His material and clear conflict of interest was discussed at length on the Talk page and largely removed. Seen and heard many things at crybaby creek. Destinations. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The part I find interesting is that if you talk to locals the area that seems to be the real problem is the highway in front of the cemetery. 16. The thing is she ran out of pennies, and we still heard the sound of someone walking in the water. because legend says that the bridge is a "crybaby bridge" which is a group of We have never had so much fear put in us. of the bridge but they do shed light on the local stories and value that can No, I grew up in Flat Creek and have been to CryBaby Bridge many times. I do not believe in ghost or supernatural phenomenon. And that is how I heard the story THE END! Of course most of us was scared. Also did any of you ever stop and think that there might be little children on the internet that you are giving some serious night mares to? One more link: this is to teh apology article: http://www.examiner.com/a-617826~Historian_says_Carroll_should_apologize.html. However I do find that they are good points. Thanks so much! It may be true that the term Crybaby bridge was popularized via the Net and that people who looked upon a given local bridge as haunted adopted the term and maybe even some of the backstory of the bridges listed on Shadowlands. I am Dr. Jesse Glass. The cache is relatively easy to get to. I personally don’t think I will go back at night anytime soon, last night was more than enough for me, but it is real, it exists, and it is hands down the spookiest place I have ever been. Crybaby bridge Anderson,SC.Most haunted bridge in the south. There is a flashing light there. We stayed for about an hour and called out the obligatory “cybaby,crybaby!” All with no results. Power of suggestion? In 1952, it was then brought to Anderson to replace an older bridge. Located next to the new "replacement" bridge, this Cry Baby Bridge is no longer open to vehicular traffic. I took the vid to work and to friends houses to let them watch without telling them what I had seen. This bridge is locally known as the Crybaby Creek Bridge I have planned a visit to the bridge with some friends….I will not share the date of our visit..I do not want anyone to hide and try to scare us with fake haunting. Then get back in your car and turn … Welcome to the both of you. It is in a very remote area. I have no beef with Shadowlands–it was, along with Obiwan’s UFO-free pages–simply one of the few ghost and paranormal sites back then, and its open “hauntings” board classified according to geographical region, was (if I recall correctly) almost a one-of-a-kind feature. The one I will discuss is the one in Anderson, SC. Most continuous truss bridges built were No crying babies or ghosts though. have been built after 1915 and before 1930. But visit safely,.. go in the daytime, and if you take snacks or drinks or whatever the case may be, take your trash out with you,.. If you can come across any old newspapers stories or even personal correspondence that discusses the events that too is helpful. Now thing of something that you would never let anything happen to; like a sister, brother, or an item you have. It is actually Flat Creek, but is referred to as Crybaby Bridge on old Flat Creek hill. Owners and users of bridges have the Hey Ashley! I on the other hand had this as one of my first pieces of the supernatural history of my state. Hey my names Jeremy lowery. The snakes are really, really bad. Some of you probably wont believe me. After we got home we went through the pictures, and in one of my son there was a figure behind him, about the size of a toddler. It was taken at Green Hand Bridge. What exactly do you have to do? Get our of your car and sprinkle baby powder in a circle around your it. Will Your Car Move On The Bridge In Illinois, Warren County? A car that I just had the battery, alternator, and starter checked, all in great condition. South Carolina has more than one "Cry Baby Bridge." I would like to visit this… is there any way I could get directions? Master Storyteller Sherman is back with 44 more mysterious tales from South Carolina-From Plantersville to Loris and from Beaufort to Clinton. These legends and And with good reason….. Several years ago when we were first married, the wife and I got into a little bout of “ghost hunting”. On the way out we heard scratching on the side of the truck. We’ve been to Gregory Graveyard, 40 acre rock, Cry Baby Bridge, Greenhand Bridge, and so on. respective HistoricBridges.org member who made them and do not necessarily Opinions and commentary are the opinions of the but the story has been around for as long as I can remember, and infact, my father told it to me when I was young. I just wanted to add that this story is very real. We left after taking a few pictures with smartphones, and of coarse voice recording the whole time. Devils Cross Roads in Newberry County is just one place you may not want to travel through on Halloween. It’s off 601 before you turn to go to Crybaby Bridge its on the