They can never laugh totally nor can they cry totally. It does not matter what the stars say. Another aspect is that if you try to extract something out of each other, and you or the other person does not get what he or she wants, there will be constant conflict. There is none. But if you do more than that, it will not be nice. What is their experience and how can they benefit from it? We can scale it up, but then we will have to face various consequences which we will see, because people have to live twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years. If you want to get into such projects, there must be a commitment to create a stable situation for at least 20 years. You cannot match people. It was not so a hundred years ago. Daily musings from the mystic. The closer the relationship with someone is, the more effort you should make to understand them. Psychologically, do you need a companion in your life? Marriage is to bring some organization, aesthetic and stability, because man and woman coming together naturally used to bring fresh life. The English expression, “Falling in love,” is significant because you don’t rise in love, you don’t fly in love, you don’t walk in love, you don’t stand in love. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Binding of anything has to be done well, otherwise what is the point? If you had used screws, instead of using a thousand nails, probably with fifty screws you could have done the same job; only thing is, a little more engineering would go into it. Someone becomes closer and dearer to you only as you understand them better. Bhagavad gita free download, bhagavad gita pdf , pdf free download, PDF telugu bhagavad geeta, free e books, ebooks , telugu books , telugu devotional books, If you leave it to their understanding, it will become accidental. Similar things are happening in Vivaha, but on a smaller scale. Is this some kind of a passing need that you can easily go beyond? But you do not have to plan it at the time of the wedding! If relationships have to be really beautiful, it is very important that a human being turns inward and looks at himself in a very deep way before he looks at someone else. Sadhguru takes a question from social media at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, on how to handle anxiety when meeting people. Questioner: Sadhguru I want to know the truth about astrology. He is a specialist on healing measures in different issues like administration, matchmaking, offspring, training, affliction, dosha-nivaran and so forth. Get weekly updates on the newest articles, quotes and newsletters right in your mailbox. There is nothing wrong with getting married. We are not going that far because of the percentage of divorces, deaths and diseases happening. People bind themselves and it does not stick. If you do, it is not just two people but a family that has to face the consequences. There are positives also. Are we defined by the stars, or by intention and mind, or by the self? I am not saying marriage is the thing, but do you have a better alternative? No. In spite of that, in South India, they don’t ascribe to the Vedas. right time… Skip to content. It is not possible. Mit Ihren Anmeldedaten können Sie bequem unseren Online Kundenservice nutzen. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is loyal and patriotic and are thus a first class citizen. ареєстровано 5242 лабораторно підтверджених випадки covid-19. Well, whether they do or they don’t is another matter. The mounts on his palm are developed, but not excessively. Two human beings weaving their lives into one has a certain beauty. Sadhguru: It has always been hard for me to explain to people what Vijji is. Sadhguru: When horoscopes are matched, the stars might be matched, but how do you match these two idiots? The advantage of the screw is that you can unscrew. Sage Vyasa, the person who compiled the four Vedas – his father was an Aryan and his mother was a Dravidian. If your marriage is just a bundle of expectations about how to extract happiness out of someone who should make heaven for you, you will be disappointed. But there are some people for whom the need is very strong. When we bind someone, we must bind them in such a way it is quite permanent. If you make a decision to go one way, do not look the other way. When I say Vijji, I am not referring to her as my wife or as a woman. Einmal anmelden - alles im Blick. You do not know what they are uniting with, but they have somehow redrawn their boundaries so that at least the boundary is a little larger. For 10 to 12 years they feel good and after that they think it is a burden. “Which is the best thing?” There is no best thing. How silly is it that a third person that you do not even know is going to tell you whether you will live happily or not with your husband or your wife? Karan Johar asks Sadhguru whether we should do what we love or love what we do. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Spiritual Guru needs to keep his cool and have patience on his side. Is this even practical? I am not saying marriage is the thing, but do you have a better alternative? The body develops a deep sense of memory through physical intimacy. If you are expecting the other to understand and comply with you all the time while you don’t understand the limitations, possibilities, needs and capabilities of that person, then conflict is all that will happen. For another 30 to 40 per cent, it may be a little longer and they get into this. I am not saying marriage is the thing, but do you have a better alternative? They say marriages are made in heaven. It is an active partnership. It must be fast enough that tomorrow morning, when quarrel arises over the toothpaste, the binding should hold. Sadhguru wisdom Mysticism, yoga, spirituality, day-to-day life tips, ancient wisdom, interviews, tales, and much more. You could leave a puppy on the street – as long as it gets food, it grows up into a good dog. It is a fresh marriage again on that day. astrologically there is a possibility that you will have a love marriage. If you imprint too many memories, there will be confusion in the body and a certain level of misery. With a certain amount of effort and a certain price attached to life, it should be