Ive noticed people with their Mars at 0 degrees tend to not be very s*xual or dont care much about it, like it happens when it happens, sort of attitude. I personally like to see a bigger number of aspects and have some negative ones in there, versus a smaller number of aspects with mainly positive aspects. It'll round you out a little. Moon. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. Sagittarius degrees in love want to take their partner and travel the world and learn all of lifes secrets with them. Initially they might, but if you push them enough? Theyre the type to flirt with their partners by making subtle dirty jokes and are very sensual. Theyre also really good at dirty talk. And the Sun people are sincere in their intentions. Regardless, once a person masters this placement, they will give you their best and will aim to make you feel your best. I also love to learn about art too and social justice (since Libra degrees talk about fairness). They also may want to have sex under the influence of dr*gs or alc*hol. However, if an Aries sun is placed with another fire placement then they could definitely have anger issues LMAO. They also might be into BDSM; they enjoy being ab*sed during sex. I have this with my friend, and I see her as a sister. (Having their 7th house lord on your 1st or vice verse too, but these are talking about aspects not placements). Conversations arent forced. You guys make each other a part of your lives, and you guys do things for each other. It feels like the right thing to do. You find that the risks you take turn out for the better. Check out this article on Sun conjunct midheaven or you can also read this article about Sun conjunct Jupiter, if you want to learn more. Planets conjunct the north node in synastry are very important. a g*n, a t*ser, a switch bl*de, etc. Sun Square Moon: These individuals also struggle with their needs and wants. For example while this house rules creativity, shes very creative and wants be a fashion designer, whereas hes completely not interested in anything creative. If you want to get something, you will do everything necessary to achieve your goal. Their motto: slow and steady always wins the race. Like I said, theyre slow with love and take their time. My moon falls into my 4th house (25), and a lot of why I act like that is because of my upbringing and my childhood in general where I had to stay in control and couldnt let my emotions get the best of me since I had to grow up a lot faster than I wouldve wanted to (got personal there LMAO). Kinks (NSFW):Individuals with Cancer degrees in their Mars are likely to prefer traditional masculine energy if they like men, or prefer traditional feminine energy if they like women. The Ascendant person also teaches the Saturn person how to be more mature, and helps them accomplish their goals. I could also see them being into heavier set people i.e. The moons nodes show your souls mission in the birth chart. #astrology #asks #venus #sun #moon #jupiter Ambitions: Individuals with Aries degrees in their Mars are AMBITIOUS. Minor degrees included. At first, this is a really easy aspect and the relationship feels effortless. Scorpio and Aries moons definitely get along well, despite being fire and water signs. Theres this dark intensity to them, its kind of like a Lilith/Pluto energy, but less intense. Overall, they are cautious and ambitious lovers. Body part theyre likely to find most attractive on a partner: The ass LMAO,lower back, and skin. spanking, grabbing, an*l, p*gging, beads, etc. They stick to routines and stability. makeup, hairstyling, etc. This is again, enhanced in the 7th house in the 7 as I bring this way of thinking into my relationships. The Sun person will express many of the qualities that the North Node person is trying to emulate. Its not that you dont want to fulfill your promises, its that you overestimate your strength and willpower. Also, I use these darker aspects of life in my creative hobbies such as writing and drawing (19). Having a planet you have on your 7th house falling on their 1st house and a planet in your 1st house falling on their 7th house and vice-versa which would create an opposite between the two planets in the synastry chart. So in other words, even though each ingredient in the recipe is important and gives flavor to the whole recipe, you can't single out each ingredient and sort of put an umbrella over the relationship or the recipe. It is also possible that you were born while there is a significant event happening in the world. They also probably love giving/receiving hickeys and getting their neck grabbed. 