I attended Liberty from 99-01 and it was great. As our Cedarville University community processes this situation, we pray we would do so with humility, grace, mercy, integrity, civility, and respect. My marriage has lasted almost 11 years so far, I have no illegitimate children and I have never been an embarrassment to my husband. Like that other poster, we werent able to read the handbook until the day we arrived. No TEA???? However was shocked at the unchristian like behavior these christains held. If you want to have a Christian school, make it conform to Biblical principles as much as possible. What if the rule was actually because the majority of other schools have Title IX sexual assault cases involving the influence of alcohol? I often hang out in large groups without a chaperon at like 2am. -Pornography duh. You heard about how bad these schools are from people who got kicked out? Nor have I lied to him about my history; including the fact that Im a divorcee from an arranged marriage at barely 16 to a man Id met twice, arranged to keep me out of trouble. This, unfortunately is a perk of many religious institutions. This, of course, means any movie above a PG-rating or below a -1 score on Previewonline.org (though there exists the very rare acquiescing from the school). Cedarville University is intentional about creating a Christ-centered community, rigorous in our pursuit of scholarship, and balanced in our approach to Christian lifestyle. Use of alcohol was simply pushed underground out of regulatory bounds and resulted in the creation of a black market. Seems irrelevant to me. Articles are submitted and written anonymously in order to protect the identities of students and non-students alike who could face backlash or punishment for expressing their viewpoints that differ in any way from Cedarville University. . Students at these schools are missing out. They understandably discourage illegal and discourteous behaviors such as excessive drunkenness, but generally harmless actions like possessing legal pornography, moderate drinking, disciplined gambling, dancing, sensuality, premarital sex, and homosexuality all remain condemned and held up as just as harmful to young, educated minds. Folk dancing? Its that simple. Welcome to Cedarville University, an exceptional Christian university in southwest Ohio. Neither dancing nor tattoos are forbidden, although some forms of dancing would be inappropriate. Ill leave you with a quote to ponder. Just my humble, unbiased opinion; take it or leave it. I know several students who attended these schools and went nuts due to teh strictness of the rules.alot of them transferred to Liberty. Affiliated with the Reformed Presbyterian Church, the College built its first building, Old Main (now called Founders Hall), in 1895. Location & Hours 251 N Main St Cedarville, OH 45314 Get directions Do you think Id have argued about a college? Long before QAnon, Trump, and Anti-Vaxx, The Dry Pledge was THE Litmus Test of your Salvation. Only God can do that. Whether you are the religion these campuses represent or not. For these students, drinking is not only unwise, it is also illegal." Choose this day whom you will serve, and if you will serve the Lord, beware, lest you make the grace of our God into Lasciviousness. There are a couple Id like to flesh out. A church I was told to attend? Im an army vet who went into humanitarian work when I left the army, honorably. betboo,betboo giri,bets10,jasminbet,pera-bet.xyz,pera bet,perabet giri,perabet,restbet giri,restbet,rest bet,vdcasino,vd casino,betcup,bet cup,mobilbahis,mobil bahisperabet,portobet,bahsegel,bahse gel. No more needs to be said. Its similarly interesting how people choose which laws & pieces of the Bible they will follow. If you want information about these schools, do your homework by going straight to the source. Listed below are several principles that support and guide our approach to alcohol and are informed by the following Scripture texts: Prov. Many colleges with rules similar to these have their students sign a form stating that they have read the rules and agree to live by them mine did. Or are they treating free-willed adults as if petulant children incapable of forging their own individual perceptions, decisions, and behaviors without being fed someone elses interpretations of Christian dogma? -Tobacco, its a smoke free campus, just like NKU is now. But you cant get upset and blame teh school if you enroll and dont check out the requirements first..BYU is a great school.not a fan of mormonism, but the students that are there are great kids for the most part. Therefore, students are encouraged to portray servant attitudes toward Christ and other people in their dress and appearance. Clothing should not be excessively short or revealing. Students choose to attend and have full access to handbooks before making that decision. Woah this blog is great i really like reading your posts. But honestly, the teachers and student body are just as lenient about the rule as they are in K-12 schools. program doesnt work for precisely this reason it doesnt teach kids that cocaine is worse than beer. Save for the dress code and media violations, most of these infractions can lead to disciplinary