Eight of Swords as Advice. Breaking Down the Celtic Cross - Lesson 1: Laying it out, Hoodoo, Tarot, and the Black American Experience with David Davis, Reading Tarot in Layers with Jenna Matlin. Its message can be very strong. How strong this message is depends on the surroundingCards in theReading, theQuerant and theQuestion. As a person, the Knight of Swords reversed is an adult (20-35 years of age and usually male) who may be overly cocky and impulsive to the point of putting others in jeopardy. Always remember that by challenging your self-beliefs your life will go nowhere. It indicates fear and illusion, exclusion and misperception. Tarot isn’t just for divination – it can also be a wonderful tool for guidance. The VIII of Swords appearing in a spread may be warning you that continuous stress, anxiety, worry and tension will lead to ill-health. You don’t need to remain there. Many eights in a reading suggest a strong, positive change in your life. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. At … The Eight of Swords implies that you are unable to think clearly. Be aggressive but nimble. Or you might conclude you are too old to lose weight, leaving you unhappy with your body and your health. Eight of Swords in a time-based position. Your partner might be the controlling one but there is also the possibility that you are the one who places restrictions on your partner. Eight of Swords Tarot’s Meaning for the Future. For some reason, there is unnecessary fear surrounding a situation. If they move, they'll get cut. Career and Work: Patience and willpower are the keys to work satisfaction. Eight of Swords as Feelings. This is a learn-by-doing situation; there is no formula that guarantees outcome. There are five swords that he possesses – which he has taken from the other combatants who are in the card. 10 of swords + Eight of swords: Deep insecurities. You are going through a season where you do not trust anyone and you worse you are constantly doubting your own abilities. Unable to express oneself. How did you get yourself into this predicament? ( Log Out /  But in the Fey deck, I see that she really does need to be proactive in order to get to that sword to release herself from her bonds. In many of the 8 of swords cards we see the character is only loosely bound, the suggestion is that they can … As an advice card there is a suggestion that you need to change your thought patterns from negative to positive and then you will be able to take action. This week: Knight of Swords. Eight of swords in Four of swords: Difficult lessons. Introduction: When the 8 of Swords appears, you may be holding yourself back because you fear moving into the future, or because you are wary of getting hurt by a new situation, or maybe for no reason at all. I also not in this version the glorious mountains in the background and the wonderful views of nature the central character is missing even though she is quite capable of pulling her blindfold of. These are the people who are overindulging in medication that is prescribed by a doctor and who have a million ailments. The Eight of Swords in the future position suggests that the outcome of an important future event will be decided on whether you choose to act out of fear or rationality. Being bullied. Eight of Swords Tarot Reversed Reading in Other Situations. It signifies fear, terror, anxiety and psychological issues. Come out of isolation. the advice is be proactive and unshackle yourself from whatever it is that shackles you! How strong this message is depends on the surrounding Cards in the Reading, the Querant and the Question. Return to a situation. The beliefs you hold about yourself are preventing you from achieving … Rather, approach things logically, dispassionately, and with forceful aim and let the chips fall where they may. There is high irony in the eight of swords. Join me every Friday for a new installment – and get ready to add some helpful advice + loving support to your Tarot readings. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Potential partnerships do not seem likely. This is the first time I have featured a card from the exquisite Golden Tarot deck which is designed by the very talented Kat Black (copyright U.S Games Systems). There are eight swords placed strategically around her in a way that restricts her movement as though she is in some kind of trap or jail. 8 (Eight) of Swords As Advice? Join me every Friday for a new installment – and get ready to add some helpful advice + loving support to your Tarot readings. The Eight of Swords in the future position suggests that the outcome of an important future event will be decided on whether you choose to act out of fear or rationality. The Eight of Swords in Health The Eight of Swords in a reading about health is referencing a hypochondriac nature. (The cards are always going to tell you what is best for you in that moment.) Explore the whole series here: https://www.thetarotlady.com/tarot-advice-guidance-every-card/. Interpretation: The 8 of Swords advise you to come out of an unhappy relationship without feeling guilty or ashamed. Above them, the sky is tumultuous and cloudy, which indicates that not everything is well, despite the fact that the battle is already over. This can refer to swiftly unfolding events, whether of unintentional or intenti… eight of swords reversed advice Suits of Swords Tarot Cards . Think of the swords as your friends and they are there to help. Despite problems, if you continue it will all be worth it. The Eight of Swords is a very powerful Card and when it appears in a Reading. Recognise what … The 8 of swords is usually quite a negative card about imprisonment, bondage and a feeling of being trapped. The Knight of Swords reversed may also suggest that you or someone around you is acting superior, being a know it all or has inferiority complex when it appears. You fear pain and restriction, yet that which you fear is exactly what is blocking you the most. With a Tarot deck by your side, you can make clear decisions, deal with challenges confidently, and find alternate routes when necessary. A woman is tied and blindfolded within a cage of swords. What can you co right now to