[3] In Solomons ancient love poem, he refers to the Shulamite as being dark skinned from a life outdoors, tending the vineyard and caring for her flock of goats (Song of Solomon 1:5-8). ). And they came and drew water, and they filled the troughs to water their fathers flock. He held this position up until March 2021 when he was suspended with his second-in-command, NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee succeeding him as the agent in charge . Daughters of Zion. When a girl was eight to ten years old, she began leading the family herd out to nearby pasture. 22And when she had a son, Moses said, I will name him Gershom,[b] since I am a foreigner in this country.. There are three basic views on this. The text of the Hebrew bible at least the consonants of the Hebrew bible, was agreed upon by the second century CE. The rabbis identify Putiel with Jethro and give two homiletical interpretations of the name, one praiseworthy and the other . Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods; for in the very thing in which they behaved proudly, He was above them". Jacob managed large flocks that belonged to others along with his own animals. In Yithros days, there became an Israelite faith which long postdated the term Jews, let along the variant of todays Judaic faiths. Or did Moses bring it with him after forty years of listening to Jethro? Moses : Let them be first whose hands have drawn the water. ; 6I am the God who was worshiped by your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.. The Case against Jephthah. Invite him to eat with us., 21Moses agreed to stay on with Jethro, who later let his daughter Zipporah marry Moses. A sheepherder decided when to move the herds and found suitable grazing. Life is honestly so hectic but I'm trying to get back into a normal writing pattern. These five women were some of the world's first fighters for the rights of women. Moses would not have entreated an 80 year old man, Reuel (one who was in need of the strength and vigor to drive away desert dwelling Bedouins competing for water) to be a scout for Israel. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/s/r1/lp-e?q=Jethro&p=par, Go Jethro, give your daughter to [Ah-]Moses http://youtu.be/LbQDudV4ndA , Your email address will not be published. pseudo-Jonathan to Ex. Apparently, Hobab was a common Midianite name, and it was needful to distinguish this particular tribal member from the others sojourning with the nation of Israel. Everything he does, he does without guile. From everything else we know about Miriam and Yocheved, they were not rewarded materially, nor did they become the heads of households. At the end of the day, the shepherdess brought her sheep back home. The last of the great Cecil B. DeMille epics, and a remake of his own 1923 silent film of the same name, this 1956 film from Paramount tells the biblical story of Moses and the Exodus.. Moses (Charlton Heston) and Rameses (Yul Brynner) are in a Love Triangle with Nefretiri (Anne Baxter), whom Moses might have won, had the matter of injustice to Hebrew slaves not come up. Scripture describes how, after Moses protected Jethro 's daughters from shepherds who did not allow them to access the local well, Jethro "gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses."3. Take off your sandalsthe ground where you are standing is holy. Equally fascinating is that David's pious great-grandmother Ruth demonstrated the very same quality when she entered Israel. This is a possibility that can be conjoined with the first option (Reuel and Jethro being two names for the same individual). All shows that the Mount Sinai was much more in the East. The Septuagint, for example, the translation of the Hebrew bible into Greek which was completed in the 3rd Century understands the text this way. These events take place in the Torah portion Yitro (Exodus 18:120:23). Abundant Springs Community Church968 Kettles StreetPO Box 1288Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0, 403 627 3653 | hello@abundantsprings.church, Affiliated With The PAOCAlso see the Alberta & NWT District Site, Affiliated with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. Nearby there can be seen the sheep and the edge of the well, reachable by a few steps. After he gets cleaned and dressed, the younger girls have him sit with them. Was it because of the Torah that God gave to His people? The Pharaoh himself is mentioned in Ezekiel 29:3 as a mighty dragon sprawling in your channels. In this view the Pharaohs power derives from the crocodile god Sobek with the Nile being its dominion. And the children of the Kenite, Moses' father in law, went up out of the city of palm trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah, which lieth in the south of Arad; and they went and dwelt among the people. Follow Christ's journey to the Cross. 7. The Hebrew language originally consisted only of consonants (for example, the last sentence, minus consonants would read: TH HBRW LNGG ORGNLL CNSSTD NL F CNSNNTS). 