possible to untie, but there will be a price. It does not matter what kind of fool you marry, you take up the responsibility that you will live well and that is the only way you will live well. In everyone, there are some positive and some negative aspects. But if you get into marriage, and especially if you have children, it is a minimum 20-year project. Comes every morning. But based on your need – not because of what society is saying, not because others are getting married. But if something extraneous happens, then with a little bit of effort, you must be able to undo the binding. Young people in some societies perceive marriage as a bad thing. Karan Johar Asks Sadhguru. Sadhguru wisdom. Sumona Chakravarti Asks Sadhguru That goes for human beings too. Love marriages are getting very common nowadays and so does the questions related to it. Sadhguru: You need to understand, India is not just about the Vedas or Vedic culture. There is a little bit of freedom now. With a nail, you cannot really un-nail it – once you nail it, you generally only have to break it. It will take a lot of work to fix those holes. If your life is about sharing the joy that you are, then everything will work out. “Okay, I won’t get married, I will just live-in.” If you are just living with one person, it is anyway a marriage, whether you have a certificate or not. You want to do things in a certain way. Similar things will happen to human beings also. Please take your life into your hands. Comes every Thursday. But for some extraneous reason – let us say one person died, then the other should not follow immediately, because if you bind it absolutely fast, that is what will happen. She need not necessarily get married for social and economic reasons. All this indicates a person who is warm, with a love for all humanity and balanced in his emotions. But when you show an intention of binding, you better learn to bind yourself well. Marriage is to bring some organization, aesthetic and stability, because man and woman coming together naturally used to bring fresh life. In India, a traditional carpenter would be banished if he used nails like that. Sadhguru was born under the sign of the Rooster, element Fire. But not so with human beings. Vivaha is an organic process of tying two organisms in such a way that, at least there is a segment of them where they cannot make out which is which – and that is good because they experience some sense of union. 6:29. Sadhguru has a strong thumb with a broad will phalange, a deep Heartline, a wide and well developed Venus mount, a broad palm, and fingers on the shorter side. I am not saying marriage is wrong. Are Matching Horoscopes Important For Marriage? Yes and No. The body imbibes and retains experiences beyond the memory that you carry in your mind. Questioner: Recently, you introduced the Vivaha process, and I just wanted to know, how does this process enhance the couple and all the people who are participating? Pinterest India | Pinterest helps you discover and do what you love. Right now, people have found other kinds of solutions. We can bind in such a way that if one dies, the other will also die; if one gets enlightened, the other will also get enlightened. I know today the slogan is, “I have moved on.” Moved on does not mean, “I got liberated and I went up.” Moved on means, “I am in the next pit.” So you may say “I have moved on,” but certain gaping holes are left, which will get you once in a way. If they understand you, they enjoy the closeness of the relationship. Taking social realities into consideration, we have calibrated Vivaha to a certain extent – one step more than what the society expects. Get alerts on Sadhguru's latest videos, his schedule, Isha events, and more. If you want to give that up and allow inanimate things like planets and stars to decide the future of who you are, it is a tragic way to exist. There are many couples who are living beautifully together, who are profoundly in love, and who are fantastic companions to each other. We are hoping they will use this as a stepping stone for a larger union. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times. Questioner: Today, many youngsters do not want to marry, and those who are married are getting divorced. Fashion Designer Satya Paul Dies At 78, Madhur Bhandarkar, Masaba Gupta, Kangana Ranaut Pay Tributes Legendary fashion designer, Satya Paul passed away at the age of 78, and the whole Bollywood and fashion industry have paid their respects to the iconic designer. What is needed to make a marriage successful is not the perfect person – there is no perfect person on the planet. When you have fallen, you will make desperate partnerships. Get alerts on Sadhguru's latest videos, his schedule, Isha events, and more. Each individual should consider this for himself or herself, not by the social norm. How vulgar is that? If you understand them better, then you enjoy the closeness. Sadhguru answers a question on astrology and horoscopes. You came together consciously, and you have to conduct it consciously too. At the same time, this relationship can assume the ugliest forms. It is just that if you hold the other person's well-being above your own, then you will find that everything works out. Do What You Love or Love What You Do? He also touches on live-in relationships, divorce and how a marriage ceremony should be conducted. For example in the Bhava Spandana Program, even if some of the people did not experience anything, there is a lot of benefit by just looking at someone else who was in a certain state – simply because you saw someone else in union. Over the past few years this site has published dome specific mantras, remedies, yantras, spells and charms which are popular in India to ensure success in all kind of marriages; loved and arranged and remove hindrances which obstruct someone from getting married. If the other person is willing to provide them to you, and you live in gratitude, then there will not be too much friction. So let’s start with these … Between 18 and 35, you are questioning the whole institution. Offerings From Sadhguru In Challenging Times, Joint and Musculoskeletal Disorders Program, How to Resist Temptation - Divyanka Tripathi asks Sadhguru. Sadhguru explains that marriage should not be a social prescription but an individual choice based on the needs of each person. As an individual, how strong are your needs? World popular Astrologer Pandith Sadhguru is gives you best administration of astrology. In other relationships, if someone is overstepping the boundaries, you can create a distance. If you want to unbind this furniture, some holes will be left inside, which are not easy to cover. If you become a source of joy by yourself and your relationships are about sharing your joy, you would have wonderful relationships with anyone. yes? In spite of that, in South India, they don’t ascribe to the Vedas. Do you want it, that is the question. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is, or would be a most lovable parent. He explains to us that marriage may no longer be a social need, but a highly per…, Are Matching Horoscopes Important For Marriage? You must not be influenced by anyone. What you need is absolute integrity. Otherwise, it does not matter how you match them, nothing is going to work out. They are not permanently fixed; they are very well fixed, but not permanently fixed – if you want, you can tap it out. But in this relationship, no one is watching, so anything can happen. If you make them sit in one place without anything to do for three days, you will see, they will go quite crazy with all these holes inside of them. But if you get married without you having the need to do so, then it is a crime, because you will cause misery to yourself and at least one other person. There is something called a screw with which you can bind two pieces of wood efficiently together. For those who conduct it, it will be very beautiful, because it can become a great sadhana for them in their life, that you bring two organisms together and make them feel like one. If they are very magnanimous, things will happen well for you. Otherwise it means we do not care a damn for the material we are using. But if your relationship was an offering to the other person, then everything would be fantastic. If they do not do well, it is a lifelong project. Sumona Chakravarti Asks Sadhguru. I was just surprised when I was watching some houses being built – the whole house is just nailed. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Indian Yogi is to have some issue with one in confirmed relationship. The Astrology Bible is a comprehensive guide to traditional and modern astrology that brings together everything you need to know about the subject, including its meaning, correspondences and how to practise it. They say it is a science but when one has to match horoscopes for a wedding or a manglik girl is supposed to wed a tree before she marries the groom, it seems a little strange to me. Vivaha is just that, a more efficient way of binding. If you have this quality, whatever you do, it is fine. I am saying: if you find a similar fool, then something can be worked out. The issue is neither marriage, nor is it about a man and a woman, husband and wife. Main Menu. Are Matching Horoscopes Important For Marriage? Skip to content. No two human beings are same. Sage Vyasa, the person who compiled the four Vedas – his father was an Aryan and his mother was a Dravidian. Daily musings from the mystic. December 30, 2020. Sadhguru answers a question on forbidden temptations, and how resisting them is not the answer. So you may say “I have moved on,” but certain gaping holes are left, which will get you once in a way. When someone asked Gautama the Buddha, “Should I have a companion?” he said, “It’s better to walk alone than to walk with a fool.” I am not that cruel. What Yoga Actually Means | Sadhguru . December 5, 2020 admin. Sadhguru Yogi. Only if they take responsibility for each other, if they show some sense of involvement and invest their lives in each other, then something wonderful may happen. Two separate people have chosen to come together for a common purpose and build a life together, live joyfully and multiply their wellbeing. He just neatly eats up all the wood. … If someone on the street steps on your feet, you will react in a different way, because everyone is watching. You fall in love, because something of who you are has to go. It will respond and react in many ways, based on this memory. When that process is happening, even those who witness benefit immensely. A live-in relationship is not the solution to handle your needs. He is not like you, he does not eat chemically infested food. She can take care of her own economics and social situations. We can actually bind it much stronger, or the overlap can be much bigger. Those who have come to witness, they have come to lick that little bit of honey that spills over. You may manage, you may handle the evenings with drink, mornings getting up just five minutes before you have to leave for the office, office time managed with grumbling and rumbling and being busy; people are managing their life like this. If your relationship is about extracting something out of someone, it does not matter how much you manage, there will be constant trouble. We have not come up with a better alternative, because a stable situation is a must for a child. When you are well, when you are at the peak of your life, that is when you must make a partnership which will take you through all those ups and downs. He has constantly made right expectations based on blend of crystal gazing and horoscope. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev will find it difficult to adjust with Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev's associates and seniors. Here, you do not have a choice. Find recipes, style inspiration, projects for your home and other ideas to try. Astrologer Pune, Address: Sentosa Pearl, flat, no- 402, Shani Mandir Rd, Wakad, Pune, Maharashtra 411057Phone: 08605178188 One contributing factor is that generally, no one gets to know the ugly things that are happening behind closed doors. But still, no matter how many divorces happen, no matter how many people go about talking in terms of “marriage has an expiry date,” when some union happens which is beyond body and beyond just psychological companionship, there is a certain beautiful energy around there. 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