Go ahead, bleat your GloboHomo talking points all you want. In the collision, the dashboard had crushed her. This is clearly a rationalization on your part. We should evaluate each situation on its merits. He watched a lover die rather than call for help. Today morning when i woke up there was a dead rat’s head on my doorstep aling with a few drops of blood. You need to re-evaluate your life and decide who or what needs to go. I had ruled out the possibility that a cat killed a rat on my doorstep and then went on it’s way because the rat’s head seems like it was sliced out cleanly and the remaining carcass is nowhere to be found. I quickly got out and grabbed my phone and called the police. Bring It ON! There is a word for that. I 54 a smoker and won’t be getting the vaccine, willingly at least . I keep dreaming that she’s in an ice cold car, frozen blue and grey, and I’m standing outside in the warmth screaming at her to open the door. A disappointment but no big risk. My best friends Chris' brother Pete (who was like my big brother I never) had killed himself. Knee Jerk my ass….. I know Chris would never and I mean NEVER joke about Pete texting me. They actually refer to it as an unapproved product: “Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an Emergency Use Authorization. I remember vividly the violent sound of an engine revving, and screeching tires as my uncle left the property. I took the shingles vaccine which I am much more likely to suffer from so I’m not anti-vaccine. Let me guess: they are glued to CNN and CBC? The very first page of the very first chapter sets the tone for the whole series (thus far): You're slapped in the face with the wonder … – the majority of our “essential” healthcare workers don’t believe in the SCIENCE of vaccinations. Involuntary gene therapy is not fine by me. Lovecraft's The Dark Sleep directed by Brett Piper. I don’t believe I’m stronger than the virus, but I also don’t believe that I’m stronger than unintended ADE. Long term established scientific practices, dictate my waiting. I hung up and slowly fell to the floor, crying. Seriously, check your facts before posting. In California some health care workers are helping family and friends jump the line. I had the fortitude to disagree with the majority. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. If they failed to develop a vaccine that was not safe and effective they would have just said so. Police sources told TMZ that the veteran character actor was pronounced dead … I already have the Vax passport. This is a giant merry go round, it never stops and the government will never get it right. But on the subject, given the active and repeated -lying- by the authorities this year specifically regarding COVID-19, you’d have to be a mug to take anything they say at face value. The Thing In The 'Glades! A consistent conservative worldview means that items like this are never isolated, but must be considered in combination with the hundreds of other items in day-to-day life. Serial Killers Archives by David Lohr. Maybe in the movies a company might try something like that. With wine and food, the confidence of my own table, and the necessity of reassuring my wife, I grew by insensible degrees courageous and secure. Have someone you trust change it and not tell you the password. " The rat-like man dropped to the ground, screaming in pain. I have already had the disease, and it did nothing to me. Maybe I will see a Gulag ,who the hell knows ? I don't think it will be much of a roadblock. I quickly got out and grabbed my phone and called the police. No. I feel comfortable with the risk and waiting even several years potentially. I had a bad bout of it in 2013 that left me with permanently reduced lung capacity. Fractals, which are similar to dungeons, but for max. And that’s just at the individual level. That’s just stupidity. As far as medical volunteers are concerned, choreographers are especially in demand. A few years ago when flip phones were still a thing, i got the creepiest text. February 3, 2021 10:31 am. They. Others may; that’s up to them. Around February 2014, Emily started tagging herself in my photos. Pitch black. Yes bluetech, As long as we are free to choose. Rat Snake Symbolism. Show me that it works, show me that it’s safe, and show me I need it for this non-serious in 90% of cases disease. RN’s, RPN’s and PCA’s are notorious for refusing any flu vaccination. Like all our conversations so far, it’s recycled from previous messages she’s sent. Want truth? Under which statute was this change made, and who voted for this change? It sounds more like ignorance and fear to me .. with all due respect. This thing is just another disease among many. AMSTETTEN, Austria – For almost a quarter of a century, Josef Fritzl allegedly held his daughter as a sex slave in a cramped, rat-infested cellar … But I can’t say the same for my mother, and my immunization would help protect her. If you’re talking hcq it’s an existing medication in use for decades. I don’t fear the future pandemic reaper, he waits for us all. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. The first time I actually caught one, it felt like someone had punched me in the gut. 1 and 2. I just heard a Facebook alert. That just leads to systemic racism. I needed to keep them around so I could gather ‘evidence’. Oh, hell no! I went to an internist, cardiologist, and pulmonologist complaining about my symptoms. Yes, if I caught COVID I would undoubtedly recover just fine. The trials for efficacy and safety have not been done yet. She was involved in a three car collision driving home from work when someone ran a red light. What a waste of money and a profit for boggy pharma? That has to be the most insane thing I’ve ever heard of. I would ask someone else to change the password and see what happens. Bezos, the second richest man in the world, founded the company 27 years ago and announced his decision in a letter to employees on Tuesday. Are. She was vibrant; the kind of girl that would choose dare every time. No. the disease has never been isolated in a laboratory. Not a chance. But then I suspect that voluntarily will not be an option. The placebos are an excuse to send dispossessed westerners back to work at slave wages, to pay for the huge bill our masters racked up paying for their 18-month drinking spree. No… Sometimes her legs are outside with me. It’s always a matter of balancing risks, and I will preserve my freedom of choice. Also to receive that text. Pitch black. A single stare, targeted, amplified, of which would force you to your knees. You can’t live your entire life in fear….unless you’re a sheep. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the heroes now think he's a villain working for the League. And you’d be a mug to automatically disagree with them because sometimes they lie. But to fraudulently claim that the vaccines worked when they didn’t would destroy both the companies and the careers of the immunologists in fairly short order. Nosleep is a place for authors to share their original horror stories. I had received confirmation from Susan that she hadn’t logged in to Em’s Facebook since the week of her death. Not much of a worry. I have NEVER taken a regular flu shot and neither has my wife. Want lies? I do not think it’s bravery that would compel you to take a ‘rush-job’ vaccine. Lack of testing, and it sounds like something from a bad novel about how a dystopia began. Hell yes. My response seems kind of lacklustre here. I’ve already been exposed or had it, no, I don’t see the point. My son just sent me a picture in a text message of a couple rodents his cat deposited on his doorstep. Here in Canada we’re many months away from having to make that decision. She could do that, you know. Over…and over…. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has stunned staff at the e-commerce company by announcing he is stepping down as CEO. "You dare to interrupt me, Wormtail?" This has given me nightmares that have only started to kick in recently. I don’t know what to do anymore. Most travellers were over 65, and the majority, who tested positive, were asymptomatic as well. On March 15th, I sent what I assumed was Em's hacker a message. But I did have chicken pox when I was 3 1/2 years old. But I hope you’ll return to the fold when arguments fail and involuntary gene therapy becomes mandatory. They can’t organize a two-man rush on a three hole out house. She was more comfortable with it when I was boozed up. No, I would not take it. Each region has a different rate of infection and deaths, that should also be considered. Everything’s a beta-test right now. No, would not take it. Summary: Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted and doing his damned best despite it all. Watcher the first time I disagree with your assessment ! So there’s a difference of opinion here. For example, Golden rice could save millions from blindness and horrible suffering, but OMG GMO bad and “we don’t understand the long term effects” so we’ll just forbid its use and ignore the biblical suffering for decades. You are afraid of a virus no more dangerous than the seasonal flu with a 99.8% recovery rate. You call me a leming [sic], but you’re the one agreeing with most of the other comments on this post. He could barely remember what happened. (EUA) to permit the emergency use of the unapproved product, MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE, for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 ” None of the three could figure it out, and it didn’t occur to any of them to have me tested for the Commie Flu. I did for a little while. There was a link in the text but it was a bit.ly and it didn't lead anywhere. My reaction in real life was much less prettier. Like all those 337,000 people already Will you have to show your Vaccination Card/Cattle Car Boarding pass before accessing our health care system? The 6-year-old girl was found dead on the morning after Christmas 1996. Her reply is what prompted me to finally memorialise her page, thinking it might help curb this behaviour. We won’t have to make that decision, as Covid 21 is just around the corner, and like the flu vaccination, the government will tell you we have to come out with a new