release yourself from a situation you don’t like? Eight of Swords Love Tarot Meaning Clearly, in a love reading the Eight of Swords can represent a restrictive partner and one who controls and manipulates the others. With the Eight of Swords in this position, you are being reminded that every setback you experience is a teacher awakening you to renewed effort. Return to a situation. Eight of Swords as Advice . The best possible guidance for the future you want. In some question, this card may be advising you to start the process of removing yourself from a situation. The Eight of Swords in numerology is a sign that you’re facing problems that seem overwhelming. The reversed Eight of Swords is a sign that you need to make a change if you want to experience a change. The Eight of Swords reversed might also say: you can see clearly. Using Tarot Cards. At this point in time, you may feel liberated … He may be an air sign such as Aquarius, … For example, you may be seeking to lose weight. Trying to battle more than one issue at a time will always create … The Eight of Swords is a very powerful Card and when it appears in a Reading. The poor girl is trapped in her thoughts and expectations, which prevents her … In many of the 8 of swords cards we see the character is only loosely bound, the suggestion is that they can escape if only they put their mind to it. The 8 of Swords tarot love meaning can suggest that your perspective is changing now that you have a more clear and objective understanding of your relationship. The Eight of Swords represents restrictions, entrapment and being backed into a corner. The Eight of Swords tarot is the card that represents isolation and imprisonment. I don't feel like I have any past that I need to deal with in order for … He would advise you not to mince words, don't let your feelings drive you. On the Eight of Swords is a woman who is tied up and blindfolded. In some cases, this card might say: you’re not as stuck as you think you are. As advice the Knight of Swords may be telling you to take the direct approach to a problem or situation. At times, this is precisely what is needed and will yield the results you want. There are resources you can use at this time. Depending on the context of the question, this card can also advise restraint or restriction. If you’re single, you may find yourself more willing to take your love life into your … Eight of Swords - Your "ego" represents the non-trusting, doubting, over-analytical part of your mind which is unable to make any decisions - always feeling very restricted, experiencing hurt or anxiety. How strong this message is depends on the surrounding Cards in the Reading, the Querant and the Question. As an advice card there is a suggestion that you need to change your thought patterns from negative to positive and then you will be able to take action. Defend your point of view. Someone is feeling confused, anxious and unable to move. Eight of swords in Six of swords: Moving away from fear and confusion. It shows itself in the surrounding swords (thoughts) which are both our captor and salvation. Accept your limitations for now, accept that you might not be able to do much about a situation (whatever you are reading about) at the moment. Now you know what to do to release yourself from the situation. Learn the meaning of the Eight of Swords for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. Your first tarot deck...what you need to know. Eight of swords in Three of swords: Hurt in love. The Eight of Swords reversed might also say: you can see clearly. Keywords for the Eight of Swords. Its message can be very strong. If you are thinking of taking a trip, this card advises you to “go for it!” Move on. In a financial Tarot spread, the Eight of Swords reversed again indicates that you have either released your worries or fear about finances and are in a much more mentally healthy place or you have become more entrenched in your anxiety. Sign up for my newsletter and get free bi-monthly content on tarot, astrology, and more. The Eight of Swords represents restrictions, entrapment and being backed into a corner. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Learn to find them. You’re only as stuck as you believe yourself to be. Traditionally, the Eight of Wands is one of the travel cards. The truth of the situations are probably much less frightening than your mind is making it out to be. Come out of isolation. ( Log Out /  Re-evaluation of plans. The Eight of Swords tarot card meaning At first glance it may seem that the Eight of Swords shows a bound young woman in a sword cage; her eyes are blindfolded. In this series, we’ll explore the advice options for every card. Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading, https://www.thetarotlady.com/tarot-advice-guidance-every-card/, New Moon in Capricorn 2021- and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign. Sometimes the 8 of swords as advice is "Don't do anything until you figure out the safest way forward." Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Eight of Wands can signal good news – as advice, it will say: anticipate positive news soon. This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. In some question, this card may be advising you to start the process of removing yourself from a situation. This realization is a difficult one to come to, especially if the person in … It can be a card to show entrapment, bondage and a difficult situation from which escape seems impossible. Watch out for self imposed limitation and stinkin’ thinking. The Eight of this suit often shows a flight of spears or staffs moving through the air in formation, as if a hidden group of archers had let them fly all at once. Its message can be very strong. There are resources you can use at this time. If you are compromising your own beliefs or needs/wants to keep the peace, know that you should always put yourself first. It is advisable to seek sensible advice and take it. Jul 14, 2017 | Tarot Advice, Tarot Card Meanings, Tarot Cards, Uncategorized. She is enclosed in a wall of swords and there is no way to escape. Loosen up! If the Three of Swords and the Eight of cups appear alongside each