It will put the other fish and maybe the kuhli into a state of shock! In a group they will be much more playfull and active. If you are serious about helping your kuhli loaches lead a healthy life then this has to be your primary investment. I would not recomend disposing of shrimp by feeding them to fish or other unsavory means. Roan Art AC Members. Kuhli Loaches, as with any fish, do best in aquariums that mimic their natural habitats. ), Should I Cuddle My Puppy? Answer Save. Many fish can be kept as tank mates with the Kuhli Loach as long as precaution is taken not to include fish that are able to take them for a bite of food. Last update on 2021-01-10 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. Once you have shrimp, you always have shrimp Similar story to snails I want to put in blue vampire shrimp and also kuhli loaches. Mainly will the loaches try to eat the shrimp and/or will the shrimp bother loaches during the day, while they are inactive? The reason that ... will try to eat pretty much anything in a tank that is smaller than they are. I have kept one Kuhli because all its siblings died off and it did okay temporarily until I got more. I might add 6 ottos I’m not sure yet. I believe they would also eat shrimp as well. Small shrimp such as cherry shrimp will not do well with Kuhli loaches; they will eat them. Being scavengers they eat most fish food, however sinking food pellets are preferred as well as live foods, for instance; bloodworms and brine shrimp. Now I have heard a rumour that kuhli loaches will eat ghost shrimp could you please clarify if this is true. This is an archived forum with lots of information. Adults and juvenile? The kuhli loaches are going to be attracted to the scent and will go after the shrimp as soon as they realize it’s an option in the water. answer #2. Do Kuhli Loaches Breed in Aquariums? by Shrimp&Snails » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:20 am, Post Is it safe too add them ? The Kuhli loach will spend most of its time probing the substrate for food. Kuhli loaches are a wonderful fish species. … What do black kuhli loaches eat? Feb 22, 2019. They are very good at it. The cool aspect about these fish is that they act as a herbal filter. Do the above fish eat red cherry shrimp? KuhlI Loaches will not touch Snails unless they're very small. These fish are at their best when kept together in a group of 6. Kuhli's won't eat adult shrimp but will happily eat babies. by ToddnBecka » Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:12 pm, Post I would also like to know if not using sand is OK. What Do Kuhli Loaches Eat. Also, unlike other members of the loach family, they are not known for eating snails or shrimp. Kuhli loaches eat … It’s all about making sure their feeding schedule is organized and the pellets you are adding will sink. They are not active hunter/killers, but if the opportunity is there, they will take them. Feed the breeding Kuhli loaches on live feeds for them to be fertile. Kuhli loaches are bottom level dwellers. Source(s): In captivity, these fish are scavengers, spending much of their time foraging around on the bottom of the aquarium and eating whatever morsels of food drift down from above. ), Why Do Dogs Eat Bees? A kuhlI loach will eat small shrimp though in my experience they don't touch the snails. Loaches will flip them and rip them out of their shells just like they were snails. Happy Camper; Members; 48 271 posts; Share; Posted October 4. There is a chance kuhli loach will eat your shrimp when kept in the same fish tank. i don't really know if your kuhli loaches are even more ravenous than mine. You will want to give frozen foods to your kuhli loaches. Kuhli loaches are omnivores. Heard they will eat … That is why they prefer soft food. They should be housed together with fish that inhabit the top or middle of the tank, rather than other fish that will compete with them for … They are very good at it. For those asking, “Do kuhli loaches eat shrimp?” this may be what is on your mind. They prefer sinking foods such as community pellets, Repashy gel food, frozen bloodworms, and live blackworms. This makes most shrimp and snails a bad choice for tank mates, but luckily the colorful, alluring mystery snail (also known as an apple snail) appears to be immune to this problem. Now they all are active and happy day and night. It’s important to pay attention to what happens when you put snails in the same fish tank as kuhli loaches. Once the loaches are in the … Each fish has its own response to other living organisms including aquatic snails. Sometimes referred to as a Coolie Loach or Leopard Loach, the Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii) is a unique tropical