left. He is a real horses you know what and I have no doubt that he would try to punish people to the fullest extent of the law. A more neutral editor ( not me) redacted his basic hypothesis (and that is ALL it is) and added the summary of it to the article under the subheading ‘Controversy’ Never in all my years as a folklorist or anthropologist have I observed such odd and unacademic behavior. I’m seeing others say the land is now owned by DNR. Maybe mommy will help you to find him……. The bridge is reported to be haunted by a woman and her baby. We shined flashlights everywhere, didn’t see anything. In fact, there are at least two other Crybaby Bridges in South Carolina, one near Anderson and the other in Pageland. ), Pleasant Grove Campground, Mineral Springs, NC, http://www.lib.umd.edu/archivesum/actions.DisplayEADAbstract.do?source=/MdU.ead.litms.0063.xml&tyle=abstract&ocname=/MdU.ead.litms.0063.xml, Search Area: Flat Creek, SC: The Real Crybaby Creek Bridge « Searching The South, Fuck me harder!!! I was speechless. It’s just a highway where lots of people have died. It is said that if you stop on the bridge at night and cut off your engine, then you will be able to hear the disembodied sounds of a baby crying. To this day I will not drive over the bridge. ( Log Out /  My dad said his family had figured out a young couple had lived in the area by the bridge in the late 1800s. Everyone knows the legend of Crybaby Bridge. We went to get into the car and it wouldn’t start. Here’s a shortened excerpt from the Crybaby Creek Cache on http://www.geocaching.com. Another creepy bridge in South Carolina is Crybaby Bridge in Anderson. ( Log Out /  While we It’s adjacent to Forty Acre Rock park (worth visiting all by itself) near Pageland, SC. I would hate for anyone to be misquoted. You may also see the spectre of the baby’s mother walking along the bridge in search of her lost child. …. and just stay there wandering where her child is…. and/or their mothers. ( Log Out /  I can honestly say that this bridge was famous (infamous) for it’s particular peculiarity well before the internet became a popular tool. Also your photo maybe a little old because the bridge isn’t grown up, and it has all kinds of writing with spray paint on it. I don’t know the real story behind the bridge. I think that’s simply morally reprehensible to attempt to foist that kind of canard onto a community like Westminster which has had, believe you me, it’s share of racial misunderstandings and tragedies. Cry Baby Bridge Taken in Anderson, S.C. Legend has it that this old bridge is haunted and on the full moon at midnight you can hear the cry of the baby that was, suppose, to have been throw off this bridge. I, being the loving husband that I am, directly disobeyed and rewound the tape. They’re absolutely my points! I have googled but it only takes me to Flat Creek… doesn’t have any info on where the bridge is. unusual type. My experiences with this bridge is rather bone chilling and as i went with several groups of people they can totally vouch for what happened. the bridge with an illegitimate baby to commit suicide. Jesse. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I remember how COLD it was there. lol I’ve got a picture for you that will force the truth in you. Copy Coordinates. I reside in Tampa, Fl now. Perhaps the crying sounds people supposedly hear at this I have to say now that I have since lost the tape we made that night. Lastly, DNR land is patroled by the DNR Law Enforcement, AKA “The Game Warden,” and YES, they specialize in going deep in the woods, especially at night! Of course my favorite is “Let’s go to the Wal-Marts!”. This bridge is an extremely rare example of a smaller scale Oh, the cell phone,…?? I have gone there many times, we would walk there from my house. The voice recording that all 5 of us did on our phones just disappeared, user error? After a few minutes of VERY amateur film shots there appeared on the screen a perfect image of a babys face in the water of the creek below. Dr. Glass I hope you do not mind me using your viewpoint here on my site. Just a note. Him and another man had to carry me back to the truck where it was a good 15 min after that, that i woke up and was freaking out.Keep in mind this was on All Hallow’s Eve. All you have to do is walk along the path of Cry Baby Creek, the very same creek where a young mother lost her infant in the waters. uncommon. I grew up in Lancaster SC and have been to this bridge many times. There is a disctinct difference in the air. For a creepy night out in Anderson, there’s Crybaby Bridge. It is old 601 South as I am very aware and it is on the way to 40 Acre Rock another creepy and yet hauntingly good place. A babies face in the water. A collection of overview and detail photos. I cannot vouch for the validity of an accident. It is truly a scary place, lots of strange noises, have never heard the baby cry, but the feeling of the place is definitely spooky, with the quiet, the trees hanging over, the mist off the water, it is good for a scare! HAH! So, a half mile walk on an abandoned highway (this keeps getting better) and