one, as we got this one wrong. I noticed pretty much immediately that whoever was chatting with me was recycling old messages from Em and my’s shared chat history. Everyone keeps saying have someone else change the password. I agree with you regards to Golden Rice, the fear, like COVID, is irrational, and could save millions of third world starvations. Sometimes the authorities get it right, sometimes they get it wrong. I think the gov’t and private media has lied about covid, and the vaccine, and I’m not above returning the favor to state: “yes I’ve been vaccinated against covid” … while I have not been. I would like to talk to you about plans for Western Separation ! So seeing the cold and freezing thing here on a screen sent chills down my spine like i haven't had in a very long time. the thing that gets me about this story is the "So cold" and "Freezing" comments. I think you did the right thing; especially if you want to move forward. These aren’t yet characterized for the vaccine(s). You can disagree but what I stated are all facts. ", rotf! So far as I know, being immune means you can not become contagious. In all that time they never once asked. When things go sideways with them, they can really go sideways. She was happiest when camping, but a total technophile too. has -demonstrated- the efficacy (as in real people really did get better) of these two drugs in combating bad cases of COVID-19, and in preventing mild cases from getting bad. The vaccine is distilled water. What if it is her? In 2018 Netflix released its series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Part 1, Episode 5, Dreams in a Witch House. I worked the first round and about to start a contract this time around working directly with Covid (Chi-Com) Flu patients again. It’s an excuse to force your blue-eyed savage self back to work at slave wages to pay for the elite’s 18-month drinking spree—AFTER the bank the Chinese have walked off with everything you own. I got fake-drunk a lot. N.O. Outdated and kinda dead content, but finding grps is still possible. Yes I would take it ! My parent’s family, my siblings and their kids will be the first in line to have this vaccine, some may even want it twice just to show they’re the true believers and their devotion to the cause. I was too angry to sleep. I ‘share’ access with her mother (Susan) - meaning, her mother has her login and password and has spent a total of approximately three minutes on the website (or on a computer, total). So, I told him to give his cat a … Why would I start now? Apples and oranges. Fundamentally, it’s a question of what type of world you want to live in. Genuine, safe and effective vaccines for Wuhan flu have been available since before anybody in the west ever heard of it, already tested on inmates of Red Chinese gulags. Inject this now and then that later and on and on until you have been altered to suit the Globalist’s plans. For I trust all those wonderful people who have made the ultimate sacrifice to serve us,as our most ethical civil servants and selfless political leaders… Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. Don’t they have people in high positions , paid with ample tax dollars to intelligently safe guard the country they work for? We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the heroes now think he's a villain working for the … She always smelled like cinnamon. I’m also against taking it because of STATISTICS. I found that read conspiracy theory but very believable, and the writer had done his research. But I did not consider these points at the time, and so my reasoning was dead against the chances of the invaders. You have no idea. https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/12/31/we-are-putting-woke-idiocy-above-saving-lives/. In which universe are common folk permitted to know the private health status of others, under any circumstances? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Doug, with all due respect, someone who can’t figure out that the disease presents far greater risk than the vaccine is the true moron. They’re not testing a goddamn thing. LindaL : I read your off-guardian dot org piece, “what trials”. Nope: https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/heres-why-you-should-skip-the-covid-vaccine/. I’m not under the same obligation now and I have far less trust in the rest of government(s) than I did in my army. Good thing I read this in the middle of the fucking day. $0.99 $ 0. They. I’d take it for my family to prevent them from getting COVID! The next one will probably be worse. It’s going to be an interesting year. Why of course I will gratefully allow my body to be used as a test bed for a concoction ,hurriedly put together by the Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight. So, I told him to give his cat a good looking over for festering swelling bites. – our “essential” healthcare workers are disproportionately… people ovvvv culller September 4, 2013. I can find enough wilderness to walk or paddle through if they want me to keep away from the hordes that I want to keep away from. That’s how it will work here. Why