As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I like to feed one bug at a time and make sure they are taken down completely before offering another. Feeding your leopard gecko is an interesting process. Since hornworms are found in about every part of the world and are also appealing to the Leos’ taste buds, they are certainly a part of their diet in the wild. Advice on Hornworms. Can Leopard Geckos eat hornworms? Instead of feeding based on the amount of time, it … I would not recommend them as a staple diet but they can definitely be part of a well balanced regiment. For this reason I stress feeding the appropriate sized insect. Dusting hornworms for your pet Leopard Gecko. If you’ve ever wondered if leopard geckos eat hornworms, this article is for you! Once they reach adult age, they can be fed every second day. Hatchling and juvenile leopard geckos will require insects that are smaller than the width of their head and should be fed every other day. As stated you want to use them as an occasional treat. It would be best to stick with the insects available at your local pet store. The amount they eat in each feed is decreasing as they get older. This is why we recommend you to keep their diet varied. The Hornworms are known as “Goliath Worms” for a reason. Crickets. Leopard Gecko Feeder Insect Review: Silkworms. They are soft bodied and fairly docile. As for the number of worms adequate for them, you will have to refer to their age. Yes, they can eat hornworms and find them appetizing. Im looking to start breeding hornworms so I hope your info will get the job done =) … Obesity: Many captive animals of all kinds suffer from obesity. How many worms can your Leos eat at different stages of their life? Too many or feeding too often will cause loose and watery stools. how many waxworms can i feed my leopard gecko? Add a pinch of both powders to the Ziploc bag. i bought a tub of 16 small ones that are now really big..... thats a problem so i guess im growing them now so i dont waste it. it's leopard gecko feeding time for Kuzon! This is because they grow quickly as a small hornworm of about 0.5 inches long can grow to 3-4 inches long in 2 weeks. The supplements will help with any imbalances in nutrients. The Leo hatchlings have the smallest diet and would be full in about 2-4 worms per feeding. 226 COMMENTS . I have conducted the proper research to answer this question thoroughly. It's not recommended to handle leopard geckos regularly until they reach the appropriate size. In my experience there is no “perfect” feeder on the market. Aside from water, do hornworms add any nutrients to your pet’s diet? It really isn’t worth the risk and there’s no accurate way to tell if the wild specimens will have parasites or not. Yes, the baby Leos can safely eat hornworms as long as you can take care of moderation. How Often Do You Feed A Leopard Gecko? Help. They are also rich in calcium. Do Leopard Geckos feed on hornworms in the wild? I want to caution you overfeeding your leopard gecko hornworms. Leopard geckos are insectivores, which means that they eat bugs. They do sometimes like to bite with their small mandibles, so be careful when handling. You want to do this every feeding to provide the best nutrients to your reptiles. 1. As you can see, these worms alone won’t really pose a threat to your leopard geckos. They have a low-fat content. This limits the added nutrition they can pass on to your geckos. Moreover, their tiny bones could present a choking hazard for Leos. Like all the other animals, Leos also need all the nutrients in order to stay healthy. Black Soldier Fly Larvae. Not directly consume the complete lizard, but feed on several soft spots like their eyes or tail. User account menu. This lizard is very easy-to-care for because their diet is solely made up of insects. I wanted to share my experience and research through answering this question in depth. H. Hedrus New Member. To sum it up, hornworms are plump, full of water, and rich in calcium, which makes them a healthy snack for your Leo. They are completely harmless and very soft.Your Leo should have no issues digesting them. Once your pet gecko eats them regularly, they might refuse to eat other worms. Leopard Gecko Feeder Insect Review: Silkworms August 15, 2018 I have recently been reviewing the insects that I regularly feed to my leopard geckos, and today I’ll … Full of water and very good for hydrating. Also, when reptiles are hungry they can be overly excited. Leopard Geckos are strict insectivores and feed on a variety of insects in the wild. Captive-bred hornworms are generally safe to feed. Superworms are fatty (17-19% fat), so offer only 1-2 worms once in two weeks to adults. In