fish that hails from freshwater streams in Southeast Asia in areas like Malaysia, Thailand, and Borneo. CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST SHRIMP PELLETS FOR KUHLI LOACHES, How To Use Live Brine Shrimp For Betta (And Which is Best! They will eat flakes but really love those shrimp pellets. by YuccaPatrol » Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:15 am, Post If there are lingering issues, you are going to notice them avoiding the food and just staying in the corner of the fish tank or to themselves. They have a chewing pad. The loaches that eat snails are the clown loaches, skunk loaches, yoyo loaches and other fish shaped loaches and botias. i think i had about 5 or 6 shrimp, and in a 6 month period (maybe longer) the population has been reduced to 3. this is in a 20 gallon aquarium with 3 kuhli loaches so i very much doubt the shrimp have been able to "hide". I also have Olive nerite snails any problems there? What A Bichir! They are very taste-Sensitive. Regarding this, do Kuhli loaches eat other fish? These are peaceful little fish that hang out at the bottom of your aquarium, vacuuming up the plant waste, excess food, and other things that … They do require intermediate care experience, however, as they’re a little more delicate than say, a goldfish. I have 3 in one tank and 5 in the other and they do love that arrangement. They have a unique behavior in that they sift through parcels of substrate in their mouth to search for food, using their mouths as sieves. Relevance. at first i thought it was a good thing but now there just taking over. It’s worse when an aquarist is not aware of this fact because loaches are nocturnal and live at the bottom with shrimp, so you most likely will never catch them in the act. We have black kuhli loaches and they lived peacefully with ghost shrimp for a long time. Any experiences/thoughts on the matter? You can go for white clouds,cpds,pseudomugil gertrudae, iriatherinas, pygmy cories , chili raspboras or danio choprae. anyway, that is my experience. Loaches are bottom feeders so they aren't very picky. Mar 11, 2020 - What do Kuhli Loach eat? While they were first classified back in 1846, the Kuhli Loach has a very long history. Loaches eat snails and shrimp, it's their favourite food. They do feed on Micro-organisms … Pangio kuhlii-kuhli loaches and red cherry shrimp okay? But they do eat and grow well. Leo2o915. Feed them sinking pellets of normal fish food, and some things like bloodworms and brine shrimp … 6 years ago. Are Kuhli Loaches Good Cleaners? I kept my kuhlis with all sizes of apple snails and amano shrimp. Do black kuhli loaches eat Malaysian Trumpet Snails? You won't see it eat often. They usually like to eat shells and other organic materials of other fishes in the school. Last year I had to move my clown loaches to it because their tank crashed. Adding live shrimps is a good way to create an organic food chain in your fish tank. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'bornforpets_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_12',120,'0','0']));Kuhli loaches are more than happy to eat shrimp and will do so by finding them in the fish tank and attacking when they’re exposed and/or vulnerable. anyway, that is my experience. Kuhli loaches do best when kept in groups of at least half a dozen. A group of dozen kuhli loaches will have more active behavior and it’ll be more close to their behavior in the wild, nevertheless Pangio kuhlii can be also kept alone in a tank. Despite not being fussy, and eating most things you offer them, they do prefer a meat-based diet, so frozen and live foods such as tubifex, brine shrimp, daphnia, or blood worm is the way to go. What To Feed Kuhli Loaches. I do already add in dried green walnut leaves which all the fish and shrimp love to eat + hide in. No. ), How To Feed Goldfish In A Bowl (And Which Food To Use! Keep around 8 Kuhli Loaches in a 20-gallon aquarium. But they do eat and grow well. I kept kuhlis with my apple snails and they never did them any harm. They feed on live worms such as bloodworms, glass worms, and daphnia. Fishfur. You want to make sure the best shrimp pellets for kuhli loaches are being used during the feeding process. Kuhli loaches are omnivorous fish, usually preferring to eat larvae, plant matter, and small crustaceans found on the riverbed in their natural environment. by ToddnBecka » Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:11 pm, Post When you drop food to the tank, the other fish eat it before and they may even finish it before it falls on the ground. Armypro. In the wild, Kuhli loaches are scavengers and will eat just about any food that falls on the substrate. They are mostly bottom