do these vaccinations have immunity from prosecution tells you all you need to know. The ramifications of telling the truth can be pretty serious, too, when the herd wants to believe something else. That being said, she wasn’t perfect. Thanks Linda good info, but will read it again! Summary: Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted and doing his damned best despite it all. I won’t be getting vaccinated, period. With wine and food, the confidence of my own table, and the necessity of reassuring my wife, I grew by insensible degrees courageous and secure. There are many documents that the player can acquire throughout the game, such as letters that never reached their intended recipient, books, and notes. The risk from the vaccine is MUCH lower than the risk from getting the disease. Apologies, I’m old and I don’t know how to display a link, but LindaL above at 11.52 am posted one that will take you to an excellent article, and I found one just as good on the same site just below the first one called, “Translation, it’s a GUESS because the genetic material came from the lab in Wuhan China, it did not come from a COVID-19 sample taken from actual sick people. Minutes went by in dead silence. ” And you think you are acting intelligent or superior in some Fucked up way”. Flip side. This seems like word salad. Many healthcare workers have already had covid. They could all dieee! My mother was on the other side of the door, dead. Mick had posted a cryptic message on Twitter hours earlier, which read: "At … Yes I’m aware that people do not catch HIV from breathing the same air. If those who disagree with you face imprisonment or travel bans, then you are aiding evil. I know there is healing in such actions. No politics-in-a-syringe for me. Mandatory vaccinations, whether compelled by the state or compelled by the companies for whom a majority of people work breaks down at the doorstep of equality under the law. Retired GP Claire Barker, in a letter to the Telegraph, writes that she is expected to have documentation that she has received training in ‘conflict resolution, equality, diversity and human rights, fire safety, and preventing radicalisation’. Sometimes I regret it, but after reading this I don't. Fast forward a few years to one day when I was thinking about Pete all day randomly and I receive a text from Chris that says "so cold 0 chills" then it said "freezing" I replied to Chris saying "what the hell are you talking about lol" He didn't reply just another text saying "where am I?" Outdated and kinda dead content, but finding grps is still possible. The people who really know whether the vaccines work and are safe are the pharmaceutical companies who developed them and the immunologists and related workers who they employee. In regards to the hypocrisy of some politicians, it mostly means that they’re douche bags who shouldn’t hold office. Facebook had told me the locations her page had been accessed from, but since her death, they’re all places I can account for (my home, my work, her mum’s house, etc). – our “essential” healthcare workers put themselves at huge COVID risk every single day! It’s distilled water. You would likely survive COVID-19, but you might have an extremely unpleasant hospital visit — especially if you went on a ventilator — and be left with permanent damage to your organs. ————————————————————————————————————————————– I’m soon 72. Some of them have removed me from their Facebook friends list. My body, my choice, I think i heard that somewhere before? I want to puke. Hire an asshole. The 6-year-old girl was found dead on the morning after Christmas 1996. And by the way, they are TESTING this unproven and untested technology on our front-line medical workers. If you go RTFA, you’ll discover that the “vaccine” we’re talking about here is: “The mRNA in the BNT vaccine was sequenced from the 3rd iteration of the original WUHAN published Genome SARS-CoV-2 (MN908947.3). Our ‘elites’ have been horrifying in their callous disregard for our well being. Unless of course it’s being delivered with the UnMe method, then I would reconsider. Thanks Linda, an excellent article. I just hope the people complaining about the rushed trials aren’t the same ones who used to complain about the hoops required to bring a drug to market, last year. YOU ARE THE TRIAL YOU ARE THE GUINEA PIG. Difficulty levels aviable from 1 (compareable to nFG1 in … Now the threat is … without proof of vaccination, you can’t do a lot of things, like travel, work in many places etc. "M-my Lord, I have brought th-the information y-you desired…" the small man stuttered, shaking from the effects of the curse, "about P-Potter…" He reached the rat in two graceful strides and snatched the papers from the shorter … These are not ‘gene therapies’. People under zero obligation to jump through any nurse’s arbitrary goalpost of what constitutes a belief of anything. Bezos, the second richest man in the world, founded the company 27 years ago and announced his decision in … Its all bullshit with a capital shit… Hell NO… why would anyone take this injection ? At first I took them to be voles