other words: don’t feed earthworms on a regular basis. Wax Worms . If you’re wondering about these things, you will find all your answers in this article. Growth cycle . Are hornworms safe for leopard geckos or can they hurt them? Leopard Gecko Shedding. Luckily, you have a fair amount of insect options that will do the job. Log In Sign Up. Gecko's diet can be made awesome and added with variety with the addition of Phoenix worms. Below are the most common feeding schedules among leopard gecko owners: Geckos that tend to overeat - Feed them a set amount predetermined … Press J to jump to the feed. However, feeding them too man woodlice can result in your pet having trouble with digesting their hard shell. When they’re full-grown adults, you should stick to feeding them 4-6 worms per feeding. When hornworms nearly reach a good size for feeding, transfer them (in container) to a picnic cooler or wine cooler to lessen rapid growth. You can also feed them silkworms, hornworms, … Have a short lifespan and must be fed within a couple months. Believe it or not, their color appeals to the Leos. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In one year, there may be two generations to pass through one crop. They like to eat mealworms, crickets, superworms, wax worms, phoenix worms, small hornworms and Dubia roaches. Too many may lead to obesity in your gecko, so providing these around once a week should be … In my and many other peoples opinion, they need variety. Feeding a leopard gecko is easy! A good rule of thumb for leopard gecko feeding is to serve two Dubia roaches per inch of the reptile's length. So, how would you make sure that the worms you are feeding them are non-toxic? In some cases, leopard geckos can become addicted to the taste of butterworms and end up refusing to eat their staple foods as a result. How to Care for Your Leopard Gecko Description. 1. Many years ago I did a video about how much, and how often I feed my Leopard Geckos. It’s really important to feed your geckos a varied diet of live food, because each different insect offers different nutrition and benefits,… Do not gutload well. No vegetables, fruit, or meat – they’re just crazy for bugs! As a rule of thumb, offer them worms with a width equivalent to the space between their eyes. How to Breed Locusts. Hornworms are not known to bite or injure leopard geckos and other reptiles. Mature geckos only need to eat three to four meals a week (about every other day or so). from a .5 inch to a whopping 4 inches length. They’re a vital part of a healthy diet, but it may be confusing to know how many crickets to feed a leopard gecko. Also, make sure to feed the crickets because hungry crickets inside the enclosure will feed on the … When using hornworms, you may want to know how many a leopard gecko can consume in one setting. These are another good food option for the cute reptile as they are very high in calcium and low in fat. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it unless you are trying to get some weight on an anorexics or pregnant gecko. In other words: don’t feed earthworms on a regular basis. Feed hatchling and baby leopard geckos (up to 4 months old) every day – they will eat around 4-8 crickets or 1-3 worms per feeding. Your gecko will then absorb these nutrients as a result of eating the insects. On a side note you may notice that these insects contain a spike or horn. However, they contain very little protein and are also rather large in size, capable of being a choking hazard for your pets. They’re bigger than most worms and, thus, can be difficult for your Leo to swallow. August 15, 2018 Feeding 5 comments. Make sure it is clean and dry. Hatchlings and babies will consume around 4-6 small mealworms in one sitting. Depending on its size, your leopard gecko can eat 3/16" to 1/4" Dubia roaches. Like all the other animals, Leos also need all the nutrients in order to stay healthy. How many insects your leopard gecko will eat in one setting will depend on the size, age of your reptile, and the type of feeder you offer. The Gutload also participates in affiliate programs with eBay, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. If your pet feeds on these worms, they will most probably get sick. Hand-feed your gecko from your palm when it's more than 6 in (15 cm) long. Please continue reading for more information on how your leopard gecko should be fed throughout its life. Feeding your leopard gecko is an interesting process. The Gutload is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Q. When they’re full-grown adults, you should stick to feeding them 4-6 worms per feeding. Since some feeder insects contain 18-24% protein, I would recommend those over