Such records must be maintained for 24 consecutive calendar months after completion of training. (1) Airports serving scheduled air carrier operations only by reason of being designated as an alternate airport; (2) Airports operated by the United States; (3) Airports located in the State of Alaska that only serve scheduled operations of small air carrier aircraft and do not serve scheduled or unscheduled operations of large air carrier aircraft; (4) Airports located in the State of Alaska during periods of time when not serving operations of large air carrier aircraft; or, [Doc. learn more about the process here. One of the courses, Preparing for a 14 CFR Part 139 Audit, is particularly timely for TLH. Each vehicle required under 139.317 must be maintained as follows: (1) The vehicle and its systems must be maintained so as to be operationally capable of performing the functions required by this subpart during all air carrier operations. (ii) Within 4 minutes from the time of alarm, all other required vehicles must reach the point specified in paragraph (h)(2)(i) of this section from their assigned posts and begin application of an extinguishing agent. Part 139 Airport Certification Definitions Definitions - Part 139 Airport Certification Terms Used in 14 CFR Part 139 The revised Part 139 contains more definition than those shown below. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, the following rescue and firefighting equipment and agents are the minimum required for the Indexes referred to in 139.315: (a) Index A. (3) The independent organization or designee prepares records required under this part in sufficient detail to assure the certificate holder and the Administrator of adequate compliance with the Airport Certification Manual and the requirements of this part. Shared-use airport means a U.S. FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the equipment, material, installation, and maintenance of marking, sign, and lighting systems listed in this section that are acceptable to the Administrator. (b) The snow and ice control plan required by this section must include, at a minimum, instructions and procedures for -. ( b) Increase in Index. Each aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicle that is required to carry dry chemical, halon 1211, or clean agent for compliance with the Index requirements of this section must meet one of the following minimum discharge rates for the equipment installed: (1) Dry chemical, halon 1211, or clean agent through a hand line - 5 pounds per second. (e) The plan required by this section must contain procedures for notifying the facilities, agencies, and personnel who have responsibilities under the plan of the location of an aircraft accident, the number of persons involved in that accident, or any other information necessary to carry out their responsibilities, as soon as that information becomes available. ( a) No person may operate an airport subject to this part unless that person adopts and complies with an Airport Certification Manual, as required under this part, that - ( 1) Has been approved by the Administrator; ( 2) Contains only those items authorized by the Administrator; (k) The emergency plan required by this section must be submitted by each holder of a Class II, III, or IV Airport Operating Certificate no later than 24 consecutive calendar months after June 9, 2004. Any limitations imposed by the Administrator, 4. (5) Procedures to be followed during air carrier operations that at a minimum includes -. (3) Immediately after an accident or incident. Latest Forms, Documents, and Supporting Material All Historical Document Collections OMB Details Initial Certification of Airports, Reporting Federal Enterprise Architecture: Transportation - Air Transportation Each applicant for an Airport Operating Certificate must -. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, whenever the requirements of subpart D of this part cannot be met to the extent that uncorrected unsafe conditions exist on the airport, the certificate holder must limit air carrier operations to those portions of the airport not rendered unsafe by those conditions. Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Index determination. (v) Use of the fire hoses, nozzles, turrets, and other appliances required for compliance with this part. January 1, 2019. Associated learning components 2. In 2004, FAA issued a final rule that revised the Federal airport certification regulation [Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 139 (14 CFR Part 139] and established certification requirements for airports serving scheduled air carrier operations in aircraft designed for more than 9 passenger seats but less than 31 passenger seats. (1) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section; and. (ii) Aspects of the wildlife hazards described in the wildlife hazard assessment that should be reevaluated. (3) To the extent practicable, provide for an emergency response for the largest air carrier aircraft in the Index group required under 139.315. (2) Are authorized by the Administrator at the time the construction, reconstruction, or expansion began if construction, reconstruction, or significant expansion of the runway or taxiway began on or after January 1, 1988. 