In this mystery Jesus is plainly a Victim, and not so plainly a Priest; He could not better communicate His spirit of priesthood than by allowing you, His Mother, to present His outward offering He could find no worthier altar on which to offer Himself than your immaculate hands. On the appointed day, at nightfall, accompanied by friends, he went in procession to your parents' house, to conduct you to his own home. The privilege of the Immaculate Conception was suitable to your dignity. You are the Mediatrix of our peace with God and the Giver of heavenly graces. Mary, My Mother, I rejoice with you in the joyful expectation of your little Son. Help me to perform all my actions with youto look upon you as a model and helper. No wonder the angels were lost in admiration! May your glorious example be imitated by countless youths and maidens who will give themselves to the Lord to carry on His work throughout the world. Though deprived of the joy of His actual presence, you were more intimately united with Him than ever through your sacrificial love, since your will was one with His. Mary, My Mother, your first presentation to God, made by the hands of your parents, was an offering most acceptable in His sight. Mary, Mother of God, I believe that as Mediatrix with Jesus you share also in His sovereign dominion over the universe. . Mary, My Mother, glorious is your name for those who pronounce it at death, for they need not fear all the powers of hell. It takes me back to the days of the prophet Elias when you were prefigured on Mount Carmel under the form of the little cloud from which, as it grew larger, there fell a kindly rain, a symbol of the sanctifying graces that come to us from you. How courageously you united the oblation of your own suffering and grief with the offering of Jesus, thus proving yourself worthy not only to share but also to be one with Him in the redemption of souls. You commanded Him and He obeyed. They spoke of you as His Virgin Mother and of the part you would play in the Redemption of mankind. You are the channel of all good things after the Trinity, Mediatrix of the world after the Mediator. Mary, Mother of God, the instant that you gave your consent to the archangel, the Holy Spirit overshadowed you and wrought in your most chaste womb the Incarnation of the Son of God. Jesus did this in union with you. He works in my soul by His grace. You will be inspired by the overflow of love for Our Lady. There is no closer bond of love among relationships than that which exists between a mother and her son. St. Joan of Arc Feast Day May 30. It urges my senses to lower desires, because I seek sensible pleasure in its every degree. nothing could be happier than the choice of the day on which this Feast was to be kept.On the 24 th of May, in the year 1814, there was . Also, watch over all those who suffer in body or soul. Our Lady of Compassion Our Lady of Compassion (Nuestra Senora de la Piedad) The convent of Our Lady of La Piedad dates back to the year 1595. You formed His Heart, to love us, and His Precious Blood, to shed for us and to be given to us for our drink. Give strength and courage to those who work for the salvation of souls as apostles of our own time so that following the example of the divine Missionary, Jesus Christ, they may labor zealously for the spread of God's Kingdom. You had to become the Mother of Sorrows before you were raised above the angels as Heaven's Queen. Mary, Mother of God, the miracle of the Marriage feast of Cana shows that you are the Mother of Divine Providence. May my faith influence my conduct. We all rejoice because all the graces and spiritual benefits we have received and shall receive, all our future glory comes from this exalted mystery of the Incarnation. May this remembrance fill me with love and gratitude to you, and be the reason for my trust in your powerful protection and in your prayers in Heaven, where you plead with your Divine Son for the salvation of us all. It means imitating your humility, your purity, your detachment from the world, and your unselfish resignation to the will of God in every event of life. As you entered the house of Zachary and greeted your aged cousin, you offered kind words of comfort and congratulation. continue our lady of sorrows feast day. 67, 36). Though you had already been assured by the angel that you were this happy Mother chosen by the Lord, you did not stop to rejoice in your exaltation. Give me enthusiasm and joy in the knowledge, the love and the service of the Lord. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Queen of the Apostles because you were the source of their inspiration and zeal. I thank you for all you mean to me as my spiritual Mother. The three Divine Persons declared you Queen of heaven and earth and assigned to you a place at the right hand of Jesus. You have such a desire to save sinners that you look for them in order to help them. 1. I have loved and followed Jesus to the end. I am deeply conscious that I am unable to do good. You became the Mother of God without ceasing to be a virgin, and your happy fruitfulness only consecrated and increased your purity. Your extreme hatred of sin was the measure of your supreme love of virtue. John took my place on Calvary and you became, in his person, my Mother. You expressed this to Saint Bernadette at Lourdes when you said, "I am the Immaculate Conception.". 