If so then wheres the genetic descendantcy of white besides the colonizing unaltered British or whatever bloodline in the West Indies today? History is on the table not politics, but I fully embrace the author of the blog to provide sources in effort to clear up all the confusion thats been created. [] Source: How Blacks have Irish Last Names []. Have you met Jesus . The Irish were endentured servants. It is well recorded that African slaves, not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology and more expensive to purchase, were often treated far better than their Irish counterparts. The truth is, you are an Israelite. I have about 3 lines of my family in which this happened. Their original homeland was Monaghan, where their surname is still the most common. Smh. if you go to a protestant area in belfast they are putting polish and africans out of the area. Moore 21. go and watch the black irish of monsaretti they are proud of there irish hertiage and know that there ancsters were from ireland and africa. If I had to hazard a guess, Id say familiarity. Murphy 2. You are full of hate just as the Brits have planned, well done you have fallen for the divide and just by giving us the label of white you are empowering us. Thank you for sharing the madness and anger that lives within my Irish family. We highlight the most inspiring experiences Ireland has to offer. (skip gates, wanda sykes, all have traced their roots to irish women who paired up with african men.). They either came to America as slaves, or moved to America in more modern times. The Norman invasions of 1170 and 1172 led by Strongbow saw yet another wave of immigrants settle in the country, many of whom fiercely resisted English dominance of the island in the centuries that followed. Excellent writing and a great read. We must stop perpetuating that the Irish were slaves, it is a fallacy. From what I understand, the African slaves didnt have or use last names during that time period. So they forgot where there came from, slavery and became slavers or helped them. Africa is a huge continent. A brief history the movements of Celts across Europe. This was about 14% of all the recorded Kelley's in USA. This reveals another cruel and inhumane treatment of the human family towards each other. British Penal Code offenders, Irish Rebels and, the destitute hardly have the power to enter into voluntary servitude (whether some poor actually did or not), it would be like calling your dog a voluntary pet. Should we question if being enslaved was not as horrific for those who were lighter skinned because the may not have has as harsh living conditions? 10. Id not opt to tell a modern day slave (servant?) I understand what youre saying ny brother. The Irish have, throughout history been very cruel to African Americans so let them the many of them wear the title of red neck like it is their badge of honor. Ever wonder why those hillbillies talk funny? Doyle is one of the most common surnames in County Mayo. ONeill is perhaps one of the most famous Gaelic surnames worldwide. Surname Origin: Irish Alternate Surname Spellings: O'SULLIVAN, OSULLIVAN What yall ;need to figure out is why this history has been buried and who is gaining from that. This is not a racial issue; it is humanitarian issue! Irish family names can tell stories, too. Are we interested in championing numbers or political views here? We shouldnt be in the business of a numbers game when it comes measuring ils with a much smaller indigenous culture (the native Gaelic Catholics) of Ireland with as compared to the West and Sub-Saharan African regions. One of the most famous McLoughlins is author and television presenter Coleen Rooney (neMcLoughlin). Often, female Blacks slaves were impregnated by their masters to create more slaves. Murphy (56648) 2. Widespread and woven into many different cultures around the globe, Irish surnames are ever-present today. Most planters were multimilionaires by todays standards so purchasing thousands of enslaved blacks every 5 years to replaced the thousands who died from starvation, dehydration, disease, exposure, infection, brutality, suicide and mutilation was a minor expense. Thanks for your research. In the sixteen hundreds EVERYONE came as indentured servants including Africans. Protestant landholders? I have to go back and check to see if the word slave is even in it. I will just say that both existed and as such proves that anyone who is racist and thinks they are justified in being racist is wrong because even with differences of culture, tradition and society all people are the same and we should all treat each other equally and with equal respect. They served for an agreed amount of time (usually seven years), the agreements were not always honored. There are still people living under those conditions, especially in AfricaSierra Leone, for