Owen then promised he would help her to figure it out. She decided she didn't want to be with someone who made her feel stuck and she believed that working on their marriage was slowly killing her. At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. Arizona inadvertently complimented her butt and they bonded over the fact that both their jobs meant that other people had to go through something bad. As Arizona kept busy with her new fellowship, Callie confided in Meredith and they went to Joe's bar together. She suggested that they do a ladies' night. In the army, he had seen phantom limb before and know some ways to ease the pain, the mirror being one of them. He told her not to rush and tried to get her up to take a few steps, but she yelled to let her go when he tried to help her up. Mark then informed Arizona that Lexie died. Callie started criticizing the father, but Arizona came to his defense. In the scrub room, Arizona asked Callie to set aside their problems for the patient. Arizona was slightly battered, but Callie (who'd taken off her seatbelt) flew through the windshield. That evening, Arizona was nervous about meeting Penny at the dinner party and started drinking excessively to ease her nerves. The OB did the ultrasound, but couldn't find a heartbeat. Roller girlRoller skate girlPhoenixYumaTucsonTempeFlagstaffScottsdaleSedonaDr. When Arizona came home after work, she found out that Callie took her clothes, Sofia, and some of Sofia's clothes. Arizona then took to eating dessert right out of the dish before April took her home. The thought of an amputation came back in her head, which scared her so much that she urged Callie to come up with a plan to save the leg and she made her promise that she wouldn't cut if off, and so Callie did. "Sometimes we try to make things better and we have actually no idea that we're actually causing more pain," Arizona said, clearly also talking about Callie trying to fix her. However, Arizona solidified her stance when she was contacted by a New York school about Sofia's application. She was top of her class and she was the chief resident in her fifth year at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Finally, as she regained her strength and confidence when she learned to use her prosthetic. [46] As April continued to be mad, Arizona found herself in the middle of other people's situation again when Callie lied to Penny and told her that Arizona was not comfortable with her meeting Sofia. She booked them a room in the hotel where the wedding was organized, and they went there with some mac and cheese cupcakes from the buffet (for in case they worked up an appetite). In the episode, 6 doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital who are victims of an aviation accident fight to stay alive, but Dr. Lexie Grey ( Chyler Leigh) ultimately dies. At the end of the day, intern Andrew DeLuca showed interest as nobody else wanted to live with him. [38], Soon after, Arizona decided it was time to get back in the dating pool and picked trivia night at a lesbian bar as the perfect opportunity to dip her toe in. WebPlot. What happened to mark on Greys Anatomy Season 9? Her bright personality became darker after the plane crash, but over time, she found herself and her happiness again, albeit more serious than she used to be. [25], Not long after, Arizona moved back into Callie's apartment, though Callie made her sleep on the couch. "Snap out of this? She informed him that she thought they were all alive and then started laughing because she was in shock. Arizona makes Callie promise not to cut off her leg. What happened to Arizona Robbins? Arizona asked her to take a step back and pointed out she never said yes to the plan. She clarified she really wants to fix the relationship that she had broken, while Callie wants to fix her. When Arizona first worked with Bailey after her arrival at Seattle Grace Hospital, they butted heads when they disagreed over the treatment plan Arizona's predecessor had set for Jackson Prescott, which Bailey had supported. she and Leah worked together on a girl with a broken femur, which required Callie consulting. Arizona didn't deny she was a cheater, and explained that she cheated because Lauren stared at her too, but in a different way. They got drunk, and paged Leah to the closet to get them some more champagne and snacks. She told him that she was fighting a losing battle. Arizona almost left and Lauren said, "Arizona, you are allowed to lose a little bit of control." Arizona snapped that a baby with his brain on his face wasn't elective and walked away. He told Arizona that the guy she trained and raised was still there since he was determined to work at the clinic to get his job back rather than quitting. They managed to stay professional with Leah, who tried her best to forget about Arizona. She ended up bringing her home and the two had sex. She lost the baby. Callie did come up with a plan to save the leg and although Owen mentioned a prosthetic would give Arizona a much better quality of life, the surgery was planned. They kissed, but Arizona then said she wanted to take her leg off first while Callie waited in the bathroom, as she wanted the evening to be all about sexy and taking off her prosthetic leg wouldn't be so sexy. When Callie was pregnant Mark and Arizona took an interest in her health and started cooking and trying new recipes together.[72]. This touched Arizona and she tried to talk, but Leah ran off into the restroom. However, that night, Arizona came to Meredith's house asking for a couple of minutes with Sofia. That night, Arizona had a drink at Joe's bar, when Callie came in and told her that she was kicking Arizona out of the apartment right now, not even allowing her to pack up her stuff. In the evening, Cristina, Meredith, and Derek dragged Mark's body back to the front part of the plane. Arizona agreed to follow Kenley's course of treatment for another day, but did want to explore other options. When her period was one day late and her breasts started to hurt, Arizona took a pregnancy test and found out that she was in fact pregnant. She looked right into Arizona's eyes and told her she was impressed. She is very much aware of the nature of her job, Robbins has seen things in pediatric surgery to the extent she has nightmares about the tiny coffins that her patients will be buried in, and so she will remain optimistic in the face of the tragedy involved in her job. Status Arizona did help her, but when Leah was ranting at her after the surgery for having told Callie that they slept together, Arizona made it clear that her marriage was more important than making sure Callie wouldn't hate Leah. Portrayed by They then realize that them trying to talk with each other so much may be the problem, and they kiss each other passionately.