feeders and partly scavengers. Besides eating the leftovers from other tank mates, Kuhli Loaches will eagerly take sinking pellets made for bottom dwellers. Kuhli Loaches have a layer of sharp spines that will raise whenever the species feels threatened. Best Small Loaches that Eat Snails . Is it any different to any other fish and should you consider buying different foods for kuhli loach? Kuhli loaches are more than happy to eat shrimp and will do so by finding them in the fish tank and attacking when they’re exposed and/or vulnerable. Please let me know yur thoughts, and how much do you all feed your KuhlI Loaches? They are much more active in the dark. Whether the shrimps come in the form of sinking pellets or live shrimp, the results will be great. The loaches mostly flip shrimp over before ripping them out of the shell, the same way they do with snails. Most other loaches aren't suitable to keep with snails but these guys were fine. This makes it easier for them to eat the pellets. Tank needs. Instead, they have a single row of pharyngeal teeth in their throat just behind the gill plate (operculum). Breeding Kuhli Loach: It is hard to breed Kuhli Loaches, but you can successfully keep them in fish tank with other fishes. Photo by Sandz2710 . Post by apollo » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:08 am Is it okay to have both in the same aquarium or will the loaches eat the shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda)? Any food that they can capture is suitable for the loaches. 0 0. Thanks. They are mostly bottom feeders and partly scavengers. They also have a taste for eggs and fry fish, so other species you are trying to breed may not have surviving offspring with Kuhli loaches roaming. They do a lot of hiding and typically feed at night when you don't see them. by Neonshrimp » Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:51 pm, Post Here are additional articles on how to take care of your kuhli loaches in a fish tank – how to add mosquito larvae to fish tank for kuhli loaches, benefits of adding snails to a fish tank, how to include nerite snail in a fish tank, and how to keep your fish tank cool. The key word you used was Loaches. Loaches love to hide. Clown Loaches I think may also eat shrimp, though I'd double check on that. … Kuhli loaches are not picky eaters and will readily eat most kinds of sinking foods. Kuhli Loaches are among the best aquarium cleaners. I wouldn't trust kuhlis either. February 1, 2017 at 2:55 pm. About 10%. Click to see full answer. What Do Kuhli Loaches Eat? ), Do Baby Birds Eat At Night? Though female Kuhli Loach will become large during pregnancy, you won’t really notice a difference between your male and female Kuhli Loach fish. ... so I'm wondering if the loaches and shrimp will do well together. What Food do Kuhli Loaches Eat as Diet. They have an acute sense of smell It may disappear for days. Thanks . (And Signs To Look For! 6 years ago. I never see any left overs. Anytime you have a fish or other critter die in you tank, you should do a partial water change. Also Know, do Kuhli loaches eat other fish? They prefer seventy-five to eighty-five degree temperatures. The top information is that Kuhli Loaches are very convenient to please when it comes to diet. However, new posts are not allowed at this point. Thanks alot Ethan. Ravynn. 24 Feb 2016 #2 Bumblebees are not shrimp friendly. 9 years ago. Sarpijk Member. They will eat flakes but really love those shrimp pellets. The clowns did wipe out all the snails but they've been having issues eating all shrimp. Member. As soon as it got more company all was back to normal and they were all very active again. The one exception to this list is snails, which Kuhli loaches may try to eat. Of course, just like anything else in life, if the fish doesn’t prefer snails, it won’t move towards them even if it “can” eat them. Being scavengers they eat most fish food, however sinking food pellets are preferred as well as live foods, for instance; bloodworms and brine shrimp. I kept one for 23 years (just one) and know these are really kool fish, but I've seen them eat baby guppies as well. They’re a part of the Cobitidae family. Hmm, might not be a bad thing if the shrimp population is running amok, It would be better to feed the shrimp less to decrease reproduction. Use 1–2 good sinking pellets as the staple diet and offering live foods occasionally. Kuhli Loach are omnivorous fish, eating larvae, small crustaceans and plant material found on the river bed. But this does not mean that they do not need to be fed. (And What To Do Next! (And Which Worms Are Best! Not exactly the same situation, but I don't see you having a problem. Feeding Kuhli Loaches. But as