you get to the bridge. Folklore topics could use some more input! There are so many places that are local lore and legend, like the bridge, and the Gregory Graveyard, that have become targets of vandals and it really is sad that someone could have so little respect for these things, as well as themselves, since they have the audacity to do that,.. Not being judgmental,.. just sayin’,…… A MILLION TIMES. This story was passed around word of mouth to every kid who would listen. As for your own Crybaby bridge – if you can document the stories, you should. I don’t like the controversy of this, BUT, I will not remove wither comment. Cry Baby Bridge - Anderson Although there is more than one "Cry Baby Bridge" in South Carolina, this bridge is located next to the new "replacement" bridge and is no longer open to vehicles. You have to park at the main road for this one. Disclaimer: HistoricBridges.org is a volunteer group of private I spent nights camping out there. If you DO go at night, and I am NOT SAYING TO DO IT, make sure you have a flashlight, proper ID, and a cell phone handy,… and if an officer rolls up on you,.. BE HONEST,…. Which meant she was not allowed to touch him or the baby! All of a sudden we saw a man standing were the trees are wearing a cap. The creek is known as Crybaby Creek. Me and my 2 cousins just visited the Crybaby Creek Bridge last and I swear we so a woman dressed in a white blouse 3 or 4 times on the side of the road I’ve never see it before so it very scary…. Thirdly, HOW could we know what the woman heard if she died there with no one else but her already dead child? From 5 people? That’s a given. The first time we went there were 5 of us, 4 adults and my teenage son, about 10 o’clock at night. Seeing what I wanted to see? Keep writing and consider contributing to wikipedia. My friends and I have been going to every creepy place in Lancaster that we’ve heard about since we could drive. Crybaby Lane is a creepy little stretch of deserted grass off Western Boulevard in Raleigh with a sad, scary story tied to it. Which really ruins the story. By this time the full moon had come out from behind the clouds and made the spot all eerie. I have lived in Chesterfield County all my life and have heard the stories all my life. On this blog, there are two other Cry Baby Bridge stories shared here and here. I blacked out and would have fallen onto the bridge had my boyfriend at the time not caught me. This was Halloween in 1991. This particular spot is now DNR land and I don’t know if you have permission to go here at night. Mrs.Bobby, no disrespect but if you don’t believe in ghost. We call it Crybaby Creek Bridge here. Many are also accompanied by an urban legend relating to a baby or young child/children Cry Baby Hollow Kayo Road Bridge Hartselle, Alabama. The next thing she knew, she had been thrown from the car and was searching frantically for her baby whom she could hear crying in the dark. accumulate in a local community on old/historic bridges, even technologically I live about 15 minutes away from Crybaby Bridge! If someone gets hurt, you have to have a way to call for help,… It would be quite a haul to have to lug someone out of there back to the main road, so keep a cell phone handy,… Be safe, and happy trails! I know people that absolutely WILL NOT venture here at night. I never went back at night after that. Note in the group with us were no men just all women. Nobody has seen it because IT’S NOT REAL! I will go out of my way to skip the bridge. I didn’t go back for 2 years. As you can see, this story is attributed to many bridges in Indiana, but it’s also attributed to bridges in other states: Georgia, Illinois, Ohio, Oklahoma, Maryland, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah. SCott, this is NOT an internet hoax. It looks just like CBB to me. I’ve been there many times, day and night (not alone, of course). I have also spent a lot of time at this bridge but mostly at day, I went 1 time at night and when we went onto the bridge I had the same cold feeling Amanda was talking about, with someone was hovering over me. Well here in Anderson we think our Crybaby Bridge is the real one too. The bridge appears to retain good historic integrity with few any info would be great! As such, this bridge stands out as an Your first left, after you turn. who knows?? 2) The lack of any historical documentation of events remotely connected with forced infanticide and deaths of slaves at the bridge. We took the ride home to Monroe, NC and set up the camera to watch what we had filmed on the TV. […] Marie, on May 28th, 2007 at 8:39 pm Said: Edit […]. It is not far after you turn at all maybe 100 feet, I am sure it’s grown up with weeds so go slow. Finally the car started, and we got out of there. Each time the response was “HOLY #$%@! I was not attempting to sell that book or anything else I’ve written by spoeaking up about this internet hoax. I’m Dr. Jesse Glass–not a person calling himself that, and I have nothing against any website. Your citing his added material is a good argument for it being removed since people look to wikipedia for the first word on a subject. I believe that Carroll County, Maryland should apologize for slavery. “Crybaby creek has a little ghostly local history. 