Sorry you think this is nonsense. I didn't think anything of the situation, he sent a request to be friends, I accepted, and we started our conversation about a game we were playing, we spoke for around 5 hours plus straight, we said goodnight shortly, and I thought, ok this is it, going on as usual. Then, in a way we never could've figured out—God moves suddenly! Years ago the great majority of the women were very old fashioned and real ladies which made love so very easy to find back then with no trouble at all either. This life is a journey. I have come back to follow God's will for my life since I was living in sin with my ex. No! The best thing to do is heal and trust God. Look at Acts 2:38 if you are not sure. When our hearts are eager to hear from God, He loves to rush in suddenly with His solution. I began dating him because he had a Christian background and attended church and I felt loved by him but he left me twice before. There are just too many mean and stuck up women nowadays that are making it very difficult for many of us men trying to find love, and we are certainly not to blame since most women don't even want a relationship anymore. Jessica Autumn recently posted…10 Surprising Signs That A Man Will Treat You Right, Your email address will not be published. Hi! It’s so nice to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by! I’ve made a career of managing projects. Only God can do that for you. God’s timing is perfect and his answer to your prayer will come right on time. I, too waited on God to send me a mate. Do not try and rush this. Pray. Becoming 's board "Quotes for those waiting on God.. ", followed by 195 people on Pinterest. Do you have to have the last word or do you blow up every time you are angry? I'm heartbroken, and realize what my friends have been telling me for a while now is true. He doesn’t want you to feel lonely. He that findeth a wife, findeth a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). It's hard, it takes faith and patience. Jessica Autumn recently posted…The 2 Reasons You Are Missing Out On Gods Perfect Peace, Jessica great article if your young and have only been wailing a couple of years for your mate but what if God makes you wait for someone 40+ years!! I delete them all. I have been mad at God before because I felt He was taking too long to give me my spouse. Thank you. Jessica Autumn recently posted…How To Save Over $500 A Year On Your Cell Phone Bill. I am almost 33 years old and have never had a real relationship before and never had sexual relations. When an available brother would join our church, all the single women would pounce on him like a piece of meat- like bees to honey. Unfortunately it is most of the women of today that have really changed from the old days when finding real love years ago was very easy with no problem at all. If I don’t go to church ATLEAST once a week I feel farther from God and my life gets chaotic., I will definitely check it out. I was hurt and taken advantage of in some situations, but in the end I realized that it was all a part of God’s plan for my life. I prayed to God many times after my last relationship a couple of years ago to help me to put Him first because I knew a spouse would never make me happy without Him being the center of my life. I am in a very unhappy situation about a man I am fully aware is the wrong man for me. I feel left out and that God doesn't love or care about my desires. The imperfect being or almighty God? But when we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, in due time, He will exalt us (see 1 Peter 5:6). That scares me. Often we find new purpose in life, receive answers to prayer, see God work, increase our faith, and most often we see God’s perfect plan fulfilled in our situation. I don’t know about you, but I want God’s blessing in my life! Sister, I've read a lot of articles like this but somehow yours just stands out. I NEED my partner. It was better than saying he wasn't the one. If you want your husband to have favor, let him find you. Share my blog with your and visit my online retail shop,, I am a 27yr old single mother. Ted Talks are amazing. I want to ask you two big questions and take a second to think about them. We need to work on doing that before we get into a relationship with someone. God is waiting patiently to help you. Enjoy your singleness while it lasts. I have no place to go no one to turn to and am of age even getting too old as every body around me reminds me to go and marry that all my friends are all married. But we need to keep waiting on God and trusting Him with a sweet and simple faith. Will you incorporate any of these things into your daily life? I refused to be in that category. What a great testimony! I've been praying for a husband for forty five years. How To Trust God’s Timing For Your Life. Little by little we opened up to each other, I was pouring my heart out to a person I hardly know, I was freaking out, why was I being so open??! Thanks for stopping by. Am 42 am seeking of my soul mate am lonely. Like on the fridge, or the car dashboard. I’m glad you found this article helpful and hope to continue to hear from you. A couple of us newbies decided to step out on faith and started paying our 10% tithes and 5% offering. I had never given more than maybe $10 here and there to a church before, but once my pastor gave a class on paying tithes it started to make sense. He knew all the bad things about me.. and he loved me anyway. I feel like something must be wrong with me. You sound like you both are going in the direction that you should. When I finally gotten out of it. Thank you for your encouraging words. That’s up to you to read your bible and figure it out. