The answer is YES but, Mollies are considered to be a semi aggressive fish, they will sometimes attack other fish that have long fins and any other long body part and guppies meet that criteria, guppies are also relatives of mollies and that will make them less prone to attack. This type of behavior aims to eliminate the competition in terms of reproduction, ie each fish will ensure that it reproduces and that it will ensure the survival of the chickens. In this way, only vigorous, healthy individuals will be reproduced and the existence of a new healthy generation will be ensured. The answer is YES, guppies and Goldfish can coexist together. The groups need to be in a ratio of at least 2 females per each 1 male or in groups all of the same sex. ), Can Goldfish And Koi Live Together? It’s also important to make sure that the tank doesn’t become too overcrowded. Mollies and Guppies have essentially the same … However, you will need to make sure that you make sure the tank is habitable for both of them, otherwise some problems may arise. However, you shouldn’t just rely on that. If you want to breed mollies and guppies, it won’t happen. The similarities make them able to live together peacefully. My best suggestion though it to leave the aquarium the way it is as far as salinity this way you are giving yourself a lot more options. Common breeding companions for guppies are mollies. 3AQUARIUM 3FISHTANK #FISHKEEPING 3FISHKEEPINGJAMAICA #FISHCARESmart and easy way to inter- breed or create hybrid guppies, mollies and sword-tail fish. Mollies enjoy plants in their tank not only for cover and shade but also because they like to nibble on algae that grows on plants. In that tank, you’ll only need to feed them crushed up tropical fish flakes until they’re grown. Update: Thanks thats great. When the offspring survive, they will most likely be infertile and unable to reproduce. I have 9 guppies, 2 platies and 4 mollies. 20 gallons is the minimum tank size for mollies to go in, however, once again, they’ll love to live in a bigger tank. As long as they are mollies. Mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, and daphnia are your best choices. And it’s also important to remember that both guppies and mollies always appear hungry. This parasite has caused me more trouble than all other parasites combined and until I found cures for it, it made guppy keeping far less fun than it now is. However, remember, bigger is always better. The swordtail belongs to the group of livebearer fishes – scientifically classified as Poecillidae – to which the mosquito fish, the guppies, the mollies and the platies belong. Can guppies and mollies live together? If we got this far, we learned the basics of why fish tend to attack each other and we learned a bit about guppies and mollies behavior when it comes to other aquarium fish. Yes, keep in mind that live bearers tend to produce a lot of young, so don’t forget to have a plan for all the babies. I would like to put them together in a 30 gallon tank.Please may I know how many more can I put in the tank. What Makes Guppies And Tetras Good Tank Mates? Can Mollies and Guppies Live Together? You can keep them together with other livebeareres, but [...] preferably not with "normal" Guppies (undesired hybrids). Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. In fact, there have been many times, I’ve noticed some fry grow to full grown adults in my tank. If you notice that they’re constantly hiding then they may not feel safe. There will be 2 or 3 nerite snails, and 5 ghost shrimp. Usually, they have the body of the molly, a bit smaller, with the amazing coloration of the guppies. If you put them in a tank that is too overcrowded, or where there’s not enough space then the chances of them being aggressive are going to increase. So make sure that the … Because of this, it’s not recommended to put them in tanks smaller than 20 gallons. It is said that the fish belonging to this species are very friendly and are ideal for those who are at the beginning of discovering the mysteries of aquarists. 1 male to 2 females. Next up, you need to make sure that both fish are getting the right kind of food. I would like to get a few guppies to put in my tank. For example, these … Sie können durchaus mit anderen Lebendgebärenden zusammen gehalten werden, allerdings möglichst [...] nicht mit "normalen" Guppys (unerwünschte Kreuzungen). And there is always a slight risk that mollies will nip fish that have long fins such as guppies. As long as there is enough space for all the fish you are good to go. One such example is a mummy that has captured and feeds on a crab or a crevasse. But, there are some fish that don’t like guppies, such as betta males and silver sharks. To save you time from doing extensive research on these matters, I compiled a list of the 15 best molly fish tank mates: 1. ), Are Guppies Aggressive? Black and Sailfin Mollies require brackish water. cross breeding in livebearers - which fish can be cross bred, how the hybrid fry will look like. Schooling fish must be kept in schools of at least 6 per species, 3 neons and 3 glowlight tetras does not make one school. The behavior of either fish, invertebrates or any other category of organisms is very difficult to study and difficult to understand but some aspects have been clarified, but the unknowns are much more. Females can live together in a sorority (group of 5 or more female Bettas), but there is no guarantee that everyone will get along. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Keeping Mollies and Guppies Together (Things to Know). However, this is an incredibly rare phenomenon and the chances of it happening in your tank are slim. Basically mollies and guppies are closely related to each other and can breed to deliver more number of fishes. Guppies are very tiny fishes. To conclude, for those who want to walk slowly into aquarium secrets, molly fish is the most appropriate. Some tetras are semi-aggressive, and will harass and fin-nip, which wouldn't be good for peaceful mollies and guppies. Some great plants to choose are java fern, java moss, and especially anubias. Both are peaceful fish an they are live-bearers. If you chose to grow your aquarium with a guppy, you should know that they do best in groups of at least 3 specimens. On average guppies breed every 30 days, each time producing 20-50 babies. (All FAQ’s Answered! One of the most important things to take into consideration is the fact mollies are live bearing fish. High quality flakes are going to have all the neccessary nutrients that your fish need to thrive, and they can be easily measured and fed to your fish. Yes, they can all live together. Not a good combination of fish species for one tank, sorry to say. Not only that but you don't need that many guppies! (Guppy Fighting Guide), Best Water For Goldfish Tank/Bowl (Tap, Distilled, Or Well Water? Everything you read on this page was written to help you learn more about fish and fish tanks. The biggest thing to be aware of is the amount of breeding that will happen, so be prepared for more fish in your tank than you originally added. You just want to know what your next dinner is and where it is. Guppies and Mollies are a prime example of this phenomenon. However, when it comes to the substrate you may find that mollies prefer a sandy substrate whereas guppies are indifferent. While male guppies are generally 1.2 inches in size, females can grow a little bigger, up to 1.5 inches. You will find some really useful tips and information on this blog about Freshwater Aquariums. Just like guppies, mollies are also live-bearing fish that can breed out of control, therefore, the same advice I mentioned when discussing guppies, applies for mollies too — limit the number of males in the aquarium to keep them from breeding too much. Before we dive more into the topic, lets first set the basis of why aquarium fish are aggressive to one another. Would they live together in a heated and filtered(heavily) tank You can usually squeeze them by in a 20 though. With just that stock, you would want at least a 15-20 gallon tank. Generally speaking, they can get along in the same tank, but your success at keeping them together may depend on the specific breeds and individuals involved, and on your tank set up. However, if the right requirements aren’t met, then some aggression may occur (from the mollies.) cross breeding in livebearers - which fish can be cross bred, how the hybrid fry will look like. Can mollies, Neon tetras, Black Skirt Tetras, and guppies live together peacefully? Can I put a pair in the tank. So this is definitely something to bare in mind. The similarities make them able to live together peacefully. The fry produced by such a crossbreeding are seldom viable, but that doesn't stop the fish from doing it. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. That said, you should beware of what type of goldfish you choose to keep with your guppies. Guppies ; Platies; Neon Tetra; Zebra Danios; Mollies; Cherry Barb; Swordtail; Cory Catfish; Pearl Gouramis; Loaches; Guppies. So keep reading to find out everything you need to know! Mollies also breed every 30 days, however, they’re likely to have anywhere between 10-60 babies. It is common knowledge that the more water in your aquarium equates to less water parameter fluctuations. The only thing is that guppies and mollie can and will try to crossbreed. On the other hand, many tetras would probably be fine with mollies or guppies. Guppies and mollies tend to be friendly with each other most of the time. But, can mollies and guppies live in the same tank? The temperature of the tank should stay between 72-79°F and the pH should be between 6.8-7.8. But the most important thing you can feed your mollies and guppies is nutritional fish flakes. The hybridization process is rare and you can’t force it to happen. Below I’ve highlighted some of the requirements for gouramis and guppies: Tank Size for Guppies and Gouramis. If you’re not sure what fish flakes to give your tropical fish, then I highly recommend TetraMin Tropical Flakes. (Complete Guide). Guppies and Mollies are a prime example of this phenomenon. Moreover, both these breeds are completely capable of living in absolute harmony with each other. Yes guppies and mollies are compatible and can live together however there are some things to be aware of. These fish are of the same, mostly the same, species and they will have no problem living with each other. Also you want to make sure your tank size can support enough fish to be able to house both in your tank. Answer Save. So you want to be sure to give them enough space for establishing territory and so forth. Although they are different species, there have been reported cases of molly and guppy hybrids. Your email address will not be published. You can do this by adding lots of plants in the tank. While females are typically grey, male guppies come in bright colors, splashes, and stripes. Can mollies and guppies live together? Your guppies, platies and mollies can all go together quite happily in a 30 gallon tank. Guppies are active fish and they like to swim, so they’ll need the space. My dad bought home some mollies and a few guppies,one which I'm sure is pregnant.I'm thinking of moving my guppies which is in another tank at the moment to the bigger tank with the mollies since I will need that tank to keep the pregnant guppy in. These two fish have very similar habits, diets, and needs. Fish Temperament Both species are peaceful and have similar environmental and feeding needs. It is recommended that you keep the 1:1 male to female ratio. I really Appreciate it! Once these forms of fish aggression are known, one can better understand the behavior of the fish in the aquarium and can act in the knowledge of the cause. And if mollies and guppies live together. A female swordtail can produce offspring as often as every four weeks. Here are some of the main things to remember. Angelfish are predators and will eat guppies. Will the mollies be biting the guppies? Male guppies will continuously chase and try to impregnate female guppies. Guppy Fish. Then, can guppies mollies and Platies live together? The answer is YES but, Mollies are considered to be a semi aggressive fish, they will sometimes attack other fish that have long fins and any other long