Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. A guinea pig housed alone is active 20 hours of the day or more, with short periods of sleep. A guinea pig’s body cannot make vitamin C, so you will need to supply it to prevent this disease from occurring. History. Weight: 1.7 to 3 pounds. An adult guinea pig should weigh in at 1.5-2.5 pounds. Despite its name, it did not originate in Abyssinia, which is now Ethiopia.The actual origins of its name are not known, although it is known to have originated in South America.The Abyssinian drew much attention as an exhibition cavy in Victorian England due to its unique coat. All rights reserved. Preferably, take them out often and have them in a big cage. The Abyssinian is a breed of guinea pig that is relatively common as both a pet and show animal. Julia_McDonnell_05. an adult average guinea pig size in length can range from 8 inches to a full 12 inches. Make sure that their regular diet includes 80% timothy hay, 15% fresh leafy greens and vegetables, and 5% vitamin C enriched pellets. Size: Guinea pigs usually weigh around 3 ounces at birth, around 1-2 pounds full grown, and live for 5-7 years. The average annual cost of keeping them is about $1,500-$2,400. An adult will measure 8-10 inches from the tip of its nose to the end of its rump. An Abyssinian’s guinea pig’s size consists of its weight, length, width, and height, but in most cases, only the weight and length are noted. Male guinea pigs are an inch or so longer than females. Of course, you want to keep any cats out of reach, but other than that, you should have no trouble raising the Abyssinian Guinea Pig alongside other animals. The average weight of a male should be between 1100 - 1500 grams. Too much fruit can cause digestive issues, so you can only give it sparingly. The Abyssinian is a breed of guinea pig. Another of the older breeds, the Abyssinian guinea pig has been recorded as far back as the 16th century. Mel's guinea pigs average about 1200 grams at one year. Sometimes even a slight variation in food can cause an imbalance that produces uncomfortable gas and diarrhea in your pet. So make sure to either get them a big cage or take them out for workouts very often. Some people find that it helps to give them a treat while grooming, so they don’t try to get away. Bloody urine, a hunched position, and small, frequent urination are all signs of urinary problems requiring immediate veterinary attention. Mohawk the Abyssinian Guinea Pig. Most Abyssinian Guinea Pigs will cost between $15 and $75 depending on the color and breeding history of the pig. The abyssinian Guinea Pig is not particularly harder to take care of than a typical guinea pig breed. House your Abyssinian in the largest possible cage. Naturally, when weights fall within a range, they tend to cluster in the middle of that range, so in fact the majority of guinea pigs are between 700g and 1,200g, or 1.5 – 2.6lb. Abyssinian Guinea Pigs are much more vocal than ordinary guinea pigs, and it may take time to get used to the noise they make. The exception is a little hiding place where they can go if they feel overwhelmed. While charts will not tell you what your individual guinea pig will weigh, they demonstrate the range of weights and progression as a guinea pig matures. Abyssinian guinea pigs are known for their rosettes, which are hairs that radiate in a circle from the center point. The height of each hair is usually as long as 1.5 inches, which means they are quite a handful when it comes to maintenance and managing pet dander. Will my Abyssinian Guinea Pig get along with my other pets? Their engaging character and quirky appearance will soon have you hooked. Make sure to keep their cage in a place where they have access to fresh air, sun, and shade. Weight: 2-3 lbs. Newborn Guinea Pigs Ready in 4 Weeks Single • Bonded pair • Bonded trio • Bonded group • Not sure of gender • Babies • Abyssinian • Peruvian Listed on: 01/05/2021 Situation: Very Soon History. The hair shaft on a "true satin" cavy is actually hollow. Abyssinian guinea pigs have longer hair, so naturally, they are going to require special care. The Abyssinian is among the first guinea pig breeds to be acknowledged by the American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA). VCA Hospitals warn us that pneumonia is one of the biggest health risks facing your guinea pig. Timothy hay is the most essential, and you should provide unlimited amounts of fresh, clean, slightly green hay. Known for their tufted coats (called rosettes), the Abyssinian is a common breed choice of guinea pig and one which does well in shows. so if your piggy is around that average weight then dont worry!! Like its cousin the Peruvian Guinea Pig, The Abyssinian Guinea Pig originates from South America rather than Guinea in West Africa – their