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. Thank you Jessica for this inspiring article. While reading, I loved the way you put your thoughts together so as to help those going astray, and suffering consequently without even knowing the true reasons! That and to help others get to know Him as well. Thanks ladies and God bless each and everyone of you. Here are some great things to do while you are waiting on God. You will never be happy with anyone unless you are happy with yourself first. I too am waiting on a godly man, but in the process of waiting and not having sex for a number of years, I found out that I have the what's thought of as one of the "dirty woman's disease". I would like to thank you for the wonderful encouragement you gave me regarding the boy I felt drawn to at church and at school. He will raise you up in due season. Try it! It's healing to read especially going through a break up where you let someone go because there was not future. When I see other people in happy relationships it makes me feel so sad sometimes. We can learn so much more when we don’t close ourselves off from the ideas of others. But you have to seek Him over everything else. Believe me, I’ve tried and failed many times. in jesus name(: I'm single 28 years of age from Durban I hope god will remember me.I need a faithful husband I've kept my body clean and poor for him as I'm still a Virgin and god fearing woman help me by praying for me to find a god fearing Adventist man.amen. In the African-American community, it is even worse as the ratio of men to women is excruciatingly low. I am really praying for whatever God has for me. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Pray for his career, his decisions, his finances, his relationship with God. I can truly relate with all the Christian women who are waiting on God to send them a husband. In due time, he will come. Hopefully, your answer is yes. You attract what you are. To her, waiting on God’s timing came with a fear that time was getting away from her and her ability to play a role in giving Abraham these descendants God spoke of was fading. I teach people to live life to the fullest, be happy and complete whether you are married or not- make lemonade out of lemons. I found that when I was busy working, I didn't have time to feel sorry for myself because I had no one. Would you still love him anyways? Please understand and listen when I say that God wants the man to take the lead in relationships. I almost feel as though i am being punished for my previous decisions, i am trying my best to to leave it to God as i know he is the one who has placed these desires on my heart. We had the same morals and he was a kind and generous person. Lord knows I don't understand why I can't find somwone to talk to? Next- start this year off with a new gratitude and appreciation for life. Why do so-called "intelligent" people still believe in such nonsense? If you want a Godly man, then you must become a Godly woman. First, you have to celebrate with others when they have victories in life while you wait for your breakthrough to manifest. I'm around 23, I've made that mistake of seeking out a man to keep me happy. Or you can wait for God’s timing to get the best from God. Once we know what the Bible says we should be looking for, we can begin actively looking for a spouse, trusting that God will bring him or her into our lives in His perfect timing. I have been seeking God more and more and it truly does feel amazing. Was a little disappointed but hey God knows, cares and sets up a divine appointments. Am I really ready for a spouse? Stop focusing on what you don't have and focus on the things of God and your girls. Monica- Singles events can be very depressing if you're are not in the right frame of mind. Second, you can be doing everything right and still not have the results you desire exactly when you desire them, because everything happens in God’s timing. I don't know how to tell him I have this disease and I don't feel like now is the right time. No! I've tried dating site and still no luck.I'm starting to lose hope and get frustrated. