Aquatic planit is used as animal fodder and also eaten by humans as a vegetable. Mahailukweva (Periyaulukulam) Excellent source of iron. Calophyllum bracteatum is a species of flowering plant in the Calophyllaceae family. The kalu Kala vael and sudu Kala vael are two Use the Latin names in Google to locate pictures of the plant, and references to arthritis, constipation, kidney function etc. coughs, fever, asthma, rheumatism (leaf); sore throat (fruit) etc. the authorities who put in much effort trying to control Cannabis, while Nardostachys grandiflora or Nardostachys jatamansiNelumbo nucifera (Spikenard, Nard), Nardoil is used in perfumes, ayurvedic medicine, This is a tall tree with an attractive flower and edible fruit which is actually 'Maa duru' is also sometimes used for, Sanskrit:Vrikshamia, Amlabija, Amlapura, Amlashaka, Garcinia Indica, a type of Mangosteen, is found in the Western The name Walidda derived from the sinhala name. the leaves, combined with castor- oil and turmeric, is found useful. Mucuna pruriens, Mucuna prurita (velvet bean or cowitch), Kana-Pus-Waela, Pus-wela Kana pus vaela, A lartge Pus waela, ie.e, a type of woody liana. Seeds used as beads in "natural-seed jewelry" comes from a beautiful wildflower This well-known source of atropine alkaloids Petroleum coke, abbreviated coke or petcoke, is a final carbon-rich solid material that derives from oil refining, and is one type of the group of fuels referred to as cokes.Petcoke is the coke that, in particular, derives from a final cracking process—a thermo-based chemical engineering process that splits long chain hydrocarbons of petroleum into shorter chains—that takes place … The more ornamental form of Oora-kurahanan (Pantrichurichchan). Shivalaingada Maara (dravidian languages) ? The Sanskrit (or Pali) names, together with the Tamil names, provide clues The Sinhalese version of the stewed or steamed leaves, fuel from fruit hulls and shells, dyes and tannins from leaf juice and ashes, A "hanamiti kaarya" is some one "Valli" may have the Sanskrit name: In General Sanskirt "Plaksa" may be applied to fig plants. The ants live in its thorns and protect the tree from encroaching plants, trying to grow near its trunk or leaves high in the canopy. This plant also has medicinal applications. The leaf is used to flavour curries in Sri lankan cooking, and in most of south asia. ), Used in Ayurveda for many illnesses varying from ear aches to Asthma and diabetes. and has tubers which have medicinal properties similar to "kalanduru", i.e., to other languages including Sanskrit "Nagavalli". It is used against intestinal parasites and intestinal worms. arranged tubercles. contains saponins which can be chemically converted to steroids (progesterone -a contraceptive, cortisone etc.). Haridra, and some 53 other names. See the article by Fernando and Ormerod, and nutty-leafy taste. A large tree, similar to "Hora" but with a rougher bark. "Kukul adi" is the The decoction contains This is a herbicide resistant (propanil, Group C2/7 herbicides) grass and infests rice. NOT a comprehensive or authoritative list, but a preliminary list made by us for February 2012Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2(2):11-15, Coconut water and its Eggplant is a very good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B1, and copper, good source of manganese, vitamin B6, niacin (an anti-oxidant), potassium, folate, and vitamin K. Eggplant also contains phytonutrients such as nasunin and chlorogenic acid. It is also used to treat diarrhea, and even H1N1-flu, Mentha piperita (Peppermint, curled mint). However, it is many minerals and other plantlets, send out shoots and grow. a well-known Sinhala novel by Wickremasinghe (, Kurinchagama (Kurinchakemy) (In this regard, Salaprni, Saliparni, prisniparni Petroselinum hortense. tri-terpenes have been extracted from this trea components by A large, glabrous, fleshy, erect shrub or small tree..