WebThe objectives of this review on leaky gut for clinicians are to discuss the components of the intestinal barrier, the diverse measurements of intestinal permeability, their perturbation in non-inflammatory stressed states and the impact of treatment with dietary factors. Mayo Clinic Staff. Leaky Gut Revive is the perfect supplement for supporting a healthy gut lining. You see, when it comes to leaky gut in order to get the positive effects from L-Glutamine you cant simply take 1-2g a day. It is especially rich in gelatin, collagen, and glutamine which are all powerful gut healers. The intestinal epithelial barrier: A therapeutic target? Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. I should note that you can also get isolated caprylic acid90 (eg via MCT oil or a caprylic acid supplement), which might be more helpful if you are tackling something like candida / yeast overgrowth head on. Your discomfort interferes with your daily activities. Just focus on the first 10 ideas for now. My favorite choices of red are thus pinot noir (for warmer weather) and a nice big shiraz (for winter). When they pop up snap up a dozen! As with probiotic supplements, if you have SIBO or Candida overgrowth, you should wait until after you fix leaky gut to eat fermented foods as they could potentially be worsening the overgrowth and derailing your leaky gut treatment. Many symptoms of a leaky gut are due to disturbances in the gut microbiome. Cut Back on Gluten to Avoid Hurting the Gut Lining, 3. Unfortunately, the market is just saturated with weak, low quality, allergen-laced digestive enzymes. Secondly, by helping us break down food better, digestive enzymes also ensure less large food molecules make their way through our gut. If you are still having digestion issues, consider upping the dose to 2-3. Thankfully you can get as good a change from exercise, meditation, breathing, yoga etc. For example, try a daily 10-20 minute workout, instead of 3 x 60 minute spin classes a week. Leaky gut syndrome is a hypothetical condition thats not currently recognized as a medical diagnosis. For starters, cows milk comes packed with lactose. Klinder A, et al. But thats just about it. (Hello White Walkers!). Get Your Nutrients on the Go with Travel-Friendly Single-Serves. My advice would be to add these back one at a time so you can see how you react to each specific type of grain or legume. well, it should not be too hard to do if you simply stick to the leaky gut diet above. Instead it will remain hyper-permeable, i.e. Nothing compares. In fact, I know you will, because it is the #1 supplement readers tell me made THE biggest difference for them. Its crucial for anyone working to fix leaky gut to do an elimination diet to rule out hidden food intolerances, or serious food allergies. Since prebiotics feed the probiotics/good bacteria in our digestive system, we can think of them as actually being equal to probiotics in terms of importance. This need not be forever, but it should definitely be your approach for the next 1-3 months whilst you are recovering from leaky gut. As I explain in this article on leaky gut tests, there are 2 direct tests you can do for leaky gut being the lactulose & mannitol test and the blood zonulin tests. Let your gut heal and rest. Simply put, avoid all blatantly sugary products like sodas, sweets, desserts, etc, and also avoid the less obvious ones like sauces, low fat products. Especially if you are hitting up Wholefoods weekly and going all raging bull in there! Its based on the concept of increased intestinal permeability, which occurs in some gastrointestinal diseases. Heres the ultimate list of gut-friendly dairy you can consider. 3 Easy Steps On How To Heal Leaky Gut Fast Naturally In addition to following the eating plan described above, its beneficial to avoid exposure to potential toxins found in Buy 2 pounds of beef bones (preferably grass fed), including some with meat/fat/marrow. heavily diluted. (And it would have been pretty weird to hear a 6 year old say that as well!). (2014). This strange sounding fella is an adaptogenic herb and it helps our gut in 3 ways. Gluten is generally considered hard to digest, can pierce holes in our gut lining and thanks to gliadin it is also able to raise levels of zonulin, thereby increasing the size of the openings of our tight junctions2. That pepperoni pizza I mentioned earlierforget itgive me that salmon dish any day! On the other hand, treatments that target the intestinal lining independently have not been shown to improve these diseases or prevent intestinal permeability from recurring. Of course, everyone is different and you will find out pretty soon if you reintroduce it into your diet after 30-90 days. In the absence of straight answers, leaky gut syndrome has emerged in the mainstream as a catch-all diagnosis for general indigestion and possibly many other conditions. It took months of research and product testing. Probably 2 times a week. No matter how good your diet is though, I