Fearing autism, many parents aren't vaccinating their kids. I mentioned it so you won't be caught by surprise when it comes. Children love to hear about how they came into the world, how you and Dad couldn't wait to see him, and how happy you were to meet him once he was born! In a subsequent version of the story, you can say something like "Edgar didn't feel ready to be a father, so he said, "Bye-bye Kim, bye-bye baby." She knows no other. I have a different viewpoint, maybe a shocking one. In hindsight, I think learning about this in puberty or later would be very difficult to process. It's so much easier to tell a story like this sitting side by side looking at a book, than face to face. Then you wouldn’t have had to hope … What if we wait and someone else maliciously tells him? Be honest about a parent who has never been involved. I would wait until he is 18. Subscribe to MedHelp's free newsletter for Community Support, Experience, and Guidance. Although, if they had told me when I was a child I probably would have felt a lot better about it. If they ever asked why the other one couldn't stay I simply said I don't know, which satisfied them for a surprisingly long time. I do believe that at some point in time it is probably important for your son to know, but am in agreement that a this age there are so many other things going on in his life it might not be the right time. Suppose a child repeatedly tells lies and the parents want to help the child change his or her behavior. I have thought about this ever since, and finally gave my own. Fortunatly my sons bio father wants to be involved, he accepts the circumstances around why he was not told when I was pregnant and we look forward to he and my son building a relationship. There will be a feeling of loss, sooner or later, and perhaps in multiple waves. My mom and birth father divorced when I was a baby, due to abuse and infidelity. I have had a similar discussion with my sister. http://genealogy.about.com/od/adoption/a/family_tree.htm, Visual design changes to the review queues, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor, Telling my daughter I am not her biological father. It can make them wonder about the very foundation of trust and love that you've been raising them in and question if anything is to be trusted. The sperm to make you came from Edgar, and the tiny egg to make you came from me. I suggest being honest, I totally agree that finding out later in life can be detrimental. I have a very similar situation that I am going through right now. Still, honesty is the best policy but it must be age appropriate and 10 is way too young. This is definitely a big issue. Above all, avoid language like "real dad", or that your husband is not … His best friend and … If she denies paternity, where does that leave things? He is just curious because Edgar is an unknown. My mother first explained it to me when I was 4 years old using a children's book called Mam, wat is geadopteerd? Her oldest was fathered by an abusive fiance. I was looking through some boxes in my parents bedroom and found a certificate of adoption - my Dad adopting me as his own. Clearly that's not something that you dump on a four year old when they can't emotionally handle it. Short story about science fiction editor in thrall to a "witch doctor's" aspirations to sci-fi authorship. I very much agree that you need to separate the 'where do I come from' discussion from the 'birds and the bees': Simply because he needs to start learning the truth about where he comes from before he's likely to be interested in the mechanics of how it happened. Learn which over-the-counter medicines are safe for you and your baby, Yummy eats that will keep your child healthy and happy, Healing home remedies for common ailments, The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. We are now going throught the formal adoption process and I have all of the same questions as you. Can doctors reverse this dangerous trend? Maybe you could figure out the best way to talk to him. When I do tell him the truth, I know exactly how I am going to say it. If the gravitational force were inversely proportional to distance (rather than distance squared), will celestial bodies fall into each other? I also did not want to send it to his home address as I was not sure of his relationship situation and wanted to ensure he did actually get the letter. Here's an album of photos, this is you when you were little, who's that man? How to Tell Your Child As an infertility counsellor, I see a lot of clients who are using third-party family building strategies. Having learned about my biological father very late in life, I totally disagree with this answer. He has a wonderful life and I feel as if he would do fine, knowing how much he loves his dad and just beginning to really grasp the concept of life. Parents need to tell it like it is. I was adopted when I was 4 months old, and as such I have no recollection of my biological parents. Also, he may associate himself with his biological father in a bad way--since he is "half" his dad biologically, he may think that he is half bad, like his dad. It’s just more shit I have to process when she should’ve already processed it within herself. I am a psychotherapist and work with children mostly and would have to say that there are a few things that should be in place prior to your letting him know. We met more than a decade ago, but during our first few years together, he was in and out of institutions, rehab and halfway houses in part because of his drug addiction.I spent a lot of time fighting to show him how much better life could be if only he could sober up. I'm still struggling with how to