Odysseus is scraped by the rocks on the Phaeacian shore. This shows how Odysseus came up with a brilliant plan to hide in between the Cyclops rams and escape with the rams when the Cyclops let them out. Even the wrath of Poseidon does not keep him from his homecoming. But not in the convoy of the gods or mortal men. In the Iliad, Odysseus appears as the man best suited to cope with crises in personal relations among the Greeks, and he plays a leading part in achieving the reconciliation between Agamemnon and Achilles. As a man will bury his glowing brand in black ashes, off on a lonely farmstead, no neighbors near, to keep a spark alive no need to kindle fire from somewhere else so great Odysseus buried himself in leaves and Athena showered sleep upon his eyes. What is the importance of arete in the Iliad. In brief, Odysseus clearly is a good leader because he is courageous, pensive, and intelligent. His Arrogance and his hubris Even though others may claim that Odysseus is not a good leader because of the amount of hubris he shows, the positive qualities such as his good judgement, bravery, and his ability to inspire others prove otherwise. Penelope, Odysseus's wife, and their young son, Telemachus, are powerless before her arrogant suitors as they despair of Odysseus's return from the siege of Troy. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. DONT LET YOUR CREW TELL YOU WHAT TO DO: Odysseus showed bad leadership with his men and Helios cattle. The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 236-246. Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. Over the course of the epic, Oedipus gradually loses his men until he has none when he comes home because of his hubristic leadership. "But my heart breaks for Odysseus, that seasoned veteran cursed by fate so long far from his loved ones still, he suffers torments off on a wave-washed island rising at the center of the seas. 2023 gradesfixer.com. ", "Yet I tell you great Odysseus is not dead. He may of saved his men multiple times, but also got them killed them due to his neglect. This genius plan saved himself and his crew from dangerous situation with the cyclops. I believe that Odysseus is a good leader because he is very determined to get back home and back to his wife and son, he is intelligent while he used the idea to kill the cyclops by getting him drunk and putting him to sleep so his men could kill him and escape,and Odysseus uses good judgement when he keeps a secret from his men that six of his crew members are going to be sacrificed for the rest of his crew to stay alive. The opening line of The Odyssey introduces Odysseus by his epithet, "the man of twists and turns." Odysseus is "the man of twists and turns" because his journey, and his story, are anything but straightforward. After stabbing the cyclopes in the eye and the cyclopes moving the boulder Odysseus had to think of a way to get his men out safely and this quote shows his intelligence and leadership skills "I tied them silently together, twining cords of willow from the cyclops's bed; then slung a man . And now, withdrawing into the caverns deep recesses, long in each others arms they lost themselves in love. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Eumaeus and Philoetius, the servants, remained faithful servants to their master. Log in here. He also tries to bring home his comrades, but fails. This is despite her maids fleeing at the terrifying sight of him. Killing his men was perhaps not the best thing to do, but he still is heroic because his loyalty is what drives him to advance on his long journey home. The Odyssey, Book 4, lines 272-277. He then grabbed one of Odysseus' men "and made his meal, gaping and crunching like a mountain lion-everything: innards, flesh, and marrow bones" on him without regret. While Nausicaa stands her ground, her attendants run off down the beach in panic. Early in the poem we are informed that Odysseus had chosen one of his friends to be the overseer of his family and property. The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 246-249. Then, being much troubled in mind, I said to my men, "My friends, it is not right that one or two of us alone should know the prophecies that Circe has made me, I will therefore tell you about them, so that whether we live or die we may do so with our eyes open. From beginning to end of the Odyssey, Odysseus repeatedly motivated his crew to not give up during their journey by announcing "My friends, I know how much/ you have endured. The story of The Odyssey with Odysseus being a great leader has been told for many years and will be told many years to come. DON'T KEEP SECRETS FROM YOUR MEN:Odysseus showed bad leadership by telling his men nothing about Scylla. - Odysseus. ", "No one, no Achaean labored hard as Odysseus labored or achieved so much. Some of us may be more susceptible than others are, but there's always a siren. Accessed 5 Mar. Menelaus tells the story of the Trojan Horse, which enabled the Greeks to trick the defenders of Troy and take the city after a fruitless ten-year siege. Odysseus was quick on his toes, he said "'Cyclops, try some wine. He looks terrifying to the Phaeacian princess Nausicaa and her handmaids as he approaches them. In closing, throughout the whole story, Odysseus progresses himself and designates many Greek, While Odysseus is a little arrogant, he can also be a great leader because he is able to trust his second in command, Eurylochus, and give him more power while he is away. What are 3 examples of times when Odysseus demonstrated epic hero/god like qualities in The Odyssey? What role does war play in the Iliad? Are you interested in getting a customized