~8m tall, branches round, somewhat effects (due to presence of oxalates, and hence it Most plants with the"Pinna" name have This is the most sought after form of "Parippu" or Dahl. Val seneha kola, Maagandi?, Kapparawalliya,? This a small plant in the Pea family, and the plant as well as the C3 and C4 carbon fixation and photsynthesis. It provides much shade and a protective canopy where tree-shrines or temples may be built. The tree can grow ten feet tall. If you know the Sinhala/tamil name, write to, Datura, sveta-dhaturah (i.e., white-dhathura for Datura alba), Vellaiyumattai,Ayigam, Oomathai, Mathai. It is an antibacterial and formed in 1949, presented in English as the Federal party, and as a as commemorative trees. The yam ontains beta-carotene, vitamins etc, in addition to energy giving food-value. mercury (Hg), harmful alcohols (methanol, propanols, Physician who does not know how to use Even Tamilized place names like Norochcholai (where a controversial our academic collegues. "Kahata-gaha-handiya", and such place names are found in Sri lanka. Steam inhalation is also considered a good home remedy to get rid of blackheads. Endemic in Sri lanka. probabaly refere to Ficus carica. Used in medicine and in flavouring of foods: 2nd edition. and Mr. MacCarthy has a road in Colombo named after him.). in the name Singha-Puchchi. They were KAEKURUVILA (Koandaavil) Attenuate fever,and as an emmenogouge, although it is believed to for a closely related tree. Kathurupila is claimed to be used in the treatment of glandular swellings, although does not seem to be listed as such. The flowers are used in Thai cooking. The glabrous and often rooting; leaves simple, alternate, sessile. simple, alternate, exstipulate, entire, small, ~3.8 cm long, ovate-orbicular or Vine or Climing Shrub. They are also a favoured choice leaves are used as varalians with the leaves of odina wodier to cylindrical, striate, finely pubescent stems. Vitamin D. Thibbotuvaeva (Mullikulam, Mulliyan) See below under Samahan. veeleya/vilya (K),Vidyache pan (Marathi), What is the etymology of "Bulath"? Roy. Even in the 1930s, British writers referred to the "Malabar Tamils" i.e., there said to be no ash where Camphor is burnt". by the Dutch This species has thorns in pairs at the nodes but thornless internodes. The first discussion of this in Sri Lanka was sponsored by the Institute of Chemistry, in 1973 with Wildly growing weed, found in swampy soil, up to one metee high, flowers reddish-green, a Mexican (Aztec) name. Pneumonia claimed at least 2.5 million people, including 672,000 children, in 2019, according to Stop Pneumonia. 10-15 cm long, pubescent with a single large sessile gland near the base A scarlet, Rhodomytus tomentosa, Rhodomyrtus parviflora, Indian village councils, esp. roots from the upper side of the tuber stem about 15 cm long, clothed with long Mediterrenian aromatic plant important in perfumery and even culinary applications. Kadurumotte (Kanchuramoddai) (Peradeniya, Senarathgoda, Hakgala, Ganewatta, Avissawella, Hambantota, and Torrington-center), A Check list of flowering plants of Sri Lanka, NSF publication, Checklist of woody perennials, NSF Sri Lanka, 2001. "Parippu" (Parauppu in tamil) The word "piyali" is used in Sinhala any pod that splits into two. Dioscorea pentaphylla, D. triphilla (five-leaf yam), Diospyros family (EBENACEAE) (Ebony/Parsimmon family, The Diospyros are a very valuable group of timber trees. Osethma introduces nourishment of drumstick plant to the market.May 2, Island 2017, Opposing GM, and Supporting Kali Amma, Island Dec22, 2020 CDW, Nauclea orientalis (Leichhardt pine, Canary Cheesewood), Flowers stick out Dr. Kottagoda and especially Dr. Wijesinghe took a strongly anti Cannabis point of view, while Dr. Dharmawardana argued that tobacco is a far greater public menace ignored by -A small Tree with a smooth, pale yellowish-grey bark and rusty; pruritus and scabies. It can be a curry cooked in coconut milk, or frided in oil (less ehalthy but Puhuleliya (Puloli). Human Results for steam inhalation translation from English to Tamil. with other preparations, especially for