do bible ask us to do yoga quran ask us to do yoga any other religious text that ask to do yoga. He was always keen on the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. I find it a fascinating adjunct to the practice of Yoga. To me it is meaningless discussion. Michael Chabon is a shining example. During certain festivals, a procession from every town carries their individual gods to a common meeting point. The term Hinduism is a colonial construct to include the many practices and beliefs of the Hindu people. hmm… would you say your thoughts are ‘homogeneous’ with regard to a Hindu view of ingestion of associated culture by western people/countries/whatever? Meanwhile, Alice's story continues to weave its magic on Myra and Irene's families. Cheers. We are supposed to get closer to one another through love and our teachings and practices .. Yoga coming to the west is a gift to create a pathway for self realization and love . The yoga page in Wikipedia that you referenced states “The word [yoga] is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism” which contradicts your belief that “Yoga is entirely a Hindu practice.”. There are also other small parts of the broad spectrum of yogic teachings that meander more towards a Hindu or religious flavor. Forty years ago, Afghans began fleeing the violence in their country and seeking refuge across nearby borders. Malcolm Gladwell has popularized the idea, although he concentrates on 10,000 hours, not 10 years. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. I think bodywork methods such as Hatha yoga, the Reichian therapy of Regardie, hypnsosis, are great, but they seem to need a devotional element to really push one into a higher realm. While you have a right to disagree with my statements, by calling my opinion “stupid” you are being disrespectful as well as not furthering a discussion on this issue. Does it really matter the history of Yoga? The high elevation grasslands of the park provide summer habitat for 10,000–20,000 elk. (Marxist have done this all along that their way is the only way, every other way is flawed). Any chance you could give me a list of your references? All yogas are performed solely for the purpose of aligning your breath to a meditative breath. I am getting started and your site is a good resource. Do you really want to have a honest and peaceful heart? i live in Rishikesh …Himalayas ….a lil Yogi with my own divine experiences with Jesus , Shiva….i live a blessed life…you gonna be perfect in physical and if you want to go for something more than physical life….. You need to spend time as it should be…. "So this storytelling started from a young age. Sahasrara = 1 = Kether down to Muladhara = 7 = Netzach-Malkuth. :) Just because you speak different languages, who owns the birth of sound? allegiance to a prophet and an exclusive single god simply based on belief which is an ‘abomination’ as far a yoga is concerned. Also I responded to you because couldn’t figure out how to make a post that wasn’t a response to an existing post lawl. 10000 quiz questions and answers 1. You are again missing the point and I’ve already addressed this issue in my previous comment to you as well as in the text of this article. There’s no separation of cultures or no talk of who is more deserving of practicing yoga or who did yoga first. I think Yoga can be a great practice to develop my inner self, my mind and my body. Thank you and many blessings to all. Since I am grown up with Yoga around me in midst of people believing in Hindisim and people not believing in some of its teachings even being Hindu. What you failed to mention completely, is the heavy influence of Western gymnastics and proto-aerobics on Yoga in the 19th century. Yoga sutra of patanjali is also hindu religious text. As long as you keep making this distinction between spirituality and religion, you might do good as a Yoga businessman (good for you), as a Yoga for money teacher for other abrahamics but you will never become a Yogi. Yoga is compatible with only Hindu philosophy and to a certain extend other dharmic religion. No where is it said that the goal of yoga is samadhi. Buffett's father, Howard, worked as a stockbroker and served as a … Hinduism has many contrasting features from yogic principles. Most of the time Vatican or by the people who are Christian by faith. p.s. Tell the whole story. It is in PEACE OF MIND and doing good deeds. I am planning to use this as a reference for the paper I am writing and would love to know the date so I can properly cite you. Om Namah Shivaya….Satyam Shivam Sundaram…mean:::::Shiva is the truth:::shiva is the supreme:::shiva is the most beautiful …. She said: "I did love my copy of the story. I would also love permission to use this brief history as a handout for my teacher trainees. I do not say, that it does not originate from shivkaal, but there is no proof that it does either. Timothy. ICM Partners Hires Former WME Agent For Dance Division. If you had read the article you would have seen that my point that yoga and Hinduism developed at the same time and ideas were intermingled. Very spiritual process. It seems you know your stuff. My question is, are the execution of the poses perse an act of adoration or worship? What we call Hinduism is an amalgamation of yogic principles; (especially of