She is also in control of both the League of Assassins and the H.I.V.E Institute at this time (though how she gained control of H.I.V.E. Once Talia discovered Ra's' plans, however, she allowed Damian to escape, although she was subsequently imprisoned. Talia lead him to the first "Trial of the Demon", and after Batman succeeded, she took him to see Ra's. Nessa época Batman conheceu e teve um romance com Talia al Ghul, o qual foi desfeito quando conheceu o pai dela, Ra's Al Ghul. I didn't actually read it before I started writing this. Talia is a shrewd leader herself, leading the League in her father's absence and being a founding member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. Ra's is once again defeated by Batman and Talia again turns sides and helps her father escape. Talia al Ghul appears in 617 issues. Oct 29, 2020 - Explore CR's board "Talia al Ghul", followed by 2040 people on Pinterest. ... Batman’s natural son by Talia al Ghul. 1 #27 w maju 1939 roku. She is voiced by Morena Baccarin. She lived for a while in the wilderness near Nanda Parbat before being found by the Lu'un Darga, who were ancient enemies of the Al Ghul family. She also disowned Damian when he chose to stay with Batman instead of the League and placed a $500 million bounty on him, leading to him being attacked by assassins. Talia makes several appearances in the DC Animated Universe: She first appears in Batman: The Animated Series in the episodes "Off Balance" and "The Demon's Quest" parts 1 and 2, the episodes are based off of two classic Talia stories "Into the Den of the Death-Dealers!" Talia uses the magical staff to drain Superman's powers because he is vulnerable to magic, and proceeds to capture him. Talia appears in the comic tie-in for Young Justice. Born in an underground prison in Asia, her mother is later is killed there. She uses her powers to kill highway robbers, who had killed Selenites. Talia has now formed the Leviathan, a shadowy organization meant to counter Bruce's "Batman Incorporated" project. In another pre-Crisis story ("I Now Pronounce You Barman and Wife"), Batman was captured by Ra's and married to Talia while unconscious, then locked in a room with her in the hopes that they would consummate the marriage. Son Of Batman Review. Damian wants revenge, while Batman wants to mold him into a crime fighter — the new Robin.When Deathstroke kidnaps Talia to lure Damian into a final confrontation, Batman must go after Damian and stop Deathstroke. This is revealed to be part of one of Nyssa's plans to take over the planet and bring about world peace and equality. The story used to be considered to be outside of the DC universe's standard continuity. Bruce questioned Talia, asking why she didn’t just leave, but Talia said she did it for him. Damian was left ostensibly in the care of Dick Grayson and Tim Drake in Gotham while Bruce and Talia pursued the White Ghost, but Tim and Damian were soon captured. Talia located Damian on Al Ghul Island, but was too late to warn him about the Lu'un Darga as Den Darga had already been summoned and proceeded to destroy the island. Wire Mommy Talia remains the primary antagonist in Grant Morrison's second volume of Batman, Incorporated as she leads Leviathan in attacks against Batman. Batman: Arkham City est un jeu vidéo d'action-aventure avec des aspects de jeu d'infiltration sur Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows, Wii U (cette version porte le sous-titre Armored Edition), ainsi que sur Playstation 4 et Xbox One via la compilation Batman: Return to Arkham [3], [4].Il est développé par Rocksteady Studios et édité par WB Games. While Batman is successful in preventing the assassination of Superman, he is unable to stop Nyssa from killing Ra's. In the reintroduction of the character post-Crisis, Batman joined forces with Ra’s to hunt for Qayin, a terrorist and rogue assassin who killed Talia's mother Melisande. It is an adaptation of Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert's 2006 Batman and Son storyline. Realizing and accepting this, Nyssa and Talia become the heads of The Demon. Damian and Talia were saved from Den Darga by Damian's new ally, Maya Ducard, and his pet Goliath. They also shared a moment of intimacy reminiscent of their long since past relationship when Bruce was required to provide medical care to her. A younger version also appears in Legends of Tomorrow, played by Milli Wilkinson. Leaving Talia and I to lead the revolution. After killing The Heretic she confronts Bruce in the Batcave and is killed by Kathy Kane. In this episode Talia and several cohorts from The League of Assassins are attempting to steal a Native American staff on it's way to an art gallery. Damian has already lucked out in the gene pool and he follows quite the legacy. Talia's reign of terror was brought to an end when Kathy Webb-Kane shot her in the head, though she was later resurrected as seen in "Robin Rises.". Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. She intends to have Deathstroke use Damian to kill Dick Grayson, who she sees as holding back her son's potential, though this fails when Grayson utilizes the implant's two-way connection to electrocute Deathstroke. Another notable instance was during The Resurrection of Ra’s al Ghul, where Talia forcefully incapacitated Damian and attempted to escape with him, which Bruce questioned. Bruce came back to Wayne Manor and found the graves of Talia and Damian empty. At the end of the story, she shoots and kills Darrk to save Batman's life. However, Morrison retconned the romance and marriage of Talia and Bruce and instead attributed their ‘romance’ to a ploy ultimately masterminded by Ra’s al Ghul to create a genetically perfect heir and grandson. She attempts to kill Joker while being held hostage in the Monarch Theater, but he turns out to be Clayface in disguise and the real Joker shoots and kills her from behind. Millions of lives will be saved. After the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths many of the more popular characters in the DC Universe were redesigned with Batman being one of the most prominent. The Demon's Head Batman learns he has a violent, unruly pre-teen son, secretly raised by the terrorist group the League of Assassins. Talia later joined the Secret Society of Super Villains as one of its core members, which was a plan concocted by Nyssa. She excels to the point in managing his criminal and legitimate operations, that she is eventually appointed as Ghul's primary secondary despite the fact that Ghul considers women to be inherently inferior to men. Miranda Tate The son of Batman and Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne is a spoiled brat with a nearly unmatched natural fighting ability. She has been both lover and mortal enemy to Batman, and is the mother of Damian Wayne. Ra’s met her mother (sometimes referred to as Melisande) at the Woodstock Musical Festival. Animation featuring the voice talent of Jason O'Mara, Stuart Allan, Morena Baccarin, Giancarlo … Abilities: The two eventually discovered the hiding place of Ra’s but were soon captured. Denny O'NeilBob BrownDick Giordano She not appears in the film, but she is named in the DVD bonus features and in the novelization, the later stating she is in Switzerland. Which legacy would he choose, the League of Shadows or legacy of the Batman, would be up to him. Les personnages secondaires sont interprétés par Shirley Patterson (Linda Page, la petite amie de … Talia has turned on many of her allies in order to ensure Damian is safe and grows with a safe lifestyle. Although Catwoman was generally portrayed as his main romantic interest it was decided that Talia might also fill this role. Allow me to save the final legacy of the man I once loved’. Son of Batman, an animated movie, is pretty much exactly what the title suggests. Since the ‘punch’ DC has restored the continuity of Son of the Demon and of Talia and Bruce’s romance (as seen in Batman R.I.P and Gotham City Sirens). She is torn between the love of her father and her beloved, Batman. Batman and Catwoman then left Khadym after Catwoman spoke to Holly Robinson. Talia appears as a non-playable character in the game. Kali After Jason Todd's death at the hands of the Joker, Batman brought his body back to Gotham and buried him with the rest of the Wayne Family. Talia al Ghul Comic Vine users. Unfortunately, they are too late and arrive on the scene of Batman's apparent death, learning from Robin that Batman went missing and may be dead after fighting Doctor Hurt after Batman crashes Hurt's helicopter. The four of them fled to Bialya, where Damian confronted Talia over her hand in his death. Now it's just kind of out of continuity. It is revealed that in Gotham CIty Sirens #2 that Talia had trained Catwoman to never reveal Bruce Wayne's secret identity even under the most intense psychological coercion. In "The Knights of Tomorrow!" Talia was tracked to the hidden city of Khadym by Batman and Catwoman, who had recently become engaged. Batman, Incorporated #13 - The Dark Knight and the Devil's Daughter, IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time list: Talia al Ghul ranked. The events of Leviathan led to the death of Damian at the hands of his clone, The Heretic, which Talia had created. The story had apparently been modified and was once more canon, however. Damian survived the explosion, and severely injured has to undergo a transplant of all his major organs. In Gotham City, Talia poses as wealthy philanthropist 'Miranda Tate' who invested in Wayne Enterprises to create a clean energy fusion reactor. She aids her father and Ubu in an attack on the Ferris Aircraft. Damian Wayne is the child of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul and thus the grandson of Batman's villain,Ra's al Ghul. Directed by Ethan Spaulding. Yet, she reversed her cold dislike for Selina by knocking out Shiva when her back was turned and then providing medical assistance to