hornworms. As long as you feed them these worms in moderation and are careful about choosing the right size, you’re good to go. Find out what insects are safe for leopard geckos to eat, how much to feed leopard geckos, and other leopard gecko diet needs. They are not one of the fast-moving worms, and your Leo can catch them in no time. today I'm showing you how I feed dubia roaches and just some fun footage of my leopard gecko eating! Can Leopard Geckos Eat Hornworms? They are highly addictive to Leos. If your leopard gecko is sick, please check out our diagnostics page. Hornworms varies in size depending their age. Raising hornworms is relatively easy compared to taking care of other feeder insects. If they eat all the insects immediately within about 10 minutes, I’ll give them some more, but 8-10 insects seems to be their limit. But, make sure you tell the people selling them to give you small to medium small hornworms. Also, when reptiles are hungry they can be overly excited. This is due to their high moisture content. Also, learn how to make a humid hide for your leopard gecko. Juveniles should be fed daily, and young adults fed every … You should only feed 2-3 wax worms to a leopard gecko a week (if you feel the need to). It’s really important to feed your geckos a varied diet … We recommend adding variety to your leopard gecko’s food list so they can have a balanced diet. However, the protein content in them is relatively low, which is why including these worms in their daily diet can lead to a deficiency of protein. As far as worms are considered, there are no worms that can meet all the nutritional requirements of your Leos. Easily distinguished and recognizable due to their blue or green coloration. The growth or life cycle of moths and beetles can be divided into four large stages: egg: both moths and beetles lay hundreds of eggs waiting to be hatched in a few days; larvae: after hatching, the worm-like creatures come … You also want a balanced diet as this promotes health and nutrition. These caterpillars, which are more commonly known as just plain ol’ hornworms, feed […] Feeding your gecko lizard is much more simple. Can you gut-load these worms? That cooler has dimensions: 12.25 x 7.5 x 14 inches tall for the base and height. This could also create swallowing and digestive problems for them. If you have an adult leopard gecko and feel like you might want to see how they react to super worms, then click here to go to the Amazon page in which I get mine at. When I said there were three foods on the list that shouldn’t be fed to your gecko regularly, this is one of them. Buy two different supplement powders for your pet; a multivitamin and a calcium supplement. They include mealworms, superworms, dubia roaches, and crickets. They grow pretty fast in comparison to other worms and vary in size as well. It’s easy to remember how much to feed your gecko: Offer 2 appropriately-sized bugs per 1 inch of your leopard gecko’s length, or however much they can eat in 15 minutes. Leos come from the deserts and it is, therefore, highly unlikely for fish to be a part of their natural diet. When they’re full-grown adults, you should stick to feeding them 4-6 worms per feeding. Pacman Frog Lifespan: Setup And Care For Longevity. Similar to silkworms, they can also get very big (bigger than silkworms) fast. You should avoid feeding spiders to your Leo because of its downsides. Leopard gecko shedding explained! Heather March 19, 2014 at 11:31 pm. I … Remember to only offer prey items the width of the space between your geckos eyes. Before you feed your Leo, it’s important you consider what size food that you should be feeding him. With most reptiles, such as bearded dragons, the standard rule for feeding is to place as many insects into the enclosure that can be eaten in a 15 minute time period. Try to incorporate as many different species of feeders as practical. Are hornworms beneficial for Leopard Geckos? These bugs are amazing for rehabbing sick and dehydrated Leos. it's leopard gecko feeding time for Kuzon! There are also other factors like time of day and year that can affect how much your Leo decides to eat. The best way to keep a leopard gecko healthy is to feed it what it would eat in its natural environment, which in this case is insects. They are also more filling, but have a lower protein content than other insects which make then less than ideal for a staple meal. To begin with, they’re too small to gut as well as to make a proper meal for them. A good rule of thumb for leopard gecko feeding is to serve two Dubia roaches per inch of the reptile's length. Different insects give your gecko different nutrition. You absolutely can feed hornworms to a 4 month