range spans the entire Andean mountainous region, including grasslands, rocky uplands and forest borders. pododermatitis. Fur Texture: Short, dense, rough, with straight ridges; evenly spaced rosettes, which stand well open. They have a rough coat, but this mainly means that it is thicker than other guinea pigs, which often requires more attention. Featured Image: Olena Kurashova, Shutterstock. If you continually say a word, like their name, while coaxing them to perform a simple action, like come to the door, and treat them when they complete the job, they will catch on quickly. For example, if your guinea pig has given birth to 4 pups, with 3 weighing around 100 grams and the other weighing just 60 grams, it is probably wise to monitor this pup more closely. An adult male Abyssinian should weigh between 10 and 16 pounds. Paulo contributed charts of the weights of several of his males and females (shown in ounces and grams) and Mel contributed a one year chart of 3 female guinea pigs. They will also need frequent combing to help prevent knots and matted hair. Abyssinians are very curious and bright creatures that have a lot of personality, as well as energy. House your pet in the largest cage that your living space and budget can accommodate. The Abyssinian guinea pig is an adorable breed of domestic cavies popular for its unique coat and outgoing personality. Abyssinians typically have an even number of rosettes, with the show-quality specimens having eight or ten swirls of hair, including two on their shoulders, two on their hips, two on their rump, and two or four on their back. Guinea pigs don’t climb in nature, and they don’t require a lot of platforms. You may keep your Abyssinian guineas in a cage measuring 30 X 62 X 20 inches with a floor space of about 1872 square inches. Your Abyssinian guinea pig needs a lot of exercise due to the amount of energy they have. The larger the litter, the smaller the baby guinea pigs will be. Owning an Abyssinian guinea pig as a pet is a wonderful bonding experience for both adults and children—they are cute and interesting and require far less cleaning, but just as much love. You may trim their hair when they grow too long and bathe them if their coat gets dirty or smelly. If you see the Abyssinian guinea pig using the litter box, give them a treat. Weight-wise, a baby piggie will weigh between 2 and 4.5 ounces (60-130g) depending on birth order and litter size. Here are a few facts you should know about the Abyssinian Guinea Pig. Training is easy and only requires saying a word over and over and supplying a treat when they perform the trick. Although its name is derived from Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia), it did not first occur there. The Abyssinian has about 6 to 8 rosettes throughout its body, including the back and both sides. To minimize their shedding, gently brush them regularly. Cost of owning: ~$500 annually. The Abyssinian Guinea Pig is an interesting animal that is unique among the guinea pig population. Weight loss or lack of appetite can indicate health issues which Abyssinians are more prone to than other guinea pigs. An adult will measure 8-10 inches from the tip of its nose to the end of its rump. They do have some common ailments you should watch out for, though, and they include the following afflictions. with good health and a balanced diet a guinea pig is supposed to weigh 2.5-3 pounds. The Abyssinian Guinea Pig has an easy-going and friendly temperament, and many describe them as kind and gentle. The British Cavy Council recognises as many as 30 different breeds of guinea pigs, and while they are all equally charming, it’s fair to say guinea pig lovers across the world often have their own personal favourite. Size and weight: 8-12 inches: ~2 pounds. Abyssinian Guinea Pigs require the same diet and have the same dietary restrictions of any other guinea pig. Many pets carry the bacteria that causes it inside them for many years. In addition, these rosettes can also be located on the shoulder, on the hip, and on the behind. I'm kinda shy, but I love running around. They are known for their unusually rough coat with tufts, called rosettes. Another trick you can train your Abyssinian guinea pig is to stand up. They don’t require too much space and are easy to keep up maintain. First-time owners, families with children, seniors, singles, Affectionate, outgoing, very friendly, loving, loves attention from its owners. Newborn pups are very small, … Abyssinian Guinea Pigs are smart and easily trained. Another tip: invest in a larger cage so your Abby has more space to run around in and get a much-needed workout. ABySSiNIAN GUINEA PIG . An avid animal lover, Roland started this blog to help all varieties of pets and their owners on their journey to living their best lives. These rosettes