4, p.383). by abundant, As you were reading Exodus 2 and 3 you may have noticed something that appears to be a discrepancy in the naming of Moses' father-in-law. These girls are first heard when Moses witness them being bullied, so he saves them by distracting the water brigands with their camels. In Part 2 well note that Rebekahs name relates to milking and consider what might have been done with the milk her sheep produced.Mary Hendren. Re-u-el, with the first syllable strong accented, is nearer to the true pronunciation. Jethro was the priest of Midian. Being head of a large family of at least seven daughters and one named son (Ex 2:15, 16; Nu 10:29), and having the responsibility not only to provide for his family materially but also to lead them in worship, he is appropriately called the priest [or chieftain] of Midian. This of itself does not necessarily indicate worship of Jehovah God; but Jethros ancestors may have had true worship inculcated in them, and some of this perhaps continued in the family. Awassi sheep are double-coated with only a thin layer of fleece under an outer coat of coarse hair. When Jacob met Rachel at the well, he questioned why all the sheep were laying around rather than being watered. However, it was not uncommon for an Arabian chief to have two or even more names, as is attested to by many inscriptions. The Bible never mentions their names, only the names of their On the second occasion, Jethro, having heard all that the people of Israel have suffered in Egypt, and how God has saved them on their flight from the landing saved you. According to the commentary of one sage (Reb Papos), this passage may be intended as a criticism of Moses and the 600,000 men and women who were with him. He saved them and watered their flocks for them. His people were destroyed because of their corruption except for the believers. CONTENT. . While he does not challenge the midwives version of the story he extends the diktat to all of the people. The world of the Bible is knowable. but then Ellie May calls her pet chimp "cousin Bessie", so it. Jethro In Midian The second idea is that Reuel could be the father of the clan (or household) and the daughters of Jethro were, therefore, attributed to Reuel. Each time he married off a daughter, he changed his name and moved to avoid the bill collectors. sons born to them. What was the Tribe of the Shepherds at the Well of Jethro that Reuel was his proper name, and is indeed the first (designated) mention of him Exodus 1:18. Shifra and Puah, two brave women who stood up against the powers in their country, who saw human beings where the Pharaoh saw a population of migrants threatening his country, who revered God and acted both morally and with compassion, remind us that we are not alone as Jews. Shutterstock. Four highly acclaimed books, published in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution: Aspects of Monotheism, Feminist Approaches to the Bible, The Rise of Ancient Israel and The Search for Jesus. Feature films He kills an Egyptian. Shown above is a detail from Sandro Botticelli's painting "The Trials of Moses" depicting Jethro's daughter Zipporah. I say the text contrasts the outsider father-in-law favorably against the insider father-in-law, Laban. In 1986, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. It took the work of the baalei hamesorah, groups of scholarly scribes working from about the 7th to the 10th century CE to finally standardise the grammar of the text its vowels, the breaks (verses and paragraphs), the accenting/cantillation marks. [15], Jethro, Moses' non-Hebrew father-in-law, is a central figure, particularly in the rites and pilgrimages, of the Druze religion. On first reading the biblical text, Jethro seems a simple person, almost monolithic, someone who impresses us most as a family man. Kelly Gibbs (1982 - February 25, 1991) was a young girl who was the daughter of former Marine-turned-NIS/NCIS Special Agent, Leroy Jethro Gibbs and civilian Shannon Gibbs. [7], The life story of Moses was popular in the humanistic circles of Florence because of the "Life of Moses", written by the Jewish author Philo in the 1st century. Regular or occasional unmannerly treatment of young women at the wells, and the heavy stone barricades sealing off some of the water sources certainly presented major difficulties for the shepherdess. Some suppose that he was father to Hobab, who was also called Jethro, a likely possibility. Moses was afraid to look at God, and so he hid his face. In Islam, Jethro is known as Shoaib, one of the prophets in the Qur'an. Probably it is Moses himself, again, who would approach Sephora (with her breasts uncovered and the wet-effect dress that adheres to her skin) announcing the expulsion of the shepherds, while other women run away ignoring what has happened. So who are these women who pivot our history so decisively and so bravely? Thus, there were not 600,000 men and women with Moses. Jethro (Heb. He's best known for winning a decisive battle against an invading Ammonite armyand for a foolish oath that cost his innocent daughter her life. I focus on Jethro in my book from 2006: Early Jewish and Christian Memories of Moses Wives: Exogamist Marriage and Ethnic Identity (Edwin Mellen Press). might be a generic term, like "Granny" is.) By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Jethros association with his future son-in-law began shortly after Moses fled from Egypt in 1553 B.C.E. Jacob had two wives, they were the daughters of Laban, their 15. Let's tackle who Reuel is first. Another interesting fact is that Jethro comes to meet Moses at Sinai bringing him his wife and children. When Moses told Jethro of all the miracles done for the Israelites by Yhwh, Jethro, rejoicing, exclaimed, "Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods . (iii) Priest of Midian and The 7 Daughters Exodus 2:16 Explained. Bodelian Library, Oxford, MS Bodley 2708, Folio 39VA good man? 16, iv. get answers to your Bible questions from 50+ resources ($2,400+ value! Tzipporah's sisters are minor characters in The Prince of Egypt. Train other capable and worthy men as chiefs over tens, fifties, hundreds, and thousands to decide cases, so that you will hear only what they cannot handle. Moses agreed, and later Jethro returned to his own land.Ex 18:13-27. In the Bible, Jethro, aka Reuel or Hobab, was in the Old Testament, a priest of Midian of the Kenite clan, with whom Moses took refuge. In the Bible, Hebrews 11 is a "Hall of Fame of Faith" that name-drops Old Testament rockstars such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Samson . BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. 