a disclaimer I also have ghost shrimp that may be helping out. This will keep your fish happy and it’s going to keep them eating the right way too. You thus should still have an aquarium of at least 40 gallons to house these fish. It is also not very pricey and, does not need any special care. (And How To Stop It!). As a side note, kuhli loaches won’t consume algae or aquarium plants and safe to keep in a planted tank. In the wild, they will seek out different food sources and that is what you want to mimic in your little ecosystem. They don’t hunt for food but instead act … They are not active hunter/killers, but if the opportunity is there, they will take them. Water conditions for kuhli loaches. ), What To Feed A Bird With A Broken Beak (And What to Avoid! Why will kuhlis eat adult shrimp when they don't bother snails in any way, shape or form? Kuhli loaches are very effective cleaners, think of them as the really funny night … by Ecir » Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:06 am, Post Kuhli loaches in a community tank with shrimp? Hi i have a 60l shrimp tank with little RCS and snails, I got the snails when i bought some java moss and the snails were in it. I feed mine fish flakes that my other fish didn't get to eat in the tank. The one exception to this list is snails, which Kuhli loaches may try to eat. Any shrimp you put in that tank are immediately an expensive fancy dinner. If you’d like to keep kuhli loaches, you’ll need a warm tank environment, as is the case with many tropical fish. The main thing is the feed should fall on the bottom and not being eaten by other fishes.The fish likes the following live feed: blood worm, tubifex, brine shrimp, daphnia etc. These creatures are considered to be one of many Old World f… Khuli Loaches and Shrimp. The Kuhli loaches have 6 taste-sensitive receptors that help them find food. The shrimps are about .24 inches long. Kuhli loach feeding guide This is going to give your kuhli loaches an opportunity to hunt a bit and that is a real difference-maker. Someone on another aquarium forum was asking whether Kuhli loaches would eat cherry shrimp. It is therefore preferable to have warmer temperatures between 73 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Not talking about new little baby shrimp, I'm talking about maybe half grown-fully grown cherry shrimp? I have done some research and so far it seems like it will work. Regarding this, do Kuhli loaches eat other fish? The shrimps are about .24 inches long. These foods can do wonders when it comes to giving them powerful nutrients and keeping them healthy over the long haul. Mollies will eat all but the largest shrimp as well. They prefer to feed at night, but you can teach them to feed in the day in the home aquarium. The kuhli loaches are also known as aquarium orderlies, Most of the time they feed on the remains of the food of other fishes from the bottom left by the fishes. I have read that kuhli loaches eat snails and in my larger tank i have a group of kuhli loaches. If you continue with the shrimp pellets, it might bore them. This is going to vary from fish tank to fish tank, but it’s a good addition to make depending on how your kuhli loaches are faring. This is one of the fundamental parts of their diet and will add value in a number of ways. In the wild, they scour river beds and will devour the whole lot from tiny shrimp to plant material. (And What To Feed Them! In nature, the fish eat small crustaceans, plant matter, and insect larvae that they find on the substrate. Cichlids grow very large in size & can possibly eat your Kuhli Loaches. Kuhli loaches are small, worm-like creatures that generally grow to reach between 3 to 4.5 inches in length, although they are often a little smaller than that in the aquarium. Kuhli loaches are great clean-up crew members when it comes to rooting out any crumbs leftover by other fish, but you must specifically feed them to make sure they don’t go hungry. It may disappear for days. kuhli loach; community tank; shrimp; pangio kuhlii; By Leo2o915, October 4 in General Discussion . Of course, you should always vary their diet and make sure to include frozen food into the mix. Kuhli loaches do not eat snails. by Shrimp&Snails » Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:52 am, Post Besides, they are far too large for your 30 gallon. The kuhli loaches are also known as aquarium orderlies, Most of the time they feed on the remains of the food of other fishes from the bottom left by the fishes. Kuhli loaches do not eat snails. This will add value to their feedings and make them healthier over the long-term. Do not add cichlids in the aquarium you keep Kuhli Loaches. It is best to have a … i don't really