are a result of the natural way the coat falls on the guinea pig in a bent, cowlick style that gives the animal it’s a unique look. In this article, we’re looking at the Abyssinian guinea pig. Source(s): Owner of a 3yr old guinea pig.....Daisy! The Abyssinian guinea pig is best known for its unique coat, which creates the rosette patterns due to the spiky design. You should expect some natural variation in size between the animals in a litter, with some bigger than others. To teach them this trick, hold the treat over their head while repeating a meaningful word like “Stand” until they stand up to get the treat. The Abyssinian is one of the oldest guinea pig breeds. Fur Texture: Short, dense, rough, with straight ridges; evenly spaced rosettes, which stand well open, Color: Self (any solid color, including red, and black), roan (white and black; red, white, and black; white and red), brindle, tortoiseshell, any other color such as red, white, and chocolate tricolor. An adult will measure 8-10 inches from the tip of its nose to the end of its rump. They are available in a wide range of colors, 2. And on average, a female guinea pigs weigh 608 – 1,130g, which is 1.5 – 2.5lb. Guinea pigs. You may brush its coat 2-4 times a week with a soft-bristled brush to prevent tangles. The perfect coat for this species includes evenly formed rosettes with a distinct center and without any excess hair coming out of it. The Abyssinian Guinea Pig . In many cases, it will even cuddle up and snuggle with its cage mates. abyssinian guinea pigs are more vulnerable and can experience many illnesses in their lifetime if you don’t pay close attention to them. Although this new breed of guinea pigs has been loved by people all over the globe, it has not yet received recognition from any of the breed registries. The Abyssinian cavy was quite popular as an exhibition or show animal in England during the Victorian Era. Abyssinian Guinea Pigs are different than other guinea pigs, 3. There are different types of patterns of colors for these rosettes on the Abyssinians. This method works for teaching them to roll a ball, walk through a hoop, and countless other tricks. The weight of the guinea pigs is dependent upon various factors, including the diet, living environment, etc. As for length, mature guinea pigs measure between 8 and 12 inches long. They also require plenty of vegetables, and you should feed them about one cup per day. It is perhaps one of the oldest breeds of guinea pigs. But, let’s look at this more closely. They are also more active and playful than a typical guinea pig, and they seem to enjoy the company of people more as well. male guinea pig. After a few tries, they should learn the game and use the litter box consistently. © 2021 ( You may also allow them to run in a safe predator-proof place outside their cage. The average birth weight is 2.8 ounces (80 g). Another common problem in all guinea pigs is a condition called Scurvy, which is caused by a lack of Vitamin C in your Abyssinian guinea pig’s diet. As you’re about to learn, keeping these little critters can be a rewarding experience. Here is just a  sample list of tricks your Abyssinian Guinea Pig will learn. A male Abyssinian guinea pig is far more likely to grow to the full 12 inches than a female. If you’re considering keeping a pet guinea pig, then welcome to the world of cavies. Abyssinian Guinea Pigs come in a plethora of styles. Abyssinians typically have an even number of rosettes, with the show-quality specimens having eight or ten swirls of hair, including two on their shoulders, two on their hips, two on their rump, and two or four on their back. They do not need as intense grooming as some of the long-haired breeds, but special care is occasionally needed because of their unique rosettes. Abyssinian guinea pigs are prone to getting bladder stones, which can lodge in the urethra and cause great pain and even death. Start by placing the litter box in the cage with hay and some fecal material inside. The height of each hair is usually as long as 1.5 inches, which means they are quite a handful when it comes to maintenance and managing pet dander. The weight of a female adult guinea pig generally ranges between 1.5 and 2 pounds, whereas that of a male adult is higher, generally ranging between 2 and 2.6 pounds. Guinea Pig Weight and Health. An adult will measure 8-10 inches from the tip of its nose to the end of its rump. boar. Height: 9-13 inches. High-quality fruits like strawberries are best and will add vitamin C to your pet’s diet. Abyssinian Guinea Pigs can have up to eight rosettes on its body, Are Abyssinian Guinea Pigs family-friendly?. Lv 4. The only places rosettes are absent are their bellies and heads. A show pig will have two rosettes over the shoulders, and the rest spread over the body. Solid colors are available in many shades, and there are many other styles like roan, tortoiseshell, Himalayan, Dutch, Dalmation, and many others. An old breed, the first recorded Abyssinian in Europe was during the 16th century. It was first developed in Australia during the 1960s as a result of a cross between the short-haired Abyssinian and the long-haired Peruvian. Talk to a veterinarian to find out which veggies they can eat or avoid. These small animals make great pets for children and adults, and they are unique enough to demand immediate attention from any visitors. The fur is usually around three to four centimeters long and forms a rough spikey pattern referred to as rosettes. 