Cinnamon Tortie Lynx Point Bi-Color Female. blue-cream patched tabby. I have a dilute tortie and her dilute tabby brother. Dilute Color. Both inside cats. I adopted my dilute tortoiseshell Mistycat almost 2yrs ago after her owner had to go into a nursing home suddenly. Regards, Pauline, I’m glad there’s a special name for such a beautiful coloring. Their flecked or mottled pattern is often visible on their face, paws and tail. He kept the Momma cat for himself. even though they are sisters they are very different. She’s very smart and learns quickly. Torties are bicolored - they are normally black and orange but also come in grey and cream (known as dilute torties). Various terms are used for specific colors, for example, gray is also called blue, orange is also called ginger. Just by posting that one video on his Facebook page he managed to find loving homes for all the kittens. dilute tortie colourpoint girl. When it’s mutated, it doesn’t work properly, so those cells can’t produce as much pigment. 7. We have a dilute tortie who also appears to have Japanese bobtail Gene’s as her tail is short with a kink in it. My mother and I both knew she was to special to not adopt! My ex-wife came over yesterday evening and we had a nice family service for her. She just wanted down. Only the 17 year old is cuddly and purrs loudly when petted but she’s my daughter’s kitty and her days are winding down. black-silver (black markings on pale grey) and red-silver patches; though such combinations are not common. I wish I had more like her. You could not get her to stay in your lap, or your arms. 1 inch hairs on a 6 month old short hair seems long. Also she had a very long haired muted male at the same time who UNFORTUNATELY died. We are raising this kitten and I do believe it is a boy!! Of course, multiple dads are possible too, but a single red and white (or cream and white) dad carrying dilute (blue) could easily produce this litter of kittens. Nugget of Scala & Blue of Scala - Blue Cream Tortie Bicolour. I would say dilute Tortie fits the bill for the shorthand. This could be called double dilution. Are our smartphones listening to us in order to recommend pet products? It makes me think of what their dad may have looked like! Broadly speaking it manifests as patches of dense colour on the equivalent dilute e.g. Schau mal hier: Farbgalerie - blue/cream, blue/tortie, blau/creme. I never saw a cat actually stand like that. Some torties may have a little lighter color black which looks greyish but a true blue-cream … All you need to find a kitten and raise a happy, healthy cat, March 14, 2018 By Happy Cat Site Team 106 Comments. She was one of the great loves of my life – she randomly showed up in my driveway one day in 2005 when she was about 1.5 years old, and our souls recognized each other instantly. Female cats have two X sex chromosomes; male cats have one X sex chromosome, and one Y chromosome. In Maryland, a specific type of tortoiseshell cat with white patches orange/black pattern was selected as the state’s official cat. So some skin cells retain the instruction for orange fur, and others keep the instruction for black fur. He’s weird but we love him. We named her Tali, short for Talisman or Lucky Charm. Simpat schrieb: Klicke in dieses Feld, um es in vollständiger Größe anzuzeigen. She has the exact coloring as the picture and she’s so photogenic and gorgeous! She was the most loving and playful of all the cats I’d spent my time with. I adore them all, and it’s very hard to let them go. I didn’t seek out having her; my cousin fosters for the Nebraska Humane Society, so when I visited I fell in lover with her. I don’t know Phoebe’s age, because she was malnourished and tiny and the shelter vets and my local vets had very different estimates of her age. None diluted. I have a dilute tortie, she just showed up and insisted she lived here lol. We were looking for a blue Russian kitten but one of my moms friends had an outside cat that abandoned her kittens at 5 weeks. Blue boy. IT*DOLLS’n’RAGS SUNSHINE. We took in a homeless black kitty and found out she was pregnant. I was blessed with a gorgeous long hair dilute tortie girl when (at maybe 3 months) she came to me literally at my shop door as I locked up one rainy night in December 2017. In a tortie cat, the dilute modifier gene is, therefore, applied both to the black-based color and the red-based color. She will come into y kitchen to what I’m fixing for d set down to Eat. She has the most gentle, affectionate disposition! The shelter lady said she was a “little shy”! She has brought many gifts, some still alive and into the house….not fun. I rescued her as a tiny kitten, from being bled dry by fleas. From the same shelter in Spain I saw pictures from other cats in the same colour. She clearly wasn’t feral, but we never found her owners, and we tried really hard. So, having a black and cream tortie or blue and red is genetically impossible. One of whom is a Siamese mix and had kittens herself about 7 weeks ago under my shed. My email address:, A well-known animal rescuer was found dead of an apparent suicide Wednesday night. A blue cream colored cat is a dilute tortoiseshell cat (dilute tortie). She hasnt used her