Selina, which actually saved her life. Talia was also Batman's love interest but her loyalty to her father keeps them from being together. She meets defeat in her truck transporting the nuclear bomb, having crashed after Batman's and Selina Kyle's vehicles dismantled her vehicle convoy. Some time later, he is discovered by the League of Assassins.Out of her love for Batman, Talia takes Jason to her father and Jason spends months in the care of the League of Assassins. Talia al Ghul è un personaggio dei fumetti creato da Dennis O'Neil nel 1971 e pubblicato da DC Comics.Figlia dell'ecoterrorista Ra's al Ghul, la donna è stata innamorata di Batman, dal quale ha avuto un figlio, Damian.. Negli albi è spesso chiamata Talia Head ("testa"), in riferimento al nome del padre, che in arabo significa "testa del demone". After her death Talia was taken care of by her father, as she traveled the world and learned all the skills she would need to help her father with his criminal empire, including espionage and hand-to-hand combat. During Final Crisis she was once again seen as a member of the Secret Society of Super Villains, this time under the leadership of Libra. Although Talia left Damian with Bruce to disrupt his life, Batman decided to raise his biological son alongside his adopted children. Ra's plan would hit two birds with one stone: he would've transferred his consciousness into Bruce's revitalized body and then planned on claiming to be Bruce and Talia's long-lost son and claim control of Wayne-Powers Industries. In this episode Talia visits Bruce Wayne on his birthday and makes him an offer that he simply can't refuse. Talia is the daughter of Ra's al Ghul and the heir to his worldwide criminal empire. Even though Batman is the toughest superhero in the world yet his heart melt for his father. When the world gets a true taste of violent oppression, and their heroes lie dead and broken -- apathy will die. Rendered apathetic by her time in the camp, unable to feel anything, Nyssa also plans to assassinate Superman with kryptonite bullets she stole from the Batcave, hoping that, by uniting the world in one moment of tragedy, she would manage to rouse herself once more. The most obvious example of this is the consummation of their love in the form of Damian. Batman learns that he has a violent, unruly pre-teen son with Talia al Ghul named Damian Wayne who is secretly being raised by Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins. storyline, Talia and Damian learn of the Black Glove's plot against Batman and begin devising a plan to help save him. Timon tried to tell his father what he has learned, but the emperor doesn't want to hear it. View full history. ", voiced by Andrea Bowen. Trivia. She was a woman of Chinese and Arab descent. The pits have also increased her life span. Character » But they don't get the happy ending, the soldiers shot Talia and with her dying word she tells Timon, the new emperor to make peace with the Selenites. Talia gave birth successfully. Talia makes a cameo appearence in a nightmare of Bruce Wayne. "For a long time, [DC] said [Son of the Demon] was out of continuity. However, Talia and Damian manage to escape before the plan is completed. Talia, disillusioned with her father and his plans, leaves him to run LexCorp for Lex Luthor when Luthor becomes President of the United States. Talia Al Ghul is the daughter of criminal mastermind Ra's Al Ghul as well as a love interest to Batman and mother to their love-child Damian. (which is a book written by Alfred), she is replaced as Damian Wayne's mother by Selina Kyle/Catwoman. Talia is a playable character in both games. Daughter of the Demon Talia Demon Shortly afterwards, father and son confront each other on a ship which is destroyed by a torpedo. She is voiced by Stana Katic. With his son in tow, Batman wages war against the villain, Deathstroke, and the League of Shadows all while teaching his headstrong boy that one can't fight crime by becoming a criminal. This, in turn, is actually part of a greater plan concocted by Ra's, who wanted to ensure that his daughters would accept their destinies as his heirs, and take up his genocidal campaign. Talia is a cold, calculated and diabolical character who often does whatever it takes to get what she wants. During the Batman R.I.P. Bruce does not fully trust her, nor do any of the Bat Family (aside from Damian), as she has shown time and time again that trust is a silent killer. Though Nyssa did eventually succeed in killing their father, it was subsequently revealed that this was in fact part of Ra's' plan, as he had hoped that his death would prompt his daughters to take what he saw as their rightful place as the head of the organization which he had built. Read Talia steals Batman from the story Harry Potter and Son of Batman by AnniePaul5 (Yume Tenshi) with 1,050 reads. Using a Lazarus Pit, Nyssa killed Talia and resurrected her in rapid succession, which drove Talia to insanity. At first he could only do this