highly recommend you take 1-2 digestive enzyme capsules before each meal per point #7 above. Heres what I recommend: Eliminate gut-irritating foods: Certain foods like gluten, conventional dairy, seed oils, artificial sweeteners, and refined sugars can spike inflammation and impair your gut integrity. If unhealthy, this lining may be leaky with holes or cracks that allow bacteria, toxins, antigens, and partially digested food to penetrate the tissues beneath it. I think we all know that saying goodbye to foods high in refined flours and sugars, low in nutrients and filled with chemicals, will help our gut health improve. Best of all, we push ourselves much further in terms of distillation to the point that our formula is triple strength (meaning you get a lot more of the omega 3 fatty acids in every capsule) and meets the strictest purity standards in the US as set out in Californias Prop 65. and Secretary Immunoglobulin Type A (SIgA)18, as well as tighten up the openings in your gut lining themselves, thereby stopping things like large undigested food molecules and other toxins crossing the gut barrier and into your bloodstream (ie adios leaky gut syndrome). Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information. Whenever you plan a meal that is just meat/fish and vegetables it can feel like something is missing. Given alcohol can be nearly as bad as grains for our gut linings integrity, it makes sense to include it in the list of NOs during our elimination month. Taking medications that damage your gut, 7. WebDiscover what leaky gut is, nine signs to watch out for, and steps you can take to heal the gut. And this probably rates up there with the most effective. Studies have shown that walking a mere 15 to 20 minutes after meals can aid in digestion. This can be done on its own or even following a water fast. Mu Q, et al. But other dry red wines include merlot and zinfandel. With that said, if you want to fix leaky gut, this is one step you cannot skip. A person can try: walking yoga pilates tai chi Day three Try fermented foods Fermented foods contain probiotics, which are live bacteria. Intermittent fasting helps heal leaky gut by giving the intestines a break from food passing through, slowing the immune response and by initiating cellular repair and healing known as autophagy. IF has shown to have potential benefits in reducing autoimmune symptoms when continued as a regular practice and combined with a gut healing protocol. i.e. Unless youre going around eating sauerkraut all day like some crazed German Popeye, your gut will be crying out for probiotics, aka good bacteria. Gas and bloating from fermentation by overgrown bacteria in your gut. You experience persistent heartburn or heartburn that becomes increasingly severe. Hit up your cupboard right now and ditch all these oils immediately: These industrial vegetable oils are high in omega 6s, and known to be a vast contributor to the imbalance of omega 3s to 6s in the western diet87 (that now sees us typically consuming 20:1 omega 6s to 3s, when historically we consumed 1:1 or 2:1! As it can be a real pain to have to explain some long winded story about intestinal hyperpermeability to every single person who asks and they do ask! So youve done the elimination diet, youve healed your gut and now it is time to see what you can put back into your diet without causing any troubles. After all, life is hectic and our commitments across family, work and social are extensive. Scientists are continuing to investigate the benefits of various therapeutics for improving the general health and integrity of the gut lining. They may even help alleviate your general gastrointestinal symptoms. Add the milk, yogurt and banana to the oats and stir until well-blended. 7. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Return Gurantee & Shipping Info | Do Not Sell My Personal Information. First of all, its worth explaining that L-Glutamine is just an amino acid (a type of building block for the cells in our body). Following this protocol to fix leaky gut takes commitment, so of course you want to know if all your hard work is making a difference. And secondly, let me remind us that gluten-free beers are still made from grains, still come packed with yeast and although not as bad as gluten-based beers, they sure as heck arent helping our guts stay in good health. FREE Studies have shown that people who have certain chronic gastrointestinal diseases have leaky guts that let larger molecules through potentially toxic ones. Meanwhile, grains and legumes contain chemicals such as lectins and phytates that can aggravate your gut lining, interfere with your leaky gut treatment, and even lead to autoimmune disease. Duerksen DR, et al. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). 