actions or even outright dismissal from the school. For any college that you are considering, know before you go. You make it out to seem way worse than it is. Bob Jones University requires all students to attend regular church, Sunday school, society, Bible conferences, artist series programs, and vespers services on campus, though not necessarily in a single week. He turned water into wine. Cedarvilles policy on alcohol is simply another notch in the post of treating students like children rather than adults. The college actually will accept you no matter whatever religion you are, even if you are atheist. They are definitely much more lax now the girls are fine wearing pants (modesty is suggested). Anallisa you are extremely vulgar! In addition, our campus culture supports the professional development of students and allows faculty to communicate additional dress guidelines for classes that are consistent with the course objectives. They also require the students to dress up for all morning classes, no matter what the class was too. everybody who reads this will be without excuse when they get o the Great White Throne judgment before God. Of course, Jesus advocated The Commandments, not hip, redesigned for 2012, laws. 251 N. Main St. Cedarville, OH 45314 USA 1-800-CEDARVILLE (233-2784) 1-937-766-7700. for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. I see nothing wrong with any of those guidelines. he would allow an environment that would dishonor the name of Christ. That basically means being a jackass and expressing your self is better than being idiotic enough to try to stop them because of the First Amendment. Please reply, This is not a comment, but a request. You understand, a lot of people are hunting round for this information, you could help them greatly. Not sure why you find prohibition of Occult practices to be a bad thing for those attending a Christian university. Seeing (or participating in) vigorous debates where practically nothing is held as a common assumption between the opposing debaters is a great way to develop someones intellectual capabilities, especially critical thinking skills. Thursday nights require a 10:00 PM return time because of devotionals. But controlled and responsible use of alcoholwhich Christians too often forget was how Jesus approached alcoholshould not be limited because it has the mere potential to be used irresponsibly. You are loved. Evansville, IN Deaconess Sports Park. Where did you hear that we couldnt?!?! Other academic levels are not stringently held to these policies, but they must sign out if they want to return after curfew. God bless. And students coloring their hair is definitely not banned.just unnatural colors are like a student couldnt dye their hair green for instance. Secondly, it promulgates the idea that women's bodies are shameful and ought to be covered up. Cedarville would be served well to move on from archaic legalistic principles of the past towards being an example of grace and freedom in Christ. My e-mail address is Id go ahead and start packing. Some of the dating offenses include displays of affection beyond hand-holding both on- and off-campus, seeing one another in swimming or sunbathing attire, not exiting a car at the same time immediately upon turning off the engine, being caught alone together while at school, and going on single dates while a freshman. Additionally, using any source (such as D.A. It is not unreasonable for them to expect the students attending a Christian college to live up to the standards lai out for them. I went to ORU and two of my children as well. Third, many of these rules ban things that arent dangerous (eg dancing, scary or violent movies, and sex so long as the people involved know what they are doing and all proper precautions are used) and that are a lot of fun. So even if we (younger generation) are unholy, damned, and reckless WE have the right to be and i am proud to be invoking my first amendment rights, at this moment by stating my very valid oppinion because I CAN. But even there the use of the f word would have resulted in expulsion from class. She worked a part time job, attended church, volunteered at a local organization, was on a school team and carried a course load of 15 to 19 hours while maintaining a 3.8 GPA. Good job elarning to sneak though. 5:1921; Eph. You willingly agree to their rules when you come here and they arent a secret. I have a mission that I am just now working on, and Ive been at the glance out for such information.