7th house synastry at least for me, just fucks with my brain. Everyone thinks air Mars are just chill and avoid conflict. So let me know what you guys think! Both partners in Mars conjunct North Node synastry relationships share a strong emotional bond as well as an intense physical attraction towards each other. Sun sextile north node in the natal chart suggests that you can align your conscious self with your mission. Now you may not know what that means and that's okay I will get to that later on but that totally changes it. putting ice cubes on partners g*nitals. Obviously not everyone who has it will be LGBT+ but I have noticed it. Also, I could see divorced parents or a divorced family member being a big influence for them too. This bright star sheds its bright sun rays on Earth and neighboring planets. They prefer to see both sides and be a mediator in conflict. Im also obsessed with relationships as well and my relationships have quite literally changed my appearance. If youre looking for a casual thing, Id advise against doing that with someone you have this overlay with. They do not give a fuck. They also mightve struggled to control how they look; maybe their parents or guardians had a big say in how they would dress or maybe they had a school uniform, and they struggled with their sense of individuality. I'm a Virgo. I feel like every time I see a Cancer I always think theyre a Leo/Aries or a Pisces. They also might like the idea of a boss/employee r*leplay since it deals with work. taking their partner to a concert, playing romantic music for dinner, etc. Myself and the other people I know with this placement all have some form of an anxiety disorder. If you have the Sun sextile North Node synastry aspect, you most likely have the Sun trine South Node synastry aspect as well. Of course keep in mind that having only one or two of all of these is rarely enough to fall in love when you arent expecting to. This square isnt necessarily bad. Asteroid Destinn #6583 Conjunct Sun: Youre meant to be in each others lives. When it comes to asteroids, I personally dont take minor aspects into account, i.e. You have a strong ego. They have a heavy presence yet their eyes are so soft. Theyre also likely plan out what they wanna do during sex and like to find their partners ~ sensitive spots ~. Conjunctions, oppositions, and squares. I could also see a praise k*nk here. However, thats just my opinion. The Sun person, just who they are, it's almost as if they represent what the North Node person wants to be or wants to see in the world, and it feels right to both of them. Their south node conjunct your mercury: Indicates a karmic friendship or sibling relationship in the past. The Sun is the heart of the horoscope. I havethis with someone Im crushing on, and my friend said she could feel the tension between us. So for me, this means that I like romance and a traditional style of love. I could also see them quite literally using s*x to get ahead. Asteroids are small bodies, and in order to make a big influence in your chart they need to have conjunctions, aspects to personal planets, aspects to the AC, IC, DC, MC, in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house, or aspects to the chart ruler. In synastry that's not any different. This bright star sheds its bright sun rays on Earth and neighboring planets. In romantic relationships, Ive found that this really draws two people together. They also appear to be very well traveled, and if they have traveled, theyre likely to wear accessories from places theyve traveled to. Unevolved degrees can also be controlling in love. Theyre likely very interested in other cultures, and might even have a desire to live in another country to experience different cultures. Also, my best friend and I have a lot of squares in our synastry, but we get along great because we have other aspects that balance it out. Air Mars are def underestimated, theyll fuck you up. Ooof, the connection here is STRONG. doing the most for male attention). Sometimes it's referred to as the head of the dragon. It's the kind that gets you in the guts. someone whos in your class but you never talked to them, honestly I dont know how youd even get their info anyway but you get my drift). Id also say that they appear to be those kinds of people who just seem to have everything together (even if they dont). They also might love the idea of fucking on their wedding night. Venus: Your degree here shows how you love and how you best receive love. Pluto in the 4H overlay: This can become a very controlling and overdependent relationship if the individuals arent careful. They could also be motivated for attention by their preferred gender (i.e. Typical fairytale romance. It's actually an imaginary point. Capricorn degrees- 10, 22: With Capricorn degrees on the ascendant, this individual just screams CEO energy. Mercury in the 8th people are OBSESSED with revenge andgetting back at people who hurt them. This would definitely also be a placement that considers a job in the criminal justice field, as they want to help people, especially those who get hurt and struggle. Their north node conjunct your mercury: Empowers your dynamic thought processes, imagination and ability to communicate your future with others and with yourself. If you feel a major connection with someone, but you feel the synastry isntpassionate enough, dont let it deter you. This aspect is