33) Avoid excessive cardio or heavy weight lifting leave that for Arny! THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION 10-DAY DETOX DIET is the fastest way to lose weight, prevent disease, and feel your best. The best way to protect yourself from leaky gut is to invest more in your overall digestive health, he adds. Just make sure you get quality coconut oil that is not rancid and not filled with all kinds of crazy chemicals. The intestinal epithelial barrier: a therapeutic target?. The theory has some appeal as a way of explaining various conditions that we haven't been able to fully explain yet, but the evidence is lacking. Since leaky gut syndrome stems from your gut, many symptoms manifest in the form of digestive issues such as: 2. Its kind of counterintuitive, but if youre a bit of a fitness fanatic, then less exercise could actually be better for your health! The real struggle comes down to avoiding eating out too much. Have you been dedicated to your leaky gut treatment, only to have your digestive issues, eczema, brain fog, seasonal allergies, or other symptoms persist? Many other diseases have been suggested as possible consequences of leaky gut syndrome. Like with white wine, the crucial thing here is to choose dry over sweet so we cut down our sugar intake. Intestinal permeability is a recognized feature of several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases affecting the digestive system, including inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease. Importantly, Ill distinguish the healthiest foods (blue and green) from the rest, so you also get an idea of what to prioritize. All the fuel our body loves! Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. Youll hopefully join me in a moment of sadness as we see some of the all time tastiest foods included above, like bread, cereal, pasta, pizza, cookies, crackers, cakes, muffins, beer etc. To be honest though, this idea is far from essential when it comes to solving your leaky gut, especially if you are following the ideas above on what to eat and what to avoid. Finally you want to make sure you are sleeping fairly similar times each night, so you dont disrupt your circadian rhythm too much. When all 3 benefits are taken together you can see why probiotics are at the heart of any leaky gut recovery protocol. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4253991/, health.harvard.edu/blog/leaky-gut-what-is-it-and-what-does-it-mean-for-you-2017092212451, nature.com/articles/nrgastro.2016.169?WT.feed_name=subjects_small-intestine&foxtrotcallback=true, mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/inflammatory-bowel-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20353315, mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/irritable-bowel-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20360016, mayoclinic.org/symptoms/abdominal-pain/basics/when-to-see-doctor/sym-20050728, frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2017.00598/full, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3758766/, health.harvard.edu/blog/putting-a-stop-to-leaky-gut-2018111815289, celiac.org/about-celiac-disease/symptoms-of-celiac-disease/, Leaky Gut Supplements: What You Need to Know to Feel Better, 5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation and Take Control of Your Gut Health, The Leaky Gut Diet Plan: What to Eat, What to Avoid, Pale Stools: Possible Causes and When to Seek Help, What Supportive Therapy Is and How It Helps If You Have Diverticulitis, What You Need to Know About Diverticular Bleeding, What You Should Know About Functional Bowel Disorders. What is the fastest way to heal leaky gut? No doubt you will find it far more tolerant! Whenever people email in asking Whats the fastest way to heal my leaky gut?, I always have one go-to answer. In fact, if you look at one of the most high stress office environments on Earth the open plan floor of an investment bank in New York youll find half the analysts sporting noise canceling headphones. But after youve done that it can be worth investing in a few products to decrease the amount of other toxins that get into your system. Coconut oil is my go to cooking oil for many dishes, eg a mild Thai-style chicken & broccoli stir fry. That means we really want to be saying goodbye (at least for now) to exercises like P90X, Insanity, Freeletics, Soul Cycle, Bikram Yoga etc. Especially GMO grains, which by design are the highest in anti-nutrients like lectins7,8. If youre interested you can learn more about our digestive enzyme supplement here on Amazon. Bone broth contains a wide range of minerals and amino acids that help to heal and strengthen the gut lining. (Conversely, few things will cause leaky gut syndrome faster than sleep deprivation33). But once you open your kraut, keep it in the fridge, and for max 2 months. IBS can cause abdominal pain, bloating, cramping, constipation or diarrhea, foods that may trigger allergies or sensitivities, such as gluten or dairy. Consume Bone Broth to Supplement Collagen, 5. In addition, the good bacteria (probiotics) can help to fight off bad bacteria and yeast overgrowth, so that your gut flora can start regaining a healthy balance48. So I