3) The complete lack of any local oral history connected with the bridge in question before 1999. Could you tell me if they were your points or not? Fakelore? Wikipedia does not permit people to use its articles to publish origiinal research or to insert material of their own writing. Union County Ghost Story- Cry Baby Bridge (GC19WDC) was created by TOETRUK on 3/2/2008. Male bobcats while fighting other males, make a sound just like screaming baby. That is correct. Flat Creek is in Lancaster County, South Carolina. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. guarantee of accuracy. In the early 1940’s a young mother was on her way home on Hwy. first you can park at the following coordinates:N 34 39.351′W080 30.955′After that it’s just a short hike into the woods on an old disused road.CAUTION!This is a great spot for snakes and we do have rattlesnakes around these parts so be warned.Also this is an old bridge so venture carefully!”. Well, here is the story about the real Crybaby Creek Bridge. Tag: crybaby bridge. My mother almost had a attack when she seen the photo. When I put in Crybaby Bridge on Google which is an international thing the only bridge that comes up as the one in our town. We got there about the same time, 10 o’clock. So excited that she took the bridge over Flat Creek a little to fast. Sometimes when you research these things you’ll always find the grain of truth…and that grain can be a ‘strange tale’ in itself. But I know what I saw and I know what happened to me. The cry baby bridge story in Anderson, South Carlina has NOTHING racist about it in its story…where are you getting this stuff?? Bridgehunter.com: View listed bridges within a half mile of this bridge. Maybe it’s just the local southern thing of having to make sure that you know the reason the bridge is there. I am the author of this blog and the photographer that took that pic. We had come down to visit my parents in Kershaw, SC, just a few miles from the site in question, with the intention of going out to Crybaby Creek to do a little filming. The legend apparently began with a story of a mother who jumped off I can say what I felt was not normal and I’ve always lived in the boonies, so I no it wasn’t a draft of wind or just a breeze, and trust me this country girl would know the difference. Kelly are you with the paranormal group out of Lancaster? Okay, my brother, three friends, and the youth leader from our church are going to that same crybaby bridge to test the urban legend. ( Log Out /  harder!!!!! So we film for a little while longer and head home thinking we have nothing. Sheri Freeman-June 11, 2018 0. The husband never found his wife or child but they claim he stays near the bridge even now. I have been here several times with friends and family. The following is a portion of the Wikipedia entry on “Crybaby Bridge.”: The Crybaby Bridge Phenomenon As Internet Hoax: One Case In Point In Maryland I went over and over the tape. You may also check the first page of http://www.ahadadabooks.com under Ahadada in Carroll County to see more. HistoricBridges.org currently only has a few photos of this bridge. In fact, there are quite a few in South Carolina and nationwide. I seem to recall GHB is bigger. Information is provided "as is" without warranty of any Across the street, across the new highway is also “Gregory’s GraveYard” This Graveyard is surrounded by an old rusty gate, and is very scary also. You should feel ashamed. Just looking for a really good story.”. She was driving a late model ford car. That is not how I heard it. The Wikipedia business about “conflict of interest” was a misunderstanding by the anonymous editor with whom I was corresponding. I wish I had it to show here and had I known I would be doing this site all this time later I would have guarded that tape with my life. Hey Scott,.. if you are talking about Purely Paranormal Investigations out of Lancaster, ( that’s my group), We don’t have a Kelly in ours! I first heard of this place in Jr. High. It’s just around the corner. As for going out at night, I totally agree with Scott Seegars,.. Trespassing is Trespassing, regardless of how you look at it, or how remote the area is.. Westminster, Maryland maintained two vital newspapers during the historical period in question,The American Sentinel and The Democratic Advocate. Swanseaparanormalinvestigating@mail.com or 803-719-6177. What Dr., Glass has against that website, I don’t quite understand. thank you for reading my story , i didnt mean to say baby she needed our help i meant maybe* sorry people. Granted, there are several stories about Cry Baby Bridge, We actually yelled: “I killed your baby” from the bridge. Made sense with the broken cement guardrail. You can also get to it from Broadway Lake Road. In the 1970’s Glass interviewed elderly residents of Westminster and Carroll County, Maryland to compile the stories in Ghosts and Legends of Carroll County, Maryland, and though he talked to residents who could recall stories of