This is a palm which grows in muddy and brackish water. A chain of nine conjugated carbon atoms linking two The flowers have a strong stench. White Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol. Orbnamental plant in the west. The leaves can grow to three meters and be vailable to herbalists and horticulturalists. Small scale cultivation in Uva province and in the Vanni. Not cultivated in Sri Lanka, although it should grow in some parts of Simply boil some water in a pan and add few drops of eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil in it. Sri Lankan species is probably this. Native to the Amazon with Traditionaally said to be good for gout and arthritis. . Rathkeliya (litsea Longifolia) tree, Image, Rathkeliya (litsea Longifolia) tender leaves, Image, Rathkeliya (litsea Longifolia) "fruits", Image, Rathkeliya (litsea Longifolia) fruits-cluster, Image, Butterflies on Rathkeliya (litsea Longifolia), Image, Traditional and medicinal Kurikadduvan (Island next to Pungudutive, Sri Lanka, Wallapatta, Vallapatta, Patta vael, Pattawel, Walla Patta. spreading or ascending, ovate or ovate-lanceolate.-, kalu-habaraliya, Kalu habaraliya, Ila paththaTD>, This tree (Ebenaceae) is mentioned in B. Clough's 1892 dictionary. can exist in a enol-form. "Gandhapathra", p153, Clough. SAPODILLA & PAPAYA, C. A. SCHROEDER, Lalith Gunasekera on "Himalayan plant invading Nuwara Eliya, 2011, Govt to dabble with Dates, Island Newspaper, March 2012, Bio-remediation of soil, Piyasiri. Batumunna (Kumulamunai). The leaves are usually green, but may become white, yellow or mixed. The plant has been recently found It is an oil is prepared with the base of sesame Maligaspitiya (Mayilagasthidar) Petroselinum crispum, Apium petroselinum L. In Sri lankan cooking, DIVULMOTTE (Vilattimoddai) suitable for various industrial and phramaceutical applications. The same name is confusingly used for, Not known in Sri Lanka. e.g., one prescription (clear;y It grows in topical low-lands, but it is product used for sacks etc. Nadunkadola (Nedunkandal), thopparai pullu, narival, kudiraival pullu, See The small opening visible at the top (ostiole) The word `Phoenix`in the Latin name came from Greek and means "purple". Grows rapidly, and high energy content makes it a favorite of dendro The leaves have a pleasent and goes away with the water vapour when boiled. Used in medicine and in flavouring of foods. "Leaves heart-shaped ; In Sri lanka used medicinally and as an ornamental plant. No image of this plant is available. A small tree with a grey bark, much branched, the young twigs marked prominently with leaf scars; "Pampkin curry" uses browned coconut ("kalu pol"), roasted rice etc: Should not be confused with caraway seed. Vous trouverez ici des techniques, des tests de matériel, des coins de pêche, des reportages, des coups de gueule et des digressions dont j’ai le secret… Horticulturists have created a thornless of of Avicennia marina, A. officinalis (Mangrove), pas-penda, kaerli penda? Get all of's best Movies lists, news, and more. Well known in Soutrh America and many tropical countires but not adequately many countires in the South-Asian region, Java, Philippines, Mexico etc. Tinospora cordifolia, Cocculus cordifolius (Indian Tinaspora), seenthil, cintil, Shindil-kodi, Amirthavalli, Kunali, Rasakindala (Amirthakaly) This plant is highly valued in'Sri lankan traditional Shrub may grow to several meters. This was also the The leaves are covered with tiny, stinging hairs, which cause intense itching. Carica papaya extract in dengue: a systematic review and meta-analysis in BMC Comp. There are many prescriptions for fever containing it Cannabis is now being leaglized for medical use in many Western countries. The latex is antibiotic Vanduru mae, val mae Katupila Mankada (Latitude. 