But feeding on algae is enough reason for aquarium owners to purchase them. Just be careful, if otocinclus are starved for too long they may begin hanging off other fish. Their shape is streamlined and some say they resemble a little shark. Even though they don’t have any of the triggers that betta fish attack, it doesn’t mean he won’t try. To see the true nature of otocinclus catfish it’s best to keep them together rather than on their own. If you’re wondering whether an otocinclus and betta can live together, the short answer is yes. Because of their large demand for algae, Otocinclus should never be placed in an unplanted or newly-set up an aquarium. It's got me thinking though that maybe my algae has gotten too low. Two of the most common species in the aquarium trade are Otocinclus vittatus and Otocinclus macrospilus.Otocinclus cocama is known as the zebra oto, Otocinclus affinis as the golden oto, and Otocinclus mariae as the dwarf oto. The most common way to supplement algae in your otocinclus’ diet is to feed them algae wafers. The first is you’ll notice them foraging the bottom of your tank as well as any decorations that have algae on them. While normally they will be a bit damaged due to transit, if they look noticeably bad then you should pick another fish. So the focus today is going to be about information on otocinclus’! They have all gone into a 64L tank. Otocinclus are shy and need to be given special consideration due to their diet; tank conditions and aquascaping options are also largely incompatible between the two species. Not only do they like a strong current, but they normally live in sandy substrate that is covered in tree roots. Scientific Name: Macrotocinclus Affinis, Otocinclus Affinis Common Name: Oto, Oto catfish, otto cat, dwarf suckermouth, dwarf oto, dwarf Sucker Tank Size: 100 liters (26,42 gallons) and more Temperament: Peaceful Diet: Omnivorous bottom feeder Temperature: 22-28 C (71,6-82,4 F) pH: 6.5-7.5 Care Level: Easy Color Form: Various, most have a brown … Healthy Otocinclus will dart quickly around the tank. Lastly, most betta fish are known to pick at most plants in the aquarium setting. Otocinclus is a popular aquarium catfish which often feeds on algae. Otocinclus catfish like constant water flow, whereas with bettas it should be very gentle. I bought the otos and the result is pretty good. You can say it is the little fish that cleans up after itself. Bloating could be the sign of a serious bacterial infection that you don’t want to introduce into your tank. In addition, otos need to be kept in schools and will not be able to be kept in a 10 gallon (37.9 L) betta fish tank due to lack of space. While not fish, some of the best tank mates for bettas include snails and shrimp. Avoid any with caved in bellies, torn and ragged fins, and grey or red coloring. When keeping otocinclus’ and bettas together there are a few things you’re going to need to be aware of. If you don’t see them looking for food, they are usually hiding somewhere in the aquarium. Just make sure that their belly looks plump and not bloated. - 5-6 Neon Tetras - 2-3 Otocinclus My questions are: - Is this a good combo? They can be found schooling in the thousands, munching on leaves and rocks where algae is growing; most often, these fish are spotted in the upper water column. While it is possible, they’re definitely not going to be as happy, and you’ll miss out on so much interesting behavior. Mainly inhabits in small or middle-sized rivers with moderate flow. Otocinclus cocama is characterized by its black and white striped blotches spreading all over the body. However, the first few weeks are the hardest. These bottom dwellers like to live in a small school and prefer a … Although the two species look similar, the Chinese algae eater is a much more aggressive fish that may not be a good tankmate for a betta. So you should make sure the pH never drops below 6.5 or goes above 7.2. Learn more about Mailchimp’s privacy practices here. Because of this, you'll need to keep at least 6 in your tank – 10-15 would be better. An otocinclus and betta thrive in the same temperature and pH, however, you should keep the nitrates in your tank as low as possible instead of the recommended 20ppm. But I wouldn’t recommend it. There are two things that your otocinclus is most likely going to be seen doing. In the pet store trade the different species are oft… Not only will they keep your tank clean and add more movement to the aquarium, but your betta is more unlikely to bother them. Otocinclus Catfish. They are native to South America, mainly the rivers of North Argentina and Venezuela. Can Ghost Shrimp And Bettas Live Together? Once otocinclus catfish have settled in they’re very easy to keep. Guppy (female only) Poecilia reticulata. As well as knowing what sort of tank is best for your otocinclus it’s also necessary to know their temperament. The Otocinclus affinis, also known as Otocinclus catfish or simply Oto cat is a small south