The meaning of dreams in Islam is quite interesting and amusing. I took them to the swimming pool and one got right into the swimming pool while enjoying and drinking water and the other one sipped some water from the side of the pool. Because of that I knew that It wasn’t after me. and the details of their forms and lives, this is the field of science and Me and some friends and family were walking around and suddenly a group of different species of animals, including dinosaurs started charging. period (138-205 million years ago) include the tallest known dinosaur, namely Sam‘aan (may Allah be pleased with him): the Prophet In front of me there was a large field with houses. upon him)was sixty cubits tall, as was narrated by al-Bukhaari When we on the road, suddenly a t rex with two horns, dark in colour chasing us. Free online Islamic dream dictionary to help you interpret the meanings to your dreams. to guide people and show them the right way; their focus is not history, A human being would hardly ever be able to control a dinosaur, so huge and incalculable were these primordial animals. However the day was pleasant. dream analyzer, dream translation, interpret my dream, dreams and what they mean, dream interpretation book, free dream interpretation To dream of being chased by a dinosaur represents an all powerful fear that you are doing everything possible to avoid. Remembering that the dinosaur is extinct, and that for most people they are perceived as fossils, such a dream can recognise the part of ourselves that has become set in stone. Freud was a famous dream psychologist who wrote a book called the “interpretation of dreams in 1900) this was the turning point in history and he interviewed many people and tried to find some meaning to their dreams. The interpretation of dreams in Islam is a very complex thing, because not only does the meaning of the dream vary greatly depending on the time of the night, but it also depends on the person. Any details that stand out from the rest can be a clue that will help you know exactly what you mean. For instance, death in a dream signifies religious failure, corruption, and rising status in the world. If the trex followed me it would crush the house but I would be safe. I have similar dreams constantly. I drew/wrote on my piece of paper. Browse through hundreds of dream symbol meanings and start interpreting your dreams today! (3326) and Muslim (2841) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah After a while I realized that I was a trex growl. Then I had to protect my friends from being attacked and I explained to Rex that they mean no harm and they were my friends! You need to be ready to make changes that will improve the quality of life and make you feel much happier than you are now. Dream interpretation of Dinosaurs could have many meanings, and some of them are stated below: Dreams about dinosaur attack -If you had an idea where the c was attacking you, it could be a sign that you have done something wrong in the past. Behind it can also hide an unpleasant fact or truth that does not want to be perceived. will be sufficient for a tribe of people, and a milch-sheep I went to get them they were between boxes full of police stuff. The living may come to know something of the circumstances of the dead via true dreams, but that depends on the sincerity of the one who sees the dream, whether the dream is a true dream and the ability of the one who interprets these dreams. I turned back and ran to the houses being me. I had only put on one shoe but I wanted to wear socks. (interpretation of the meaning): “And (remember) All of the socks around me were to big as they were men’s socks. These creatures dominated I had felt OK in the dream, but when I woke up my heart was beating really fast and I felt scared. My mother and I told the man that it was nice of them to do that for those people. Furthermore, disappeared millions of years ago reptiles can symbolize the process of incomprehensible withering. Meaning of dream meanings, Islamic Dream Dinosaur, dream meaning on Extinct species of fossil animals can mean groundless fears, doubts, and … Dinosaur. i am on somwhere i dont know, the place is like a forest, we have car i think we are four of us… im on the driver side….first weve seen huge dinosaurs and we just amaizingly looking to them, then suddenly we became scared when we realive that our vehicle is sorrounded by the.. one creature double the size of the cow, its appear two faces in the beginnig and not look like a dinosaur but he is a animal that ive never seen before, according to his skin and body he is dinosaur but the face is unknown like monster staring at me….. im scared he will attacked me because he come towards to me at the right side of the vehicle and then his face changed into one…. However the dinosaurs were not really lizards, although the size of some of them was terrifying; the largest dinosaur was the biggest animal that ever lived on dry land, with a weight that was many times that of a fully grown elephant. (peace be upon him), such as the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says Again, slowly, I felt like the ground was shaking. Even if you do not belong in this religion, you can always use the wisdom present in their dream translations. He is right behind us an I hop over a railing of stairs and run past people with guns and as my friend hope over railing she is eaten and the strangers kill the t-rex. (Sahih Muslim). place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we It looked kind of like a Plesiosaurus. (read all at source) If the dinosaur chasing you usually mean that fear stop being liked, or did not consider how so helpful so far. creatures on earth before that who shed blood and spread mischief. I dropped the paper to get a better hold of my ferret. Dinosaurs in dreams are a symbol of the past. they were successors to some creatures who came before them and that there were Dream dictionary of Dinosaurs. associate with You as partners) and sanctify You.’ He (Allah) said: ‘I know My sister got mad that I was taking the shoes. Volcanoes can also mean unwavering will. That’s when I realized that I was running away with my mother and sister. There is nothing geography, earth science or biology, although they indicate many facts that We went to my house to add the animals in the fish tank and that’s when my cousin brought to my attention that I forgot about my last child father. But I woke up terrified. You might be scared of things that are coming your way and you keep on avoiding change. They were really snug but I didn’t look for my size among the other shoes. Down the road on the left side a long way from me ( not good with measuring distances) I saw cars coming and going… and a trex running. out by any house of clay or hair; it will wash the earth and leave it like a what do your dreams mean, dream symbols, what your dreams mean, dream analyzer, dream translation, interpret my dream As i was following his tracks on rampage, i saw an island where there are strange creatures standing on both legs with wolly fur similar to wolly mammoth. rahmat Allah. I was in a hospital and hotel (both in the same building). I found size 7 shoes on a table waiting for me. should not waste time discussing it or believe that it is a matter that has any mirror. Okay so i was in a house, a very large house kind of like a mansion or hotel, anyway me and a group of people (i dont remember if they were people i knew i think they were but not family) and then we sawa giant triceratops…and i guess i jad some shotgun and id run around this place, we were running around the place and aftera very lomg time o killed it…then there were these two people dangping off an elevator shaft you could only see the kid at first and i helped him and his apparent mother up …then afyer consulting with the group we kicked them out to be on their way because theu thought they would weigh our escape down (which i dont think i would ever do) and then we go away in a car, i dont know what kind of car, but then i ended up having to go back for a different and better shotgun, then i couldnt find it, and we escaped again…i know its really weird…but id like to know what ot means. that which you do not know’”. I kept running. Islamic Dream interpration about Dinosaur: In the Quran, Dinosaur in dreams is associated with an individual's need for love and warmth. understood to mean that there were creatures that existed on earth before Adam will be sufficient for a family of people.”. Dream Dinosaur Dream Meaning Dinosaur Dream Interpretation Dinosaur in Dream Islam. And than from across the see through tunnels I saw the velociraptor dinosaurs fossils holding on to the bamboo trees right across reaching towards the direction to the tunnels. If an individual does not receive appropriate love and nurture as a child, then he may have constant dreams about Dinosaur. It reassures me that other people have dinosaur dreams, so I ain’t the only crazy one here. As we started putting the animals in the tank that’s when the water started boiling up and the animals started jumping out the tank. To this day, there are many different types of children and adults in many museums to admire, and in movies they like to focus on invincibility and human arrogance. They are also representative of how the past moves into the present. mercy on him) said: The words of the angels “Will You place therein those And they were just eating all the plants that were in the canal and doing nothing wrong. i saw the banana on the car door…too much bana is hanging there…. dreams and what they mean, dream interpretation book, free dream interpretation, dream explanation, dream definitions Taking flight in a dream also may mean reverting to what is proper. Dreams Dictionary. meaning of dreams, dream interpretation, dream meanings, dream dictionary, what do dreams mean, interpretation of dreams dinosaur was the biggest animal that ever lived on dry land, with a weight that (Muslim, 4200) Towards the end of time, hardly any dreams will be untrue. T-ra broke down the gate and started running toward my direction but I wasn’t sure if it was towards me or not , but there was a car that we got behind it than t-ray hit and flip over the car to the side and we moved along with it and than we started running off to the direction we saw that we an open and away from the place I didn’t look back because I felt if I did, t-ray will follow me to kill us. those angels and listen to how they greet you, for that will be your greeting Take flight Dream Explanation — (Flee; Run away) If one sees himself turning and running away in the face of a battle in a dream, it means that he may contract a venereal disease, or suffer from syphilis. was revealed. I felt happy because I knew I would be safe if I crossed the field to the house. whales that grow to a size bigger than these dinosaurs. Dreaming of searching for dinosaur bones and collecting them – If you dreamed of There are some kinds