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” Matthew 6:33. Tag Archives waiting on god’s timing for a husband. That was me. I'm still young and have never been in a relationship. Godspeed. I finally plucked up the courage to say hello, and I am happy to say we have become pretty good friends. If you want someone debt free, then you should become debt free. I'm 53 years old. So be careful. A lot of people say they are Christians, but can they back it up? She thought she was capable of doing this simple task; that her stepping in front of me would be helping me. When women take leadership roles, we can expect disorder in our relationships because we are out of God’s order. I just got back from a date out with a guy that I initiated to ask out, but I just wasn't feeling as much as I though I would and he was. Take this time to prepare so when he is presented, he will see your worth. Be faithful to Him and He will honor faithfullness. I believe it is so important to be a part of a good church. Singles fail to realize that a lot of freedoms you have now will be lost when you get married. Ladies…God created man to be a hunter. I date regularly and I have friends. I just wonder something, I have a type of men that I am into physically so I do mention that to God in my prayers but I wonder if He is not going to bring me someone totally different so my question is should I still have an "ideal" (type of men) or not? I reminded myself to get rid of my pride but had a difficult time holding back the tears. It would be very painful to go without a partner for so long. Read more: What to do in a season of patience . Thank you and blessings on you! Leading the singles ministry showed me things that I had done wrong in my dating relationships. I feel so may of us are marrying for the wrong reasons. Like I've known him before or something and that I already love him so much. They were attending the same church which was a different church than I attended. I recently broke up with my ex a couple months ago. I feel like no man will ever love and accept me as a vegetarian. I have a PRE-Recorded group session just for my single ladies ready for you to listen to RIGHT NOW! The Tongue Gods Timing God's Timing Prudence Watchfulness, Of Believers Readiness Speaking, Wisdom In. Amen. Restraint Vigilance Guarding Yourself Speech, Positive Aspects Of Individuals Being Silent Tongue. ? Remember that! We live short, very short lives and have just a small amount of time to enjoy existence. You could be waiting on a job or ministry opportunity to open up, waiting for a husband, waiting for a serious situation to resolve, or waiting for a rebellious child to turn back to God. As we waited, we moved in with my parents for the summer. It took me a little while longer to figure it out ?. I will embrace my single status while letting God develop character in me. Sometimes God has some pretty powerful lessons that he wants us to learn in the waiting time. If all you keep praying for is a spouse, how can you have time … God has designed the butterfly to work hard to get out of its chrysalis. Thanks for reassuring me that being single is a good thing. ), there are sure to be moments of wanting to jump ahead of God (at least for me there were), to have you a husband. It is one thing to wait on a car, it is another thing to wait on having a child when your biological clock is ticking. You can't go wrong with a friend. I could relate to you and appreciate your straightforward, grounded way. God's Plan For Us Folly, Examples Of God's Thoughts God's Timing And Plan Being Different Waiting For God's Timing Being Unique “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. That is a great start. This man reached out and said, I know you have stuff to work on, but i'll be here to support you. Pray for me! It was a mouse trap with a mouse entering it with a helmet on. The sons of God were markedly different than the sons of man. He wanted to put everything out on the table to see if I would run the other way. In 2 Timothy 4:3, Paul says, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.” You should feel convicted by your sins in a church, not comfortable in them. Thank you for you article. Patience comes when we learn to trust God. Nothing in your Bible is by accident. Thanks Vera, I can't tell you how many of these spell caster stories I get. If he was the one then he would have fought for me harder and not let me go when things weren't easy and when "I wasn't at my best". Remember, waiting is not wasted time! You, Jesus, are all I need. What are you doing to make yourself valuable in a relationship? The following are the ways God wants you to wait for a Husband Have the attitude of a virtuous woman! But at times God has other things in mind. Its okay that if you never wanted kids. It seems as though the rest of your life will look this way. Or email Feeding your family is a part of nurturing. You won’t be disappointed! My name is Jessica Autumn. Trust God. It's not god's way. me the desire for kids if it's His will that I marry and have them, and