It becomes blocked up: he does not know where to turn; he cannot dig, and he tries begging. They conceal damaging facts, and ruinous entanglements. 2. "God is not the God of the dead.". It is God's glory to conceal many things and the honor of kings to search them out. We will therefore go upon another tack, and first ask, What things ought kings to search out? Thomas Brooks discussing the question whether the sins of the saints shall be publicly declared at the judgment-day, argues that they will not. German rationalists, discussing the sins of the patriarchs, were designated by Dr. Duncan: "Those Ham-like writers!" If you let your farm alone it will be overrun with weeds, and if your heart be let alone it will be eaten up with sins. 3. This also is suspicious; for what an unrenewed man is so fond of is probably an evil thing. I. ‘The best work on the Proverbs’, was C.H. 1. 25:2). 21:3), but you have need. Consecrated to his service — "body, soul, and spirit." It is for our lasting good to love the Lord and his wisdom. Unaffected by love or terror. The natural heart. All the ships that came into the harbor were claimed by one person in the city. The request is for the heart, the affections, the center of our being. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. II. All who have been unchanged come under this; even "the good-hearted man at bottom.". God restrains the persecutor. The perfect heart: earnest, honest, resolute, consecrated, intent, united, etc. His greed keeps him from expensive sins, and therefore he gives himself credit for self-denial. He breaks his word, he vexes others, Satan finds him mischief to do; he is, in fact, ready for every bad word and work. To aim at the covering of the sins of others by leading them to Jesus, that their souls may be saved from death. commentaries/ eng/ spe/ proverbs-1.html. 4. For two reasons: Because, (1) unless the heart be given, nothing is given (Hos. The Book of Proverbs, in Bridges’ view, ‘is not generally estimated at its just value’. WISDOM PERSUADES US TO OBEY THIS LOVING REQUEST. Besides compare the following references: Proverbs 1:29; Proverbs 2:5; Proverbs 3:7; Proverbs 10:27; Proverbs 14:2; Proverbs 14:26; Proverbs 15:16; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 23:17; Proverbs 24:21; Proverbs 31:30. "But I like it so much." If a son already, God's love bids us become yet more wise by a more complete yielding of the heart to God, to Christ, to wisdom. If ye ask me why you should give your hearts to God, I do not answer like the disciples which went for the ass and colt,"The Lord hath need" (Matt. And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springs out of the wall: he spoke also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. It is only on hot summer days that we can appreciate the illustration here employed; for we dwell in a well-watered country where thirst is readily assuaged. By degrees we see his poor people despised, his doctrine doubted, his ways forgotten, his cause no longer aided, and at last, profession given up. In many hopeful characters, that Scripture, "the fear of man bringeth a snare," is verified. 1. And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country (JND: sons of the east), and all the wisdom of Egypt. "Another heart," such as Saul had. No doubt these schemers thought their ways "clean;' but the event discovered their dirty hands. The advantages of wisdom. Sin which is known and confessed, he yet can cover so that it shall not be mentioned against us any more for ever. You must cleanse the house of him, as you would of the plague, to the last spot. Witholding Corn. There is no credit in being a fool, even if you have the grace of God in your heart. To forsake him would be horrible ingratitude. Loving the least of them, and laboring for the good of all. — Salter One fire puts out another. I. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. Striving for his objects. Will our hearer do this? — Bunyan, Proverbs 23:26. 3. — Proverbs 15:19. 5. If we rise into a higher sphere, it is much more so. Expecting the fulfillment of his promises. VI. — Dr. G. Lawson, Old family friends. They try to go to heaven through a back door. The proverbs of Solomon. — P. Muffet Who can tell the pains which lazy people take? His eternal purpose as to individuals, who as yet abide in sin. Aaron yielded to popular clamor and made the calf. 2. have thought to be right have been seen to be utter robbery. Commentary on Proverbs 31:10-31 (Read Proverbs 31:10-31) This is the description of a virtuous woman of those days, but the general outlines equally suit every age and nation. God is with us, therefore we are strong, and need not fear. THE PURCHASE: "buy the truth." The Hawaiian notions of a future state, where any existed, were peculiarly vague and dismal, and Mr. Ellis says that the greater part of the people seemed to regard the tidings of ora loa ia Jesu (endless life by Jesus) as the most joyful news they had ever heard, "breaking upon them," to use their own phrase, "like light in the morning." Even Seneca, the renowned moralist, was forced by temptation to dissemble his convictions, of whom Augustus said, "He worshipped what himself reprehended, and did what himself reproved." Neither be thou envious, etc. — Proverbs 29:25. — Biblical Museum, One day the pulpit of the Rev. Hearts go after that which is like themselves, and graceless men love graceless ways "Would you have me go that narrow and rough road?" — Chronicle of the London Missionary Society, We must not forsake our own friend, for that would be to forsake our second self; and we must not forsake our father's friend, for that would make us guilty of a double ingratitude of the basest sort that we can practice towards men. 6. Is it not cold, worldly, restless? 