A piece of trash. It is illegal to sell counterfeit items (whether you acknowledge it or not or whether you call it a "replica" or "knock-off" or "fake" or not). LUCKILY, I did not mark the item delivered only by pure chance. BEWARE BUYERS!!!! She denied knowing anything about it and she wouldnt never sell a purse in that condition which she did. I can't tell nor do I know - can't I list the purse as "not sure if authentic or not" or some such. Hashtags are optional, and give you more opportunities to appear for searches. You can be permanently suspended from the platform if you commit serious violations such as selling illegal items, committing fraud, and repeating a violation of the Terms of Service. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. New tracking did not show up, so emailed again. It is essential to note the item ID found in the message you received about the removed listing. Question for you: Can I pay or get paid with PayPal? Now I am without my money and no item when I clearly told them from the start that I never received the item. And, given your blog is But after the 3rd day of not hearing from a Buyer they will release the funds minus the fees to the seller. They can have it. I agree. Some shoppers might be looking to bargain, so be prepared to negotiate. I made a purchase the person only shipped part of the order, then they delayed by saying they were going to check with UPS. When you are suspended indefinitely, you will still be able to complete your transaction and request your remaining balance. protected species, Humans, human body parts, organs, cells, blood, body fluids, and items Placed an order, received a tracking number and a few days later received a message saying my package had been delivered. I have personal experience with buying something not as described. If your buyer does not submit a rating after 3 full days of confirmed delivery, we're happy to submit a rating for them! The second computer still hasnt arrived. Why would they do that? Mercari is total crap. I WILL NEVER ORDER THRU MERCARI EVER AGAIN. I had several back and forth emails with them but they would not grant me a refund. The exact size, colors, prints, measurements, etc. I've not only contacted them through the app, but I've called them multiple times as well. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. I would think it would be on the buyer to know beforehand exactly what type of lens they need. Thank you! They refuse to cooperate and insist that the credits are there, but they arent. The people you talk to on the phone are just the customer service people. your own option. One thing to keep in mind is that Mercari has a list of prohibited items. Keeping its buyers safe is a priority for Mercari. Therefore, all transactions or shipments must go through Mercari to keep both parties protected. First and foremost, Mercari has been in business since 2013 and if it werent a legit platform, it probably wouldnt be around today.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ecomsay_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-banner-1-0'); Secondly, they are not running their business anonymously. John said there were photos, but the seller neglected to show photos of the holes, OR tell them about them so they could decide what to do. You could attempt to send a stern letter from a lawyer to this scam buyer. 131 of 1948). Mercari Local - sell your item locally. IVE HAD TO CONTACT MY BANK AND LET THEM HANDLE IT. You should check the reviews on the sellers profile to see how he or she treated previous customers since reviews can only be submitted by buyers who made a purchase. My son does not have his item or the payment for it. Mercari says it has credited my account with credits to be spent at Mercari for other merch but they do not show up in my profile on the Mercari app. And it was not cheap. Ebay offers great seller protection, as long as you follow their rules you wont get banned or scammed.. Mercari is horrible about suspending accounts and holding your money hostage. Here are 6 surprising things that people commonly have in their homes that you can totally sell on Mercari. Mercari is NOT SAFE. Items in violation of a copyright, including handmade, or other items Please know, how much I really enjoyed your class! How did I know they were womens and not mens? Navigate to the Mercari website and click on the Sign-up button. Dont have the item nor the payment. So yes they do take the money before you rate the seller. First scam was BAD ENOUGH, I received jeans containing human blood in the crotch area NOT A STAIN, ACTUAL BLOOD. Agree with you reselling platforms dont investigate or penalize enough for replicas - and many buyers wont know the difference - including me (lol) - so I dont buy luxury that way. Feel free to give it a try, but Ive found better luck selling on eBay with those items. The second computer has never arrived. Add a story to your listing to make it appealing and interesting. I DID THE SAME THING AND I WISH I HAD A PHYSICAL ADDRESS WE COULD GO VISIT THESE THUGS AND SEE WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY. Read the 8 tips below on how to sell on Mercari fast. Until I proved I had stopped the dispute my account was frozen. Lots of good info. Therefore, you have to ensure that the buyer/seller is trustworthy. How in the heck could they know if the purse I listed was a "fake" or not? They are ALL fencing chains, bought MY OWN STOLEN JEWELRY BACK. Oh, and they took out the money the same day I order it. But buyers BEWARE because I got scammed not once but TWICE, latest being today when I received synthetic hair extension not worth more than $10 which I paid $135 + shipping for! So if you haven't read the Terms of Service, it's not uncommon for a seller to disobey the guidelines. Be as detailed and as honest as you can. If you knowingly sell or intend to sell a fake item, you could be