with close genetic relatives, but he was able to improve the process and therein lies the motive for giving Bruce access to the Lazarus Pit. Instead, Batman knocked Talia unconscious and escaped to confront Ra's. After Talia's death she was buried. Which legacy would he choose, the League of Shadows or legacy of the Batman, would be up to him. They stopped at a house that crossed their path, and opted to take some horses. Talia is protected by Bane, an inmate that became her friend and protector and assisted her later escape from the prison. What if there was one other? Seeking vengeance, Nyssa plans to use her considerable wealth and resources to kill Ra's by befriending, kidnapping, and brainwashing Talia, turning her into a weapon to kill their father. See more ideas about talia al ghul, batman, comic character. She also appeared briefly with Damian during the Battle for the Cowl following the apparent death of Bruce. Talia declares war on Batman and places a $500,000,000 bounty on her son's head. Batman (Batman: The Movie) è un film del 1966 diretto da Leslie H. Martinson, basato sui personaggi di Batman della DC Comics.Il film è tratto dalla popolare serie televisiva omonima, e fu il primo lungometraggio a colori per il cinema del personaggio "Batman".. L'home video è stata distribuita con il titolo Batman - Il film She expressed concern for Bruce’s safety in regards to his blooming relationship with Selina, stating that ‘his mystery enemy knows this and will use it against him’. If the player successfully gets the true ending, Talia and Ubu flee with Ra's' body, resurrecting him in a Lazarus Pit. His mother gives him back to Batman, as part of a grand scheme involving ninja man-bats and the kidnapping of the British Prime Minister's wife. Aug 1, 2016 - Son of Batman Movie Review from Warner Bros. She is honoring her father as his heir to ensure the League fulfilled its duty and for the patient reward of vengeance against Batman for his death. Once upon a time, Mike Barr wrote a graphic novel called Son of the Demon, which imagined Bruce consummating his long-term relationship with Talia al Ghul, resulting in a son that Talia claimed miscarried. Talia also began to despise Athena, a top League member, as her "blood enemy" and made an unspecified recurring enemy in Gotham City, which might be Batman. Talia is a shrewd leader herself, leading the League in her father's absence and being a founding member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. Talia Head She makes no effort to show trivial warming to newcomers and she often despises most people she meets from the very first meeting. Batman learns he has a son, Damian – and to further complicate matters, the mother is Talia al Ghul, daughter of one of his most dreaded enemies, Ra’s Al Ghul. Batman was himself incapacitated, but Talia convinced Ra’s to let her once attempt to seduce him into joining them. Talia makes her debut in the episode 9 "Left Behind" of the first season of Legends of Tomorrow. He was conceived during Batman and Talia's brief marriage during the events of Batman: Son of the Demon.. Talia is a regular human with no superpowers. Written by Grant Morrison and drawn by Andy Kubert, the story was published in four parts in the comic book Batman starting in #655 and ending in #658. These are the real crimes. I messed up a lot of details, like Batman wasn't drugged when he was having sex with Talia and it didn't take place in the desert. The character first appeared in Detective Comics #27, published in May 1939; Batman proved to be so popular that a self-titled ongoing comic book series began publication in … Talia appears in Batman: Dark Tomorrow as one of the main characters. Talia presumably escaped after Ra's is defeated by Batman. Having been seduced by him so he could gain access to the Lazarus Pit, she trapped him inside it for months after learning of his true motives. In the original story, 1987's Batman: Son of the Demon, Batman and Talia have consensual sex which leads to the birth of a son.In Grant Morrison's aforementioned take on the courtship of Batman and Talia al Ghul, her motivations were changed to be much more sinister, going so far as to literally rape Batman, which was seen by the fandom as "seriously uncool." In which, Ra's Al-Ghul is a terrible parent and Talia ponders about her next steps. She initially works alongside her father, but later turns against him to save Damian and Athanasia from being killed. The comic’s twisted plot to dump off Talia’s son and disrupt Batman’s operation while she runs off to begin her quest of world domination on the other side of the planet is scrapped. Batman Begins ist eine US-amerikanische Comicverfilmung des Regisseurs Christopher Nolan aus dem Jahre 2005.Der Film ist ein Reboot der Batman-Geschichte und erzählt den Batman-Mythos auf realistischere Weise neu, wofür er sich inhaltlich an keiner der vorherigen Verfilmungen orientiert. Lewis Wilson y interprète le légendaire chevalier noir Batman, Douglas Croft est son acolyte Robin, alors que J. Carrol Naish joue le méchant, un personnage original nommé D r.Daka. After Grayson frees Damian of her control Talia reveals that she has begun cloning her son upon realizing that Damian has completely sided with his father. Talia doesn't appear in the game but is mentioned in several of Robin's dialogues. Batman (The Batman) est un serial en 15 chapitres sorti en 1943, produit par Columbia Pictures. She afterward disappeared with Damian. During the story arc the Resurrection of Ra’s al Ghul, Talia played a major role. Portrayed by: You and I, together with Damian, would be invincible. 