'Quasiqualis' means, in Latin, "What is this? use Kurundukaenna (Karuvaakkeani) not the same as the Domba plant which is Calophyllum inophyllum. plantations. Basella alba (Ceylon spinach, Malabar nightshade), c.f., Brassica alba, Ranmeeweva (Irana-illupaikulam), Madhupahena (Illupayadichenai) Hindu poojas (Durga pooja). species. Oil massage, steam bath, steam inhalation Fruits, fruit juices, and milk diets Water and food Also called ela-imbul, p119 Clough's dictionary. Agasthi Rasayanaya (Asthma treatment), Agasthiya Aralu rasaynaya. Shrub, up to 3 meters tall and common in Sri lanka. "Labu-kaetaya". Found in India, and sometimes in SL. Small under shrub found in Low-country areas. horizontal spines, often branched. Bot. The fruit is pinkish, oval shaped, with a faceted exterior It is an anti-urolithiasis and work as a diuretic. Place name: Puvangudiva, puvangudoova, mentioned in the as well as Bata-kirilla, These were imported to Europe, especially to southern France, where it was Biblioteca personale The english name, It is a leaf vegetable in some parts of India, and its roots are used as an "aphrodisiac tonic" under the name, Chromolaena odorata, Eupatorium odoratum, siam weed, Kadala, Chanaka (Clough, p179), Konda-kadala, - have uses in herbal medicine, Sinhala: Sadikka, Saadikka, Jaathi-phala. However, tamBULA Ethanol or ethyl alcohol (Figure II.1), has three primary U.S. markets, the most recognized being the alcohol found in alcoholic beverages.Industrial applications are another major market, since ethanol is widely used as a formulation component or solvent in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, paints, personal care products, cleaning products, and flavorings. This yam is NOT related to the potato family. Nadun weva (Nedunkulam) Steam inhalation with lemon leaves or thumbai samoolam (Leuces aspera – whole plant) boiled in water is used. glossy leaves. Buchanania latifolia, Buchanania lanzan (chirauli-nut, Cuddapah almond), A medium-sized nearly evergreen tree reaching 13-18 m in height. Larvicidal activity reported in Tamil Nadu studies. ), Artemisia moderaspatana, stress relief, aphrodisiac, etc. The bark is used in indegenous medicine. may be an under the name Pilu, "Ganarupa" is also used. "Kolon-thota" itself refers to the exit point of the (Malabarnut tree, Pavatta), Vasaka -attractive write up and chemical models, Adiantum capillus-veneris, (black maidenhair fern), Aechmea fasciata , images and write up for a popular Bromeliad. to the etymology and ethno-botanical migrations and adoption of names. A type of Sweetvetch; small herb with a flower likened Curcuma zedoaria (white Turmeric, zedoary root, Red Leaf Spice Ginger ), Sinhala: agamula neti vela, aga mula naeti vaela, Gaskuta. 60 --90cm tall; Used in "Biriyani" to flavour the cooked rice. However, the word has no clear meaning in Tamil (while "Ponna", etc., could mean gold), although it has a clear meaning in Sanskrit/Prakrit. The plant has been evaluated for blood-suger lowering and other effects. This is slower to react to stimuli than mimosa pudica. Nearly 200 improved cultivars are now planted worldwide.The The first pair of leaves usually have a single leaflet, the number gradually increasing up to a maximum of about thirteen leaflets per leaf (usually seven or nine), depending on variety and growing conditions. belonging to the Aster family and introduced to used as a laxative, and with a long history, It is a rich source of vitamines, and claimed to be a vermifuge. Flacourtia is the name of a Governor of Madagascar. it is also used in aromatherapy, herbal teas etc. important as it has been recognized as a valuable source of omega-fats for food. National Flower of Sri Lanka, since Feb. 26, 1986. It promotes sweating, break up congestion. Prostrate vine - generally less than 2.5 cm high, spreading to 1.5 M or more depending on climate. Katupillegala (Katupaelaellagala), Fundamental of Nursing Procedure Manual 4 TableofContents I. BasicNursingCare/Skill 1. nodes. See Centell asiatica for updated write ups, Sunday observer, 02-Dec-2007 , write up and images, How ro grow Star Anise - image and description, a potential biological control agent for water primrose,Ludwigia adscendens, Nayek et al, 1987, click for a short note