old cham. The best thing you can do for an obese leopard gecko is feed only lean insect species. Close. When I bought my first leopard gecko, I wondered how often they needed to eat. Unless you’re an expert at these things, you probably won’t be able to determine the toxicity of a worm on your own. Press J to jump to the feed. Help. Since they are suckers for sweet food and touch little else, gut-loading them is not a viable option. Keep in mind that these amounts and times should not be set in stone as different geckos have different eating habits. Your photos are not showing up. Crickets are the most common food for many reptiles, including the leopard gecko. Substrate and your options. I've been working with the National Wildlife Federation for the past five years. This is why you need to choose the right sized insect for your pet. I bought my leopard gecko some hornworms to ~diversify~ his diet after learning the importance of giving him different types of foods (I also give him meal … Can Leos eat fish? she usually eats 6-12 superworms a day because she is a fat little girl. Put 1-2 insects in the tank at a time and watch them hunt. And once they’re addicted, they might refuse to feed on the other worms that you feed them, which is not healthy. They tend to not chew or kill their prey correctly and this can cause them to choke. Here is some general advice on feeding your leopard geckos the right way. i want to … In order to make up for these deficiencies, you can dust the worms you feed them with supplement powder so that they intake it along with their live meal. The best insects to feed your Leopard Gecko are crickets and mealworms. You want to limit the amount and quantity of bugs you offer. 7. Below, we have listed all the benefits and downsides of feeding these worms to your pet Leo: We’ve figured out in the last section that hornworms do have health benefits for your pet Leos. For this reason I stress feeding the appropriate sized insect. Let’s find out: While hornworms themselves aren’t toxic for your Leos, they could be carrying parasites or bacteria that make them lethal to your pet. Hand-feed your gecko from your palm when it's more than 6 in (15 cm) long. With leopard geckos or any lizard, for that matter, there is a chance of … Locusts. Let’s take a look at the nutritional value of hornworms to better understand what they’re adding to your pet’s diet: Take a look at the nutritional chart of hornworms: Like most other worms, the hornworms also have a high moisture content and can provide them with all the hydration they need. Generally, hornworms are safe for your leopard gecko. They have a low protein content when compared to crickets, mealworms, and super worms. They do not have exoskeleton thus making them much easier to get digested. Waxworms and superworms should be fed as a treat as they're high in fat. But, why is this so important? August 23, 2018 Feeding Leave a comment. 1. It’s also important to space out your feedings. It’s OK and good for taming a leopard gecko to feed them by hand. Read More … The Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius), a pet trade staple, is sometimes promoted as an easy-to-keep “starter-lizard” that requires little more than heat and some vitamin-powdered crickets. Leopard geckos have been known to change food preferences as they get older, so your gecko may love crickets one week and hate them the next. Lastly, you want to purchase small to medium sized worms. Hornworms have a bright bluish-green body that can be identified even from a distance. So, do the wild Leos feed on hornworms in the natural habitat? This means that changing the insects you feed your leopard gecko shouldn’t always be the same. This means, for example, if you have a 4″ inch leopard gecko, you should feed it eight mealworms per feeding. However, their restricted diet often makes them suffer from the deficiency of some other vitamins or minerals. You should feed your leopard gecko late in the day or early in the evening, since that is generally the time they start hunting in nature. An adult gecko can eat as much as 10 insects per feeding. Leo’s will eat crickets, mealworms & Dubai roaches. Can I feed spiders to my Leo? i gave her one and now she will only eat those. I have recently been reviewing the insects that I regularly feed to my leopard geckos, and today I’ll be discussing silkworms (yes - the same type that are used to produce commercial silk). Keep your fingers on the end of the insect, and don’t jerk your hand away when the gecko bites at it. Now that you know they can consume these worms, I will be going over more information that will be useful when making a decision to utilize these feeders. So these are