People called out the law as hypocritical and unfair since there was no such ruling against similar pets like hamsters and guinea pigs. In Kansas, individual counties may by resolution or petition prohibit the sale of alcohol in public places where 30% or less of their gross revenue comes from the sale of food, according to Kansas State Legislatureand TIME. 2. Many of them were Civil War veterans or immigrants who had lost limbs or suffered severe burns, and they were left penniless on the street. Every state has it's weird laws, and Pennsylvania is no exception!----Patreon----Do you want early access to my content and other benefits?Sign up at www.pat. Germany banned making any loud, excessive noises during quiet hours which are typically between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Marriage. Quit getting married. 34. When the sun reappears after the long and dark winter months, the local people of Longyearbyen observe the Solfestuka festivity. In Virginia, it is illegal for a man to kick a woman out of bed. 5. Have You Heard About These Wacky Laws? Sounds like an amusement park ride for the donkey, but apparently the town didnt see it that way. Shady psychics probably wont bother jumping through all the hoops. Final verdict:This sounds completely unconstitutional, but Mississippi passed a law in 2013 stating that you can only have one illegitimate child. The worlds northernmost capital is Nuuk, and it belongs to Greenland, Whittier, Alaska a town where almost all its citizens live under one roof. If it keeps creepy clowns of the road, we're OK with it. We're not sure why this law was ever necessary. (1) It is illegal to pretend to practice witchcraft in Canada. Any products made in whole or in part from the hair say, a coat made of 101 dalmatians may result in a fine of $2,500 and a ban on owning a dog or cat for 15 years after conviction, according to the State of Delaware. The law is no longer enforced, of course, but back in the day, people who were deemed too unsightly for the public eye were slapped with a $25 fine over $400 in today's currency. Or parties on campus? Its basically a cow with toothpicks for legs. Everywhere in the world, you can find weird laws and Texas is no exception. It is not clear why this ever became a law or a rumoured law in the first place. It joined the European Community (now the EU) with Denmark in 1973 but withdrew in 1985 over a . To prevent any old Joe from masquerading as one, though, Massachusetts requires fortune-tellers to live in the state for a minimum of a year before applying for a license. There's a right and a wrong way to eat fried chicken. Sadly, its not. In Saudi Arabia, there is no minimum age for marriage. 14. Top 10 Most Ridiculous Alcohol Laws In USA. However, her spokesman suggested that the police concentrate on more serious crimes. It's illegal to hang the laundry on Sunday. Since 1986, US authorities have had the legal right to access any 180-day old email, without a warrant. Final verdict: Nevada takes itself a little too seriously sometimes. Spread the word The world's northernmost capital is Nuuk, and it belongs to Greenland, while the world's northernmost town that has more than a thousand permanent residents is Longyearbyen and it belongs to Norway. To solve the funeral issue the local government of Svalbard reportedly requests any dead bodies to be taken to the mainland of Norway for burial, either by plane or by boat. Final verdict:This one is just plain common sense, but in Wyoming, enough people went skiing after a few too many drinks that preventative measures were taken. This health code likely made its way into the books to protect competitors at the Calaveras County Fair and Frog Jumping Jubilee, a decades-old tradition in the gold-mining town of Angels Camp. Nevertheless, the strange assortment for burial is not the only weird law active in Longyearbyen. Apparently, two pickle farmers were caught selling pickles that werent fit for human consumption back in the 1940s. In Kentucky, a woman cannot remarry the same man more than three times. Spitting is also illegal and can result in arrest. If your party trick is crushing beer cans between your bare breasts, be warned. Final verdict: No, someone didn't get a coin stuck in their ear. In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday. Though the subject has been reviewed in the French parliament several times since then, the law has not been repealed and is still strictly enforced. 64. This weird Nevada law is founded on logic - although that might not seem apparent at first. In Florida, its illegal to fart in a public place after 6pm on a Thursday. Even the worlds northernmost ATM is installed here. Oh Canada? Here are 20 weird Canadian laws that you never knew Dogs cannot travel in the back of open-top vehicles. To carry, manufacture, sell, or handle any non-biodegradable, plastic-based confetti is unlawful, according to Municode Library. Top 10 unusual laws from around the world | Veena World The ban on porch couches is still active in 2021. 56. Whatever you say, Washington. It's Illegal to Do What? Strange Laws and Why They Exist In Australia, men are free to cross-dress, just as long as their dresses are not strapless. Here are 13 weird laws in Ohio that we are willing to bet you didn't know about. "Fornication" or sex is completed banned, except for married couples. Also illegal in England is flying a kite to the annoyance of locals, getting drunk in a pub, ringing a doorbell without lawful excuse, or keeping pigs outside your house. In Reno, its illegal to sit down on public sidewalks because the point of sidewalks is to walk. No, you cant lie down on them, either. 