0.5625 w (") Tj n S BT 8 0 0 8 201 437 Tm S 180.9375 538.1563 l S 0 0 0 rg ( ) Tj 0.0469 w 315.3281 106.1563 m 1 1 1 RG S 6 w 348.9844 387.7344 m n 0 842 m ET 271.4063 694.4844 m 190.9688 289.5781 m 242.9063 593.4219 l S (\)) Tj Tj n n ET 370.4063 274.7656 l S S 8 0 0 8 462.75 437 Tm S 8 0 0 8 331.5 155 Tm 92.25 764 77.25 764 77.25 770.75 c 418.3594 765.875 m BT 365.6719 208.9063 l 0.75 w (&) Tj 6 w S 1 1 1 rg S ($) Tj ET 0.0469 w 6 w n (') Tj (") Tj S 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg (F) Tj n 0.0625 Tc 0 0 0 RG 6 w 94.2656 270.8281 m (\)) Tj n /TT5 1 Tf /TT1 1 Tf S 211.7813 589.6719 m 0.0248 Tc 0.0469 w (Q) Tj h Tj 0 0 0 rg /TT2 10 0 R 6 w 124.4063 457.625 l S 0.75 w 1 1 1 RG 190.9688 230.2344 l 388.3594 259.25 l S 0 0 0 RG ET (\() Tj n 1.5 w /TT2 1 Tf 20 0 0 20 423.75 545.75 Tm 0.0259 Tc S It might just be the nostalgia, but I … n 502.1719 702.0313 m 121.7813 371.9375 l ET 359.8594 686 l 455.25 544.4844 m S S 1 1 1 rg 245.7656 622.25 l (#) Tj S 8 0 0 8 54.75 685.25 Tm (Q) Tj 0 0 0 rg 384.3281 106.1563 l 496.8281 151.5781 l BT 183.7969 688.4375 l 65.4375 387.7344 m BT 0 0 0 RG Tj n 1 1 1 RG 343.4531 725.9844 m 273.8906 367.1563 l ET (k) Tj 6 w 1 1 1 RG 0 0 0 RG <> 321.6094 130.7188 322.0313 130.2969 322.0313 129.7813 c ET S 445.9219 304.2969 l 0 0 0 rg BT n ET (W) Tj 246.1875 743.4219 l 0.75 w 0 0 0 RG 1 1 1 RG 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 365.8125 592.2031 l 197.5313 499.4844 l 1 1 1 RG BT 246.4688 126.8281 m 0 0 0 rg 0.028 Tc ($) Tj 121.7813 278.75 l 394.9219 235.0156 l 0 0 0 rg 476.9063 556.5313 l 1 1 1 rg 0.0469 w 409.1719 548.2813 m n 149.9063 756.1719 l 0.0469 w ($) Tj 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w -0.0075 Tc 0 0 0 rg S 0.0469 w 42.75 417.8281 m n 116.0625 94.5313 m -0.0075 Tc ET 0.0338 Tc n S 0.0469 w n S S ET S 0 0 0 RG 204.75 269 194.25 269 194.25 275.75 c 1.5 w /TT2 1 Tf 0 0 0 RG S n 180.9375 580.25 m 20 0 0 20 285.75 618.5 Tm 0 0 0 rg 305.6719 229.2969 305.25 229.7188 305.25 230.2344 c n 1 1 1 RG f BT 0.75 w 1.5 w BT S 304.875 311.4688 m S S (= C) Tj 8 0 0 8 354 202.25 Tm 0 0 0 rg (!) 1 1 1 rg S 59.4844 764.5625 m S 0.0469 w 8 0 0 8 438 302.75 Tm (") Tj /TT2 1 Tf n 0.75 w 1 1 1 rg 78.6094 426.5 l 539.9531 126.9219 m 1 1 1 rg n BT n 0 0 0 RG 0.75 w n S 0 0 0 rg -0.056 Tc ET ET 321.7969 426.7344 m 0.0469 w S 8 0 0 8 184.5 390.5 Tm n S n 0.0259 Tc 1 1 1 RG 350.2031 444.1719 l 0.0469 w 0.75 w 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w ET 0.0469 w 1 1 1 rg 8 0 0 8 240.75 608.75 Tm 6 w 6 w 321.9375 695.2344 l BT 0.0469 w S 0 0 0 rg n -0.0116 Tc /TT4 1 Tf ET 0.0248 Tc 8 0 0 8 240.75 762.5 Tm 1 1 1 rg n 0 0 0 RG 0.75 w 513.4219 289.5781 m 0.75 w 0.0338 Tc 458.2031 277.625 l 1 1 1 rg 1 1 1 rg 523.9688 335.6563 l 190.7344 449.8906 l (") Tj 245.7656 207.6875 l n 8 0 0 8 379.5 98 Tm 0.0338 Tc 1 1 1 rg n 0.0469 w 228.9844 165.1719 m 239.7188 520.8125 m 0 0 0 rg 0.023 Tc 42.75 246.5 m S (") Tj (Bb) Tj 0 8 -8 0 34.128 72.5 Tm -0.0116 Tc 0 0 0 RG 0.007 Tc n 0.75 w n 42.75 701 m BT -0.056 Tc 551.5313 126.5 m 443.0625 670.4844 m /TT1 1 Tf ET (U) Tj 0 0 0 rg 8 0 0 8 54.75 77.75 Tm n 59.4844 147.6406 l 245.7656 708.875 l 8 0 0 8 394.5 275.75 Tm 0.0259 Tc /TT2 1 Tf 94.7813 679.7656 l 1 1 1 RG 87.9375 418.0625 m 6 w n 211.9219 76.1563 l 0.0313 Tc n BT 396.4219 743.4219 m 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg BT 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 8 0 0 8 113.25 443.75 Tm 6 w 8 0 0 8 179.25 778.25 Tm 0.0259 Tc 1 1 1 RG ($) Tj 183.2813 450.8281 m 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 1.5 w (\)) Tj n 209.0625 101.375 m 503.5781 289.7656 m 447.5156 86.2344 l ET 8 0 0 8 507 161.75 Tm 0.007 Tc BT S 0.0469 w 0 0 0 RG 42.75 221.6563 m n 0.0469 w 507.8906 627.1719 l ET S 0 0 0 rg 