Yama and Niyamas) and the other philosophies. I can – not eat pork or bottom feeders or not put cheese on my burger and not be Jewish. Im doing a project on the history of yoga. Thank you for your website, I’ve enjoyed reading it. At this time Adam Ries and others wrote superior books. Namaste. They are kind of Guru to me in this aspect. Ie the teacher, Guru, or master whatever you may wish to call them, is a living embodiment of what he professes and teaches. This deed in itself is a practice of Yoga. Hi Timothy, I’d love to cite your article, History of Yoga, in my literature review. But stating this fact : hindus found yoga, to be written in the article is not necessary and it was the people of india who found it . All form of positive emotion comes from one single source i.e GRATITUDE and gratitude comes only when you accept the truth but for that you need to develop a conscience. It is said that Jnana, Bhakti, Yoga(Raja) and Karma; any one or any combination of these 4 paths if practice with the aim of self-realization will lead to the same place. Thanks for considering. Yoga isn’t going to get you into heaven, This is the heaven that God the Father created for you. “Let’s go out and do something good”. Would just like to add something to my comment on 1 May 2020 at 1: 14 pm. Few of you may be aware that there are hundreds of yoga manuscripts at least 1000 are available unpublished. Thank you for standing up for Ugandan-Canadian refugees,” she wrote. What’s next? Love this. Varun’s comments on this subject is the most appropriate descrition of what I need to continue my practice of yoga. You should have a read at “Roots of Yoga” by Mallinson and Singleton. Population. I did not lnow all the details of Yoga History. As far as I can fathom, yoga does not have a belief in external God. Do good and be good is what all religions teach. Jesus, according to some Christian biblical sources, was born in this town some two millennia ago. The term Hindu originated as the designation of the people living along the banks of the river Sindhu referred to as Indus by the Greeks. Myra was given the book by her aunt when she was eight. American academia has taken over from the British the imperial project and the English speaking Indians elite have remained clueless till to date. A few months earlier, on December 15th, 1970, a … I just wanted to respectfully point out that samadhi is not the same thing as enlightenment. He bought his first camera in 1856 and took some 3,000 photos. Hindus do not believe in converting people. it is really very wonderful and joyful to know abou our anvient history. They should know their own religion. Hi Vanessa. Om Shanti. Reading healthy discussion between You and Rabi was an experience! There is not one correct answer as none of you folk were around 10,000 years ago. So to quote from your own writing in the “Five Niyams of Yoga”…….. Ishvara Pranidhana (devotion) is the dedication, devotion, and surrender of the fruits of one’s practice to a higher power. But Hindus are not allowed do that for our religion. Hi Timothy; I have been regularly practicing yoga for last 5 years, have read the Yogasutras of Patanjali over the 5 years ( it’s not an easy read) and now have been trying to read more about it. You at least seem to agree on Vedas as having the oldest claim on Yoga. I am sharing these things because if you preach these things to westerners. There are facts and their are opinion.Opinion should be based on facts and not on subjective feeling or prejudice.Fact is Hindus have sacred text which ask us to do yoga.Can you quote any scripture which are outside the purview of Hindus which talk about yoga ? What do you think Indus originated from? The fact that you keep equating yoga with spiritual as opposed to Hindu being a religion is the root cause of all the confusion. Get involved with the news in your community, This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Editors' Code of Practice. There are only 3 Hindu majority countries. I teach History of Yoga so this is important to me :). Their thorough and modern academic research has shown a lot of what you’ve written here (which is the same as I had been teaching trainees for years) to be incorrect, so you’ll probably want to re-write it for accuracy’s sake. It is like using and liking I phone but hiding the apple branding on the back of your phone because you are prejudice against apple product . I don’t think there is anything I can present to you here in thix box to change your position. I understand that there is a need for Yoga in the world and that is the reason it is being advocated. Ugandan-born trans woman wins Canadian award. Yoga is a lot more Spiritual that Physical. does it means that if you are not a Hindu, needless to practice yoga? ... welcomes around 10,000 a … To even understand the Yoga Sutras you need to know what the Siddha Yoga lineage is first and don’t forget the Hiranyagarbha Vedic Yoga Tradition as well, because that is the quintessential aspect of what informed Patanjali. Good life to you all. They were just invaders and fighters They came to Indus river and defeated the residents. If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can contact IPSO here. Reality, Truth or God. I got more then what I asked for and that’s actually batter. Patanjali tells us that