other, you are surrendering yourself for the benefit of others. When Ten of swords tarot card shows up in your tarot cards it denotes a time when you are faced with endings of some … Learn to read tarot combinations in my Arrows course here. Three of Swords and the Eight of Cups. Ten of swords tarot card meanings summary. Don’t act brashly, but recognizing your overcautious nature will help you make an informed … Is the Eight … In many of the 8 of swords cards we see the character is only loosely bound, the suggestion is that they can … Learn to find them. The 8 of swords is usually quite a negative card about imprisonment, bondage and a feeling of being trapped. The querent is in a situation where they're afraid to move. You’ve often acted on the safe side, taking into account every possible outcome to prevent anything bad from happening. This is not a time for reflection – it’s a time for action. You got yourself into it – you’ll get yourself out of it. Now you know what to do to release yourself … You don’t need to remain there. Change your ways and your thoughts- because you can! 10 of swords + Queen of swords: A woman scorn. This is an inside job. Be willing to make the rigorous effort that is being called for now. Don’t be so uptight, square. The two other figures are walking away from him in a slow manner with a sense of loss and sadness. ( Log Out /  If you get something without earning it, you will not value it or feel achieved. We have to face trials to grow. The image of the 8 of swords is a woman who is tied up in loose bonds. Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning. That of a person who is constantly saying they are sick enough that they actually become sick. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. Reversed: Eight of Swords. This indicates sluggishness, indifference, and loss of passion for life, unlike the Ace of Swords.. Eight of Swords Tarot Card Description. 10 of swords + Page of swords: Learning the hard way. Eight of swords in Five of swords: Not fitting in. No one is an island, nor are we ever completely alone, … The Eight of Swords tarot is depicted as a woman tied up and blindfolded. This is not the time for movement of any sort. Look within to see what you might have done differently – and what needs to be done going forward. Anxieties may be lifted, and it can now be clear to you what needs to be done in order to feel happier in your romantic life. As soon as a person attains … Do not struggle. And so the longer … For certain there is a crisis but because we are dealing with aSword’s Card, it is unsure whether the situation is as serious as it is made out to be and where t… The 8 of swords reversed RX as advice The eight of swords typically shows a young lady bound and blindfolded, encaged withing 8 swords firmly fixed upright in the ground. The 8 of Swords says immediately that you can get yourself out of the situation, and should, and that the solution is not about trying to change that person, but removing yourself from the equation so that you can be safe. The Eight of Swords is a very powerful Card and when it appears in a Reading. Go in with all your might. So the Eight of Swords says that a person was tempted by specific opportunities, misunderstood some life situations and directed his activity to wrong causes. You’ve often acted on the safe side, taking into account every possible outcome to prevent anything bad from happening. She … You can be sure, however, that an open-minded and optimistic attitude will serve you better in the face of surprising developments. How does your own thinking create limits in your life? https://www.keen.com › articles › tarot › 8-of-swords-tarot-card To get out of there, a person needs to understand a karmic law of action sequences. No one is an island, nor are we ever completely alone, and there is always a dock for your boat. When the Eight of Swords tarot appears in the future position, it issues a strong warning. Perform wholeheartedly, with good faith and hop… It is a Minor Arcana card of hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, slavery, persecution and being silenced or censored. Instead of getting involved, get as far away as you can. In a general context, the Eight of Swords can represent feeling trapped, confined, restricted or backed into a corner or having your hands tied. What are significators in a tarot reading? It represents the release from whatever has been holding you back. If you draw this card, it suggests that you are struggling to deal with or move on from a situation because your knowledge and opinions are limited and you are blind to the solution to your problems. Yet, unwisely we remain duped by our thoughts of limitation, and remain in an abysmal state of delusion. ( Log Out /  If this is in the cards for your future, consider the things that you have in the present and be ready to make some major changes. You remember the struggles it took to get you to where you are now, it was certainly painful. Think of the swords as your friends and they are there to help. Give yourself more time to ponder the way forward. Recognize now that your vision has been blocked because of the fear you feel "inside" - it is creating confusion. The Eight of Swords is commonly known as the card of victimization. In a question about that, this card may suggest a dietary restriction. Your Own Worst Enemy Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. For some reason, there is unnecessary fear surrounding a situation. Be wary of betrayal when the 8 of Swords appears in a reading. Think through what it is that you're afraid of. You may tell yourself that you do not deserve to be wealthy, preventing yourself from receiving financial abundance even if it’s offered to you. Take a big step forward – now is the time to make your move. The Eight of Swords represents restrictions, entrapment and being backed Eight of Swords and follow the Seven of Swords, which meaning is secretive actions and some deception. If you are asking about a love interest, the Eight of Swords can indicate that it won't be a good match. 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Put yourself first icon to Log in: you can use at time.