to take away my desire for a husband if it's His will I stay single. Trust that God will bring you both back together if it is meant to be and in his timing. Is this what God intended? For a 38-year old who's been through a divorce, I figure waiting for the God sent husband is the only way. God bless! Some Tips for keeping your sanity while waiting on God’s timing: 1-Honestly, the best thing that works for me is to keep encouraging verses for me to see posted in every day spaces. If there is a god it is the waking, conscious universe and that is not conducive to giving people to people. Ann Leavitt from Oregon on April 14, 2014: Thank you! I'm a journalism student graduating in May of next year. Do we want to rely on God? You see, I married for the first time in my 50s. Waiting for the Lord to bring the right man or the right woman into your life. I also wanted to point out that Facebook is responsible for 1/3 of today's divorces. I need an engineer as a soulmate who is between the ages of 37 to 40, and is ready to be a husband this year. It’s good growing up with those values, though. Hopefully, if God says the same, it will develop! I want to be more involved in ministry but I'm still in school for a little while longer then I get to be a counselor :-) I think it will really help me focus on other things when I'm helping people. I was called to marriage at age 35, and I broke up with three other men because God was Number 1, and I knew they were not the one. You, Jesus, are all I need. this just gave me the answers ive been needing. God is working on them too right now. Either single Or married. I used to think I could worship God at home. I have a friend in California who is still waiting on the Lord for her mate and she says all of the single men there are either gay or surfers who are broke! SHARING ••• My Grace-Full Life is written by Denise Heidel. I track progress and ensure we meet the deadlines – on time, on budget, and meeting expectations. Learn to cook the basics and then expand your skills. I literally yearn for him. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have someone who loves God more than anything? The world waited thousands of years for Jesus to come the first time. God always points us in the right direction for advice and encouragement! When will that happen? Female,29 years with a two years baby boy,I'm looking for a serious partner aged 35- 45yrs,God fearing,I'm in Kenya. There’s a promise in the Bible that tells you not only that God is working but also how God is working, and you need to claim it while you’re in your time of waiting: “I am the Lord, and when it is time, I will make these things happen quickly” (Isaiah 60:22 NCV). The other realization that was very helpful to me during my season of waiting for a spouse was recognizing that it was not wasted time. It troubles me when I see the desperation in Christian women and women in general these days. I loved your article. The opinions expressed in this post are my own. We all have problems that we need to work on. What if God never gives you a spouse? He uses other people to introduce us to the want He wants us to have. 3. Keep your eyes on God and not on your friends. Even the apostle paul said “i have learned to be content in all circumstances” and that is what i long for. I would love for a man to tell me I am beautiful. There are some areas in my life that I am working on strengthening, well I should say he is working on me. A mutual friend introduced me to my husband. I recently met someone who wants to get to know me and he was very open about his issues on our first conversation. SIGH! Bye. That’s how God worked when he sent Jesus into this world. Waiting patiently for God to send a husband my way did not describe my dating story… I was nearing 30 before I met my husband. Women these days will ask a man for his digits, ask him out and pay the way. He wants the best for you. Waiting on God’s Timing – Child of Promise. I know He has the best plans as he said in one of my favorite verses in the bible, Jeremiah 29:11. And it also true that people can not live so long happily without a partner. I mean really does the alternative to waiting on God, and doing what He wants, sound better? The old adage, "the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" is true. Focus on your purpose in Christ and not your pain or that man. I hear you there! I am ready to meet the man that God has for me and to get married. Waiting on God. At first I said no, but then God revealed that leading a ministry like that was all a part of His marriage preparation plan for me. I'm not sure your story is relevant for this website. I understand the whole Hunter thing, but taking the lead reminds me of the fundamentalists, where whatever he says goes and he can dictate you, even getting away with abuse because he can claim 'you're not submitting'-even those verses used as support are apparently misused/deliberately mistranslated by sexist monks back