characterized by high career and social ambition. They also know how to give a really good death stare. All in all, Aquarius degrees are unique and exciting lovers. not wanting to be like them), theyd be inspired by them. Theyre also very big on self-expression as well, and are the types to shower you in compliments and be vocal in their love for you. Despite being aloof, they are still air signs. Ive seen this with siblings actually. Anyhoo,Libra degrees who are creative, and I imagine a lot of them are, see their partner as their muse and inspiration. As with the 7th house and 7 relationships are also a big motivator for me; I always want to do whats best for my relationship and will fight for my relationships no matter what it takes (this can be my downfall ofc). Kinks (NSFW): Individuals with Aries degrees in their Mars definitely like to take the lead, and theyre definitely the type to initiate it. Sun Semi-sextile Moon: Individuals with this aspect frequently adjust their paths and behaviors to adapt with others and lifes circumstances. I feel like I vibe very easily with water and earth sun signs, but I tend to grow the closest with air and fire signs. Sun conjunct/trine/sextile/opposite Moon (especially if the more masculine energy in the relationship is the sun and the moon the feminine energy). For example, my 11th house is in the 25, and this shows because quite literally I was ab*sed by my friends and bullied in middle school. They also might pursue a career in politics or public speaking, where they deal with a crowd. Every single person I know including myself have this and give scary death stares. Check out this article on. Well guys, Im done and Im starting to get tired from typing. This is also the degree of exploring, so theyre likely to explore different kinds of relationships and people who may not be their type. The Sun signifies the ego and masculine energy too. If that makes sense. At first, safety and security feel great, but the Nodal person will realize even unconsciously that they cant grow without a bit of instability. It would be so boring if nobody had a personality. However, the square is a dynamic aspect: you are forced to work on creating harmony between your Sun and your north node if you have a north node square sun natal aspect. 8th house synastry is not for the weak, its been years and I still think about her. They look like they come from money, even if they dont. They also might wear a lot of jewelry, particularly earrings. Mars: Your degree here shows your motivations and where theyre centered as well as how you are when youre angry. are challeging yet actually good in relationships and you might even feel really attracted to people with this type of synastry). The node person has to work hard to match it, or the relationship gets lopsided quickly. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this FREE personalized Video Moon Reading. These definitely wouldve been the kids who wanted to walk around everywhere and couldnt stay still. You shine, and you take pride in it! I always find myself arguing with them and they get crabby with me if I dont things a certain way. So if they feel theyre not getting an appropriate amount of praise from their current partner, theyll look elsewhere. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. So it's not a bad thing. Scorpio placements in general are just the fire signs of the water signs, if that makes sense. The North Node person is definitely in for an experience. I think its because of my Mars in the 7th. a dad bod), if not they enjoy the traditional masculine form. Well guys, thats my post! With the Sun in conjunction with your karmic energy, expect that you have much luck coming into your life. Seeing as how people adore you so much, Sun people feel satisfied with the attention and praises. Apparently Virgos do rule the eyes also. Even the ones who have a wandering eye, they will love you so hard, and I think thats what makes them so hard to resist Literally Jake Gyllenhaal has this placement and I think All Too Well sums up how fast love moves with a Sag Venus. Ive noticed ALOT of Capricorn suns have issues with their father. 8th and 12th house synastry needs to be considered in relationships. The Sun is not a planet. I could also see some of them being into some dark stuff, since this deals with our shadow side. This is the degree ofwealth of course. Make sure to look at the degrees of your Venus itself and the degree of the house it falls into! This is the degree of planning, they have their ideal life planned out and if they meet someone who wont be able to fit their plan, then theyre not interested. They like to call the shots in the relationship and are very bold in how they love you. Sun Quintile/Biquintile Moon: These individuals are naturally very creative and they see beauty in everything; even in things that might be mundane to others. Also they might have a breeding k*nk. You look at them and you want to save them. This degree also deals with earrings, which is funny because I have 5 piercings in my ears. They dont have to explain anything to each other, they just know. This is likely going to be a long lasting connection (unless its a family member LMAO youre always gonna be connected) if not a life-long connection. We have a very natural bond, and most people have to work to form relationships, but friendship was always so easily for us, and weve always felt comfortable around each other. I feel like I can embody a 7th house stellium personality and an 8th house stellium personality. Theyre soft but hot at the same time LMAO. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. Use whole sign and Placidus astrology for synastry, Ive found that both are applicable when looking at planet overlays. They wouldnt even want to wait until after the ceremony, theyd definitely want to sneak to the bathroom with their partner and have sex right then and there LMAO. This relationship is meant to teach the individuals something. With your natal Sun opposite north node, you feel that you have to choose between the Sun or the north node: you have to make an effort to use both at the same time. People with Pluto in the 7th, Saturn in the 7th, an afflicted or unaspected 7th house ruler, and Scorpio in the 7th, Ive noticed tend to get into relationships later in life, i.e. Their south node conjunct your Venus: This was undoubtedly a lover in your past and will bring forward subconscious and soul based memories of that. Ambitions:Individuals withCapricorn degrees in their Mars are extremely ambitious. Capricorn mercuries have the nicest voices imo. I could also see them having a breeding kink as well since this degree deals with pregnancy. A lot of times when the North node is involved, it isn't that way because it's outside of our comfort zone. LMAO. The amount of Libra energy here. It's sometimes called the karmic axis, which gives you some clues as to what its significance is, and in Vedic Astrology the North node is called Rahu. Scorpio risings and Gemini risings have that same smoldering look, except Gemini risings have a more mischievous smoldering look whereas with Scorpio risings its dark and intense. Speaking ofsynastry, 7th house synastry will really have you questioning if you should marry the person even if you dont like them. Hope you guys enjoy this post! Try stepping out of your comfort zone and listen to what he says he likes and what makes him comfortable. Also, when it comes to achieving their goals it might be slightly harder for them as this degree deals with lethargy and they may deal with periods of lethargy when trying to accomplish these things. This aspect might be almost unconscious, so the North Node person doesnt have to try. This can be a big motivator for them as this would make them great psychologists and therapists. Lastly, they might frequently be seen with their phone or using some kind of technology. Aries suns are the same way. Descendant. The partner to have when youre not feeling well. They also like to feel nurtured during sex and its a very emotional thing for them. They have these really deep and calming voices. Scorpio degrees when in love, will do anything for their partners. Ive found that people who I dont have a lot of aspects with in synastry, my relationships with them have never gone further than a first or second date. For some reason I always end up having beef or attracting people with Libra placements at one point or another. Scorpio degrees also tend to be very sexual with their partners (unless if theyre asexual lol). They also like to be romanced before having sex, they want to be wined and dined. Ambitions: Individuals with Leo degrees in their Mars are likely very strong-whether it be physically, mentally, or both. I could also see them perhaps become a pilot, since this degree deals with flying and high places. I could also see this placement having a breeding k*nk as well. Theyre also motivated by all the darkness and taboos of life that theyd want to have careers that deal with them such as a forensic psychologist, FBI agents, etc. Taurus degrees must learn that everyone has their ideas of love and it may or may not align with their idea of it. Id also say that this individual likes to get manicures a lot; if not that they usually keep their hands and nails well groomed. Maybe Ill do a post about it. This relationship simplyfeels right, even if its scary. They see sex as spiritually binding, and they have a desire to fully merge with their partner. They also may prefer shorter/more petite partners. Each aspect is worth 1 point. Also, my father was apart of these transformations because he divorced my mom and this created a big transformation for me. Ambitions: Individuals with Gemini degrees in their Mars are likely great communicators and theyd likely want to pursue a career with a lot of communication, i.e. Aquarius Eros, Lilith in the 11th, Mars in the 11th, Mars Square Pluto, and Aquarius Mars are into some k*nky shit bro.
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