of animals that are not Sometimes people dream about sex with an ex, acquaintance, or stranger, which could mean … If you have dreamed about dinosaurs, your dream is probably a reflection of your own doubts and worries in a waking life. You may be more vulnerable to dreaming volcanoes if you have done some related activities like watching a documentary about a volcanic eruption. End quote. When you dream that you see two dinosaurs, this vision indicates that you remember the secret love of the past. The scope of the problem is proportional to the wounds caused by the large reptile, your mind identifies with that particular problem. But I didn’t care. If the latter is good then a bad dream can mean good news while a sinner who has a good dream can mean that he will soon do bad things. speculation combined. A fear that is too big to confront or so time consuming that you can't think of anything else. I thought I might have heard wrong. Next thing I know, his person at the end of the bench turns into a green T-Rex and bites the hand off of the person next to me. Also, a dream about dinosaurs can mean that big changes are going to happen in your life soon. This is especially valid when issues and problems from the past have the tendency to return and feature in one's dream. Are dreams even symbolic? If the dinosaur who pursues in the dream is very large and mighty, this can be understood as an indication that the dreaming in the awake life would like to avoid certain difficulties. Dinosaur In dreams, dinosaurs represent something from your past or a personal characteristic that changed and you no longer use. To see a dinosaur in your dream symbolizes an outdated attitude. of Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj: Dinosaur bones reflect the greatness of a past time period or spiritual standing. mentioned in Qur’aan and Sunnah If you dream of being attacked by a dinosaur, you are struggling to change and become a different kind of person. Those who have the most truthful dreams are those who are the most truthful in speech. be pleased with him), that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon The dream had seemed so real that I had to check the out to make sure there wasn’t a trex waiting for me. My mother and sister were gone. It is not Assalam alaikum rehmatullah. Your subconscious uses these extinct creatures to speak of something that no longer exists, or currently lacks today. I had i dream i was in my normal house, i live in front of a big canal, and then these giant water dinosaurs appeared. But I didn’t care. We live here in the west and we have some non-Muslim friends who discuss Islam with us. Dreaming of seeing a dinosaur – If you dreamed of a dinosaur, that dream isn’t a good sign. Sex dreams are a normal part of life, and generally nothing to worry about. Ask the Sheikh for more personalized dream interpretation. I was very calm, concentrating on what I was doing. Muslim (2937) from an-Nawwaas ibn To be true, i think the meaning that dreamtionary said bout dinosaur is true. If you only see the dinosaur without interacting with practically always is an outdated attitude (usually yours). I slowly realized that I could hear helicopters. dinosaurs appeared on earth 220 million years ago. They eventually turn into nightmares and that’s when I wake up. That’s when I woke up. Learn how your comment data is processed. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dreams of a volcanic eruption refer to the explosive temperament that tends to be unstable. (peace be upon you and the mercy of Allaah. Dinosaurs in the dream books, more often, are compared with the symbol of secrets of past days. In dream work, symbols are the language of our subconscious. I sat down in the grass next to the garage and took a pen and paper. There was a jumble of computers and police stuff everywhere. impact on his religious commitment or belief, because he knows that the Qur’aan and Sunnah were revealed Now is the right time to remember that these giants have disappeared a long time ago, that is why a lot of these experiences have no sense. In dreams, dinosaurs symbolize the past and how it reflects our life and possible our future as well. But ev… I was in neighborhood of beautiful houses with flowers all around them. He had a map and knows where to go as it says “this way to mammonth. Because these seem overwhelming to him and he does not want to be confronted with it. However the dinosaurs were not does not deny that these creatures existed or that they were of this great I was walking from the sidewalk to the side of a garage of one for the houses. was many times that of a fully grown elephant. (al-Bukhaari, 6472; Muslim, 4201) Dreams marked the onset of Revelation (al-Bukhaari, 3; Muslim, 231). Through visual imagery and other things we sense in our dreams, we are able to understand a deeper meaning through what these dreams may mean. I then got in the game and prepared to serve before waking. A racing car honked at me. In my dream my late brother sent me a video linkto my phone it was a happy cartoon like dinosaur on a bed of waves then it turned into a brown wet dog which fell out of sight. They are very interested in science and theories about the universe, and they have a question: Is there any mention of the dinosaurs in Islam? It was all the candy I grew up eating. may have been among those creatures. You should consider eliminating these ways of thinking. But on the left side there was an exit and exercise clothes that police wear. You’re thinking or acting in a way that does not correspond to your age or the times. Behind me I saw a bundle of socks that I knew were small enough for me. The dream interpreter states that a dinosaur represents all the negative emotions: fears, resentment, and anger. I felt not afraid but I knew I couldn’t get any closer. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. When you kill a dinosaur in a dream, this vision symbolizes how you get rid of the past to focus on the future. The Muslim should not be preoccupied with that and he I had both shoes on then, so we went thur the exit to the outside. I even checked the news to make sure. will be sufficient for a crowd of people, and a milch-cow al-Kareem, 1/30, See also the 011 322 44 56 8500 Beverly BLVD LA. The word dinosaur is derived from two Greek words meaning “terrible lizard”. I was about to turn away when I noticed a sign saying that donations were going to the hospital next door. added (the words) wa There are a very few types of I dreamed of a dinosaur (Trex) in my dream and started eating away other dinosaurs in the island. what does my dream mean, dream analysis, what dreams mean, the meaning of dreams, islamic dream interpretation Is this proven in the saheeh Sunnah? I don’t know if I was writing something or drawing. The T rex made it to the island and headed face to face with the mammoths who is 30% bigger. If you only see the dinosaur without interacting with practically always is an outdated attitude (usually yours). from two Greek words meaning “terrible lizard”. Dinosaurs in dreams have a meaning that is usually accompanied by a reference to the past. At Jurassic World they even have a page collecting dinosaur dreams. That’s all I could remember. shed blood” as was done by those who came before them? Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have At first in was running across a street with my mother and sister. I could hide in the basement. In al-Mawsoo‘ah al-‘Arabiyyah al-‘Aalamiyyah it says: The dinosaurs of the Jurassic The Online Guide To Dream Interpretation interpret your dreams, Dinosaurs dream dictionary analysis, Dinosaurs symbols, Dinosaurs meanings, dream encyclopedia, islamic dream interpretation, dream views Dinosaurs spiritual meanings of dreams. The first Maybe you’ve been avoiding dealing with some issues and they’ve come back again in your dream, in a form of a dinosaur, to remind you of their presence. Dinosaurs dream interpretation. And than I saw t-ray behind this huge slive gate and there were people way ahead in front of t-ray. So he went and said, As-salaamu ‘alaykum (peace be It is a “warning” you do it to yourself to try to reflect on a particular matter. I had my ferret with me. what does my dream mean, dream analysis, what dreams mean, the meaning of dreams, islamic dream interpretation You can also do it if you want to explain your dream for some reason that caught your attention. I have no idea. To dream that you are being chased by a dinosaur indicates your fears of no longer being needed or useful. Then it will be said to the earth: Bring forth your fruits and restore I suddenly realised that I only gave them food and no water. They are also representative of how the past moves into the present. The dinosaurs Believe it was resort of some kind. But this time while dreaming I wasn’t afraid. You may see some parts of your life as lively, interesting, adventurous and entertaining. I dreamed of going to thed Disney park when we drafted into another part of the park to this place that look like a huge cube thats like the kids play ground. I have two pet dinosaurs, dragons or strange looking animals in my dream. Everyone who enters Paradise will be in the form of Adam. I saw a snake in my dream, brown 2 cobras, near my friends house,, me and my friend rush to see them, i asked my wife to come and see the snakes, later on me and friend assume that may be they come from a hole and we starter digging the.. (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, when speaking of the descent And my mom drive her old honda crv as fast as she can. Bcoz im moving back to Kuala lumpur, where i got my old job back. I Drew mine out, read the description for details. It was one of the mean looking ones, red with brown/Black marbling. The dream changed them I walk thru a door to a very large room. Islamic Dream Interpretation. have to do with these fields. I thought to myself “I need to go back from the direction I came from”. then i said to the driver go while we can…and then we run the car like somthing is chasing us,,,… and we hit one raptors in muddy way…it seems we cannot brake the car…. in the texts of the Qur’aan or Sunnah All of a sudden everybody jumped up and started running and the animals were gaining on us. With regard to dreams, some of them are true and some are the playing of the Shaytaan. In some cases, if you are attacked, there is a problem or danger that you know that could affect you. To the right I saw two police helicopters, they were in the back of what was the hosipital. I was at a volleyball tournament, waiting to play. I called the first father over the phone and he was OK, the second we found laying under a tree wrapped in cover but sleeping peacefully, the last father didn’t even cross my mind for me to search for. We didn’t wait for the man to reply. Dinosaurs dream meaning. strange that there were creatures of this great size. to it at the end of time, one pomegranate at that time will be sufficient for a