that seems like a really long time. Preface ith the examples of Noah and Abraham as "wise men" that "renew [our] strength" in waiting upon the LORD, we now add Joseph, the son of Jacob (Israel) and Rachel, the only full brother to Benjamin. Thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site. Voice of Messiah’s First Book, The Passover King, is Live! Joseph waited 14 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Yesterday things came to a head and my husband reminded me of how Abraham had to wait. I’ve been in a long season of waiting and feeling the pressure from people around me who don’t understand to cave. He learned to trust. I thank GOD for speaking through you. You should thank Him for this, because when God asks you to wait, He is actually doing you a favor. God Bless You. I completely agree it can be painful, but necessary. why not before or after? When you are waiting on God, continue to: Whether you are currently waiting on a personal promise God has given to you specifically, or are simply longing for the promise of eternal salvation and deliverance that we all share as followers of Jesus, always remember that no waiting on God is in vain. These are 2 distinct realities which cannot be conflated. Is there someone whom you can bless and give the very thing for which you wait? Genesis 21:5 tells us that Abraham was 100 years old when Sarah gave birth to Isaac, which means Abraham had to wait 25 years! I will bless her, and indeed I will give you a son by her. Jesus waited 30 years. He had after all promised her lots of kids and a great dynasty. And more importantly God will get the glory through His timing and not my so called “control” of timing for this ministry. May 19, 2014 - Joseph Waited 13 Years. Does the fact that God waited until this couple was "as good as dead" to give them the promised child help explain the wait? It wasn’t your words but God’s words speaking into me yesterday (and today for that matter because I reread your post today and took notes as well as share on social media). Abraham - waited 25 years for a…” Inspiring, encouraging words! Even though seasons of waiting can tend to wear us down, forcing us to face our own doubts, fears, and insecurities, always remember to praise the Lord in the midst of your waiting. This is speaking volumes to my heart right now. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.” Genesis 21:1-2 . Wow. More goal is the work God does in us while we wait. “Then he (Abraham) believed in the LORD, and He reckoned it to him as righteousness” (Gen. 15:6). Abraham waited 25 years. JOSEPH WAITED THIRTEEN YEARS Genesis 37:2"These are the generations of Jacob. Pray for me that i will continue to keep the faith. He had a son by another woman. (Proverbs 2:20; 13:20). Introduction. So thanks again for share truth and calling me out on lies I was starting to grab hold of! With a note of desperation Abraham replies, “O LORD God, what will You give me, since I am childless and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” “You have given no offspring to me, one born in my house is my heir” (Gen. 15:1-3). In Genesis 41:46 we learn that Joseph was 30 when he was made overseer to the king of Egypt. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised” (Hebrews 10:35-36). If God is making you wait, you're in good company. “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. I can tell you unequivocally that in the richer parts of town, as a general rule, the kids are far more disrespectful and entitled than the kids who live on the “other side of the tracks” so to speak. a Jesus born in a Jews family his mother was Mary from the line of David b.on the 8th day of his birth day he got circumcised and became a Jew c; as per order from his for father.Abraham c. Let me just live as though I did things right the first time.”. God is often more stern with the son or daughter He plans to use in the most dramatic way. It seems as though everything is right at our fingertips, right how we want it, and right when we want it. If you look carefully at the language of the promise to Abraham in Genesis 15:4, God telling Abraham that the child would come through his body meant that the child would be the offspring of him and Sarah. From the time God first called Abraham (i.e. Some of the old school preachers used to call this practice “mortification,” and rightly so. Nevertheless, the promises of God for our lives often have to be wrestled down from heaven through long periods of waiting until they eventually inhabit the reality of this earth and become real to us. Of all people they’re the closest to meeting Jesus and entering Paradise! Joseph waited 13 years. Abraham had waited a long time for the fulfillment of God's promise to him. Precisely inspiring and articulate.God bless you and use you more. 3)     Surrender to God’s Perfect Purposes. Since he was 17 when he was sold into Egypt, that means he spent 13 years total in Potiphar's house and prison. Abraham waited 25 years. Now it is time to look more specifically at why God made Abraham wait 25 years before his son of promise, Isaac, was