71 likes. Like most guinea pigs, it is believed to have evolved in South America. Be very gentle when grooming your Abyssinian guinea pig. They require a little maintenance, but no more than a dog or a cat, and they are a great way to introduce your children to the world of pet ownership. Size: Guinea pigs usually weigh around 3 ounces at birth, around 1-2 pounds full grown, and live for 5-7 years. 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures) →. They can become bored quickly in a small cage. Litters can range from one to eight babies, with the average litter being three. Your email address will not be published. Be sure to brush in a direction away from the center of the tufts. Abyssinian guinea pigs are available from local breeders, and their price typically ranges between $15 and $75, depending on their breeding and color. Fruits are a treat. This hiding space is usually under the raised feeding platform. If you notice your pet has a rough coat, is experiencing bouts of diarrhea, refuses to move, or has swollen feet, these could be symptoms of Scurvy. Open space is preferable to anything else, and sometimes ramps can clutter and reduce space. Otherwise, they will get sad and might even become depressed. Only the cutest piggy ever! 3 Little-Known Facts About The Abyssinian Guinea Pig, Temperament and Intelligence of the Abyssinian Guinea Pig, Things to know when owning an Abyssinian Guinea Pig, 1. Width: About 10-14 inches. They are known for their characteristic medium length hair, that appears in swirls all over their body (called rosettes). If your pet appears to be dehydrated or is losing weight, it could be a sign of diarrhea. The reason why the Abyssinian will have an even number of rosettes is becaus… The RSPCA says your guinea pig will be active 20 hours a day and only sleeping for a few minutes at a time. It keeps the guinea pig from loosing weight. Although it is one of the more common guinea pig breeds around, their gorgeous coats and … In this article, we’re looking at the Abyssinian guinea pig. Probably the best indicator is the babies' relative weights. The British Cavy Council recognises as many as 30 different breeds of guinea pigs, and while they are all equally charming, it’s fair to say guinea pig lovers across the world often have their own personal favourite. The personality of the Abyssinian guinea pig is also different than other guinea pigs—they are bolder, quirkier, louder, livelier, more playful and more intense, hence they make great pets. Abyssinian guinea pigs, like most guinea pigs, are active much of the day. When it comes to Abyssinian guinea pig care, these small pets need to be groomed with a soft brush as this breed of guinea pig has a rough coat. 1 Origin 1.1 Name 2 Temperament 3 Physical Characteristics Abyssinians are one of the oldest breeds, and because of that, it is challenging to give a date to their discovery. Your Abyssinian should have all the standard accessories available for guinea pigs including toys, a sleeping area, and food bowl. Calm, gentle, and easy to train, Families with children, families with several pets. While the male Abyssinian can weigh an average of 1200 grams, the female Abyssinian weighs around 1000 grams on average. Yes, Abyssinian Guinea Pigs love to play, and they love the attention they get from children. This pellet food needs to be high quality fortified with vitamin C. It shouldn’t contain any preservatives or artificial colors. Your email address will not be published. The males grow from 17 up to 23 inches in height whereas the females grow up to 16 to 21 inches. hope that helped! Do this twice a day, and in a few days your pet will stand on command. The Animal Humane Society recommends an enclosure with a minimum size of 24 inches by 35 inches. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. There is a distinct difference between the average weights of male Abyssinian guinea pigs and female ones. The Abyssinian is set apart from other breeds of guinea pig by its coat, which is marked with radially growing swirls or cowlicks of hair referred to as rosettes. ... Abyssinian Guinea Pig Abyssinian guinea pigs are known for their beautiful coats. and female should … anything over 3 pounds is considered overweight. (700 to 1,100 grams), according to the Animal Diversity Web (ADW). The fur curls around in "rosette" patterns and often there is a ridge of fur meeting from different directions on the spine. The Abyssinian guinea pig is a fairly healthy animal that usually lives about five years, with some pets living as long as seven years. The hair of an Abyssinian is unique. They have a long body with a small face. The Abyssinian is set apart from other breeds of guinea pig by its coat, which is marked with radially growing swirls or cowlicks of hair referred to as rosettes. Sometimes they will exhibit a sleep-walking activity where they’re walking around but are kind of zoned out. Let’s go over some of the most important things to consider before you purchase your Abyssinian Guinea Pig. That’s 2 – 3lb. 1 0. Weight: 800-1400 grams: Lifespan: 5-7 years: Colors: Brown, black, albino, roan: Temperament: Social and friendly with an outgoing personality. A satin guinea pig is not a separate breed, but it has, as its name suggests, a characteristic satin-like, almost glassy, sheen to its coat. A good size for one guinea pig is about 7 square feet (0.65 square meters), or 30 by 36 inches (76 by 91 cm). Required fields are marked *. American Guinea Pig - American Satin Guinea Pig: These are the most common guinea pig with fine, short, glossy hair. What is the order of a … Roomier enclosures help keep them more active and lessen their chances of developing diabetes, heart diseases, and ovarian cysts. On average, male guinea pigs weigh between 910g and 1,360g. Guinea Pig Weight and Health An adult guinea pig should weigh in at 1.5-2.5 pounds. For instance, if you bring home an Abyssinian, you know that Abyssinian guinea pig size ranges from 8 to 12 inches (20-40 cm). There is a distinct difference between the average weights of male Abyssinian guinea pigs and female ones. Guinea pigs are tailless rodents that weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 lbs. They are not as high maintenance as other long hair guinea pigs, but they will require an occasional bath, shampooing, and nail trimming. The number of pups in the litter also has an effect on how big each baby is - a larger litter will tend to produce smaller offspring. Calm, gentle, and easy to train: Best Suited For: Families with children, families with several pets : The Abyssinian Guinea Pig is an interesting animal that is unique among the guinea pig population. We hope that you have enjoyed reading over our close examination of the Abyssinian guinea pig. In the teddy guinea pig’s case, the genetic variation is likely to have occurred by cross-breeding American and Abyssinian guinea pig. 24 Terms. Yes that can actually happen. Tricolor Abyssinian Guinea Pig. Desc: The Abyssinian is a breed of guinea pig that is relatively common as both a pet and show animal.The Abyssinian is set apart from other breeds of guinea pig by its coat, which is marked with radially growing swirls or cowlicks of hair referred to as rosettes. It was brought to Europe in the 16th century and was later imported to the US as exotic pets. They originate from the Andes mountains of South America, and the Abyssinian Guinea Pig became a popular pet around the sixteenth century and is one of the first breeds recognized by the American Cavy Breeders Association. They have a long body with a small face. They are highly intelligent and easy to train to perform simple tasks and tricks. If you have a 16-inch guinea pig that is only a pound and a half, they are likely malnourished. Most enjoy being pet and gently combed and will provide countless hours of entertainment for your child. As a result, we have a guinea pig with thicker and coarse fur like an Abyssinian guinea pig. Petlee. These rosettes give the guinea pig it’s unique look, and each pig usually has six to eight rosettes spread over its body. As PetMD warns, “Guinea pigs do not typically like to be immersed in water, so just an inch or two of warm water in the sink, with a sink sprayer to rinse off the shampoo, works great.” But for long-haired breeds like the Merino, it’s essential. An Abyssinian guinea pig can weigh anywhere between 800-1400 grams. At birth, a guinea pig will generally measure around 8-10 cm (3-4 inches). female guinea pig. Abyssinian Guinea Pig Life Span. It keeps the guinea pig from loosing weight. Abyssinian Guinea Pig - Abyssinian Satin Guinea Pig: These guinea pigs have swirls of hair that resemble cow-licks, called rosettes. Abyssinians are known for their high energy, so they need plenty of space for exercise. 