1 History 1.1 Origin 1.2 Batman 1.3 Bat-Murderer 1.4 Lazarus Affair 1.5 Son of the … However, Nyssa was then killed by Cassandra Cain, with the control of League of Assassins passing to Talia. The two eventually escaped with Talia realizing that her father would never allow her to live as she wishes to while he was still a part of her life. She gets intimately close to him and offers to leave Gotham with him, but he had made prior arrangements and declined. Bruce Wayne … It's just lore breaking when actually super heros show up in Gotham. The White Ghost, a servant of the League of Assassins, had long been preparing a Lazarus Pit for Damian, that was meant to transfer Ra's' consciousness to Damian’s body. It's a year 1275, Talia the daughter of Rä's al Ghül of House of Selene receives her father's powers after he is slain by Timon Vicar. After spending the night together, Talia told Slade that Damian was actually his son, but Slade didn't believe that she was telling the truth. Furious that Batman may be dead, Talia sends her assassins injected with the Man-Bat formula to murder Jezebel Jet (who played a major role in Batman's death), which they accomplish. The intent behind this is for Talia and Ra's to use the staff to transfer Superman's strength to Ra's because the Lazarus Pits had become ineffective at prolonging his longevity. This makes him an heir to the world’s greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra’s al Ghul. She was featured as the "alert" broadcaster for the villain missions. Once Dick becomes the new Batman, Damian is selected by Grayson to succeed Tim Drake as Robin. In several alternate reality versions such as the graphic novel Batman: Birth of the Demon (1992) explained how Ra's al Ghul met her mother, who was of mixed Chinese and Arab descent, at the Woodstock Festival. Talia hears all that and kills the emperor moments later. Talia assists her father in trying to create plants to destroy Coast City, but are stopped by Robin, Speedy and Aqualad. Batman Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Tim contemplated going into a Lazarus Pit anyway as he might be reunited with his parents, but Dick intervened. Son Of The Demon was an '80 out of continuity story that saw Talia and Batman having a child together and was the inspiration for when it happened in DC continuity.The two marry, but Talia decides that being with Batman would put him in constant danger, so she leaves, faking a miscarriage. - Wizard #182 (p. 38). When the odds quickly turn against Batman and Damian, Batman must become both father and mentor to the aggressive, agile new Robin. Zatanna accused Talia of being jealous of Selina, but Talia dismissed the accusation, stating that she cared for the father of her child. Talia is a playable character in the handheld versions of LEGO Batman: The Videogame and LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. jason_rusch and "Daughter of the Demon." At first glance, she comes off as cold, calculating and discerning; much like her father. Talia followed him and betrayed her father to save Batman after Ra's shot him, then left Gotham to return to the League of Assassins with her father. Talia and Bruce have always had a fraught relationship. Real name: In this episode Ra's plans to infect Coast City with super-powered plants and Talia and Ubu act as his accomplices or sidekicks. Talia's recent role has become more antagonistic towards Batman while her son has begun to side more with Batman, an unusual development as she and Damian now parallel Talia's devotion to Batman while defying her father, though Talia appears to be less forgiving to Damian than Ra's was to her. Batman of course was not interested in Ra’s' offer, but did reciprocate Talia’s feelings. Ghul is supportive of his daughter though has commented that if possible, he would correct "that sole failing" in his child suggesting that he fears any possible distortion of her through chemical or biological modifications despite his aversion to her as a woman. This also healed Talia's amnesia, and after regaining memories of her son she was able to overpower the Lu'un Darga sorcerer and escape. When Ra's told Batman to take his rightful place as the Demon by killing him, Batman revealed that he only … She is the mother of Damian Wayne. 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