2. We're not sure why its any safer if youre sleeping standing up, but well go with it. Let's begin with one of the most frequently cited state laws, which reportedly requires that "all apple pie in Wisconsin must be served with a slice of cheese on it.". (Indio or Dusti just wouldnt cut it. Employers must ensure that their employees participate in the scheme or risk fines of up to $19 million. Sometimes, these laws border on the seriously ridiculous, and other times they point to important cultural values that might be different than your own. 33. In fact, if you're super into astrology, you might want to stay away from the town altogether. Swearing can lead to a fine, as can lying on park benches or climbing trees. After the donkey was rescued, the town passed one of the weirdest laws in the country, which forbids donkeys from sleeping in bathtubs. 18. In some cases, both the bride and the groom are absent. The material carries into the clouds and stimulates precipitation, which creates a fresh sheet of powder for skiers. The course for this frozen version of Golf is snow fields along with icebergs in between. Its considered harassment, as it should be. 10. 30. Have you been wondering recently how to take better care of your SO? Only in America would a donut chain require a new law like this to be written. However, nothing saved the lovely little houses as an avalanche took momentum back in 2015 and wiped out almost the entire center of the settlement. 37. Apparently, it will become legal in 2015 (how sweet). All countries have their set of weird customs and laws and Iceland is no exception. While this law appears to be a direct assault on the First Amendment, it's thought to have been conceived in order to protect the public. In 2007, a barmaid was found to be in breach of the Liquor Control Act and fined A$1,000 as a result of entertaining her customers this way. Final verdict:Finally, annoying little sisters who listen in will get what's coming to them! Where this law exists: Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. 19. In France it's illegal to name your pig Napoleon. The list goes on. 19 Weird Laws You Might Have Broken | Mental Floss So, in 2008, Japan banned its citizens from being fat. 1. Unique Facts And Weird Laws #42: Greenland by Chitter Chatter - Anchor Final verdict: Dunkin Donuts and coffee are as American as it gets, and so is this weird law. Stupid Laws - Stupid Laws 2. 10 Ludicrous Laws from the Middle Ages That We Still Break Today After one too many drunken parties ended in stealing and subsequently burning couches left on porches, the city of Boulder, Colorado took action. Sadly, thanks to the Licensing Act 1872, it's also illegal and could land you a 200 fine and almost a year in jail. Llama Crossing Road Sign // Bolivia. He could choose to reincarnate far away from Tibet. Unbelievably Weird Laws in America that Still Exist 13 strange and interesting facts about Iceland - Real Word Some of these animals are polar bears, musk oxen, sea eagles, reindeers, humpback whales and walruses. The fact that it needed to be made a law means that someone tried it, doesnt it? Unbelievable Belgian laws. As we all know, one of the things you really need in a childrens character is prominent genitals. The law came into effect in 2008, and many teenagers were outraged and protested. One lighter margarine law, however, stuck around: Restaurants were forbidden to substitute margarine for butter unless a customer requested it for fear of triggering allergic reactions. No pun intended. When it entered the Kentucky Constitution in 1849, the law was meant to deter men who might aspire to public office from participating in the once rampant Southern tradition. The reason for this law comes down to respect for cultural traditions. How about laws in retrograde. 20. The "urban beautification" initiative dates back to 1927when an all-white circle of Hawaii's power wives created the Outdoor Circle Club and lobbied for the ban on outdoor ads. Also, when you return to your hotel, you must not dry your towels by hanging them out the window. Only about one in every 30,000 deer is born albino. (Calling your child Reignbeau or Kal-El would fall under this heading.) The law is still upheld today. Except strangely, you dont see people as equally outraged about this as they are about gay sex. 50 dumb laws in America - Police1 Many elements of Hawaiian culture were repressed, so understandably, native Hawaiians didnt want their coins stuck in peoples ears. Offenders can be sentenced to 25-year long prison time. Given how cold it is in the specific region, people are not allowed to have a regular burial. In Tennessee it is legal to carry a loaded firearm into a bar. If you have been swimming, you must not wear your swimming costume after leaving the beach. In Turin, Italy, dog owners must take their dogs on a walk at least three times a day. In Sweden it is illegal to be found buying the services of a prostitute, even though prostitution is legal. So, if you don't want to pay a fine of up to $200 then please keep a safe distance from electrical wires and don't die because of them. The law originated during the 1860s, when San Francisco was at the center of the California Gold Rush. Just quit it. Luckily, after youre finally over your ex, its perfectly legal to marry someone else. In Britain, it is illegal to carry a plank along the pavement. Fun facts about Iceland | Reykjavik Excursions 17. Three town residents must attest in writing that the animal is loose, and its owner must fail to reclaim or confine the beast after notice is given, according to Missouri State Legislature.
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