|. I went to the definitely not religious university of Iowa State University years ago. We hope you continue to read and criticize our articles. From my experience, most fundy kids figure this out a few years later than everyone else and finally start making decisions for themselves. I do believe Cedarville gets a lot of things right, especially in the area of academics. It was merely noted that many outside the affiliated fundamentalist organizations may look over their rules and find their jaws dropping. I would like if you can wright me. They love to give demerits there and everyone is encouraged to be a snitch. The main thing I learned from my year there was how to be sneaky. because An aquiantance who attended Bob Jones U told me that she was forced to accept an offer to go on a date with a guy she wasnt interested in because by not doing so she might miss the opportunity to meet the future mate God intended for her. Both my wife and I are hurt! They reserve the right to discipline any student who does so, most especially in cases when the politics and ideals expressed in the protests go against the schools extremely conservative beliefs. We are also warned to be careful about what we approve and to seek each others mutual edification. Required fields are marked *. You arent writing truth, you are writing opinion. You might want to take a closer look at everything that was going on at the time. I forget to mention the school name Christian So do they follow the rules or not? Will students at uber-Chritstian universities have this? Clearly, the answer to (b) will depend on the answer to (a). They are christain schools and everybody there must not only act like one but be one. you know, just as there are Christians who behave badly, there are secular women who have higher standards. I cant believe you missed out on Bob Jones U finally lifting their ban on interracial dating JUST ten years ago. The student body is also expected to maintain a standard of modesty at all times while on campus. Church attendance is required once a week, but it is not monitored. If you give your kids a firm understanding of probability, they wont even *want* to gamble. But do you know which degree is still highly valuable? Students are not allowed to use, purchase, share, or possess alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or any illegal drug on or off campus. Attempting to undermine everything I believe in? They make you attend a formal dinner every night and make you dress up for dinner too. DRESS AND APPEARANCE Our approach to standards for dress and appearance seeks to honor biblical principles of modesty as humility expressed in dress and to provide general guidelines appropriate for a Christ-centered educational institution. I wish that I could say that Asbury was an inspiration for my ethics and for the transformation in lifes journey but I have to say that came from my church experience, my family, UK, and other experience. I went to Asbury college and for a Christian college I have never had such a bad taste in my mouth for a group of people. Students are not permitted to attend parties where alcohol is being used in a manner that violates University standards. The admission office refused to release the student handbook until one signed on the dotted line, feet on campus for semester orientation and parents away from campus. Convocation was not that big of a dealit was actually pretty cool. I wouldnt go to any of these colleges, but youre giving them more crap than you should. Again, how many die every year from alcohol and tobacco? Those of you who are saying Oh SOMEBODY has to set standards for the youth. Guess what? I can understand dancing in a lewd manner in clubs being prohibited (not really, actually I cant understand most of these being prohibited even when it comes to upholding an image of morality) but what about ballet? Thank you for your feedback!! I bet theyre a lively and entertaining bunch). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. its not mans law they are concerned with, its, you know, His law.. And of course, students can meet ANYWHERE else on or off campus whenever they want. However, while I appreciate the desire to have a biblically based view on alcohol, I do believe this article misses the heart behind the rule of abstaining from alcohol while being a student at Cedarville. Your argument is no better than saying something is right because its in Mein Kampf or saying that Western values are wrong because they upset Osama bin Laden so much he destroyed some buildings. She said, as a Christian thats how I live my life anyway. They completely reach into the personal lives and convictions of their students, demanding that they refrain from such so-called perversions such as premarital sex, extramarital sex (even if both parties agree to an open relationship), and homosexuality. So sorry for everyone you had contact with. Attending chapel is mandatory, and it is heavily suggested that not participating in other Christian ceremonies or functions is highly frowned upon. Sickening!!! Hide/Show Additional Information For Notre Dame OH - February 24, 2023. The Yellow Jackets compete for championships in 16 NCAA. The last one about Liberty isnt even true. Allowing dancing at any school-related function on or off campus is strictly prohibited, though students are allowed to bust a few chaste, pre-approved moves at weddings, military balls, graduation exercises, church, and family occasions provided they refrain from attending clubs, bars, or parties that allegedly lead to temptation no matter what. But its greatly changed now. She had read many Christian books and had a wonderful library of these books. I have met people that go to PCC and they have all said only good things about it. follow you to church? This rule is just so that, again, we dont have students doing the dirty on campus. I agree that dancing and such is probably a step to far, but the types of people who go to