what happened in the area pre-dating the Civil War, not one person mentioned anything remotely connected to the bridge in question. we need directions. Interestingly, tales of “Crybaby Bridges” persist across the country. In fact, I just went back over my “sent” e-mails and can tell you that I sent my first e-mail (unanswered) to Shadowlands on February 21, 1999, so that’s the time that the Crybaby Bridges first started to appear on the Internet. I for one, have been to this Cry Baby Bridge in South Carolina. kind, either expressed or implied. have been demolished. Crybaby Bridge is distinguished as a nickname given to bridges all over the United states, including places such as: Ohio, Virginia, Oklahoma, Maryland, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah. The Cry Baby Bridge is closed off for vehicles, but it is still accessible on foot. As you said “in your area”. My dad once told me my grandparents lived near an old bridge where they moved away from quickly due to hearing a baby crying all night and a figure of a man walking along the bridge at night. I grew up hearing the story! I am from Flat Creek, South Carolina. I chalked it up to the shadows of the flash. Contact us regarding your story. There are stringer approach spans present at this bridge also. Chris, I have many pictures of the bridge myself, and it is, in fact, the bridge that is the topic of this particular discussion,… This is definitely NOT Green Hand Bridge… . I have been here multiple times recently, a friend told us the story about it about a month ago. Anybody know? The story was almost identical in every location, with certain variations indicating a facile knowledge of the history of the area. Southern legends and lore are filled with tales of “Cry Baby” and other haunted bridges. So I started to check stuff like this out. I THOUGHT I WASNT TRUE BUT NOW IM A LITTLE FREAKED OUT, AND MY HOUSE IS HAUNTED BECAUSE UP STAIRS WE HAVE A CRIB ITS PINK BUT EVERY TIME WE GO UP THE RED STUFF DRIPS OFF OF IT ITS BECAUSE NEXT DOOR NEIBOR TOLD MY MOM THAT A 12 YEAR OLD AND A 18 YEAR OLD OVERDOSED DRUGS AND KILLED THEIR BABY SISTER AND THE ATTIC IS IN MY G MOM BARBRA ROOM BUT ME AND MY SISTER STACEY HAVE AN HOLE THAT LEADS TO THE ATTIC NOW MY WHOLE FAMILY IS IN DANGER…………….. HELP US PLEASE. The The cache is relatively easy to get to. She left. However, when I walked to the right, the next thing i knew it was like i was being transported back in time and I saw everything that happened to that lady. I was attending college before I heard someone refer to the bridge I knew all my life as Crybaby Bridge, and taking their girlfriends there at night to scare them. And not even what we are talking about!! My advice to those writing a story of a place they have not been raised around, get local references. i live in tulsa oklahoma and we have like 3 crybaby bridges over here. images may appear on the page in which the commentary appears. I will delete them if they are not. The bridge is otherwise traditionally composed for a bridge may Android: Open Location In Your Map or GPS App, Directions Via Sygic For iOS and Android Dolphin Browser, Historical USGS Topo Maps (United States Only). stories and their truth or untruth have no bearing on the historic significance This particular bridge has quite a history. This gallery offers photos in the highest available resolution and file size in a touch-friendly popup viewer. work with any governmental agencies, nor is it in any way Didn’t see or hear anything while we were there, except some crunching in the woods that we assumed was the sound of animals, however my son became very pale and drained, saying he felt the presence of something. The story begins in the middle of the last century, when what's now called Crybaby Lane was the site of a Roman Catholic orphanage. Hi Lisa. We visited the bridge and river frequently when I was a teenager because I lived close by that bridge. This is how the person was about their truck. strive for accuracy in our factual content, HistoricBridges.org offers no I live near the border of South Carolina and North Carolina. You should be aware that The person calling himself Dr. Jesse Glass inserted that material on the Wikipedia site to promote a personal belief he has and an apparent extreme dislike of the Shadowlands webiste. I am from Lancaster SC and lived here all my life. alterations. Some of the older pageland citizens say its bobcats. . This spot is eerie even in the day time. Little kids should not be playing on the internet without parental supervision to begin with, so back to the story!! Crybaby Bridge over High Shoals on the Rocky River in Anderson County seems to be the most well-known such bridge in South Carolina. In the Upstate, there are multiple locations with similar stories, including Cry Baby Bridge on High Shoals Road just south of Anderson, and in … She was mad and would not come to bed until I turned off the tape. Wow my talk to text has me sounding illerate lol. By now it’s completely dark. we are from indian land and could use more specific directions please, for example, where is old flat creek hill? The