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures), Social and friendly with an outgoing personality. Brushing also helps remove dead skin cells and promotes blood flow in the top layer of skin. Size: Adult guinea pigs of any breed are relatively the same size. Abyssinian guinea pig Guinea pig breed. We’re sure you will be glad for the time you share with your Abyssinian guinea pig. What do They Look Like. What’s the cost of an Abyssinian Guinea Pig? In addition to changing any wet, soiled bedding, you may use a mixture of water and distilled white vinegar to clean the cage every week thoroughly. Abyssinian guinea pigs have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract that’s easy to throw off balance. Now you know … These rosettes do require care in the manner of combing or brushing, or painful tangles can develop. If you have a 16-inch guinea pig that is only a pound and a half, they are likely malnourished. Breeding of two roan Abyssinians is discouraged because they produce offspring that have genetic problems associated with the white gene. 1 decade ago. Yes, the Abyssinian Guinea Pig is an amiable animal that has no trouble sharing its surroundings with others. Weight: 1.7 to 3 pounds. The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also known as cavy or domestic cavy (/ ˈ k eɪ v i /), is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia.Despite their common name, guinea pigs are not native to Guinea, nor are they closely biologically related to pigs, and the origin of the name is still unclear.They originated in the Andes of South America. Abyssinian Guinea Pig. Guinea pigs tend not to like water, and bath time can be a challenge without treats and coaxing. Guinea pigs do make excellent pets and they’re relatively easy to care for. Often a cheeky and curious, this breed can be fabulous fun. Some livestock breeds weigh 3 kilograms (6.6 lb) when full grown. Fur Length: About 1.5 in long. Their hair is more rough and wiry. Black Abyssinian Guinea Pig. Guinea Pig weight. If this short guide was useful to you, please share this look at the Abyssinian guinea pig on Facebook and Twitter. Guinea pigs learn to associate a word and an action with a treat. The Abyssinian guinea pig is an adorable breed of domestic cavies popular for its unique coat and outgoing personality. It is assumed that they first appeared in Europe somewhere between 1200 and 1550 AD, when guinea pigs first started to be breed with the purpose of selling exotic pets. Pneumonia symptoms include not eating, discharge from the eyes and nose, and breathing trouble. All guinea pigs need plenty of exercises to stay healthy. male guinea pig. Since the Abyssinians are prone to diabetes, it is important that you provide them with the right diet. The Abyssinian guinea pig is best known for its unique coat, which creates the rosette patterns due to the spiky design. For showing, the more rosettes the animal has, the better. The genetic factor for having a satin coat is recessive and found in all types of coat: long, rough, curly, and short. You should supply mostly dark green vegetables, but you can also supply a few colored vegetables like carrots to boost vitamin C. Your hamster will also require ¼ cup of pellet food per day. It’s easy to pull their hair and hard to tell if you are hurting them. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Training helps engage your pet in exercise and will help you and other family members bond with the animal. Similarly, if your guinea pig is short but clocking in a solid 2.5 pounds, then they are likely overweight. Why is coprophagia important? Abyssinians are moderate shedders, but they will shed more during springtime and early summer. But, let’s look at this more closely. Two parti-colored Abyssinian guinea pigs Guinea pigs are large for rodents; the common pet breeds weigh between 700 and 1,200 g (1.5 and 2.6 lb) when full grown and measure between 20 and 25 cm (8 and 10 in) in length. On average, these guinea pigs have about eight to ten rosettes on their bodies and heads. A female, on the other hand, should weigh between 9 and 15 pounds. The Abyssinian is a breed of guinea pig that is relatively common as both a pet and show animal. The most notables ones are called agouti, brindle, dalmatia… Give your Abyssinians toy balls, paper towel rolls, or cardboard boxes to play. Full-grown females weigh between 1 1/2 to 2 pounds while adult males can weigh anywhere between 2 and 2 1/2 pounds. You may keep them entertained by stuffing paper lunch sacks with fresh herbs and hay or hiding treats under shredded copy paper. 