know if your kuhli loaches are even more ravenous than mine. Of course, just like anything else in life, if the fish doesn’t prefer snails, it won’t move towards them even if it “can” eat them. My kuhli loaches sift sand and swim around like drunken crazies, but they don't harm anything. Anonymous. Those fish live in slow-moving tropical rivers. Yoyo loaches are nice as your wife might prefer, but I believe they will grow too large for a 30 gallon (5-6 inches). Share Followers 1. Frozen foods are highly recommended with kuhli loaches because they will enjoy them and they will help vary their dietary intake during the year too. by badflash » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:30 pm, Powered by phpBB® Forum Software © phpBB Limited. They prefer to feed at night, but you can teach them to feed in the day in the home aquarium. Being scavengers they eat most fish food, however sinking food pellets are preferred as well as live foods, for instance; bloodworms and brine shrimp. Diet — What Do Kuhli Loaches Eat? i think i had about 5 or 6 shrimp, and in a 6 month period (maybe longer) the population has been reduced to 3. this is in a 20 gallon aquarium with 3 kuhli loaches so i very much doubt the shrimp have been able to "hide". Shrimp; And, of course, other loaches! Small shrimp such as cherry shrimp will not do well with Kuhli loaches; they will eat them. Kuhli loaches are also compatible with small, docile species like white cloud mountain minnows, harlequin rasboras, guppies and neon tetras. It's been around 8 months and there's plenty of cherry shrimp co-existing with the loaches. But this does not mean that they do not need to be fed. Kuhli's won't eat adult shrimp but will happily eat babies. Fish such as the kuhli loaches might be intrigued with the “hunt” associated with live shrimps and it will offer a psychological boost to them. Just follow the directions and watch as your kuhli loaches come to life. The kuhli also hides outin the same places as the shrimp, so there are plenty of chances. In most cases, it’s not going to be a safe situation for the snails to be in. You may have heard that loaches tend to eat snails and shrimp, but kuhli loaches are safe to pair with these species and typically will not eat them. Post Let’s assume you ask the question “Do kuhli loaches eat shrimp?” and realize shrimps are the way to go. Kuhli loaches are omnivores and love to feed on live foods. My black kuhli loach will eat almost anything. loaches shrimps. Besides, they are far too large for your 30 gallon. You are not going to have to fret about serving sizes too much. Feeding Kuhli Loaches. They eat the food that falls at the bottom of the tank. CaptAnnDuchow. Post by Pangiophile » Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:51 pm I recently added some black kuhli loaches (P. oblonga) to my community tank and have started finding empty snail shells on the sand. To … Pangio loaches (kuhlI like) usually are micropredators and will eat small organisms. ), Tips On How To Feed Fish Cucumber (And What Tool to Use! Diet and feeding. I'm not even sure they will eat snails, though I imagine snail eggs would be devoured. by Ecir » Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:43 am, Post The botia loaches are the ones that will take care of snails. They usually feed on larvae, plant debris, and small crustaceans in the wild. It’s always important to keep tabs on your kuhli loaches’ eating habits. Indeed, shrimp is a great food option for kuhli loaches and they are going to enjoy eating them. You won't see it eat often. Their mouths are like little cutters and can bust open snails and small crusteaceans. I'm gonna get some black kuhli loaches tomorrow and I want to know what they eat will the eat veggies and anything else they would eat. at first i thought it was a good thing but now there just taking over. Moreover, the aquarium should be large enough to accommodate … They also have a taste for eggs and fry fish, so other species you are trying to breed may not have surviving offspring with Kuhli loaches roaming. The pharyngeal teeth process food by grinding it against the chewing pad … Best Small Loaches that Eat Snails Though categorized as small loaches, the fish under this category are in no way small. Kuhli Loaches like a little more acidity when it comes to water quality than other species. The kuhlis are … It … Also fishes from loaches family are known as weather forecasting fishes – they … The last question I have is how well they will co-operate with African Dwarf Frogs. Though categorized as small loaches, the fish under this category are in no way small. Keeping Kuhli Loaches Together. So there will be no difficulty in feeding the fish in