example. However, this isnt auditing who had it better and who had it worse!!! Whether or not this was an actual invasion or rather a more gradual migration and assimilation of their culture by the native Irish is open to conjecture, but there is sufficient evidence to suggest that this latter explanation is more likely. The division of humans was more to do with social characteristics, rather than physical ones. Saying that she believes Ireland - her homeland - is the most enchanting place she has ever been and is passionate about documenting the Emerald Isle. So it comes as no surprise that no matter where you go, you tend to run into classic Irish names. Did you assume the Irish always spoke English? Reblogged this on Eccentric and Bent and commented: Wilson 27. Lets also not confuse slavery with meaning only chattel slavery. British politician, writer, and broadcaster Bryan Magee is one of the most well-known Magees. Famous OConnors include singer Sinad OConnor, novelist Flannery OConnor, and retired United States Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Sandra Day OConnor. Their names would have been familiar enough to any English masters. & why St.Patricks day is arguably one of the most celebrated holidays on the island. B. A quick review of Irish history reveals that the island was. History is only created in the past . And it is entirely possible that they formed families with the native peoples there, or when the slaves were finally freed by England in the English colonies of the West Indies, in the 1830s, with them and that could be how so many African Americans have Irish surnames. Where the Black Irish really came from and no, it wasnt the Spanish Armada, Mariah Careys Black Irish liquor cannot be sold in Ireland due to legal battle, International Irish Coffee Day: The history and recipe of Irish coffee. Chances are, you can find her drinking coffee in some hidden gem cafe in Dublin, planning her next big trip. With this, Irish people and families began to associate with the collective surname of O'Dubhghaill. Should you be keen to learn more about Irish names, check out some of these articles: The 10 most popular Irish surnames worldwide, Top 100 Irish Surnames & Last Names (Family Names Ranked), Top 10 Irish surnames youll hear in America, The top 20 most common surnames in Dublin, The 10 Hardest to Pronounce Irish Surnames, 10 Irish surnames that are always mispronounced in America, Top 10 facts you never knew about Irish surnames, 5 common myths about Irish surnames, debunked, 10 actual surnames that would be unfortunate in Ireland, 100 popular Irish first names and their meanings: an A-Z list, 20 Most Popular Irish Gaelic Baby Names Today, Top 20 HOTTEST Irish Girl Names Right Now, Most popular Irish baby names boys and girls, The 10 hardest to pronounce Irish first names, Ranked, Top 10 Irish boy names that nobody can pronounce, 10 Irish First Names You Rarely Hear Anymore, Top 20 Irish Baby Boy Names Thatll Never Go Out of Style, How DNA kits can tell you how Irish you are. Learn more. Irish revolutionary Michael Collins is one of the most famous Irish people with this surname. And I would love to see references that prove that White Irish people were less expensive to purchase than African slaves. Irish was not even a nationality at the time Catholic hovel living tenant farmers who couldnt vote, couldnt hold office, were taxed for their religious beliefs, couldnt pass the land to their children, couldnt learn in Catholic schools, had their language officially prohibited, subsisted on the potato, and were largely ignored when they were starving to death by their ruling government (Britain), evicted from their homes, sent off to die in the workhouses of Ireland, women shipped out in the scheme of assisted emigration, did I forget something? British actress and screenwriter Emer Kenny is one of the most well-known Kennys. But this example is of the opposite. Especially admitting anyone enslaved them!!!!!! They were owned by an Irish family. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. This slave trade, and the bigotry in the past and now, is very complicated issues; dont oversimplify them by making it an issue of Black vs White. Karen, first and foremost thank you for your reply. Interesting read. But nowadays American people ( so called african americans and redneck irish) are all dumbed down, thats why you are fighting to be the worst treated slaves. Slavery in any format is wrong. Whenever they rebelled or even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Nowhere in the article did the author claim that the treatments to the Irish were worse. Stop with this damn lie. King James II and Charles I also led a continued effort to enslave the Irish. Rarely youll find them listed by age, gender and a first name NEVER A LAST NAME. Another clue are terms "Black