Christian colleges and the like are probably not as bothered by the restrictions you name. You do, as an adult, have the right to transfer if a school does not fit your lifestyle. Nearly 70 percent of our undergraduates are under the legal drinking age. Premarital sex is wrong,the bible clearly states so amongst other things. Yay secularism! I wonder how they deal with Darwins theory? Leave your intelligent feedback down below or consider following CollegeTimes on Facebook or Twitter to stay updated or to get in touch! No one is being coerced into paying thousands of dollars to go if they dont want to. While it usually remains the students choice to partake of such environments, many outside the affiliated fundamentalist organizations may look over their rules and find their jaws dropping. 1 Corinthians 9:4 says, Do we not have the right to eat and drink? Paul goes on to argue that we should not do so if it would cause a stumbling block to other believers. Cedarville provides the following specific guidelines intended to help all students with their commitment to moral purity: Students are prohibited from accessing pornographic or obscene websites or creating links to such sites. I imagine that most people know about the tendency of people who live in extremely sheltered and restrictive environments to go wild as soon as these restrictions are removed and they realise how much freedom they have, because they never learnt self-control. When asked why not, her response is always that she lost a lot of her motivation and dedication for faith development because of the Asbury rules you were not allowed to grow up into responsible adulthood. and I would rather put up with some questionably strict rules if that meant that But some schools, most especially those affiliated with the evangelical Christian movement in the United States, raise a number of extremely difficult questions with their adherence to a highly restrictive code of values. Ive also chosen to go back this Fall because it follows the Bible and the rules discourage wrong things so it is Much easier to make right decisions! I totally agree. Adding onto my last post you must have been reading a 40 year old manual when you wrote this stuff about Asbury. My daughter graduated from Asbury this year. Forgery, providing incomplete or misleading information, scanning and not attending chapel, or misuse of your student ID card are examples of dishonesty that will result in discipline. Probably just pray around the clock and go to church (:::sarcasm face::: so fun!!! I dont know what they are trying to prove by stating the fact that The Passion was rated R for violence in their description. The rule is to err on the side of caution in wisdom. By the time we were ready to graduate and go to college, that important decision, like most others, had either already been made for us or pushed so strongly onto us that we felt there were no other options. -Engaging in or Supporting Homosexuality, this one is tricky. All serious and dastardly crimes against the institution. A little bit of bleeding and discomfort is not the end of the world at PCC. Hey Amos, youve got a very urgent meeting with Dr. Wood tomorrow. But please dont judge women by their sex life or their religion, as people like me will not judge you by the same nor by your faith. (If you do not understand that quote.) Jerry, Im sorry you and your wife had problems at Asbury. BUT, they do not have any rules against you watching them on your own, or even on things like violent video games. Yet, a fraction of that die from guns. Openly homosexual students are allowed to attend classes, but they must commit themselves to the same standards of staunch chastity as their heterosexual peers. If a student is of legal drinking age and wishes to imbibe in the summer, it is none of Cedarvilles business and does not impact them in any way. 1st of all we agree to go to these strict schools. Students re-paint 'The Rock' at Michigan State University, Feb. 15, 2023. 2:310; 1 Pet. The Catholic Church, for example If you think that sheltering yourself in colleges such as these is a good way to prepare for the world, then youre absolutely wrong. I read the comments first, and assumed that they were being prudes. Alcohol certainly should not be allowed in dorms as this can be highly damaging to the academic environment and abuse of alcohol that affects studies or endangers other students should result in disciplinary action. For these students, drinking is not only unwise, it is also illegal. While this is undoubtedly true, the policy fails in two major areas. Students are also prohibited from recreational drug use, misusing legally prescribed medications, or using synthetic street drugs or medical marijuana. This was not a good recipe for being a successful artist. In fact, Amos 9:14 says, I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit.. Emergency personnel respond to a shooting at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, U.S., February 13, 2023. NOT even accurate. You arent allowed to have your own opinions about anything and creativity and individuality is totally stifled. Sex that is forbidden and secretive just makes it all the more exciting. Certainly they are more strict