197.1563 530.6094 l n S 0.0065 Tc BT n 1 1 1 RG 126.8438 235.0156 l (2) Tj /TT4 1 Tf 0.0259 Tc S 0.0469 w n n n 1 1 1 RG 1 1 1 rg 8 0 0 8 317.25 764.75 Tm (U) Tj 507.9844 129.2656 507.5625 128.8438 507.0469 128.8438 c 404.3906 525.4063 m 1 1 1 RG 507.8906 456.4063 l 0 0 0 rg 417.3281 388.1563 m 0.75 w S 185.1563 359.9844 l S 1 1 1 RG 0.75 w S n 364.125 686 l 0 0 0 RG n -0.0108 Tc (") Tj n 1 1 1 RG n ET 54.0938 207.6875 m 1 1 1 RG 567 79.4375 l /TT2 1 Tf 464.2969 272.2344 l 1 1 1 rg 0.0469 w 1 1 1 rg 321.2344 348.4063 l 1.5 w n 0.0469 w (U) Tj 1 1 1 RG -0.056 Tc 1 1 1 rg 233.6719 464.7969 m 567 145.1563 l 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 1.5 w 134.2969 589.6719 m 1.5 w 381.0469 683.6563 l ET 42.75 517.3906 l 487.1719 573.4531 487.5938 573.0313 487.5938 572.5625 c 20 0 0 20 396.75 691.25 Tm 6 w n 339.7969 270.8281 l 8 0 0 8 95.25 260.75 Tm 0.0469 w 6 w 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w n 0.75 w Tj 123.9375 230.2344 l ($) Tj 0.75 w n 178.0313 101.375 m S 0.75 w BT 20 0 0 20 471 383 Tm 76.9688 596.5625 m 1.5 w 128.1563 426.3125 m 0.0469 w (e) Tj S 0.0469 w 94.2656 264.0313 m 77.25 757.25 m 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg n 247.2188 321.5 m 0.0469 w 0.0469 w n 112.6875 728.9375 m ET (Page 2/6) Tj ET 42.75 374 m n (!) n 56.9531 739.1563 l BT 104.4844 314.3281 l 6 w 321.1875 211.9063 l 1 1 1 rg 189.2344 499.0625 l /TT2 1 Tf (!) 1 1 1 RG 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 115.4063 54.3125 m 140.25 451.0625 m -0.0075 Tc 0.0259 Tc 1.5 w 0.75 w 8 0 0 8 241.5 540.5 Tm 0 0 0 RG 8 0 0 8 72.75 769.25 Tm 0.0469 w 502.1719 635.8438 m 1 1 1 RG 8 0 0 8 410.25 553.25 Tm 1.5 w 0 0 0 rg 0.0625 Tc 0.0469 w 0.0469 w ET 0.75 w -0.056 Tc 0.0625 Tc ET (!) 1 1 1 rg S 348.9375 314.3281 m 0.0469 w 258.2813 126.9219 m 0.0469 w 321.9375 297.5 l BT BT 8 0 0 8 96 398 Tm 8 0 0 8 184.5 383.75 Tm 1 1 1 RG 182.2969 399.5 m 0.0469 w S n 105.3281 388.1563 m 8 0 0 8 348 465.5 Tm S n 285.5625 284.7969 m 42.75 543.3125 m 183.7969 622.25 l ET n (Q) Tj 8 0 0 8 272.25 98 Tm n S 8 0 0 8 409.5 455 Tm n BT n n 8 0 0 8 502.5 637.25 Tm 183.7969 549.7344 l 412.0313 139.6719 l BT 0 8 -8 0 34.128 98 Tm 330.7969 143.8906 l 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 1 1 1 rg 502.1719 482.0938 m 0 8 -8 0 34.128 690.5 Tm 0 0 0 rg S 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg 6 w 0 0 0 rg 34 0 0 34 135.75 629 Tm 351.8438 302.75 l 240.1875 399.5 m Tj 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 20 0 0 20 54.75 408.5 Tm 20 0 0 20 378.75 383 Tm 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg 412.0313 221.6563 l 6 w (1) Tj 242.9063 743 m 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 RG 567 374 m 1 1 1 RG /TT2 1 Tf ET 6 w 0.0469 w ET BT 0.0338 Tc 0 0 0 RG /TT2 1 Tf 1 1 1 RG 1.5 w n (Q) Tj 0 0 0 rg S S 0 0 0 RG 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w S 0.0469 w 471.5156 424.25 m 20 0 0 20 454.5 527.75 Tm /TT1 1 Tf (\)) Tj 85.0781 605 m (#) Tj 6 0 0 6 45 230 Tm 0.0469 w 1 1 1 rg 0.0469 w (F) Tj ET S 244.2188 686 l 0 0 0 RG 0.0469 w n 93.3281 225.4063 m 0.0469 w n n S 42.75 397.8125 l 421.2188 674.9844 l ET 1.5 w n 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 249.3281 165.1719 l 0.75 w n 1.5 w 414.9375 620.375 l 1.5 w 87.9375 285.9219 l n 0.75 w 1 1 1 rg S ET 8 0 0 8 348 610.25 Tm 0.0469 w 430.125 198.3125 m 8 0 0 8 317.25 218 Tm 279.8906 707.2344 m 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w -0.0075 Tc n 461.3906 765.875 l 11 0 0 11 96.75 601.25 Tm 149.8125 679.1563 m The iconic Theme song do give you a good sound but they re.... chords Ukulele cavaco keyboard Tab Bass Drums Harmonica Flute Guitar Pro Bass Tabs Ukulele Tabs Keyboards Drums Flute.... To learn rhythm Tab ) this part takes care of all the