born through Sarah. "The sons of Rachel; Joseph, and Benjamin" (Genesis 35:24). . Although many Ancient Near Easterners practiced polygamy and slept around, the Bible never presents polygamy as God’s ideal. Help me Heavenly Father to trust in Your perfect timing as You execute Your perfect will for my life. In the moment all Abraham could muster was a laugh, and a bewildered, “Surely this can’t be! Joseph waited 14 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. I am sure if you are like me you have a list of at least five to ten things! If God is making you wait, you’re in good company Now we see him learn about investing with God. Voice of Messiah’s First Book, The Passover King, is Live! I love that boy so much. Abraham may have come out of Babylon, the land of idols, when he was in his 70’s. Anyone can be God’s friend when all is well, but what do we do when God is silent? What Abraham was learning during those 25+ years of waiting and then through his initial blunder in producing Ishmael, was that there are indeed gifts that come along with being a man called according to God’s purpose. I know that Your ways are better than my ways, and Your wisdom is beyond my understanding. One thing for sure is that God is Faithful. We surrender our pain and our unmet expectations. I asked him to open my eyes to the error in my ways. As Timothy Keller once wrote, “The human heart is an idol factory that takes good things like a successful career, love, material possessions, even family, and turns them into ultimate things. I havent always been faithful during my walk with God. lifetime, 60-70 years, for God's justice. You may have dismissed this person because, like Hagar, they may have a difficult personality, they are wounded. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. JOSEPH WAITED 13 YEARS ABRAHAM WAITED 25 YEARS MOSES WAITED 40 YEARS JESUS WAITED 30 YEARS AIN STA O MINI STR IES INSTA GOD ORG IF GOD IS MAKING YOU WAIT YOU'RE IN GOOD COMPANY Amen! Abraham saw that he had not waited on God’s plan A and tried to substitute his own plan B instead. Surrender your will to Him and your waiting will be worth it. Thank you for this very great perspective. JOSEPH HAD TO WAIT. Because we are able to read through the entire duration of these 25 years of waiting in nine chapters of Genesis (Gen 12-25), or, in roughly thirty minutes to an hour of concentrated reading,  it is too easy for us to underestimate the personal struggles Abraham must have inevitably gone through during this long period of waiting. Abraham waited 25 years. He let the glorious promise of God to him become more important than seeing God fulfill that promise in His own time and in His own way. In short, Abraham began to love the thing God was promising Him more than God Himself. This is a critical lesson God has in store for everyone, in one form or another, who is called to be an ambassador of His kingdom. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. My heart always skips a beat when I hear from Him. This speaks to me. In Genesis 41:46 we learn that Joseph was 30 when he was made overseer to the king of Egypt. In part one of this series on Abraham’s waiting I hinted at the idea of how waiting on God tends to reveal latent idolatries within our hearts. It is almost always connected to something seemingly good and harmless, and even to the work of God itself. In our last post we looked at how long Abraham had to wait before God’s promises came to fruition in his life. Jesus Waited 30 Years. Two people from two different churches prophesy the same thing in a week time, the last one was a woman when she told me what God said, I told her I was told that, she said I have confirmed it, that was in 1996 and its 2019 then, I thought it was going to happen at anytime but it didn’t, what was told was Joel 1:4, Joel 2:23- 27 then God show me 5 things, two day later,I got a letter in the mail and the first thing or read was Habakka 2:3, I rejoiced because it was a vision, 4 came to pass but the last one is the longest and I’m still awaiting, from 1996 people began to take from me, here and there, I encounter a man whi wanted me to look over a large sum of money but the motive, spirit behind it wasn’t right and I turned it down, so it continued I realized God was testing my faith in him, will I go for it because I didn’t have , Nah, I love you Lord the more, everytime I thought this or that was mine, it was snatched away. Dec 22, 2016 - A blog about a mom who makes mistakes but continues to grow and learn with the grace of God Abram left Haran for the “Promised Land” when he was 75 years old, full of faith and the zeal of a new recruit into God’s kingdom. This period is painful. He grew in faith trusting God for what had been promised. Powerful teaching on Faith , I am truly blessed by reading this story about Abraham I immediately see myself and the mistakes and idolatry I have in my heart thank you for helping me to recognize my mistakes and rectify them by repenting and redirecting my life to wait and have faith in God’s timing. In fact it took about 13 years from the time Joseph was sold to Egypt to the time he stood before Pharaoh (see Genesis 37:2 and Genesis 41:46). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Abraham waited 25 years. And yet, it was precisely Abraham’s desire for this good thing that led him to stray from the perfect will of God. As surely as the sun rises He will appear. Your email address will not be published. My point is this: Abraham knew that the promise God made to him in Genesis 15 was not meant to be fulfilled through anyone other than Sarah, yet he still disobeyed. Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (Verse 17) We don’t know how long Abraham and Sarah waited until they had Isaac, but we can assume that is was more than fourteen years because Abraham had Ismael at age eighty-six and had Isaac at age one hundred. But the LORD was with Joseph, and showed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison. If God Is Making You Wait, You're In Good Company. Joseph waited 13 years Abraham waited 25 years Moses waited 40 years Jesus waited 30 years If God is making you wait, you're in good company. From the time God first called Abraham (i.e. Waiting patiently for fulfillment of God’s promises perfects our relationship with Him. May God bless you for sharing this and may God speak to you more so that the lives of others can be touched , Thank God and thank you. Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation” (Isaiah 25:9). As such, first I have to forward this to my son & then to have a detailed discussion over this subject. The promise was that Abraham would become the father of many nations through his own son. Redemption is possible – no probable – no sure if I keep waiting on the Lord! Joseph waited 13 years Abraham waited 25 years you're in good company – popular memes on the site My heart has been searching for some truth in the matter of waiting so I decided to do a study on Abraham and Sarah. Thank you for sharing God Words of life in which we need as God children. There is no greater faith than blessing another with the very thing for which you are waiting, knowing that you serve a God of abundance. Why Jesus waited to reach 30 years to start his ministry? Moses Waited 40 Years. Wait upon the Lord…Be Blessed and Encourage my brother in Christ in Jesus Name for many are called but few are chosen. Don’t force me God to deal with the idolatry in my heart. Thank you!!! However, in order to comprehend God’s prophetic plan from Genesis to Revelation, we must first rediscover the full Biblical significance of the Passover. We only have to “tolerate” 5-15 seconds of advertising before getting to a Youtube video. Abram) in Haran, to the time when his “son of promise” Isaac was born, nearly three decades went by. Abram left Haran for the “Promised Land” when he was 75 years old, full of faith and the zeal of a new recruit into God’s kingdom. But if those gifts ever become more the focus of one’s heart, rather than the Giver who is behind those gifts, idolatry can take root and create all sorts of problems. During those 13 years did it appear to Joseph that he was making progress towards the throne? Abraham took a good thing God was giving him and turned it into an idol. That’s why when God told him to let Ishmael go with his mom, then to sacrifice Isaac, he didn’t blink twice. Some would say that it was again “emunah” at work but I’m convinced that at those points of Abraham’s life, it was “bitachon”. Jesus waited 30 years. 10. You may read Genesis 21:1-21 here: Bible Gateway. I have learned so much through all of this and counting, I’m stronger and wiser in him, what up the road don’t know but one thing I do know the Lord is with me every STEP of the way, his promise is coming , I feel it, thank you Jesus. If you missed that post you can check it out here: Read Part 1. Sarah hadn’t produced a baby yet, and she convinced Abraham to have a child with their handmaid Hagar. Can someone let me know where to find it? All is not lost and things have not been thrown completely off course. I pray you keep steadfast in your walk with God in this distracting and godless times. Top 3 Books on the End Times to Read in 2020, The Prophetic Significance of the Feast of Trumpets. When we look at the life of Abraham, we see that one of the reasons God required Abraham to wait 25 years for his breakthrough, was because he wanted to first purge Abraham of the lingering idolatry that was still latent in his heart for all those decades. Better understanding of why God is making you wait him more than my.! Go to different middle and high schools throughout the district on a regular basis check Voice... Happening exactly as God always intended it to be more or less in control of the Feast of Trumpets ”! Prayer Quotes Bible Verses Quotes Encouragement Quotes Spiritual Church perfect will for life. Our newsletter you will receive the latest blogs, videos, and website in this browser for the Lord you. “ waiting phases ” it into an idol is Genesis 17 the fulfillment God... But only after Joseph had been promised calling me out on lies I was to... 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