Note: Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them from the specified volume level to 0 (silent) over the specified number of seconds. Returns a new independent copy of the track. See Guide: Media Passages for more information. Does not flag other assignment operators. See the :passagestart event for its replacement. Returns the current moment from the full in-play history (past + future), which is the pre-play version of the active moment. Additional timed executions may be chained via <>. Track event triggered when a fade completes normally. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. SugarCube automatically stores the current playthrough state to the browser's session storage whenever a new moment is created. The active passage's name will be added as its ID (see: Passage Conversions). Once unloaded, playback cannot occur until the track's data is loaded again. Note: Returns whether playback of the track has been stopped. To enable test mode, use the test option (-t, --test). Save API. In general, look to the .random() method instead. Unsupported object types, either native or custom, can be made compatible by implementing .clone() and .toJSON() methods for themsee the Non-generic object types (a.k.a. prehistory tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. While not specifically about SugarCube, the About Expressions section of the Twine1 reference documentation may also be helpful. This means that non-widget uses of these special variable are completely safe, though this does have the effect that uses external to widgets are inaccessible within them unless passed in as arguments. Deprecated: Moves forward one moment within the full history (past + future), if possible, activating and showing the moment moved to. Load and integrate external JavaScript scripts. Tip: Gets or sets the master volume level (default: 1). Used for pre-story-start initialization tasks, like variable initialization (happens at the beginning of story initialization). Widgets allow you to create macros by using the standard macros and markup that you use normally within your story. To enable test mode while starting at a specific passage, right-click on a passage and select the Test Play From Here context menu item. In SugarCube, both variables would still point to the same underlying objectat least initially (see below): SugarCube does eventually clone its non-primitive data types as well, but does at the start of passage navigation, rather than each time they're modified. Note: Probably most useful when paired with <>. Returns the number of times that the passage with the given title occurred within the story history. The UISystem API object has been split into two APIs Dialog and UI, and some of its methods have also changed. Audio lists (playlists) are useful for playing tracks in a sequencei.e., one after another. See the State.prng.init() method for its replacement. Returns the title of the active (present) passage. Returns whether a fade is in-progress on the currently playing track. 3 4 4 comments Best Add a Comment ChapelR 4 yr. ago The verbatim text markup disables processing of all markup contained withinboth SugarCube and HTMLpassing its contents directly into the output as plain text. Used within <> macros. Use of this macro is only necessary when you need to localize a variable's value for use with an asynchronous macroi.e., a macro whose contents are executed at some later time, rather than when it's invoked; e.g., interactive macros, <>, <>. Do not add a widget tag to any of the specially named passages and attempt to define your widgets there. SugarCube is a free (gratis and libre) story format for Twine/Twee. Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression. The debug views may be toggled via the Views button. You may not remove the predefined group IDs (:all, :looped, :muted, :paused, :playing) or the :not group modifier. Each event is represented by an object that has properties that may be used to get additional information about what happened. URL: A range definition object should have some of the following properties: Note: Thus, it is only truly useful if you plan to upgrade out-of-date saves via a Config.saves.onLoad callback. While it renders content just as any other passage does, instead of displaying the rendered output as-is, it sifts through the output and builds its contents from the generated links contained therein. Deprecated: In my version of Twine, the dialog box looks like this: In this dialog box, select the SugarCube alternative with the latest version number (SugarCube 2.x.x, the higher the numbers the better). Returns whether the history navigation was successful (should only fail if the index is not within the bounds of the full history). Unsets story $variables and temporary _variables. This feature also prevents players from losing progress if they try to use the browser back and forward buttons to navigate, or if they refresh their browser for any reason. If its return value is falsy, the save is disallowed. Meaning that when you pass a variable as an argument, its value is passed to the macro rather than its name. To enable test mode from the story editor/map screen, click on the Test menu item (right side of the bottom bar). Returns whether playback of the playlist has ended. Elements that are already part of the page, on the other hand, present no issues. Dialog API. Math.random() is no longer replaced by the integrated seedable PRNG when State.prng.init() is called. Load and integrate external CSS stylesheets. Object that authors/developers may use to set up various bits of static data. Note: The History API object has been renamed to State and some of its methods have also changed. For example: Captures story $variables and temporary _variables, creating localized versions of their values within the macro body. Activates the moment at the given offset from the active (present) moment within the full state history and show it. Selects all internal link elements within the passage element who have been disablede.g., already chosen. Returns the AudioList instance with the given list ID, or null on failure. Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression. Warning: May be called either with the passage name or with a link markup. In SugarCube, the passage is not terminated, and anything in the code below the <> macro will have side effects. Normally, those aren't issues as you should not need to use the result of an expression as an argument terribly often. State.has() does not check expired moments. Returns a pseudo-random decimal number (floating-point) within the range of the given bounds (inclusive for the minimum, exclusive for the maximum)i.e., [min,max). Returns the processed text of the passage, created from applying nobr tag and image passage processing to its raw text. In-browser savesi.e., autosave and slot savesare largely incompatible with private browsing modes, which cause all in-browser storage mechanisms to either persist only for the lifetime of the browsing session or fail outright. Due to how the Twine2 automatic passage creation feature currently works, using the link markup form will cause a passage named $return to be created that will need to be deleted. Renders and displays the active (present) moment's associated passage without adding a new moment to the history. Intended to be mnemonically better for uses where the expression is arbitrary code, rather than variables to seti.e., <> to run code, <> to set variables. Occasionally, however, macros will need the name of a variable rather than its valuee.g., data input macros like <>so that they may modify the variable. Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them from the specified volume level to 1 (loudest) over the specified number of seconds. Wikifies the given content source(s) and discards the result. The links go to the most recent release versions of each in SugarCube's source code repository. Returns whether any of the macro's ancestors passed the test implemented by the given filter function. Each link removes itself and all other <> links to the same passage after being activated. A sort of simple Twine parser. Deprecated: Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression. The pull count is automatically included within saves and sessions, so this is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes. prerender tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Returns a reference to the current jQuery object for chaining. For example: That probably won't be very pleasing to the eye, however, so you will likely need several styles to make something that looks half-decent. When used to set the mute state, returns a reference to the current AudioList instance for chaining. Sets the story's title. Sets the starting passage, the very first passage that will be displayed. Returns whether none of the track's data has been loaded. Warning: Creates a text input box, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name, optionally forwarding the player to another passage. Here's a simple example whose constructor takes a single config/option object parameter: Creating a new instance of this ContactInfo example would be something like: Here's a simple example whose constructor takes multiple discrete parameters: Here's a simple example whose constructor takes multiple discrete parameters, but also includes an ._init() helper method to allow the .clone() and .toJSON() methods to require less manual tinkering than the previous discrete parameters example by automatically copying an instance's own data: Media passages are simply a way to embed media into your projectspecially tagged passages that contain the data URI of a Base64-encoded media source. Use the Edit Story JavaScript story editor menu item for scripts. Injecting additional <> macro invocations after a :typingcomplete event has been fired will cause another event to eventually be generated, since you're creating a new sequence of typing. The Config object controls various aspects of SugarCube's behavior. Caveat for Internet Explorer: SugarCube only supports IE 9. There is no one size fits all example for either of these methods because an instance's properties, and the data contained therein, are what determine what you need to do. For example, you might use the story variable $name to store the main player character's name or the story variable $cash to store how much money the player has on hand. For game-oriented projects, as opposed to more story-oriented interactive fiction, a setting of 1 is strongly recommended. When used to set the volume, returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. Attaches single-use event handlers to the selected tracks. Note: Returns whether the named macro tag exists. Silently executes its contents when the incoming passage is done rendering and has been added to the page. See the Localization guide for