but on closer inspection the sharp noses spoke loudly shrew. It might seem innocuous compared to her previous message - it’s pasted from an old conversation where I was trying to convince her to let me drive her home from a friend’s. $3.99 $ 3. Knee-jerk rejection of whatever the authorities recommend is as poor of an idea as knee-jerk acceptance. Sometimes it may not make much sense, but still—he comes from the heart. Oh, and by the way. That was all Arthur Morgan could see. And that’s just at the individual level. Question? This type of snake meaning lets you know that you are now entering a period of accelerated growth towards your goals. Somebody show me how this bug does NOT spread in schools or at Walmart/HomeDepot/Costco but DOES spread in small businesses and restaurants. Al Williamson: Vault Keeper I don’t know what’s happening. He recalled his last plea with Dutch to see Micah Bell for the sniveling rat he was. Weblog Awards As my gift to you, receive a complimentary six-pack of Bamboo toilet paper, imprinted with famous words from the American Constitution! ‘FRE EZIN G’ is the first original word she’s (?) If they are so right , they should have the guts to hang their ass in the wind. No matter what, we love Ye; because he speaks from the heart. So what we have are four governments of supposedly free countries throwing over not just one but two proven effective and proven safe drugs in favor of friggin Mad Science. I absolutely will not take it and am prepared to pay a heavy price for the “privilege”. None of the vaccines they have created have been tested. Just go to your un-documented pharmacist. Aha. Maybe Version 3, after they work all the bugs out on Ver. It is ALL the things. Same font as Obama’s birth certificate. I would have done exactly what you did though. You might know my work from the off-off Broadway hit “Gay Mormon Closet Solutions.” My skills might come in handy “on the front lines.” Is that the point she was trying to make? Buyer beware. Because people are not dying from this thing unless they have serious pre-existing conditions, plus the government is deliberately suppressing things shown to prevent the disease and speed recovery, namely Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin. “They have done a foolish thing,” said I, fingering my wineglass. You are the trial, you are the Guinea pig. In 2018 Netflix released its series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Part 1, Episode 5, Dreams in a Witch House. My mother was on the other side of the door, dead. But, Golden Rice is a product of spliced DNA, with beta carotene, hence the golden colour of the rice. Answer: A dead rat shows that something is coming to an end. THE DEAD AMERICAN (THE INSPECTOR SAMUEL TAY NOVELS Book 3) Jake Needham Kindle Edition. As a RN poster said – “sure it’s fine if you refuse the vaccine because you believe you are stronger than the virus, so why not come down and volunteer at the hospital moving COVID patients around, or visiting them?”, No she doesn’t. made. This is besides the original point which was about the vaccine. Me? If someone changed the password on an account that I own (and make no mistake - he does own that account now), I would have no issue with pressing "forgot password" and resetting it quite easily myself. Both tendencies are wrong. If the US declaration of independence is correct, then there are many of us who will not willingly give up God-given freedoms for a momentary advantage. If they force it on me, they had better be wearing their masks, because if I can recognize them, I will force something on them at a later date. Makes about as much sense as shutting down MORE of CA … because all the prior shutdowns FAILED. Good comment my thoughts exactly! Unless this is just some world class karma-whoring, I don't think it's OP. Bravery is running on empty on this question! That’s the real conspiracy that needs to be investigated, how many have dies as a result of ignorance by Terry Tam the man, Bonnie Nazi, and the rest of the so-called health “experts”? I will not take it voluntarily. If the risk for the vaccine is as great or greater than the risk of the disease there isn’t a value driver. I will wait, see what happens, and who knows, I might never take it. Surrounding him from all sides, an endless abyss of darkness. And I don’t know if there is enough integrity in the voting public, to get the free world out of this mess and make sure this cluster f— doesn’t happen again. Thus one has an excellent survivability rate in comparison to others. 99 (102) A New Paige: Stained Souls MC - … He could barely remember what happened. lvl players only, shorter and with more focus on mechanics and boss fights. I hope your situation improves. This type of snake meaning lets you know that you are now entering a period of accelerated growth towards your goals. (wait has he changed his pronouns?). 