Dutch" and "Black Irish." These were used by families to hide their ethnicity. Nile of the nine hostages was a bit of a devil. But this should not turn into a contest of who had it worst. These are not the same. Indentured servitude did not last as long as or was as vast as outright chattel race based life long slavery in America. The defeat of the Vikings at the Battle of Clontarf in the year 1014 by Brian Boru marked the end of the struggle with the invaders and saw the subsequent integration of the Vikings into Irish society. Slavery of some form exists now. Irish slavery is not often talked about because its hard to find people who are stupid enough to believe that bullshit. With an understanding of the Norman invaders and their integration into Irish society, we can deduce that this is, in fact, where the term Black Irish spawned from. After Cromwell there was such a situation, that later was deemed less desirable in a cost/benefit calculation, because of Irish poverty they could get the same benefit by using indentured servitude.*footnote. But animals of higher value are often treated better than less. I do so only under protest. People hardly wanna learn African names now and wanna say Ill call you _______ but anyway I have an Irish last name because of my moms dad but I also have a French last name that originated in Germany. Is a Black slave with an Irish father any less Irish than African? Heres a case for you to review (take your time): Master Samuel Symonds against Irish slaves: Law Case, Master Samuel Symonds against Irish slaves. Also: The Gaelic word for foreigner is "gall" and for black (or dark) is "dubh.". From a young age, nomadic parents placed a strong emphasis on education in real experience and the outdoors - a trait which has carried through her life and into her career. Moonshine? Theres ample others who would be willing to debate this with you. The name Cullen is best known from the fictional family of the Twilight book and film series. The Irish were brought over as indentured servants. But I digress; apparently what Chloes real point is by this previous statement is that, when/if Whites talk about how a part of their race was oppressed and enslaved at one point in history that it somehow diminishes and lessens the Blacks slave history and only serves to to make Whites feel better about them-selves. now what were we to do not fight back the ira would never of been invented had the brits not tortured us and refused us basic human rights. Something to keep in mind as you read. My dad is African-American and his last name is Hare. I am black American and have African indentured servants in my lineage. What Im saying is that youre complete idiot.) There really is no comparison! So ledgers are a great place to start, but the the ending point. Irish slaves. Donohue Irish. Slavery is age old and always horrific. Since the black slavery prevailed, likely it was worse. The main difference is that 600,000 people died in a civil war to end Black slavery, not Irish indentured service. There you go again, oversimplifying a complicated issue. King is one of the most famous people with this surname. This is further evidence that despite the evil of Irish slavery, Irish slaves were strangely still seen as human. We need to move past focusing on just one point in history to see the big picture. This is sometimes used to by Irish to distance themselves from the slaveholdinhs in America. The Essex Institute: Salem, 1912. They got to keep their last names because they were easy to pronounce.. Its common sense guys. Likewise, what makes all Blacks the same? If they existed they were unenforceable because Irish did not have to change their race to blend in and be accepted. Louisiana is one hundred apologetically AFRICAN roots. January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate. Liam Hogan does a pretty good job of refuting this pseudohistory. Walsh (35358) 4. Nevertheless, from research, it appears the most likely reason for this term in Irish culture is to describe an intent as dark invaders or black foreigners of the Irish country. One of the most famous Thompsons is actress Emma Thompson. I think that this article is an insult to the horrors that blacks had to go through during slavery. It is also fascinating to see that American society changed its caste system from strictly class based to skin based in just a couple of centuries. Irish names and surnames are steeped in our country's rich tradition and centuries of history. That meant they came here and worked their debt off and paid for their freedom. The impact of freeing the slave would be felt much more to the Confederates than the Union. The common Sullivan surname means "hawk-eyed" or "little dark-eyed one," derived from the Irish sildhubhn, from suil, meaning "eye" and dubh, meaning black. 