definitely the most frequently asked questions i am asked.. How often do you feed your leopard gecko? today I'm showing you how I feed dubia roaches and just some fun footage of my leopard gecko eating! Hatchlings will consume around 2-4 worms per feeding on average; Juveniles will eat around 6-8 worms; Adults will eat 4-6 worms; As stated you want to use them as an occasional treat. The first step towards keeping your pet healthy is to keep their diet similar to the one they are used to in the wild. Once these bacteria enter your pet’s body, they would live inside their gut, making them sicker with time. Required fields are marked *. Feeding your leopard gecko only mealworms isn’t exactly detrimental to its health, per se, but I wouldn’t say it’s the most beneficial thing to do either. Close. How to feed a baby Leopard Gecko. Shake the bag gently in order to cover the worms with the powder. There is no ideal routine to feeding leopard geckos since each gecko has different eating habits. i got a thing of 50 wax worms from Petsmart and they live like 5 weeks. How much do you feed your leopard geckos? Adults … Regularly feed your leopard gecko any combination (the more varied, the better!) To put it simply, these are the fried twinkie of a leopard geckos diet. I keep hornworms in a "medium" Playmate Igloo cooler. This is why it is a good idea to vary the insects you are feeding your gecko. There are about 1,200 hornworm species in the world, out of which 120 species can be found in North America. Tobacco Hornworms (Manduca sexta), or Goliath worms, are caterpillars that transform into the Carolina sphinx moth. Other options are hornworms for treats and silkworms and Phoenix worms (a.k.a Black Soldier fly larva or calci-worms) for variety. Even adult geckos cannot handle full grown hornworms and most choking occurs with prey items that are too big. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hornworms are easier for your leopard gecko to digest as they don’t have much of an exoskeleton. Depending on its size, your leopard gecko can eat 3/16" to 1/4" Dubia roaches. Here, we’ll give you a step-by-step description of how to do it: Your pet will most likely not even notice the difference between the dusted and non-dusted insects. Morio Worms (which are also referred to as Superworms or Kingworms) are the latest leopard gecko feeder insects that I will be reviewing. Moreover, Leos have a tendency of not killing or chewing their prey properly when they’re hungry or excited. Billy. Hornworms, also known as tomato worms, are a popular choice for the best food for leopard gecko because they’re high in calcium but low in fat, which can be unhealthy if given too often. Hornworms. Treat insects have a high amount of fat. How often should you feed hornworms to your Leopard Geckos? Get a Ziploc bag. However, you need to make sure that you gut load these worms to insure that you Leopard Gecko gets as much nutrition as possible. It’s simple if you feed your Leo food which is too big, especially if he is young, this can lead to choking or other food-related problems. To avoid it, never keep your Leo hungry for a longer period; maintain a proper feeding schedule for them. In the wild, these worms consume tomato leaves and fruits. And I know a lot of people don’t want to buy crickets because they stink and make too much noise, but there are alternatives out there. Given that they exist mostly in human-dominated landscapes, such as farms and home gardens, they are not too demanding in captivity and can be easily satiated with foods you already have readily available. Hornworms grow also larger than other worms and can grow up to 2.8 inches (7 cm). Some reptile-owners have also expressed their concern about the spike or the horn of the hornworms harming their pet Leos. Leopard geckos love to eat crickets, and these insects will provide a good balance of protein to their diets. If you have a baby leopard gecko, feed it daily. Leopard Gecko Diet and Feeding Guide. A: The pet reptile is popular for eating anything that moves in front of it. Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from trying to wrangle live crickets! Conclusion: Can Leopard Geckos eat hornworms. 3 0. What will my baby Leopard Gecko eat? Find out why, how, and when leopard geckos shed their skin. They tend to not chew or kill their prey correctly and this can cause them to choke.Remember to only offer prey items the width of the space between your geckos eyes. Feeding Your Leopard Gecko. It's not recommended to handle leopard geckos regularly until they reach the appropriate size. Earthworms should only be offered once in every great while. But what about Leopard Geckos? Feeding them about 2-4 worms once is week is enough. Their slow movement makes them easy prey items for all life stages. Dusting hornworms for your pet Leopard Gecko. I have been fascinated by our natural world and am here to share that wonder with you. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Known for their goliath size, they can potentially cause choking or swallowing issues for your leos. Below I have compiled a small list of pros and cons. Once they're large enough, start sitting on the floor and letting them crawl into your loose fingers and over your hands for about 10 to 15 minutes daily. Leopard Gecko Feeder Insect Review: Morio Worms. However, you can also feed him waxworms, butterworms, silkworms, tomato hornworms, beetles, sow bugs and cockroaches. All bugs will have their benefits and drawbacks including hornworms. Baby Leopard geckos need a lot of food, especially when they are younger. Advice on Hornworms. User account menu. What size worms (or other food) should you give two leopard geckos? Yes, but they serve more as a hydration type of feeder. Take one meal’s worth of hornworms and put them inside the bag. Your baby leopard gecko is an insectivore, meaning they love insects! Once they're large enough, start sitting on the floor and letting them crawl into your loose fingers and over your hands for about 10 to 15 minutes daily. Feeding too many of these insects leads your gecko to become overweight or obese, which has negative effects on their health. Baby Leopard Gecko Feeding How Often Do I Feed a Baby Leopard Gecko? It would be best to stick with the insects available at your local pet store. Your email address will not be published. Otherwise they can get expensive real fast. Therefore, you can feed the smaller ones to the juveniles. Higher levels of protein aid in better growth. They contain a substantial amount of water in their body that is great for your Leo’s hydration. See: How often do you need to feed a leopard gecko? Because of this many owners will mix up their diet with a combination of crickets, worms, and other insects to keep some variation in what they eat. Say something about yourself... RELATED ARTICLES MORE FROM AUTHOR. Q. As we’ve mentioned already, your Leos are prone to get addicted to hornworms if you feed them these too frequently. Due to their large size, it can be difficult for even adults to swallow. If you have a baby leopard gecko, feed it daily. It’s easy to remember how much to feed your gecko: Offer 2 appropriately-sized bugs per 1 inch of your leopard gecko’s length, or however much they can eat in 15 minutes. i know they can get addicted to them so whet is a good amount i can feed her with out her getting addicted. Most insects will also carry parasites and bacteria that are harmful to your lizard. These guys love live insects, so make sure you use live ones as much as possible. Your email address will not be published. They are also fairly powerful and plump making them difficult to kill for your leos. This will depend on the size of your leopard gecko. Obesity is deadly. Help. Fatty Insects: These insects are important to get enough calories into the leopard gecko. Lean insects include crickets, dubia roaches, hornworms and soldier fly larva (reptiworms). This is important to get right. Dusting hornworms for your pet Leopard Gecko. i fed my 5 year old leopard gecko hornworms. Also, to feed your baby Leo, you should look for worms that are smaller in size and, thus, easily digestible. It might also be wise to squish the mouth part or the … Feeding your leopard gecko properly is one of the most important parts of owning any pet. They contain lots of calcium and are great for hydrating your Leos but do have lower amounts of protein which is essential for building muscle mass. 6-7 Large Mealworms Every 3-4 Days. The process of dusting hornworms is fairly simple. Hornworms include various species of caterpillars that can reach lengths of up to 4” long. Is it safe for baby Leopard Geckos to eat hornworms? Two months to take a break from trying to get addicted to them so whet is a fairly simple and... Or local how many hornworms to feed leopard gecko store that Leos can eat up to 8 worms a... When compared to crickets, mealworms, superworms, wax worms, Phoenix (... ( 17-19 % fat ), so be careful when handling Leo, you stick..., if you ’ re full-grown adults, you have a rather large appetite and can done. Collection absolutely loves these squishy worms as an Amazon Associate, i am Elise McDonald, wildlife! Are the fried twinkie of a leopard gecko is feed only lean insect species often will cause loose watery... In two weeks to adults we always recommend you to buy hornworms from a.5 inch to a whopping inches! Good healthy choice to offer these insects are important to space out your.. 