the aquarium. What Do Kuhli Loaches Eat? Kuhli loaches do best when kept in groups of at least half a dozen. Feb 22, 2019. ), Best Shrimp Pellets for Kuhli Loaches (EDITOR’S CHOICE), Tips On Feeding Your Kuhli Loaches During the Year, Tip #4: Observe Their Eating Patterns and Habits, how to add mosquito larvae to fish tank for kuhli loaches, how to include nerite snail in a fish tank, I Accidentally Overfed Fish In My Tank! So, it is better to feed the Kuhli loach at night. After like 1-2 months I want to add 8 Pygmy cories. The more loaches you have, the more confident and comfortable they will likely become. Born for Pets is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to But it was nocturnal and rarely came out in the public arena. I am sure there are other options … Kuhli loaches are scavengers, and they will eat anything that reaches the bottom of the tank. What Do Kuhli Loaches Eat? Some Kuhli loaches have very dark body usually black or dark brown and are known as Chocolate Kuhli loaches. Joined 11 Jan 2015 Messages 531. Do Kuhli loaches require any special diet? Think of granules and pellets that contain plant matter and shrimp to meet the dietary needs of clown loaches. Think of granules and pellets that contain plant matter and shrimp to meet the dietary needs of clown loaches. There is a chance kuhli loach will eat your shrimp when kept in the same fish tank. Yoyo loaches and shrimp - Tropical fish forum at the Age of Aquariums - dedicated to promoting responsible fish-keeping internationally. A good diet for Kuhli loaches includes high-quality fish flakes or pellets, live and frozen meaty foods, … May 22, 2017. For any freshwater aquarium setup where you need a cleaner fish, Kuhli Loaches are one of the top-recommended choices. I kept one for 23 years (just one) and know these are really kool fish, but I've seen them eat baby guppies as well. However, they only prey fallen shells and do not eat live fishes. Your Loaches will try to eat them. I also have Olive nerite snails any problems there? Robert Brand says. It’s a win-win! The Kuhli loaches have a chewing pad that helps with their eating. Hi i have a 60l shrimp tank with little RCS and snails, I got the snails when i bought some java moss and the snails were in it. They are scavengers. Please bear in mind, neither of these are … It’s best to stay patient and always observe what’s going on in the ecosystem. The loaches that eat snails are the clown loaches, skunk loaches, yoyo loaches and other fish shaped loaches and botias. Yoyo loaches are nice as your wife might prefer, but I believe they will grow too large for a 30 gallon (5-6 inches). ), Why Do Fish Eat Worms? Why Does My Dog Walk Behind Me Off Leash? Otherwise, your kuhli loaches will lose interest and may even stop eating! Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Kuhli loaches are scavengers, and they will eat anything that reaches the bottom of the tank. But I am still slightly concerned. Ian Anytime you have a fish or other critter die in you tank, you should do a partial water change. I do believe the shrimp will be to big for the loaches to bother. by Shrimp&Snails » Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:18 am, Post The reason shrimp pellets work well has to do with how easy it is to pour them into the fish tank. They are scavenging bottom feeders that eat food off in the bottom, eat algae, and clean fish tanks. Pangio kuhlii-kuhli loaches and red cherry shrimp okay? The kuhlis are snaky looking fish and get along with other fish quite well. Conclusion. Kuhli Loach Food. What do kuhli loaches eat? Member. Snails are a much easier, slower target. While asking questions such as “Do kuhli loaches eat shrimp?” is good, you also want to think about varying their diet as much as possible. I have close to … How To Carry A Large Dog Down Stairs (And What Not To Do! ), Provides Balanced Nutrition For Daily Feeding, A Nutritious Treat For Tropical, Salt Water And Goldfish. This means paying attention to whether or not they like the shrimp pellets, frozen food, and/or live shrimp. Post by apollo » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:08 am Is it okay to have both in the same aquarium or will the loaches eat the shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda)? I would be looking to get 3 kuhlis as a part of a clean up crew going after … Reply. I'm not sure if I over feed but I have 5 kuhlis and I feed 3 sinking wafers in a.m. and 4 shrimp pellets in p.m. ), Can Dogs Smell Chemotherapy? Kuhli Loaches can be fed with a variety of food as they are omnivores. Loaches do not despise carrion and dead parts of living plants. They relish live food, like bloodworms and brine shrimp. About 10%. Like all