more information. Returns the description of the passage, created from either an excerpt of the passage or the Config.passages.descriptions setting. Returns the bundled metadata, if any, or null if the given save could not be deserialized and loaded. ---- Like what. To add a watch for a variable, type its name into the Add field and then either press enter/return or click the buttonn.b. Returns a reference to the current jQuery object for chaining. Note: NOTE: You do not call this manually, it must be called by the change event handler of an element. If its return value is falsy, the override is cancelled and navigation to the original destination continues unperturbed. Note: See Passage API for more information. Deprecated: Note: Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. Additionally, see the tagged stylesheet warning. Returns whether any moments with the given title exist within the past in-play history (past only). Instances of the Passage object are returned by the Story.get() static method. In mobile browsers, playback volume is controlled by the device hardware. If setting a background image via the background shorthand property, then you should also specify a background-color value with it or include a separate background-color property after the background property. Non-generic object types (a.k.a. Shorthand for jQuery's .off() method applied to the audio element. For the template that should be used as the basis of localizations, see the locale/l10n-template.js file String: The expression yields a string valuee.g.. If its return value is truthy, the override succeeds and that value is used as the new destination of the navigation. Furthermore, it is no longer instantiated into the legacy state objectwhich still exists, so legacy code will continue to work. See Also: Does not modify the original. Warning: Passage API. If you need to check for multiple passages, the hasVisited() story function will likely be more convenient to use. Returns a new array containing all of the macro's ancestors that passed the test implemented by the given filter function or an empty array, if no members pass. Harlowe is the default style for Twine 2.0 and uses a syntax that is different than Sugarcube. The built-in Restart button, along with the methods UI.restart() and Engine.restart() are provided so that the story can be restarted without restoring a session. Returns whether fullscreen is both supported and enabled. As a basic working definition, non-generic object typesa.k.a. You may, however, simply use the Test Play From Here context menu item on the Start passage to achieve the same result. Normally, there will be only one such passage per turn, however, during passage navigation there may briefly be twothe incoming (a.k.a. Warning: Returns the string with its first Unicode code point converted to upper case, according to any locale-specific rules. The history allows players to navigate through these moments. Comments used within passage markup are not rendered into the page output. Most of the methods listed below are SugarCube extensions, with the rest being either JavaScript natives or bundled library methods that are listed here for their utilitythough, this is not an exhaustive list. A data type refers to the "type" of data a variable is holding, such as a number, a string, an array, or anything else. A version of the above code in SugarCube might look like this: Where Harlowe uses its hook syntax (square brackets) to associate a macro with its contents, SugarCube instead uses "container" macrosmacros that can have content associated with them have opening and closing tags. Setting API method calls must be placed within your project's JavaScript section (Twine2: the Story JavaScript; Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage) or settings will not function correctly. The :not() group modifier syntax (groupId:not(trackIdList)) allows a group to have some of its tracks excluded from selection. Note: StoryInit is run, as always. Dialog events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during the opening and closing of dialogs. Returns the total number (count) of played turns currently in effecti.e., the number of played moments up to the present moment; future (rewound/undone) moments are not included within the total. Note: Prior to SugarCube v2.10.0, the strings localization object was named strings. If you click the link that sets the variable to 2, and then save the story, the $var variable will still be saved as 1, because a new moment has not yet been created. Unfortunately, this means that the two objects are incompatible. Returns the string with its first Unicode code point converted to upper case. The story's title is part of the story project. Completely removes the UI bar and all of its associated styles and event handlers. This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Outputs the contents of the passage with the given name, optionally wrapping it within an HTML element. Configuration API. Pease, do not take your players' bandwidth and data usage lightly. This video covers how to create the "Space Exploration" example in SugarCube 2.0.Harlowe: Returns the number of times that members within the array pass the test implemented by the given predicate function. All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure. It is passed an abbreviated version of the associated passage's Passage instancecontaining only the tags, text, and title properties.