14 CFR Part 139 requires FAA to issue airport operating certificates to airports that: Serve scheduled and unscheduled air carrier aircraft with more than 30 seats; Serve scheduled air carrier operations in aircraft with more than 9 seats but less than 31 seats; and The FAA Administrator requires to have a certificate. (v) Discrepancy reporting procedures; and. (4) Fire stations, as specified in the airport emergency plan. (1) Provide measures to alleviate or eliminate wildlife hazards to air carrier operations; (2) Be submitted to, and approved by, the Administrator prior to implementation; and. Such procedures must ensure personnel are trained, as specified under 139.303, and receive initial and recurrent instruction every 12 consecutive calendar months in at least the following areas: (i) Airport familiarization, including airport signs, marking and lighting. (e) The training required in paragraph (b)(6) of this section must include at least the following: (1) At least one supervisor with each fueling agent must have completed an aviation fuel training course in fire safety that is authorized by the Administrator. Title 14 was last amended 2/23/2023. (5) Instrument landing system (ILS) critical area markings. If the airport is open for air carrier operations at night, the wind direction indicators, including the required supplemental indicators, must be lighted. A description of the facilities, equipment, personnel, and procedures for meeting the aircraft rescue and firefighting requirements, in accordance with, 17. 139.201 General requirements. (2) A system and procedures for recall of the full aircraft rescue and firefighting capability must be included in the Airport Certification Manual. (2) Average daily departures of air carrier aircraft. (3) Each safety area must be capable under dry conditions of supporting snow removal and aircraft rescue and firefighting equipment and of supporting the occasional passage of aircraft without causing major damage to the aircraft. This document is available in the following developer friendly formats: Information and documentation can be found in our FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the lighting of obstructions that are acceptable to the Administrator. In the event a PPR is received for an unscheduled air carrier arrival, airport operations or maintenance staff will be on-site. (2) On the Regional Airports Division Manager's own initiative, if the Regional Airports Division Manager determines that safety in air transportation requires the amendment. (iv) Emergency communications systems on the airport, including fire alarms. (d) The wildlife hazard assessment required under paragraph (b) of this section must be submitted to the Administrator for approval and determination of the need for a wildlife hazard management plan. (b) Each certificate holder must establish and maintain standards authorized by the Administrator for protecting against fire and explosions in storing, dispensing, and otherwise handling fuel (other than articles and materials that are, or are intended to be, aircraft cargo) on the airport. When requested by the Regional Airports Division Manager, the certificate holder must provide this notification in writing. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. 1. under 14 CFR part 121 or public charter operations under 14 CFR part 380. Any reduction in the rescue and firefighting capability from the Index required by paragraph (a) of this section, in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, must be subject to the following conditions: (1) Procedures for, and the persons having the authority to implement, the reductions must be included in the Airport Certification Manual. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. Module 3 FAR Part 139 Title 14 CFR for Operations: Subpart C: Airport Certification Manual The Airport Certification Manual or ACM contains the airport's plan of how it will meet Part 139 minimum standards. If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting (5) Index E includes aircraft at least 200 feet in length. Airport Certification Manual prepared in accordance with subpart C. How long is the Airport operating Certificate good for? If replacement equipment is not available immediately, the certificate holder must so notify the Regional Airports Division Manager and each air carrier using the airport in accordance with 139.339. Each vehicle required under 139.317 must be equipped with two-way voice radio communications that provide for contact with at least -. (iii) Instrument landing system (ILS) critical area signs. That statutory provision contains stand-alone requirements for such air carriers and special exceptions for operations in Alaska and outside the United States. Twenty-four consecutive calendar months for aircraft rescue and firefighting and emergency medical service personnel training records, as required under 139.319. 14 CFR part 142 programs provided by ATP Jet Simulation, Inc. 2023 ATP Request More Information . (b) Each certificate holder must maintain its safety areas as follows: (1) Each safety area must be cleared and graded and have no potentially hazardous ruts, humps, depressions, or other surface variations. Each certificate holder must ensure the following: (1) All rescue and firefighting personnel are equipped in a manner authorized by the Administrator with protective clothing and equipment needed to perform their duties. (g) Agent discharge capacity. (7) The fire code of the public body having jurisdiction over the airport. Choosing an item from (i) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section; and.