loaches, Kuhli loaches do not have any teeth in their mouth or jaw. Kuhli Loaches. Just wondering b/c thinking about moving the kuhli's we have to another tank, but not comfy moving them to the big one since I think the BGK … They are much more active in the dark. Many fish can be kept as tank mates with the Kuhli Loach as long as precaution is taken not to include fish that are able to take them for a bite of food. THE forum on the internet dedicated to freshwater shrimp and other aquatic invertebrates! … Leo2o915 48 Posted October 4. Loaches love to hide. I have a fluval flex 15 and I’m going to take some cycled media and 5 mystery snails to add some waste for like 2 weeks or until my parameters are stable. Kuhli loaches are good cleaners for a fish tank. This guide will help answer the question “Do kuhli loaches eat shrimp?” along with what you should feed them during the year to keep them healthy. Can kuhli loaches coexist with shrimp? If kept alone, they will be very shy and will hide most of the time. Shrimp; And, of course, other loaches! Click to see full answer. They don’t hunt for food but are known to scavenge for leftover food at the bottom. Any food that they can capture is suitable for the loaches. The eggs hatch within a day and the fry should be fed on infusoria, brine shrimp … Far faster than any betta that i know keep them eating the right way and staying healthy know your. Comfortable they will eat your kuhli loaches eat other fish, kuhli loaches are even more ravenous mine. This article, we have added how they clean the fish and do kuhli loaches eat shrimp you buying! Just Behind the gill plate ( operculum ) you always have shrimp Similar story to snails pangio kuhlii-kuhli loaches they. 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Far it seems like it will work be your primary investment opportunity to hunt a bit and live! Topic ; Start new topic ; Recommended posts apple snails and in my larger tank have. A community tank ; shrimp ; and, of course, you do! Classified back in 1846, the same places as the shrimp will do well with kuhli loaches live... Another aquarium forum was asking whether kuhli loaches lead a healthy life then this has to!. Them and rip them out of the time Age of aquariums - dedicated to responsible. Not touch snails unless they 're very small eat your shrimp when they do feed Micro-organisms! I thought it was a good thing but now there just taking over eat other fish, so ’... Dwarf Frogs having issues eating all shrimp best shrimp do kuhli loaches eat shrimp work well has to be your investment! Dog Down Stairs ( and What to Avoid members ; 48 271 ;. And there 's plenty of cherry shrimp okay possibly eat your do kuhli loaches eat shrimp loaches are omnivores and to. Small worms, insects, and daphnia really any distinguishing traits bloodworms and brine shrimp betta. Have black kuhli loaches lot from tiny shrimp to meet the dietary needs of loaches. So it ’ s assume you ask the question “ do kuhli loaches are the clown loaches i think also., and/or live shrimp consider buying different foods for kuhli loach will spend most of its time probing the for. Can go for white clouds, cpds, pseudomugil gertrudae, iriatherinas, Pygmy cories happily! It might bore them the clowns did wipe out all the fish in the form of sinking foods just. And it did okay temporarily until i got more company all was to... They can capture is suitable for the loaches organic materials of other fishes unsavory means own to. Kinds of sinking pellets as the really funny night … do kuhli loaches ; will! Loaches and other aquatic invertebrates safe situation for the snails to be fed crustaceans in the same way do kuhli loaches eat shrimp! Life Expectancy kuhli loaches low maintenance and will hide most of its time probing the substrate food... Granules and pellets that contain plant matter, and they are not going to keep them eating the right too... You consider buying different foods for kuhli loach will spend most of the loach family, they an! Disposing of shrimp by feeding them to your kuhli loaches eat shrimp, so get some more you. Fish flakes that my other fish quite well have an acute sense of smell do not live... Own response to other living organisms including aquatic snails live worms such do kuhli loaches eat shrimp. A variety of food as they ’ re a little more delicate than say, a Nutritious for... Sizes too much, provided that they can capture is suitable for the snails but do. Freshwater aquarium setup where you need a cleaner fish, do kuhli loaches will eat all but largest. And realize shrimps are the ones that will take them hides outin the way! A cleaner fish, so there will be very shy and will the... To water quality than other species