body part and guppies meet that criteria, guppies are also relatives of mollies and that will make them less prone to attack. Acclimating fishes has long been a subject for discussion. Your email address will not be published. Guppies prefer to live in the form of groups and should not be kept back as a sole fish in the aquarium as both genders of the guppy fish indicate the symptoms of shoaling. Some of them expand up to 6 inches so that they can also have to be considered. Sometimes there may even be a bully in the tank. 4-5 guppies need a 10 gallon minimum. Many of the listed fish will even help with keeping your fish tank clean of algae and add vivid colors to the palette of your freshwater aquarium . Guppies and freshwater mollies can live together, but all livebearers are nippy and can kill a smaller fish because of it. Relevance. The fry produced by such a crossbreeding are seldom viable, but that doesn't stop the fish from doing it. When putting guppies and mollies together, you also need to make sure that each of their tank requirements are met. Here are some of the more common Guppy diseases and illnesses, their symptoms and how to treat your sick fish. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That's 3. You might argue that it’s because the female is pregnant, but she has acted this way her entire life, no matter her stage of pregnancy/birth, or tank size/tankmates. Bloodworms are quite fatty, and they can cause health issues if fed to your fish too often. Food . link to 7 Best Fish for 1 Gallon Tank (Complete Guide), link to How to Acclimate New Aquarium Fish? So, you don’t need to worry about this too much. Yes, most definitely! Both guppies and mollies are members of the same family and both are live-bearers. Warmer temperatures recreate the conditions they like for breeding more. Her babies were fighting each other day 3 of being in this world. Same behavior. (Normally no more than they can eat for 2 minutes, twice a day.). As well as this you’ll also notice that your guppies like to swim around A LOT. Unlike other types of aggression, it manifests itself against any fish approaching the nest, regardless of the species, sometimes even against the non-aggressive ones. However, for the most part they’re once again going to be found in rivers and streams (normally the shallower parts). (and guppies breed like crazy)---Try platys which are just like mollies but tinier. Yes they will, but male Mollies can become aggressive, so … Usually, all fish react the same, as fish that defend their territory observe another fish that has entered its territory, it harasses it, runs it until it removes it from its area, then returns. However, you should add 3 more gallons for every molly after that. I have only ever seen Male mollies coexist peacefully with other fish. I'm getting a fish soon and I was wondering how to clean a 10 gallon tank. Many fishkeepers novice and experts alike have their own ways of acclimating fish. 3 platys (1 male, 2 female) 3 guppies (1 male, 2 females)- Moreover, both these breeds are completely capable of living in absolute harmony with each other. Yes, as a matter of fact, Guppies and Platies can indeed live together as they are both hardy fish that can tolerate similar ranges of temperature, toxin, and water pH levels. If you liked this article make sure you check out the rest of the website. A multi-ingredient, basic flake food for [...] everyday feeding of guppies … Both fish are considered “community fish” and require the same water parameters. And when they are feeling aggressive, guppies can make an ideal target for them, because they’re small with long tails. However there are few things to consider when keeping these two fish species in the same tank. The only thing is that guppies and mollie can and … There are many species, and you can choose a bunch from them. How many male and female guppies can live together in a tank? They’re both livebearer fish, they both enjoy water with similar parameters, and they’re both omnivorous species. I am not sure if swordtails or guppies can live in brackish water though. This group gives birth to live fry. But you can keep 6 of each in a big enough tank. Make sure that you have properly diagnosed the right disease before treating your fish. It is not advisable to put snails in the aquarium with a deep and narrow hole, as they may have the temptation to hide in them and remain stuck. They might do it, but under some circumstances like defending their pair or their fry, other than that, they are peaceful. These fish will eat almost anything, so it is recommended to be kept in aquariums along with other aggressive species and not with small invertebrates. I have another 30 gallon tank and I want to put a blue discus in the tank. While you’ll notice them all over the tank they’ll mainly favor the top and middle. Can mollies live with guppies and the guppies breed? Also figure out why the disease started so you can prevent the disease from starting again in the future. While both fish are known as peaceful community fish, there are a lot of thing that you might not have thought about up until now. Mollies can grow up to 3 inches which is larger than bettas. What Do Guppies Eat? Let’s look at the list of 10 tropical fish species that can live together in an aquarium. While it is usually better to have more water than less, some hobbyists choose to have a... How to Acclimate New Aquarium Fish? They don’t lay eggs and give birth directly to live swimming babies called fry. All the bottom feeders will do well because the live feeders are not bothered. The female molly constantly chases other fish in a territorial manner. ( 5 stars for best answer ) So make sure you’re replicating this as best you can in the tank. - Mollies and Guppies can live together, though Mollies are really best suited to brackish water living. Harass and fin-nip, which would n't be good for peaceful mollies and guppies live in brackish water.... Mind their own ways of acclimating fish molly, however, that they have the of! One such example is a Guide to help you make sure your guppies, 2 platies mollies! 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