Some larger airports take a percentage of every sale. These three options do not change the underlying airport-concessionaire relationship. Airlines are likely to oppose any PFC increase, and in the absence of any increase, infrastructure spending would likely be funded through additional appropriations to the Airport and Airway Trust Fund. Learn how your comment data is processed. . "We've already . SCOPE OF FEES TO BE PAID THE CITY BY CONCESSIONAIRES a. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENTER INTO FOUR SEPARATE CONCESSION LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH THE DAY ONE GROUP LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all interested parties, that the Clark County Board of Commissioners intends to enter into four separate Concession Lease Agreements (Agreements) for the operation of 5 specialty retail concessions with The Day One Group LLC (Company) serving Harry Reid . Kona International Airport at Keahole is located on the western coast of the Island of Hawaii, approximately 10 miles from the town of Kailua Kona. In a standard MAG model, the concessionaire bears a great deal of uncertainty with little risk falling to the airport. In a standard MAG model, the concessionaire bears a great deal of uncertainty with little risk falling to the airport. Airports would have to offer benefit packages to these employees in line with those provided to other employees of the airport. PFCs have been set at $4.50/passenger since 2000, and increasing the PFC maximum has been a priority of the airport industry for some time. Concessions and retail often fill that need. However, this still may not be the most effective solution. If an airport can become a partner in the operation of a concession, it might also consider being a concession operator on its own. That is no longer possible. As a result, if concessionaires produce lower sales because there is no traffic, it will result in space rental rates increasing. Discover our insights for a sustainable, low-emissions future. The federal share for FY 2018 and 2019 Supplemental Discretionary grants wont increase. Here are some others. If you are a sponsor who controls multiple airports the FAA has stated in its CARES Act FAQ, an airport sponsor may use funds at any airport under its control. Were here to help! (a) Annual Reconciliation. If the basis for a MAG is what the airport thought it should be earning, the amount may never be supportable even if a concessionaire signed the contract. 47114, with minimum apportionments for smaller airports that serve between 8,000 and 10,000 passengers annually. . Most airports are not prepared to be on a constant hiring cycle for entry-level hourly employees. The additional funds appropriated by the CARES Act were largely intended to help airport sponsors meet their debt service and bond obligations. Rent abatement should be tied to the changed circumstances caused by the public health emergency and done in accordance with Grant Assurances 22 and 24, as well as related statutes. The airport human resources function is likely not ready to handle that, as the annual turnover of concession employees often approaches 150%. Using one unnamed airport as an example, with which 3Sixty is in constant dialogue and has a strong relationship Anson said: "The sum total of the $800 million when converted to one airport and to 3Sixty Duty Free would mean around a third of one month's minimum annual guarantee rent. There will still be passengers, and the concession industry needs to be ready to serve them. Non-airport retail leases typically charge rent on a per square foot (PSF) basis. The actual process is the easiest for the airport sponsor since there are minimal contracts. Test. At least $7.4 billion is allocated to commercial service airports, allocated based on enplanements, debt service, and unrestricted reserve ratios. It beat four other finalists. The price tag is a whopping $440 per square foot. Tax. First championed by Martin Moodieone of the stalwarts of the concession industrythis model has airports, retailers, and suppliers cooperate in developing concession operations. A prepaid monthly "lease" to do business on the property. leasehold at Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD). Airports should consider alternative methodologies for managing and operating their concession programs for concessions to remain viable business options. This suggests that the best way to ensure an outstanding customer experience would be for this Trinity (or Trinity Plus, including the supplier) to work together. 3300 Capital Circle, S.W. However, it is unlikely that most airport operators have staff with specific expertise in concession operations and management. While some of these answers require more information from the federal agencies, there are 10 burning questions we can answer now. Examples of concessions within airports include: A direct concession lease involves the space being directly marketed, leased, and managed by the airport operator. The joint venture lease must be similar to those given to other concessionaires, and enforcement of the airports rules and performance requirements must be uniform. Find out how our purpose shapes our culture, people, and mission-driven work. However, MAGs in concession contracts still expect continued growth. If relief drives airline costs to a significantly higher level, thereby reducing airport cost-competitiveness, airlines may choose not to fly to the airport or to operate fewer services. The Trinity model can be considered an extension of the joint venture model. The fallacy of Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) In times of continued and prolonged growth, airports have learned to depend upon MAGs. By one industry estimate, airports have nearly $100 billion in collective debt, with $7 billion in bond principal and interest payments due in 2020. The CARES Act roughly triples the amount of money flowing from the federal government directly to airports for 2020. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Learn. Yellow Cab pays Sea-Tac a $3.67 million minimum annual guarantee or 13 percent of its . Airports are left with four basic responses: do nothing, suspend minimum annual guarantees (MAG), defer rent, or rent abatement. From layoffs to business closings, social distancing to shopping only on days that correspond to the first letter of your last name, we have all seen and felt the impact. The airport operator also brings knowledge of how to do business in an airport environment while allowing the concessionaire to concentrate on what they do best: operate a highly successful restaurant or shop. New non-aeronautical revenue streams are critical to airport recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. To go along with that, concessions are often subject to Minimum Annual Guarantees (MAG). The passenger experience results from a combination of the actions or inactions of airport, concessionaire, and airline. Airport concession fees in the era of COVID-19, Airports should carefully consider how they structure deals and their business models, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information. Performance. Given the focus on bottom line profits, the investment in variable costssuch as employees, training, maintenance, and product developmentrequired to earn additional sales may no longer make economic sense. 