sentenced to years in prison and/or be ordered to pay steep fines .. view details Taxidermy, wet specimens or trafficked materials (such as ivory or shark I think Ill look into E-bay. Its really a shame because it HAD the potential to be better than the rest. But the second time I never got the item, could not contact the seller (she did not reply) and there was NO customer service to help me out. How do I sign up? There's also a $2 fee if a direct deposit transfer is rejected by your bank. Hey Benjamin, Sad to hear that however thank you for sharing your bad experience with others. In addition to the seller fee, there is also a payment processing fee, which is $0.50 plus 2.9% of the sale. My site is up with over 400. Selling things you no longer need is not only a great way to clear your space and make room for yourself, but its something really anyone can do, right from home. You can access your listings at any time by going to your profile then go to Selling and finally to Listings. to see if the package showed up. Not delivered, so opened tracking , which said delivered to NY. I recently was given a bad rating because fedex was running behind like I control their business. Text messages only. now returning it for no proper reason and they approved her request So even if you raise an issue with your purchase they do not stop moving through their process while it is being resolved and give money to the seller for a partial order. Where in the article and comments do you see anything that would cause you to come to your conclusion? Once an order is placed, make sure to ship the item as soon as possible. "epidemic"), Inflated prices where listings attempt to profit from tragedies and Its an unfair practice in my opinion. If an item is damaged, disclose this very early on. . have you tried contacting Mercari about proofing that it's authentic? 3 days is your opportunity to say something. Create a Mercari account Navigate to the Mercari website and click on the Sign-up button. To make a long story short, mercari cancel my item. Once you found an item selling for a reasonable price then you should: The second safety measure you should keep in mind is to check the photos of the product. If youre good and neat & tight then the buyers will take advantage of you and many will try to price shame. Mercari sucks. If youve received a fake, counterfeit, or not the same item then you have 3 days from the delivery date to request a return. People are going to prison, but I had to do most of the work myself. Its DEFINITELY NOT WORTH IT for any Decent Seller. You can reach out to the customer support team if you feel that this warning message might be a mistake. There is no buyer protection and I will not be buying anything there in the future. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. They will hold your money until it gets to you. Furthermore, Mercari has over 20 million monthly active users. So.the seller not only refunded when he should not have..BUT..now..the buy also has the item!! Every time I try to sell the page you have reached 600. Bob Taylor (Keep on Punching). I received the purse and immediately opened it up and expected it right away it was a little dirty and l notice on the back of the purse the handles at the bottom that connects the purse handle where cracked. Counterfeit items are with in the US codes such that any gain; personal or commercial: that results from the transfer of such, is trafficking in counterfeit items. If you get your account suspended because of any of these products, be sure to revise your listings before you get suspended from other platforms like Etsy, Amazon, or eBay as well. What does that mean literally came from a replica site? So, no, just because you paid to purchase something, since they do have to make sure the funds are in there in order For you to buy something, does not mean that it ever went to the seller. The practice of selling "seconds" is a well established tradition for manufacturers to recover some of the cost that has gone into producing an imperfect or damaged product, rather than having to destroy an otherwsie perfectly serviceable product. You wont be able to request a return or refund after that period. Always use your credit credit card and not your debit card. He knows he is getting some freebies. Been there, its why I wont list anything expensive anymore. If the seller is at fault, Mercari will accept the buyers return request to get a refund. Customer service is horrible. If anyone sends payment to the seller or a seller sends items to the buyer outside of their platform, Mercari is not responsible if it turns out to be a scam. If you want the easiest shipping method, use Mercari Shipping. My friend tried to list a replica Coach purse and the app would not complete the listing as it's against TOS. I am as I said no victim. If you had some problems with the buyer be honest: your experience can help another seller decide if they want to work with that person. Then told me I would only get a refund after I sent the items back and were received by the seller, they also told me that I better get a receipt! In the afternoon of the same day I received another message from mercari.com that my purchases were cancelled, and I was suspended from the site, I contacted them and they just said that their attitude was correct. The seller failed to disclose damages to this item. All products sold on Mercari are 100% genuine and sourced directly from the brands or their authorized distributors. Items, listings, photos or content that promote or glorify hatred, WHICH IN TURN CLOSED THE CASE. He didnt know how to use the rating function and submitted a wrong rating. I wrote the page on Instagram and asked them if they sold me the shirt because I thought it came from an older lady from New Jersey and they said yes they sold me the shirt & that particular lady is someone who gets a commission selling for them . The OneShop Money Mastercard Debit Card is issued by Piermont Bank, Member FDIC. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Hey I'm Arslan, the guy behind Ecomsay. Well my experience was mixed. Customer Service did nothing but give me a run around for weeks and weeks. Dont buy from Mercari. As mentioned, Mercari allows you to sell practically anything that you are able to ship: electronics, clothing, household goods, and so on. Shipping was slow. Furthermore, buyers are eligible to get the refunds for fair reasons such as: However, Mercari will deny the buyers request for reasons like: For valid reasons, can request a return from their items Order Status page. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. etc., etc.. trusted seller, item that I want, cheaper than normal but still reasonable; never comes. Bye the way, Thank you for sharing your experience. I give this app 1 star and that is being generous. The fellow would never ship the item. So beware everyone, since it seems positive feedback doesnt necessarily mean that you will get a fair completed transaction. There is a 10% selling fee for each item on Mercari. Anyone that would be interested in sending a complaint my address is 6712 Tower Ave Superior WI 54880 phone 715-919-3755. Mercari customer support does not want to give her the return shipping label and refund her money despite doing all they asked and showing the holes in the leggings. Thanks Erica (and Julie) for posting/sharing your experience. They said basically, it was my fault I did not verify with the seller these were indeed mens boots, prior to purchasing these boot. She sent me damaged goods and Mercari protected her. you will get the wrong item or it wont come. Describe the items you are selling in detail. If you dont re-verify, download NEW app & accept new terms of service then you are locked out of your account. Everyone who has stolen from me there STILL has accounts. Also, what do you consider a proper reason? They just want money from sells, they make too much to stop it. NOT WORTH THE AGGRAVATION THAT YOU WILL ENCOUNTER! Call the Federal Trade Commission, or even make a complaint to the Better Business Bureau), but to be honest I just want this whole cherade to be over with. There are a few things I could do (I.E. I provided all the details to Mercari and they didnt further investigate the seller. I am simply making this rip off business my cause and I am calling in ever Favor I have ever earned in my 53 years. Where to Sell Apple Watches for Most Money (My Experience), How to Hire a Virtual Assistant in 2023 (My Experience), 15 Jobs that Pay Over 300k a Year Thatll Surprise You. One of the go-to pieces of advice if you are in the reselling business is that you start using a cross-listing app that can help you advertise your items on the different marketplaces, saving you the time you would otherwise need to create different listings. Describe if there are any drawbacks to your item. However, its up to the seller to either accept your cancellation request or reject it. They said they would issue no refund even though the item arrived broken. They just want money from sells, they make too much to stop it. On top of all that, their marketplace contains over 2 billion listings, with 350K+ listings added daily by sellers. ago I saw a listing that said, inspired Kate Spade. diamonds, and emeralds. First of all, lets get to know the: As a buyer, you can request cancellation until the seller hasnt shipped the items. In addition to that, Mercari will give you a badge of Fast responder if you chat with your shoppers within 24 hours of getting a message; which further makes you stand out as a seller. No worries, if your order has not received any tracking updates by October 8, 2020, please let us know and we will revisit this case. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Tip 1: Just jump in and try it! They get to keep items, Get them for free and MEcari does nothing to protect the seller. 06:58 AM. Mercari itself is a legit e-commerce marketplace to buy and sell products. So far, I have been happy with my purchases. You can view ourwebsiteor have a chat with us throughMessenger. I contacted customer service every way I could find Several days later they responded with an apology but I had already lost a week's worth of business. If they lied about receiving it then how did they send it back? So, while you can trust that Mercari is safe, you must do your due diligence about the buyer/seller before dealing. The manufacturer or agent of the manufacturer is likely the one who reported your listing to eBay. While Mercari attempts to protect users from fraud, but like any online marketplace, there are possibilities of getting scammed by the buyer/seller, especially if you fail to do your due diligence before dealing with them. However, it has buyer and seller protection in place to keep both parties protected but its your responsibility as well to keep in mind the tips I listed above as well as Mercaris guidelines and policies to avoid scams and other issues. Mercari doesn't care about the replica sellers. I paid $26 (w/shipping) for a puzzle of a Mustang car. This is an anti-spam measure in r/Mercari. My experience with Mercari as a seller, NO GOOD! Mercari does take a percentage out so they deduct that and the shipping from what is made right off the bat. A secure system for buying and selling. Examples of items that fall under certain categories may also be Your email address will not be published. Customer service is horrible at best. Mercari may not be used to sell any of the following products or services: Anything illegal Drugs including: Illegal drugs or narcotics Prescription medicines or devices, pharmaceuticals, or behind the counter drugs Products, tools, or services specifically offered or intended to be used to create or use drugs
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