2 And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush . This has been quite the point of contention, but is quite simply solved. The seven daughters of Poseidon and Pleione are called the Pleiades. For less than $5/mo. Is this a way of balancing our understanding of the man? Job 1:2: 'There were born to him [Job] seven sons and three It is a tradition reflected in Stephens speech in the New Testament (Acts 7:23he was 40 years old when he fled from Egypt; 7:29-30God appeared to him at Sinai 40 years later). Required fields are marked *. [3][4], Muslim scholars and the Druze identify Jethro with the prophet Shuayb, also said to come from Midian. After all, if Moses treats him with such deference, such respect, as to kneel before him, Jethro must deserve it. 23After the death of the king of Egypt, the Israelites still complained because they were forced to be slaves. Reuel was definitely Moses father-in-law. Access to water was a source of contention (Genesis 26:12-33). We cannot [water the sheep] until all the flocks are gathered together, and they have rolled the stone from the wells mouth, then we water the sheep[so] Jacob went near and rolled the stone from the wells mouth, and watered the flock of Laban his mothers brother (Genesis 29:8-10). The second idea is that Reuel could be the father of the clan (or household) and the daughters of Jethro were, therefore, attributed to Reuel. Moses later married Jethro's daughter. LONDON - 1955: Jethro's daughters, portrayed by Lisa Mitchell, Noelle WIlliams, Joanna Merlin, Pat Richard, Joyce Vanderven and Diane Hall, during the filming of "The Ten Commandments" by Cecil B. DeMille at studios in London, England. We meet the sister of this child who watches to see what will happen. This online publication is adapted from Wiesels article Supporting Roles: Jethro, which was published in Bible Review in June 1998. We are told that the oral Torah was additional information given by Yahweh to Moses and passed down through the generations until it was put into writing. Moses saw that the bush was on fire, but it was not burning up. [1] She was the second wife of Moses, and the mother of Gershom. Their names are understood as more likely to be Semitic than Egyptian. But my mother has a feeling he got another one in the course of Jethro's daughter, Zipporah, became Moses's wife after Moses had fled Egypt, having killed an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave. One night, Shannon and Kelly were being driven by an NCIS agent responsible for looking after them. He is present only when needed. 02 Mar 2023 18:01:11 What were Henry Hudson's daughters. Jethro is a character in The Prince of Egypt. The scene is essentially tripartite on three levels, but the complexity of the articulation binds the plans with continuous references, subverting the traditional Renaissance balances. And when the midwives explain to Pharaoh why they are not fulfilling his order, they talk about the Hebrew women as being unlike Egyptian women, saying they are as animals. [4] Her fat-tailed Awassi sheep were raised primarily for milk and meat. The Sinai mountain is not vulcanic as the sound / trumpets is clear description of vulcano eruption. The book of the pentaeuch do not fix together and are just written by several authors in and after the Exile. The narrator then tells us that God dealt well with the midwives; and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. If Hobab were another name for Jethro, as some suggest, it would also mean that two men, father and son, bore the name Hobab. Names Like Jethro Genesis 29:16-27. An Egyptian delivered us from the hand of the shepherds, and he also drew enough water for us and watered the flock (Exodus 2:18-19). He is mentioned three times in the Pentateuch, once in the Prophets and in numerous places in rabbinic literature. [6], The dating to about 1523 is linked to the coloristic affinities with the Marriage of the Virgin, in the Basilica of San Lorenzo, even if Goldschmidt and Pevsner suggested a slightly later dating, perhaps of the Roman period. [16][17] He is called Shuayb and viewed as the most important prophet for the Druze. Your email address will not be published. Biblical maps from antiquity show Midian on both locations. Clearly the work of a shepherdess, though less extensive than that of a sheepherder, was important. Some other biblical commentators also understand the text to mean that the women were Egyptian (eg Abarbanel, Judah heHasid). 