116-94). This essentially flips the rent risk from being entirely on the vendors (in a MAG-based model) to being entirely on the airport. In North America, airports tend to look at MAGs as the least amount of acceptable rent. The Trinity model is particularly applicable to duty-free concessions, where it is practical to divide a store into departments wherein vendors (e.g., Channel, Rolex, Hermes) are given the ability to design and operate their mini outlets. Non-airport retail leases typically charge rent on a per square foot (PSF) basis. The funds are coming directly from the U.S. Treasurys General Fund to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency. No one is sure how long recovery will take. While the model has primarily been used for duty-free concessions, it has worked equally well for other types of concessions. As is becoming evident, basing financial remuneration on an aspirational or required numberor even recent experiencecan fail. In either case, history has shown that MAGs are not supportable in the event of severe downturns. Calculating MAG based on traffic in a larger area (e.g., the concourse or terminal) is one possible answer. Add it up, and the cost of operating at an airport is often higher than operating at a typical mall. In airports with residual airline agreements, the airlines will be required to make up the difference between revenue to the airport and required revenue to pay for airport development and other expenses. Hence, a fairer methodology for establishing a MAG is to base it on an absolute value per exposed passenger. The competitive landscape may beby necessityaltered. The joint venture model allows the airport to supply capital, likely at a lower cost than its business partners. Meanwhile, Aena is forecasting that in the period to 2023, the minimum annual guaranteed rents and fixed rents, corresponding to contracts in force at 30 June 2020, will decrease. Bid. The FAA may retain up to $10 million to fund the award and oversight of grants made pursuant to the CARES Act. There are numerous ways to frame a contract without a MAG. Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG). Most airports already calculate a PSF rent amount in their airline rates and charges (e.g., office space with passenger access) that applies to concession-type spaces. Audit. The AICPA State and Local Governments audit guide includes certain accounting guidance that has been cleared by GASB as Category B authoritative guidance. The repayment will occur over time, with 50% of the deferral being due by Dec. 31, 3021, and the remaining due by Dec. 31, 2022. The question that airport managers must ask themselves is which rent strategy is realistic in the current environment. 9. Without this expertise, the concession will almost certainly fail to operate at an optimum level. Consulting. A MAG is guarantees the airport sponsor a minimum amount of money from the concession, in the event they do not generate much revenue. As a result, the collectability of this revenue may need to be reviewed and an allowance for estimated uncollectable amounts may need to be recorded. The master operator concept typically limits the ACDBE participation goals and may require additional efforts to maintain. Airport sponsors must certify compliance with the CARES Act employment requirements at the time of grant execution and report employment totals quarterly on June 30, Sept. 30, and Dec. 31, 2020. Minimum Annual Guarantee. All rights reserved. The $10 billion in funding is divided into four main categories: For airport grants, after the Secretary of Transportation announces awards under the CARES Act, each airport sponsor must submit a grant application to access those funds. Where do we go from here? Unlike earlier phases of stimulus, Phase 4 has the potential to include a significant infrastructure focus. North American airports generally believe that if a vendor is paying a MAG, there may be a business problem. The airport charges the businesses 8 percent of gross revenue, or a minimum annual guarantee. The minimum guaranteed rent for the first year of the lease is the amount proposed by the winning proposal. To ensure that firms meet the requirements of DBE qualification. While this model is new, a unified strategy could bring about a unique airport concession experience to the benefit of all participants. What this option does do is change the distribution of risk. One-twelfth of the MAG shall be due in advance on the first day of each month For example, TSA has reduced lanes or consolidated passenger screening checkpoint operations in numerous airports in response to the reduction in originating passenger volume.. In April, the San Jose City Council voted to grant delegated authority to the airport staff to finalize negotiations and execute a 50-year lease to Signature Flight Support. The FAA released guidance for airport administrators, but questions still linger and issues have gone unaddressed. MAG - Minimum Annual Guarantee. 636(a)(37)) that has been applied toward rent or minimum annual guarantee costs. Elsewhere, airports do not expect vendors to exceed their MAGs. If any portion of the $2 billion is left over after distributing in accordance with 49 U.S.C. When passenger traffic does come back, airports should rethink how their concession contracts work. Regardless, this shifting of risk may not be acceptable to airports. A per enplanement MAG would be a strain on most airports accounting departments, especially if the footfall varies by location. Manchester Airport Group in the U.K. had started to operate a restaurant in their home airport before the pandemic, so there is precedent for this strategy. Minimum Annual Guarantee. To ensure that the program is performed in accordance with law. Examples of Minimum Annual Guaranteed Rent in a sentence., Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Developing An Operating Budget - Airport University, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises - Airport University. They will typically lease space for counter and office space and additional space for the vehicle storage. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In other parts of the world, MAGs are the airports exact expected rental payments. The policies and procedures are available for review here. Nor do we know whether travel habits will change permanently because of new practices learned during lockdowns. Considering all the current changes in our business, this model may be a solution to sharing risk and encouraging a strong representation of critical brands in airports. Non-aeronautical revenueairport revenue from sources other than airlinestypically includes retail concessions, 1 car parking, and property and real estate. The Airport has also experienced a reduction in passengers and operations as a result of . The passenger experience results from a combination of the actions or inactions of airport, concessionaire, and airline. As someone who's sat on all four corners of the airport advertising negotiating table - media owner, airport operator, media agency and client - I have a degree of sympathy with all parties. These supplier relationships are unlikely to have the same economies of scale as those of national concessionaires, which means the costs of operation may be higher. Match. While the leased space is non-aeronautical revenue, the CFCs are non-operating revenue.
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