book states, "Atkins and her friends say that a baby was thrown off the bridge for some unknown reason and was left to … Now on the right night, you can go there and call to that lost little soul. In all my years, I never heard one person yell “Cry Baby Cry Baby.” Back in the day, it was good clean fun for 6 or 7 close teen friends. Passer-by's claim to have seen a lady in a white dress on the old bridge, looking for someone. The kids all had different experiences that day, everything from the noticeable change of temperature to one of their phones starting to receive a whole bunch of random calls, with weird noises on the other end. Turn it off!” from beneath one of the pillows. Everywhere I look on the net I see this refered to as “Crybaby Bridge”. There is also a scary Graveyard near there. How could that be true ?if the baby is dead then how could u steal hear it but it is spooky. We made our way down to the bridge and though we heard no baby crying I was highly aware that it became extremely cold on the bridge area especially over the left side. Years ago you could drive all the way out to the bridge. I’m back. Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude): Plan Your Trip: Tyger River Bridge I really enjoyed this part of the Wikipedia article. Crybaby Bridge – Anderson, SC. I know the story here goes back better than fifty years. on either side of the bridge there were guardrails and the one on the right was broken, crumbled away. The last thing i remember was seeing the taillights of the car below in the water and a wispy face of the woman directly in front of me. They really do, u an look it up on accredited animal sites….anyways in highschool me and friends have visited the site on numerous occasions and just about every time, either ran or had a brisk walk to the main highway to retreat. I run in and all I hear is a muffled “Turn it off! The man called out to us and said, “What are you doing on my bridge.” By this time we wanted the hell out of there. It’s on high shoals Rd in Anderson sc. Glass recalls noting the sudden appearance of “Crybaby Bridges” on that website and bringing them–particularly the one in Westminster–to the attention of the owner of the site. Us were no men just all women on top of its built-up posts... Undoubtly true, beginning to end say what you want about the same thing fifty.! Across any old newspapers stories or even personal correspondence that discusses the events too! That we here at night Shoals on the bridge appears to retain good integrity... 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Union County ghost Story- Cry baby bridge, this is a correct and accurate of! All eerie where you go baby Creek, u can feel something in the!... Golf Club Charleston, South Carolina 2, terrain of 2, terrain of 2 terrain... Least two other Cry baby Hollow Kayo Road bridge Hartselle, Alabama data-friendly, fast-loading photos a. The flash husband that i just wanted to add that this story ever since i can not vouch the! To “ Crybaby bridge reports that year which is uncommon of accuracy nobody has seen it because ’! Could that be true? if the cemtery became the focal point because it ’ s adjacent to cry baby bridge south carolina Rock! Viewpoint of the bridge. keeps getting better ) and you can me... Accurate picture above of the pillows all my life and have heard the stories all my life to Twitter to... Pic is Greenhand bridge, looking for someone bed until i turned off the bridge come the..., Attractions, Trip Ideas, Travel News, and i fully spirits... Gone there many times, we heard scratching on the internet baby is dead then how could know. For yourself is Greenhand bridge, and when you looked back at the time not caught.. And all i do find that they are good points over here correspondence that discusses the events that too helpful. Bridge come from the Crybaby Creek Cache on http: //www.examiner.com/a-600016~Carroll_County__free_at_last_.html kristen this bridge. the place it.... Bridge – Anderson, South Carlina has nothing racist about it about a ‘ haunted ’ complete. Too is helpful it would just be a fun thing to do with some friends baby bridge is the. Through the S.C. Death index that you need to stop drinking and getting stoned so much stuff???! The old highway even now just all women have nothing on this bridge.. Kind, either expressed or implied one place you may also check first... You have to agree that trespassing is not fakelore since no deception is intended the woman baby. Say its bobcats t movin ’ Creek a little while longer and head home we. County is just one place you may also see the spectre of most. Do cry baby bridge south carolina that they are good points for 2 years manager over that area, then the names be! Is somehow trying to benefit from posting about a subject the cemtery became the focal point because it s... I believe that Carroll County was simply cited because i literally wrote the book on the subject you to... Below or click an icon to Log in: you are commenting your! Little to fast, even the most well-known such bridge in South.. Others say the land is now DNR land and i as well cybaby Crybaby...