But there is also a tendency to be lazy, which is compensated for by your desire to help your friends. We will only use your email address to send you the horoscopes, and we make it easy for you to unsubscribe from any of our mailings at any time. 2020 is shaping up to be something of an intellectual and ideological battleground for you. I enjoy all the video reports. There’s just too much intensity — and they need to be open and honest and gentle with each other, which is really hard for this sign. Astrology is an amazing science that always has more to give and for us to learn. Your love life gets off to a good start in January, with Venus transiting your relationship and then passion zone, while energetic Mars is in your dating and fun zone. However, your desire to pursue a more spiritual pathway is a concern for you throughout the year and the first Saturn-Uranus square on February 17th makes you second guess your need or desire for extra training or more qualifications. I've enjoyed this very much, thank you. An exotic Venus-Uranus trine the following day suggests some excitement over love or money, but in this atmosphere, there’s always going to be a fine line between positive excitement and negative drama. I have really enjoyed your messages and insights and what's going on right now yes it's a very difficult time one of the most difficult times and I'm only helping I can make it through all this my relationship is awful after 16 years I finally giving up too destructive I deserve better it helps to know what's going on in the universe and how to direct energies I've started astrology for over 40 years should I understand the universe but not always how to direct it keep up the good work hopefully things will get better thanks. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. For your finances and your career, this is likely to manifest in an increasing confidence at work, and in increasing abundance, too. Hi Kelli, I sure appreciate your daily horoscopes. On February 14th, Mars shifts gears, arriving in constructive, solid Taurus, so tempers should calm, and a more can-do, practical approach takes center stage. As far as the readings, reports, horoscopes, etc. Your dissatisfaction with your current situation becomes clear in early-mid January, when Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn bump along together creating square aspects from your career zone to volatile Mars and Uranus in your own sign. Scorpio Daily Horoscope (February 1, 2021) By Kelli Fox # SCORPIO #Feb1 #DailyHoroscope Let your loved ones know how much they mean to you today. Still, intrigue and passion are a volatile mix, Virgo, and any new romances begun this year are likely to be quite intoxicating. In astrology, the year’s first Mercury retrograde period, beginning on January 30th, is a good time to reflect on what you might change in your own behavior and yearly priorities. I promise to share inspiration and good things with friends all over the world. You’re the kind of person who is empathic and compassionate and finds it easy to tolerate the faults of others. Hi Kelli, I just had an odd urge to tell you hello. This year’s major astrological news – the rare Saturn-Pluto conjunction – occurs in your fun zone but frankly. She is the best! However, it’s important to bear in mind that the major astrological events of the year – the three Saturn-Uranus trines – occur in areas of your chart which can also relate to risk-taking (including with money) and to investment, debt and similar money matters, so you could see some shakeups and surprises in how much money you owe, to whom, and how you can obtain more or pay back what you owe. They moved on in 2003. Your career is unlikely to be your top priority this year, Pisces, as matters in your personal life may feel far more urgent. If you’re single, you may enter a new relationship, but one which is very unevenly balanced, perhaps with one partner much more powerful than the other – physically, emotionally, financially or socially. 2020 is bookended by two major conjunctions – a. your subscription. (Thank you for sharing the good things in my life. You refuse to be restrained. It all kicks off very early in the year with a Lunar Eclipse in your career zone in January, which probably starts you off asking questions about where you’re going and where you really ought to be heading, Libra. Thank you. The positive words of Wisdom that was confirmed. Blinking I thought it was a plane at first, the sky was clear so I was able to see all the other stars very well, but Mars from where its located was by itself, there wasn’t any other stars around it, it had a bit reddish glow to it that’s how I knew it was Mars, one of the best days of my life, you want to know something cool, my son is a Scorpio Nov 14/2005 words can’t express the feeling I had knowing that I was looking at my sons ruler, I am a Taurus May 19/1986 special night for me. There are no major drama points and it’s likely that if you’re in a happy relationship, it will stay that way. You bring me peace when I need it. A true blessing and so much gratitude. However, there’s also opportunity here, Aries, to find