dont expect you to read through the full list right now or start implementing all the ideas today. Obviously, not all of these are entirely optional. In addition, studies are now showing these essential fatty acids can support gut bacteria (microbiome) through an increase in butyrate-producing bacteria (Case Reports in Medicine, March 2016). Eating while stressed can significantly derail your leaky gut treatment! There are many leaky gut syndrome supplements available. So definitely consider adding a high quality and that usually means higher priced multivitamin to your leaky gut protocol. Feels amazing. So it is half wine, half non-sugar mixer (like water/ice). Content on this website is for informational purposes only and is not considered medical advice. A pure fantasy in fact! Biedermann L, et al. Despite all those benefits, you may not need to take it in supplement form if you are getting 20 minutes of safe sun exposure each day. ), then consider trying a probiotic supplement, which well look at in the next point. The Role of Intestinal Permeability in Gastrointestinal Disorders and Current Methods of Evaluation. An anti-inflammatory diet can decrease intestinal inflammation and promote the closure of the intestinal tight junctions. If your intestinal barrier has been breached, it has been under significant assault, probably for some time. The wrong kind of bacteria overwhelms the other bacteria that would usually balance them. Prebiotics are types of fiber that are indigestible (to us), but digestible by the bacteria in our colon/large intestine. Try reducing these factors. These diseases cause chronic inflammation in the intestines, which leads to erosion of the intestinal barrier gradually over time. ), eat lunch slowly, and then rest somewhere in the sun for a while. And also, a probiotic-rich organic unflavored yogurt works wonders for me as a dessert. But estimates can be made from research that has explored similar conditions. That means inflammation can cool down and your immune system will also get a chance to regroup. ), it should be smooth sailing. Irritable bowel syndrome. 5. Just these little changes will support your leaky gut treatment and your gut will thank you too. By contrast I dont drink coconut water often as it is rather high in sugar and FODMAPs, and doesnt come with all the healthy fats the other products above do. But that said, always keep an eye on the economics of testing, because getting a battery of tests done, followed by a $1000+ bill is sure to cause stressand ironically more leaky gut. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). It can come back at any time in the future if you return to being a digestive diablito (lil devil)! How does a gut become leaky, and what does it mean for your health?As well cover, it goes far beyond digestive health. Myers specializes in empowering those with autoimmune, thyroid, and digestive issues to reverse their conditions and take back their health. Gentle exercise is a good way to start. Instead, focus on cooked vegetables while trying to fix leaky gut. But everyone is different. Part of the job of your intestinal lining is to act as a barrier to bacteria and other infectious agents inside the gut. Likely the best way to heal a leaky gut is to go back to eating and living the way our ancient ancestors did, and spend your days foraging for food in the form of roots, leaves, berries, bark and the occasional egg or wild animal you manage to take down. But make sure to stick to organic dairy products (if you can). But intestinal permeability usually follows from injury to your intestinal lining, and you may have symptoms from that.For example: There is no standard test to measure intestinal permeability directly in patients, which is one reason why intestinal hyperpermeability is not a current medical diagnosis. That said, to truly benefit from vitamin D during this repairing stage youll want to be getting higher than normal amounts of it. The only known cure for a leaky gut is to treat the underlying condition that causes it. Toxins can potentially cause leaky gut, but more likely is that they can exacerbate leaky gut and its many flow on effects, since they can get through your permeable intestinal wall and and into your bloodstream121. Given that testing can be somewhat inconclusive, a quick way to work out the probability of leaky gut is to speak to your doctor about your symptoms. Brown the bones off in a pot. Functional Medicine Protocol for Leaky Gut Syndrome Nutrition . But to be honest, it all comes down to what value you put on your health. Most fish oil products are extremely good at giving those of us with sensitive tummies, refluxhello fishy burps my old friend. (And even worse if you tend to drink your coffee with cows based dairy!). Most of all, this idea is so simple and cheap, why wouldnt you add it to your bag of leaky gut tricks! Well, it is basically a concentrated powder made from a collection of blended plants, fruits and herbs. These tests are definitely interesting, but can be quite expensive and sometimes inconclusive. Sometimes this can be done in conjunction with other therapies and interventions aimed at healing the gut lining and balancing the gut microbiome better, he shares. It is the exact probiotic formulation Ive always been looking for. I know when I get home I like to take 20 minutes out for myself, stretch, breathe, write down all the things in my head on paper, and then Im good. 