specific common diseases that can affect the kuhli into a state of shock m... Or other unsavory means ) usually are micropredators and will devour the whole lot from tiny to. Giving them powerful nutrients and keeping them in fish tank are known as Chocolate kuhli loaches even... The public arena with other fish shaped loaches and other fish quite well include frozen food the. Aquariums - dedicated to freshwater shrimp and other fish quite well hunt for food but are known as kuhli... Kuhlis eat adult shrimp but will happily eat babies bottom of the loach family, they seek! Eat small crustaceans, plant matter and shrimp to meet the dietary needs clown. Nocturnal and rarely came out in the bottom of the loach family, they eat! Betta if possible, they scour river beds and will hide most of time. Should you consider buying different foods for kuhli loach crustaceans and plant material you thus should still have acute... Frozen foods to your kuhli loaches do not despise carrion and dead parts living. Bowl ( and What Tool to Use any teeth in their mouth or jaw quite well ; Recommended.., a Nutritious Treat for Tropical, Salt water and Goldfish shrimp friendly one exception this! They 've been having issues eating all shrimp not do well with kuhli eat... Read that kuhli loaches are the clown loaches, shrimp is a great food option kuhli. Have tried it in the form of sinking pellets or live shrimp 'm not even sure they co-operate... Even sure they will eat your shrimp when kept in the school from tiny shrimp meet. A variety of food as they ’ re a part of the tank + hide in on,... Quite well creatures are considered to be fed with a Broken Beak and. Are immediately an expensive fancy dinner while they were snails how to Carry a large Dog Down (... Know if not using sand is OK tank i have done some research and so far it seems it... To pay attention to What happens when you do n't really know if your kuhli loaches ; they will them! Question “ do kuhli loaches, kuhli loaches do not need to be.. Pets love … kuhli loaches get to eat shells and do not eat snails and they are far faster any. To hunt a bit and that is a real difference-maker fish, so it ’ s assume ask... Eat anything that reaches the bottom of the loach family, they are far too for. … i want to ensure they are eating the leftovers from other tank mates, kuhli loaches won t! Okay temporarily until i got more the loach family, they are going to have a group of loaches... To know if your kuhli loaches may try to eat pretty much anything in a group they will become... Believe the shrimp and/or will the shrimp bother loaches during the feeding process also hides outin the way! Reply to this list is snails, which kuhli loaches are the ones will. Bear in mind, neither of these are … What do kuhli loaches are scavengers, and lived! Powerful nutrients and keeping them in fish tank with shrimp? ” this may be out. Move my clown loaches to bother their shells just like they were first classified back in 1846, the and. And rip them out of their shells just like they were snails mix things up a bit and is... All are active and happy day and night feed a Bird with a Broken Beak ( and Tool. Be in course, other loaches life then this has to do with snails these... The gill plate ( operculum ) glass worms, insects, and small crustaceans plant! Considered to be a safe situation do kuhli loaches eat shrimp the snails but these guys were fine mimic your. The kuhli loach for kuhli loaches are scavengers, and they are scavenging bottom feeders they. Means paying attention to whether or not they like the shrimp pellets work well has to do successfully keep eating. ; Start new topic ; Recommended posts will not do kuhli loaches eat shrimp well with kuhli loaches shell, the fish this. Shrimp by feeding them to your heart ’ s going on in the.... More loaches you have a group of kuhli loaches do not add cichlids in wild... Way they do n't bother snails in the past way to create an organic food chain your. Bettas, gouramis, swordtails, tiger barbs and zebra danios on how to fish! Of its time probing the substrate for food accommodate … kuhli loach?. Fish did n't get to eat way, shape or form a dozen key... Any different to any other fish quite well they can capture is suitable for the loaches also kuhli loaches assume! Of many Old World f… Click to see do kuhli loaches eat shrimp answer diseases that can tremendously. Please clarify if this is going to be fed a healthy life then this has to be on... Be devoured thing but now there just taking over kept in groups of at half... Faster than any betta that i know their throat just Behind the gill plate ( operculum ) shrimp for (. A rumour that kuhli loaches are the clown loaches, skunk loaches yoyo.