Phone +27824588751 [email protected] / [email protected] Phone. In the 20th century, the Boerboel was nearly extinct. Augustyn Boerboels is owned by Jacques and Wilna Augustyn. We are living on the farm Kersfontein in the Malmesbury area, about 50km from Cape Town RSA. At Mid-America Boerboels, we take pride in being a first-rate South African Boerboel breeder; all of our male breeders make great studs and are bred for the best qualities possible. Tons of awards and memories from all over the world. It's the result of investment and many years of hard work. BRAAMBOS BOERBOELS SOUTH AFRICA. We are a veteran owned business. Helaas wordt door de grote populariteit van de Boerboel op dit moment een heleboel van het oorspronkelijk karakter en type “weggefokt”. De Boerboel is een zeer grote gedomesticeerde werkhond. Our dogs are part of our family and every dog has a special place in our If you are interested in owning any of our loving puppies, click to see How to Own or call 334.796.0545. 717-602-5442. Hij is zeer trouw aan het gezin, een echte kindervriend en…, Kleinschalige Boerboel-Fokker in Doetinchem.…, Wij zijn boerboelliefhebbers, we fokken ook met dit geweldige ras. Seriously, you won’t be able to take your eyes off his massive, well-proportioned frame where his … Every owner of our boerboels is a part of our Mascot Millenium family. His full siblings are Nostras Tyson 93.1% and Nostras Lisha 92.5%. Boerboel South African Mastiff Braambos Boerboels. Boerboels Fueled kennel South African mastiffs. Gezondheid en karakter staan voorop.…, Een keer per jaar plannen we de komst van een nestje Boerboels. Reply Delete The Boerboel was officially recognized by the AKC in 2015. Enter YOUR dog for FREE: Select Breeder to see dogs of Breeder: Select dog in list to see pedigree: Search dog by name We want to ensure those who become interested in purchasing Boerboel puppies from us will be fully satisfied. Facebook geeft mensen de … meer informatie Accepteren. There are not many males of this caliber, he is the Bentley of the Boerboel breed. De boerboel is een zuidafrikaanse mastiff, een uniek ras met al zijn eigen unieke facetten. He has also been Featured Boerboel Breeder in Dog World USA magazine. Our dogs are raised in a loving kennel home, socialized in a comfortable household environment with children and plenty of activity. Learn more about us and our dogs to understand why we are Boerboel enthusiasts. Boerboel South African Mastiff Braambos Boerboels. Not only Ysterberg by bloodlines but also ,and most importantly we breed with old "ysterberg- principals" as main criteria for our work ! De Boerboel is tot op heden nog niet F.C.I. Augustyn Boerboels is owned by Jacques and Wilna Augustyn. Geregistreerd bij rasvereniging.…, Wij fokken sinds 1990 Boerboels, welke op een zo goed mogelijke manier gesocialiseerd worden om op te groeien tot een superfijne gezinshond.…, Wij fokken uitsluitend met aangekeurde Boerboels, die vrij van HD en ED en zonder Ex-Entropion en Prolaps zijn. We have been involved with Boerboels since 1999 and actively started breeding Boerboels in the early 2000’s. Wij proberen door bij de keuze van onze fokdieren te selecteren op gezondheid,…, Kleinschalige boerboel fokker. Mail. Reply Delete Don't take our word for it - read what others say! Gespierd, buitengewoon sterk en loyaal aan een fout, de Zuid-Afrikaanse Mastiff is een taai ras, gefokt voor het bewaken van de woning in moeilijke Afrikaanse omstandigheden. Wij zijn geregistreerd bij rasvereniging SABBS onder kennelnummer 112260 met als kennelnaam "Boerboelhoeve".…, Doggo maakt gebruik van cookies voor het analyseren van onze bezoekers, social media en het tonen van advertenties. Hacen envíos a Argentina, Can I have your information to purchase a puppy. Magacol South African Boerboels is a small kennel in Umatilla, Florida. Jacob Blade ( Jacob Bob/ R + M Barbie ) and Ragnarok Moët ( Ataraxia Guzman/ Sanbel Chelsea) Pups due in 2.5 weeks, both parents have excellent temperament. Enter YOUR dog for FREE: Select Breeder to see dogs of Breeder: Select dog in list to see pedigree: Search dog by name Breedregulations. Our dogs are from a range of excellent bloodlines that lead back to South Africa. Throughout the years, Proffers’ Kennel has repeatedly produced some of the finest and highest scoring Boerboels in the world; including this years SABBS 2015 Spring Appraisal of beautiful Proffers Sarrabi, scoring 90.3 at only 12 months old! Boerboel Europe has a neutral position compared to other Boerboel organisations. We have attended many very large appraisal venues/shows and visited many other kennels, in addition to our own dogs (we either bought or bred). Sharing first hand information regarding to South African Boerboel. We have been involved with Boerboels since 1999 and actively started breeding Boerboels in the early 2000’s. Tons of awards and memories from all over the world. SABBS Member Number 0674914. En nog veel meer: hondenscholen, hondenfokkers, uitlaatbedrijven, hondenpensions & asiels, trimsalons, dierenartsen en dierenspeciaalzaken. Black Iron is a registered stud kennel with: South African Boerboel Breeder Society (SABBS) – Member #0669482 North American Boerboel Breeders Association (NABBA) – Member #20131002. CONTACT. We are members of the Columbus Kennel Club, North America Boerboel Breeder’s Association (NABBA), and South African Boerboel Breeders Society (SABBS). Word lid van Facebook om met Ajoke Boerboel Kennel en anderen in contact te komen. Die collectie van duizenden kleitabletten uit de 7de eeuw voor Christus be… The Boerboel is an intuitive intelligent active breed. BRAAMBOS BOERBOELS SOUTH AFRICA. Op vind je een overzicht van alle Boerboel kennels in Nederland en België. Een kleine fokker in het zuiden van het land. Immermoed Boerboels is een gerenommeerde Boerboel Fokker die selectief fokt op gezondheid en karakter van de Boerboel! How do I get information on purchasing a pup. Our Boerboel Kennel. If that means recommending a different breeder or breed to you, we hope to be honest in doing that. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. JalaBoerboels fokt niet alleen gezonde Boerboels, maar vindt een sociale hond met een goed karakter minstens zo belangrijk. Hidden Creek . Braam Riekert. Dothan, Alabama . De honden waar we mee fokken zijn gezond en hebben een goed karakter. Kennel Breeder(s) Phone Website Email; JACOB BOERBOELS - Cape Town, South Africa: Paul & Je-Anne Wagner: Facebook: Jacob Boerboels: CARIAD BOERBOELS - Wales, UK: Gregory + Lynne Jones: GROOTGELUK BOERBOELS - Netherlands: Claudia Maurits: Dekken Boerboels… A “Microbreedery” We are not in the business of just breeding dogs – in fact, our craft isn’t even a business. Voor meer informatie over de verwachte nestjes raadpleeg…, De Boerboel is een Zuid-Afrikaanse hond met een geweldig stabiel en evenwichtig karakter. Our mission is to contribute quality specimen to the Boerboel gene pool. Door allerlei cursussen en workshops en keuringen over de hele wereld te volgen, komen wij steeds in contact met boerboel fokkers en eigenaars waardoor wij de kans krijgen om onze boerboel kennis en inzicht te verruimen. We are the first Boerboel kennel in the world that breeds Boerboels based on genetic studies. They are conducted in leading laboratories of the European Union to provide you with the best Boerboel puppies. Leo will amaze you from first glance. After studying and learning as much as we could about the breed and finding the right breeder, we purchased our first little angel from a wonderful and experienced breeder in South Africa. Kom eens langs voor een bak koffie! Pedigree of the Boerboels Now contains 53558 dogs! She is my constant companion, rarely leaving my side for more than a few minutes unless she was playing with Uma and crashed out. We value the breed, we value our pups, and we also value you. Tyson Boerboels is een kleine Boerboel Fokker, wij fokken uitsluitend met gezonde boerboels, welke zonder enige twijfel allemaal beschikken over het zelfde stabiele karakter. His father Boston is one of the prolific producer of all times. Hij is een van de weinige vorsten in de oudheid die kan lezen en schrijven, en is bekend geworden door de zogenoemde Bibliotheek van Nineve of Bibliotheek van Assurbanipal. De Boerboel is een imposante en een uiterst intelligente grote hond. Read More. Enter YOUR dog for FREE: Select Breeder to see dogs of Breeder: Select dog in list to see pedigree: Search dog by name can you call me my phone is 669 500 6605 would like to talk with you about buying 2 pups. NABBA Member Number 20131506 Braam Riekert. Don't take our word for it - read what others say! As boerboel breeders we feel it's very important to have exposure to as many boerboels as possible, in order to fully understand the breed . Certifications. Chosen for their strong guard-dog tendencies and intelligence, these dogs make for great companions. Pedigree of the Boerboels Now contains 53561 dogs! Oct 17, 2014 - Jacob Tesla from Jacob Boerboels @ 5.5 months Gezien onze gedrevenheid meer dan voldoende om aan de vooraf “hooggelegde lat” te kunnen voldoen. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Tot op heden wordt de Boerboel nog steeds gebruikt als waak- en werkhond op de Zuid Afrikaanse boerderijen. Dating back to 1652, this breed is a descendant of the Boer dog. She is my constant companion, rarely leaving my side for more than a few minutes unless she was playing with Uma and crashed out. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. Ook het karakter van onze honden staat hoog in het vaandel.…, Wilt Uw kennis maken met de Boerboel een hond uit Zuid-Afrika, neem gerust contact met ons op en kom gezellig eens kijken naar onze honden en de karakters en hoe ze leven.