2. If you dont think so then sign over your person to an employer for a while and tell me if that feels like service. I am in my late 40s. Maybe its time we stop fighting with each other and start learning from each other? All of the people I have ever met with the last name Orr have been white, Im a brown girl. Again, just a guess. my mother in law was called Shanks, we are Irish from the north of Ireland. I was born in Jamaica & was told a little about this by an Irish funeral director. Famous Clarkes include actresses Emilia Clarke and Melinda Mindy Clarke. So, no, Irish did not get to keep their names, they got to keep their anglicized names, just like African slaves. It was written in the year 916 A.D. that the lord of Aidhne, Tigherneach Ua Cleirigh, died in County Galway. African slaves were very expensive, slave trade controlled by Spain/Portugal/Netherlands, all enemies of Cromwell so he created another supply line. It is commonly found in County Tipperary and neighbouring counties. The intention of this was to divulge their cultural stance and tell of their intentions to bring force and darkness upon Ireland. Another part of history that is not covered in our history books. Otherwise, I agree there needs to be some factual citations presented with the article. Where did you find this information? The Irish language was nearly extinct and was only spoken in very remote parts of the country for a long period of time. They could be biological descendants of an Irish or Scottish family. The African slave trade was a better deal. Indentured is a form of slavery. The West, wrongly puts Africa, which is a continent not a country, as all the same people. So if Irish slave girls intercoursed with black slave men, how did the Irish names carry through? I want to thank everyone for reading my postit was a topic Ive been pondering for a while..I was tired of being asked the same questions over and over..your last name is Irish but you are black. 5. Cathal OByrne As I Roved Out: A Book of The North. McCarthy 14. O'Sullivan 4. While the Irish did not have it good they had much better circumstances than slaves. The large wave of Irish immigrants to the US in the 19th century has no direct lineage with the Barbados group, were granted the status of whiteness very early, and were actively involved in violent attacks on Blacks, Asians and other ethnic groups competing for jobs. Children sent north. The KKK was waning so they turned their hatred back to the Irish. As far as Irish slaves being treated worse than African slaves, not true. Racism based on the color of your skin post dates the bulk of African slavery, and predates the arrival of most Americans ancestors. I dont care what race you are, if you want to commit crime be ready to do the time and stop crying that you got caught and the other criminals got away. Disgusting hypocrites and totalitarians, thats what they are. Second, how does the Civil War, even if it were just about slavery, diminish the atrocities of slavery, war, and maltreatment of the Irish? What about the Irish in the south? X-Factor winner Shane Ward is one of the most well-known Wards. 4. Interesting read on the landowners and the British rule in Ireland. Stewart is a very popular Irish surname. One of the most famous Nolans is film director Christopher Nolan. Daly 25. Shame on you. Sign up to IrishCentral's newsletter to stay up-to-date with everything Irish! They should be and should have been more like the Cajuns and quit they need to stop trying to corrupt the Cajuns. Dont forget modern recorded history versus older nonrecorded history or minutely recorded history. If we were going Per capita I would 100 percent say yes!!! O'Connor 10. Surnames today: There are many different origins for Irish names today but the vast majority can be broken down into either of three categories: Gaelic Irish, Cambro-Norman, and finally Anglo-Irish. The term is used among people of Irish descent and sometimes confuses people since it doesn't refer to dark skin color. Their names would have, at this point, been changed to more Anglicised versions. Sure there is a difference, but servant is a perhaps a misnomer. This answers a hell of a lot for me. After the end of the atlantic slave trade ended in the early 19th century, breeding was encouraged, and more fertile women were preferred over non birthing prolific women. I dont know why you are so proud because they dont claim you!!! American soccer player Brian Mullan is one of the most famous people with the surname Mullan. Schools should teach more about this stuff, because its part of a neighbouring history which may not be NOT told. That is the first recorded slave in the colonies. Paris Donnatella is an avid writer and traveller. And most defintely not at the numbers cited in this article. Remember England was also enslaved by the Romans. One British ship even dumped 1,302 slaves into