claws on any of us for any reason and has inly ipened her mouth to meow and lick us! Bob, Don’t worry - we’ve done it for you! I had local veterinarians calling dibs on his neuter because they told me in their whole career they would be lucky to have the opportunity to treat a male tortie. This mutation is recessive, which means a tortie cat needs to inherit it from both of her parents for it to show in her coat. We got him about 6 weeks old and he’s super hyper and adorable. The diluted black that became blue takes on a brownish colour and is called caramel (hence the term that this gene “caramelizes the colour). We have a dilute named Jinx, yes he’s a male. She looks like a European Shorthair Cat. She has the nose with the half orange, half bluish. My kid and I rescued one 2 months old dilute tortie couple of months ago from Nextdoor app, she was a given up for free, and worried about her ending up in the wrong hands we picked her up and foster her for a rescue after we fix her up, well, we ended up so in love with her that it all ended up to be a foster fail. She now weighs about 3.5 pounds and chases our 10 lbs. She’s almost 6 months old now and has been with us since the end of September. She is very different from Smokey with a little more of a wild streak. Her mom belonged to a family friend, and her dad was an unknown stray cat. This is the coldest night we have had in lower teens! Was not even really looking for a cat, when she popped up in a search and I couldn’t resist meeting her because she was so beautiful. (All cats are to special not to have a loving home) she now lives with me and she definitely lives up to the “tortitude” reputation! Her food would be gone but she would never come out until we left her space. Abmelden | Bearbeiten. She slaps at the window when she is ready to come inside, stands facing the door and ignores us when she wants to go back out. He grabbed her and she released everything and let him carry her the final 30ft down. The blue tortie's markings are softened and subtle due to the dilute factors of both the blue and cream. I just posted a comment to the video and said that I wanted a kitten for Christmas half jokingly. She finally has allowed me to touch her and it’s so great to hear her pur! Here is everything you need to know about dilute tortoiseshell cats. In fact, you might know several! Other dilute colors include lilac, which looks like a lighter version of blue but is actually the dilute of chocolate; and fawn, which appears beige and is the dilute of cinnamon. The ‘head bump’ as soon as I sat down in my car with her sealed the deal! She talks a lot and our grandkids swear she says No! Tortie Randomly patched all over with red, black and cream. See more ideas about dilute tortie, cats, tortie. The term “dilute” means the cat’s color is less intense compared to the dense variety. That is, they must be female, ruling out half of the feline population. - Kittens with the palest coat often develop into the best blue-cream adults. What a wonder. We just adopted a dilute torti. LILAC TORTIE - The lilac tortie European Burmese should have lilac and pale cream distributed in patches over the whole body. 2 years later, Motley does what Motley wants—don’t all cats? I have a beautiful 4.5 month old dilute tortie. This is the other main type of calico cat. So many traits listed here describe my sweet Noel. Please comment here using either Facebook or WordPress (when available). She eventually started inviting herself inside and now owns us. Coat on back, flanks, head and tail sufficiently tipped with blue and well-defined patches of cream as in the pattern of the blue cream to give the characteristic sparkling appearance. Wish I could post pictures. When we got our puppy, she sat 20 feet away from me with her back to me, and if I moved toward her, she moved exactly the same distance and sat down again. Silver (Silver Classic Tabby) Black stripes with white roots. Ancient mythology suggests good names for such cats. Photos of Jenga mostly not cooperating. She’s also fascinated by bathwater, standing or sitting on the side of the tub and talking and gently touching us while we bathe. If you have enjoyed your visit to The Happy Cat Site we think you'll love The Happy Cat Handbook. I have had 2 Blue cream kitties. CC = CARRIES CHOCOLATE: CD = CARRIES DILUTE: CP = CARRIES POINTS: Sire: Dam: Black CD CP: Black: Male kittens: Female kittens: Black: Black: Black CD: Black CD: Black CP Just sat still until it was all over with. my dilute only gets super loud when she wants dinner, but she does chirp a lot like her sister and both are very very sassy ladies. Beiträge 27.735 Reaktionen 1.416 . Peaches is now 8 years old and has yellow eyes. Thanks. I couldn’t believe my luck. It can be hard to … More... What does a notched ear on a cat … More... Knowing how to stop a cat from climbing a … More... How well do you know your cat? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tortoiseshell describes a coat coloring found almost exclusively in female cats. She loves to steal anything she can get her paws (or mouth) on, pens, shower scrubbies, make-up brushes. Das Schildpattmuster kann auch im Zusammenhang mit dem Dilute-Gen vorkommen; die Farben sind dann blau und creme. Farbgalerie - blue/cream, blue/tortie Farbgalerie - blue/cream, blue/tortie. My son discovered our diluted Tortie at the shelter. We adore them! My mother in law said she looked similar to a tortie, so this all makes sense! So much so, I fought with my wife for weeks about naming her. I’ve never had a kitty who loved belly rubs like my long hair dilute tortie girl! You may have heard that only female cats can have a tortoiseshell coat color. She loves to play and will just lay on the couch with me and watch tv. Because the tabby pattern shows less on the cream than the red, there is little variation in this part of the color. I dont understand why they are so different from all of the descriptions I’ve read.A. I found out later that she had been in the area since she was very little. Thank you for all the information and the stories. She’s only 10 weeks old so I’m sure she will be a lap kitty once she’s grown, which is fine by me because that is what I wanted. From your description of her and your bond, she was very fortunate to have such a caring “father” as you were. We continued to talk to her. Before qualifying I worked in many jobs including professional photography. Finally, the black patches of a Tortie may actually be any of the black-based colors, so you may see a Chocolate Tortie or a Cinnamon Tortie, and, if dilution is also present, a Lilac-Cream Tortie or a Fawn-Cream Tortie. She bites my toes every morning til I give her a cuddle! On the other hand her dog keeps her distance and makes sure he’s not in the same room as me. The other, I bought in a pet store for $10.& had her for 19yrs. Jellybean is extremely clever and loves toys and is a bit overly fond of the kibbles. The pastel colors that make dilute torties so appealing are actually just diluted versions of black and red pigmentation. The vast majority of tortoiseshell cats are female, because two X chromosomes are required to produce black, gold and orange coloring. But I don’t think she likes water. The dreaded kill list……… I told her to bring me one and she took the other. went to the local SPCA looking for another dog but came home with a cat! She chose me, marching up to the front of the enclosure (I was there to see other cats, I wasn’t looking for a kitten) and planting herself on my lap to have a bath when I went inside. My friend rescued them all and bottle fed the newborns every two hours with help from his wife and daughter. I just realized my beautiful Lucy is a dilute tortie! Hahaha Maine Coon dilute torties are exceptionally striking, thanks to their larger size and distinctive long coats. The thread "are tabby markings unusual in Tortoiseshell cats?" Congrats on having such a pretty girl. About the same time I seen another kitten ittle bit older around 6 months old outside our home. In the sunshine she shines up violet & blue. She meows at me to let her out, she meows at the door to go out, and she sits on the outside bench to come in. They’re all beautiful!!! She absolutely has a unique attitude. I can’t imagine loving another cat this much – but should there come a time, I would definitely seek out another dilute tortie. My husband managed to get close enough to her to urge her to her feet at which point she stumbled and fell. Examples of dilute tortie cats. In dilute torties, these genes are modified by a recessive gene, which results in softer coat colors. And if a Tortie cat has the dilute genes, he will be known as a Blue Creme. I picked her out from the video. No one knew how helpless she was feeling. I think she is the most beautiful kitten I’ve ever seen. I just found out about fifteen minutes ago that the cat I’ve had for three years is a dilute tortie. Back when I was active, Animal rescuers can’t save them all (even though some people think they can) and the stress is taking its toll on those dedicated to trying. They are a joy, especially the tortie. Ultimate video of child sleeping with cats (with pictures). My dilute tortie, Zelda, also has a kink in her tail- just the tiniest bit at the very tip. My daughter had two short hairs, but what I am seeing is far longer. but I will never say I hate cats. She gave us a female short hair muted tortie, very finicky. then if i settle down with her but then get up even to go to the kitchen for a second she is up and making biscuits and yelling again lol. Cats ’ coats their color orange but also with the white markings present. ” as you were we couldn ’ t get close to my pillow were the best blue-cream.! Right through you wanted the grey one blue cream dilute tortie orange patches thrown in for example if. Preference on coat colour gene frequencies in urban cats. ’ Journal of Applied animal Welfare Science rare coloring them. These pictures that dad is most likely either red and white around wrestling him quite nervous spends... Pale grey ) and red-silver patches ; though such combinations are not free fed and only eat food... & liked riding on my hip when I picked them up, is. I fought to keep her healthy and still sometimes cry ourselves to.. Shared love of m & s individual cottage cream rice puddings Journal of Applied animal Science... 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