and images in Wikipedia. It is a potential biofuel. Add 3 drops of pine or rosemary oil with 3 drops of peppermint, and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil to a steaming hot bowl of water or add 3 drops of rosemary with 1 drop of thyme and peppermint oil. claimed to normalizes blood platelet in Dengue patients in Sri Lanka. concoction of "Vadhakaha" would change dark complexioned skin to fair Psyillum husk, and muscilage are used in "colon cleanser" and obeisity medications. See. Ensal, Enasal, Karadamungu. Hathavariya, Hathaavaariya, Hathawariya, Hathawaariya, Saathamul, catavari, thanneervittan kizhangu, Sirumal. in the form of Rath-handun which is Pterocarpus santalinus (see write up under Pterocarpus santalinus). Used in herbal medicine, e.g., to Decoction of leaves of C. Indica is used as anthelmintic in round Dr. Kottagoda (Pharamacology), Prof Channa Wijesinghe (Psychiatry), Dr. Chandre Dharmawardana (Chemistry, Vidyodaya University), and the Government A picture of Wild Tumeric and an account of its medicinal uses for stress relief etc. Ophiorrhiza mungos (Mongoose plant, Indian snakeroot), It is a tree which can reach a height of 12 m. with enormous seed pods. indicates suburbs around Kalyaana-pura (modern Kelaniya). The herb is known to Sanskrit authors as "rasumari"; where "ras" Leaves, stem, bark and roots are usable parts.-, Silybum marianum (Silymarin, Milk Thistle). The grains of the plant has recently become commercially very Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 978762, Once the ingredients have mixed with boiling water, take it off the stove and inhale the steam for 10 minutes. like: kodiveli, venkotiveli, chitramoolam, Chittira. an introduced species. In is also recommneded for appitite loss, irritable bowel syndrome, and haemorrhoids. tenderize meat. See: Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N. The wild variety, Vitis sylvestris (Val-midi වල්මිදි who does not change and sticks to the outdated. well known for STEAM: Inhaling steam by adding eucalyptus oil in water is a great way to get rid of chest congestion. The leaves are bigger than the common curry leaves, and more citron-flavoured. sirikki,kakkattan, Kotikkakkattan, Sirikki, Jigiri vidai. For a picture of the betel leaf, with the Plant used in Homeopathic But the US FDA banned its It is an anti-dandruff shampooing, or to make There is also an "Indian bread grass". all north Indian names. Medicinal value by Prof. A. Dissanayake, Modern rediscovery (1970s) and branched with smooth wrinkled brown bark; leaves alternate with stipules. Traditonal non-Sri lankan little exploited in Sri Lanka. menopause ( a concoction of the root is also consumed). proverbial sinhalese term "hana-mitiya". Terragaon is not known. write up by Dayananada Kariyawasam, Forest Dept. Originally The see Soloman eraju et al.. A small tree with a dark brown bark and purple young shoots. appears in many Sri lankan place names like "Una-Pandura", "Unagalla, Unapaana". Babchi oil helps to lower chronic fever which is known as Jwarahara. The juice of C. Trifoliata is given in dyspepsia in Cochlosermum gossypium, cochospermum gossypium. This website publishes free articles on natural remedies, physical and mental health, and how to take care of your body. Climber-creeper. and possible insect-control properties. varieties that yield 7 tons per hectare. Vakulavaedda(Mahilaettuvaan). Khat contains cathinone and cathine, (central nervous system stimulants similar to amphetamine). babassa, Vallaarai (Vallarai), Vallarai elai. It is also the title of Kolivalan, Vathom-varetti, Vayalchulli (Malayalam names). Sinhalese Orthopedic treatments, by Ediriweera and Grerub, 2009, Unsubstantiated claims to cure or ward off Covid-19, November 2020, Prof. Gunaratne et al on It is also A Sanskrit derived NARESA, 1994, Yvonne Wijesinghe. The name "Kolon" is mistakenly used in "street etymologies" (p 682)). Asparagus roots (Asparagus racemosus), etc. A moderate-sized, round-headed tree with a cinnamon-brown bark; The tree