…, Wij dragen het ras de Zuid-Afrikaanse Boerboel een zeer warm hart toe en verwachten dit van de nieuwe puppyeigenaren ook. Welcome to Laika Boerboele We are breeders of the South African Boerboel, also called the South African mastiff. Pedigree of the Boerboels Now contains 53557 dogs! jacob boerboel kennel • November 6, 2020 • 0 Comments. Welcome to Targus Boerboels! Zulu is oneof the Top Ranked Boerboel in the World and Legend. Read More. First, thank you for your interest in Mastiff Boerboel Kennel. Address. We are a Boerboel kennel situated on the West Rand of Johannesburg. He will turn three in January of 2018. De lijfspreuk van Boerboel International: "We put the Boerboel First", is dan ook op ons…, Onder de naam BoerboelHoeve zijn we -in het Oosten des lands- kleinschalig aan het fokken met Boerboelen. Phone +27824588751 [email protected] / [email protected] Visitors are welcome by appointment for those with approved puppy applications. The South African Boerboel is the only South African dog specifically bred for guarding and protecting without being aggressive. Blade, a very actebive and athletic male, is living on a farm in South Africa still doing his job as a Boerboel keeping the family and livestock safe. Ajoke Boerboel Kennel is lid van Facebook. Great Lakes Dara (Monarch Jordan X Great Lakes Belle) "She is a great pup, always a joy to be around and such a full of life, fun loving dog. WHISPERING Creek LeoPold Leo received the highest NABBA appraisal score in 2017 — 96.9. Kwaliteit gaat boven kwantiteit is hierbij nog steeds…, Baruti Boerboels is onze passie en hobby. Hola amigos me interesan sus perros, hacen envíos a México, este es mi correo, Hola Amigos, excelentes ejemplares. Hola amigos me interesan sus perros, hacen envíos a México, este es mi correo Tigerberg Boerboel Breeders are top boerboel breederds situated in South Africa, committed and dedicated to breed boerboels which are capable of working and have a brain for easy training. Great Lakes Dara (Monarch Jordan X Great Lakes Belle) "She is a great pup, always a joy to be around and such a full of life, fun loving dog. When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted. Puppies leave when they … In the 20th century, the Boerboel was nearly extinct. South African Boerboel Puppies for Sale. Historici beginnen de geschiedenis van de Boerboel of stamverwanten meestal zo’n 600 jaar voor Christus en refereren dan aan Assurbanipal, die in deze periode leeft en koning van Assyrië is. As a top breeder of the South African Boerboel all of our puppies for sale are DNA tested, vet checked, and microchiped, and meet the standards of NABBA. Chosen for their strong guard-dog tendencies and intelligence, these dogs make for great companions. We breed the old type Ysterberg boerboels here at Abelles Kennel. At Mid-America Boerboels, we take pride in being a first-rate South African Boerboel breeder; all of our male breeders make great studs and are bred for the best qualities possible. can you call me my phone is 669 500 6605 would like to talk with you about buying 2 pups, I'm in California please call me if you can please, How do I go to purchase a puppy from u guys and how,,,, Our dogs are from world class kennels and have produced outstanding scores and pups. We are living on the farm Kersfontein in the Malmesbury area, about 50km from Cape Town RSA. Van tijd tot tijd pups. dekkenboerboels@gmail. Below you will find any Boerboel puppy litters we currently have for sale. erkend. Every Boerboel with a pedigree can be accepted with Boerboel Europe For Boerboels without a known pedigree is the possibility to be appraised and registred in aspecial registrer. We believe once you own a Boerboel that you will always own a Boerboel. Majaza Boerboels immediatley fell in love with the breed after being introduced in 2013. 717-514-9779. We have several targeted programs at MBK dedicated to identifying and maximizing each puppy’s individual talent. SABT/SABBA and NABBA member, Temperment, conformation and movement are what we breed for. The Boerboel is known for its loyalty, companionship and protection of the family and it is our goal to produce quality Boerboels with these characteristics. They are amazing family dogs very good with children and love to be an active part of your family. Our Boerboel puppies come with: NABBA puppy registration, Health Certificate, Up to date on shots with health record, Microchiped and Genetic health guarantee (hips, heart,etc.) Voor meer info zie de website.…, Belgisch erkend gediplomeerd Boerboel fokker…, Bij de SABBS en Boerboel international geregistreerd. Although our kennel is still young, the dogs in our breeding program are out of well-established bloodlines, traceable for more than five generations. Boerboel fokker…, Bij de keuze van onze fokdieren te selecteren op gezondheid, …, Boerboel! Ysterberg Boerboels here at Abelles kennel do NOT follow this link or you will always own a Boerboel gebruikt waak-! About 50km from Cape Town RSA was officially recognized by the AKC in 2015 their strong guard-dog tendencies and,... To you, we value the breed after being introduced in 2013 met al zijn unieke. That means recommending a different Breeder or breed to you, we value breed... 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