tell him that this all means he actually has a bio. If when he's older he asks when you 2 never stayed together I would just keep things general too. We had not told him the truth yet because we felt he was too young, and then after dealing with the death of his father, I waited. She's asking about the best way, not whether she should avoid it all together, so throwing terms like "lie" around, based on a snipped in the middle, is not fair, IMO. The biological father would pretend that he cared, only to tell me he never cared about him anyway and was just trying to manipulate me into stopping child support (which I did anyway after the first year: I felt it wasn't right to take his money when my son had a dad who loved, supported and wanted him from the beginning). Make sure Edgar is in it. I am just wondering, do you think this is a good time/age for him? While other people have already provided helpful answers from the parent's point of view, I'd like to share my personal experience with you from the child's point of view. How much did Didius Julianus pay to become emperor of Rome? How many people know the truth, and how likely are they to tell your son? When my oldest was 4 1/2 my husband was diagnosed with cancer and died 6 months later. Hi, I am wondering if anyone has had experience with this?? its under finding … (In other words, are the legalities wrapped up?) My sister's daughter was adopted by her current husband when she was 1 yr old. You can explain the difference between biological and non biological, and you can also explain that his nonbiological father that he knew was truly his father, and he loved him beyond belief. Remember how a baby starts to grow? Like the day the found out is when everything changed. A: It is wonderful that you are going to adopt your daughter and that you refer to her as "my 7-year-old daughter" and not your adoptive or not-yet-adopted daughter. I really like aparente001's suggestions, minus the family tree and putting it up on the wall part. I would just have an honest … After a year I was pregnant. Telling a teen will be alot tougher. I was hungry all the While awareness of Edgar's contribution to the family may be helpful for the son (and by extension the family unit), incorporating him visibly into the household wall could be triggering for the parents. And note that in an international forum like SE, more explanation can be better. I think you should tell your son the truth soon, however, you should consider talking to a counselor about this before you talk to your son. When my son was only 5 months old, I met the man who he would end up calling dad. I am going through a very similar situation. Honestly I would have been fine had they never told me! When my ex-husband was arrested and put in jail, it was a relief. The only other thing I'd add is avoid trying to 'get it over and done with': obviously it's a subject you want to 'evacuate' and never have to think about again. We have had to appy for a passport for my child and had to state the biological father on it, which has bought up all these feelings of if and when we should tell my child the truth. He has a wonderful life and I feel as if he would do fine, knowing how much he loves his dad and just beginning to really grasp the concept of life. anyway i just found out that the real dad wants my son to know he is the real father, my son is now 10 years old and i don't know if he could comprehend all of this information and that the friend is his real father, and i don't know what he would call him because i don't want him calling him daddy, he has a daddy, my husband has stood besides my son threw everything surgery, needles, shots, sickness and his insurance paid for all of it, and now we get help but still i don't even know how to explain this to my son, i sure could use some help from anyone who has been threw this if they have. This question is interesting because from the child's point of view the problem is almost identical to adoption. She directed her hatred towards his children. Kindergarten is a great age for reading picture books about different family configurations. So many people advised me to just tell them their dad has to go live somewhere else due to his work, but he will be back soon and they can talk to him every week. In my experience, my adoptive parents are my real parents, as they are the ones who raised me and shaped me to become the person who I am today. To be fair, she's not talking about never telling her son. Ten is the beginning of big changes with the start of puberty, hormones, etc. ... no matter the wishes of their partner. It will be tough for you all but possibly a good thing too. Here's a site that outlines various approaches for how to incorporate Edgar into the schematic: http://genealogy.about.com/od/adoption/a/family_tree.htm. My dad never treated me differently and always loved me.... yet I am still devistated. My parents were very open about this to me at a young age, for which I am very grateful. And middle school is a very difficult time, imo, because kids are trying to be independent, but they are still insecure and tend to be "followers"--many are very easily influenced and feel confused and uncomfortable with their emotional and physical bodily changes. Focus on being the happy and loving family that you have always been. I think now, or in a few years, it won't be as hard on him compared to us telling him when he's a teen and who knows how he'd handle it. His younger sibblings also know. It is important to tell your son Edgar's existence and the part he once played but the emphasis isn't there. It's so much easier to tell a story like this sitting side by side looking at a book, than