2. I desire that all that is in me and around me may belong to you and may share in the benefits of your motherly blessing. Decorate your table with colorful flowers . May looking upon your Immaculate Heart inspire confidence in me which will make me more eager to grow in holiness. Mary, Mother of God, your dear parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne, rejoiced at your birth. 'Teach me that the test of my following of your Divine Son is practical charity. Prayer was the soul of your preparation, and the Apostles were inspired by your example. Your great lover, Saint Bernard, along with many other saints and writers, reminds me: "Through you, Mary, heaven has been filled; through you hell has beheld itself robbed of an army of souls, in a word, through you eternal life was imparted to multitudes of wretched ones, who had made themselves unworthy of it." In heaven all your subjects are crowned by the King of kings, and they pay homage to you. As the surest refuge for a child is the heart of its mother, so your Immaculate Heart is my refuge. When you lived in this valley of tears, you were ever loving and merciful toward the afflicted. Mary, Mother of God, humility is the virtue you especially practised from childhood. Though you are raised to the high dignity of Queen of Heaven, you have not forgotten man's wretched condition. Satan is more humiliated at seeing himself under the heel of the lowliest of creatures than at feeling himself crushed by God's almighty arm. Help us to heed your message of Fatima so that by penance and prayer, especially the Rosary, we may appease the just anger of God and obtain His forgiveness and blessing. I regard that dominion as a shining star lighting and guiding my life. Mary, My Mother, may the example of your sinlessness urge us to that innocence and purity of life which flees from and abhors even the slightest stain of sin. Who can understand the joy you feel to be able to give happiness to the whole world? ", Feast, November 21 (Novena, November 12-20). This is but a reminder that you are equally interested in providing for all your children in all their needs of soul and body. Mary, Mother of God, how sacred was the life of Jesus in your womb while you awaited His coming! Since I sincerely love you, I want to follow your example; this is the greatest honor I can pay you. Teach parents to care for their children as God's sacred trust, to guard them from sin and to lead them in the way of virtue. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are the holiest of God's creatures. It is through your prayers that God inspires me to receive It and grants me the grace to receive It worthily. Your heart sank each time He fell beneath its weight. Let me find consolation and strength in your favorite devotionthe rosary. In your contemplation of God, you behold our needs with our prayers, and you beg God to grant these favors to us. Help me to become a child in your school. You are only a pure creature, who receives whatever you obtain as a pure favor from God. 1. Mary, My Mother, pray that the love of God above all things and detachment from the world and its false pleasures, may also make my soul the temple of the living God. No one could ever love God with the love of a mother. You suffered in your soul what Jesus suffered in His body, and in union with Him you offered yourself as a victim for our sins. As Mother, it is your mission to preserve your children from sin and to make them live the supernatural life. How earnestly, too, you want to help us in all our needs! According to earthly standards, nothing could be added to your fullness of grace. But by the greater light you possessed for recognizing the infinite greatness and goodness of God, you recognized also your own littleness, and, therefore, you humbled yourself more than all others: you ever had before your eyes the majesty of God against your nothingness as His creature. The Communion was your life of union with Jesus in the Eucharist after His Ascension. How truly can the words of Holy Scripture be applied to you: "In me is all grace of the way and of the truth: in me is all hope of life and of virtue" (Ecclus 24, 25). You were in the judgment-hall and heard it ring with lies. You became the treasurer of God's graces, the channel through which He dispenses His gifts upon earth. Evening Prayer to Our Blessed Mother 1. It was a life of silence, and yet He is the Word of the Father, the expression of His glory, the teacher of the prophets. Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. At the Annunciation you received Jesus on earth; it was proper that He should receive you in Heaven. Mary, Mother of God, you are my Mother of Perpetual Help because of your love for me. Bless our prayers and labors for the conversion of the world and support them by your powerful intercession with your Son, Jesus, that His Kingdom of Truth and Life, Holiness and Grace Justice. You often discussed the coming of the Messias, since you knew He would be of your race and family. It is the ideal and providential moment to entrust . Mary, My Mother, you always lived under the divine influence of the Holy Spirit and in the closest possible union with Him. You heard the mob, led by the chief priests clamoring for His crucifixion. Thus an angel appeared to Joseph and said, "Do not be afraid, Joseph, son of David, to take to thee Mary thy wife, for that which is begotten in her is of the Holy Spirit. In your humility you wished to serve others rather than to be served. God has willed that by your intercession we should obtain the graces Jesus has merited for us. Little by little the links between your body and soul were dissolved by the resistless force of love. 3. Mary, My Mother, you and good St. Joseph were married to become the models of family life. How great was your trust in God! You were willing to offer Him at this tender age, for the salvation of the world. He was with you, and with you alone, in an unspeakable manner by bodily presence. It was possible for God to confer it, and He did confer it! Your apostolic workto snatch souls from Satan and from sin to make them live the supernatural lifeis the very reason for your motherhood. You were borne aloft to the palace of your Beloved. R. (1b) Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! 1. How happy Jesus must have been to receive the homage that you paid Him! I became a child of God. Your Heart was also a pure Heart, pure as the light, purer than the snow, free from the stain of original sin, from the least taint of actual sin, from the least evil tendency of our fallen naturea heart full of light and beauty reflecting to the full the radiance of the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son. She told Juan to have a church built in her honor. As in Heaven the Divine Word is like the Father, so on earth the Son, according to the flesh, is like you His Mother. This love for you was the source of great joy in the hearts of the saints. The Son, the Eternal Wisdom of God, in choosing you for His Mother, bestowed on you a certain fullness of grace, so that as you gave Christ His human nature, Christ, in a certain sense, raised you as close to God as a mere creature can come. The Woman is a striking image of you, the Immaculate Conception. More than ever before, we have need of your help today. 3. A man and a woman had both taken part in the degradation of our race; they must both have part in its restoration. Inflame me with that heavenly love with which you loved your dear Son, Jesus Christ . At one time when you wanted to speak with Jesus, your humility forbade you to enter the house where He was preaching until you were asked to do so. Hence with Holy Church I repeat, "You are all fair, Mary, and the stain of original sin is not in you. Through your prayers and the prayers of your holy parents may I learn to know and love you more and ever remain your faithful child. Don Luis de VelascoII, when he was Viceroy of New Spain, had as his confessor a Dominican, Fray Cristobal de Ortega, who also acted as his financial adviser. The Holy Spirit dwells in you as in a temple. We take a look at the story behind the indigenous peasant who came across the Patron of the Americas, and how he fought for her message to be heard. As Mother of the Son of God, you are associated with the Father in the generation of His Son. Whatever of sanctity, of dignity, of merit, of grace and of glory, that we can imagine, all is in you. I am afflicted with many sorrows in body and soul, and I take refuge, like a child, in the embrace of your motherly protection. I find faith in its light, hope in its help. It was a life of closest union with Jesusa union of body as well as of soul. From the cross Jesus gave you to me to be my Mother, and I was entrusted to your care as your child. Let this be my consolation to know that I am doing God's Will. From Him there flowed heavenwards an unceasing stream of glory, the waves of His grace ever poured over the earth. You shared more in this wisdom than did any other creature, because you approached nearer to the Source from which it cameJesus, the Eternal Wisdom. You were to see this Face unveiled, in all the beauty and grace of childhood as the face of your own child. You were beautiful when you stood as the brave Queen of Martyrs beneath the cross of your dying Son; in the supper room beneath the fiery tongues of the Divine Spirit; beautiful, above all, in the glory in which you reign with Jesus. If at any time you had been without Divine grace even for the shortest moment, there would not have come between you and the serpent that everlasting enmity spoken of by God. Mary, Mother of God, God spoke of you as the Woman who would crush the serpent's head. Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows Lawain McNeil Sep 15, 2022 Lady of Sorrows from a triptych by the Master of the Stauffenberg Altarpiece, Alsace, c. 1455. I desire to place under your protection all my efforts in my striving for holiness and all the works of my daily life. I realize that imitating you is the best way of imitating Jesus and of obtaining your all-powerful intercession. Yet these three have become for us a principle of life. This universal distribution of grace enables you to exercise your spiritual motherhood, to make your children live the divine life by obtaining for them sanctifying grace and all their actual graces. When the hands and feet of Jesus were pierced with nails, the sound of each blow of the hammer inflicted a wound in your Heart. Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of my Rosary be a sign of my gratitude to Jesus and to you for all you have done for me in bringing about my Redemption. The Expectation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast, December 18 (Triduum, December 15-17 or until Christmas). Bestow on me gifts from the riches of that fullness. Mary, My Mother, I firmly believe that the saints and blessed in Heaven can aid us by interceding for us with God. Give me a deep sorrow for my sins which have hurt God so very much. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, I see you in Bethlehem lovingly pressing to your heart your Child, your God, the future Eucharistic Christ. Mary, My Mother, I am one of the murderers who slew your beloved Son, for it was my sins, together with the malice and cruelty of the Jews, which crucified Him. 2. You formed His Body in order that it might be given us in death and in the Blessed Sacrament. Mary, My Mother, I am the work of the wisdom of God together with all other creatures. What untold merit you must have laid up for eternity during the nine months that preceded your Nativity. For that reason you were conceived by your mother, Saint Anne, without even the shadow of sin. He sanctified your marriage with St. Joseph so that it might be an example for all Christian marriages. Your example teaches me that Jesus will work miracles for persevering prayer that springs from confidence and humility. You are a Mother of Mercy to the sinner and the fallen; have pity on me! That very same Christ is mine in the Holy Eucharist when I look upon Him as a Victim on our altars, when I kneel before Him as my Friend in the Tabernacle; when I receive Him into my soul as my Guest in Holy Communion. They had seen Adam created in grace, and John the Baptist, spotless from his birth, because he had been cleansed from original sin before birth. Help me to bear in mind that the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, and that the secrets of divine wisdom are imparted only to the humble of heart, while they are hidden from the worldly-wise. You rule over their minds, by making them understand better the teaching of Christ, over their hearts, by turning them to Jesus through the charm of your motherly affection, over their wills, by gently inclining them to observe all the commandments of your Son; over their bodies, by teaching men to subject their members to the law of God through the practice of temperance and chastity. You love Jesus because you are His Mother, and you love me because you are my Mother. Thus you will be for me not only the Health of the Sick but also the Gate of Heaven. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE DAY CELEBRATION Sunday, December 11 from 1 to 3 PM Celebrate the Patroness of our Community & the Americas with live Mariachi Music, Food, Drinks, Games, Procession, and Blessing In honor of Our Lady. Isaias called you a Virgin; "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and His name shall be Emmanuel." A great ball of fire appeared and stretched to a purple column 10,000 feet high and from its top burst a gigantic mushroom. A Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows on her feast day, September 15: O most holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the overwhelming grief you experienced when you witnessed the martyrdom, the crucifixion, and death of your divine Son, look upon me with eyes of compassion, and awaken in my heart a tender . It is to you, after God, that we are indebted for our spiritual life, the life of the children of God. Apart from your cooperation no grace descends to earth. Everything which Jesus may claim in justice is yours by friendship's title. Your will was one with His, faithful to your promise made at the Incarnation. When the Angel Gabriel came as a messenger from God, it was not only to ask your consent to become the Mother of the Son of God, but also to treat with you of the salvation of the human race, of the birth of the Savior of the world, of the regeneration of mankind and the setting up of an everlasting kingdom. 3. The Heart of Jesus was a pure Heart, symbolized by the light that St. Margaret Mary saw streaming round it. Mary, Mother of God, your Heart is a shrine of holiness, into which the demon of sin has never entered; whose sanctuary was never once defiled by the least touch of evil, whose altar was the chosen resting place of the Holy Spirit. Your Son, though He was Life itself, did not exempt Himself from death. This introduction into the new home in which you were to live was your official marriage ceremony. You can readily obtain for us whatever you will as you can listen to our woes. Paul Haffner ( Inside the Vatican, September 2004) This feast is. You exercise your queenly dominion over the minds, the hearts, the wills and even over the bodies of your subjects. You are called the Mother of Mercy because God has given you power to deal with every sort of misery to which mankind is subjected. I come to you with confidence, knowing that through you all glory, honor and holiness given to the human race from the first Adam to the last ages has been granted, is being granted and will be granted to apostles, prophets, martyrs and all the just.
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