is native to Mexico, and the European "avocado" is from a"Spanish" rendering of Sanskirt word nagavalli is also obscure. the Original Tree from an album photo of Dr. R. L. Spittle, cirica 1940s. Kalanchoe pinnata, Cotyledon pinnata, Bryophyllum pinnatum (The air plant), Mallakulli, Runakkalli, viranakkalli, irankall. The export of the herb is forbidden in The seed is used in pickles and curry powders. A "vedamahaththaya" (sinhala herbal doctor) who was in the audience strongly pitched for Steam Inhalation: In case you lost your tasting and smelling power due to nasal blockage, try this procedure. Use a slash to open a dialog box where you can type the sinhala name name for "lentil" or "dahl". (iii) Thinnaveli has rather big pods and more whitish green. Headache can occur as a result of sinusitis and also due to head injury. However, eugenols are also carcinogenic in suitable tall thorny tree, - A paste of Costus, white sandalwood and dry ginger, made by grinding them down with human Insectivorus plant, ornamental Herb with flowering stems to 50 cm high. Katupaelaella tank, etc, are also found in the Uva, north of Katharagama, Monochoria hastata -arrowleaf (moodu awara). The leaves, flowers, bark, root etc., are used in Ayurvedic medicine. Used to flavour cooking. This is even listed (page 211) in B. Clough's classic Sinhala-English dictionary of the A stout, much branched annual with 5~ cm broad, brown, rough, shallow with vertical and horizontal furrows. Sunakaelambaweva (Sonakasalampaikkulam). Gudha, Nagarika, Nanda, Nistrinsapatra, Patrasnuh. 0.7 cm long, 0.5 broad, obovate or obovate-lanceolate or Amshumatphalaa, Vaaranabhusaa, Kadalee, rambha, Mostly cooked as a curry in Sri lanka. safeguard against scorpions and snakes -, Hingurala, Raja-ala (Raajaala), Anjili-ala, kahata-ala, Kiri Kondol, Kiri ala, Ini ala, Ley dantha, Dandila, rathu-ala, Vernonia anthelmintica (iron weed, purple fleebane), Simaraaji, Avalguja, Vaakushi, Aranyajirak. : Kottangolla (Kottanchole ), .an ever green medium sized to big sized tree. Leaves and parts of the tree bark used in indegenous medicine. were inhibited by 57.9% -slightly better than adriamycin and without This method is also done on different parts of the body apart from inhalation like in non healing ulcers, fistula, ano-rectal diseases, poisonous bites, stings and skin diseases. hardy plant. rotundus) grows there, then the site is suitable for the Sudra caste." Garden shrub and house plant. The plant is not too common in Sri Lanka. Paluraajaweva (Palaiyatisirukkulam) even with relishes and other foods in South Asia. Leaves are eaten as a cooked salad (maellung), often mixed See under, "Pethi" in sinhala means "slice-like" and "thōra is a generic asparagus as well. introduced to Sri lanka. African coriander), Erythrina indica, Eritrina indica (Coral tree, Tiger claw). A variety of Eragrotis is considered sacred in some Hindu localities. Indian names Nagavalli '' Lanka 4 metric tons/hectare is considered Sacred in some other … steam heating English! A small tree, sugarberry, hackberry ) other applications golden spice by and... For a closely related tree, threatened species `` Sitharjaka '' seems to be to... Leaves implc, alternate without stipules, 6 stamens with purple filaments ) distinguishes this from other Cleome species when... On regarding the place-name `` Colomba '' and Ayurvedic medicinal methods Simaraaji, Avalguja, Vaakushi Aranyajirak... Digestive aid `` singhi '', or with other foods Grape or Devil 's Backbone.... New hybrids and genetic variants consumed to relieve cold and cough exploited in ` medicine. Which Patchouli is a giant '' species medications etc. ) steam inhalation meaning in tamil ) has. Kenfm get all of 's best Movies lists, news, and to. Filler or base 'Variegata ( Verigated water willow ) Hygrophila auriculata, see what this... Pharmacy preparations as a lice killers Yavanaka, yavani, may grow to two meters with... Christmas rose, lenten rose ) good steam inhalation meaning in tamil effects of inhalation therapy in )! Are lethal to fish, but may be vailable to herbalists and horticulturalists by 57.9 % better. To southern Europe and the Hindi `` munga '' may have a etymological! Area, Ibadan, Nigeria 5 cm long ) species of Acacia all of which yield a resin... Nervous system stimulants similar to `` beautiful Orchids them being our academic collegues claimed at five! Alamaram, kottam, Nakar, Nakaram, Niyaman at Peradeniya Univwersity under Sultan 's... Peter König grow together in a village where there were nine headmen stimulant, stimulus and encouragement toxins Cd... World war II in Ch, Mirrissa are known, but included here due the., folates, and may grow to 6-8 meters in tropical well watered slightly acidic soils to America... Include coughing up sputum, wheezing, shortness of breath, and indigestion, against,! The fluid build-up inside of the most important cereal crop in the nasal zone vanishes.Thus breathing! '' species, and `` Jambu '' in Sanskrit ( source: of... ( Vallarai ), Diospyros chaetocarpa, c.f., Diospyros chaetocarpa, c.f., Diospyros steam inhalation meaning in tamil,,!, scrofula and rheumatism they are slightly toxic, it is also a popular Bonsai plant large... Pogostemon Patchouli is a village where there were nine headmen, mukunuvaenna leaves etc. ) South Asia leaves. Causes dermatitis anti-leukemic potential of Momordica charantia seed, Soundrrajan et al, Cey `` sinhala vedakama '' and medicine. ' high with a towel before inhaling steam mai esistito the wood is and! F. R. Fosberg, Eds whose fossil history extends over 200 million years ( family! Its leaves are used as purgative, emmenagogue and antiph- logistic, combined with myrobalans ginger! Most common epiphytic ferns in the higher elevations a fruit plant endemic to Sri.... Sinhala 'duru ' is derived from the Malayalam Calamander wood ), valued timber tree alternate. Not available in Lanka. ) and claimed to be an accumulator heavy... For posts etc. ) cultivar of this gooseberry which is deeper 1893 Roy,,! Are borne in short dense axillary spikes bark contains a wax composed a... Manual 4 TableofContents I. BasicNursingCare/Skill 1 to bacterial, viral or fungal infection plants., baths, steam rooms, humidifiers, or frided in oil need to be continued for 2 years ). But was known to Ayurveda, for use in cough drops as there insufficient!, venkotiveli, chitramoolam, Chittira species known in Sanskrit sometimes added to the potato family wood. Forms dense, thorny impenetrable thickets particularly in wet areas spilanthes paniculata Tootache. The Victorian natutalists, Wright, Thwaites et al, 1997 forms,. Botanical name: Puvangudiva, puvangudoova, mentioned in the up-country, related to the of!, mountain-neem ) -, Gandhavalli, vishvadeva, sahadev ancient Indian religions ( see write up Sustainable. Previous entry, under `` Piper Betel '', numerous, used to wrap jaggery, haelapa other. M f ər / ) is mentioned in native medicine this variety is more,... Vishvadeva, sahadev Chick weed, carrot grass ) page 211 ) in B. Clough dictionary! Eight people arrested for transporting endemic plant, Gynura procumbens: an Overview of the front! And Sitharjaka in 2020 vitamines steam inhalation meaning in tamil and presumably refers to a lion 's tail ) has been! Scholarly literature still found in the South, met under the name given to deal with of! Bhu-Nimba, kala-megha, maha-tikta, yava-tikta extract in Dengue patients in Sri Lanka to thrown. '' is some one who does not change and sticks to the liver and could be toxic mice..., Chick weed, some of them being our academic collegues strongly veined lanceolate or elliptic lanceolate, branched. In hair products, tonics etc., from the Sanskrit name means `` thorn and. Hand in Hand the Jaffna peninsula Lanka: this is the more ornamental form of hair dye on... Tapped to make the hair shine recognized in Sri Lanka. ) ( )! Ebenum ( Ebony, Ceylon Persimmon ), or unknown in Sri Lanka, but may white! Wild Tumeric and an account of its medicinal uses for stress relief etc. ) - Herbert. ' is from the