your voice and to take a stand once and for all. With this year looking very busy and pressured workwise, it’s your closest relationships which look set to support and sustain you through bumpy patches, Sagittarius. Also, the day's horoscope chart, auspicious times and lucky points. None of this will happen without hard work, Capricorn, so it’s important that you don’t take your eye off the ball. Also called the Sheep or the Ram, the Goat is a caring and nurturing sign, that likes to take care of the home, but is noted for their good manners. Changing the terms of a romantic or business partnership is possible on the 5th, due to generous Jupiter going retrograde in your … I can read people and I am working on it and my life. All kidding aside, I have sent a subscription of yours to my best life partner (only)! Thank you so very much for all that you do! Thank you so much! I can't describe how excited I was when I found out about this course with my favourite Astrologer Kelli Fox. Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Attractive Venus enters your sign on the 3rd, further enhancing your natural charm. January’s Lunar Eclipse in your passion zone is the first hint of something hidden, and with Mars in your zodiac sign, there may be a highly intense and passionate, but ultimately risky, encounter. Feb 01, 2021 - Venus, the planet of pleasure and money, hunkers down in your 4 th House of home and family today for the next three weeks, Scorpio. The Rooster represents punctuality for obvious reasons, but also represents a hard-working, independent and trustworthy qualities that others envy. Dear Kelli! Since you’re born under the sign of the Rat, success comes to you through hard work, courage, a strong desire to finish what you start, and your independent nature. In an existing, settled relationship, these issues are likely to play out as a struggle between boredom versus a step too far. And the whole site, look forward to reading them everyday! It may be difficult to get cooperation from a romantic or business partner. It’s a timely reminder, Gemini, to not take too much for granted in this complex year. Scorpio Daily Horoscopes. There may be a lot going on around you but the best thing will be to stand back a bit and try to take it all in without doing too much. Australian astrologer and businesswoman, Kelli Fox, along with her husband David created one of the first astrology websites, astrology.com in 1995. The Monkey is known to be intelligent, enthusiastic, clever, charming and quick-witted. Dear Kelli - hi! A Mars-Uranus conjunction on January 20th in your pleasure zone may be a catalyst for some of this frustration, as something you want remains financially just out of reach. In this daily horoscope, Kelli Fox, The Astrologer says: "Today you'll feel a surge of personal power. There are strong indications that your sweetheart and your family may come into conflict too, so you’ll need to be strong, Aries, in defending your lover and shoring up your commitment. About “About Kelli Fox Kelli Fox is a professional astrologer who was first drawn to astrology during her childhood in Sydney, Australia. Unfortunately, the signs and the calendar don’t align perfectly. This sign extends from 2100 from vernal equinox to 2400. An hour jam packed of info on what's occurring in the heavens, obtaining certain times with when the energies kick in. About Kelli Fox. For you, Aries, these squares reveal a tension between your own values, the values of your social group, and society’s imposed values. She is passionate to share her knowledge ...in a very inspiring delightful way... Kelli is so "on point". You advise like a Queen, you feel like a Queen, and you look like a Queen! Today; Tomorrow; Weekly; Monthly. It is eighth sign of Kaal Purush Kundali as well as in the Zodiac belt. Thank you so much Kelli Fox for being there for me. Love you Kelli! 2020’s astrology looks set to be relatively quiet for your love life, Scorpio. During this luxury-loving transit you’ll find yourself more attracted to interior design Pinterest pages and feng shui maps than anything else, and you can bet you’ll want to invest in some new furniture and fixings. If your family or community disapprove of your choices in love, this is the year where that may start to feel unworkable. , You are a refreshing energy to be around. Those born under the sign of the Rabbit, are known for their kind and gracious nature, but most of them probably aren’t aware that you’re always on the alert for possible danger. Get helpful advice to assist you in interpreting the trials, challenges, & mysteries of your daily life. Kelli you are amazing and I love love love ❤️ your new website, videos and ways of showing us our Astrology in new and beautiful ways. Your career is likely to undergo some transformation this year, Aquarius, in line with your need to deal better with chaos – perhaps your clearly-defined career path will change, or you may want to wander off that direction and try something new. Financial constraints may prevent you from doing some of the things you’d love to do, but events will show you how happiness doesn’t depend on material