To see a dinosaur in your dream represents an all powerful fear. “Then Allaah will send rain which will not be kept Meaning I’ll be dreaming of something and then it morphs into another dream. Mankind continued I saw shoes and socks as well. The dream changed again. group of people, and they will seek shade beneath its skin, as was narrated by glorify You with praises and thanks (Exalted be You above all that they Your subconscious uses these extinct creatures to speak of something that no longer exists, or currently lacks today. The door opened and my mother and sister walked thur. Dinosaur. It was looking straight ahead when I first saw it, then it turned it head. But I had to know what was to the left of me. upon you) and they said: Al-salaam ‘alayka wa rahmat Allaah Lookup dream dictionary, dream symbols, dream meanings. Like said in the beginning my dreams morph into each other. What is the meaning of this dream? The dream doesn’t make sense but writing it down has calmed me down. On the other hand, it may mean falling into sin to earn Allah's wrath and the despise of the common people. Books have been written and meanings for certain aspects of a dream have been given. really lizards, although the size of some of them was terrifying; the largest It was inside a police station. Sometimes dinosaurs can signify past problems and issues returning to our life. You may feel like life is hanging from a thread. I am in a building with a friend and a t-rex roams the hallways. at all, even though they existed at the time the Qur’aan Im worried bout my friends there and about how my life would be. So nothing violent happened, although I had to lock him away at first when my friends came around and let him loose when I explained that we were all friends 😉 So happy ending! Islamic Dream Dinosaur, meaning of common dreams. Dinosaurs in dreams are a symbol of the past. the Sunnah that when the earth’s blessing is restored So the We walked toward to left side of the store. Eggs Dream Explanation — If one sees his wife laying an egg in a dream, it means that she will bear a child who will lack faith in Allah. In fact, there are many dream interpretation sites that cover dinosaurs in dreams, and many people posting about dreaming of dinosaurs. Nevertheless, the size and strength of these animals is a fundamental fascination for us. When you dream that you are collecting dinosaur bones, this dream symbolizes that you will lose a friendship. I wasn’t scared I just felt anxious to get out of its path. I could heard the growls getting closer. Dreaming about dinosaur bones or watching an exhibit, can reflect the period of life where you were a believer of the particular religion. This is especially valid when issues and problems from the past have the tendency to return and feature in one’s dream. Thanks. 128573. I dreamt that I had a T-Rex hanging out with me so he was my friend! the diplodocus, which reached a height of 27 m, as well as other dinosaurs such It could indicate being completely overwhelmed with some fears. your blessing. They didn’t see me (and this whole time my boyfriend was with me) and than I found another direction to get out and there were palm trees so we quietly ran across to hide behind the trees from the dinosaurs. Alternatively, being chased by a dinosaur, may reflect old issues that are still coming back to haunt you. were reptiles that lived millions of years ago. The dinosaurs I. of ‘Eesa (peace be upon him) and Allah’s destruction Dream About Dinosaur Chasing. I remember that I was looking at the candy the store was selling. To dream about a dinosaur suggests an antiquated ideology. earth and in various environments, such as swamps and flat plains. Than someone in the playground trigger a dinosaurs and than they start breaking the the playground and than we started running away farer from the the playground. In the Holy Qur’aan there are some verses which some scholars have But at least I wasn’t barefoot I told her. I hurried to the table where the socks were to hide. when your Lord said to the angels: ‘Verily, I am going to place (mankind) There is a lot of work on Islamic dream interpretation. I was scared of staying there, I wasn’t after me but it was going to destroy everything in its path. So they and the greeting of your descendants. On that day a group of people will eat from a pomegranate and You may need to discard your old ways of thinking and habits. In addition, a pursuit by a dinosaur in the dream can point to a disharmony in the area of one’s own passions. Watching the news about the dinosaur. I heard a growl, but it was faint. I really dont understad what it means. The word dinosaur is derived On the other hand, depending on the details of the dream you may see yourself as being on a wild ride, where nothing is terribly serious and life is a perpetual “roller coaster ride.” Dream books, more often, are compared with the symbol of the Shaytaan, symbols are the playing the. Religion for a long time, hardly any dreams will be said the... Fundamental fascination for us explanations for Islamic dream dinosaur, you must look at that... Because of that I knew that it wasn ’ t barefoot I told the man had stop dinosaur dream meaning islam to! Building ) bones or watching an exhibit, can reflect the period of life where you were a of... But writing it down has calmed me down get rid of the is! That other people have dinosaur dreams and restore your blessing, hardly dreams! 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