American fish native to Brazil where it can be found in heavily vegetated streams and rivers. However, that doesn’t mean you should go out and buy an otocinclus to introduce to your betta. If you’re reading this article then that means you already know a lot about bettas. The dwarf suckers are one of the most popular algae eaters. Otocinclus catfish are also known as oto cats, though some species have their own names. There need to be driftwood, caves or any ornament where the SAE can hide. If you’re not aware already, bettas should be fed twice a day. (Even when they are right beside each other in the aquarium.) Keep reading to find out why members of Otocinclus don’t make ideal tank mates for bettas, and some other fish alternatives that will work better! And secondly, you’ll notice them hanging off things with their powerful mouths. Knowing the different behavior, tank requirements and diets of multiple fish is a difficult task to accomplish. Your email address will not be published. You should avoid an otocinclus that has a grey coloring and DEFINITELY if they look bloody. Otocinclus Catfish is a peaceful fish that like to keep to their school of buddies. There is a reason for this, owing to the fact that many other fish see them as a potential snack. Bettas are aggressive fish and need to be kept on their own when placed in smaller tanks; even females need to be carefully watched for aggressive behaviors. If you notice that their belly is caved in then you should definitely avoid purchasing. So keep reading to find out everything you need to know about keeping otocinclus’ and bettas together! Otocinclus catfish are shoaling fish. You can also use blanched vegetables like zucchinis and cucumber. °F, likewise, bettas can live in temperatures between 76-80°F. The Siamese Algae Eater loves to be around plants which also resembles its natural habitat. Favorite Answer Betta and Otos can live together, but not in a 5 gal. The more otocinclus you have the more you should feed them. I have a male betta in a ten gallon tank with a filter and a heater; fake plants and a stump with holes swim through. If you’re interested in knowing about 30 other tank mates that can live with your betta then check out this HUGE list of betta tank mates! Also, they are small, affordable and fun to watch. The otocinclus is a catfish that is referred to by several names. While this is something to keep in mind with regards to otto catfish tankmates, … It is also important to keep in mind that these fish are very shy and will only do well in a community tank settings with other peaceful fish, like rasboras and tetras. Ideally, you should keep otocinclus catfish in a shoal of 6 or more. Or to be more specific that your betta will ignore them. Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi. They should never be placed in a tank with Otocinclus. But they’re not the only ones! Usually you may encounter this fish in streamside vegetation, especially in the grass among the water plants with large number of small leaves.You may also see this catfish in some open water mass. But with otocinclus, you should also try to keep the nitrate level as low as possible as well. However, if your betta is relatively peaceful (which is often the case) then otocinclus’ make great tank mates, and they’ll help you get rid of any algae build up. There are 20 species of Otocinclus, but they share many things in common. Ember Tetras & Bettas. If there’s an abundance of algae in your tank then your otocinclus is going to be extremely happy. However, the same can’t be said for your betta. And they can often be caught in the Amazon River! You’ll learn about 68 different tank mates that can live with your betta, as well as fish to avoid. Otocinclus is a genus of freshwater catfish from the family Loricariidae. Of course, this increases the stress they’re feeling massively and results in them having a weak immune system by the time they reach your tank. If he’s aggressive then it’s best to avoid placing him with any other fish, and instead, you should start a new community tank. You might be looking to get something that brings some movement to the bottom of your tank and a species of Otocinclus is at the top of your list. You should also make sure that your tank has a strong current for your otocinclus, but also an area that is free from the current for your betta. If you want to know about every fish that can live with your betta then click here. Ideally, you want a tank that is covered in algae, but if not high-quality algae wafers can be used. Be very careful with Betta, Paradise fish, Siamese Algae Eater, Angelfish. However, these fish will need to be kept in schools and water temperature will need to be monitored as members of this genus do better in cooler temperatures. Make sure you quarantine your otocinclus before adding it to your betta tank. Since plants grow algae, which is the source for most of the food for otos, your Otocinclus could potentially starve and become stressed out due to a lack of natural hiding spots. Can Glass Catfish And Bettas Live Together? If you’re worried about your betta then keep reading to find out how you can make the tank suit both breeds of fish! These fish live in the well-oxygenated and moderate-flowing waters across the Andes mountain range in South America. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Upto 2 inches. However, bettas are also opportunistic eaters so you’re going to need to make sure that your betta isn’t eating their food. If you’re not sure how to set up a quarantine tank then you can learn everything you need to know here. Firstly these guys are wrong neon tetras and betta fish are top dwellers and that means they stay at the top of the tank otocinclus are bottom dwellers they stay at the bottom but when they do … If oxygen levels are low in the water, otos will swim to the surface and take in atmospheric air to breathe. Their passive nature and adorable puppy-like faces make them a welcome addition to … Unfortunately, otos do not make good tank mates for betta fish. They’re small and dull coloured, so if the Betta is a tolerant one, might work out ok. No guarantees of course :-). One of the best ways you can get around this is the way you decorate your tank. Can Betta Fish Live With Guppies? Regular price Sale price $2.00. This article has a lot of information to take in, so here’s a quick recap of the main points. Some hobbyists have, in fact, had success keeping Otocinclus with betta fish, though there are definitely better pairings that have higher success rates. Some tank mates to avoid are Cichlids, Goldfish, Jack Dempsey, and Oscars. Bettas are easily pushed around the aquarium by higher water currents and will not tolerate the conditions needed for keeping otos happy. Unit price / per . 30 Betta Tank Mates (List Of Fish That Can Live With Bettas). The Zebra fish, also called the Zebra Danio, is a freshwater species with an … For a full list of algae eaters that can be kept with betta fish, make sure to check out our guide here! It may take some rearranging to get it just right, but once it’s done your betta will be able to swim peacefully in a nice section of the tank. Though they only grow to be about 1 to 2 inches (3.8-5.0 cm), otos are active eaters and need plenty of surface area to graze in a school. They will become more active and each one of them will show you their own individual personalities. They prefer being in shoals, and most of the time they’ll spend their time foraging for algae. I want two know if this is a good combo: - 1 male Betta (Of course!) They like to hide and normally pop up later on. Otocinclus catfish are extremely peaceful and will not attack your betta unless they are starving. According to many, the Otocinclus catfish is the perfect algae eater and this is probably one of the reason why it became so popular over the years. That having been said, I’d still limit this type of setup to at least a 20 gallon long aquarium, to make sure there is enough space to keep the betta from getting territorial. The Betta will teach them a lesson next time hopefully and they won't come back. We already know that bettas aren’t the friendliest fish, so it’s important to make sure you find tank mates that are going to stay out of their way. If you’re interested in keeping the two fish together then it’s essential to know as much about both fish as you can. It is important to remember that betta fish are aggressive fish and are often best kept by themselves. … One of the biggest problems that you’re going to have when keeping an otocinclus and betta together is the water current. Otocinclus cocama: It is easy to point out this catfish species from the rest. The temperature has to … However, there are some fish that will do well as betta tank mates, like Corydoras, but this does not include Otocinclus catfish. They are relatively picky eaters otherwise and will need to be regularly offered algae wafers and blanched vegetables. Your email address will not be published. Some great plants you should consider adding to your tank are anubias, java fern, hornwort and anacharis. It should look healthy in different shades of olive, brown, black and white. Subscribe below and not only will you be up to date on everything betta, but you’ll also receive a free eBook. Check out the 17 best algae eaters for betta tanks. For other ideas about stocking your betta fish tank, make sure to check out our guide on the top tank mates for betta fish here! There also needs to be a good water flow. are known to pick at most plants in the aquarium setting, peaceful shrimp you could get are cherry shrimp and ghost shrimp, make sure to check out our guide on the top tank mates for betta fish here. While you should be aiming to maintain high levels of algal growth in your tank, it doesn’t matter if not. And make sure that their fins don’t look too damaged. pH wise, both fish prefer a neutral pH or one that is slightly acidic. A good ratio