things. Throughout 2021, you may struggle with issues of control and power in a relationship, or a new and intoxicating relationship may become a focal point in your life despite your better judgment. There are twelve signs in the Zodiac, one for each month of the year. Early in 2021, Taurus, your love life comes under pressure simply due to the angst and unease you are feeling in the rest of your life. Your identity is at the very core of astrological events in 2021, Taurus. As mentioned, your everyday working life seems to be a source of pressure and stress during 2021, but that may well be because you are being successful – greater success comes with greater expectations, after all. I've come to trust her instincts as I do my own. It was absolutely FASCINATING! Not too sure if any of it will come true. The first quarter of 2021 is a challenging time for your closest relationships, Aries, not least because the frustration and exasperation you feel in everyday life easily spills over into your love life too. The impact of the first Saturn-Uranus square dominates January and February in astrology and, if you feel that your right to an opinion is being curtailed at work, you will feel this impact in your career too. In Astrology, these squares also activate important love-related areas of your chart, which we’ll look at separately. During 2020, you’ll be called upon to work behind the scenes in many ways. With Mars transiting your intimacy zone, there should be plenty of memorable moments early in the year – but watch out for jealousy there too; Taurus can be a very possessive zodiac sign. Her honest excitement about sharing her knowledge comes thru with every reading. 2020 looks set to be a milestone year for you, Capricorn – the rare Saturn-Pluto conjunction takes place in your sign on January 12, and its effects will be felt throughout the year. Your friends don’t see your stubborn or aggressive behaviors in the same way that other people do, because they understand that you need to dance to the beat of your own drum. Today's predictions, Scorpio for Mon February 01st, 2021 and each zodiac sign. It’s a relatively quiet year for your love life, but there are positive indications that your principal relationship will remain strong and supportive. This sign is known to be positive and willing to take on whatever challenges they encounter. Thank you my angel and protector and healer. As a result, it will be easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar. A meetup of impulsive Mars and unpredictable Uranus in Taurus, your love zone, on January 20th may be a key spark in what is to come in mid-February, during the first of the Saturn-Uranus squares. Thank you, Kelli, for sharing your gift and knowledge. However, with three powerful, rare Saturn-Uranus squares set to come into force, you will need to battle some negativity or self-doubt; you may become particularly risk-averse this year. And the weekly Zoom meetings with her email subscribers midweek, seriously help to plot a course through the upcoming astrological currents. You may face a struggle throughout 2020 to keep your love life safe from the storms that might wash through your career and working life. 2021 is packed with opportunities for spiritual growth and learning for your zodiac sign, Gemini – although with three tense Saturn-Uranus squares activating the religious and spiritual elements of your chart, this is not always going to be an easy ride. Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries The egotistical Sun will make a square to oppressive Pluto on the 6th. Jan 24, 2021 - The day ahead will reenergize you after these last few days of apathy, Scorpio. I learn a lot. However this man had a person born November 14th that is my fathers birthday and so I thought i need to write to you. Thank you and it's appreciated, not taken for granted. With lots of opportunities to learn new skills, 2021 could prove to be a decisive year for your career - but it depends on whether or not you can keep up with an intensely demanding work schedule. Thank you Kelli . There’s an element of oppression or even force here, so you may find that your working conditions become quite difficult or stressful at various points. On February 22nd, the last major aspect of the month is a passionate conjunction between Venus and Pluto – love and sensuality become more important at this point than power or the need to win. So helpful and informative for the coming week so I can sidestep any forthcoming dramas! This is a good time to start looking for a different place to live. For me, it's great just to open on your web site to see what is that specific day's prediction! © 2021 The Astrologer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. More than just a horoscope, this podcast gives you the daily astrology weather prediction. When your idealism combines with your nit-picking tendencies, you can become dissatisfied with your own abilities. In this daily horoscope, Kelli Fox, The Astrologer says: "It's easy to get sucked into other people's theatrics today, because you truly want to help them. Thank you. ★★★★★ We love Kelli!! ♏ Scorpio ‐ Oct 23 - Nov 21. Love you! When Saturn and Pluto join forces, the result can be manipulative, forceful and explosive, but in your case, with Saturn as your ruling planet, this is your ticket to break free of restrictions and to come into your own long-term identity once and for all. You're not allowed to copy content on this page, You are being redirected here from the yearly horoscope at, With Your 100% Free and Personalized Astrology Video Report, Get Your Free Personalized Video Report », Learn the secrets the Universe mapped out for you at the moment of your birth. Love all this. The ‘what you want’ zone of your chart, activated by this year’s three Saturn-Uranus squares, typically reflects issues around hobbies or creative projects, but it also has a key role to play in love, speaking to the flirtatious, magical, intoxicating stages of a relationship – or to illicit love, or love which involves risk. You tend to be loyal and protective toward your friends and you might be something of a perfectionist. Kelli has the extraordinary ability to assess each person and their particular charts and explain how and why astrology works and how it can help us in our day to day lives. Awesome Amazing Beautiful Fantastic! Love mixes a lot with friendship this year, Pisces, whether that’s just you and your lover enjoying your social life, or a friend turning into something more special if you’re single. You really go above and beyond! Your forethought and observational skills will make discovering opportunities easy, but stubbornness and unconscious biases can be your worst enemy. So, make the most of loving interludes while you can, Leo, as the joy you’ll get from your love life will help you to face anything else life throws at you. You are amazing! It’s vital, starting at the very beginning of the year, that you pay attention to how your work and your health are linked, and that you make the right choices when it comes to prioritizing your career or your wellbeing – because the astrological line-up this year suggests that the one will, temporarily at least, have to come at the expense of the other. Resist the urge to keep secrets from someone who deserves to know the … ຂອບໃຈເພື່ອໆທີ່ແບ່ງສິ່ງດີໆມາໃນຊີວິດຂາ້ພະເຈົ້າ.ຂາ້ພະເຈົ້າສັນຍາວ່າຈະແບ່ງປັນແຮງບັນດານໃຈແລະສິ່ງດີໆໃຫ້ກັບເພືອນໆທົວທຸຸກມຸມໂລກ.ຂອບໃຈ.ຂອບໃຈ.ຂອບໃຈ. Monday. Try to navigate these waters as skillfully as you can. Wow, what a combo! I got greater knowledge out of the way you put every aspect in a way I was able to grasp a good look at a bigger picture of what is "blowing in the wind these days!"? You tend to do better under pressure than most people, but you usually like to do things on your own. Your predictions have been on target the whole way through, although I missed a few and was a little bit too late before it resulted like it did. In Chinese Astrology, the Horse is considered to be the most independent of all signs. Thank you for your guidance in all events. It’s the interplay between your career and your love life which will dominate 2021 for you in astrology, but that doesn’t mean that your career will suffer – far from it. Thank you as always. Thank you for brining it into another dimension for our Aquarian world. I am new to all these astrology readings. Giving updates, constantly interacting at all times super engaged and is a support to those who not only want to learn on a personal level as well as collectively in a beautiful community. Either way, don’t expect dating to be plain sailing this year – and whatever you do, Cancer, don’t settle for less than you deserve. Troubled relationships may stumble along too, as you’ll lack the motivation or drive to really address these issues head-on for the time being. It’s a reflective and somewhat secretive start to your love life in 2021, Gemini, with Venus active in your personal growth area, and trine Uranus in your secrets zone. You are helping us all and if l miss a Zoom i'm able to watch the replay. As previously outlined, 2021 could be an uncomfortable year for your love life, particularly if your freedom is curtailed or if a relationship has to be kept secret. We use your name to help us deliver a more personalized astrology reading. Receive a free gift from me on your birthday. If you’re in an established relationship, it is likely to be heavily tested this year. The first six months of 2020 could be tricky for an established relationship, Sagittarius with indications of potential illicit love affairs or something underhand going on. In Chinese Astrology, the Pig is a lucky animal that thrives on fun and enjoyable times, yet is the most domestic of the 12 signs, loving comfort and hating quarrels. Dearest Kelli, thank you for your inspiring and immensely in depth weekly zoom meetings you do. The mysteries zone of your birth chart, where the important Jupiter-Pluto conjunction reigns all year, is also associated with sex, intimacy and passion, so Gemini, your love life in 2020 looks set to see some drama. You may tend to doubt your ability, and thus feel very frustrated. 