in the day. Pray for your husband. If u are interested plz contact me on +2207523844. He sounds like an amazing man. I know I don't have it as bad as others. Go out there and look for something, and even if it isn't a man or woman that finds you, if the answer you get is a small peace of mind that allows you to see what you have in front of you, then it was worth it. Hello, that article was so interesting and encouraging. I can agree completely… I always have called myself a Christian since I went to church as a child, but it’s totally different when you actually have a personal relationship with God. There is no evidence that help will come from elsewhere, for now we must take the responsibility, and prove to the waking conscious universal God whose name is charity and compassion that we are not small minded, pitiful, spiteful, hateful, selfish things. I am 37yrs I don't hv child trusting God for a husband a God fearing man loving en caring person. He even wants to Marry accepts my kids and loves children, and even wants more. Waiting to find out what God wants you to do. I agree with you on being open minded. Let him be what God created him to be. Jessica Autumn recently posted…The 2 Reasons You Are Missing Out On Gods Perfect Peace. Apr 22, 2013 - Explore It's worth the wait. Not to mean that there is anything wrong with us, but that we have other things we need to focus on first. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! He knows what I look for in a spouse. No one has ever told me I am beautiful before. I have been longing for a husband, but I have not yet asked You directly to bless me with that desire. It helped me to grow in my relationship with God and as a person. I lost God for almost 15 years and am slowly making my way back to a full relationship again I turned away partially because of being single and alone and putting God first and partially because of healing which hasn’t come either Oh well just keep waiting… to late now for a mate Its just me and God till I go home, Hello, I can only imagine how hard it would be to wait that long. How would you like it if someone who you loved only talked to you two minutes a day? In fact, it can get you into plenty of trouble. In our lives, sometimes God’s timing involves waiting so we can develop our spiritual muscles. No matter who you are, I promise your relationship with God could use some work. Write down everything you want in a spouse (I hope you have high standards or else this won’t work) now ask if you reflect what you want. Sorry, they are Caucasian, but that doesn't matter. {Ultimate Guide}. The churches that are out for the money give the good churches a bad rap. With God’s help i have let go and i realise that i can not find happiness and contentment in life other than in Him alone and putting Him first and above all things i desire. Stay in touch and thanks for stopping by. I particularly don't feel as if any man would want to marry someone who could possibly spread this to them. (A God sent kind of man). Reading your Bible seems hard to most. Wale Ogunsowo from Nigeria on September 25, 2018: lm single poster want a person 20year girl. Like on the fridge, or the car dashboard. Lifestyle. You WILL see blessings poured out in your life. The straw today that put me in tears was going to a singles event that was a reminder of the "same ol" I was so discouraged and it was depressing. And that’s why they are single or always with the wrong one. Put me to the test!”. I was in love with the idea of being in love. :,(. You can be assured that if you wait on God, it will always be worth the wait. And, when God brings it to pass, it’s so worth the wait. I thought he was the perfect man for me, still do except for the part about never seeing him and rarely getting to talk with him. It is unbelievable. You know what loneliness is? I'm 29 years with a 2 years baby boy,looking for a serious partner,35yrs to 45,I'm kenyan. Love this article? Thank you so much for your insight. Thanks for stopping by. God wants His best for us. I am beginning to feel like my prayers for my future husband aren't working and what is the point of praying if God isn't listening to me and never going to answer my prayers. Its like telling the wind not to blow or the sun not to shine. I pray that in Your timing, You will place someone in my path, but help me be content in You as I wait for that time. It's been a crazy couple of months for me. @steffsings, Great advice! Yes I know God knows best but I am being honest, I am starting to research other religions because I have not been a successful as a Christian. I keep telling myself after school is over and I have more free time, my husband will come. I don't feel "lost". Finding Husband/Wife. I believe happiness is the key to having a successful life. She had been waiting on God to bring her a husband for 17 years and yet, nothing. This tension to preserve our godliness is the very same tension we face in our secular world today. Activate your faith. Thank you very much for your very encouraging testimony. I’d wait for the person of his choosing…. Even Jesus fasted. Hunting and pursuit is innate in his makeup. Most women today Aren't like the old days which is why many of us men are still single today as i speak since we really can't blame ourselves at all in the first place. I am now 49 and men have stopped calling to me. He has called me into ministry that I am still preparing for but I honestly can't seem to shake off my ex. I’ll tell you from experience, that it is possible to be happy with God and no spouse. It's important that women and men get involved in doing good, kind, helpful, fun things rather than focusing solely on... 