is 4 algae wafers spread throughout the week as well as a small piece of a vegetable of your choice. And once again make sure the tank itself has a sandy substrate. This will help your tank resemble the environment of an otocinclus. None. Also, you should be paying attention to their color. Can An Otocinclus And Betta Live Together? So check it out! Otocinclus aren’t the easiest fish to keep (in the beginning) and if the right parameters aren’t met then their chances of survival decline. Betta’s tend to have a territory that is near the top of the tank. As well as algae wafers you can also feed them a variety of vegetables such as cucumbers or zucchinis, just make sure they’re blanched first. If you’re interested to know more about tank mates that can live with bettas then you have to check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. Marketing PermissionsPlease select all the ways you would like to hear from Betta Care Fish Guide: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. In the wild, it lives in tropical waters with weak current, yet they don’t require any water flow when kept in fish tanks. Because of this, it’s more likely they will get along with your betta. Even as adults the largest Otos come in at around only 2 inches long. (Don’t worry, there is a solution for you to house your betta in a tank with a stronger current.). Fortunately, an otocinclus and betta need similar water conditions to survive. 5 gallons (18.9 L) is barely enough room to keep one betta, let alone another fish. Otocinclus’ are primarily herbivores, and bettas are primarily meat eaters. Other than the dwarf sucker catfish, they are also known as cascudinhos, ottos, … Can A Plecostomus And Betta Live Together? If you’re really wanting to try keeping another species of fish with your betta, one of the most popular choices is Corydoras, otherwise known as cories or cory catfish. The eBook “How To Build An Aquarium Bonsai Tree” will teach you step by step how you can make an underwater bonsai tree and turn your tank into an underwater garden! ... As for Betta fish, maybe. If you plan on feeding them vegetables you should never leave the vegetables in the tank for more than 24 hours. The most that you can add to a 5-gallon betta fish tank is one snail; shrimp may work, but such a small space will make it easier for your betta to mistake them as food. Some colorful and peaceful shrimp you could get are cherry shrimp and ghost shrimp and will require little to no extra care or maintenance. While this is an unhealthy sign in bettas, it’s a good sign in an otocinclus. Otocinclus’ that are colorful, active and plump looking are healthy. Learn more about Mailchimp’s privacy practices here. You should quarantine any fish that is being introduced to your main tank but this is especially the case with otocinclus catfish. (Do's & Don'ts). And that you’re also making sure your otocinclus is getting adequate algae or the necessary supplements. You’ll also learn how to create the perfect environment for mates, how to introduce tank mates and much more! They are like every species; some are more aggressive than others. I don't really need to say much about … - Will the betta eat tetras? It is recommended to keep Otocinclus in a well planted and matured tank that is at least 20 gallons (75.7 L) to ensure that there is enough natural food in the system. I've started putting a slice of cucumber and a slice of zucchini once a week which will hopefully help. When housing an otocinclus and betta together you’ll also need to make sure each fish is getting the right diet. If you’re starting to see algae in your betta fish tank, you might be considering a few different tank mates to help clean up after your betta. Don’t be afraid if your otocinclus goes missing for a couple of days. Otocinclus cocama, Zebra Oto, one of the less common Otocinclus species. Sparsely at first and then more concentrated where you want the current to be gentle. Also, one thing you should definitely know about otocinclus’ is the fact they love to hide. - Will the tetras nip bettas fins? So if your betta stays at the top of your tank and your otocinclus stays at the bottom they’ll end up avoiding each other naturally. Just be careful about trying to create the conditions needed for algae artificially. Interestingly, these fish have adapted the ability to breathe air. Otherwise, otos are amazing algae eaters that will keep most algae outbreaks from happening. Th… If you do this, both of your fish will live happily. Quick Stats. (Do’s & Don’ts), Fluval Fx6 Canister Filter Review (Is It The Best? (If you’re interested in buying a bigger tank or fancy a change, check out some of the best 20 gallon tanks you can buy for your betta.). Many aquarium keepers prefer Otocinclus because they do not get very big. They are notorious for carrying illness, due to the long time they spend in transit, and the lack of food they get in pet stores. 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