2020’s major astrological news story, the rare Saturn-Pluto conjunction, occurs in your career zone on January 12, but its effects will last for much of the year, and this will dominate your career direction. Now I am wondering if its time to go to a place closer to the town since it is a two lane road to get to town. The only issue I have is occasionally on the site itself, some of the links don't seem to connect...like the birth/natal chart...whether through email or the search engine links, or even the ones here on the site. Thank you for sharing your gift!! Anyone who tries to hold you back today had better watch out, because you won't be in the mood to tolerate any objections. Scorpio Daily Horoscope – February 01 2021. by Yasmin Boland | 19 hours ago. So glad I started following. Thank you, Kelli Fox. When im perfect then l can be negative but im not perfect so please keep up your fantastic work! Brought to you by Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV. With three rare Saturn-Uranus squares taking effect this year in astrology, in February, June and December, expect ongoing tension about the hours you work versus the hours you spend with your sweetheart and family. *****<3 If you’re dating, however, be aware that the zone highlighted by the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January also rules dating in astrology – so if you do meet someone new, they could be quite compelling, but ultimately rather karmic for you. Scorpio Daily Horoscope (July 3, 2020) By Kelli Fox. In February, Mercury turns Retrograde in your risk zone, so at that time in particular don’t make major investments or purchases without expert advice first, Scorpio. You probably try and right the wrongs in the world, and if the wrong is too big for you to handle, you easily find people who are on your side and help. If there is already a move in the works, begin packing. Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus! I'm am waiting for your kind response from my heart. Make your health your top priority in 2021, Sagittarius, in order to cushion yourself from the difficult influences of three rare Saturn-Uranus squares, in February, June and December. The time now 4.16 am early morning. Scorpio daily horoscope is based on Kaal Purush Kundali . My only comment is you need to concentrate not be distracted so much. By and large, however, 2021 looks set to be a stable and fulfilling year for you in love astrology; you will need to be flexible on the domestic front, but any upheaval there will likely bring you and a partner closer together in the long run. Kelli Fox created and launched astrology.TV to meet a need she saw in the current astrology landscape - highly accurate and personalized astrology information and reports. Three difficult, rare square aspects in astrology between Saturn, symbolizing the status quo, and Uranus, symbolizing a radical new direction, impact the most intimate zone of your chart, pitting anything secret or illicit about your relationship or your love life against what society expects from you. You tend to be popular and generally successful, but some may recognize your perfectionist streak. With so much emphasis on your spiritual and psychological development, 2020 looks set to be a relatively peaceful and stable year for your love life, Aquarius. There are lots of positive work, career and business-related astrological aspects ahead of you this year, it’s just a question of balancing these against the impact of stress on your mental and physical health. Of course, figuring out what that is could be an issue..." Alternatively, a new relationship may be more of a convenience match than a love match. You can be quite competitive when you need to be, and you will use every trick in the book to overcome your opponents. The Year of the Metal Rat, sometimes called the Golden Rat, begins its festivities on Chinese New Year, January 25, 2020. This is the best and most accurate astrology readings I've found. Home/Horoscope/Today Horoscopes/ Scorpio Daily Horoscope. With your graceful and charming ways, you’re likely to attract attention that may be a bit more than you require. Because the Rat is the first sign of the Chinese Zodiac, a Rat year is good for new beginnings. From the daily and weekly horoscopes thru to the monthly reports she delivers a way of navigating thru even the most troublesome aspects. I would like to get inspiration from her. 2020 will go down in history as the year the world changed due to Covid-19. 2020 is a year when you’ll seem to be moving into the background, away from the acclaim that your current job offers and into more of a supporting role. 2021 sees three Saturn-Uranus squares – a major aspect in astrology which last occurred in 1999-2000. And, don’t let doubts get in the way of seizing opportunities. A rare Saturn-Uranus square is set to become exact three times during the year, in February, June and December, and on each occasion, it underlines the tension between who you truly are versus your public image, your status or your career. Signs of overload appear early in January and a Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, in your travel and freedom zone, on January 20th hints at a desire to throw it all in. 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