to reach the goal of yoga we must dissolve our egocentric nature and let go of our constant identification with ourselves. I feel that some of the anger in the other comments is toward ‘western yoga’ and the fact yoga is now a billion dollar industry in the west and we walk around with our Ganesh Tshirts, Mala Beads and say Namaste at the end of our classes (which I find incredibly weird so don’t do it) and much of this which the west associates with yoga, is in fact, much of hinduism. The way that this world functions is that the dominant culture, with its misguided confidence of its imagined superiority tries to keep the lesser culture in its place. As a result many of the hindus actually have become subservient to western indeas,beliefs and culture. It rather teaches to fight for others, for what is right and for the helpless! yoga was found in ancient india as Tim has mentioned. I do not like the divine practise as yoga has been reduced by so many to commercial businne and I do not like that nobody mention Lord Krishna the father of all yoga practice I do nolike it is by many confused as a pactice of hinduism No where will find Vedas or Mahabarat the verb hindu JeiSri Krishna. i am a hindu. Posted by Colin Stewart on December 29, 2020 ... is the 15th recipient of the award, and $10,000 cash prize that celebrates unsung heroes for their contributions to the Canadian LGBTQIA2S+ community. Newsquest Media Group Ltd, Loudwater Mill, Station Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. A very influencial wave of fitness, which incorporated stretching, dance and gymnastics (developed in Scandinavia in the mid 19th century) was brought to India by the many Western colonists. Can anyone tell me if the ‘service of humanity’ is ever mentioned (maybe in different words) in the older scriptures of Yoga…? Through this simple act of dedication we become reminded of our connection to our higher power, and our yoga practice becomes sacred and filled with grace, inner peace, and abounding love. Blessings to all who have participated on the page and a huge thanks Timothy ? He was born 189 years ago in 1832, To mark the occasion, we take a look at the Lewis Carroll Centre at All Saints Church to reflect on his legacy. So, for the benefit of the intellectually curious, I wondered if you could justify all your assertions with references to the scriptures or authoritative sources. GOOD SITE, GOOD KNOWLEGDE, GOOD INITIATIVE. Yoga is not a religion, which is why so many Christians find that their yoga practice deepens and enriches their faith and connection to God. Thanks for any clarification! When we talk about self enlightenment, I become weary. Hatha Yoga Pradipika another book in both these book shiva is considered as the first yogi.these are all hindu text.Yoga sutra of patanjali is also hindu religious text.Do you know what surya namaskar mean.On the contrary can you name one yogic text which originated separately from Hinduism. Cow worshipping began in the later stages of evolution of Hinduism. So they dilute hindu identity to gain acceptance in west.”. The discussion on whether its origins are Hindu or not is not really essential. I view it as intact, vibrant, and ever-evolving non-homogenous and super-regional indigenous ‘religion(s)’ of India, and of regions influenced by East Indian civilization. The origin of YOG, is 4 pre-Vedic literature practice. The history of cannabis use goes back as far as 12,000 years, ... dump sites of prehistoric hunters and gatherers," Warf wrote in his study. I totally reject this chest thumping of a section of “Hindus” who have forgotten a core principle of Hinduism, namely Humility. Yoga is independent of religion. But for broad minded people, (whole) earth is (like their) family. ;;;Yogis-whom you called Mystic Sages…use to perform 8.4 million postures in their yogi life to get human life again…You know Yog connects to unseen spiritual world which you can’t with your these physical eyes…. Your stating that “Hindu was a term to describe the varied spiritual beliefs and practices of the people of the Indus-Saraswati region” is incorrect. I am just starting out on my yoga journey and I have a lot to learn. All I have seen from people trying to make your argument are personal attacks, most of which I’ve had to delete (some have been racist and downright disgusting) as they have violated our terms of conduct. Please email me privately. If you think they are, you only deceive yourself. Please know that there are a few nationalistic Hindus who are actively trying to claim that you must be a Hindu in order to practice yoga. The asan was added much later during the “Classical Yoga” period. Hey, all these comments were pretty fun to read through. vedas comes in wrriten form when writting techniques were developed. The mainstream Hindu philosophy includes six systems (ṣaḍdarśana) – Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta.Some one following samkhya is also hindu,yoga is also hindu,Vedanta is also hindu.How do you separate Hinduism from yoga I can not understand. He even gave us free will. The Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens has a bongo birth announcement: Two female calves of a critically endangered antelope species are ready for their close-ups. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Because in Vedas no bhrahmin required to do yogas but required to do animal sacrifice and bathing in holy water and playing illogical rituals Then how they can originated the yoga Which required a strict vegetarianism but Vedic bhrahmins were not, Yes , shraman was father of yoga You can say that Shiva and rishabha was founder of yoga not Vedic rishis, Hi Divyank, it is interesting thoughts what you have said about the source of yoga from Dravidians, which is differ from the Vedic Aryans of Central Asia. why they had to show themselves on top of caste cycle. The contact page indicated that I need to leave a message on this page, but I will also send a message through the contact page. i want tell everyone who read this article and the comments that it is not appropriate to mix hinduism with yoga. I can – not eat beef and love a cow and not be Hindu. I crossed the abyss using only a version of the LBRP ritual and classical yoga and pranayama, as well as studying a lot, but would now include a lot more bodywork seeing how powerful it is. Hi Timothy.. its really opening to read about your article, and I am doing more research about it. Now if you are closing your eye trying to concentrate, trying to defocus sitting in lotus position trying to relax that thing you are trying to do is not meditation if you do not believe in GOD INSIDE you and wanting to CONNECT with it. I have been reading the comments and varying beliefs. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. One moves up this ladder through life and hopefully eventually crosses the abyss and attains enlightenment, the little “I” becomes the big “eye” and is wed to the eternal, which is the undefinable. So they dilute hindu identity to gain acceptance in west. Your email address will not be published. I think this is a nice overview for a brief section on the history portion of the training and will encourage students to take advanced trainings in history if they so desire. Interesting to say the least. The Population Bomb is a best-selling book written by Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife, Anne Ehrlich (who was uncredited), in 1968. According to Biography, Jim wrote himself a check for $10 million dollars in 1983, post-dated 10 years, hoping to be able to cash it by then. That book retold A New Hope from the points of view of lots of different characters, such as the Mouse Droid. Hi Timothy, I’d love to cite your article, History of Yoga, in my literature review for my history of american culture class can you give me the references also please and thank you! I stand by my assertion that yoga and Hinduism are separate but related. You are missing the point and what you listed are not sources that support arguments or facts. Her copy was illustrated by Philip Gough, who grew up in Warrington. all are not the same of Astanga yoga. Personally I’d want to cross references histories with Chinese dynasties and others for the sake of more reference frames. But ask the average person and they might not know that the author grew up in Daresbury and spent a lot of his time daydreaming at Walton Hall when it belonged to the Greenall brewery family. I sincerely agree. I would love to use your very concise yoga history excerpt as a handout for a class I’m giving ( credited of course). Also, the realization of “Divine Oneness” was mentioned earlier than the Upanishads, you find it in the Rig Veda as well. But back to the roots: The Upanishads mention yoga, the Rig Veda are some of the earliest speculations of proto-Yoga. The Rig Vedas are the religious texts of the Hindus. This is a small group of people with strong political motives and I doubt they actually practice or study yoga. Thanks. Similarly for Islam Muslim holds the final and most credible authority. It is a historical predecessor of modern Hinduism, though significantly different from it.” Source: But I am not Christian, Muslin, Jewish or Hindu. I am a human being who seeks God and yoga helps me access Him in the most tangible and directly connected way – through my physical body, the one given to me by Him. I too have researched the history of yoga, although in one lifetime I doubt I would have even touched the surface. Please do your research before stating anything related to Bhagvad-Gita. A musician named Jim Sullivan mysteriously disappeared 6 years after recording an album called “U.F.O.“ The 1969 album featured strange lyrics about leaving his family and being abducted by aliens. Problem is that there are so many fake yogis who do not care about yoga but want to sell it to westerners.They want to earn name and fame from yoga,earn money from yoga,create a cult around them or they have negative prejudice against hindu religion so they are trying to distort the history of yoga. Based on the comments below and the little knowledge I have, it appears that although the history of yoga is VERY important it is not the most important thing. If you have a complaint about the editorial content which relates to inaccuracy or intrusion, then please contact the editor here. John Steinbeck was an American novelist who is known for works such as the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, 'The Grapes of Wrath,' as well as 'Of Mice and Men' and 'East of Eden.' A little less than 50 years ago, my mother, Natalia Stieglitz, walked down a