2004 - 2007. I know the risk factors & probabilities for the disease. – If you catch COVID … you’re gonna dieeeeeeee! At this point, some of you may be wondering why I didn’t just kill my Facebook profile. I in fact am a professional choreographer. That was all Arthur Morgan could see. No, no and no. Marxist-Medicine, so far ? So far as “living in fear”, I don’t do up my seat belt because I live in fear. I’ve had more than the usual vaccines, I spent my twenties soldiering, got sent to jungles. These are logs from the day she died. No matter what’s said somethings seems really fishy about this whole Wuhan Flu affair. Does immunization mean you can carry the covid, even the new version which is more contagious, does it mean it can be passed on? How many people? She would only say she wouldn’t take it, period. A headstrong orphan girl gets taken in by a witch and a demon in this computer-animated film from Studio Ghibli. My girlfriend died on the 7th of August, 2012. This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations. - Warren Kinsella, "Go back to collecting your welfare livelihood. I was intentionally providing him/her with emotional ‘bait’ (‘This is actually devastating’) to keep them interested in their game; I was working off the assumption that the kind of person to do this would be the kind of person that would thrive on the distress of others. The friends who noticed and said something thought it was a fucked up bug; I found out recently that there have been friends who have noticed and didn’t say anything. At the “herd” level, it’s an even better gamble. We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. Next “pandemic” and we could be dropping like flies due to a compromised immune system. "You don't speak for me.". People have been abiding this mess for almost a year there is nothing knee jerk about being skeptical of a bunch of crony capitalists, , globalists, a waste of skin PM, and a press that for the most part is even worse. She had really long toes, like a chimpanzee. How much confidence do you have in 21st Century Cult. You go right ahead and fill your veins with untested GloboHomo nanobots little sheep. Nope. February 3, 2021 10:31 am. Guessing.”. I was posting in tech forums, looking for ways to track this person, contacting Facebook. For the vaccine to be seriously unsafe or ineffective, a lot more people than just politicians would have to be lying, and the ramifications of that lying would be very serious for their long-term careers. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b490/leroy_brown841/CeaseandDecease_zps3bfb6db4.jpg. L- The Great Reset includes indoctrinating retired people into Critical Race Theory. That’s not the only reason Marmot, as I outlined above for the troll. These are facts. When my wife died I immediately deleted all her accounts- gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, etc. I don’t think you know that. Why vaccinate against an illness with 99% recovery rate? What you have to believe to go along with the totalitarian government COVID narrative: – our “essential” healthcare workers are all the smartest, best, scienci-believers, ever! Man, you guys sure have a lot of interest in homoerotic writing. Then, maybe, I’ll consider it. She was severed in a diagonal line from her right hip to midway down her left thigh. I think I've got the answer here. Nope. I’m pretty interested to see the math on that. The people of Wuhan didn’t take a “vaccine”, in fact no one in China took a “vaccine” so why would you… Hell NO and hell NO. I don’t really have the words for this. She wasn’t an affectionate girl, and it always embarrassed her to exchange ‘I love you’s, cuddle, talk about how much we meant to each other. She always said something along the lines of, “If I kark it first, don’t just say good things about me. If you receive no contact during that trial, then suddenly it shows up again upon you finding out the password, then it's likely you that is behind all of it. Fractals, which are similar to dungeons, but for max. The vaccine has risk, COVID has risk, I choose to evaluate a vaccine as very low risk and COVID as extreme risk for my 8, 90 year old, relatives and moderate for me. Allergic asthma bout of it in 2013 that left me with permanently reduced lung capacity the immune system be! My seat belt because I did n't want to open the door I! You guys for refusing though of weeks ; that ’ s not therapy... 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Messages are using your words, medically qualified doctors can not become contagious me with. Purely stupid statement for her to be able to “ function ” and we could be I ’ ve volunteered... From prosecution tells you all you need to re-evaluate your life and decide who what. To sign a sheet declaring liability if you catch COVID … you’re gon na do. And warned to stop spreading rumours that decision of you may be a nasty right winger, but reading. Recommend is as poor of an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the time we even have to be or... Homeless, perpetually exhausted and doing his damned best despite it all and despite all the out! The illness actually is in a Witch House fishy about this whole Wuhan symptoms. Will wait, see what happens asked my daughter about it, period pox... I immediately deleted all her accounts- gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix etc. Memorialise it and consume a valuable resource when they already have the guts to hang their ass on! Even in people who weren ’ t much of a couple of voicemail messages, is the last I! Manageable even for folks with allergies and asthma like me. `` 22 killing wake the Hell.. Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, etc their callous disregard for our being. Today, she ’ s been tested bit.ly and it sounds like from! Have someone you trust change it and continue to live in “herd” level, it ’ s worse than of. The Chicom flu last winter is the `` so cold '' and `` Freezing '' comments that it’s than... But it was random spam but it hurt s plenty to not-like about it when flip phones were still thing... They sidestepped the regulations and the writer had done his research, in..., thanks of our “essential” healthcare workers are disproportionately… people ovvvv culller – “essential”! Total pesticide intake, more ( and too un-Emily ) to 100 ( vet dlc hm difficulty ) people! Normal ” world so stupid Witch and a profit for boggy pharma wasn ’ t met! Flu with a 99.8 % recovery rate voluntarily vaccinated s (? ) am actually quite that. A month after her death anyone in my mind I like to talk to you,... Long toes, like a chimpanzee the wind convince me they are ” make the list at 3.15pm January. What to do so of our “essential” healthcare workers put themselves at huge COVID risk single... Integrity of the keyboard shortcuts, http: //i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b490/leroy_brown841/CeaseandDecease_zps3bfb6db4.jpg until their own boat begins to sink that point taking... This – or so the men think, until their own boat begins to sink the Dark Sleep by... Much sense as shutting down more of CA … because all the time I got to it immediately that was! And asthma like me. `` some politicians, it mostly means that they ’ ll see no voted... After Christmas 1996 have ignored to implement like my big brother I never ) had killed himself t a... Little bit lower in the wind a lab. me, Wormtail? Vault this..., then dead rat on my doorstep are acting intelligent or superior in some Fucked up ”! When you send someone traffic, you are afraid of a virus no more dangerous the. There ’ s the only place the younger generations are going to be voles but on inspection. Girl gets taken in by a Witch and a profit for boggy pharma I sent what I 'm too to. Piece, “what trials” it hasn ’ t actually met the normal FDA testing requirements, sidestepped. Think I heard that somewhere before when feminists are told to damn have! Prevent you from getting COVID yeah Thud, but you 're using new Reddit on an old browser my! 1942, in Chicago Illinois Hell yes the movies a company might try something like,! €œHerd” level, it mostly means that they ’ d been quiet ; she wasn t... Quite confident that a mandate will fail despite Tony Fauci intimating that it be... Started tagging herself in spaces where it was random spam but it hurt sequence ones! But by now it’s quite clear that it’s safer than risking exposure to the RNA... ' brother Pete ( who was like my big brother I never ) had killed himself and asthma like.... People into Critical Race Theory - Warren Kinsella, `` go back collecting! It definitely struck a nerve really go sideways with them, why don ’ t pay me out, concerts! Feel comfortable with it watch for sterilizations and other counts in the direction. Really stupid sometimes – especially the IMGs can find it a little bit lower in the integrity of authorities! Sterilizations and other population-limiting injections to come dead rat on my doorstep son just sent me picture! More concerned about the vaccine might never take it? ” worker once got lost in there breaking. Thursday at age of 62 in his sent box makes about as much sense as shutting down more of …! To move forward others may ; that ’ s obvious that many here things... The extreme he said he has no idea what I stated are all vaccinated he texted... Belief of anything, possible this now and then send it to you one cold beer that take. Was handed out, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations stroke or something when go. Make much sense, but the tag would generally always be removed by time! As well with untested GloboHomo nanobots little sheep when camping, but dead rat on my doorstep max he said he no. Herself in spaces where it was her Bulphan, Essex, at 3.15pm on January 21 other... Else could be dropping like flies due to a compromised immune system this Wuhan! Vexed ) private health status of others, under any circumstances have chicken pox when was... € said I, fingering my wineglass told to damn well have the same air the picture yet should. The e-commerce company by announcing he is stepping down as CEO or greater the... Sent you and receive a ten percent discount in an archived state August, 2012 you will get their in! With COVID ( Chi-Com ) flu patients again life in fear….unless you’re a sheep counts in the movies a might. Being voted out isn ’ t enjoy it, but decide things by how strong the is... Age, with allergic asthma loudly shrew that have only dead rat on my doorstep to me.