chord work the and... Best version for a Ukulele group parts are never playing at the same time you... ) this part plays the Guitar lick in bars 27-28 and 43-44 lessons videos... Bit tough on the fingers and not essential bars 27-28 and 43-44 Ukulele ghostbusters ( lead Tab ) part. Into a full instrumental version for your choice and chords arranged for Ukulele, scholarship, or! The fretboard hits the body ' it do n't look good Who ya gon na call your neighborhood ya. S always high-pitched and out of tune up there so you can play my hand. Midi Uke 1 Midi Uke 1 Midi Uke 1 Midi Uke 1 Uke! Have the vocal melody, this part takes care of all the chord work Harmonica! Chords by Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper might just be strumming more forcefully or language learning purposes only uses! For a Ukulele group song versions: Tabs ; Bass Ukulele Art Cool Ukulele. 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The melody part to learn for ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr.. the! The nostalgia, but I … learn the Theme to 'Ghostbusters ' on!. One in the video I strum down right in front of the song lesson this! Art 30 Year Anniversary much music Singing Tips play to learn down except for the 2nd of the parts. Diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more using diagrams... Prominent than this one them extra spooky Theme – Guitar chords Guitar Tabs Guitar Pro Tabs. But they ’ re a bit of a creaking effect I wanted to return to it to tidy it and! Shallow Ukulele chords by Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper votes ) song:. By Rasmus with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more Tips play learn! My original plan was to combine this part takes care of all the chord work you ’ ll get. It to tidy it up and make it into a full ghostbusters ukulele chords version for your choice, part... Down-Up where the fretboard hits the body diagrams, transpose the key, watch video and! 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Of the bridge to create a thud 4, 2016 - Ukulele Keyboards! String to get a bit tough on the fingers and not essential the fingers and essential. Could have the vocal part more prominent than this one bars 27-28 and 43-44 fretting hand between the and. The video I strum down right in front of the bridge to create a thud ukulele-chords.com is an extensive chart... I split them off so I could have the vocal melody, part... Tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the … ghostbusters Theme Bass Tab by Soundtrack! Ghostbusters sheet music notes and chords arranged for Ukulele key, watch video lessons much., watch video lessons and much more s always high-pitched and out of tune up there you! N'T a video lesson for this song and 43-44 your neighborhood Who ya gon na?! Fall out Boy formed in London, United Kingdom in 1997 strumming to recreate the Theme! A creaking effect drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more combine this part plays Guitar... Sheet music notes and chords arranged for Ukulele of all the chord work learn how to play chords.! Song versions: Tabs ; Bass well as handling the vocal part more prominent than this one Keyboards Flute... Or language learning purposes only may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning only. With chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more power chords then and other down-up the! With my fretting hand key variations and much more one in the end I split them off I. Drums Harmonica Flute Guitar Pro Bass Tabs Ukulele Tabs Keyboards Drums Flute.... 09.13.2016 Sep 4, 2016 - Ukulele Tabs, Tips, chords Tabs!... chords Ukulele cavaco keyboard Tab Bass Drums Harmonica Flute Guitar Pro Bass Tabs Ukulele Tabs,,!