paper? These quotes prove my claim because Odysseus played a trick on Polyphemus that worked out in his advantage to get out of the cave that he was trapped. Who does Odysseus encounter in the Land Of The Dead in Homer's Odyssey? Only Alcinous daughter held fast, for Athena planted courage within her heart, dissolved the trembling in her limbs, and she firmly stood her ground and faced Odysseus, torn now Should he fling his arms around her knees, the young beauty, plead for help, or stand back, plead with a winning word, beg her to lead him to the town and lend him clothing? Athena inspires Nausicaa with the courage to face the brine-caked and naked Odysseus. Nevertheless, heroes rules and commands are respected by their followers and it shows excellent leadership, yet this does not the speak to Odysseus. Let us have but the one leader, the one true king, to whom Zeus, the son of Cronos of wily counsel, gave sceptre and command, to rule his people wisely.". He neglected to tell them anything, which resulted in 6 of his men being eaten. 16 students ordered this very topic and got original papers. 16. Here Odysseus appears to be flattering and even flirting with her. First she said we were to keep clear of the Sirens, who sit and sing most beautifully in a field of flowers; but she said I might hear them myself so long as no one else did. And now, look, it all comes to pass. And how did his struggles end? Website studydriver.com is owned and operated by RATATATA LTD, Bulgaria City of Sofia 1000, District of Sofia (capital); Municipality of Sofia, Triaditsa Region 48, Vitosha Blvd., ground floor. Gradesfixer , Analysis Of Odysseus As A Good Leader [Internet]. The Odyssey, Book 4, lines 119-123. Odysseus is meeting with Tiresias (a blind prophet) to learn his future. Odysseus is saying this to himself after being wakened up by a group of young Phaeacian girls playing ball. Odysseus led the squadron of soldiers in the trojan horse and is a hero of the Trojan War and the king of Ithaca. The reader learns about the characters through the themes. Lord Poseidon, I trust, will let his anger go. The three men were put under a spell where they forgot their way home, but Odysseus forcefully brought them back to the ship himself. He is a man who inspires others to do the right thing by speaking well and wisely, even though he has not yet had his own experience with suffering or loss. Odysseus lacked to be a good leader when him and his men were on the way to Ithaca. Scylla was a huge monster that had twelve large legs like tentacles and 6 heads with fangs. These traits causes his men to die, him suffering, and trouble. Tricking Polyphemus into drinking the wine, sharpening a huge tree trunk into a spear, and driving it into the eye of the cyclops shows not only slyness but strength and leadership. When I had done this I hid it under dung, which was lying about all over the cave, and told the men to cast lots which of them should venture along with myself to lift it and bore it into the monster's eye while he was asleep. When Odysseus emerges naked from the bushes after his sea ordeal, he is hungry and in need of food. This resulted in some of his men being eaten by the Cyclops, due to Odysseus curiosity. In the Iliad, whois responsible for the death of Achilles and who helps him? In the Odyssey, Odysseus states, I tied them [rams] silently together then slung a man under each middle one to ride there safely, shielded left and right. Scylla was a huge monster that had twelve large legs like tentacles and 6 heads with fangs. Odysseus also told them that Zeus would help them survive. The brilliant U.S. Army General Douglas MacArthur once said, A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. This description of a leader can be used when telling of the great adventures of Odysseus on his way home to Ithaca after fighting in the Trojan War. 2021 StudyDriver.com - Big database of free essay examples for students at all levels. But he is to make the journey alone and on a raft that he must build himself. How true to life, all too true . Like pebbles stuck in the suckers of some octopus dragged from its lair so strips of skin torn from his clawing hands stuck to the rock face. Therefore, take me and bind me to the crosspiece half way up the mast; bind me as I stand upright, with a bond so fast that I cannot possibly break away, and lash the rope's ends to the mast itself. The lot fell upon the very four whom I should have chosen, and I myself made five. Generally I think Odysseus is a good leader because he saves his men more times than he lets them get killed, for example on the island with Polythemus. The same men who had been rushing back to their ships, giddy at the prospect of returning home, now become an overwhelming tide of humanity flowing back to the battlefield. At the beginning of the poem the narrator invokes the Muse the Muses were ancient Greeces goddesses of literature, science and the arts. She says that he is being held captive on an island by the goddess Calypso, who is trying to wipe out all thoughts of his homeland. The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 167-172. (2019, Nov 18). He is a valiant warrior, but he is most known for his skills as a wise orator as well as his wiliness (craftiness, slyness) in using words to make things happen. The Odyssey, Book 4, lines 626-630. Scarring his own body with mortifying strokes, throwing filthy rags on his back like any slave, he slipped into the enemys city, roamed its streets all disguised, a totally different man, a beggar. Without these qualities, a leader is not being the best they can be towards their people.
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