flight of stairs in search of secret knowledge. Yoga also teaches about being acceptant and acknowledging the truth. We hindus do not mind people of other religion and culture doing yoga.what we mind is “appropriation” of our religion for commercial can people in west separate yoga from Hinduism. In this case the paragraphs were right to the point and it was too small and it wasn’t to big. Whilst you vehemently deny any connection between Hinduism , religion and Yoga, it seems odd that you propound this in your writing elsewhere. Greek historians have written of how Alexander interacted with yogis while on his retreat along the Indus valley. Also odd that “Brahmins” is mentioned but again no Hinduism – I suppose Hinduism is only mentioned when there’s something negative to say. Yoga today is nothing like Yoga was even a few hundred years ago and will continue to change, influenced by everyone who takes up its practice. More so, we even believe and accept the atheists too. Only a Hindu would view Shiva as a literal god in the yogic texts you referenced. Telegraph Avenue, Michael Chabon (2012) Michael Chabon was born in 1963, placing him among the generation of authors coming into their maturity right now. The current version dates back to Nov 26, 2007, but the original version of this article would have been published sometime in 2001. A good conduct is to be learnt even from an enemy and a good lady is to be accepted even from a bad community. I think the system gains from being stripped from fundamentalism and any one religion, as people learn to drop their pre-conceived beliefs. Is sound proprietary to any one religion? You and others complaining about this issue have intentionally blurred the history and use of the word Hinduism. Now thing is if you believe in GOD INSIDE you and wanting to CONNECT with it you cease to be a Christine, you cease to be a Muslim, you cease to be a atheist, you cease to be a Jew, you cease to be a Buddhist.The language of Sanskrit is very difficult to translate into different can not translate jivatma.paramatma.atman,dhyan,adhyatam into other western language directly. With this I want to say, Yoga is a practice influenced by Hinduism because they’ve been living together for long, but I believe Yoga is much more spiritual and philosophical, than religion can be. Richard. Timothy Being a Hindu I commend your interest and effort in giving an insight to the history of yoga. Because the term religion did not exist during his time. I hope everyone reading this has a great rest of their day! Many people are saying here that to practice yoga, one does not need to be a Hindu, therefore it’s not a practice developed by Hinduism/Sanatana Dharma. Your article has given a direction to follow. Winter counts of the northern range elk herd in Yellowstone National Park and adjacent areas of Montana, 1960–2019. Choose this day whom you will serve. Thank you for reminding me, as a human being why I like wars and differences. :). But Yoga is more of self-discovery and not based much on faith – but because of the culture and faith it arose from a particular geographical location, it probably has some colors of faith attached as part of evolution. "He was the eldest boy and they were in this house with no running water or electricity. Is sound a religion, because it seems most people make it, use it, believe in it, even if they are deaf or mute, sound can be made with the body. One of the better essays on it is by Michael Comans, PhD. Chelsea – this current version dates back to Nov 26, 2007, but the original version of this article would have been published sometime in 2000 or 2001. Meet Maluma’s Jamaican Co-Star: Davina … People !! That is why it is said to lead to self-realization. I do however find it rather interesting and some what disappointing that the comments made by some individuals rather aggressive which from my limited understanding goes against both yoga and Hinduism practice. When you click on external links, we may receive a small commission, which helps us keep the lights on. Please use our contact us page to submit a formal request. Who is not bhrahmin but a Dravidian shraman .. Then we find same level of yoga in mahavira and Buddha, Then after 100 years of mahavira and Buddha we found a book on yoga composed by patanjali But such yogas not found in Vedas So we can say that patanjali took idea of that from ancient shramans. Kalaripayattu an ancient martial art form which originated in india similarly game of chess,sports of kabaddi also originated in india these activities are also good for health but hindu never say that these belongs to hindu religion because they are not mention in our religious text. Personally I believe any effort with the intention to try bring Yoga back to its proper perspective is much needed in this era of material ignorance. Yet you feel it necessary to spend time attempting to correct anyone who goes against your opinions (which as it stands, without references, is all they are), and rudely alleging they are Hindu Nationalists, rather than showing any understanding or compassion. He has authored two yoga books and has written over 500 articles on the practice and philosophy of yoga. Meander more towards a Hindu i have a past really or is it said that goal... 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