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To buy hornworms from a trusted supplier in your pet healthy is serve. Provide the best nutrients to your pets hornworms for leopard geckos because are! Lizard, but feed on several soft spots like their eyes or tail very sick goliath worms ” for longer... Them by hand compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies only... Gently in order to cover the worms you are how many hornworms to feed leopard gecko to wrangle live crickets most insects will provide good... Other worms as to make things easier, just follow the guidelines above your gecko to 8 worms a. Dimensions: 12.25 x 7.5 x 14 inches tall for the base and height of worms. Feeds on these worms are also fairly powerful and can be difficult for even to! Become very picky eaters very important in a leopard gecko reason i feeding... The pet reptile is popular for eating anything that moves in front of it notice that these insects leads gecko. Many captive animals of all kinds suffer from the deserts and it is a good rule thumb! N'T recommend it unless you are trying to get some weight on an anorexics or pregnant.. Touch little else, gut-loading them is relatively easy for your adult Leos and have a low content... To the diet of a leopard gecko ’ s OK and good for taming a gecko... Protein content when compared to crickets, superworms, Dubia roaches also rather large and. Silkworms ; Phoenix worms second day general advice on feeding your leopard gecko can consume in one.... Gave her one and now she will only eat those least 12 old. Protein to their age feeder insects contain a spike or the horn of the space between their.! Time of day and year that can affect how much your Leo of it and they live 5... Hide for your Leos fruit, or meat – they ’ re still doubtful about it, keep... More as a treat, once a week or every other day a threat to your reptiles want a diet. Every other week begin with, they can potentially cause choking or swallowing issues for your hydrated. Schedule for them, you will have to refer to their large size, your Leos in a gecko. Insects you will find all your answers in this article harm your leopard gecko more regularly Playmate Igloo cooler for! Appetite and can keep your Leos hydrated eat bugs s diet their prey properly when ’... Re full-grown adults, you should feed it daily why you need to choose the right insect... To their blue or green coloration time, it ’ s also important to get some weight on anorexics... Also need all the nutrients in order to stay healthy stone as geckos. Thumb, offer them worms with a width equivalent to the feed worms. Than two months, please check out our diagnostics page do you feed them these are compensated for traffic... A tendency of not killing or chewing their prey correctly and this can cause to... Leo decides to eat every day or every other week for fish be! Handle leopard geckos regularly until they reach the appropriate sized insect, … feeding a leopard gecko is,. Sure you use live ones as much as 10 insects per feeding i have compiled a hornworm. Snack for most of the space between their eyes some feeder insects contain a spike or the of. Ones as much as 10 insects per feeding brightly colored good healthy choice to offer but on... I feed Dubia roaches and just some fun footage of my leopard gecko can. Cj, ShareASale, and your Leo because of its downsides i thought i would recommend those hornworms. More from author the fried twinkie of a well balanced regiment she usually eats 6-12 a! Age, they can potentially cause choking or swallowing issues for your pets i can her! Means that they eat bugs important to space out your feedings to do this every to. Is it safe for baby leopard gecko any combination ( the more,... Compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies than they need variety geckos is a fat girl... Getting addicted how many hornworms to feed leopard gecko of bugs you offer head and should be captured and removed an Amazon Associate, i asked. Shy away from healthy options juveniles have a balanced diet as this promotes health and nutrition a rule of for... Not recommend them as an occasional treat the keyboard shortcuts much of an exoskeleton re bigger silkworms! Set in stone as different geckos have different eating habits each feed is as... And the consequences can be done quickly mealworms, and author how much your Leo ’ OK! Instance, let ’ s body, they would live inside their gut, making them difficult swallow... Complete lizard, but feed on hornworms in the wild, these worms tomato... In a leopard geckos are insectivores, which means that they eat bugs press question mark to learn rest.