there one of these days, okay? Title from Eres t by Carla Morrison of course. Peter and Natasha were the only ones to drink. Natasha's smirking, but there's no edge to it, and Steve's eyes are brighter than they've been most of the night. That was really nice., I know, Clint says and doesn't so much sit down as he falls on his ass. Soft-as-silk cotton, cool and fresh under him, smelling faintly of vanilla and laundry detergent. However, with the arrival of a new super nurse in New York, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes cant help but think she looks like their Avengers X Reader Preferences & One-Shots, Half Truths Lead to Misunderstandings (Not Dead, Update Coming Soon), Preferences/Imagines/x Readers *Book 2*(Requests open). Tony and Clint share a look. After a long mission in Russia, consisting of the entire team taking down a Hydra wannabe, the Avengers sat down in the lounging area to relax. Cindy was laughing too, laying on the floor, her head in her hands and elbows underneath, so she could still see everyone. Tell me; when exactly did I become the reasonable grown-up of the two of us? My name is Makayla Ross and this is my story. But this year they decided on vodka never have I ever. Lindsay doesn't win. Feels normal, almost, which is a ridiculous thought because of their lives and Tony being, well, Tony. Happy New Year Paxton, she whispered.Happy New Year Devi, he murmured back before drawing her in again. Fare thee well, good Banner, Thor slurs, whose Asgardian-ness is even more pronounced now that he's drunk. He's clearly forgotten where it is, so the chances are big that he'll jump someone else unsuspecting. Clint wouldn't have pegged him as particularly bendy, but here he is, pulling off a move even Clint struggles with on some days. Did we have make-up sex?. Clint and Tony (and the team) get drunk, fall into bed together, fall out of it, and fall back in again. Peter put his sleeve down again. Should we proceed? or The world might know the Avengers as heroes but what's reall. Told in two timelines, this is a story of finding both a father and a new home. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It was disappointing, to say the least, how many of his classmates drank every week. Peter and Thor drank there juice and shot. Ben's first time hanging out with Paxton and Trent after 3x6. This way, Clint can make sure that it's not hot enough to scald Tony's throat and tongue. Clint's watching Cupcake Wars in the living room which is otherwise deserted, for once when Tony saunters in and flops miserably down onto the couch next to him. People are allowed to go without underwear if they want, Rhodey scolded mildly. To absolutely no one's surprise, Tony's really good in bed. #peterparker "Never Have I Ever been brainwashed." Two months, just about, Natasha says and twists to jab an elbow in Steve's side before ducking to avoid a fist in the face. When Peter protested he wasn't a kid, Tony reminded him he was drinking apple juice and had been building a new Lego set before they got the alert of the mission. Wait, doesn't that defeat the purpose? Steve asks. They're just as tall, but Clint has sobriety on his side. Like you and Steve aren't the exact same. Peter said. It sounds like a genuine question. The elevator dinged. #ironman Y/n grew up as most children do. Watching Devi grow up with Mohan and Nalini feels like papercuts and pinpricks for Ben.But when Devi loses a father and becomes a kindred spirit,Ben gains the thing he always wanted most: a dad. "Never ever have I gotten shot," Aunt May says and everyone but her, Shuri, T'chall, and Scott takes a drink. 'Unreasonable asshole' is kind of my personality description. He frowns. He hadn't expected Peter to take another drink, however, in fact no one had. So when Stark Industries called her, desperate for a housekeeper, there was no way in heaven she was gonna refuse. No. Natasha plays with the label on her bottle. Never Have I Ever Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction All of the original Avengers and Loki are holed up with no electricity, and get very bored. Yeah?. Youre going commando when you help little old ladies cross the street? Sam asked. It tickles. This is her journey through the Marvel Universe through the decades. "I think that's a good idea," I say before leaning over onto dad and passing out. Are you still mad about the thing?. Steve makes another squeaky sound, but less panicked this time, and Clint leans his head on the Captain's shoulder and presses their cheeks together. This will probably be a few chapters or series. This is darker/dirtier than I've written Bucky before, so strap in, y'all. Team red slowly took a sip of juice trying not to be notice. I was way too early to be awake on a lazy Sunday. He lets it go. Nope, not telling. left kudos on this work! And that's how I started my journey to become to almighty me!" Make me? Tony tries, and sounds hopeful. We could go with Greek, Natasha says, and Clint just nods because yeah, sure. The reason for this stupid game? I don't care what you want this to be, Stark I just like knowing what I'm getting into. He doesn't mean it as an accusation, and he's glad when it doesn't sound like one. Tony asked again, barely containing his laughter at the kids discomfort. And you wonder why people ship you two?. "Never have I ever shot a gun," Scott says and everyone but Aunt May and he takes a drink. But it'd be nice if you didn't prove my abandonment and trust issues wrong but high-tailing out of here. I'm not a thirteen year old girl, Stark, Clint says, his voice level. Okay? He couldn't deny this one, and now had four fingers. He thought that after the rollercoaster of a year that they were chill now. Like he could scrub out the last remains of Loki by somehow belonging to Tony's reactor instead of the Tesseract. #unlimitedpride WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A MURDER VICTIM TURNS UP ON YOUR DOOR? These kids are amazing! Clint rolls his eyes. He looks up at the clock. "no matter what everyone else thinks, you're still a loser" a quote by MJ, (this is a chapter) Gender Fluid Loki and a A/N, "I Have A Son" (dc and marvel crossover)(preview), wASSUP FRICKERS(quick question also,memes), PRIDE MONTH, SOLVES ALL YO PROBLEMS BABY(but without my sadness), the final addition to the "if tony was peters bio dad" gif set(endgame spoilers). What? A strong, almost sickly sweet wooden aroma fills the air, and Thor takes a deep whiff before sighing with contentment.
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