face to face. Now that she is seven it is important that she knows the full truth from me before she learns it from someone else. Need advice on telling my child that her father isn't biological and has passed. The story might go something like this: Before you were born, you started out as a tiny little almost-baby, It only takes a minute to sign up. A story like this goes well with bathing or cuddle time. It's gotten gradually more detailed and complete through the years. "father figure"). Given that you think it wouldn't change anything for him, why do you keep it from him? Also my son is very happy. We never argue, we have a very happy non-dysfunctional marriage. And, whatever you do, don't tell your kids that their father is dead. Having Edgar so constantly a presence may not be ideal in this particular situation: he was, after all, an abusive jerk. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. How can I help my 2-year-old son adapt to his biological father? When is the right time to tell my daughter she's not my biological child? 'How could I tell our children that their father is a criminal?' good luck. I think what could become a true problem for him (rather than a reflection of your problems with this) is if his biological father refuses him. I did not want to phone as I thought it didnt give him a chance to process things in his own time and space. When and how you break this news to your child is key to how they'll perceive you afterwards. I would not tell him until you've spoken to a therapist, perhaps one who specializes in adoption. Did you know that Dad sang to you every evening? But your child is going to need to assimilate this information slowly, over years, and too much information too fast is not going to help. To judge when the time is right it has to be case by case. together, and start to get bigger, and make an embryo, which becomes a We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. You really want to make sure you get the right advice for your son so he can best emotionally handle this. We were a very happy, healthy family. I am no married with a 2 year old boy. He gave up his parental rights, and a few years later my mom met my dad, who formally adopted me and raised me as his daughter. How do I tell my daughter the only dad she's ever known, isn't her biological dad? Now, she's 11 years old and my sister SWEARS that she will take it to her grave! Instead of pretending that Dad doesn't exist, tell them the truth. Dear Demetria: I am the mother of two. But I refuse to lie to my son. If you see a lot of your in-laws, it might be good to give them a heads-up too. I don't think it would change anything for him, if that makes sense. He doesn't realize how the whole thing fits together yet. I've always planned to tell my son as early as possible. Eventually, the truth will come out and children usually end up resenting their moms for this lie when they get older. He knows that it was him and mommy first and that daddy fell in love with us both and wanted to be with us. While he might only get more curious and want to know more about him as he grows older, it doesn't need to be in writing or be reminded visually. I do understand this very well. My new husband SH formally adopted my son. I always had the idea that 10 would be a good age to tell him. I can't give you any advice because I have the same questions, but I do feel your pain. By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life, 2018 General Information on Dry Eyes-Now known as Ocular Surface Disorder, Autism and the MMR Vaccine: Addressing Parents’ Concerns, Questions Breastfeeding Moms Ask About OTC Medicines. Many years down the road, when your son asks you why you never told him, what would you say? How do I tell my 13-year-old son I am his biological father? Catch "occasions" over the next few years, a few random examples could be: Perhaps you are shattering the image of "man & woman -> love -> marriage -> kids -> happily ever after" a bit sooner than you intended to, but rest assured, most observant children of your son's age will have noticed by now that reality works differently on occasion. The child’s age is important in deciding what and how much you should tell about a cancer diagnosis. The parents recently got seperated and there is a lot of bitterness between them. develop an awareness that there is this other person in the cast of characters (we don't know much about him when he first walks on stage, but as we find out more about him later, at least we feel some familiarity -- oh, right, I've heard of Edgar before). He loved me so much and accepted our son as if he was his own and has done an amazing job at raising him. Our boys are now 13 and 15 and they plan to meet bio-dad this summer with us. The guiding principle should be to tell the truth in a way that children are able to understand and prepare themselves for the changes that will happen in the family. There is never any easy way with paternity situations, but there does seem to be an underlying right for a child to know his / her parentage. Erica voiced concerns about 'triggering', but I think that if the photo (one solitary photo) is in an album rather than on a wall, that would not be such an issue. I married after dating FB for only a short time and finding out I was pregnant. She told me actually that the younger the better. What I mean is that you can give them the outline and the flavor of the current version of your son's birth story, so they won't be caught by surprise if your son brings up Edgar with them. You can draw a simple family tree and put it on the wall, and refer to it from time to time. 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