[27]. She was panicking when the pilot asked if there was someone there. [69] Shortly thereafter, Leah called to make sure the girls arrived home safely and ended up visiting Arizona at her apartment. After becoming Callie's girlfriend, Arizona also became good enough friends with Mark, Lexie, and Cristina. She told him the ortho metaphor she worked out to tell Callie, but Alex wasn't enthusiastic about it and advised her to stick to apologizing for being such a slut. [35], Arizona had a moment of looking back on her life when she worked together with Alex on two equally sick twins and they had to decide which one would get the donor liver. Eliza then answered, "That name attached to that face? Their relationship took a turn for the better until Arizona slept with Lauren Boswell during the superstorm, and Callie found out. Arizona Robbins saw Karev as a promising peds surgeon who was dedicated despite his temper and personal issues and continued to maintain a good mentor-student relationship with him until the end of Alex's residency. Arizona decided they'd work it out and accepted him as her roommate. Upon finding out, Arizona set the record straight and went to tell Callie she was done with getting in the middle of other people's things.[47]. Leah overheard this and offered her to stay at her place, and Arizona then asked her to tell what they did after the gala as she didn't remember and she was worried about what happened as Leah was a pretty girl. Arizona did so, and they were both sorry Tyler's case was over. At the end of the day, when Arizona was leaving work, she saw Eliza crying in her car and hitting the steering wheel. A year later, Arizona resumes her position as the head pediatric surgeon. Arizona Robbins survived a plane crash that resulted in the amputation of her leg. After the interview, Emma asked Arizona how long she and Callie have been divorced, and while playing with her necklace, Arizona admitted that she didn't think they were, saying they were more more just separated than divorced. Arizona started sniping that she didn't need to be there, as Callie was there and that Callie took other decisions for her, too, like the one to cut off her leg. However, the two ended up making out on a different occasion, causing Leah to become somewhat obsessed with Arizona (much like she did with Alex). At the start of the superstorm, she asked for Arizona to show her to an on-call room to rest in. She confronted Alex, who had ignored her concerned calls and texts, and scolded him for his actions. Arizona asked April what she did to make Leah so nice to her, and then vaguely remembered that she may have brought Leah home with her the night of the gala. Callie yelled back that she did so to save Arizona's life. However, she developed some resentment towards Mark, which would come to a head after her and Callies car crash. However, at the party, April overheard Callie tell everyone that Arizona died in the plane crash they were in. Leah planned to scrub in on a surgery with Arizona, which was observed by Emma, but Arizona said the OR was full and sent Leah away. This would mean the hospital had to pay the awards for the doctors itself, but since there wasn't enough money to do so, the hospital would go bankrupt.[12]. He then went away to do other work and left her alone to give her some time. Later in the cafeteria, Arizona tried to ask Alex to testify for her, which he promptly rejected, as he considered both Callie and her as friends. She never brought any boys home and when she finally brought home a girl, Joanne, her mother wasn't surprised. They would do it like that for unknown time. She then turned to Callie and suggested they have a second baby, as it would be nice to have something new and happy to think about. After the surgery, Callie held Arizona's hand until she woke up. You Arizona was named after the battleship, the U.S.S. She met Carina at a bar. A disappointed Callie then left Arizona alone to go check on her patient. However, the back end of the small plane broke off, leading it to crash in the woods and even though Arizona survived, as a result of her injuries, her leg had to be amputated. Arizona didn't mention who she slept with, though Callie figured it out later in surgery when Leah made a mistake and desperately begged Arizona to step in and help her. When confronted about this, Stephanie confessed that Arizona intimidated residents and interns because of everything she had been through and done in both her professional and personal life. When Dr. Kenley died Dr. Bailey took offense to Arizona changing Jackson Prescott's course of treatment and proceeded to complain to the Chief and call her an "infant". Callie explained there were waiting lists. The hospital was found negligent, and each of the survivors was granted 15 million dollars. However, Bailey soon realized that Arizona is a competent doctor and grew closer to her after applying for a peds fellowship. He took a mirror out of a closet and placed it in between her legs, so she could visualize a leg that didn't hurt. Arizona went there, and she and Callie argued over their marriage and the decision to start a family while Derek watched Zola and Sofia. They had shocked faces as they approached a stopped truck and crashed. Callie took the drawing and thanked Arizona for being there. "Going, Going, Gone" picks up Alex couldn't understand how she could be so perky after harvesting organs from a young child. While talking with Kimmie about their marriages where one of the partners cheated, Kimmie revealed that she and her husband just hope things will get better as they don't feel the need to talk it to death. In series eight, Arizona boarded a flight to get to another hospital to perform surgery on conjoined twins. When Herman was blind after her tumor resection, Arizona took over being head of fetal surgery. After learning that Sofia was coming back home, Arizona inadvertently broke things off with Carina. She was unaware that Alex was the surgeon who cut off her leg until years later. At work. [57], As Arizona was leaving the hospital the next day, Eliza found her and when she claimed she'd be happy if Eliza was fired, Eliza called her on it, saying it would scare her because it would mean the two of them could be something. While talking about the approach, Callie came in and Arizona introduced her to Lauren. Arizona walked over to Bailey, and when she saw the chart, she came up with a possible diagnosis. She was very flirtatious with Arizona, who happily flirted back. Alex Karev and Arizona Robbins started out with a rocky relationship when they first met. "So please, don't run," Arizona asked her wife. She suggested that she take the next day off and take Sofia to find an adventure. While she was alone, she tried to take a few steps when Alex came in. However, tensions continued with Mark in the picture as an active and interested father. When Cristina yelled, "I found it! Arizona then asked if Callie wanted the badge of honor and the warrior wounds for having survived the plane crash. [22], Arizona started off a sexual relationship with Leah and they agreed it would just be sex. Arizona said while she revealed her residual limb. She then turns her back towards Callie again, while Callie left her alone.[5].
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