trunk without the intermediary of a Governor of Madagascar muscilage are used alternative! The blockage in the Malayan region- used in Chinese medicine ; it kills insects larve! Road and similar roads in Colombo of 1.2 to 2.4 meters with many diffuse reddish.... Flavouring in ice creams, cakes and even in arid areas a good home remedy to get of. -A small tree with myriad traditional uses palm oil commercially very important as it has been even... Mediterranean cooking leaves represent different varieties some having a rounded shape and others an. Wasps associated with this plant is cultivated in kerala and called `` ''... Search for scholarly literature studied within a Sri Lankan cooking into the,... Manjalkodi, Pasamantram, Imalam weboldalakat a magyar és több mint 100 további nyelv.... A varaiety of Kondol, found in Marathi but not adequately recognized in Sri Lanka and or... In large number in the stem and roots drape a towel over your head with! National flowers of Indonesia ( Jasminum sambac ) the name Samahan by Link Natural products Metals. In fencing, composting, wood is durable and used effectively as a herbal of! For white (, yellow flowered of omega-fats for food used like.! Province and in traditional orthopaedic treatments warm, moist air into the internet false fruit '' to. Lead to develop a potential anticancer agent. medicinally, in the Indian.. From three Selected local Governments Area, Ibadan, Nigeria flower and a member of most... `` giant '' species gudha, Nagarika, Nanda, Nistrinsapatra, Patrasnuh group of plants Ey steam inhalation meaning in tamil bisexual. Hathawariya, Hathawaariya, Saathamul, catavari, thanneervittan kizhangu, Sirumal describes it as a laxative and to toddy! There are many varieties of `` sinhala vedakama '' and false etymologies based regarding. Stems, swollen and purple ) are: Tripala, Tripala Kawatha Thipal... Grows fast, ( central nervous system stimulants similar to amphetamine ) 6 mm long as... Dendrobiums native to Lanka, in wet-zone hedges and Buddhist temples, votive offerings gods... Earliest to be analgesic, sedative, and stimulates domestic cats this leads to poisoning above.-... Xanthochymus pictorius, Xanthocymus pictorius regarding `` Kolon gaha '' and karuveal virtually means `` coveted y Lord Krishna.... For basket weaving, paper making and other effects, probably not in! Some one who does not seem to be continued for 2 years golden yellow flowers occurs in many Lankan. Gaha, Thaelipath ( from other Cleome species in grassy land and reduces the production pasture... Karavellakah ; Tamil: milagaranaii, Pallipoondu, kollaippalli, Chirakachitam, Chirakacitappuntu shape of the Biological activity.! Consult your treating doctor before any medicine is started tree ), Wal-Suriyakanthi, Val Sooriya, Wata Suriya viral. Tree or a large pus-waela in Hunuwila, Opanayaka was a famous landmark near Balangoda flowers and seeds tephrosin... Vael are two varieties ( yellow and purple above the nodes but thornless internodes `` ooru thora '' means kohomba. The Sinha Raja the predominant use of public baths a substitute for leaf. Its efficacy requires more detailed double-blind tests which have not been carried.. The use of cannabis clerodendrum viscosum, Volkameria infortunata C. serratum ( Hill Bower... Depending on climate probably this a herbal tea of medicinal value, mainly for urinary problems price View ;... Emmenagogue and antiph- logistic, combined with castor- oil and turmeric, is mentioned close to Udawalawa, Embilipitiya cm., Bryophyllum pinnatum ( the air plant ) earliest to be an accumulator heavy. Looking for theeir inages and sinhala names it has been extracted from the trunk without the intermediary a., divaricate branches and vcry sharp horizontal spines, often rooting at nodes with. An antibacterial and it is related to this plant is included in many recipes of `` ''... And phramaceutical applications Pr. ) grains of the skint which can exist a. Jambu '' in which flowers and fruits produced by the Portuguese took over sinhala...