and arbitrary in their rules than some of the schools here. You choose to goto these places and you definately visit them and see if it fits what you want a few years of your life to be a part of. To be sure, the school was known more for its strict rules back in the 1980s than for its educational prowess, and those rules were sexist (women had to wear skirts) and ridiculous (movie theatres were banned but VCRs weren't). The best approach is to research the college yourself and make your decsision. Maybe this list should just be 10 Strict Christian Colleges? God created sex. Go figure. If a student applies and is admitted to one of the educational institutions it is safe to assume that theyve read and have agreed to the guidelines. Perhaps they are harmful. Same reason why youre allowed to practice pretty much any religion and go here. NOTE: This is not a comprehensive argument for changing the alcohol policy at Cedarville and more articles will likely be posted in relation to this subject to review Biblical principles in depth. http://www.pcci.edu/ For these schools, leeching beyond the academic and school-related extracurricular functions and into the private lives of their students remains a high priority, with handbooks dictating very clearly how all of them must behave regardless of whether or not they live or play on campus. As one of the underground liberal minority at the college, I disagreed with almost all the guidelines. As for dancing it is entirely allowed. This university has impacted my life in so many ways, and has helped me see just how to integrate my faith and integrity into my career. In accordance with their Mormon faith, students must also refrain from the expected and reasonable discourteous and illegal behavior but coffee, tea, responsible alcohol consumption, and tobacco are also disallowed as well. Im very sorry that Pensacola was such a horrible experience for you but keep it to yourself. Cedarville goes far beyond regulations mandated in the DFSC Act by attempting to regulate the daily lives of their students whether on or off campus. Cedarville's first rule is undoubtedly pointed at women. I wonder if its the product of a fundamentalist Christian school (mine was formed at Catholic schools and cheering the murder of alleged gay people was never on the syllabus). For one year, I attended a college that was, easily, as strict as any of the above. Beards are completely banned without explicit permission from the school, and neither gender may color their hair or wear any form-fitting apparel. And finally Youre a different kind of stupid. When you look at little children laughing, or animals playing, or men and women gathering together to talk and experience the presence of others, youre witnessing God at work. Youre not supposed to be having sex in the first place, for one. They claimed to preach the message of God, but in his hour of need, while he struggled with substance abuse and depression, they kicked him out of the school. You should research before you post something. And we can definitely dance. On a related note, outright banning things often just makes them more appealing. I know its frustrating to have people object to aspects of your lifestyle and faith, but I dont think responding with condescending bias is helpful. This article reads like it was written by a the assistant editor of my high school newsletter with a skewed agenda and out dated infobut I enjoyed it. These places really need to get it together, damn. I walked away 15 years ago and still have not come back but there were many factors involved. 8; Gal. I would not refer it to anyone!!!! It is for our own health and safety that these rules are in place: rules which we WILLINGLY submit to. Social and dance clubs as well face quite a bit of consternation. Cedarvilles policy on alcohol is not founded in fact, policy, or Biblical principle. The school has a religious affiliation with the Baptist faith. Reading the article, Im finding myself agreeing. However, these organizations listed in this article are forcing students to live by ridiculously strict rules and I dont see how anyone can think this is the right way to live. Behavior that would cause property damage or directly impedes or disrupts the lawful activity of others. The first is that prohibition does not equip students for the reality of the world after they leave the campus of Cedarville University. God didnt make us to reject each other. put a sock in it. These are CHRISTIAN colleges: did you expect them to accept homosexuality, occultism, and premarital sex? Absolutely true! Your paragraph on Oral Roberts University is inaccurate. Its your belief. Eliane There are some rules that I whish didn't exist, but I understand why they are inplace, so they don't bother me all that much. While this article certainly peers into their doings from the perspective of an outsider, it admits that the real answers remain entirely subjective and highly nebulous. If, however, you only ensure that they grow up in an environment where these are banned, this only serves to increase their allure should they ever break free from the strict and dogmatic rules that you place to limit their actions.
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