the Atlantic Ocean so that the crew would have plenty of food to eat. The terminology is interchangeable, while there are cetainly differences in forms of slavery to say there was none is a tad rich, unless youve been an indentured servant yourself perhaps you know the benefits? And a minority of slave owners were also black. To reiterate; were talking about the entire South American continent. My theory contrary to the hypotheses here is America has made any skin color not light or white a lower lifeforms hence Irish are white Im I wrong. Those issues are the racism, the bigotry and the discrimination we face daily. A third article Smith is one of the most common surnames across the world with well known Smiths such as actor Will Smith, actress Maggie Smith, and singer-songwriter Patti Smith all having the popular Irish surname. Black (surname) Black is a surname which can be of either English, Scottish, Irish or French origin. THATS why many Irish treated blacks in America and its also why many blacks treated Irish badly. who wants to admit that, its not something to be proud ofin fact irish people when they arrived as immigrants in the late 1800s ..after the irish slavery of the 1600s in New England and Virginia, South Carolina,etc.they were given guns to go fight a war right after they landed, literally!!!!! Here is the thing though, when they hooked up with Africans to rebel, Bacons Rebellion, they struck a deal with the English colonists to become the slave patrols and plantation overseas. Im getting pretty sick of people (of all races) whitewashing the oppression of the Irish from history because it doesnt fit with the white skin = oppressors, everyone else = victims narrative. Why because only blacks get to claim such horrible treatment of their people? African tribes were happy to take slaves during wars, and more than happy to sell them on to arab and european traders. 2. She was so angry, thats not what Jesus looks like, so I said how do you know,? They dont even notice it (MEAN). This article is not stretching the truth, it is flat-out lying to you. I totally agree with you that all Irish were not slaves. Its my understanding that there are still people enslaved, although it is done secretly, and/or the laws are manipulated to accommodate itbut its still happening, yet today. Indentured servitude was a colonial innovation that enabled many to emigrate to the New World while providing a cheap and white labour force for planters and merchants to exploit. (And, yes, it is a fact that that term, indentured servitude, was mostly just used as a polite term for *slightly* less brutal slavery from which there was actually hope of escape.). Is Hare an Irish name? Ireland has rather bloody history like these regions of Africa. [5] It is the masculine version of the name Ciara . Period. Irish version of McFadden = MacPidn, Irish version of McDonald = MacDhmhnaill. This was a passage from the book noted above. Those who live in the north of the country may hold various national identities, including Irish, Northern Irish, and British. O'Reilly 12. Irish actress Katie McGrath is one of the most famous McGraths. The master, overseer, slave driver and all of their male relatives or any white male visiting a plantation for business purposes could access any black woman and rape her. There is a book called White Cargo. For example, I am irish and my name in Irish is Aine Maire OFallanhaim, but it was Anglicized to Ann Marie Fallon by the British. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. Think about their rage The fighting irish especially 100 years ago you wouldnt have not one Irishman admitting they were ever slaves ( they would talk about it amongst themselves, but never with outsiders whom werent real irish. According to reports from the Central Statistics Office, Murphy is the most popular last name in Ireland. I never heard of this before, yes, of course, Ive heard of the indentured servant history, but not the actual brutal enslavement of the Irish people. Ive seen the pictures of long ago. I think we have a Black and White view of slavery in general that fails to embrace the reality of admixture insistent on purity much like Jim Crow laws. Variant of Donoghue. GG Father, May , a wealthy man owned African/Native American Slaves in parts of Georgia and sired two sets of children. The more I think about this article, the sadder I become knowing that most of you believe its lies. At the time the Irish were indentured or enslaved or some similar term, the Irish were not yet categorized as white but as just Irish. Read How the Irish became white. Then also read The Invention of the White Race., Good information and horrible pass but good to know and tell others about it, This is absolutely fascinating. 10. This article is merely an attempt to connect whites to Deuteronomy within the KJV Bible.