1 Kings 4:29-34 states: "And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Galatian preachers went aside to false doctrine to be considered wise, etc. Queen Elizabeth envied the milkmaid when she was in prison; but if she had known what a glorious reign she should have had afterwards for forty-four years, she would not have envied her. 6:16); therefore, if thou be his son, thou wilt give me thy heart. We prepare for the worst, and fear vanishes. Grim idol — bloody-mouthed — many souls he has devoured and trampled down into hell! Failed in heart-work and soul-service for the Lord. To their enquiry for direction it is reported that the Pope of that day replied, "Only let them give me their hearts, and they may for this time do as they are compelled to do." 22:17; 24:23). 1. With God no search is needful, for he sees all; his glory is to cover that which is plain enough to his eye, to cover it justly and effectually. He weighs with accurate balances and weights; and he looks not only to the open way but to the inner spirit. The shekel of the sanctuary was double that which was used for common weighings, so at least the Rabbis tell us; those who profess to be saints are expected to do more than others. 10:1 and 25:1. Text Commentaries by C. H. Spurgeon Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892), often known today as the Prince of Preachers, began his pastorate at London's New KJV NKJV NLT NIV ESV CSB NASB. Proverbs 1:33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Godly Fear and its Goodly Consequences. When the persecution came again she was accused, convicted, and sentenced to death for being a Christian. 2. THE ULTIMATE COMMENTARY ON PROVERBS Too often we forget the wisdom of the past. pdf [Acrobat print] Stuart, Moses. THE WEIGHING OF HEARTS. The future, and especially the day of the second coming. Proverbs 24:30-32 #1 “I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; and to, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down , Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it … Read "Commentaries on Proverbs" by Matthew Henry available from Rakuten Kobo. You that have felt God's love and Spirit, dash this idol to pieces. "Fear not, thou worm, Jacob." He will not cast off his old servants, but he will grant them to be with him in his glory, as they have been with him in his humiliation. 1:6), as if he should say, Thou shalt give it to thy Father, which gave it to thee. Let us practically consider some of the "ways" which appear to be "clean;" but are not so, when the Lord comes to weigh the spirits. What seasons tempt us to it? Strictly speaking, truth and grace cannot be either bought or sold. IN the Book of Proverbs you meet with sentences of pithy wisdom, which, to all appearance, belong entirely to this world, and pertain to the economy of the life … Fish were never offered to God, for they could not come to the altar alive. 27:21). As Ruth said to Naomi, "Whither thou goest I will go, and where thou lodgest I will lodge, and nothing but death shall part thee and me" (Ruth 1:16-l7); so must gracious spirits say, Where truth goes I will go, and where truth lodges I will lodge, and nothing but death shall part me and truth. Lord, had I hearts a million, And myriads in every one Of choicest loves and fears; They were too little to bestow On thee, to whom I all things owe, I should be in arrears. The fear of the Lord is the key word of this book. It is frequently mysterious; but it is cleared up. II. ‘The best work on the Proverbs’, was C.H. I knew one who fell out with hard work, and soon he fell in with drink and lost his position. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil (chap. God is not at any instant deceived. 2. The Lord's tests are thorough and exact. 1. Wisdom's Request to Her Son. — Hugh Stowell No possible compromise. "One chanced, mockingly, beholding the carriage of the men, to say unto them, 'What will ye buy?' He dreams that his way is "clean;" when a little observation will show him many miry places: Sin gradually getting the upper hand (Jer. Also Solomon has probably not compiled all proverbs but taken over already known proverbs by the wise (compare chap. 6d. These seem "clean,". Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. This Bible app will help you reading, studying and understanding the Holy book. In what sense can we forsake him? Conversation scantily spiritual (Eph. 1. 3. This is still the case in the Orient. He knows all things, but he is pleased to show us the strictness of his examination by the use of the metaphor of weighing. 7:7). 2. Purchase it as a permanent investment, not to be parted with. LOVE PROMPTS THIS REQUEST OF WISDOM. 2. CENTURY BIBLE COMMENTARY After the sermon, Mr. Cowie stood on the pulpit stairs, and said: "Sirs, haud in wi' your auld freen, the Holy Ghost; for if ye ance grieve him awa', ye'll nae get him back sae easy. Yet it were nothing worth, if it should prove too light. THE WAYS OF THE OPENLY WICKED. It is well to be engaged with the highest love that we may overcome the lower. It won't do! 4. Solomon has therefore more likely collected the words of these men than just added them later. Proverbs 6:22. Many have already returned, and are now rejoicing. While the redeemed obtain a great refreshment in the act, the Redeemer obtains a greater; for himself was wont to say, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." 1. III. HERE IS A VERY PRECIOUS SAFEGUARD. It is difficult in his own apprehension: a rough and thorny road, and he cannot have too little of it. — Thomas Brooks "Now, as I said, the way to the Celestial City lies just through this town where this lusty fair is kept; and he that would go to the City, and yet not go through this town, must needs go out of the world. As ambergris leaves a rich scent Unto the taster: So do these words a sweet content, An oriental fragrancy, My Master. Obstinate. 2. It was very grateful in the heat of the day, especially as we found snow in a cleft of the rocks, which, added to the natural coldness of the spring, gave us ice-water on Mount Sinai. Do you love holiness? — my own happiness." Heaven's Sovereign saves all beings, but himself, That hideous sight, a naked human heart.— Young, In the reign of King Charles I. the goldsmiths of London had a custom of weighing several sorts of their precious metals before the Privy Council. 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