'when is Boaz finally going to arrive'. Related: Two Prayer Strategies That Will Change Your Life. And I will tell you from experience that thinking will drive you crazy! Once we know what the Bible says we should be looking for, we can begin actively looking for a spouse, trusting that God will bring him or her into our lives in His perfect timing. Prayerfully have a conversation. Waiting on God’s Timing – Lack of Trust in God. This makes the wings strong enough to fly. I decided to keep waiting, I was in no hurry, and I hoped God would send me the one who'd accept me for who I was. He seems to be a male version of me but there is only so much you can tell about a person without talking to them.. I really need a serious man in my who’s also longing for a life time partner like I do, I'm 32 with ababy boy lneed Aman of God 0703464499, Am 21 i only have one baby girl i need someone to marry me not old than 35 yrs 0743842676. I'm not sure why I keep telling myself this like it's true! A Breakthrough Prayer for Waiting for God's Timing Lord, I thank You that You will answer my prayers in Your perfect timing. He knows the future and He knows the timing. Thanks again, and God bless :). Just the other day I was confused because I didn’t understand why God was making me wait so long for an answer to an ongoing dilemma of mine, but someone reminded me that God’s timing is always perfect. God does nothing. You read my story. I am single at the moment. Wow! I don't plan on having sex with him anytime soon, but he was so open with me about his issues. I praise God that you found a good man after waiting so long, and you challenged me to do what I used to do, pray for my hsband NOW! Read my full disclosure policy. Thanks for stopping by! Stay strong in The Lord and in the power of His might. And since then I can't shake it off and I want to contact him deep down inside. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. The time after a relationship ends definitely has to be among the worst feelings. The common answer would be: he’s either already married, in jail or gay. So before start a family you need to get a good husband or wife. You see, my daughter thought she was big enough. This was very helpful for me. It’s either cast our cares on God or let them pile up onto our shoulders. Now who do you think is right? This has been a theme in my life in a painful but beautiful way. I work and go to school and take care of my girls. Sis, what a wonderful story. A couple of people mentioned literally having cravings for their husband. My ex boyfriend and I just broke up last month because I needed to focus on my relationship with God and find myself with him before I could commit to my boyfriend, who is an amazing man. Your spouse may not come for a while, but that’s okay. God wants us to put Him first, not a spouse. I was 34 when I married and we have been married for 21 years. That is step one. Everyone on this planet can improve their relationship with God. We definitely have soul ties that hasn't been broken. God bless! Trust me, God will not send you someone if your hands are already full. But I do realize I have a ministry calling and need to fulfill that first maybe while God also deals with my internal issues for when God actually does want me to have a partner. Fortunately I had an aunt who was a nursing professor and was probably the most fulfilled woman I ever met and she was not married. Pray and then … I have been so down recently after a break up of more than 2 year relationship. Waiting is uncomfortable. Why? Is both praying and doing. If this is God's blessing, you don't want to keep secrets now. Now, be honest. , the man that God will make him what he wants us to in. Years for Jesus to come to me see more ideas about waiting on your God given spouse meeting expectations doesn. This article helpful and hope to continue to hear from God hunting, you ’ waiting... Have a PRE-Recorded group session just for my husband waiting on god's timing for a husband I have not lost the desire for a.... N'T even know why s society timing to get out of God were markedly different than the sons of.... Has a reason for everything man would want to wait on God to bless and! 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