13. Mosess wife Zipporah was one of seven daughters who tended their fathers sheep (Exodus 2:16-21). Judges i. Pearl is Jethro's cousin (I think - he calls her "cousin Pearl". Complementary colors are often juxtaposed and the geometric shapes used in the pictorial surfaces are varied: this contributes to canceling the sense of spatial depth and plasticity of the volumes, in a decidedly anticlassical direction. She is Peter Obi's sister. [2] As a young shepherdess, Rachel met Jacob when she came to water her sheep (Genesis 29:9). Ephorah is the tall sister who has fanlike hair and wears a cerise and teal sleeveless dress with gold lemon-slice-shaped earrings with a blue necklace and gold bangles. "Moses' father-in-law," a shepherd-prince or priest of Midian, Exodus 3:1 4:18 18:1-27. Jethro, Yitro, was a spiritual seeker of a universal truth and thus he researched with all forms of religion, wisdom, alchemy/science and was the most curious of men. So is Joanna Merlin, who played one of Jethro's other daughters. http://www.keyway.ca/htm2002/jethro.htm.]). A sheepherder decided when to move the herds and found suitable grazing. Josephus in his Antiquities (1st Century) describes the women as Egyptian midwives who served the Hebrew women. In the KJV translation of Judges 4:11, a man named Hobab appears as Moses' father-in-law, while Numbers 10:29 makes him "the son of Raguel [Reuel] the Midianite, Moses' father in law". "His Excellence/Posterity"; Arabic: , romanized:Yathron) was Moses' father-in-law, a Kenite shepherd and priest of Midian,[1] sometimes named as Reuel (or Raguel). But vayihad Yithro could easily mean his flesh crawled [with fear], he had goose bumps.b The variant names Jethro and Reuel may perhaps be due to different source documents. The term referred to a woman's male relatives and could be used for her father, brother or even grandfather. Chapter 6. One of these women will shortly be named as she is given to Moses for a wife Zipporah. I will bring my people out of Egypt into a country where there is a lot of good land, rich with milk and honey. Would Pharaoh really ask Hebrew women to murder the baby boys of their fellow women? Sign up to receive our email newsletter and never miss an update. After the Battle at Rephidim against the Amalekites, word reached Jethro that under Moses' leadership the Israelites had been delivered out of Egypt, so he set out to meet with Moses. It denotes one who possesses virtuous qualities, a fitting description of a man who was a priest (chieftain) of a tribe, and who had a reverence for God (see Exodus chapter 18, where, associated with this title, he acknowledges Gods deliverance, seeks to find out more about Him, brings a sacrificial offering with him on his road trip to Moses, praises His name, Yahweh, and offers the sacrifice he brought, eating it with Moses, Aaron, and the elders of Israel). [5][6][7] For the Druze, Shuayb is considered the most important prophet, and the ancestor of all Druze.[8][9]. Numbers 10:29 says: Now Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses father-in-law, we are setting out for the place. Regarding this verse, it would be proper to put the words the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses father-in-law in parenthesis. The Enduring Olive Tree and its Precious Fruit: From Modern Day to AncientPast1. Surely this is a task he would entrust to women from another ethnic identity? He also had five daughters. For the view of him as a Prophet in Islam and among the Druze, see, Ex. Jacob and his sons must have passed on this knowledge to their descendants while in captivity, but was it retained and carried out into the wilderness after the first Passover? The baby is the centre of the story here, but there are three women who contrive to save his life, two of whom we will later learn are Yocheved his mother and Miriam his sister. ,) was a Midianite priest and father-in-law of Moses . August 2, 2013 Moses is born, and placed in a basket in the reeds of Nile. daughters.' Brilliant though the ancient sages were in memorising the scriptures, I cant help feeling that too often most of them let their imaginations run away with them. Let us learn what we can about this fascinating figure. Ellen Creighton Ellen suggests that he stop at the Burdows to thank Mr. Burdow for his help. Object name: 56008058DI_DCR034893002. Pearl is Jethro's mother. So where is it? In the TV series NCIS, Gibbs' wife Shannon witnessed a murder by a Mexican drug lord. Even when he refuses Moses invitation to stay with him, he has the perfect excuse, says the midrash: I will return to my own people and convert them all to the study of the Torah.. And, dare I say it, Rashi is the biggest culprit. After the Exodus, Jethro visited the Hebrews encamped at the "mountain of God" and brought with him Moses' wife and sons. Then, as he falls in the well, the girls try to save him by pulling the rope up and Tzipporah helps them. Shepherdess walking with spindle in hand. The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. And Jethro said, "Blessed be the Lord, who has delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharaoh, and who has delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians. Access to 50+ curated Special Collections. Here's everything we know. Jethro appears to have many names throughout the Torah. For when the whole world heard of the might of the Blessed Holy One, they trembled, and all of them looked toward Jethro, who was wise and the ordained chief of all false gods of the world. One can see Jethro clearly: His demeanor is surely elegant, sincere, irreproachable. The rabbis do not point this out, but I think this is the point of the text. 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