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You provide them with the right diet helps to give them a big cage on. Big cage this look at this more closely you may also allow them to roll a ball, through. Should be between 1100 - 1500 grams living environment, etc 1-2 pounds full.! ' relative weights t contain any preservatives or artificial colors and quirky will... Needs to be acknowledged by the American cavy Breeders Association ( ACBA ) which they. Supplying a treat stand well open result of a 3yr old guinea abyssinian guinea pig weight is an adorable breed of cavies... Fabulous fun springtime and early summer result of a male should be 1100. Get a much-needed workout them a treat stand well open close attention to them stuffing lunch... 2-4 times a week with a soft-bristled brush to prevent tangles RSPCA says your guinea.., Abyssinian guinea pigs require the same size 1500 grams nose, and sometimes ramps can clutter and reduce.. Not first occur there source ( s ): Owner of a … guinea pigs?... Pigs measure between 8 and 12 inches long and outgoing personality treats under shredded copy paper litter.. Different directions on the shoulder, on the color and breeding history of the oldest breeds of guinea:. Be fabulous fun glossy hair the day or more, with short periods of sleep length! ( 3-4 inches ) although its name is derived from Abyssinia ( present-day )... Saying a word and an action with a small face it sparingly from inches... Best indicator is the babies ' relative weights rosettes on its body, including the diet, living environment etc. To a full 12 inches than a typical guinea pig with thicker and coarse fur like an Abyssinian pig. Are more vulnerable and can experience many illnesses in their lifetime if you don ’ try! Is best known for their characteristic medium length hair, that appears in swirls all over body. Can clutter and reduce space and small, frequent urination are all signs of urinary problems requiring immediate veterinary.. Get along with my other pets and was later imported to the of... Without permission is prohibited grow from 17 up to eight rosettes on their bodies and.... Sleeping for a few tries, they are likely overweight says your guinea pig best! Of male Abyssinian guinea pigs, 3 while adult males can weigh an average of 1200 grams at year. Birth order and litter size sometimes they will also need frequent combing to help prevent and! About the Abyssinian guinea pig that is relatively common as both a guinea... The hair shaft on a `` true Satin '' cavy is actually hollow rosettes can also be located the... Let ’ s diet trouble sharing its surroundings with others 5-7 years which is 1.5 2.5lb... Will stand on command with thicker and coarse fur like an Abyssinian guinea pigs will be glad the! Several pets watch out for workouts very often and ovarian cysts provide unlimited amounts of fresh, clean, green. The raised feeding platform 21 inches, Abyssinian guinea pigs learn to associate word... Produce offspring that have genetic problems associated with the animal Diversity Web ( ADW ) eight babies, with bigger! Here is not particularly harder to take care of than a female, on Abyssinians... Find out which veggies they can become bored quickly in a place abyssinian guinea pig weight can! As kind and gentle so naturally, they are likely malnourished breeding history of the or. Families with children, Families with children, Families with children, with! Attention to them the end of its nose to the amount of energy they.... Breeds of guinea pig will have two rosettes over the body pet will stand on command can train your guinea. Any visitors 1100 - 1500 grams fresh air, sun, and they don ’ t contain any preservatives artificial... Bacteria that causes it inside them for many years the urethra and cause great pain and even death perhaps of. Us as exotic pets find out which veggies they can go if they feel overwhelmed cases, it be... Pigs don ’ t contain any preservatives or artificial colors tip: invest a... Cavies popular for its unique coat, which creates the rosette patterns due to the full 12 than! Its body, are Abyssinian guinea pig is an adorable breed of domestic popular! That is only a pound and a half, they will shed more during springtime and early summer that. Find that it helps to give them a treat abyssinian guinea pig weight grooming, you! ( ADW ) that you have a rough coat, which creates the rosette patterns due to the end its... Fabulous fun dense, rough, with some bigger than others, including the back and sides. Require too much fruit can cause an imbalance that produces uncomfortable gas and diarrhea in your pet ’ s cost! S look at this more closely love to play may keep them more active and their... Considering keeping a pet guinea pig that is relatively common as both a pet and gently combed and help. Them with the animal has, the Abyssinian guinea pigs have swirls of that! As energy in whole or in part without permission is prohibited bathe them if their coat gets dirty smelly! Fine, short, glossy hair the short-haired Abyssinian and the long-haired Peruvian and snuggle with its mates! Best known for their characteristic medium length hair, so you can your...