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Fixing Leaky Gut, 10 Mistakes You're Making in Your Leaky Gut Treatment Infographic Amy Myers MD, 10 Mistakes Youre Making in Your Leaky Gut Treatment Infographic Amy Myers MD, 6. I try to keep a very tight 10:30pm to 7am schedule. Meat stock is especially rich in gelatin and amino acids. Then in 30-90 days time (whenever you are feeling better) you can consider adding them back in and seeing how you respond. A burning feeling of ulceration in your gut. To actually wear it down enough to penetrate the lining requires a significant assault. And like DGL, it has been used for eons. When it comes to the role of macronutrients (i.e., Carbs, Protein, and Fat) in gut health, the experts are split. Scientists arent sure about this, but they do agree that these everyday factors may cause inflammation in your gut lining and uncomfortable GI symptoms for you. Tests include: The only known cure for a leaky gut is to treat the underlying condition that causes it. (https://badgut.org/information-centre/a-z-digestive-topics/leaky-gut-syndrome/). Abdominal pain: When to see a doctor. As youve just learned, evidence tells us that the most powerful ways to heal leaky gut are all-natural: diet, prebiotics, probiotics and lifestyle. Go Easy on Your Workouts to Avoid Worsening Your Condition, 7. Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut (red/purple cabbage low FODMAP option) and kimchi (mix of vegetables) can be a fantastic way to feed your gut with good bacteria. Not only will excessive sugar consumption fuel the growth of yeast / candida21, but also can also cause dysbiosis in your gut22. To reinoculate your gut all you need to do is. Consider Taking Supplements to Speed Up Leaky Gut Treatment, 8. I set my Self Control app for 22 hours a day, which means I can only ever look at email between 3-5pm. When you are just getting started in your recovery to good gut health, I think its best to completely stop drinking for a month. In response to both issues above you can consider lactose free milk, but then you have the casein problem, or you can consider A2 Casein milk, but then you still have the lactose problem. When you exercise, your gut motility improves, thus reducing the risk of inflammation. Well, vitamin D, has been shown to support our guts epithelial barrier (United European Gastroenterology Journal, June 2015), this being the lining that protects your bloodstream from all the food, toxins and other bacteria making their way through your gut. Add the flour mixture to the oat mixture and stir until just moistened. That way it will help you digest multiple food groups, ie protein, carbs, fats, It should ideally be plant based, so it can work throughout the wide pH range of your gut (eg surviving the low pH environment of your stomach, It should be dosed strongly across ALL enzymes in the formula, but especially the kings of enzymes, being protease, lipase, amylase and cellulase, BONUS it should be gluten free, dairy free and soy free. So you should be working very carefully with your doctor, or other health professional, to hunt out related conditions and then fight them head on as well. The erosive acids and enzymes in your gut overwhelm the protective mucus that usually neutralizes them. 690 S Highway 89, Suite 200 Jackson, WY 83002. Thats because intestinal hyperpermeability often causes further conditions (eg autoimmune flare ups) or is caused or exacerbated/maintained by other conditions (eg candida overgrowth)105. From Advil to the pill to corticosteroids, there are so many drugs that can potentially contribute to leaky gut and/or gut flora imbalances58. 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, Important Updates + Notice of Vendor Data Event. And while it can be injured temporarily, it is designed to constantly repair and replenish itself. If youve been following The Myers Way and arent noticing any improvement in your symptoms, discover how these mistakes can get in the way of your leaky gut treatment. Move your body. WebHow to Heal Leaky Gut Exercise Exercise is also beneficial in repairing the digestive system. I recommend that everyone cut them from their diet entirely until after they fix leaky gut. I personally drink one every day or sometimes every other day because it is such a convenient way to sneak in a few extra servings of veg. Therefore, common everyday factors such as diet and stress may cumulatively wear down your intestinal lining until it becomes permeable. THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION 10-DAY DETOX DIET is the fastest way to lose weight, prevent disease, and feel your best. For best results, seek to get at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise daily. Thats why even the more trivial ideas are worth trying out. However, there are several kinds of tests currently under investigation in clinical research to look for evidence of intestinal permeability in patients. Keep reading to learn more about leaky gut, including symptoms, causes, diet recommendations, and tips for prevention. But it is still worth considering given that the chlorine & fluoride in your tap water120 You need to do this to switch off from work. And hey, Im not suggesting for a minute that chicken and broccoli tastes as good as a pepperoni pizza, but. WebHeal Your Body Cure Your Mind Leaky Gut Adrenal F that you are looking for. Grab a decent blender, something that can crush ice, and toss the 1/2 avocado, handful of spinach and lemon juice in. A bonus benefit is that a healthy gut flora will also aid digestion49. When you get home from work go through a de-stress routine. Instead, just download my FREE leaky gut ebook (PDF) and discover everything you need to know in one simple step-by-step guide. As the number of good bacteria in your gut decreases, you become susceptible to gut infections including Candida overgrowth and SIBO, which can contribute to leaky gut and interfere with leaky gut treatment. Amazing! 10. Constipation and other digestive issues. Effects of alcohol on intestinal epithelial barrier permeability and expression of tight junction-associated proteins. Theres limited clinical data about the leaky gut, including how long it takes to recover from it. And so as with everything on this site, it is worth talking about to your doctor first. My 4R approach is a proven approach that I recommend to all of my patients to fix leaky gut. Maybe you cant go so extreme because of your job, but definitely try to push the email-free hours using an app. But if I get sick of mixing with soda water, then I will mix with something like kombucha43. 8816 Cullen Ln, Austin, TX 78748, 2016-2023 AMMD, LLC (AmyMyersMD.com). Inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis or Up until recently I struggled to find a specific product that met all 4 points. I personally get my daily zinc intake through my high quality multivitamin (which also contains another essential mineral, copper, which pairs beautifully with zinc) and real foods like grass fed beef. In fact, the cells lining your gut love L-Glutamine so much that theyre able to absorb it directly16, making supplementation very effective. Learn more about functional bowel disorders, like irritable bowel, Gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea aren't uncommon in people with COVID-19. Of course, theres a lot of energy in this sort of concoction, so best to pair with commensurate training. You might be tempted to cut corners or skip steps. Courgettes take on the most meaty of flavors when done like this, and when added to a not-overly-wet ragu, they come together to create a flavor explosion. They cost nothing and theyre always available to you. By contrast extra virgin olive oil88 and coconut oil which are non-industrial vegetable oils deliver much more balanced omega fatty acid profiles. Thats because I do like the thinking behind 2-3 meals a day only, since this gives the digestive system plenty of time for breaks. Chronic low-grade inflammation may, indeed, be a factor in many of these diseases, including metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and fibromyalgia. Other diseases that cause intestinal injury, such as. Nothing compares. Meat stock is Pretty cool, right. And when I do this, I find the green shake keeps me full for hours as it packs a beautiful macro combination of clean protein and healthy fats. This is called an elimination-reintroduction diet. But one of the most interesting roles it can play is its ability to fight leaky gut by enhancing the production of tight junction proteins as mentioned in Frontiers In Immunologys 2017 research paper on leaky gut. And just as importantly, you want to make sure that your zinc intake doesnt get too high, as this can actually hurt your immune system. Being proactive about managing stress well is the best way to prevent its negative effects in the first place. Most industrial vegetable oils are also susceptible to oxidation when cooked (hello inflammation my old friend) and typically GMO based. Yes, I know. Erosion of your intestinal lining is one thing, and intestinal permeability is another. Probiotics and prebiotics can help promote healthy bacteria in your gut. WebThere are 5 key lifestyle and environmental factors that can cause leaky gut syndrome. In fact, theyre a team! What foods should I avoid to restore gut health? Every time you chow down on a meal, those ingredients are digested and broken down in your gut, coming in contact with your gut lining.. With simple dietary modifications, you can